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Im greg gutfeld along judge jeanine pirro, and martha mckellen. We are the five. You wont believe this, america. The bite in the ministration is admitting that donald trump is right. We need the wall and it has to be built for it we want to builmp id it fast. E were going to build ara wal. Its going to be built very. We have to build the wall. The wall is being built. Biden is comping trump by building a wall, but not becaus grandpa had come to Maga Moment Atding the crisis. He said he had no part. The border wallstio when it appropriate for the border well. I trieney d to get it appropria through the money. They didnt and wouldnt. B and the meantime theres nothin under the law other than they have to use the money for what it was appropriated for. Biden is contrary to acting his own Dhs Secretary which wit his claim that there was a cute and immediate need for that wel and is now gutting all environmental regulations to builild one. Was the white house in a tough spot for it and has him spinnin faster than jesse after four tequila shots. They cant give the Orange Hombre any credit. Disagreement with his department of Homeland Security pair. With the president said and what you asked him. E heas said no he doesnt want to build a quarter while. I asked if he had a direct contradiction. This is something we are equired by law and we are required. This is an administration that believes in the rule of law. We are complying by the law, dh. Is compliant by the la w. Il he said there will not be another foot of Wall Constructe during my administration so something changed. Wan wants to build a wall. Is that what he wants . Congress allocates the funding. We ask them to not use that funding for that particular purpose, they denied it and now we are complying with the law. Just forced to put out a statement moments ago saying he did not contradict biden. It so confusing. He says walls are not the answer , yelst in the next nextparagraph he says theyre s to build one. Meanwhile trump is gorging on the border flipflopping so O Interesting to watch crooked jo biden break any environmental if law in the book to prove i was right. Will joe biden apologized to me and america . While trump waits for biden to bend the knee, chicago resident are fed up with migrants flooding their city. G impl the simple solution is no, turn the buses around. Blac they come into a community o black people when they get the little scraps and we want to take the little scraps of resources we havw e and put us th ae bottom of the barrel . Thats not fair. You cant keep bringing immigrants income with this if he does not have the money. Ci you cannot track themty. You dont know their names, but you want to spread them all ove the city. Its unsanitary, its unsafe and its just not right. So harold, back good to see e. U back at the tabl you know how this happened, right . Had to make the democrats feel the demopain, they had to share burden so it goes back to that move with the buses. Its a lesson for all issues bu comingse up to share the sufferg. Dont you agree . Im a believer as i have bee on every issue that being bold, is the right thing to do. Greg is no doubt that abbott, and i will even give desantis credit. It made cities across the country s acunderstand the kindn enormous pressure that thesede e cities on the border are under. I think the white house is had to do with the white house had to do. We can talk about, i love when people come around to my position. I andm not going to bash them, going to applaud them. I wish they had done it sooner. Weve been saying it for a long time. The wall, youve got to now reformed the Asylum Process. I dont think the wall alone will work great we need an Asylum Process that allows s people to apply, but not state in america while they do. E throughout the state in America Tthe Pressure has to be so hig you cant just come to the border and say things are bad a home t. Three, we have to add fist in new technology in ways too helpl cities deal with this enormous g challenge and four, if indeed w want aid for the border, which think we do,aid tie it togethe pass it in this cr. An up both sides politicizing and complaining about this. To whats right for the border and dont let there be an excus not to do whats right overseas and vice versa. E i applaud the white house to do r whthis. I dont understand why youplau the statement that mayorkas had to back off and. Ing had it not been for those governors sending those migrants , you called it from the g very beginning, we not mightwe m be in the place we are today pea. It saved it would save so much time ifre you said great, youre right for it. Jesse, they had Hit Rock Bottom and the only reason they Hit Rock Bottom is they are so allergical to any words utteredy trump. They let the country suffer because they cant admit that they were wrong. Thats how insecure they are. If you are a politician like donald trump he was always do openminded he never wouldve, to something because in a negotiation you want to leave yo your options open. That is what biden needs to do pretty could have easily said e