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nine zero and totally repudiate this disgusting dictatorshipit'a action. pres a we're going m to wiatten it's a matter of whether we preserve the premises that make, america what it is inou b the process. the you know, stephen, you brought up the substance that represents a threat to democracyn sp attack on free speech that jonathan turley today after joe biden's speech h ,put it very succinctly. when it comes to who is the biggest threat to the pillarsee of our democracy, watch when he talks about the freedomofbefe of speech. >> the biden administration i've written before is the most anti free speech administration since the administration. john adams. i mean, his administration has carried ou ft what a federalwitt court called an orwellian censorship programhe socia, thee of social media companies. >> so turley agrees with you,moc stephen on what represents a threat to our democracy. what i'd love to ask you, though, steven, is there seems to be a change. they would have us believethey that joe would like to run h against donald trump, that he

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Matter , Make , America , Premises , Disgusting Dictatorshipit A Action , The Process , Inou B , Zero , Nine , Democracy , Joe Biden , Threat , Substance , Attack , Speech , Freedomofbefe , Pillarsee , Speech H , Stephen , Jonathan Turley , Sp , Administration , John Adams , Orwellian Censorship , Federalwitt Court , Programhe Socia , Donald Trump , Steven Miller , Whatawarenes Joe , Change , Social Media Companies , Moc Stephen On , So Turley , Believethey ,

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