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President has taken tax cuts off the table. We will Ask White House Economic Advisor larry kudlow about this and much more an interview you will see first on fox business. Welcome everybody, this is bulls bears and thank you for joining us. I am david asman, joining me on the panel jonathan own neck, jackie d analyst, zachary and gary deese both. President trump taking slack after tax cuts, he says the economy is strong so we do not need them. Larry kudlow, National Economic council will join us at any minute now. But jackie, if the economy is slowing down and there are signs, today we have revisions of the amp limit figures to the downside, what do you do other than cut taxes . Its an option thats on the table and the president took off the table. I think its a danger talking to much to the media even if the strategy that the white house is considering that they may not employ depending on the cell this plays out. We take every word and we pounce on it. Yesterday he was doing and today he is not. He may still do it who knows. One obvious example is when stimulants would be taken to the pages of the wall street journal which is to in the tariffs. In the trade war, even larry kudlow himself admitted that the tariffs are in fact taxes on americans. We heard from businesses big and small and all these bahai in the sky ideas are easy similar to the economy would do be cut taxes but the president himself put on a new seat and a positive in effect and get some revolution to the trade war. I agree with jonathan. Ill go one step further. Remove the tariffs and how about this course of action. Get people back their money via lower taxes and do nothing. You know me david, is that the governments role to manipulate the economy like wizard of oz. It never works, the better after recession, depression but less the government did the better. I would agree with that. You were there and im here. I think the reality is, we look to washington and the white house as the patch all of what happened when the economy strong and weak and president take credit for good economy and bad one in the amount of the fact that they have an overall trend, i think its a lot more limited than both the media and the white house in the political realm, they tend to give them credit for. Absolutely, the tariffs are a drag although not much of an economic drag by most calculations. The amount of tariffs to date are less than 30 billion than a 21 trading dollar economy so psychological weight then an actual tax. They are an actual tax. I think we need to be careful about that. The white house can do something but is not the endall beall. David lets talk to the man in the center. Many things in the white house in terms of economic policy. Mr. Larry kudlow National Economic council and director and a good friend for a long time and knows a lot about texas. Lets start about taxes larry, if tax cuts help the economy and we talked how much they help the economy, why wouldnt more tax cuts help the economy now that it seems to be slowing a little . Just to be very clear, we are not formulating tax policy for sump sort of near action. We do believe in the recession talk. I think the economy is very strong, i think the consumers are leading it, i think we had a lot on the Manufacturing Business and complex but the business is showing come back and we can talk about those numbers later. What i do want to say is, we have been for a while, ever since i got here and continue, we are looking at what is sometimes called tax cut 2. 0 to improve the longterm growth of the economy. As you suggested, lower marginal tax rates, improve incentives, to work, save, invest and take risks and entrepreneurship in the first round of tax cuts in the president s early days has reinvigorated entrance from the economy, rebuilt the economy and we are growing close to 3 despite very severe monetary restraints. To clarify again, the tax question, there is no reason why we should not be, in fact we are, developing again tax cuts 2. 0, we are Touching Base with all of the key people in the ministration. David it seems like the president took 2. 0 off the table. He didnt, what he was referring to was something immediate or urgent or into recession. We just did not buy the scenario. David forgive me for interrupting, how soon might we see tax cuts, more tax cuts before the election . Before the election, yes. You might even see tax cut 2. 0 which would drive a pistol tax release and create additional tax incentives for middleclass folks for bluecollar workers, for Small Businesses. Additional incentives, additional tax cuts. And you might see that during the campaign. To be perfectly honest. There is nothing in the near term thats what the president was getting at, we believe the economy is quite healthy and we expect some relief on shortterm Interest Rates coming up from the bed and so forth. But longer run, why not. The tax code can use much more reform, much lower marginal rates for individuals, businesses and so forth. We have made tremendous progress in 2017, 2018, 2019 but we have more work to do. David you made pretty big news. Suggesting that during the campaign itself, long before the election itself, we could see a rollout of new tax cut proposal. You very may well see that. David what kind are we likely you said middleclass, that sound like payroll tax cuts . No, i dont want to get into a lot of detail because they dont want to get ahead of the curve. But highly unlikely we will g go the idea of shortterm payroll tax cut that it doesnt work, and never works, it has no lasting impact, we are looking at incentives the personal tax rate could easily be lowered and probably the brackets could be shrunk. That is a thought. Small businesses for example, could easily benefit from additional tax reform. For example, llcs, they might even benefit in my even worked her way to help our friends and some of the states who were concerned about the shrinkage of the Tax Deduction there. For examples, the Capital Gains tax could be changed or reduced from 23. 