eayou know what, were in a l trouble, this money is out there , they tell me its a good idea too build it, so were builgoing to build it, or getti control in then pivot away because then he looks like just a small man who cant admit a mistake. Hes lying again because he sai he tried to convince congress t misappropriate the money, the democrats had the house and the senate for two years, they had it in 2021 and 2020 to, you con couldnt convince nancy and chuck to move the money me somewhere elsewh . Thats a library and then dhs, they said this was an acute nee to do, and they blew 26 federal regulations to do it. That doesnt sound like something thatthey went to Th Supreme Court first offered the ignore sd forcing enforcing the langw where they could have er charged hunter with tax felonies. He chooses which laws he wants to enforce, the best thing abou this, doocy goes once they buil it are you just goinuildg to te down because right, that is legal to tear it down now. And he also drove 100 Holes In The Wall so the antelope can migrate into mexico so he can put light on fire or whatever h wants, its going to cost us st five times more than it should have because he sold extra wallt that was gathering dust at aha huge loss. I wants to hear what this new technology is great how many times have you heard theres al this new technology thats goin to stop illegal immigration . L what is it . Lo whatgy is this new Technology Better than a border wall . They cant name it because it xt doesnt exist. Hnol new technology is making america inhospitable. Ge mt there doing a great job. Ak thats the new technology, a wire cutter. You martha, when you see that america is in chaos itos has to with whaast were seeing here wh is a refusalto to do the right thing because it might align yo with your causopposition. Al it might allow you with trump whether its crime, riots, looting, or education. You just go in the opposite direction. Yo its so stupid. When you become president , ever president as a leader, one of your biggestbili most important responsibilities is national security. If something is Working Pivot T other stuff. You dont have to make a big deal out of the fact that your going to let thats policy stat in place. He had to undo every single g and i was actually, maybe nd i im naive, i was surprised when i heard him backpedal on this hi because i thought i was going t hear something along the lines what fate just mentioned that they were pivoting, that they were making a turn in the polic and acknowledging the problem. There is nothing wrong as a leader as saying i feel your pain, maybe it has taken us too long. Here but were going to make up for a. Were going to this 20 miles. Obviously its to thousand mile, long00. Ng were going to build this 20 miles and make sure that the people who are yelling in chicago, i think those might be the most powerful voices in the story right ightnow are the one just played because people in la chicagyeo in new york at all th cities which you pointed out, they send these buses to come but theyre like why do i have to go to the back of the line. And in politics, you see change and im curious to see if we ar on the cusp of one of those. Look what happened in the midterms in new york and california and. More conservatives were elected thanerva anyone expected in a midterm that didnt go conservativehas way. E so watch these voices come out h like the in chicago because who is going South Of The Border now . Am eric adams and the mayor of chicago because they know that they political situation is ver precarious. They have to pivot. The president just sits there and saying im not doing anything different. My hands are tied on this. That make sense to absolutely n nsone. He said the same thing and about afghanistan. Trump made me live with that timeline pick. It is preposterous, and i think peopleprep watching it jut doesnt make any sense. You know, judge judge, what you make of karine complying with a lot excuse . Jean i am so impressed that she has decided that she and the president will follow the law. I think the saddest thing about all of this is that, and the th eyobvious answer is that they cannot admit that just as martha , the point that martha is yo makingnd, it is just beyond the republicans, it is beyond the democrat rep opener of massachu and the democrat mayor othe f n york city. Were talking about the average americanwh in chicago who says do i i have. To the back of the linee to. Yoyou dont even know their nam and you are spreading them all over our city, that is the exac point in one year we have 151 known terrorist that we have no idea how many other terrorists have come through. This excuse that we have to build a wall. That is an outright lie. Ig they lie to us, they gaslight i all the time. And he cant even use the word wall. We have an acute need to construct a physical barrier in the vicinity of the border. Consthey cant use the word wal. What i want to know is will the now admit that their racist and they are xena phobic . Will they now admit that they e are hateful people for putting up this wall . Because they have said that it is immoral and effective