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The question is, what is the catalyst that will get market to move higher. Were all over that. Speaker pelosi struggling to explain the holdup. I want this very much now. People need help now. No use giving them a false thing just because the president wants to put a check with his name on it in the mail. Charles okay. Well, this is not the ownly issue for democrats who are running out of the ways to try to stop the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett. Back on the hill for another day. I will ask rnc rep Liz Harrington about her performance. Deneen borelli is with us. Her take on rapper ice cube reaching out to the trump administration. All that and so much more on making money. Charles you know it is another quiet day on the markets. The broad market, i think this is a consolidation phase, right. Big recent gains in front of record levels for the major indices. Headwinds versus tailwinds. Narratives staying with this market the last two months. More or less on hold. Leaves investors wondering what the next potential catalyst could be. Meanwhile the nasdaq is still sizzle. Two weeks ago there were more loser than winners. 54 of them are higher. Average move 176 . The theses for biotech and hightech gets better every day as firms lift targets on the Growth Leaders but there could be more stock leaders if Central Banks move ahead with another round of accommodation which could mean the bank of england going into negative rates. For more on this, i want to bring in the allstars, kaltbaum president , gary kaltbaum. Katheryne rooney vera and rose cliff founder mike murphy. Before we get into all the factors playing a part in this market. Were in the beginning of earnings season. Gary, outside of goldman the banks have been a dud. Overall i think earnings this season will move markets big time but so far not yet. What are your thoughts . We just started out. Leave no doubt there will be some huge winners but there is also going to be losers. My job with my staff to sit around before the market, after the market, go through these numbers and look for Companies Like the last couple of quarters, a name like zoom that absolutely destroyed what the consensus was and the stock made gargantuan moves to the upside. Well get a bunch of that in the next three three or four weeks. I will be watching for companies that will be doubling and tripling their business every year because there is such strong demand. Stay away from those not doing well. Unfortunately because of the pandemic we already know about cruise lines that still are not going to cruise into november. Well stick with what is working. It has been the nasdaq. Charles right. To that point, zoom had great numbers. They took market share where a rival like slacks work as a symbol, did not. It was easy to discern the winners hence the momentum. That is how you pick stocks. Kathryn, going into it there is anticipation that the numbers will be great but they have to be great, right, to justify this rally . They do have to be great. Fundamentals at end of the day to have to justify prices. That is what the pe ratio is all about. You have to get earnings to justify the numerator or the price. What im looking at now, two sectors, industrials and materials. I think that the stimulus round number four is in the offing. It is coming in, i think, as soon as early 2021. Doesnt matter who wins the presidency. That is coming. That is what has taken us to current highs. That is what is going to continue to do so. Charles right. Because neither administration, neither republican or democrat want to see a retracement in either the economy or the markets. Charles absolutely. By the way, only three s p sectors are up right now, energy, and to your point materials and industrials. Kevin, how are you seeing this earnings season shaking out . Charles, good to see you. It is mike. I will answer to anything. Charles sorry [laughter]. How is the earnings season shaking out, mike . The earnings are coming in solid but i think a mistake that some investors are make something trying to look for bargains. Trying to go looking at places like energy or like the financials that just really havent performed right now. I think the, for the people watching at home, the best thing they can be doing is looking at big tech where weve seen the growth where we continue to see growth. Any sort of pullback, microsoft, apple, you see pullback in those names, you can see money to work in them. Otherwise let them run until they stop working. Right now they are working and theyre the gift that keeps on giving. I love that you said, that mike. The fact of the matter is, you know, a lot of people are grappling with whether to chase the hot names or to try to predict the not so hot names will turn around. You have done extraordinarily well, mike. Youve been bullish on the names. Youve done very well with them. Gary, you have as well. You know, so what about people who are looking . Should they still be overweight in tech and Communications Stocks . That is where the growth is. Growth stocks cut through the mustard. Cuts through the downtrend. Cuts through a worsening economy because theyre doing things right. I tend to, you know, i use the term, i invest in greatness. You find me the restaurant chain where people are lined up around the block, find me the computer chip that is going into everything. My new thought process is the electric Vehicle Business i think is just being born right now. So im looking at chips for that as well as that type of business. Im always