Enjoy. Greg red meat thursday when we tell you what you already knew to be true and everyone who disagrees can go f themselves. To quote dana perino. Tonights red meat, leftists are ugly. I know. You knew that already. Youve seen the view. [laughter] greg but now science is bearing it out. Its amazing. It begins with a new Artificial Intelligence study out of denmark which is a country, i believe. It turns out a. I. Can predict a persons political leanings with 61 accuracy and its based solely on their base. Its far more accurate than the old method which was based on ass size. But when they judge the facial features used to make these political predictions they found Something Else. The right wingers were way hotter. Yes, yes, yes but with some notable exceptions, of course. [laughter] greg he brought down the curve. But now heres the boring part. Danish scientists the kind with cheese or fruit filling, they fed 3,200 photos of political candidates into the a. I. Tool to assess their emotional state and after the analysis, they found that 80 displayed a happy expression, but behind those happy faces were conservative female politicians who looked happier and more attractive than liberals. Now, the reasons for this happiness abound. Youre not surrounded by gloom and doom and its easier to walk in heels without cloven hoofs. And im sure that bathing helps. But the studies authors notes, previous results have also highlighted the link between attractiveness and conservatism which means its time for a gratuitous shot of dana perino. Isnt she lovely . Yes, thats without makeup. Here she is with makeup. Greg so why are conservatives so hot . What could be the reason for this . Are liberal women really uglier than conservative women and thats why they still wear useless masks when driving alone in their teeny cars . Or could it be due to adopting an ideology based on the nature of an evil society and that begets their anger which ultimately undermines their natural good looks. Its also hard to embrace beauty when those around you call any attention that you receive from your beauty a form objecttification. The mail gaze. Cases of cheap frozen pizza. This could explain all those mug shots of Female Antifa members. Talk about an ugly bunch but they werent always this way. Here they are before they embraced leftist dogma. Thank god i dumped them before they discovered msnbc. So rather than look hot they try to approximate the opposite as a political statement and its one you wouldnt want to sit to next on because. Left leaning men had more neutral faces than conservative men meaning they didnt look as happy but i guess its hard to look happy after they remove your balls. Seriously, how happy can you be if your wife forces you to go to drag Queen Story Hour at the lib library. Spineless sack of low testosterone. So leftleaning men are better at hiding their emotions. Apparently they have better poker faces which makes sense. A good con man never lets the mark know how he feels and you get a lot of practice lying if youre a man who claims to be a liberal. Youve got to lie all the time. Oh, please, yes, dye your hair purple to commemorate juneteenth. Wow, this kale is delicious. So if you lie it makes sense that your face maintains an ominous paralysis. Yes. He kind of always looks like hes facing somebody holding up a crucifixion. Hes just been lying the whole time. So what does this mean for the future . If a. I. Is this good at telling the difference between a liberal and a conservative based on a single photo whats next . Knowing the left they will probably use this technology to keep conservatives under surveillance. Most journalists are already eager to dig through the personal life of anyone who criticizes a democrat. They enjoy cancelling people who stand in their way of a progressive but wholly miserable society. So whats next . Perhaps we just identify the happy people and let sky net do the rest. [strange noises] [applause] welcome tonight. Yes. Greg shes a mom who still gets asked to the prom. Fox news analyst greg he frisked and cuffed hundreds, sometimes as a police officer, former nypd inspector and attorney, paul morrow. [applause] greg shes cheerful only when shes giving you an earful. Fox news contributor. Greg and his fanny pack sleep seven. Greg truly its quite obvious that youre far better looking than anyone on cnn or msnbc but thats a low bar. They are all very lowly people. Do you buy this sense . Die, actually. If you look at conservatives across the boarder greg across the board, not just across the border. If you look across the board and look at conservatives overall they are less angry. There is a lot of scowling coming from the left and angry liberals. I believe it makes men more attractive. You identify as, what, a conservative . Greg i dont know. I change my mind a lot. A forest pygmy. Whats your excuse . Greg yes, being happy just makes you better looking and more appealing. You look better now than when you started at fox. Really . Which i think means youve become more conservative. You actually have improved with age. Thats not very common. Hes accepting the whole pygmy thing. Yes, thats true. He normally wouldnt say hes a pygmy. He has this great moment where he just said it in passing. We should all clap for him. We should be