and expensive. Billion omar said it was a while to racism. And nbc saidt The Border Wall not about security its a reminder ofwhat white supremacy. Its a monument to white supremacy. E i mean all the takedown that they did, and now theyre in a now because its the right thing to do, not because its a smart thing to do, or because the law requires it, bu because they know they are losing. These are e political operative thwho only care about their val in the political world. They could care less about any of u s. And wonder if they use the word while in their personal daily life. At think we should hang portrait on the physical barrieher in Th Living Room . Meatball could be left off the hookf. Omar from chrome to duckduckgo. Duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. Unlike chrome, the Duckduckgo Browser has privacy builtin. It comes with a private alternative to google search, which doesn■t spy on your searches, and it blocks cookies and creepy ads. And theres no catch. Its free. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you around. Join the millions of people taking back their privacy by Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile and desktop today. Totally unrepresented song to this segment but i like it philadelphia leaders promised they would throw the book at social Media Influencer meatball, great name, and th at meatball in the swarm of looters who went on a smash and grab rampage. Everybody must eat. Everybody must eat. Record this, record this. Free iphones, free iphones. Free iphones very. Dy everybody must eat free i phones. It didnt last long, the Progressive Da May Walk back soon philadelphia looting b charges for those individuals, 72 people so far have been charged causing chaos in the city of brotherly love, ransacking stores left and right , leaving a trail of destruction. Leav kasner casters as he made for some of them go easy on them an this is why. People who have been involve in committing crimes in this undressed unrest will be lookedt at carefully to see if this is one off situation and they are fundamentally lawabiding peoplo. Co can you imagine if this is your store. And you arrive and its ransacked in everything you built is destroyed and all of f walked out the door y and the folks behind him t . Ce i mean once again, its just so difficult to understand. Harold, obviously, someone has found a e isvideo and they have nothing to do with it, they shouldnt be prosecutet d. If they were vandalizing and stealing and it was just her first time, they should be let go, it is that the idea here . I do know let me be clear when i say i dont mean to be crass about it, i believe what you said from the beginning, this b is his store. I wonder if he would tendency t be as lenient at his comments suggest. I watch this video, this looks like a crime to me. Im not that bright, but this i certainly stealingis i. People there should be held d accountable. Be the young lady on the video her own grandmother said she was ote embarrassed and hurt for her an what she wished she had not don this. I dont understand what he is talking about, i think i got everything you got on the judge freight i dont understand what hes talking about. If the losses you should not prosecute someone whos a firsttimeou offender who does o whatever, ffthat is one thing, i cannot imagineon what we have just seen here, the law does no allow that. If it does, the state just latea the commonwealthll of pennsylva needs to change the laws. This is ll go back to your store or if this was your home, would this be okay thi . . And if he says its okay, he should not be the d8 of philadelphia anymore. He says he wants to go easy on looters if he determines tha they usually follow the law. That would suggest even in thest videos if theyre not followin ithe lot in this moment, he woa gow easy on them if he sees th is a firsttime offense. This guy is not a real da. Larry krasner is not a real da. He was funded progressive whose job is to ignore crime and to reprotect the criminal. Litany explain something to you. The mayor initially starts by saying werets going to throw t book at them so everyone in philly is like great, theyre going to throw the book at themy the next day, eve Got The Da Nd Saying we will seeam if these a fundamentally people. Its criminal trespass, burglary , conspiracy, larceny. Lets not kid, these are felofelonies. Good old meatball there to talk about we got to eat. E lo they are looting Liquor Stores of medical marijuana, cbs, lululemon. You get the sense that theyre talking about juveniles, he say hes looking to protect those between the ages of 18 and 25. Hes not following the lot w either because in the state ot pennsylvania the onlaty ones whi are entitled to the juveniletl defender are under the age of 18. Hes creating his own of 1825. I i panky are good people. Dwith two they do, come in and you . At the last thing about all this, most of them have no Criminal Record or minimal Criminal Recordor. Your right they dont. Why . Theyre only 18 years old and you cant allege they have a Criminal Record. Have youre lyre and you dont know what your job is. If you look carefully