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Right here in new york city and this is the 5. [♪♪] [♪♪] nearly 40 days of silence leading up to 26 total minutes of airtime in an interview last night for vice president harris and her running mate to malls. They sat down with cnn for their first big media interview since replacing biden on the democratic ticket. Harris claimed her values have not changed. This when she was pressed on why she's done an aboutface on some major issues like fracking. Take a listen. Do you still want to ban fracking? no, and i made that clear on the debate stage in 2020, that i would not ban fracking as vice president i did not ban fracking, as president i will not ban fracking. We are in 2024 and i've not change that position or will i going forward. I kept my word and i will keep my word. What made you change your position at the time? let's be clear, my values have not changed. Harasses fracking 180, watch what she actually said during the 2020 campaign. There's no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. Joe biden will not end fracking, he's been clear about that. Joe biden will not ban fracking. That is a fact. That is a fact. The other big interview moments last night and involve them and she replaced on the top of the ticket, president biden. Harris defended their joint record together in office especially when it comes to the economy and border. She also revealed whether she had any regrets about vouching for the president amid all the concerned about his fitness for office. Watch this. You insisted that president biden is extraordinarily strong. Given where we are now, do you have any regrets about what you told the american people? no, not at all. He has the intelligence, the commitment and the judgement, and disposition that i think the american people rightly deserve in their president. You raised your hand when asked whether or not the border should be decriminalized. Do you still believe that? i believe there should be consequence. I'm the only person who has prosecuted transnational criminal organizations who traffic in drugs, on's in human beings. You been vice president for three and a half years. The steps you are talking about now, why haven't you done them already? well first of all we had to recover as an economy and we have done that. You maintain bidenomics is a success. There's more to do but that's good work. All right, let's take it to the table. After this highly anticipated 40 days in the works interview last night, a longform interview, we only got 26 minutes, but that might be the longest we hear from her before the election or before the debates anyway. I think the important question for folks to ask themselves coming out of it is what i'm going to ask you right now which is what is kamala harris' vision for the country and what does she stand for? it's like the media equivalent of constipation. You just anticipate and anticipate and nothing happens. They needed some fibre, you know, metamucil. It was not interesting. I felt like i'd stumbled into a parent teacher conference and their kid was joe biden. They had to tiptoe around the fact that joey is older than everybody else but can't do anything. It was 20 minutes that felt like 200. They took the most anticipated interview in 40 days and it felt like a stale bag of nuts from a vending machine. I was nonplussed. The goal here was a controlled demolition. Limit the damage to 18 minutes, four talk it topics. She did not score a point, she did not get a hit but she also did not pull a biden, and that's all they could hope for. This was safer than a condo minute convent. The thing that really bugged me though and the big issue, the no followup. She asked harris the one question there was some followup. That was it. When they asked harris about her role in lying to the american people about joe's mental state, and they couched it as do you regret telling the american people he was strong, and of course harris took the word regret and made it not about lying to america but about serving biden. Of course she has no regrets working with joe biden, but that was not the only question. It was do you regret lying to america. And there was no followup to that. It's amazing that in the last two weeks trump has done like five plus hours of interviews and they could not manage to do 20 minutes of transparency. It was just a fog of platitudes and evasive pivots. It wasn't just horrible. It wasn't enough to be horrible. It was lifeless, it was dead, it felt like it was in a conference room at the days inn. It was like a deposition. It was just there was nothing there. So to greg's point about her answer, when it comes to vouching for president biden, david axelrod on cnn like her answer. Take a listen. Who cares about him? she did not run away from him. She gave him i think his due. She understands there's political risk to that. That was elevating to me in a way i had not expected though i think on the whole this was a good night. It wasn't huge. I don't think she moved the ball that much forward but she certainly did not fall back. So elevating and away he had not expected. What you think about that? i kind of agree with greg. Who pulled his chain? i don't think her