looking for those category killers and there is always around because were always growing. There are people inventing these new wondrous technologies as well as medicine and things like that and thats where i park my car at all times. Charles you know, so funny you mentioned that. Nio, which is a chinese electric vehicle stock. Yeah. Charles in the last 52 weeks was a one dollar stock. Today it is up 24 . It is trading at 27. Ive got subscribers in it wish i stayed in it at three. Kathryn, this gets us back. I know you like industrials an materials. I think there is a lot of validity and imoverweight there. When do investors not invest in storied areas where you see real money go in there . When you see that broadening out as we began to see the very beginnings of a broading out of Just Technology and into the other sectors that dragged substantially i think that is still the phenomenon that is going on f you continue to see monetary, fiscal stimuli you will see price appreciation. Fundamentals which is earnings have to be there, but when youre faced with a fed buying high yield bonds, will continue to do so in the event after flagging economy or flagging market i think you still want to be invested. As i contended ad nauseum i think investors need to have the a barbell strategy. I think you need to be long risk assets especially in the equity markets and hedge yourself with gold or tips or private equity or low correlated assets just to be able to maintain a defensive position if and when, i know you dont agree with me, charles, if and when we do see insurgent inflation which i think can come in the realm of 18 to 24 months. Charles okay. So lets pick up on that because 18 to 24 months is a long time for a lot of our viewers. We could make a lot of money there we talked about earnings being the mothers milk of this market but there is something else, katherine, gary i know how you feel about it. I want to get mikes take on it. The bank of england polling a lot of banks getting their reaction if they go to negative Interest Rates. If that happens what happens with the market . Already several European Countries at negative rates already. I think it is really more stimulus for the market. It is really more reason to be investing in equities. I spoke to a lot of friends who run very large, what were credit funds, multibilliondollar funds are really credit in name only. Theyre coming into equities to chase yield. So as rates go lower or go negative i think you see more money coming into the market. That is one of the bold thesis that i have on this market as more and more money comes in it will chase the high growth names. They which go where they see returns. Well see more money into the market so its a good thing. Charles my friend gary has a hashtag called easy money. Running out of time. I want to get to the headline i saw bloomberg investors turning skeptical about democrat blue wave i said to myself i never modeled my portfolio for subscribers for a blue wave. Gary are you modeling a blue wave for the outcome of this election . If biden wins the market will decide where they go. Maybe managed care will not do well or this may do well, the green energy. Im going to let the market decide depending on who wins. So im not worried about it at this juncture. What i will be worried about is policy. If he puts in his nightmareish tax plan which destroys anybody trying to become wealthy then well be think about things but not until then. Charles yeah. So funny if they think inequality now, wait until you tax so middle class people cant get rich. Guys, we got to leave it there. Gary, kathryn and mike, thank you very much. Always a appreciate it. Fantastic conversation. Coming up, folks with just 20 days to go into the election, President Trump is putting economy front and ander with his latest speeches. Also, nancy pelosi has a meltdown on cnn when asked why she cant get on board with a stimulus plan a big one next one democratic lawmaker turned trump supporter will weigh in. Is joe biden the least scrutinized president ial candidate ever . Im saying wake up on inauguration day, that is what joe biden is being looking for. I will see what Liz Harrington from the rnc is looking for. Tweet me. I want to know what youre think about. Well be right back. Even members of your own caucus, madam speaker want to accept this deal. 1. Trillion dollars. I dont know why youre always a apologist and am of your colleagues apologist for the republican position. What makes me amused if it werent so sad how you all think that you know more about the suffering of the American People than those of us elected by them to represent them at that table. With all due respect, with all due respect, and you know weve known each other a long time, you really dont know what youre talking about. Charles wow. Nancy pelosi, frustrated and really struggling to answer a simple question, why cant she put politics aside and agree to a deal for the American People . I mean it is an ongoing problem with the democrats being so focused on hurting President Trump and not on the jobs as she described they were focused on. One of the reasons my next guest actually endorsed the president despite his political party. Joining me democratic georgia republican, representative, rather, vernon jones. I dont want you to switch parties. Youre also a member of black voices for trump advisory board. We saw speaker pelosi, really on the interview go off on everyone, ro khanna, andrew yang, seems here sustain for President Trump matters more than pleas within the party to do the right thing. Whats