at what i going on here to see if its a h atoneoff, there is no way thata is asking for the input of the store storowners or whether or he owned the store or anyone. They are left to clean it up there selves. S. The city isnt helping, every is helping them. I dont care if there in jb, i would put a Scarlet Letter on them. This is what i used to do. If you want to steal for the o store if you want to damage the windowant of the store for the year every saturday, 11 00 oclock where all your friends can see you, otherwise youre going to jail. That make such a difference, right, get the da makes a difference for. M i had to Music Middle School and when she would turn her back , everyone would take their erybpencil in then throw it up ithrow would stick in the ceili and then wed wait in in the middle of class, all the pencil would fall down and we never go in trouble. We just kept whipping pencils every time she turned her back. What was the ceiling made of . Some sort of material that would absorb a sharp pencil. So if she had kicked me out of class, that wouldve been the i checked it pencil at Tha E Ceiling part so i probabl threw sleeves upon sleeves of sharpened pencils up into the ceiling and never learned my lesson. Eventually have to teach a kidhn lesson in these kids need to be n where theyre going to be out there looting another apple store. It makes a differencughte that was an apple store. E f. If this was a momandpop sho he probably wouldnt a have sai it, but were talking about dee jobs, a Gazillion Dollar Arc it share. This guy was hired to prosecute crime crime. He has to prosecuted. De lit the public defender paschal the rest. If you have a garbageman deciding you know what, im not going to take the garbage today. No, there hired to get all the garbage off thy e street. The one thing is stupid. On jaden re six i dont think there was a lot of people wandering into the capital like people wander into the apple stork the that had a prior crim history. Isto if anything, that was a oneoffo and you hear it from that 37 people sentenced for trespassing. We all kno w the cases of that in the horrific offenders in that spirit 370 people that were trespassing. This is called a criminal mullican, right . But only certain people get criminal mulligans. January 6 protesters dont get criminal mulligans. Why . M an there the oppresso r. The oppressed get the criminal s for the people complaining like us are oppressors in were losing power so thats what we are upset. Tha lets compare the rights betwee criminals and victims. The criminals, they get to b mullican and they get this deal up to 900 worth of stuff, they can later and chewed up in public areas, they can loot and burnea and collect social justi. They can pile up dozens of arrestgenes and never do time. Meanwhile, what about us . Well we have to change our live to accommodate risk wherever we. O we have to move out of cities for the sake of the safety of fu our families in our own safety. V enwe are being driven out of cities by the oppressed. I return from a perfect analogy from yesterday, we have a war over slavery. We knew slavery was inhumane an immoral, but somehow we could couldnt solve it peacefully. So itlv was an evil, but one side refused to acknowledge that it was evil because it was too big of an admission for them to make as. T doesnt it feel that way now that this defiant refusal to reverse this decline, argues he against the survival of a country. What does that leave you with . Iter c leads you with you need make war to make peace, becausee you have aac side that Cannot E Bechange because then that mean of admission that the beliefs all the time. So in a way, you have to force them to surrender. E or you can make not war. We have i an election. I i had to go to a doctor. Elections dont work, we kno that. We know they dont work. Look what we have. We had a moderate president and we have crime exploding everywhere, we had a democrat president promised that he was going to be moderate, promise h was going to unite the country and now we have a terrible education system, no border, we have crime everywhere, every facet of society is in peril an in chaos because our elections dont matter. Elections do matter, we don need to go to work for them we go to the Auction Booth in iggy im not as naive as you, harold. Coming up, the media are worried that some wealthy peopl might have to cut the fund budget if they have to suddenly pay back their Student Loans. How terrible pay meet arexvy. the first fdaapproved rsv vaccine. Arexvy is used to prevent lower Respiratory Disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. Rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. Arexvy is proven to be over 82 effective in preventing lower Respiratory Disease from rsv and over 94 effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. Those with weakened Immune Systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. The most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. Rsv can be serious. