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Also with us former actor attorney general Matthew Whitaker on the Senate Judiciary today firing up the subpoena canon, straight at 50 multi former senior officials. In the probe of the juices of power in the russia pro bird weve got the this newly declassified documents show what we have been reporting for three years now. Republicans are now outraged that in these documents the fbi knew that democrat funded Opposition Research used to do unlawful surveillance ofas the aumpet campaign which is now verified and was on cooperated and that there was no they were there practices in early 2017. This is well before Robert Muller launched the trumpet russia probe. Plus, former Police Commissioner is with us tonight. President trump warning Washington State officials take back seattle from anarchists as reports are now coming in that anarchists are using armed guards and doing extortion of local businesses after theylo literally seized control of six city blocks but also with us tonight, under rick scott, progressives like alexandria ocasiocortez misleading the public on the factsmi and a push to Defund Police departments. And jeanine is with us on an internal democrat mammal reef surfacing again that shows democrats have changed their tune on a big group involved in the protest. Im Elizabeth Macdonald and the evening edit starts right now. Elizabeth welcome to the show and youre watching the Foxbusiness Network right left right to Edward Lawrence in washington with the latest. Edward. Reporter yet, liz. The president painting an overview picture of how he views the quality should be at a roundtable discussion he is having and what is going on right now between community leaders, police folks as well as religious leaders in dallas, texas but there is the live shot right now over the president is. He says he will sign an executot border that will offer standards for use of force as well as allow Community Partnerships and policing. He says policing must be responsible but he will not defund the police. Sa we are dominating the streets with compassion because we are saving lives but we are saving businesses. We are saving families from w being wiped out after working hard for 20, 30 years so that one woman who worked 35 years, building the store, and in one night it was totally wiped out. Reporter now as the president also says the Police Officers will get the best training and more training for officers. He says they will get the best equipment but House Minority leader Kevin Mccarthy signaling that there could be bipartisan support for the democrats plan hoth tweaks on policing. He supports banning choke holds, he would also favor renaming military bases for confederate soldiers and the House Speaker believes reforms could be signed into law. I do believe in public sentiment as many have heard me say over and over. Lincoln said public sentiment is everything. With thatt you can compost almot anything, without it practically nothing and the public sentiment is very clear. While we understand the need for Public Safety and we all support that we dont want to have injustice and abuse of power. Reporter senator tim scott says republicans will have a plan, a reform bill possibly as early as today down on paper. The red line for the white housi though is rolling back immunity for officers engaged in something short of qualified criminal activity. The president talking about all of this during his first o Campaign Rally which will be in tulsa, oklahoma on june 19. It is the same date u. S. Celebrates the end of slavery. Back to you. Elizabeth Edward Lawrence, thank you. Today to this story, the Senate Judiciary authorized its republican chair, senator Lindsey Graham, to issue subpoenas for 50 mostly former top obama officials i in its pre of abuses of power in the trumpet russia probe. Among those on the list james comey, andrew mccabe, sally yates, james clapper, susan rice and peter strzok. Here is senator graham paired watch this. I want to know while these investigations were opened to begin with i think we need to look long and hard at how the molar investigation got off the rails. Elizabeth lets welcome former acting u. S. Attorney Matthew Whitaker back to the chauffeured great to have you back on, surveyed your reaction to this news. This is a big step. No one should be afraid of looking back and seeing what happened and no one should be afraid of sittingfr in the chair and answering questions because right now we dont know enough to actually understand what the origins of the russia collusioni fable were and so its very important for these 50 people to sit down, just like former Deputy Attorney general rodsw rosenstein did and answer the questions of the senate because these questions t have to be answered and the American People deserve transparency and they deserve accountability. Elizabeth yet, we have been reporting for about three years now and on this and have been reporting since at least last year that the fbi knew in late 2016 and by early 2017 that they did not have the evidence of trumpet russia collusion but then later Robert Muller was appointed special counsel anyway. Your reaction to the senate panel rejecting a call by democrats to associate or subpoena those associates with trump like michael cohen, roger stone and Michael Flynn and senator Lindsey Graham says if you want to bring Robert Mueller and we would be open to that bug he is now senator graham and saint mccabe and call me, yourng day is coming. What you think will happen here . These Senate