GOVERNMENT ENSURES MARKET PRODUCE SUPPLY IN LOCKED DOWN AREAS 21/04/2021 The Ministry of Agriculture has made arrangements with market vendors in the locked down areas of the Western Division to ensure consistent supply of vegetables and crops. Senior management from the Ministry of Agriculture have met with representatives of market vendors in Nadi and Lautoka to discuss how they could ensure that Fijians living within the locked down zones would continue to have access to fresh vegetables and crops. Minister for Agriculture, Waterways and Environment, Dr. Mahendra Reddy said, “I am glad to say that following successful meetings and discussions, market vendors will be contacting their suppliers in these areas, if they have not already done so, for the supply of fresh market produce at the borders of the locked down areas. The vendors will pick it from the borders and take it to the market where our fellow Fijians in the lockdown zone can have access to produce and buy it,” he said.