stance on joe biden is particularly difficult to answer and i don't think it's particularly important. No one really cares about joe biden at this point. Joe biden does not seem to care about joe biden. He does not care about governing the country. So sure, she can show lack his presidency all she needs to, and i think the question could have been phrased better. You know, when did you know that the president was in decline, because she did know, everyone knew. We all knew and we weren't the last person in the room. Which was how she praised phrased it when she was talking about their horrible afghanistan withdrawal plan. She was the last person with joe biden. So the point of that was i know him best. I sit with him the longest. So if that's the case, then she would have known first that there was something really wrong with him and she had promised the american people. Remember when anderson cooper pressed her after that horrific debate and she promised people, if there was something wrong with joe biden, i would be the one to say something. It's like well why didn't you say something then, why didn't you talk with your colleagues about the 25th amendment? maybe because she knew this plan was in place and if she sat there and answered the questions like a good little warrior, that she would be rewarded with the nomination. No one would stand in her way, not joe biden, not the obama, not josh shapiro, not gavin newsom, and the whole thing would be hers without any pushback at all. That was a deal that she made with the devil and she signed it in her own blood red ink. Part of the problem for her is that she was trying to, like, i hate the expression thread the needle but i guess she was trying to thread the needle. Greg: sexist. It always has to be about sewing right because she's a woman? i get it, sexist. But she's trying to say i fully support everything he's done, i stand by our record, but it's also time to turn the page. It's two opposite directions, you can't really do both. I feel like it was like when you watch spouses that are fighting, when they are fighting it's like your child did this today but when they are united it's like look honey billy got straight a's, our son is so amazing. She's clearly trying to divert herself from the administration only when it serves her. The sheer volume of those flipflops, for her to not be pressed further, how exactly has she changed and why. People have been excused on the left by saying every politician flipflops. Not this much and not as heavily so why someone who's so committed to the values that run the entire gamut? i was so sorely underwhelmed. I agree, this is a prosecutor. She likes to remind us that only is this our sitting vice president but a senator and the attorney general and more. She wanted to remind us that she did not deserve that because she was vice president she should have been in heels on the cover of folk. She declined meetings with spouses of the leaders of foreign nations. She said i'm the vice president, i command respect. I won't meet with the spouses. Now here we are led to believe she can't conduct an interview so low? she can't formulate thoughts? she was clearly totally unprepared except for her pull the chain comments that she likes to repeat. Otherwise there was zero command of knowledge, information and experience that you would expect out of someone who's been in the white house for four years and he wants to be there for another four years at the top. We will get into governor walls mac in the next block but i want to ask because there was so much criticism of him joining the interview before it took place, everyone sort of coming down hard, republican certainly, saying she should have handled this one so low. Now that we've seen the interview, do you think it was the right call for him to be there or not? i have no idea why he was there other than to may be make her look smarter and more intelligent or more eloquent in her speech. I don't know. The things he said we will talk about later but to go back to her interview, the point of this interview wasn't to get her answers on record, it was to offer her an opportunity to correct the record, to make it all smooth out so she doesn't have to be questioned about it again. When they came back from the first commercial break they literally ran the intro to the second segment, an add for kamala harris. And then there was a clip from trump when he went to the organization of black journalists, sitting there getting drilled. The first question, are you a racist. The irony and that is that they only had that clip of trump because he will sit down and answer questions from anyone. He's not afraid, he won't back down. She gave more details about the breakfast that she supposedly had when she was told that biden was dropping out then any policy they ask her. The only numbers or facts i could find, i took notes for the part of the interview i watched, i eventually went back to college football. But she said $10,000 tax credit, that's cool. Or 6000, that's cool. Jd vance wants to do ten. She said we will give u20 $5000 so you can buy a house the costs twice as much as it did last year. Tell me how that's a good deal. But we know about bacon and pancakes and puzzles