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Everyone, and welcome to Sunday Morning futures. Im Sean Duffy in for maria bartiromo. A look at how the country will be run in this year and years to come. Will it be a fair contest between a former president , Donald Trump, and Vice President Kamala Harris . We all know that a Big Tech Interfered in the 2020 election, suppressing the Hunter Biden Laptop story, and now a major revelation from Mark Zuckerberg and an affirmation of big tech censorship. Well talk to House Judiciary Chairman jim jordan. Plus, congress is back from Summer Break this week. How will lawmakers handle rising tensions in the Middle East and a possible Government Shutdown . Well talk to House Gop Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik on that the. And in nine days, former President Trump is scheduled to debate Vice President Kamala Harris. Well talk to Trump Campaign senior Advisor Jason Miller on the Game Plan and whats going to happen for the next three months of the race. And well talk to south Dakota Governor Kristi Noem who understands the radical shift of Tim Walz when he became governor of minnesota, her neighboring state. And now marias going to talk to Kevin Hassett and Steve Moore on the two campaigns economic plans. Its all right here, right now on Sunday Morning futures. Sean we bin with big Techs Role in this Years Election and beyond. Mark zuckerberg admitting last week that members of the Bidenharris Administration pressured meta to take down posts about covid19. He also said the White Houses actions were wrong and he regretted not publicly saying so when the White House began those actions three years ago. Can we do anything to stop the Bidenharris Team from pressuring Big Tech In November . Joining us now is House Judiciary Chairman himself, the great jim jordan. Jim, thanks for being on the show. Good to be with you, sean. Sean we know that big tech has censored the covid19 debate online. We also know that meta censored the Hunter Biden Laptop story prior to 2020 the election. Do you think metas going to continue to censor . Do you have faith that americans are going to be able to have a fair debate as we go into this election . Well, i feel better about it, the fact that Mark Zuckerberg admitted basically four things. He said, as you pointed out, that the Bidenharris Administration pressured them to censor. They, in fact, did censor is. Third, they throttled back the Hunter Biden Laptop story literally two and a half weeks before the the most important election we have, president of the united states, and he also said no more zucker bucks, hes not going to spend money at certain locations around the country which i think all four of those are good fuse. 9 and the fuse. And the news. And the fact that he confirm all that literally 60 some days before our president ial election i think is good news because who knows what they were going to try this year. The fact theyve admitted to it, i think its less likely they do the censorship that they did before. And, again, one of the key issues in this campaign, the republican party is the party of Free Speech, protecting your first Amendment Right to speak out on political issues. The Democrat Party is the party of censorship. Thats why Tulsi Gabbard and Rfk Jr. Endorsed President Trump, they know our party will protect your liberties and sure right to speak. Sean no doubt. And your to our Overlapping Theme is the fbi, giving Pressure And Notice to meta that there could be some russian disinformation that comes out about the bidens and maybe burisma. The fbis also responsible now for doing an investigation with regard to the trump assassination. Christopher wray testified before congress, he wasnt quite sure, it could have been shrapnel or a bullet that hit Donald Trumps ear. Later on the fbi said, no, it was a bullet, and now theyre telling us theyre not sure of the motivation behind the shooter of Donald Trump. Do you have faith that the fbi is a fair actor as they do the investigation on Donald Trump and are responsible for enforcing the laws in this country . Well, i mean, i hope so. But youre right, i think the americans are right to be skeptical. I mean, this is the fbi who said if youre a parent going to a school board meeting, you need to be investigated. This is if fbi saw that said prolife catholics were extremist, this is the fbi who cant tell us who planted the pipe bombs, who leaked the dobbs decision, who put cocaine in the White House. And then when you add what you just described, sean, which is in the runup to the 2020 the race, they did this prebunking of the Laptop Story basically telling big tech, oh, be on the lookout to for russian Information Operation knowing that they had the laptop, knowing the laptop was real, they sort of got everything ready and then they were able to throttle back the story as we talked about. So, yeah, im a little concerned. But we have a Task Force put together by the speaker, lets hope they will dig into it and get to the facts on what happened on july 13th. Sean you know, what concerns me, and we both know the power of money, but we also know the problems around using money as leverage in the congress. But the fact that the congress, controlled by republicans, that controls the pursestrings continues to fully fund the fbi, theres a plan to build them a new headquarters, and they, again, you talk about a twoway street. Theres one set of rules for republicans, theres a different set of rules for democrats, and republicans continue to fund them. I think a lot of americans sit back and scratch their head, they go, why did i elect republicans . What are you guys going to do to contain the fbi. Yeah. Well, look, i voted against providing funding for a new headquarters, i voted to make sure that the voted for the language we offered as an amendment. We lost on a Tie Vote which would have said if youre going to search the fisa database, youre going to use Sean Duffys name, email and address, youve got to get a warrant. Unfortunately, we lost that on a Eye Vote but, yeah, weve got to fight harder for these fundamental liberties. I think think something that stuck with me this past week, sean, on your right to speak which i argue is the most important liberty we have because if you cant