going on . Charles, as you mentioned earlier, im a lifelong democrat and im supporting President Trump. This is a prime example why. Nancy pelosi, obviously, is putting politics before the American People. She was just mentioning about people suffering and they dont know about people suffering. Well she doesnt know. She lives behind a gate. She is a millionaire yourself. She is the one hoe said 12 is discuss some chump change. To many people it is not. So she is out of touch. She is just playing strictly politics. She does not want this president to get reelected at the expense of the American People who are looking forward to this stimulus package passing, not only for individuals and family members but also for small businesses. Charles yeah. Listen, i dont want to diss everyone with a fancy 20,000dollar freezer and 10dollar icicle bars in that freezer. You can still be in touch with the average person but it is harder a lot harder for sure. And heres the thing, i think there is a revolution brewing within the Democratic Party and i think it would erupt to the surface on day two of a biden presidency. What is your thoughts on that . It is the ro khannas, andrew yangs of your party seem to be galvanizing energy along with Bernie Sanders. I dont think they will wait another four years of this kind of stuff . Well youre right. There is some decision within the party. Im a prime example of it. Nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, they have been hijacked by aoc with a bad new deal. They have been hijacked by Bernie Sanders who is a socialist. That is not good. They have been hijacked by antifa and hijacked by black lives matter which all black lives do not matter to black lives matter. They are supporting really literally, they call it protesting but these folks are rioting. Theyre looting and burning including small businesses. And theyre losing africanamerican support. For her and chuck shumer to take a knee with a cloth around their shoulders, that was pandering to africanamericans. Africanamericans are seeing it. Theyre leaving the Democratic Party. Theyre supporting President Trump because he has a record. He has done more for africanamericans in 47 years in this country, than joe biden and nancy pelosi have the past 47 years. President trump, 47 months. Let me be clear about one thing. Charles right. Charles it, would be chaos if joe biden was to win. First of all joe would not be the president. It would be who . Kamala harris. She would do any and everything, say any and everything for power. She is intellectually dishonest. She is flipflopping. She so going back and forth a vote for joe biden is a vote for Kamala Harris to be president , not joe biden z he is dangerous. When it comes to black and brown men she locked them up and locked them down. Over 130,000 between her being d. A. And attorney general. Charles you know, it is really brave of you, i think to come out to challenge your own party like that, just to be quite honest about how you feel. To be honest with you. That is how a lot of people feel but theyre just not brave enough, may not be in the position to say it out loud. Vernon, thank you very much, really appreciate you coming on the show. Charles charles Amy Coney Barrett real quick, real quick. Yeah. Quickly. You hear about Voter Suppression. That is what the democrats are pushing right now. Patrick leahy referenced about long lines. Mentioned Dekalb County i live in georgia, first black county executive. Local leadership. Majority black council and city commissioner. You have black chief executive an black director over elections and black director over board of elections f the lines are long, it is poor planning. Theyre not adding precinct or equipment or employees. It is not about Voter Suppression. The real Voter Suppression how antifa and black lives matter are attacking blacks and others for their independent thoughts and freedom of speech. That is Voter Suppression. Charles vernon jones, i appreciate that specific insight. Meanwhile, folks Amy Coney Barrett promising senators she will keep an open mind as her confirmation hearing getting even more contentious. President trump promising a economy of lower taxes an hider prosperity. Will this message be enough to propel him back into the white house in 20 days . 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Charles President Trump addressing the economy with less than three weeks to go to the election with tax cuts and increasing takehome pay sitting front and center. Blake burman live at the white house with more. Blake . Reporter charles, i remember during the 2016 campaign it was before the Detroit Economic Club went and spoke to unveil his economic policies. Fast forward down the homestretch of the 2020 campaign. Was a bit different at the white house, a virtual address, this time to some of the biggest economic clubs. Economic club of new york, of chicago, of florida, for example. It was essentially the president s pocketbook argument why he believes he deserves another four years in office. Watch. President trump weve seen the smallest Economic Contraction and the fastest recovery of any major western country. I hope people are taking note that, and it is not even close. Weve created a record 11. 