Subpoenas are looking at what was happening in late 2016, early 2017. The obama deferment of justice, Obama Administration so a lot of these folks associated with trump tone a part of that story. It will be important to find out who can point to one piece of evidence that was used to predicate this investigation, whether the interview with flynn, whether appointment of bob muller, all these acts appear to be not predicatedou properly according to the doj standards and so i will behe watching this very carefully to hear finally who has the piece of evidence that even allowed these investigations to proceed in the first place. Elizabeth yet, because they use the secret fisa court and normally used to go out to terrorist to do surveillance on opposition candidates. The other news and the trumpet russia probe today, newly declassified document was released. A footnote on the 2017 powerful Intelligence Community assessment on russian interference and that came out in 2017. That now on rejected declassified but note shows fbi did know in 2017 that democrat funded Opposition Research, the steele dossier, head woke, limited cooperations. Republicans, as we have reported, showed fbi officials knew early on that this discredited dossier, at the heart of the fbis and Obama Administration on lawful surveillance of trumpet campaign was not verified and does cooperate it. This is even before Robert Mueller took over the russia probe so that is the thing. The question is Obama Administration officials, obesident obama and joe biden how much do they know that it was uncorroborated and still pushed ahead with roberts muller probe . President obama and Vice President biden were monitoring what wasas going on with this case. They were buried there is the famous january 5 meeting where rejames comey, biden and obama were in the room and it was eventually written down on generate 20 by susan rice but this recently, the document we received today, this twopage footnote, really demonstrates that this was the thinnest of rumors that was then ultimately, when they went back to get it properly verified, they could not verify it and yet it was used to substantiate several of these isa, including the renewal that former Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein spoke of last week, that he said he would never would have signed if you known how many errors and omissions were in this. C appears as we take each step back that this dossier was used to conduct illegal surveillance on carter page and ultimately on the trump campaign. Elizabeth yet, i want to get your reaction before we go. What is your reaction to what is going on in general Michael Flynns case . Mi Michael Flynns lawyers filed at new legal brief that says quote, the game is over but this court should order the empire to leave etthe field meaning the federal judge in the sullivan to delay and push back on the Justice Department and motion to dismiss flynns case. What is your take on whats going on with this case . I think it is outrageous and ultimately court of appeal needs to take this case away from judge sullivan. Elizabeth matthew, great to have you on. Come back. Thank you, liz. We will. Elizabeth coming up, President Trump warning Washington State governor and the seattle mayor get with the program, take back our streets from anarchists. Now report elite they are using more security and demanding extortion from local businesses who paid their salaries but how Washington State leaders here is what iste going on, mocking the president as businesses and residents get slammed. We will bring on former nypd commissioner Howard Shaver with us next on how seattle lost control and how it can get it back. Yeah yyeah yeah hey, hey and assemble more vehicles here than anyone else. Its why at moments notice we can take American Ingenuity and our manufacturing capability and put it to work. Building respirators, ventilators and face shields. Building what weve been building for over a century. An unbreakable connection between the Ford Motor Company and america. Thats why ive got the power of 1,2,3 medicines with trelegy. The only fdaapproved, oncedaily 3 in 1 copd treatment. With trelegy and the power of 1, 2, 3, im breathing better. Trelegy works 3 ways to open airways, keep them open, and reduce inflammation for 24 hours of better breathing. Trelegy wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Trelegy is not for asthma. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Do not take trelegy more than prescribed. 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We have a governor here of the great state called texas [applause] as you, as other political leaders, including the new lieutenant governor, they would solve this easily, a lot of it is common sense. Elizabeth President Trump addressing a situation as it has brought out of control. The president earlier today warned the governor of f Washington State and the mayor, take back seattle fromil anarchists now if you dont do it, i will. This is not a game. These ugly and marcus must be stopped mealy. Move astrid that was a president tweeting out. The mayor of seattle told President Trump to quote, go back to your bunker. This after seattle anarchists seize control of six city blocks including capitol hill declaring it a quote, capitol hill autonomous zone reports coming in, anarchists are using armed guards and are demanding extortion from local businesses who pay the salaries of the selected officials. Lets welcome former nypd commissioner under mayor rudy giuliani, howard safer. Great to have you on. They