8 which is very, very high. There is a lot of things that can be done to simple by the tax code, to help middleclass and Small Business, to lower rates to create incentives. And that is a longer term view because were very confident about the economy. And you saw today first time unappointed plans, denton nearly 200,000 in unexpected drop. David we also sold a downward revision of past gains. This assist local revision, yes i will absorb that and take a closer look. Im just saying unemployment claims are one of the best leading indicators of the economy. So im optimistic on that score. Consumers are working, spending, saving, their wages are going up. I think thats crucial. Great to see you. The consumer is a big piece of the economy, the consumer is alive and well and if you believe that the tariffs are far have an impact in the consumer, a lot of folks are worried that the pending tariffs will if the president cannot come to an agreement with china, what is the contingency plan . I dont want to what if on any of that. What i might say on china, the deputies from the two sides, the deputies had a productive Conference Call yesterday and they are going to come back in a few days for a second Conference Call and we are looking at the key aspects of a trade deal and i believe that at the right time when the deputies report fully, hopefully we are still planning on having the chinese come here to washington, d. C. To continue the negotiations which were interrupted last may. But i want to emphasize that the deputies call was constructive and im not here to report results and not here to make any predictions, im just saying that this process that is unfolding it looks to be to be a positive one. David we have an old friend, zachary is here and has a question for you. Hi larry, on the tear questions, more about how companies are doing with this particularly in the level of uncertainty about how they do they make their own contingency plans particularly with businesses abroad. In the tariff actions and as you all know, a lot of companies will withhold or put on hold plans to send money whether his production facilities and im not saying that outsources. With desire for uncertainty. [inaudible] go ahead larry. He was a guest on the cover report. And you can see why. [laughter] david we only have 30 seconds pray quickly. The president will continue his campaign to lower trade barriers as he must defend the market economy in all sectors. We are in constant touch with their businesses, large and small, constant touch and again, we hope that they invest and build more in the united states, they already are, i think china has problems and people are leaving china, china cut their costs, their losing supply in American Business is very flexible, very nimble and very entrepreneurial and doing very well by all accounts, the stock market is a most recouping all of the correction it had that seemed just her the pot. We remain very optimistic. David we have to leave it at that. We are looking forward to it. You made news today. Thank you very much. Controversial comments about the fbi and an affair with a russian spy taking down the overstock. Com Ceo Patrick Byrne, he announced his recognition today after 20 years with the company, more on this and what happens now any joins us live at a fox business exclusive coming out. And new green new deal, a 2020 hopeful Bernie Sanders of ely noble titrating dollar climate plan that he says will pay for itself in my line of work, i come facetoface with a lot of behinds. So i know theres a big need for new gasx maximum strength. It relieves pressure, bloating and discomfort fast. So no one needs to know youve got gas. Gasx. That a handle is just a handle. Chair is just a chair. So no one needs to know youve got gas. Or. That you cant be both inside and outside. Most people havent driven a lincoln. Its the final days of the lincoln summer invitation event. Right now get 0 apr on all lincoln vehicles plus no payments for up to 90 days. Only at your lincoln dealer. 2020 hopeful Bernie Sanders unveiling a climate plan he says build on the green new deal. He says his plan eliminates fossil fuel use by 2050 and creates a 20 million new jobs, raises taxes on the fossil fuel industry and cost over 16 trillion. But he says it would pay for itself. Will this all appeal to voters . Why not 20 trillion if it pays for itself as something pretty good deal. The whole point of this is taxes and control. The whole goal of the environmental movement, its antiman because man must move the earth to better our lives with the environmentalists are against all of that, meat, gas, dairy, they dont want to have kids, dont want you to run the ac, dont take airplanes, antiindustry. That is a heart and soul of the environmental movement. Jonathan, i would say while there may be egregious aspects of the plan there is also Real Infrastructure investment moving toward more renewables which is a good thing in the sense of economic and energy independence. And there is a lot that we need to do in this country in terms of that particularly in our power grid. Theres a 4 trillion alone needed to upgrade to maker power grid more smart, more effective, more efficient and safer in a world of cyber terrorism. You cannot dismiss all of this. Whatever fear you have, man can overcome it and put you back with the environment elsewhere say. They were talking about a population bomb and we would run out of food and look, man is inventing new food and more people on this planet than ever before. Environmentalists are always wrong. Let me put into a bigger context whether we call it the new green deal or Something Else is more Government Spending. The problem is, theres a direct correlation between increased Government Spending and decrease in gdp growth. Its a