4 million american jobs since may. That is another record. Under the Previous Administration it took 30 months to recover more than half of the jobs lost in the crisis. Pete a speech from the president polled by a very short question and answer session which he was asked about the hardest hit industries whether or not they would be helped with another covid relief package. The president wants that to be the case but he highlighted part of the stalemate for negotiators. How much money should be sent to state and local governments. This is his argument. President trump i would like the democrats to loosen up a little bit. All they want to do is bail out their badly run cities and states. They want bailout money. They dont care about the workers or people. They want bailout money. They want trillions of dollars to bail out new york, california, all these states that frankly need more help than that. Reporter by the way in a separate virtual event. Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin echoed what Mitch Mcconnell had said in the recent days that he believes it is most likely unlikely that any sort of deal happens before the election. From a covid relief package perspective. As for President Trump, he will leave the white house later this afternoon, back out on the campaign trailheading to iowa for an event there this evening. Charles . Charles blake, thanks a lot, buddy. Joining me with reaction university of maryland economist peter morici. Peter, we once heard, it is the economy stupid. Even with 56 of americans saying theyre better off now than four years ago, by the way, by far a record ahead of the election, many in gop circles are afraid it will not be enough to get President Trump reelected so what is going on . What changed that people can see he is the economy president and something i think would be front and center right now . Well the pandemic, you know, certainly takes all the edge off his stellar performance the first three years when wages rose in ways they just didnt rise during obamabiden. Inequality was lessened and a great deal of benefits went to minorities, to basically people at the lower end of the wage scale. Democrats like to talk about making ordinary People Better off. Well the champion of that is donald trump. He did it. He delivered that. I wish we could get that message out. Now part of the problem is, all these news organizations make it sound like his economic policies were a disaster and all they do in the white house and sit up at night trying to figure out a way to take away their health care coverage. That is not going on. It is a problem of messaging. It is not his fault. If people wont print when he says it is not his fault. Charles no, youre right. It is very difficult, you know, from covid to the economy, i was just reading a headline about france shutting down on saturday because of the spike there the average american thinks france runs circles around us to covid an economy rebounded faster than ours. Neither one is true. President trump has a tall order in front of them. So does the american public. We do have responsibilities as voters to be informed as we can be, cut through the clutter of biased media. Absolutely right. My, how Many Americans are aware now that europe is surpassed the United States in number of cases . How many folks are aware now, that europes economic recovery has been very tepid . That theyre having a lot of trouble, these european governments are supposed to be social democrats even getting stimulus money out. Theyre quarreling among themselves how courting are treated in poland t may be an issue, but is it an issue in times of crisis when it has been there all along . We really have a problem in washington in the person of nancy pelosi. The unemployed folks in america need more assistance. There is no twoways about it. She is standing in the way of political gang. She fly off the handle at wolf blitzer or that is someone justifying for basically bad behavior. Catching the kid in the wrong place, stealing the wrong stuff, you call them on it and they start to scream and yell. Charles yeah i think blitzer still somewhere shocked by that one. Peter, thank you my friend. I always enjoy our conversations. Each day i hear more black americans admiring President Trump acknowledging they need to work with him and automatically following democrats and all their policies. The most recent, rapper, actor, producer, businessman ice cube, who posted a seven minute video talking about the need for real solutions. He went to both parties with idea and republicans were receptive. Trump Campaign Advisor Katrina Pierson posted yesterday a tweet about this i would like to bring in Fox News Contributor deneen n borelli. Ive been a registered independent since i was 18 years old t always bugs me why anyone would think black people owe the Democratic Party anything. Yet it is an uphill fight to really find, get a lot of folks to understand that. So ice cube, part of had platinum plan that Katrina Pierson talked about, do you think these things are starting to move the needle a little bit . Well i certainly do, charles. You have to look at the fact that republicans in office have failed black americans for not communicating with them directly and for not reaching out directly to voters. So when you look at what President Trump is doing, he is showing leadership. We have the actual results under this president , during his first term, prior to the pandemic, prior to china virus. Weve seen record low unemployment among black americans. He supports school choice. He lowered taxes and rolled back regulations that which provided more jobs and wage growth across america especially in the black community. I think it is great ice cube is coming on board. He wants to see changes in black communities. He wants to work with this president i think is great. Charles yeah. I mean he is really keeping it real, not just following