abandoned the precinct within that area and the anarchists took over break your take on whats happening in seattle right now . I am not surprised. Seattle has always been very progressive, leftleaning. I remember when i was commissioner in the late 90s, they had an Economic Forum in society where there were protesters and they refused to put of perimeter around the Convention Center and there was a lot of injuries, riots and chaos and we actually used film from that activity not to do when we trained our Police Officers. Elizabeth anarchists have issued their list of demands but the city abolish the Police Department, prisons, amnesty to immigrants, free healthcare coverage for all. Police were asked that they not return to the area unless they were responding to a 911 call for here is the thing, you are an expert in this, race murders, homicides and assaults are an issue in t seattle in one of the worst crime rates in the country. One of the highest crime rates in america. Your take on that. My take on that is one, you have executives mayors who are not doing their job. They are sending signals that rules of engagement and you let crime happen instead of preventing crime. The goal of the police is to keep citizens safe and abdicating six blocks of seattle you have left the citizens they are without any Public Safety, without support and what they need to do his go in there and clean those people out. It never should have gone there to begin with. Where was their intelligence, where was their patrol . Obviously, it was allowed by the politicians in seattle. It is outrageous and i would not be surprised if the National Guard should behe sent in theiro clean out this group of antifurl and other protesters. Elizabeth there were 500 homes inside this zone and how would you deal with it now . I would identify who the leaders of this organization are and i would give them an ultimatum and then i would use whatever Necessary Force wasor required to protect the citizens of that six block area. Those of the people who pay taxes, those are the people that deserve to be protected, not these anarchists, looters and vandals. Elizabeth you know we have nypd Detective Union saying we will File Lawsuits against anybody who assaulted and attacks our cops. 700 cops have been assaulted in recent protests. We want to give the viewers a warning. We are about to show disturbing and graphic video released by the nypd, nypd describing it ass shown a quote assassination attempt on one of their officers on anti looting patrol in brooklyn. Your reaction to what is going on here . What is your take on the video that we are showing footage of and saying hey, we will sue rioters who assault cops . My take is very simple. Whenen you save the third precit and map lists and youve seen six blocks in seattle and he sent a message to criminals that you can do whatever you want without consequence. The only p people who should be afraid of police are criminals and when they get a signal that they can do whatever they want and the police are going to be held back by politicians this is what happens. The attacks on Police Officers, the killing of Police Officers in this country is outrageous and we need to take control. The nypd has made new york the safest city in america but that is going in the wrong direction now because you have a mayor who refuses to support the police or tell them to do what they know how to do best. Elizabeth howard safer, thank you for coming on circuit great to see you. Commissioner, come back soon. Good to be with you. Elizabeth coming up next, alexandria ocasiocortez misleading once again but this time on the facts and that i defined the police push now taking hold in the Democratic Party. Aoc is now getting criticized for saying to communities they rve no choice but to riot. Bring on republican of florida senator rick scott who was with us next on the hey, can i. Safe drivers save 40 guys guys safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 thats safe drivers save 40 . It is, thats safe drivers save 40 . Hes right there. Its him safe drivers do save 40 . Click or call for a quote today. vo sat whether on the track,that exhor the everyday drive. Ty, today, that philosophy extends to how we connect with you. We call it, audi at your door. Whether a remote test drive, shopping, tradein, or even service pickup, audi at your door can do this and more at participating dealers. The premium audi dealership experience, on your terms. Audi at your door. Elizabeth democrat progressive alexandria ocasiocortez getting criticized for saying u. S. Communities have no choice but to riot. Aoc also backed the defund the Police Movement now taking hold in the Democrat Party. Watch aoc here. What this movement is doing first and foremost is important to note that this is directed at City Councils and mayors. You should look to see if your city is having this conversation but first and the other question hereto is, its a valid question for people to ask, what should be our number one priority at all . With any agency i deserve to be funded more than almost all the others for healthcare, housing and youth combined. Elizabeth okay, we will drill down into how she is factually wrong or not but want to bring in senator from florida from rick scott, senator, great to have yawned. First off, alexandria ocasiocortez cannot answer when she was confronted that defunding cops leads to increases in crime especially in poor minority neighborhoods like her district that she represents. What was your reaction when you heard this . First off, i never heard