speak, you Cant Practice your faith, you dont have a free press, you Cant Petition your government, its the most fundamental liberty we have. Rfk jr. Said something great, he says when you look at history, The Good Guys arent the ones that were for censorship. And that is so true. And right now we have a major Political Party who is for censoring the other side under the guise of disinformation, misinformation, all this jargon. Its wrong, and we need to this issue is critical. And i think in 65 days the american people are going to understand that, and theyre going to vote for President Trump because they know hes the guy who will defend their right to speak. Sean congressman, its not just Free Speech which is incredibly important, but its also the lawfare thats been used against Donald Trump, right . The Sham Conviction in new york city. Judge merchan was the the judge in that case, sentencing comes on september 18th. Youve done, youve continued the investigation to look at Judge Merchans Daughter Lauren whos a political activist who works in politics for democrats. You sent a letter requesting information. Have you received a response to your request for information, and what do you hope to learn . Well, we sent him two letters and got no Response Other than, oh, we dont really have any information. And the information that we do have that responds to your request, we dont think youre entitled to that, which is garbage. So we sent him a subpoena last week. Well see what they do. I hope they will send us the information. There are 9 Million reasons why we need well, why we think its appropriate we have this information, because thats what this company, run by Judge Merchans daughter, got paid from harris and bidens campaign back in 20192020. And we want to know whats been going on in 23 and 24. So thats why we sent the letter. Weve seen the behavior of Judge Merchan sean outrageous. He put a Gag Order on President Trump that still exists there, he wouldnt let the expert on Campaign Finance testify at the trial, and the sentencing is Coming Up here in just a few weeks. So we want this information. Weve sent a subpoena, well see if they give it to us. Sean when you say youre not entitled to the information, congressman, that means they have information in conversations exactly. Sean on whether its Judge Merchan or the democratic party with regard to this conviction, because if nothing was there, well give you what we have, congressman, we have nothing. Here it is. But when they dont do that, thats a problem. I want to turn to the southern border. We dont have a lot of time. Weve learned that theres oh 300,000 children that have been lost at the southern border. Kamala harris is the Border Czar. Shes talking a big game now like she wants border security, maybe even a wall, but i think you and i both know that shes had three and a half years to secure the border and, again, democrats have long talked about the plight of children at the southern border. Even aoc crying at kids in ages at cages at the border. None of them have come to the defense of the 3000 Children Lost Plus 300 Children Lost Plus at the southern board e. What do we do to get hose kids back, make sure that theyre save . I have to imagine many of hem are in sex sexy or Indentured Servitude sex slavery. Their plight cannot be good. No. 10 Million migrants have entered the country under the Bidenharris Administration, 300,000 young people they Cant Account for, 99 individuals who have come into the country who were on the terrorist Watch List that they released into the country, and they just made the Border Czar their nominee . This is how bad it is. I think this issue is front of mind for the american voter, and its going to play a big role in this election. President trump secured our border, and in four years time he went from a secure border to no border. That is so obvious to, i think, to the country, and this problem is across the nation now. Not just in Border States and border communities, its across the nation. When you have 10 Million on pace to get to 12, i tell people thats the equivalent of the entire population of our state, ohio, were the 7th largest state in the country. 12 Million migrants entering in a 4year time frame and they made the Border Czar their mom knew . I think thats going to be a key issue for the american people and why, again, i think President Trump is going to win in 65 days. Sean pretty tough to run on the economy and the border, the two top issues for the american voter, when youre Kamala Harris. Jim jordan, thanks for being with using we appreciate you joining us on Sunday Morning futures. You bet, sean. Thank you. Sean now to a major and tragic development in israel. Defense forces have recovered the bodies of six hostages held by hamas in gaza including that of 23yearold israeliamerican Hersh Goldbergp if olin. This discovery likely wont change the minds of antiisrael protesters and those enabling the culture of the elites at universities. Heres a recent example. Remember Liz Mcgill who had to the resign as university of Pennsylvania President after this exchange with House Gop Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik last year . Specifically calling for the genocide of jews, does that constitute Bullying Or Harassment . If it is directed and severe or pervasive, it is harassment. So the answer is yes. It is a contextdependent decision, congresswoman. Its a contextdependent decision, thats your testimony today, calling for the genocide of jews is depending upon the context . That is not Bullying Or Harassment . This is the easiest question to answer yes, ms. Magill. Sean now magill is reportedly going to be working as a Senior Fellow at harvard. House Gop Conference Chairman And Harvardal a Lumbar Elise Elise Stefanik joins us now. Good to see you. I want to get your reaction. After that exchange, we played it for you, now that a harvard is reported by going to hire ma abill. Its a disgrace, and we continue to see higher education promote antisemitic leaders and antisemitism the. And as we start the School Year this year, we need to to see moral, strong leadership from higher education and these universities to condemn antisemitism and actually enforce their own rules. We saw the first day of classes at cornell. There were