the crowd. It is so amazing. Martin luther king fought for us to have the ability to think independently and not be criticized, ostracized, beaten up for having a thought outside of the group, right . To be judged by individual content, by our individual character. Speaking of that, let me get a quick thought what youre seeing in the last couple days on capitol hill. Judge barrett, i think her performance has been brilliant. I thought she ran circles around cory booker yesterday. No, youre absolutely right. Ive been watching this from day one. I am learning a lot from judge barrett. She is an amazing person, great character, amazing credentials. She has support from her colleagues and her students and the democrats, their only up against her because she was nominated by President Trump. Theyre not even talking about all of what shes done over the years, charles. And they will do and say anything simply because she is a nominee from the president but i see her getting confirmed and i look forward to her being on the Supreme Court. Charles you know, all of those typical gotcha questions, traps, none ever it is working. It is becoming embarrassing. Deneen, always a pleasure. Talk to you real soon. Stocks are drifting today even though most Market Participants believe stimulus will happen. It is just a matter of when. A look how households spent the last stimulus check and how they might spend the neck next one. How you can get paid. There will be trillions of dollars sloshing around in the market. Well explain. Businesses today are looking to tomorrow. Adapting. 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Why cant i sleep at night . How do i deal with all this stress . When did the world get so scary . Hello, this is michael youssef, there can be no doubt that our world is filled with troubles right now. And yet, there is one person who said, i can give you peace that can never be shaken even in the worst of your circumstances. Jesus is the way the truth and the only giver of eternal life and he is inviting you to come and surrender to him. And he will give you unbelievable peace, a peace that seems too good to be true, but its true. Will you come to him . calm inspirational music [female voice] are you looking for a peace that can withstand any hardship life can bring . Visit findingtruepeace. Com to find answers. Again, thats findingtruepeace. Com. calm inspirational music . Charles so there is an ongoing debate how much stimulus is too much and are we paying people not to work. But were getting insight how people actually spent that last check, im telling i think what they did was brilliant. Cheryl casone joins me with the details. Reporter i knew you would say that actually. Looks like those people that actually cashed those stimulus checks they saved the money. In fact, according to liberty street economics analysis, 36 of those surveys said that they put athat check, either 1200 for individual or 2400 for a couple. The next most popular decision pay down debt. Another good choice, charles. I think you would agree there. 35 of respondents said that. Just 29 used money for spending at the time what is called consumption in the survey. It is a general sense. While that spending was not tracked it could have been used for household expenses, monthly bills, even food. We didnt get a break down on that particular data point. It is important to note this data was collected through june 2020 when the country was starting to open up. By no means did we see the growing economy we have now as washington done continues to debate whether to hand out more stimulus. The analysis those 14 of those surveyed would spend more stimulus checks on essential items. 7 would spend it on nonessential. Bigger questions, what happens to airlines what happens to cities, what happens to states. The question, charles, is stimulus as many Market Participants believe actually needed now . Charles, back to you. Charles yeah. Well it depends who you ask and where i guess. Cheryl, thank you so much. Appreciate it. So heres the deal. I think 2021 could be a blockbuster year for the economy, even if there is a President Biden because, listen if he goes to his inner bernie on most of these policies they would not take into effect until late in the year. The American Consumer poised to be a juggernaut. Look at this, Debt Service Ratio at the end of Second Quarter stood at 8. 69 of disposable income that is the lowest number ever since they began tracking this in 1980. Another way to management, obligation ratio. 13. 6 of disposable income, again the lowest point on record. Couple that with personal savings. 14 , 2. 4 trillion. And perhaps another fiscal package, another two trillion dollars . That means an enthusiastic consumer would send this economy through the roof. I want to getted read from Ladenburg Thalmann ceo phil blancato. Your thoughts on my thesis we could have gargantuan Economic Growth in 2021. Certainly the consumer will be sitting on a lot of dry powder. I guess it would depend on the vaccine and covid. Im not sure it does matter for the vaccine and covid. Halloween is our second biggest spending season of year. After that comes the holiday season. For that reason a lot of things happen that the consumer will exceed expectations. One, discount everywhere. Two, cash on hand. You mentioned it. Were looking at highest Savings Rates weve ever seen in the lifetime. We were higher in the summer. Those were the highest. At little straighted levels. You have pentup demand so far we spent it on essentials, if you get additional money, the unemployment