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[speaking in native tongue] my mom, she was kidnapped by hamas. We entered the safe room, closed the safe room and then there was a big boom. We ran to the shelter. And american anywhere being detained or held hostage, that will be a priority for this government, for this administration and for me. We have reports, we need to verify them. At least four american citizens have been killed in the hamas Surprise Attack on israel. The Wall Street Journal reporting officials from the Iranian Revolutionary guard corps had to plan the attack over a period of several weeks. I am john roberts in washington with continued coverage of the war in israel on this Special Edition of fox news live. The ambassador to the United Nations calls it his nations 9 11. Horrific footage shows towns overrun, homes in shambles and bodies strewn in the streets. At least 1100 people that we know of have been killed in the Terror Attacks including up to 700 israelis and 2000 others wounded. Still unclear how many and how to get them back. With hezbollah militants firing on northern israel, the question now is how far beyond gaza will this spread . Lieutenant colonel jonathan. He was just called up for reserve duty and will join us in a minute from tel aviv. We begin with fox Team Coverage. Cb cotton on how americans here in the u. S. Are reacting and first two tray live on the ground in Southern Israel. I have been watching your reporting. You have been doing an amazing job. Iran was behind this. This Wall Street Journal report is true, then the Iranian Revolutionary guard corps was the mastermind behind this. That is a whole new ballgame. John, that exist exactly right. It raises brandnew questions about how that is really military will respond. Suspicions they were involved in the coordination of this widespread attack just too many elements that went right for the Palestinian Militants entering israel and slaughtering these innocent civilians. At this hour we have more Breaking News. They have reentered the Southern City and are engaging israeli troops there. Inside earlier today where we saw what was left from the carnage. This weekend blood in the streets, windshields strewn with bullet holes and hamas leaving behind the equipment they brought into israel. You can see one of the pickup trucks used by hamas writers to infiltrate into Southern Israel. In the back, the gear they brought with them, you can see some of the clothing they were wearing at the time these militants massacred many civilians. Some were taken hostage and are now Prisoners Of War inside the gaza strip. Tonight, there are airstrikes. This is a neighborhood in the eastern part of the gaza strip. Targeting this militant area. Many of the civilians have moved inside gaza and are staying in a variety of you in schools after receiving a warning by the Israeli Military to get out and get out quickly. Throughout the day, we have seen hundreds of tanks, apcs and other vehicles headed towards the gaza border. Thousands of israeli troops look prepared for the battle ahead. It will be a very difficult fight, a very blood he fight, but after the massacre that took lace within 700 israeli civilians and soldiers killed and dozens taken hostage. The soldiers say they are ready for the fight. John. A lot more to come on this. Thank you. You are looking live at Midtown Manhattan where support has been happening for several hours now. It comes as United Nations Security Council is holding an Emergency Meeting just blocks away on the war in israel. The israeli ambassador is calling for the council to condemn hamas amid concerns of violence could spread. Cb cotton is live. Good afternoon. Proisrael and pro Palestinian Voices Converging in the city today as a you in 15 Council Meets here Behind Closed Doors to discuss the bloodshed that is happening in gaza. Hamas has committed war crimes. The era of reasoning is over. Now is the time to obliterate the infrastructure geared to completely erase it so that such horrors are never committed again. The International Community must give israel its full support. Mark my words. Israel may be under attack today , but this is not only a war against or on israel. Palestinian ambassador also gave remarks this afternoon ahead of the Security Council saying this in part about israel listen. Its policies are an assault on our humanity. On international low. And hes. And are a threat for its own people. Ignoring its colonialist and racist agenda. That just one example of the pro palestinian voices that are starting to emerge as day two of fighting continues in israel ahead of the meeting at the United Nations. A small crowd of proisrael supporters gathered. We spoke with one of them who has family in israel. Listen. Hamas is doing exactly what they bragged about doing. Slaughtering men, women and children. Taking them hostage. Mutilating their bodies. This is a massacre not a war. This is a massacre. John, there is heavy Police Presence at sites across the city that have israeli or palestinian interests. We are definitely seeing that everywhere we go today. Telling us some good news there are no Credible