her say anything that made sense. You should be furious with what happened with george floyd. You should make sure we should demand change but what we dont want to do is to say we dont want to fund the police. I work with lawenforcement all across my state. They want to do the right thing. They are also disgusted with what happened with george floyd. If you want to make communities less safe, get rid of the police. It rid of a Law Enforcement but if you want them safer, work with Law Enforcement. If we need to make changes, lets make changes. We are working in the senate to say what can we do to improve the Law Enforcement, how can we improve communities but do not defund the police but it makes no sense. Elizabeth critics are also saying there should be discussion discussed and outrage for what happened to david doran and David Patrick underwood, federal Law Enforcement officials shot and murdered during the protest there are also africanamerican but senator, i know you would agree with that. Here is the thing. We need to be on the same page where voters get the facts but elected officials like alexandria ocasiocortez consistently mislead voters but lets fact checked her in this mistake but watch this. New York City Police department has a 6 billiondollar a year budget and that is more than we spend on youth, housing, healthcare and homelessness combined in new york city. The problem is not a lack of resources here. Elizabeth okay, first of all, she is wrong. Weve been drilling into the new york city budget and new York City Police department is anywhere from 5. 65. 9 but the bear point is there are 7. 8 billion, 78 points billion is spent on homing, house and it youth and again and again she is wrong with the facts but the point is people follow her and think that what she says and her opinions are facts, her thoughts on facts and everything she says is truthful and factual and it is not true. She is misleading voters. On top of that, elizabeth, lets make sure the dollars we spend we get something for it. If we are working on how we make sure we dont have homelessness, is the money were spending, are beginning the results we want, if not, lets change. Lets keep looking and how we are spending money, not just say throw more money at something. Lets get a result for how we are spending our money. I want to make sure every community in my state is better tomorrow than today but it starts with getting everybody a job. Elizabeth yes, thats the focus. Here is the thing, the defund the police push champion by alexandria ocasiocortez is taking hold in the Democrat Party. The media two is buying the line the Police Budgets are to a large bird watch an nbc reporter say just that. Lets take a listen. You believe that then do you also believe resources that have been allocated for certain things should be redirected, perhaps budgets in new jersey and new york and other major metropolitan areas, specifically Police Budgets are they too large . So that money be redirected to social programs . Elizabeth do you know what the thing is . State and local governments spent 4 of their, 4 on policing versus 31 on education, 2022 on public welfare, double digits higher on housing and more. Critics say spend more on the police. The more money. They got the toughest job on the planet. Yes, they are bad apples. Absolutely reformed that and stop it but here is the thing, they are the thin blue line keeping us safe. Senator where you stand on this . Elizabeth, its tough to be an lawenforcement rate in my eight years as governor if you want members of lawn horsemen died in the line of duty. They are going out there and going to a house not knowing all the facts but going because you called 911 because you said you needed them. It is a risky job. Lets figure out, get rid of the bad apples and figure out how to make changes but we cannot reduce the funding for our Law Enforcement. Its a wrong thing to do. I want the community i live in and every community in my state to be safer every day but when i left office we were at a 47 year low in our state, i want 48, 49 and i want every community to be safe. Elizabeth senator rick scott, so great to have you on. Nice seeing you. Byebye. Elizabeth same here, coming up, talk in washington of how democrats are changing their tune on a protest group after a 2015 internal Democratic Party memo resurfaces again on how to deal with this protest group that was causing problems for democrats in the 2016 residential race. Democrats then were saying it is cold, radical. Limit the invitations to this group. We will help talk to Fox News Contributor Deneen Borelli next. Motorcycle riders love the open road. And geico loves helping riders get to where theyre going, so to help even more, geico is giving new and current customers a fifteen percent credit on their motorcycle policies with the geico giveback. And because were committed for the long haul, the credit lasts your full policy term. The geico giveback. Helping riders focus on the road ahead. The geico giveback. Weve always put safety first. And we always will. For people. For the future. And there has never been a summer when its mattered more. Wherever you go, summer safely. Get zero percent apr financing for up to five years on select models and exclusive lease offers. Un elizabeth welcome back. The push to define the police is now a 2020 Campaign Issue for democrats. Talk in washington now of how democrats have changeded their tune. Mo2015 memo says to the democraa Committee Staff talk about problems for democrats in the 2016 president ial race. That