and all the other horse [ bleep ] she threw in there that i don't believe. Quick before break, i don't know if we have time but an interview was nap with president trump after last night and here's his take on the debate or interview. I think it was not a great performance. It was a low energy performance. To take all of that time and get ready for that kin interview, it was a softball interview and i really think that probably if you look at it, it was not considered a big success. If you go by the reviews it was considered much less than a success. Coming up, bp harris not the only one in the hot seat, governor tim walz as we mentioned was there, finally asked about some accusations about stolen valour, about his record, we will get into that next. [♪♪] when did i call leaffilter? when i saw my gutters overflowing onto my porch. Leaffilter is a permanent gutter solution, so, you never have to worry about costly damage from clogged gutters again. It's the easiest call you can make. Call 833. Leaf. Filter today, or visit leaffilter. Com. Here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a builtn engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. And there's no catch. It's fre. We make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ ♪ [♪♪] she tried to drop it like it's hot but she was not the only one feeling the heat. Harris deployed her security running mate tim walls. He was back up to her first interview. The minnesota government was finally confronted over accusations of stolen valour. A former teacher, walz blamed his military fibs on some bad grammar. Watch this. In this case this was after a school shooting, the idea of carrying these weapons of war. My wife tells me my grammar is not always correct but if it's not this it's an attack on my children for showing love to me or it's an attack on my dog. I will never demean another members of service and anyway. I never have and never will. All right so i don't remember the attacks on his children for loving him are the attacks on his dog. Thought i would as a combat veteran, please set the record straight. What's the best way to view how he has talked about his military career, his actual time in service, he honorably served in the national guard and some of the exaggerations he's made? i'm going to be as nice as i can be about this and say he's a lawyer and coward. That's how i feel about it and let me explain why. It's not because he's running for vise president on the democrat ticket, there are republicans who are no longer in congress i would say that about too. With that being said, the problem with him is that he used he said in that clip, he doesn't want to belittle anyone service but he belittled everyone who did not go to combat when he decided he could not have a political career without lying about going to combat. He decided his time in the national guard wasn't enough. He had to sit on the affairs committee. I was there when he was a junior member but he sat on the committee, looked at gold star families across, sat there and said when we came back from war we did not have the resources where the mental health support we needed. His war was fought in southern italy. I'm sorry but between iraq and afghanistan, sent me to italy. I don't need mental health when i get back. Maybe but i don't think. This idea that he said the weapons we carried in war. That's one little slip. It's not bad grammar. I from georgia, i can give you all kinds of bad grammar real quick if you want me to. But the fact is when you pilot up over several years, when you take the people, the sergeant major that took his place when he left his unit and what his position is, he continually lied and stretch the truth, let you fill in the blanks, did not correct anyone. I've deployed twice to combat. Do you know what my peers would do to me if i said i deployed three times? and the marine corps deployed means he went to combat. You don't use that term unless it applies to combat. I can say i deployed three times but really i deployed twice. Semantics matter because when you care about the men, do you know what you get when you die on the battlefield? the exact same award i got for simply losing my legs. A purple heart. So at the end of the day if you care about those people and want to honor them, you don't try to put yourself on the same pedestal they are on. In my opinion that's what he does when he sits there and talked to goldstar family members and lies about his service. That's a joe biden move. For those of you who don't know, his son did not die in combat, although he would have you believe he did. And he's made that claim repeatedly and i believe that's why people are so sensitive to it, they don't want to be lied to or misled. Things are hard enough. It's an odd way for him to connect but it hasn't just been about his military service, he's also done the same thing when he talks about his wife's infertility struggles and he talks about ivf. His wife did not have ivf. That's an incredibly emotional and expensive and invasive procedure. She did not have that very procedure but he implies that she has. Does he have a glitch? i don't know where this is coming from. What you said was so powerful and in my own tiny way i just