proud. Its not easy. Its not easy. [applause] i applaud the smallest of anything. I applaud the therapist but your orthopedic shoes probably help with that. Greg these are not orthopedic shoes. These are prada. For the height impaired. Pygmy. Sorry. Pygmy. Greg all right. Paul, youve got a fairly good polka face, what do you think of this finding that liberal men have better poker faces, isnt it because they have to agree and lie all the time . Ill tell you why i agree with this study. Consider the fact that a. I. Was essentially constructed by a whole slew of soy boys out in Silicon Valley and it still went conservative so you know there has to be something to it and i think the clue is embedded in the terminology. If you take Progressive Versus conservatives, conservatives want to hang on to the good stuff. They are saying to themselves, you know what . There is a lot that works here. America isnt perfect, and capitalism, dominique, imperfect but its better than Anything Else weve come up with. Lets hang on to it. The progressives, idea is is were going someplace else. Were going to shangrila. A city on the hill, well get there. Youre never going to get there so it embedded in ideology, that you will always be unsatisfied. Like a very long car ride with a bunch of cranky, ugly women. Weve all been through those, your college years, and it wasnt a pleasant experience. Greg it isnt. If you believe there is nothing positive in life, then all youre going to do its going to come out of your pores. They will never let that go because thats the business model. And they cant. They would be out of jobs. Exactly. The Activist Face belongs in the activist class, kat, and they cant let it go or they would be out on their ass. See, it was a rhyme. How are you doing there, kat . Im okay. Greg thats good. I dont buy any of why. Greg why . Because you have to be happy if you want people to bang you and my life doesnt make any sense. Shes got a point. Greg are you saying youre miserable today . I dont think i give off a sunshiny vibe and also its funny to me because its like now conservatives like biased a. I. We did weeks on a. I. Is woke. And now that it tells you youre hot, that its all over . Greg yes. Thats human nature. Once you get a compliment you forget about Anything Else. I dont think you can tell that someone is hot based on a picture. There have been times i thought someone was hot and then i hear them talk. Right . Greg yes, youre right. I thought so. Greg tyus, do you believe with kat this is b. S. . Yes, for different reasons. I looked at a lot of those photos, and i just saw a lot of unhappy dudes and thats not a democratic or republican thing. I know the look, the empty, the look in the eyes because its the 50th time they took the same damn picture over and over again. Thats so true. Thats not your real smile. Thats not your real smile. The smile that you use with the whores. The guys all have the same look. Thats not a republican or democratic thing. Im stuck, fellows. [laughter] check on me. If you look at those pictures across the board, liberal dudes, dudes, we make that mistake. They will meet a woman and shell be like im in astronomy and really ridiculous reparations and stuff and youll be like, yes, me, too, yes, and hell follow and hell take that trail and hell go on that journey and then he gets what he thought he wanted. Now hes stuck and there is someone there to take a picture to send to all of your friends and then you need hope. Im into astrology and reparations. Some dude somewhere will be like me, too. Greg so if youre in astrology and reparations you could only give reparations to virgos. But a guy would agree, well played. Waiting my whole life. Greg honestly i was going to do this on the monologue but we couldnt do it to show the before and after pictures of people who go woke with. You see this, they are young, beautiful girls that deliberately destroy the way they look for a couple of reasons. One, they are told by their peers in college, that beauty is objectiveification, its not real. No, its real. Little kids find people attractive. They develop crushes in first grade. That aint social. Thats just real and so you have all of these young people who believe that there is no truth in beauty. And there is truth in beauty. I hate to tell you. There are usually ugly people that talk them into doing it. Greg ugly people need join us. Nothing is good like shaving down the middle of your head, sweetheart. Thats the looks but you never see the ones telling them to do it that have the same hair cut. Greg exactly. Weve got to move on. Up next, the red face clown gets dressed down. [applause] ella fashion moves fast. jen so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. marquis with a custom private 5g network. ella we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. jen thats enterprise intelligence. vo its your vision, its your verizon. Family is just very important. Shes my sister and, we depend on each other a lot. Shes the rock of the family. 