memo resurfacing again. It advised democrats that black lives matter is quote, radical. That invitations to it should be quote, limited. Meetings should be personal and in small groups and advise do not offer support for concrete policy positions. Lets welcome Fox News Contributor Deneen Borelli paid your reaction to this memo. Black lives matters was take you for being here. Black lives matters is angry with democrats. When this memo came out in 2015 they were angry about this memo and they denounced the Democrat Party for being dismissive of it. What is your reaction to this . It seems like the democrats have changed their tune. Well, yeah, right now democrats are desperate right now so they will do and say anything to distract voters. That memo talks about black on cblack crime not to reference t or talk about it and that is because it doesnt fit the radical democrat narrative that there is rampant racism with white policent and black americans. It doesnt fit their narrative. Of course, they will push this agenda and we will hear much more about this as we approach the election but i think it is definitely a way to distract voters and to keep them emotionally whipped up as we approach the 2020 president ial election. Elizabeth deneen, what is your opinion about what has been going on with the protests and allegations of racism in theou Police Department . Well, i will look at it from one perspective and what happened to george floyd, i mean, listen, to watch that video of him with the Police Officer but this former Police Officer had issues. There were at least 18 complaints about or against him and so why did it take or why was that not addressed. You have a democrat ran city and no one looked into this issue like they should have. I think this death couldve been avoided but this has been really exploited on all ends, liz. Now you have people in the streets who are pushing back against our Law Enforcement, making it a blanket case that all policet are racist and that is not the case but yes, we have that apples in the Police Department but we have bad apples everywhere. It is not a rampant issue when it comes to Law Enforcement. Men and women who go out every day and work hard and want to keep the streets safe and they want to return home to their families. Elizabeth yeah, you know, by the way 30 of cops are minorities according to the census bureau. Joe biden now claims hes quote, absolutely convinced the u. S. Military would step into a short transition to a new president climbing President Trump wont leave the white house if he loses. Watch joe biden out make this threat. Watch this. Tc i dont believe police should be defunded but i believe the conditions to be placed upon them where departments have to take significant reforms relating to shut up, and national use of force. If they dont sign on then they dont get any of the federal money. Elizabeth a federal national use of force standards and if you dont follow the centralized national use of force standards you dont get money. Your take on that. Well, again, the Democrat Party has become more and more radical and joe biden is caught up in this title wave. He has to move further to the left. Look at the momentum of what is going on in all these big anti everything from the democrats. It is a title wave and joe biden is trying to play it on both ends for he is trying to hold on to whatever will support him but he is alienating our Law Enforcement by talking likewa that. What about the mom and dad who want to make sure that their families are safe and theirn children are safe or businesses, big and small, we have seen how the looting and rioting took place across the country. Companies were decimated, neighborhoods destroyed. What company or Small Business would want to open their doors up again knowing that they dont know if the police will be there because of what the democrats are pushing for . Elizabeth deneen, you wonder where are the moderate democrats, where their voicese and and can they stand up . Where are the moderate democrat readership, deneen . Where are they as a good question. Mike i said, the party is overrun right now with the radicals from all ends from top to bottom. If you dont get in line with w what their agenda is you are considered an outsider. Joe biden wants to win the presidency so he will do and say anything in order to win this election and to try to beat beat President Trump and President Trump is about law and order, safety and security for americans. Joe biden does not appear to be. Elizabeth all right, deneenh. Borelli, thank you. Great to see you. Thank you, liz. Elizabeth up next, reports coming in as congressional grrepublicans may imminently, ds away, from making multiple criminal referrals, possibly may be as many as ten, to the rstice departmentis about alled abuses of power under the Obama Administration and the trump russian pro. The fbi w probe into michael fln and morbid we ask house rediciary Kelly Armstrong where this is leading. This is leading. That story is next. When you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. 