say that as humans and americans, we all have our complex and personal experiences and if you are running for that high of office, it should not matter what your particular experience was because it will resonate with many people via it's authenticity. You should not have to lie about anything. The fact that he lies about everything, because that's a lie, a little embellishment, that is a lie and it is certainly a lie at the highest hubris insult way when it's demeaning our men and women in service. And it demeans all the americans whose vote he wants to earn because he thinks he can pull the wool over our eyes and it's the media who say he's a regular guy, bringing regular back. They are carrying this character and veneer they painted around him. It's disgusting because they are doing what they did to biden switches forgive him for 30 years and make it okay to be a pathological liar. Did she need him in that interview? i think so. I think she looked very miserable and uncomfortable. I think there's a bit of social anxiety. It kind of envelops her. When i was in vietnam. . . [ laughter ] it was spring break 2010. I don't talk about it, i don't bring it out. It was tough. I had to fly business because they don't have first. I know. I won't get into the situation with the sanitary issues but anyway. So it goes back to the pick and choosing how to answer a question. The question was about his lies. He pivots to it being about his service. That's his way out. No one is questioning his service but him. You know what i mean? he's the one whose demeaning service, no one else. Also dana bash helps him out by grouping the lies together so it gives him the option of not choosing the more serious lies. The dwi thing is a big deal. His campaign covered it up. I believe she had that lie tagged in with another lie. I don't think he even addressed it. He never addressed that. It's the same pivot with what i mentioned before, kamala when they were saying do you have regrets lying to america, she turned it into regrets serving with joe. He does the same thing with his military service and then she helps him by saying here are three of your lies, just pick one. And then he picks the easy one, talks about people, you know, going after his kids and his dog. Thank god for internet trolls because if one person had not made a quip about his kids or his dog, he never would have any defense at all. So they are so grateful when one person out of 100 million people goes on and says what about your dog. He says thank god, now i can be the victim. How dare you go after my dog or child. It's one person in a trailer park. And he says he's candid but is that really code for lying? i mean the only thing he was candid about last night, the only thing he took on, the only issue he addressed at all, the only thing he talked about was his family. Which could not be really farther from the purpose of this interview, from the reason that he is sitting there, which is so that america can learn more about this person who most people have never heard of before or had never heard of before a month ago. There was a survey before he assented to the ticket, that 90% of people in america did not know enough about him to have an opinion. We know the back story now, he's told his personal story over and over and over again at the rallies, at the dnc, last night was an opportunity for him to get into it. What's your vision, what do you care about, what do you stand for. Same thing for harris. It seems like both of them declined the opportunity. Issues. Coming up, talk about a snack attack. California going after flaming hot cheetos and twinkies. Those commies. Please stay with us. [♪♪] bass pro shops and cabela's stands tall in our unwavering commitment to honoring our heroes. We extend our gratitude. . . Beyond words. . . By proudly offering a legendary salute discount to those who protect our freedoms. Our dedication to those who selflessly serve us runs deep within our dna. It's not just a discount. . . It's a commitment to making a difference. Because every day is a chance for us to say thank you. Bass pro shops and cabela's. . . Your adventure starts here. [♪♪] maybe not in california. It's a snack attack. The golden state's cracking down on flaming hot cheetos, twinkies and other snacks after state lawmakers voted to ban chemicals used in them from school lunchrooms. Backers of the bill claim the ingredients can cause neural behavioral problems in some children like adhd but industry opponents dispute reports about it's damage to people's health. But could this be a bipartisan issue? rfk junior is teaming up with donald trump to make america healthy again, saying that the issues that bind them together. . . Don't you want healthy children? and don't you want the chemicals out of our food? don't you want a president that will make america healthy again? we will bring it back and we will make it healthy and beautiful and better than ever. We will come back to that. I've heard for a while, some of these dyes are bad. I've got friends who won't let their kids have some, is it kind of strange that this is the first time we've heard something like legislation being passed for it? know because i think, like we were talking about in