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about arexvy today. Rsv . Make it arexvy. Joe biden is back to bribing voters, he just canceled anothe 9 billion in student loan debt. Get this kind of relief is lifechanging for individuals and their families. Its good for our economy as a whole. Millions of americans from crushing burden of student debt means they can go and take thei wives somewhere. They can think about buying a house, they can start a business , they can start a family. This matters, it matters in their daily lives. But biden can only go so far to bail them out. Millions will have to start paying back their federal Student Loans this month after three year pause. The liberal media is crying ove wealthy College Grads who will be forced to dip into their fun budget and cut back on things like travel, concerts, restaurant, dining and spa days. Other art framing it as a terrifying tradeoff with consequences for the economy. Jesse, i will start with you. If biden cared about the Studen Loan Crisis and not just the gins eat millennial vote, he could start by incentivizing. Wouldnt you love to have a College Summit with these stupi College President s who are ripping off this country and just get them in a room. And say stop destroying the American Dream because youre coming out of College 200 Grand in that. Now, he is trying to play them off so they vote for him, imagine a 20 yearold at college, they are going on vacation, theyre going to as far, theyre going to brunch, i my father found out i was putting spas, brunches, vacations on a credit card and didnt have a family or a house or a career at that point, he would kick my butt. I put 500 on my fathers credit card one time and he almost me to military school. Why dont we do this in this country anymore . What was it for . I cant tell you that. He really cant cancel student debt, all you do is transfer the burden to another taxpayer. Get thats right, thats why Th Supreme Court, one of the reasons the Supreme Court decided he didnt have the ability to cancel student debt because its the congressional pursestrings, but im focused o the fact that he said he wants people to buy a house as he jus said, which is the interest rat is at 8 percent, wants them to start a business,. That difficult to start a business these days. And to start a family. There are ways to incentivize people through tax breaks, through regulation costs that help people have the ability to start a business. We have a very divided system i this country right now and it has made people feel that they cannot get ahead. And part of the problem is this student loan. In. What they need to do is give up these other things and pay the debt down as so many people did and we need to make wiser choices, we need to encourage each other to make wiser choice and inflation has caused all of this. This all could have been prevented if we didnt keep Throwing Money at all of these problems and expect a different outcome. Hunter doesnt even own a home. Isnt somebody else living a the white house i just got married . Exactly. Are we paying for that to . S. Herald, back to you. Isnt he giving people false hope . Is going through this youre no going to have to pay it im going to take care of you and then you know, the supreme cour says no and now hes got this utopia is creating again. He might be 9 billion of student loan debt, i think youre right, we have to say Th Real Challenge is how do we not keep doing this going forward. We have 8 million jobs in the country that require high skill that require some higher degree. I have said on the show and i dont Mind Prioritizing where w have needs in our economy, engineers, electricians, plumbers, we need more Truck Drivers and nurses and teachers and Family Physicians for it if you want to provide relief for that, you should. We have a 36 trillion debt in the country. There is pressure in every household when you can buy it from each of us. Eventually, people are trying t understand can we pay down this debt. This is also impacting the stoc market and everything thats happening day in and day out. Look for beet leaders on both sides of the aisle that remind me of jfk when he made that powerful statement to every american. Wherever you may live, ask not what your country can do for as what you can do for your country , were not doing enough of that in politics today. This notion that were going to do this so kids can have some money. I hope my kids are listening tonight, we have to teach peopl to be responsible. Reward them, but challenge them and we dont do enough of that in politics or everyday life an unfortunately, this is another example of what we should not b doing to help the make our country stronger. Greg, dont these young people need to live within thei means . I dont know, people think its okay to loot. Mean he just sanctioned looting versus overeducated big voting base. This is not cancellation, this is pure theft. That is all it is. Why not steal if this is theft. Why not steal from the colleges with their billions in endowments. When not steal from the banks. Why are you putting it on the taxpayer . We understand the taxpayer are powerless against this assault. You arent a big institution with the building for lawyers they can fight this. You can steal from the