Threats to the city right now. Back to you. A piece of good news. Thank you. Lets bring in Lieutenant Colonel jonathan. He was former idf spokesperson until yesterday when he got called up for reserve duty. He joins us now from tel aviv. Good to talk to you. If this report that just broken the Wall Street Journal is correct and it is sourced to inside sources from hezbollah and hamas that the Iranian Revolutionary guard corps is the mastermind behind this attack and greenlighted it last monday, how does that change this situation . Good evening. Thank you for having me. If it is true, it does change a situation. I do not yet know if it is specifically if iranian officials proceeded and greenlighted this attack that hamas instigated yesterday. The iranian is the Worlds Largest supporter of terrorism. It is also clear that it provides weapons and training from the organizations across the borders. Hezbollah and hamas in lebanon the various iranian proxies in syria. Whether or not they were specifically involved in this attack, it is clear that had it not been for iranian support, money, funds, training and political guidance, hamas never would have been able to execute this horrendous attack that they did yesterday. As we are talking to you, we have live pictures up of more rockets over gaza. Dont know if that is outgoing or incoming from the israeli side. I want to go back to 2006. The way that that ignited was hezbollah fighters crossed the border from lebanon into northern israel. It killed eight members of an Israeli Military squad and took two of them hostage. That was a tragedy in and of itself. What has happened so far, over 700 have been killed including 750 bodies that were taken out of that Music Festival near gaza what happened in 2006 sparked an allout war with hezbollah. How could the response to this be any less than that . You are totally right. The events of the last 40 hours are unprecedented in the severity and the barbarity of the violence displayed against our civilians and the atrocities that have been done by these hamas monsters coming across our border. There are dozens, sadly, of israelis that are in the hands of the Terrorist Organization. Men, women, children, elderly people and disabled people the fact they are in the hands of a Terrorist Organization it puts us in a situation that is uncharted territory. It is the darkest day in our history. Never before have so many israelis been killed by anything let alone Enemy Activity and terrace in one single day. It has been said, you could say that it is a 9 11 in a pearl harbor together for us, for country the size of israel to sustain this amount of casualties and it is extremely difficult to explain. I know that trey has been down in Southern Israel and has been filming the sites, but just now is the idf is going doortodoor in house to house and clearing the areas, we are seeing what is left of israeli communities. We have seen floors drenched in israeli blood. We know that in almost every house that there was israelis. They hold up, they hid and they were hunted down by palestinian terrorists. In some cases able to defend themselves and fight back. In so many cases they were slaughtered. The severity, the unprecedented severity of the assault will dictate that this will be an unprecedented response by israel against hamas. Talking right after we speak with you to a woman that was evacuated. Must have had a weapon in the house because he killed the terrorists that infiltrated his face. There was some particularly been taken down of a young woman captured and killed by hamas who has been paraded around gaza. Stripped naked on the back of a pickup truck. That woman is now being identified. Apparently, she is a german Tattoo Artist who was simply visiting that Music Festival in israel. This Timbre Attack has attacked rankandfile women, children, people that are holocaust survivors, to arrest from germany. What would in your mind ever prompt hamas to carry out such an attack. You know, some things i wish i could see, i like you saw that video and ive seen other gruesome videos where terrorists have displayed their cruelty. Barbaric cruelty against israeli civilians. I wish it would not have happened and i wish there were not videos like this. But this really goes to show what this is that we are dealing with. We are not dealing with an organization or group of people that have any interest in peaceful coexistence. We are dealing with a group of people that are extremist, brainwashed and they have one goal and that is to annihilate the state of israel. When people, not fox viewers, but other people around the world will start to criticize israel for attacking hamas and for inflicting damage to the civilian infrastructure in gaza and other allegations that are level that israel asks them to remember where did this war starts . It started with Atrocities Butchering and mass executions of israeli civilians by palestinian terrorists. They are in a religious extremist frenzy believing that butchering israeli civilians they will be able to overcome and destroy the state of israel. While course we will prove them wrong just as for the last 75 years we