Sannat will be celebrating the feast of Santa Margerita on Sunday. Tomorrow, eve of the feast, archpriest Michael Curmi will lead a concelebrated Mass at 10.30am during which the Te Deum will be sung. Women carrying babies in their wombs will be blessed, while babies and children will be presented to the saint. The translation of the relic, led by Mgr Anton Mizzi, will be held at 6.30pm, followed by sung vespers in Maltese and Eucharistic Benediction. Another Mass will be celebrated at 7.30pm. Confessions by Fr Marcello Ghirlando, OFM will be held at the Holy Eucharist chapel between 8.30pm and 10.30pm. The Santa Margerita Band will execute a symphonic concert, under the direction of Mro George Apap, at the village square at 9pm.