positive correlation. More Government Spending, the lower gdp. So jonathan is right, you want to spend 20 billion or 30 billion, every extra dollar you spend we will see a decrease in her growth in gdp because it is moving money from the patient private sector to the inefficient publicsector pride. Lets stick with senator sanders for a moment. Also the medicare for all plan, they opposed the change will allow labor groups to negotiate for benefits, not provided under medicare for all, the aide reportedly saying it does not quote open the door to private insurance. [laughter] its a little frustrating. But i think the gop does not have an answer when it comes to senator sanders push first medicare fraud. How could you before medicare great for seniors, but not for medicare fraud. Senator sanders has been consistent on this and he points out there to facts, people love medicare which is why were moving exempt towards us even on a republican president. Heres another thing, im only a few years away from medicare. And i want to. [laughter] and im going to take it. As a libertarian as i am, when im available for medicare and its a bigger context. My generation of people in your generation of people, we will walk more of the government benefits because we feel we paid for them. The tide is going to go based on demographics for medicare for all. Theres an element of this were a tested message, testing will as gary and jonathan point to. But it does point to the element of the cost curve of Health Insurance if you do not have your your employer in a Small Business and have given to employees it is been egregious and problematic over the past years. And something has to be done about that. This is an appealing answer, we will take the cost away from you and put it on someone else. The irony is the appealing answer is more government, thats what they made healthcare more expensive in the last 50 years. David overstock. Com Ceo Patrick Byrne resigning from the Online Retail company he helped steer for 20 years, the stock is actually surging on the news but how did this all go down. What happens next, we will ask the man himself, Patrick Byrne joining us in a fox business exclusive. You will not want to miss is coming up. A very strange way by a fluke of history i ended up in the center of the russian in the clinton investigation. I have all the answers. I have been sitting on them waiting for america to get there. All Money Managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. Fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. Fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. 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Here not to explain, for himself is Patrick Byrne. Great to see you. Im all yours, why did you resign . First, tuesday was my 20th anniversary, we just had the big party, everything in a perfect place. For perfect time for me too resign. The killer app of block chain was just voted in a 51 said its most likely to end that race, we have got 22 other block Chain Companies they involved in in the Retail Business has returned to ebit profitability and everything once i stop trying to chase the monsters and lose 3 billion, we will focus on being a technological masterpiece and make money and we have the most successful and most numbers of profitable years than the economist. And we really did it on a down for the capital. So all of that is in a perfect place. But there is another issue. I am not getting chased, this is me injecting and i have to. I have to because ive been warned if i come or were to america that the apparatus of washington is going to grind me into a desk. And that will happen and i have to get that away from the company. It is only right. Why will it grind me into a dust. I tell that it is calm after last time, i can tell what i said, they didnt quite get the joke, when i know about the russia and clinton investigation this is what i mean. Because 17 years ago i helped them crack a murder and they knew me and i help them on wall street 12 years ago and they knew me. They called me in 2015 and 2016 to assist in something. And i did not wh know who the orders came from but i assisted. Very honorable federal agents and honorable people but they named some names, they did not name the names, i did not know who it came from but i ticked orders that were fishy in 2015 and 2016 and last summer watching television i figured out the name of who sent me the orders and this is been confirmed. The name of the man who sent me was peter strzok, got it. This is going to be quite a whirlwind. David that has not been revealed so far as i know as of yet. Are you working with the attorney general in his investigation . Let me be clear, im not working with anybody. I want to spend the rest of my life last time i talked to federal officers five months ago and i explained everything to them over a course of seven hours and then i disappear. Bill barr, a sculpture of granite of the sky summer, i have been sitting on the stuff for three years, i could not come forward until there was rule of law in this country, i was not going to move forward when jeff sessions, and an opponent i call a better man than a banana. Thats how everyone should feel about jeff sessions. We have rule of law and i can forward in april, i believe what i understand and i dont want to get into any federal way. I want to disappear but theres other whistleblowers from in the federal theocracy with similar stories and i can tell you the bottom line, and again, people didnt seem to get it last time, the bottom line is, its a big cover up that was political espionage connected against Hillary Clinton, marco rubio, cruz, donald trump and this is not a theory of mine, i was in the room when a habit. I was part of it. I thought i was doing Law Enforcement. Sorry. Welcome to the show. I hope the rest of your post ceo career goes well. Question, first of all your story something should be a movie for