the break, most everything that we eat and put in our bodies in this country is trash and so this is a continuation of that. I'm not too particular, i'm not a huge health not or anything, but i first heard about the red and the yellow dies that are really bad and they are in everything, not just food. A look in your bathroom, they are in all the products in your bathroom, especially kids products. There have been large studies now that have shown that kids who ingest certain quantities of this stuff into their body and up having emotional, behavior, neurological problems as a result. Summer shortterm like, you know, maybe the kid freaks out for an hour, others are longerterm. Also carcinogens in them which cause cancer. It's a very big problem and they don't think you can say taking cheetos out of our diet will solve the problem. In europe of these chemicals are banned, they are not allowed to be sold. I don't know when we will do something about it here. Maybe this will be the first step. But i think it's an important step, to get it out of the food chain, out of the supply here of everything that goes into our body. She said the word ban. We talk about freedom. But there's a difference between deciding not to put something in a meal that the government gives your kid as opposed to the big gulp, not allowing you to decide as an adult to have a big soda. But the more government involvement there is in our healthcare and health insurance, the more they will have a say in what we put in our bodies, and there's no more intimate a relationship than the one you have with yourself and what you ingest. It starts with kids and a lot of these bands are really condescending because they want to make sure they control the food that goes into the lowest income schools, which in places like los angeles and new york, are fully subsidized. So what they are saying is you are poor, you can't make the decisions for yourself, the government will make those decisions for you and then we will have better outcomes. Well what's next? it starts with red dye number 5 and then does it go to your jeans, because what could some of the other causes of adhd be? so maybe if you are going to procreate and if you are going to have some, you know, governmentsubsidized fertility treatments, maybe the government should test your jeans to make sure that you are not passing anything on that could at some point be a big problem for the government, if they have to take care of your longterm. So if you have adhd or schizophrenia or gout or diabetes in your family tree, maybe those branches need to be snipped and you should not be having kids, because it starts with stuff that's pretty innocuous but he gets very condescending and controlling very quickly. The pandora's box of the twinkie. Rfk has made this in some way a lifelong cause, to make the world healthier. I think the left and right to agree that big pharma and big, don't necessarily work in our favor. I'm more worried about big kids. When i was young, growing up in california, we had one husky kid in the class. He had all the best food in his lunch bag. Now if you look at bus stops, it's land of the extralarge. Try stopping one of those kids in the locker, it's not gonna happen. I think there's a lot of psychological disorders going around among young people, depression and anxiety. I'm not sure it's from chemicals. I think it's volume of food. I think the reduction of activity through social media and everybody being on their phones, trying to chase status has messed with kids brains. You can't feel good mentally if you feel bad physically. It's all the same thing. We all know this. When you eat something, it changes your mood. You see a lot of kids who don't look good, how possibly could they feel good? i think this fat positivity movement, which has been pushed by the media, fashion magazines, sports illustrated, this is deadly, telling people that obesity is just another identity to be proud of. We don't celebrate values that make for a good life like, you know, why don't we have instead of a pride parade, you know, humility parade, won't happen because that's a contradiction, restrained parades, kind of like a gay parade. A demure played parade. Delayed gratification, being civil, pelite, humble, these are things we forget about. Everything is a lack of restraint and instant gratification. Did you see that liz oh lost like 50 pounds? good for her. Her fans are mad at her, like she betrayed. [ simultaneous talking ] her fans don't care about her health. They just want her to be you don't care about being healthy or working out, what do you think about it? i think it's a very real problem with the worst possible solution. The government is the worst possible solution. It's such a democrat thing to pitchfork something. To disproportionately affect the underserved communities they purport to represent. The majority of foster kids for example on adhd medications, all of those diagnosis stamped on, here's your medication, but not digging into the root of the problem. There's an incredible book all about this. I will pretend to read it. Sparking fears an historic by wrist might have been uncovered, up next. Prehistoric virus. The fastest up next. ♪ ♪ why do couples