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Indy jones could suffer a similar fate if the terrible reviews are anything to go by. It doesnt look good, im told 80yearold Indiana Jones spends the entire film looking for the mens room. For some of us that is a treasure. And what does this say about disney . Once a cultural icon of American Family values its a come to the siren song of wokism, Divulging Into An Out Of Touch and desperate divorced dat bereft of imagination. The fact is we all like mickey mouse before he started scolding us about peoples pronounce but leftists can make you hate everything from disney to School Teachers to sports but maybe were misremembering just how wholesome their classic movies were. Check out this old cartoon. This just in. The irish are moving into the neighborhood. Those pattie whacks are taking over. Not those drunken catholics. Okay, pluto. Well have to shout our way out of this one. Oh, they are here. [cartoon voices] this is what happens when you give women the right to vote. Greg you know, love or hate the oldies any they had some good ideas. You know with the women voting thing, it hasnt worked out too well. What do you make of this, whats going on with disney . Do you think its all about wokism . It cant be. No, not necessarily. I think they send so much stuff to disney plus that it got oversaturated and things have to be so special to spend as much money as we do going to movies. Most people cant afford family movie tickets even for a night so now they have like dinein Movie Theaters where they are trying to lure you in with nachos and boos which works for me pretty much every saturday night because im only buying one ticket because i leave my cats at home. But, there is Something Else thats very creepy about disney, and we have to bring this up and thats the fact that the mom dies in pretty much every movie and disney has been unable to reconcile that and now there are all these theories that nimmo was killed as well and his dad, its like the sixth sense and hes just looking for the kid who wasnt there because they all got eaten by the shark. Greg well, i did not see that coming. At all. You know what sucks about disney, how pathetic it is that you cant sell disney. Thats like not being able to sell ice cream. If you want to have an easy job as a Salesman Go Work for ben jerrys. Everybody loves ice cream, but they manage to screw up disney. How can you make it so that nobody likes disney . You attack yourself and thats exactly what they have done. If you look at all the movies, movies like bambi, they tackle life and death. Fox and the hound are two animals who are supposed to want to kill each other. They tackle reallife stuff or they tackle the completely imaginative stuff like peter pan but even in there are real world issues that people actually deal with. When you start Making Movies that attack that when you start Making Movies that create problems rather than literally just lighting the ones that exist, what is left for people to identify with . When we want to go watch a movie thats outside of this world, we go watch 80yearold tom cruise fly a jet and kill a bunch of probably russians but they never really say. Thats the kind of movie we want to see. When we watch disney wholesome movies, we want to know that our kids have learned something about life that we havent been able to put into words, let this cartoon help them figure it out. Greg kat should do a movie about the naked bike riders. [laughter] greg could learn something from that. Thank you. I dont really think you could learn anything from that, to be clear. But actually, well, i think disney should rebrand, because they are struggling to make money from their movies at this point. But they make a lot of money from their corn dogs. Yes, they can sell a corn dog for 10 at disneyland. Anybody else tries to do that they will be like get out of my face but disney, Movie Business is failing but the Corn Dog Business is flourishing. Greg it is, and who doesnt love a corn dog. I really do. Greg so do the naked bike riders. I knew you were going to say that. Greg watch them eating that. Yes. All right. Jimmy . I can boil this down for you for real. This is actually a semi serious point. The wokism is whats hurting them, though, for real because disneys Core Customer is parents. And they are lecturing about inclusion, and they are charging them 200 to get in they are out of touch with value of the customer. Pretty soon they will have a version of Sleeping Beauty starring bill cosby. No one wants that. Greg again, they are blaming you for bill cosby. I got in trouble again. Im not mixing up these drinks. This is not bill cosby. Im not him. There maybe some confusion. Greg but thats where it is, so on some lively i like watching them tank because they are going to be forced into a course correction. Okay . Thats the way it always works. Everybody, they go too far, too far, too far, and then they go [bleeped] that happens when i drive and i keep going past the bathroom. Greg you know what you should do . What . Greg you should sit on a second phone book so its easier to see over. I agree. What happens to me when im too far away from the bathroom, im too far out [ bleep ]. Greg all right. I cant run. Up next, could new rules mean sad goodbyes for pizza pies . [applause] remember the things you loved. Before asthma got in the way . Fasenra is an addon treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. Its designed to target and remove them and helps prevent asthma attacks. 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