approved all of our enemies wrong. Granted, the opening day of this or is probably the worst position that the idf in the state of israel has ever been in the people of israel in the state of israel and the idf have shown time and again that when we need to, we come together, we close our ranks and we focus on getting the job done. My hope is that the idea to execute exactly what the government has told us to do and that is to make sure that hamas does not have any military capabilities left in that day at the end of this war they will not be able to govern the gaza strip. I think if that happens it will be a change for the group and the israelis and for palestinians in gaza as well. Long days ahead for both sides. No question about that. Thank you for joining us. Appreciate it. Thank you. Our next guest was born in New York City but moved israel in 1973. Lets bring in adele. She moved in 1975 and is now evacuating. How are you, how is your family . Considering ive slept only one hours in the past 48 hours, im hanging in there. I am very honored that you had me on your program. We are the dash talking about what we are experiencing it we are very thankful you came on to share your story. I know that your soninlaw, we mention this with the Lieutenant Colonel a moment ago, he was at home when terrorists broke into his house. What did he tell you happened . He took his gun and he shot them. My three granddaughters aged two eight were in the safe room. He did what he had to protect them. He is not the only one in my community that did that. There is another very courageous story of a family who did the exact same thing. In a situation like that, you have a choice and that is kill or be killed. Your soninlaw thankfully for him had the means to be able to take on the terrorists. We should point out to her viewers at home that because we are using an Internet Connection to speak with you there is a little bit of a delay. What was your situation . My understanding is some of these terrorists trying to get into your home as well . They did. We were able to hear, we were Hunkered Down, the speaker before me described, we were Hunkered Down in our safe rooms. We were told not to leave under any circumstances. At one point, it was eight hours until the idf was able to get there. At one point i had to go to the bathroom. I very gingerly open the safe room door and check no one was in the house and i saw that the slots of my window had been broken so they tried to break into my house, but luckily, if it is luck or fate, they were not able to. My son said that he heard voices , we heard arabic voices outside around the house. We heard them all of a sudden saying no comeback dont go there. So, they tried to break in. Three of the people were abducted. There has been. Three people from my community were murdered yesterday. Five people have been abducted. Two families. We do not know what is happening with them. It is absolutely devastating. As each hour goes by, i learned of another friend or acquaintance that has either been murdered or abducted. This is just crazy. These are people my age. Not soldiers. That is what hamas does. They are terrorist. They terrorize. They randomly attack whoevers in front of them. Just like with the rockets. It is not a military thing. They came out whatever community is nearby. It is truly a devastating situation. Unprecedented. Totally unprecedented. I know that you moved there after yom kippur in 1973. I know that your relations with people that live in gaza have been good. This has shocked so many people what happened yesterday. We are so thankful that you and your family are okay. We mourn for the situation of your fellow resident. We cannot believe what happened with your soninlaw as well. We wish you well. Thank you for joining us. President bidens Promising Rocksolid Support for israel, the emptied speakers house and florida congressman on the House Republican israel caucus and is the only senator also serving in the only senator also serving in the Israeli Defense forces. He joins us next. And well come to you with a replacement you can trust. Man looks great. Tech thats service on your time. Schedule now. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Zyrtec works hard at hour 1 and twice as hard when you take it again the next day. So betty can be the. Barcode beat conductor. Lets be more than our allergies and for fast allergy relief with a powerful decongestant, try zyrtecd. Do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet . Try Nervive Nerve relief from the worlds number one nerve care company. Nervive contains ala to relieve nerve aches, and bcomplex vitamins to fortify healthy nerves. Try nervive. And, try nervive pain relieving rollon. 