went down from 22 million to 11 million. People are back at work. Were a consumer driven economy. Im service were at expansion. Vaccine is the catalyst but im not sure we need just that to do it. Were already doing it. Charles what about the role of confidence, right . We talk about these Savings Rates being at these elevated levels and people taking a stimulus money. I think it is brilliant to pay down debt. I think it is great to save. That is dry powder you can apply to the economy later. What is the spark . The sort of change that people believe, the coast is clear . Well there is three things you got to consider. One the banks and consumers total about 6 trillion in cash waiting to come into the market. So a spark would be watching the market grind higher. Confidence, notice, Michigan Sentiment was up again. Small Business Optimism was up again, not where we were prepandemic but grinding higher. The spark will be can we continue to reopen in a way where the fatality rate stays low. Im not worried about the new case rate. The fatality rate stays low. There is the confidence number. Not to mention regeneron, eli lilly with therapeutics. Lily has an issue but i think it is short. If we have hundreds of thousands of doses that is different narrative going into december and january. Charles i want to ask you about your balanced approach this is one thing we always try up to date every time you come on the show. I know you people should be balanced, are they 100 in the market and if so, what are the new names on your buy list . A strong consumer means consumer will spend. Holiday season means you have a lot of options. I always go with two new names. I always like walmart and costco because theyre core. Two new names, logic tech, it is up 75 . Figure out where people spend the stimulus money. They have done it on debt and other things, shored up the balance sheet. What do i want to buy in the holiday season, work more efficiently from home. 90 of people will stay working from home until theres a vaccine. The gadget market, specifically the things you need should do well. Logic tech is not cheap but much higher through the end of the year. The other one i go with International Name nokia. Think about the International Market for phones. Nokia has a massive global footprint and a have large footprint. They make a lot of phones in china. I think you have a chance to make money there as well. Charles i remember when nokia was the top market cap stock in all of europe, 150yearold Company Started making boots for the russian army even though i think it is based out of finland. Great stuff. Appreciate it, phil. Really smart things i think our viewers learned a lot. Speaking of which, folks, do not forget im hosting a virtual town hall, America Votes together. It is just one week from election day on october 27th, 2 00 p. M. The economy, pandemic front and center for voters as businesses open up. Hopefully more kids go back to school. Real estate continues to boom. The market continues to boom. Americans have a ton of questions. Send them in right now. Message fox on facebook or instagram. Email us at invested in you at foxbusiness. Com. More scandal for hunter biden as reports show how cozy he was in ukraine. You wont hear it in the Mainstream Media. 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Charles break right now, joe biden reaching out to the oracle of omaha asking Warren Buffett about u. S. Leadership. Biden telling reporters, discuss got off the phone with Warren Buffett and talking about how were in a position unlike we were 50, 70, 80 years ago to lead the whole damn world in a way no one else can. There is no limit to americas future. The only thing that is going to tear america apart is america itself. Speaking of biden, if he wins, there is ever a play about this, how the election went down, i think it should be titled, wake me up for the inauguration. According to axios biden may be the least scrutinized president ial candidate in history but it does not stop there earlier today i noticed the National Enquirer was trending on twitter. When i checked it was all about attacks on the New York Post which featured a story saying a ukrainian executive courted hunter biden for opportunity to meet his dad. Social media is allowing the New York Post to be raked over the coals. Is any scrutiny possible from the Mainstream Media . Here to discuss rnc spokesperson Liz Harrington. Before we get into this hunter biden thing, there is breaking news of joe biden from Warren Buffett. I think everyone would acknowledge not only is america positioned to lead the world but i think we still lead the world. We saved the world on several occasions. Absolutely, america is is the leader of the world. That is why were leading the economy of all the other g7 nations. We have the vshaped recovery. We have the growth because america is the greatest nation on earth and because of the policies President Trump ushered in to give us the greatest economy weve ever seen in 2019. You aint seen nothing yet. 2021 will crush all records as long as we keep President Trump in office. Charles liz, this New York Post story, it really could be damning. I got to tell you, Maggie Haberman of the new york times, she posted something about it or, to the story and there was a lot of hate for her. Maga went across twitter as well. I dont think the story will get any light anywhere else but why is that . What do you think . When these are valid stories that have meat to them how can the media get away with ignoring them . It is amazing. Axios also called joe biden the