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For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Elizabeth reports coming in Congressional Republicans may be njust days away from making multiple new committal referrals possibly as many as ten. We have heard as many as 18. To the Justice Department did this is related to abuses of power under the Obama Administration using government surveillance powers to basically dodo surveillance on the trump campaign. This is a trump russian appropriate also, the fbi probe into Michael Flynn, test false testimony and criminal leaks to the media from the upper ranks of the Intelligence Community, including the fbi. Lets welcome republican from north dakota, here he is, Kelly Armstrong on the house judiciary. Congressman, great to have you on food what is your reaction to this . What do you think will be coming . I think when you have continued to have more things declassified at a daily basis and more information being given to the public it becomes clear that these either through omission or generally through absolute subterfuge that there were people lying under oath and failing to disclose things to the fisa court that were important. Elizabeth you know, here is the thing. We have dia ratcliffe declassified the footnote showing that yeah, the fbi knew in 2017 that the Opposition Research they were using the steele dossier was not n cooperated and is now confirmed or verified but it made its way into the ica anyway. Sir, you know, james comey, peter strutt, lisa page all made indications that the fbi knew that they didnt have the into evidence to continue the trump russian appropriate your take on that. Yeah, and the part of this is if they failed to disclose information that they knew and. Knew was material to the fisa court that is a light and perjury. You dont just lie affirmatively but you lied when he failed to disclose something you know the cord would want to know and there are two things i think we can see right off the bat from the disclosure of this. That is one, the steele dossier was the least partially funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and two, mr. Steele had previously been fired by the fbi for leaking information. Those are two material facts a that any judge in any court would want to know and the failure to disclose that is perjury. Elizabeth here is the thing, they knew and 2017 that the probe was trump russia collusion probe was falling apart and i want to refer to peter texting to lisa in 2017 there is juny testified as i said when i left we did not have an investigation focused on President Trump and july 2018 lisa page testified that as of may 2017 they cannot ask question where it was a trump russian occlusion bid here is the thing, sir. Congressman criminal refers to classwide information to media in order p to keep the probe going. Attorney general barr says many Media Outlets quote, drove some of the most sensationalal allegations of collusion for lets listen to the media here. Yeah, the new president of our country will do what russia wants. If there are no shoes on the trump Human Centipede that are not about russia. Russia, russia, russia. This collusion will hang over him no matter where he stands. He mayac be the first presidt to, in quite some time, face the real prospect of jail time. I think they are shocked that the news is frightening. Its basically a russian op. The russians. The russians. The russians disrupted. Elizabeth so now we have a radio silence from the media and democrats on this. They dontt want the probe of e probe pursuit. When it is about the independence of our intelligence rammunity is at stake. You cannot use intelligence to go after an opposition party. That is why the radio silence from the media and democrats. Yeah, i cant understand it particularly from the media but i dont know about you, liz, but if i knew i was absolutely used for three years to drive a narrative and being taken advantage of, particularly if i worked what is substantively supposed to be the business of truth i would be absolutely livid about it and want to protect my good name. But just as so much so much tham goes on with this president they hate this president more than they care about their own reputation and i think that is abundantly clear right now. Elizabeth republican essentially is saying they want to do this to make it like he was an illegitimate president to keep it as if he was ellegitimate throughout his term. Take out the name, trump and think about what happened. Take out the name obama and biden and just think about the facts of what happened and when you see it that way you can see how serious the situation is and what occurred but your final words, sir. Yeah, i agree with that. We have 26 fisa warrants and u. S. Citizens and none of them have the last name trump but the average 20 deficiencies but itn is easy to see why people in power at the doj thought they iscould do this and theyve been getting away with it forever. We need to be able to hold them accountable for elections matter. President s matter. We cannot have unelected bureaucrats trying to determine the future of this country. Elizabeth congressman, great to have you on could come back soon. Thanks. Elizabeth pup next, some of the worlds Biggest Companies making new inroads in the race to find treatment or vaccine to fight covid19. Amid growing concerns from top Government Health officials, including doctor Anthony Fauci that recent protests were super spreader events for covid19 paid the country could face a second wave. We bring in Fox News Contributor we bring in Fox News Contributor byron york who is our there are people who say things arent made here anymore. Those people should make a trip to michigan. Or kentucky. Or illinois. Where youll find our workers and dealers and engineers and technicians. Building for america. Were proud to employ more hourly workers than any other automaker in this country. Because we build for this country. They get that no two people are alike and customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. What