truck driver too supplement the gende studies graduate because a truc driver has no way too fight back. Why steal from us . You cant, you cant rob a bank or a college, but you can prop our viewers, that is the sickes part, we are being robbed by th president. Its unconstitutional, its not right, its pretty much evil. So the president is evil . Yes. Britains Prime Minister is slamming transgender ideology and making american leaders loo like total idiots. Im 49 years old and im a business owner. I own a lemonade and Ice Cream Shop in florida, so i can feel and see that my lines have gotten deeper just from a year out in the sun. Im still marie and i got botox® cosmetic. I did not want a dramatic change. I wanted something subtle. And im really, really happy with the results. 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My weighted hoop . Its for my snatched waist. Thats my dog chaise lounger. Foot treadmill. Thats my tuesday chalice. Purse that says purse. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber. I cant live without oxygen. Solid gold coffee machine. Lake making kit. Really . Can progressive cover that too . Yes, but hi its janice. Ill take 5. Is my voice on tv right now . Hi, im stacey, and ive lost 60 pounds on golo. guitar music this belt i used to wear, way down at the first and second notch, its the only thing ive kept from before losing weight and im keeping this because im never going back. Every single democrat goes into a sputtering mess, what is a woman . But the brits arent afraid to enter a. Britains Prime Minister standing up to the radical left gender insanity and making our american leaders look like wimps. Get it also shouldnt be controversial for parent to kno what their children are being taught in school about relationships. Patients should know when hospitals are talking about men or women. And we shouldnt get bullied into believing people can be an they want to be. They cant. A man is a man and a woman is a woman, thats just common sense. Did you hear the applause over there . Can you imagine if biden said that . It is a big deal here because its about seizing control of the kids under this phony roofs of privacy. This is just between me and the activists, not shifting the parental bond to stick activist who have scared the cowardly School Administrators and liberal politicians to playing along great more than that visits whites even more disgraceful in the united states. Its about speech. This is the first time at least ive seen in our history that i is okay for others to compel yo to use words. Its not about silencing your speech, its compelling you to use certain words. Freedom of speech also involves the rejection of people forcing you to say things. Thats where we are right now. We are here because everything is for us here right now. Were elevating and supporting the very things that ultimately destroy this country whether its order crimes, speech, education. Sorry im a downer today. An interesting point. You need to say something. If someone is a doctor, you dont have to call them doctor. But if someone says im transgender, they have to call they are them or whatever, non binary. Or youll be accused of misgendering. I think the Prime Minister is , you heard the applause. That people will be receptive t this message. He is leading in an interesting way hes also banning cell phones in the classrooms in the uk. Which is a brilliant move that we should do tomorrow because kids cant learn because theyr constantly distracted in teachers dont have the leadership and many cases to tell them they have to get off their phone. Leadership is sorely lacking. The ability too stand up and have a spine and say this is right and that is wrong, they cannot select you at the next election, but we must have the ability to be leaders, and that University President s as well need to step up and be a leader. Everyone has agreed to lead these days, and this is an enormous problem so we all turn into these mush balls just repeating things were supposed to say to certain people. You should not be in fear for your future by standing,it just permeated society and you get lifted eyebrows and Everything Else if you say what you think and feel. Its like we were favoring values over virtue signaling. You know as a Politician Tha Voters may not agree with you, but if they know where you stan clearly on an issue, they respect that. I agree with you, i agree with the uk Prime Minister. We are all born with a defined gender its on our birth certificate. We all allow and all are permitted to pursue our own happiness protected by the freedoms that we enjoy in this country with the people we love and for that matter how we want to lead our lives as long as we stay within the grounds of the law. This is a point that needs to b made over in over again. Were beat born with a defined gender and we should accept that. Does it bother you that the british can see what they feel and arent afraid after destroying them in the Revolutionary War . Get the interesting thing is really the ones on the left but what it comes down to is where being bullied into believing that people can be any sex