theatrical release. I want to know who will be playing you. I will cooperate with anyone who is Denzel Washington to play me. You mentioned during the break you have a rough few months, im curious to why you said that and what you see happening in the next few weeks and months. Do you have legal counsel, what do you think will happen with you in with your story . This is extraordinarily, who the heck knows. This is quite an ambiguous situation. But the issue is, i realized that these orders i got came from peter strzok and as a put together things, i know much more than i should know and it right to keep silent. Everybody in this country is gun nuts especially for the last year when i realized what i know, every time i see one of these things, somebody drive 600 strangers in the mall i feel a bit responsible. So i have to come forward. I went to see my rabbi and you know my rabbi is right . Who is my rabbi . David tell us patrick. Is a guy in omaha and he said patrick, you come forward. He said you cannot let this sit with the feds, but the feds do the job, you have to come forward to the market people. I am. I had never heard of the guy, he sent me this request, peter strzok and he was in on behalf of three officials and identified them as x, white, and c. They were named to me and identified them to the Law Enforcement and i believe there is a massive federal investigation that is going to turn up if there is political espionage connected through a number of different venues against Hillary Clinton and against rubio, cruz and trump. I know for fact other people involved. That is what really happened. And my rabbi has said you cannot go another, yet to do this right now. People are killing each other in america. That is the truth. Im just curious, im sure this is a very difficult thing for you to come to terms with india with, theres so much at risk for you personally. How do you see your life unfolding after this, you gave up your ceo position, i understand why you have to do whats right for the shareholders, but making a decision to get involved in this has cost you a lot. Well, what can i say. I guess thats not the main event. And i talked about that. He said what is good for the country paid you have to do this. So i did. My life, i have literally been warned, i was warned about nine months ago if you come forward washington, d. C. , everybody washington, d. C. , you will spend the rest of your life and they will try to grind you in the dust. I believe i was offered 1 billiondollar bribe to keep quiet. By the federal and investigators. Money, guns and lawyers, that is my life. David you mentioned your rabbi, without revealing too much, were you talking about a man named buffett . Warren buffett who we should mention. Yes. He worked with Warren Buffett and acted as a mentor for you, have you been taking advice from him on a regular basis about all that is happened to you . Just once on this. He was one of the great heroines of my life. David is understandable. With everything youve been through. I met him when i was 13 and i called him rabbi and olevia messages a rabbi is calling. And thats probably the right way to describe a relationship righ. I went to see him on june d he told me you have to do this. And even tried to do gracefully the summer but anyway. Youre the ceo of a company that you started, you have a board, shareholders, you have employees, i have just got to ask you, why are you involved in any of this, whatever any of this is, i dont know how to make heads or tails of it although im sure itll be a Conspiracy Theory. But why. You are also a ceo and responsibly, you couldve just said, this is not my lane, im not going there, and that is not an appropriate division of labor. That wouldve been honorable and legitimate thing to say. Im a citizen too. Im a flagwaving hippie, im a citizen. I think this is a sin we have duties to. And if everybody helps out a little bit when they had a chance, life would be much easier. I helped out twice in my life, once when a friend of mine got murdered, i helped brian williams, if you google his name you find the story i help the feds bring the water to justice and my honor to help bring them to justice and i help them back in zero five and 2010 takedown wall street. Both catching my friends murder and taking on wall street were consistent with my values and it was my honor to help them in a black and it was the third time that they came to me and i got some request, i did know who the hell it came from and it was fishy and three years later on washing television and i realized who it was it was peter strzok and andy mccabe, that to the orders came from. David just to make clear thats not a make America Great hat is it. No it isnt. David make america grateful again cracked . Correct. Very briefly, thank you for being with us. I think to zacks point, you were ceo of a Trading Company and you started it, its hard to see how some of this did not have some impact on chairs, there was a deep capture which was a website that you are involved with that legal trouble. This might sound it lost a lawsuit in canada. Youre a journalist, youre supposed to defend the first amendment. I did not even have to do that, i have the journalistic protections that protect you. Simply to fight for free speech. I took the case on in canada. Youre a journalist, you should stand up for me on Something Like that. As a ceo a person who started the company, this might sound curved but how does it feel to see the stock rally when you step down. There is a very odd i agree about it, not only in my shareholder, as a shareholder i can tell you, given that i have now and what i have done, i dont think theres anything unethical about basing this. If you i did not choose a site. If you want to help me go by your daughter a rug at overstock. Com. If you want to help me out in the entirety of washington, d. C. Even though i left the company, they will be coming after who