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Lets bring in brian nast. He briefly served with the Israeli Defense sources and is the only member of congress to wear the uniform above the u. S. Army and idf. Congressman, before beginning to what Congress Needs to do and what should happen this coming week, let me ask you about the Blaring Headline in the Wall Street Journal that says iran help plotting an attack on israel over several weeks. The guard corps gave the final goahead last monday in beirut. We spoke with the Lieutenant Colonel just a couple minutes ago. I dont know if you heard it or not. They have not been able to confirm that yet in israel. They are pending that report to sources inside hamas and has below. Your response. Not confirmed, but not surprising. Highly probable. We know there is a Sophisticated Network that allows attacks like this to happen to have the artillery edge. We seem to have a problem with the congressman. We will give him a second just to get back. We should point out that as a Wall Street Journal is reporting this news, Breaking News from the Wall Street Journal, they say they have sources that say the islamic hardcore helped israel plop this out. The State Department at the same time is completely denying any potential connection between the 6 billion that was freed up in this hostage swap and what happened in israel. Congressman, we have you back. Go ahead and continue your thought. Highly probable that iran played that role in this. We know there is a Sophisticated Network that helps for the gaza strip to get ordinance, artillery, rockets, blank to go from iran into places like iraq, syria, lebanon, ultimately make its way to the gaza strip. That is a Sophisticated Network. They have likely been a part of it. Lets say another place they are probably likely a part of it, that same Sophisticated Network, every moment that goes by you think about the hostages. They are probably making their way through that Sophisticated Network as well. Very possibly into containers or other places along. Again, a little bit of trouble with your transmission. We will see if we can get that back again. The initial response from the biden administration, this came from the u. S. Office of palestinian affairs. We unequivocally condemned the attack of the loss of life that has occurred. We urge all sides to refrain from violence and Rotella Torrey attacks. Terror and violence solve nothing. That tweet was quickly deleted. Now, of course, the Secretary Of State has been speaking with many different nations in the arab sphere trying to keep things calm. Desk what does Congress Need to do . I dont want to say that congress is paralyzed at the moment, but there is no speaker. The election not even supposed to begin until wednesday. Does Congress Need to act more quickly here to help back up this administration and backup israel . I think there will be calls to hasten the effort to get a new speaker. I dont know that this will ultimately be the catalyst. It could very easily go to thursday, friday, the weekend as well. The thing that i can say for support related to congress and the u. S. Israel support there, there is. [technical difficulties] we have to get the congressman a better Internet Connection. I think we get the gist of it again as we pointed out were the election for the speakership. Could last into the well of next weekend that weekend beyond. We will see what happens in terms of the u. S. Response to israel. One thing that we do know from the president on down is that the United States will stand foursquare behind israel in its request to respond to this horrific terror attack. President Biden Monitoring from the white house today. Benjamin netanyahu and the saudi ground france said the two nations growing closer to peace. How will the attack affect those talks . We will ask adam taylor the former chief Trump Administration and one of the lead negotiators of the abraham accords. He is coming up next. Were not writers, but we help you shape your financial story. Were not an airline, but our Network Connects global businesses across nearly 160 markets. Were not a startup, but our Innovation Labs use new technologies to help keep your information secure. Were not architects, but we help build stronger communities. Were not just any bank. We are citi. Have you ever considered getting a walkin tub . Well, look no further. Safe steps best offer just got better now, when you purchase your brandnew safe step walk in tub. Youll receive a free Shower Package. Yes a free Shower Package. 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Risks of surgery include pain, infection, heart attack, stroke, death, and other serious risks. Ask your doctor for important safety information. [camera shutter] to find a doctor who uses mako visit makocan. Com every day, more dog people are deciding its time for a fresh approach to pet food. Developed with vets. Made from real meat and veggies. Portioned for your dog. And delivered right to your door. Its smarter, healthier pet food. President Biden Monitoring the situation in israel from the white house as we can. He spoke with israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this morning. The pentagon says it will help israel defendant dell. The a Team Coverage with which edson and peter ducey. President biden ordering the pentagon to back israel up right away. The president also conveyed that additional assistance for the Defense Forces is on its way. The leader also discuss ongoing efforts to discuss that they can or should seek advantage from the current situation. White