do you think . I dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. The xfinity voice remote will find exactly that. For, happy stuff. If the groups happy, im happy. You can even say a famous movie quote and it will know the right movie. Thatll do, donkey youre expecting prince charming . You can learn something new any time. Education. And if youre not sure what youre looking for, say. Surprise me. Just ask what can i say . To find more of what you love with the xfinity voice remote. Elizabeth the race to find a vaccine against covid19, three big drug Companies Making potential inroads on treatment bid johnson johnson, next month they will start human trials for potential vaccine. Moving that up by two months will danna. The final testing phase of its potential vaccine. Regeneron has become its first Clinical Trial of an antiviral antibody and all this unfolding as the outbreak is now surging in 23 states amid warnings of a potential second outbreak. Top government doctors including doctor Anthony Fauci warned that recent protests are spreading covid19 for the question is are they or were they super spreader events . Watch this. Masks can help but it is masks plus physical separation. When you get congregations like we saw with the demonstrations, as we have said, myself and other Health Officials that is taking a risk. Unfortunately, what we are seeing now is just an example of the kinds of things we were concerned about and i would not be surprised if members of the congregation there were they are demonstrating could also be infected. Many of them would then go back to where they were because, not everyone was demonstrating in the city where they lived. Elizabeth so there is concerned that the demonstrators have been exposed and if they have been exposed they brought it to other places. Los angeles mayor Eric Garcetti is asking protesters to self quarantine for 14 days and to have themselves tested. That is happening now but lets welcome Fox News Contributor and Washington Examiner chief Political Correspondent byron york back to the show but great to have you back on with your reaction to what you just heard. Well, there is a lot of hypocrisy going around. Remember, those pictures that we were seen weeks and weeks ago of people and florida beaches and a california beaches and there were so much commentary to the effect that these people were endangering peoples lives and they may have had blood on their hands and also remember several weeks ago we had a few demonstrations against the lockdown and these were relatively small affairs and enormous criticism of them in the media for getting out and congregating and being in side the building. And then in the wake of the George Floyd Death we see these massive protests here in washington dc, new york city, all around the country, philadelphia had a huge one. We see people and maybe they are Wearing Masks but as doctor Anthony Faucis mentioned they are close together and jammed in together. Its a huge protest. Youve seen a number of people, apologize for those protests to say they were okay and that of course coronavirus is a Serious Health issue but racism is a Serious Health issue too. Its become very, very mixed up and politics in the last couple of weeks. Elizabeth yeah, its quite a development here. Byron, heres the other thing, there is criticism that the media is blaming the recent spikes in covid19 and basically they are just saying its about states reopening and they are not covering what is going on with the protests. The other thing too is we are tracking a letter that was sent from 1,000 Public Health professionals basically arguing that it is okay that if the current protest or riots spread covid19 because racism is, itself, a Public Health issue. It should be addressed. This is complicated stuff, lets unpack this and take this argument for a moment. Lets ask a followup question but why then was there so much criticism as you pointed out of the antilock turn protest and the promise of those protests was that continuing those lockdowns cause far more economic damage and is a Public Health issue to and record on employment, social isolation and also bans on people are not allowed to to the hospital in your take on that for nonurgent care, your reaction. A couple of things. On the increase as we have seen in some cases i think its only reasonable to think that some of it could be related to some areas reopening as people go out and doing more and as well as these massive protests. I dont see why one has to say it has to be one or the other and it could probably leap be both but as far as racism is concerned if you believe the United States suffers from systemic racism surely you believe it suffers from systemic racism in march and april and may so im not sure what is changed on that front. Elizabeth byron york, great to have you on could come back so soon. Im Elizabeth Macdonald and you been watching the the evening edit, thank you for joining us. We will have a great show tomorrow night again, have a good evening. Found in grandpas attic. It was a dirty, dusty old box. And then its like, wow. I dont know what it is. A discovery that will make the baseball world flip. Youve got honus wagner, ty cobb, cy young, christy mathewson. Im thinking to myself, oh, my god. I have 1 million sitting in a chair. But is it almost too much of a good thing . It certainly changes the market in a negative way. Im jamie colby, and today, im in northwest ohio, on the edge of an area called the

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