choose a sleep number smart bed? i sleep great now that my side is as firm as my heart desires. My heart desires soft. Sleep number does that. Your ideal firmness and effortless comfort, all night. During our biggest sale of the year, save 50% on the sleep number® limited edition smart bed and free delivery when you add any base. Every day across our nation, families talk about their plans for the future, and they talk about how they're going to achieve them financially. And prices are still too high. When i am elected president, i will make it a top priority to bring down cost. We should be doing everything we can to make it more affordable to buy a home. Under my plan, more than 100 million americans will get a tax cut. I will help families, letting you keep more of your hard earned money. As president, i will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that advance their economic security, stability, and dignity if you want to know who someone cares about, look who they fight for. Donald trump fights for billionaires and large corporations. I will fight to give money back to working and middle class americans. I'm kamala harris and i approve this message. [ cellphone chimes ] [ clears throat ] sorry, honey. It's a work thing. Mine's also a work thing. I just need someone to cover my shift. [ cellphone buzzes ] yup, so is mine. Alan says your business vehicle is now covered with progressive. Protected 24/7 just like your home and auto. Oh, that's great! so dinner time is just phone time now? sorry. . . You know i heard that ground turkey is the healthiest poultry. You know what, never mind. Just be on your phones. [♪♪] welcome back. Time for the fastest. First up, experts are finally settling the lifelong debate on one of the most enduring questions which is is the dryer eating my socks? according to better homes & gardens, dryers are closed systems except for the lint filter which if not properly inserted could allow small items to enter the lint trap so it is unlikely a dryer could in fact eat a sock. So kennedy, is this put to bed once and for all? the dryer is not eating the sock, the aliens are, so this is the greatest evidence that aliens are in fact among asked. In addition to feed their voracious appetite for probes, they are consuming socks so they have energy to visit all of us when we sleep. Back to you. Joey, do you wash your kids socks and do they get lost as much as adults ones? you picked this topic on purpose, i see what's happening. But emily was trying to get to is that i don't need socks, i change my socks once a year. I don't know if dryers will eat your socks but the in afghanistan will eat your feet in a heartbeat. I feel like the rumors are true, an alien in my dryer. The socks are in your fitted sheets and in your duvet covers. Look their first. Yes! i find shirts and their. This seems like an outnumbered topic. Have you ever done laundry? i don't even know what laundry is. I take off my clothes, wake up the next day, they are folded, fresh and spotless. It's the aliens. I usually just wear my socks in the shower because they get clean that way. But joey, [ inaudible ] up next, a man getting deserted by his coworkers during an office retreat on a colorado mountain. This poor guy got disoriented or the trail was while the others just hiked on without him. Officials were joking that it might cause awkward encounters at the office. The whole story, this guy was like dropping pins on the phone on the way home, trying to call 911. Everyone sort of sailed past like by. He was rescued 24 hours later. I bet they were bummed when he was rescued. This is a serious piece of advice, never go hiking with anyone ever. Someone asks you to go hiking, they want to kill you. Okay? especially if it's a spouse or former ex or whatever. The national park service has investigators just for falls because people assume it's a perfect crime. Take them out there, no cell coverage, you walk, it's like oh, how can you tell the difference? they can tell the difference, trust me. I watch a lot of dateline. Everybody thinks you just, let's go for a hike. What could go wrong? don't, trust me. That means we are never going hiking. My favorite part of the story, it's tickling my funny bone, is that it was a teambuilding exercise. This was a teambuilding trip, this hike and this is what happened. Who's calling hr? he will never eat someone's launch out the fridge again. Lesson learned. I knew he deserved it. We all have the coworker we'd like to take on a hike and accidentally let them summit by themselves. All the pieces of equipment that show the proper way down, we removed those. And then when they text us, we go note, lineback up the mountain, that's the best way down, you are going the wrong way, you are doing it wrong. I'm not saying that guy had it coming and i'm very happy that he survived and is alive but i think everyone here needs to do some soulsearching. The coworkers need to further investigate a perfect crime. Do it at the library and not on their own browsers. This poor young victim, maybe he needs to look inward and how he's addressing colleagues in the group emails. It could have been aliens. More on that, not later. Fan mail friday is up next. [♪♪] ♪ ♪ call leaffilter