house officials are also out today disputing claims that the 6 billion the administration unfurls in exchange for freeing american hostage helped tehran finalize this attack. Weve been quite clear that we have a fundamentally different view of this situation we believe those situations are not wellfounded and frankly inaccurate. Any information, money that has not been spent, it had any role in the attacks that took place in planning them and equipping the parties that conducted them. Just frankly does not make any sense. The Airlines United delta and american have all either diverted or canceled flights for the coming days. United says it is to protect their customer safety. John. Peter ducey force at the white house. Thank you. The u. S. Will move military ships and aircraft closer to israel as a show of force and to support israel. Which edson live at the pentagon with the latest on this. What assets are we sending to the region . It is a host. R strike. Support for f16 Fighter Squadrons they are. A way to bolster the deterrent aspect of all of this. The defense aspect. They have presence in the middle east. Defense secretary lloyd austin says he has directed the uss Gerald R Ford strike group to that eastern. Steps to augment Fighter Aircraft squadrons in the region he goes on to say the u. S. Maintains ready forces globally to further reinforce deterrent posture if required in addition the United States government will be rapidly providing the Israeli Defense forces with additional equipment and resources including munitions. They spoke with Israeli Defense administer. Facebook yesterday as well. The Defense Department says they agreed to stay in close contact in the days and weeks ahead. Secretary of state says the department is working to confirm reports on citizens being killed and taken hostage. The Wall Street Journal is now reporting that Iranian Security officials helped plan this attack, gave the green light less money monday. Citing senior members also reporting that the ir gc and officers and representatives of four iranian backed militant groups find the details of this operation across several meetings. The first u. S. Security assistance will be heading out today, arriving in the coming days. John. We have been raising di ron of the conflict. Lets bring in former senior trump official. They normalize relations between israel and several of its arab neighbors. Let me start with What Richardson was just talking about. The headline in the Wall Street Journal. Working hand in glove with hezbollah and gave the green light to this operation after several weeks of planning. What do you say about that . Im not surprised at all. At the end of the day, this is not a battle between the Palestinian People and the israelis at all. It is a battle between israel, hamas, but more important is hezbollah and iran. John, you were covering and i spoke to you the day of the abraham accords. What put it together was it was not about the palestinians and the israelis. It was about israel and other moderate nations against terrorism and iran. That is exactly what is playing out here. It looks like the israeli iron dome has been activated and knocking some rockets out of the sky. It is a landmark agreement. It brokered between israel and arab countries. Is it your belief that this conflict begins to keyed up. Others the accords. A lot of the timing of this is related to going closer to join the accords in the proximity with israel. What i think needs to happen here is steadfast support and i would hope that our moderate reference come to support over time, to. You you believe the fact that saudi arabia and israel at least according to Benjamin Netanyahu getting closer to potential relations that was at the heart of what we are seeing right now . Absolutely. I think that drives timing and a massive amount here. At the end of the day that is a huge front to iran and what they are are to deal. One of the Big Questions i was there in 2006 covering this. Will hezbollah stay out . They fired some missiles. This area way way way up at the tippy top of israel, sandwiched between the galilee peninsula. Do you think that was just hezbollah saying we are here, dont mess with us or that could be a harbinger of things to come i think it is a harbinger. On the galilee side they are much more reinforced in israel. It is harder for hasbro like to take actual action on the ground i think you will see hezbollah continue to fire rockets. This is coordinated. I think you will see more. Adam, great to catch up with you again. I am sure we will be talking in the days ahead. I hope its under better circumstances. Im afraid it wont be. Not for a while. Israeli forces planning their next response. How could israel keep them from regaining strength. What about the new reports of what about the new reports of irans involvement in the attac. We will get into all of that with National Security military analyst Rebecca Grant right after the break. Stay with us. The Wall Street Journal reporting irans core has been working with hamas since august 2 demanded to israel. Before giving the final green light and meeting last monday. What is israels next