luckiest. As luck would have it, hunter biden, two months after being kicked out of the navy, lands this cushy job with the ukrainian fracking company. Notice how theyre all about fracking as long as it is not in pennsylvania or america. Then as luck would have it, hunter biden lands a meeting with this ukrainian oligarch and his dad who is the vice president. Once again, luck would have it, a former democrat staffer who is now working at facebook says, facebook will not be sharing this story on their platform once again because this has nothing to do with luck. It has everything to do with corruption. Americans are a lot smarter than that they can see through it. This is the way of the swamp. This is what we voted against in 2016. Well continue to vote to drain the swamp in 2020. Charles yeah. By the way, liz, you cannot share the story on twitter either. Quickly, while i have you, Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett sitting through a second day of questioning from lawmakers. Really weaving her way around these questions from democratic senators. You posted some pretty good commentary yesterday. I thought she was absolutely brilliant. What are your thoughts where this whole thing stands now . Absolutely. There is a reason why noah feldman called her the single best lawyer he had ever seen. She is absolutely brilliant. Amazing. The democrats dont have anything against her. That is why theyre trying to attack her character, attacking her family as well. It is really absurd and a sad commentary on the state of the Democrat Party but judge Amy Coney Barrett is so qualified and is doing an amazing job. We cant wait to see her on the Supreme Court. Charles all right. I have been so impressed. I really, im being honest. She has blown me away with her composure and her knowledge. Liz, great, thank you very much. No notes required. Charles we will be right back. Since pioneering the suv in 1935, the chevy suburban has carried many things. Nothing more important than family. Introducing the most versatile and advanced chevy suburban and tahoe ever. Introducing the most versatile and advanced vo im a verizon engineer and today, were turning on 5g across the country. With the coverage of 5g nationwide. And, in more and more cities, the unprecedented performance of ultra wideband. The fastest 5g in the world. It will change your phone and how businesses do everything. Im proud, because we didnt build it the easy way, we built it right. This is the 5g americas been waiting for. Only from verizon. Charles its another one of these kind of quiet sessions but there are pockets of explosive action beneath the surface, especially in energy. That sector, the best performer powered by contraresources, the top percentage gainer in all the s p. Takeover rumors sending that stock much higher. Lets talk about the potential deals with benchmark investment managing partner, kevin kelly. Kevin, i think we can see a wave of consolidation particularly in the energy space but throughout the markets itself. What do you think . Yeah, i think you will see a huge boom because its the golden age to get m a done. One of the reasons why is because stock prices have really gone up on a pe basis so cfos can use their own stock as currency as well as Interest Rates coming down so low. Its a golden era if you are a cfo trying to get a deal done and increase your operating margin. I think Industries Like energy as well as industrials will see a huge wave of consolidation coming. Charles all right. I want to talk about two real estate indexes that you created and they are crushing it. Srvr and imds, seriously outperforming, up 8 , 12 . The sector itself down more than 6 . What are you doing . Why are these doing so well and why should people be invested in them . So its really tech infrastructure. The great way to think about it is computer servers are rendered useless without it. Cant have 5g or cloud without it. We have certainty that microsoft Amazon Google sprint tmobile, at t, verizon will all spend a ton of capex so its cell phon prime day. It capitalizes on ecommerce. The only way you can get a package in a day or less is from those distribution centers. Charles we got less than a minute to go. I would like to know if this is earnings season, a name you are looking at that maybe could blow away the street. Yeah. Go for names that underpromise, overdeliver. [ inaudible ] is one of those. They do great content delivery. They are in data centers and help traffic so i think its going to come up on october 27th. They are competitors, up over 250 in the last six months alone, they are underperforming them but thats because they are conservative. I think you want to get into a content Delivery Network name like that. Charles akam. The indexes you created are doing extraordinarily well against their benchmark. Congratulations. Wish we had more time. Always appreciate talking to you. Liz claman, we have been holing it together. Slumped, we came ba. I feel this market is waiting for the last hour of trading to really turn it on. Liz well, i agree with you because anybody who didnt like it missed a massive runup, charles. You have been really giving people the skeletal structure, not just the skin and bones of all of it, so thank you very much. Guiding our viewers into the final hour of trade, i will take it from charles, guys, did a key player in stimulus negotiations just admit the chances of a stimulus plan before election day are pretty much nil . Markets immediately took a trip to the upside down world after

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