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maps she is going to show us in four minutes. the governor made it very clear that the state of florida is prepared. he was talking about how they have got over a million gallons of fuel prepositioned. they have 3,000 generators. they needed it at the emergency headquarters because the lights went out twice during the press conference. so, once again, as janice has told us, we just heard from the governor the landfall of the hurricane is imminent. it's 8 miles away from the coast. right now though, let's go to check in with grady trimble. is he live in old town, florida, about 20 minutes from the gulf coast into the west of gainesville and, grady, it looks calm right now you are on the dirty side of the storm. what's going on? >> yeah. so what we're seeing is lulls in the bands. so about 20 minutes ago. if you had come to us you would have been seen whipping winds and very heavy rain. it just calmed down in the last couple of minutes and, of course, that's the nature of these storms as the bands move

Related Keywords

Governor , Northeast Florida , State , Generators , Lights , Maps , Emergency Headquarters , Fuel Prepositioned , 3000 , Four , A Million , Hurricane , Landfall , Janice , West Coast , U S , Press Conference , Let S Go , Grady Trimble , 8 , The Storm , Gulf Coast , Side , What S Going On , Lulls , Gainesville , West , Old Town , 20 , Course , Storms , Bands , Whipping Winds , Heavy Rain , Nature ,

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