today. And never clean out clogged gutters again. Leaffilter's technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. Guaranteed. Call 833. Leaf. Filter today, or visit leaffilter. Com. [♪♪] fan mail friday, let's get this thing off. What is one thing you hate that everyone else seems to love? let's start over here, that was from karen k. One k away from being a racist. Emily. Gosh, i'm going to go ahead and be honest, taylor swift. Her music, not her. I hear you. Kennedy. What's the one thing i hate that everybody seems to love? travis kelce. Wow. The person, right? and i hate his music. Does he listen to music? probably. He's enough of a narcissist, he probably makes bad music. Everybody loves this, so don't get mad. Joey? coffee. I never drink coffee. That's bizarre. There is something wrong with you. If i drank coffee, then there would be something wrong with me. What happens? these robot legs start running. Now i get it. Coffee hates me more than i hate coffee. Jillian. There's a lot of things that annoy me. Try to focus. The first thing that came to my head is stanley cups. I find them very irritating. [ simultaneous talking ] i made a list. Sushi. I don't understand sushi. Never well. It's uncooked, it comes from the ocean which is the earth's toilet. Zucchini or any kind of squash, the texture of it doesn't make any sense. When it's hard it's gross, when it's soft it's gross. I hate zucchini. The olympics. I went through it, i tried. I hate the olympics. Emo. I hate emo music. I hate most music between 2,002,010. Not a fan of country but i won't say i hate it because our viewers would come after me. Do you hate dogs too? i love dogs. Jesus, you ever watch the show? what will you still buy at the store and not online, joey? what do i buy at the store and not online? gum. Underwear. That's a good one. People will still your underwear who steals your underwear? the aliens. I prefer to by clothing in a store. I'm old though. You like coals? emily? all paper products. All big things. I will walk out of the grocery store with my big toilet paper that won't be delivered. This is such an easy question. Ice cream. Who buys ice cream online? you people are stupid. I'm out of here. Who buys ice cream online? no one, that's my point! and i don't buy sushi online either, that's stupid. One more thing is up next. [♪♪] woman: why did we choose safelite? we're always working on a project. While loading up our suv, one extra push and. . . Crack! so, we scheduled at safelite. Com. We were able to track our technician and knew exactly when he'd arrive. We can keep working! ♪ synth music ♪ woman: safelite came to us. Tech: hi, i'm kendrick. Woman: with a replacement we could trust. That's service the way we want it. Vo: schedule free mobile service now at safelite. Com. Singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ power outages can be unpredictable, inconvenient, and disruptive to your life, posing a real threat to your family's comfort and safety. When the power goes out, you have no lights, no refrigeration, no heating or air conditioning. The winds are not letting up at all here. We're going to see some power outages. Number one thing to prepare for is extended power outages. Are you prepared? you can be with a generac home standby generator. When a power outage occurs, your generac home standby generator automatically powers up, using your home's existing natural gas or propane, so your life goes on without disruption. You and your family are comfortable, safe, and secure. Stay tuned, to get over a $500 value free on the most popular home standby generator in the world. With the generac, we don't have to worry about whether we lose power or not. If the utility company does not come through, our generac does. Having a generac takes a lot of the anxiety out of, there's going to be a storm. After the hurricane happened, we just want to be prepared for anything. Generac generators are designed, engineered and built in the usa. 8 out of 10 home generators are generac, and have thousands of satisfied customers. How many times have you heard people say, i never want to go through that again? well, the next time you go through it, don't make it so hard on yourself. Have a generac home standby generator. Call or go online now through that again? well, the next time you go through it, don't make it so hard on yourself. Have generac on standby generator call or go online now to requestd low mo your free que with one of generac nationwide dealers special financing and low monthly payment options are available. Are available. And if you call now, you will also receive a free five year warranty value obligad at over $500. The call is free. E is free and there's no obligation to buy, call or no obligation to buy, call or go online now. Day. So the next time there's a power outage, your home power's out. Power your life with generac power your life with generac call or go online to requestpen. Your free quote today. Th the ordinary embolism happened, but becausate i had 23 and me, i was aware of that gene that saved my life. Fellas, listen up. Holiday deals are already here. So shop fabletics all fabletics 80% off. Whoa. That's the deal for the do it all. Only pant the swag tastic one