step . Lets bring in rebecca graham. Listed as a Fox News Contributor the last big Big Israeli Conflict 2006 with hezbollah. That was parked with fighters coming across the northern Border Attacking and Idf Balloon Killing eight soldiers, kidnapping two. The loss of life and that is minuscule compared to the loss of life that happened in this terrorist attack. How can israel not do anything less and a full force response against thomas. No question i expect to see a full response but israel will have to take some time to plan that out. Two years ago back in 2021, israel thought they had destroyed most of the hamas targets in gaza. Turns out, obviously, that was not the case. Plus it looks like iran help them at that new layer with the Ground Attack in the terrible massacre and hostage taking. Israel has a lots of choice to take the i think it will just take a little bit of time before they do that. As much coordination as the Wall Street Journal is suggesting in its new report, how did it get missed by israeli intelligence. How did that indicator get missed . That is the question we want to know. There was a drone up over gaza in august. I think there were some indicators looking back. We know iran has helped hamas to improve its drones and longrange missile capabilities. I think we will see there were some attacks. The grounded massacre piece going with it. The israelis are moving their tanks. Down to the border. Do you expect that there will be a full on invasion . It is a possibility. Right now, two things. Also, john, they need to stabilize that situation and make sure there cannot be any others and chase down anything that is left any militants in the area. They want to make sure that the southern border is safe and secure before they start any larger retaliation. How do the hostages factor into this . At least a several dozen hostages. This is a terrible dilemma. The israelis first have to try to figure out how many hostages and where they are before they can even think about rescues or other Military Moves and operating around the fact that hostages may still be in hamas hands when the retaliation gets going. It makes it much much more complicated and tragic as well. We were talking about adam firing some warning shots. Do you expect that hezbollah will join this fight. Thats a question. Has the law or other iranian proxies, i dont know. That is part of the reason for big Military Moves. Sending a very strong signal. The u. S. Is there to help israel with whatever it takes. This will go on for a little while. At least a few weeks. I dont think it will be that short this time. 30 out some days in 2006. It goes on until israel feel secure again. Great to see you. We, unfortunately, will be seeing more of you in the days ahead. Thank you. Now this. As the war rages in israel, protesters here in the United States take to the streets. From chrome to duckduckgo. Duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. Unlike chrome, the Duckduckgo Browser has privacy builtin. It comes with a private alternative to google search, which doesnâ– t spy on your searches, and it blocks cookies and creepy ads. And theres no catch. Its free. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you around. Join the millions of people taking back their privacy by Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile and desktop today. Fox news alert Police Across the country from new york to california ramping up patrols in jewish institutions after the hamas attack on israel. A pro Palestinian Rally backed by the citys chapter of the democratic socialists, new York Democratic governor slamming the rally as abhorrent and morally repugnant. Just a few blocks away hundreds of people and pro Israel Rally Gathering outside of the israeli consulate not far from the United Nations. Going back to live pictures from israel as we have been seeing all evening long. Rockets being intercepted by the iron dome. Fairly quiet there now. Trey has been reporting. Fantastically every few minutes. Another barrage of rockets, from gaza. The iron dome gets activated and they tried to take out as many as they can. Amid this new Wall Street Journal reporter, according to sources in hamas and has below, the guard corps from iran masterminded this attack over the course of a number of weeks and gave the green light for the goahead last monday. That wraps up our special coverage from washington. I will steal from tomorrow until 1 00 p. M. Eastern. We followed this story much more vo in three seconds, pam will decide. pam im moving closer to the grandkids wait. I got to sell the house vo dont wait, just sell directly to opendoor. Easy as pie. pam piece of cake. vo whichever. Get your Competitve Offer at opendoor. Com. Were traveling all across america talking to people about their hearts. Ooh, take this exit. Hows the heart . I feel like its good. You feel like its good . How do you know when its time to check in on your heart . How do you know . Let me show you something. It looks like a credit card, but it is the Kardiamobile Card. That is a medicalgrade ekg. Want to see how it works . Yeah. 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