the heck knows. What is your question, youre a journalist you should be smarter and stiffer principles more than that question illustrated. I was never involved in accompanying anything, the company is completely unrelated. I have extracurricular activities, skydive, serve and twice in my life when a friend of mine got murdered in a goons on wall street figured out what they were doing, i help the federal government take them down. And when they told me that they need my help with this and i thought i was helping them with the legitimate lawenforcement, help them it turns out it was a tool to obtain a political espionage. I did not know that i figured it out last summer. I thought i was doing something legitimate. In a tiny little thing on a side that took a little bit of time away from the office. It turns out it was political espionage. I only figured it out your go. David for those who dont kno know youre a fool. David let me thin take before s get out of control, patrick is one person who has never focused on the daytoday movement of his talk. Because he realizes how material that Stock Movement can be. So patrick in defense of your stand with regard to the stock, that is a longstanding one. But what happens now with regard to the whole block chain that you have brought into overstock as a part of overstock, i know that you feel that that is a mission of yours, where does that go from here . That is great, i had an idea that this is coming since last july since i put this jigsaw together. I didnt think there was any way that Something Like this would likely happen someday. Who the heck knows. I have been preparing very carefully, these companies some of these companies are just like young guys from double monkeys with a block idea, lets build a block chain central bank and its like the show silicon valley. Its a bunch of guys like that. We would show up, provide capital, professionalism, turn them real. Those companies have boards of director, capital all over the world, solid companies and a tremendous reservoir block chain talent that can you talk that services all of the other parts of the network. It is really the guy who built this, Jonathan Johnson who is a great colleague of mine for 17 years has built that and flushed it in and did a great job. He is becoming ceo and super capable. Its an extra ordinary idea and i know both you and i think there is something to this that may actually undermine some of the centralbank nonsense that were seeing going right now. We have to run, we have to have you back patrick, please come back and see us again. I am laying low. David when you stick your head up again we would love to have you on. Thank you for having me on. David patrick brings an incredible man in the history of business in the united states. It seems jeffrey upstate took steps to take money before his death. How he was able to do the trick coming up y next rtner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty dexperience thrillingn operformance. O now at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. Get 0. 9 apr for 60 months on all 2019 models. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Dear tech, lets talk. We have a pretty good relationship. Youve done a lot of good for the world. But i feel like you have the potential to do so much more. Can we build ai without bias . How do we bake security into everything we do . We need tech that helps people understand each other. That understands my business. Weve got some work to do. And we need your help. We need your support. Lets expect more from technology. Lets put smart to work. In the last year, of cybercrime every second. When a criminal has your personal information, they can do all sorts of things in your name. 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According to experts it could make it more difficult for dozens of accusers to collect damages and take years to pry open adobe open the trust. Lets bring in rural prosecutor doug burns. Are his funds untouchable . There is a few basic reasons why people put money in trust. To reduce the size of the estate for tax purposes. And to probe it. A lot of sophisticated people do not want to be in circuit court. So they put money in trust and take it out of the state. Three is the situation to put the money outside of the reach of creditors and claimants. The argument is good to be that the people who are asserting claims against the estate are out of luck but not so fast because a lawyer for the victims are going to make a couple of argument. One like any concept, so close to the time of your death it gets pulled back. Two, the make a claim on lack of testamentary capacity because he was under to much pressure. In jail and in prison. It will be interesting. Three he has a brother, could the brother were talking about a lot of money half a billion dollars, could his brother get any of this cash . Yes, what is interesting, i saw the will online, i looked through. But that does not get you much because everything, all the details are in the trust and that is not available. By the way they legally engineered this so the trust would not be available for the prying eyes of the media and others. So we do not know whether the brother is a printable beneficiary. But i read somewhere, that the will, i did not see it with my own eyes but when in an article said the brother will inherit as though he had a well played hes pretty much his main air. He will hear is substantial amount of money. This will be interesting but it strikes me that the purpose shielding of assets knowing theres going to be huge slew of complaints and the timing of it. It is hard from this advantage to see that standing up under any court or judgment. But you can really see someone potentially honoring this. The concept that you are laying out is the exact argument they will make. But the point is, if things get technical, i talked to a couple trust in state experts, friends of mine