jogger, the gym, two swim, one short. The bestselling, fundamental short lined unlined and inseam options all shirts polos golf gear 80% off all shorts, pants, joggers 80% off fabletics gets it. So get fabletics right now. Get 80% off instore and online at fabletics. Com. My melasma made me feel really ugly. I didn't recognize myself in the mirror. I just hated taking photos. How am i ever going to get rid of it? stop suffering from melasma more than 600,000 people have regained their confidence with muse liz prescription treatments. In the first two weeks i was a make. I looked at myself in the mirror and i just thought, i'm back. I've been telling everybody about it. It's been life changing. Find the real you again. Go to muesli dot com slash tv. But donald trump town hall moderated by sean hannity. Sean is in harrisburg as the gop candidate discusses his policies for the biggest challenges facing the nation and his strategy to defeat kamala harris. A donald trump townhall moderated by sean hannity wednesday only on fox news channel. All right, welcome back. Before we get to one more thing, don't miss the five's labor day extravaganza happening on monday. It's a fun filled show. We're going to take a look back at some of the favorite topics, your fan mail questions. Got to check it out. Monday at five. All right. Now it's time for one more thing. Joey. Yeah, this one's a little bit solemn, so i got a text today from uncle jeff and my dad's biggest little brother, michael troy passed away today from cancer that sees the tall one on the on the far right. There are a few things about him. Is born in 1964, in a small town called ellijay, georgia. That's him sitting down and my dad's next to him almost the same height. He's a big guy. We used to say that he reminded us of the undertaker. He was somewhere between six, five, six, six, and his nickname was big an but probably the biggest thing about him was his heart. He had one biological daughter, my cousin hannah, but he had seven kids. He claim total through marriage and 15 grandkids. I have no doubt pretty much all of them are at his house right now. He he was the first one in our family to go college. I didn't realize you went to college and learned to work on engines. He was kind of a seven at that. He used to build racing engines for our little his little brother jeff, my youngest uncle, until they got too old for that. And they started a moonshine and they were jones brothers. Moonshine until he passed away today. Wow, what a life. Okay. We love joy. Yeah, what a life, greg. All right. Sorry, joe, but the good news for all of us, joe is on my show tonight. Jim and it's with jim norton. Johnny, joey jones. I already said that kat timpf and ty is. That's tonight at 10 p. M. . It's going to rock your world. Hey, let's do this. Hey, i didn't know you had a show. Gregg's sexy bear news. All right, take a look at this. Mm. Yeah, it's a bear lounging in the lush grass. It's a picture of relaxation. You were. This is otis ville, new york. Emily, have you ever been to otis field? i'm going now. Oh, you are. That the back of a harley? we're going to see this hairy. Relax and bring some peanut. Oh, all right. It's still daytime. Yeah. So that was before rfk skinned it? yes, exactly. All right, emily, you're up. All right, guys. Well, you got to go for you might remember back in from this chair in august of 2020. I told you about this very special nonprofit, canine hurricanes, heroes dedicated to bringing veterinary care to retired working canines after a white house intruder was taken down on live television by canine hurricane. The vet bills for these four legged heroes are only covered while they're working, but many have to medically retire due to injuries sustained on the job. Protecting their handlers, taking bullets for them, or in brutal assaults like hurricanes here, congress is now stepping up. Go to canine heroes. Dawn. I sign it. But emily, we got to leave it there. That does it for ]

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August Of 2020 , Vet Bills , Many , Bullets , Job , Injuries , Handlers , Canine Hurricane , Live Television , Hurricanes , Assaults , Go To Canine Heroes , Dawn , York City , Media Interview , President Biden , Economy And Border , Works Interview , Longform Interview , Kamala Harris Vision , Harris Vision , Teacher Conference , Condo Minute Convent , Minute Convent , Course Harris , Word Regret , Weeks Trump , Withdrawal Plan , Sewing Right , Look Honey , Information And Experience , Everyone Sort , Interview Wasnt , Jd Vance , President Trump , Debate Or Interview , Governor T Walz , T Walz , Filter Today , Visit Leaffilter , Builtn Engine , Youa And Other Companies , Devices Today , Mate T , Lawyer And Coward , Democrat Ticket , Anyone Service , Guard Wasnt , Health Support , Iraq And Afghanistan , Goldstar Family , Joe Biden Move , Biden Move , Wifes Infertility , Hubris Insult Way , Insult Way , Character And Veneer , Service But H , Dog Or Child , Adhd But Industry , Peoples 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Extravaganza , Text Today , Thats H , Show Tonight , J Norton , Thats Tonight , Bear News , House Intruder ,

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