the want to be. If your genitals dont determin your gender, how does removing those genitals affirm your gender . None of it make sense to me. I think the parents need to kno that 10 million children in thi country our in schools where th guidance is that the parents ar being blocked from knowing whether or not their child identifies as a different sex from their birth. Parents have to go out there an find out with the schools are doing and what theyre preventing you from knowing. Something about the way you say genitals, judge. It just rolls right off the tongue. I enjoyed mush balls. A rat goes viral after hitching a ride. Charlotte charl every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, Delicious Fage total yogurt. We come from a long line of cowboys. When i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. Goli, taste your goals. Welcome back grady internet loves a good rap video. I brought a test map where did it go . It is hitching a ride to new york city. To upstate while clinging to th hood of a car. We dont know if it made it all the way prejudge, What Would Yo have done if you saw that . Screamed, then pulled over and yelled at its. He would have run away. Hit the Windshield Wipers . No, that will throw the thin right offered. Dont want to kill it. Its a rat, its not an endangered species. There is nothing cute about matt , im sorry, im not going to feel bad for the rat. I think it is good to see Bill De Blasio getting out. This isnt even in the top ten problems in york. That rats and threatening on the way home. Hes not trying to stab me in front of my apartment great i will take a million rats like this. They dont leave syringes or giant hoops on my street corner. This was with someone else i the car. When he went through the hoo he probably came out in the car. One more thing is next. G is u i think most of you who did exclusive crime stories, you cant see anywhere else. This is jeffrey dahmer, as he actually is. And terrifying true cases that have captivated the nation. It was the largest ring in the history of america at that time. Heres a heck of a lot. 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This Big News Saturday On Fox Sports Quarterback Kyle Mccord and Marvin Harrison to lead the undefeated buckeyes against toyota by lower and the terrapins. It all starts with big name kickoff live from Columbus Dennis The Terrapins and buckeyes in a Big Ten Battle The Best Pre Game the best announcers the biggest game maryland ohio state. Its big news saturday on fox. Well, that was a doozy on tv the 90 seconds where the zany neighbor from across the hall always gets the biggest laughs. Just keep going after home ago cleaned our place for 19. We fired our old housekeeper home ago, tackled everything from our kitchen to our bathroom, all our laundry. You just pick a date, pick a cleaner, and enjoy a spotless house for 19 to rescue the constitution, i tell the story of how washington was the Human Embodiment of the document that guarantees our liberty from the American Revolution to the creation of our government. Brant baer details the first president s fight for freedom sunday. One more thing, jessi. Da on this day in history, a 28 year old congressman from tennessee convinced congress to lower drug costs for the elderledy. As a public maker at the hideral level, i believe congress has a responsibility to help protect seniors from an drug high cost of prescription drugs. So, yeaandsome. H, look at thv heart. And that tie have come a long way and very, veryer, very, very good. Today at prime time, nadler e requested 1,000,000 to make his sidewalk wider. Needed i actual earmark. Well, theres a reason he needed a wide net. All right. Where am i, harold . Check out this little happy s little girls happy dance. Mr. Father, pick up from school. First day. I think your daddy picked up little murray herep litt. I always, always excited. But be a little daddys girl. I hope my daughter is watchingtv this. I love this. I love this video. You all right . Tonigh can i move on . T all right. Tonights great show, 10 p. M. Ka lets keep doing it. Mike salata, jamie lewis outt th kat timpf tires, 10 p. M. Lets do this. Gregse hes what the heck is te im doing this so martha doesnt get to do her one more thing. You got it. Okay. Take a look at this animal. Thisy up. E a look is amazing. I bet none of you know what this is. But whats interesting wha about this animal is that its a closest relative e of the rat. No, its closest relative is an elephant and a manatee. No way. E in no, its right here in my production notes. Dudeproducties it, its called. Its a rodent. Its a hyrax. A rock hyrax. O. And its at the new england zoo. All right, judge. Okay, so a Baby Elephant interrupted. A Young Reporterreporter B by sg its trunk in his face as he pie gave a piece to the camerace in kenya. The elephant certainly seemedr t curious as a first moved up over its trunk over his ear before movinto the tadg to the his head and then to his face. He didnt want him to think he wasanllowed m irrelevant. T to da and im not. Jes welcome to jessi watters,

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