and colleagues, it starts getting really technical about Revocable Trust your Revocable Trust et cetera. As we talked about in the past few weeks, i see the black helicopter, the Conspiracy Theory going between not knowing, everyone knew he was supposed to be watch, he wasnt being watched, the hanging of himself with the sheets, which he should not have had, apart from this, its one more that is just weird, have we made any progress on figuring out how a guy that should be a library now is no longer. Now youre hitting a key rewind button. The rule is that people often go unwatched. But not 70 this highprofile. And multiply that by ten in two weeks earlier there was an incident. That continues to be a crucial head scratcher and you are right. Beyond the grave he is still causing trouble. David sean spicer joining d. C. With the stars but the host is not too happy about the political casting. More on the fallout coming up next. Theres a company thats talked to even more real people than me jd power. 448,134 to be exact. They answered 410 questions in 8 categories about vehicle quality. And when they were done, chevy earned more j. D. Power quality awards across cars, trucks and suvs than any other brand over the last four years. So on behalf of chevrolet, i want to say thank you, real people. Youre welcome. Were gonna need a bigger room. To the wait did frowe just winners. Prouders everyone uses their phone differently. Thats why Xfinity Mobile lets you design your own data. Now you can share it between lines. Mix with unlimited, and switch it up at anytime so you only pay for what you need. Its a different kind of Wireless Network designed to save you money. Save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. Plus get 250 back when you preorder a new samsung note. Click, call or visit a store today. [cheering] david former White House Press secretary joined spicer joining season 28 of dancing with the stars but it appears that not everyone is thrilled with the casting choice. He is sounding off against him joining the show. It is not my call, other people booked the show. Wouldve been to avoid any political lightning round. I think dancing at its best is an oasis away from the divisiveness and all of the stuff that we are all wrestling with right now. And, that was a call that they made and my job as host to the best of my ability. The other hundred and 66 hours a week i stand political. The host upset that this could be making the show more political but they have had other political figures on in the past also other cast members this season include ray lewis, he was involved in a murder trial. So should he really have beef with spicer . I think ray lewis and spicer should be partners and dancing with the stars. I think that would be much more interesting outcome. This is an entertainment show that they have had for the past 20 years, it is their thing and of the thing that i will lose sleep over, this is really low on the list and i think it should be really low on most peoples list. I dont think the antagonism is because its associated with the trump campaign. And no offense, its because of sean spicer, this guy is all news, hes two plus years out of the white house. Is the mooch not available. David oh man. Get someone else associated. To me he is not as compelling. Hold it right there, spicer is responding to critics earli earlier. He is entitled to his opinion. This is 2018 and i thought he did a great job as host. And i share his sentiment. This should be two hours of politics free. But more than that, and i hope what the show is at the end of the season is an example of people and a bunch of different backgrounds getting together, leaving politics aside and having a good time in a civil and respectful way. It is funny, i agree with jonathan, this is an antisean spicer but the irony, they had a lot of political people. They had the governor from texas that ran for president , he was on, they have had you have seen just about every season. Shut out to my wife who loves the show. I love the show. I think he is a terrific coast and maybe he finally wants to get away from politics. But the hour or hour and half, you will not hear anything about politics. David theres the politicos who have been on the show. A classic board game knowing for the capitalism is getting a socialist makeover. It is all fun and games or a good lesson on capitalism versus socialism. Wait till you hear this eds. Some only call when they have something to sell. Fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. And while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. Fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other Money Managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. David the classicked board game about capitalism is unrolling on socialism. It has spaces on the board like we are all winners. Healthcare for psalm and hospitals. It says socialism doesnt come cheap. Its supposed to be a parody. Turning socialism into a capitalistic idea making money from it. I think people could benefit from this thinking about what is behind it. A lot of young folks believe in this. David thats a great idea. Socialism is the number of one man made cause of death. We are talking about 100 million people. I would love to see people learn more about socialism. But i dont think the board game is the way to do it. There is a whole other History Lesson here. But its a great idea hasbro did this. David that does it for pulls and bears. Liz President Trump heading for the g7 summit. The u. S. Economy strong as wall street warns europe is heading to a recession. This as President Trump says to europe, take back your isis prisoners the u. S. Captured. They came from your country. If you dont, well release them into your country. Whose in, whos out. You will say goodbye to half the field. This as polls show the Enthusiasm Gap is growing

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