vile antisemitic graffiti on campus, and yet you still have these universities not showing leadership. This is why its so important legislatively, that we use our Oversight Capacity when it comes to tax a payer dollars funding these institutions, that we rein that in and hold them accountable. We need to make sure that President Trumps strong Title Vi protections for jewish students are enforced and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Department Of Education have refused toot that to do that. Sean bidenharris, they gave late statements condemning these protest, and now harris has come out with a relatively bland statement in regard to the murder of the six hostages that we just learned about overnight. Your take in regard to whether Kamala Harris is going to protect jewish students on college campuses, number one, but does she have the fortitude to protect americans Around The World after we see one of those six, an American Citizen, killed by hamas just yesterday . Well, first of all, my heart and the american Peoples Heart goes out to all of the families of hostages, particularly Hersh Goldbergpolins parents who ive had the opportunity to meet with. Ive met with many of the the hostage families. This happened on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris watch. This is a Bidenharris Administration that has turned their back on supporting israel. We need to show strong support with israel. There should be no daylight and using all of our efforts to bring home all of these hostages. What did we see from Kamala Harris and Joe Biden . They withheld critical Military Aid at a very important time. It is a disgrace. And you asked the question, sean, is she fit to protect our national security interests and American Citizens Around The World . The answer is an overwhelming, no. She is not fit to serve the role as commander in chief. She has the fact that this is an american, an americanisraeli citizen who lost his lives on their watch, it is a disgrace, and its going to go down in history as one of the darkest chapters of our national security policy. Look at this past week, sean. This was the 3year anniversary of those 13 service members in afghanistan, now 13 Gold Star families. And and you have Kamala Harris campaign politicizing this, not mentioning their a names . Not taking accountability for that catastrophic if decision . She was the last person in the room advising Joe Biden, and yet theyre criticizing Donald Trump for answering yes to the invitation from those families at arlington. Kamala harris is a disgrace, and we need to make sure she never if becomes commander in chief. Sean i want to talk about the disaster right here at home. When republicans brought up the Save Act, an act that requires the proof of citizenship before you register to vote, republicans voted for it, democrats in large part voted against it. Now Mike Lee has come out and Donald Trump has agreed that the Save Act should be included in legislation to fund the government at The End of september, end of the fiscal year. Your youre house leadership, elise. Will leadership make sure that if youre going to register to vote is, youre a citizen by way of the Save Act . And by the way, theyve also said h. R. 2 which is the House Bill to secure the border. Are we going to leverage money for making sure we have secure elections . Certainly, the House Republicans are going to continue to push the Save Act. Were in discussions with the speaker and our colleagues, and we support ensuring we have legal and constitutional letses. What is telling, sean, is that nearly every single democrat opposed the Save Act. They want illegals to vote in this election. We need a secure election, so that absolutely will be part of the Government Funding discussions. Its a principle that House Republicans will fight for along with border security. What i do want to say is Chuck Schumer has failed to put anything on the floor when it comes to appropriations to ensure that only legal American Citizens are able to vote in our elections, and we has refusedded to pass h. R. 2 which is the secure the Border Act to return to President Trumps poles when it comes to securing our border policies. Kamala harris is trying to wipe away her history as Joe Bidens open Border Czar. She sewn owns the humanitarian open Border Crisis that her policies created. Sean a sean and heres the problem, and you get it, but the fact that we have and i have individual knowledge of this but also read reports of it that you have illegals that are registering to vote, and you have the federal Government And State governments and ngos all out there trying to register illegals to vote in this election cycle. Huge problem. But illegal doesnt actually have to vote. If theyre registered, someone, elise, is going to vote for them, right . Someones going to cast their ballot. And, again, it undermines the american security in their own election. And, you know, if i win, great. If i lose, im going to go home and fight hard again the next time. But if you dont trust the election, it undermines our whole system of government. Youre exactly right, sean. It undermines our whole constitution, it undermines our system of government. People are losing faith in our elections because of how radicalized todays Democrat Party has become, shredding our constitution, shredding election integrity. This is why that vote was so important, and it was so revealing in terms of the vast majority of democrats want to allow illegals to vote in our election. The republicans are unanimous in ensuring that illegals are not able to vote in our elections. That thats why were going to continue to fight very, very hard, and thats why were working so hard to elect president donald j. Trump, because he will stand for the constitution, and he will ensure that we have elections based on the Rule Of Law and not allowing illegals to vote. Sean i have to the imagine the american people agree with the Save Act a yes. Sean that you should be a legal American Citizen before you vote. And if democrats vote to shut down the government because they dont want to pass the Save Act, so be it. I think you win on that, congresswoman. Hopefully, you have some tough conversations with the speaker of the house, because i think america would stand behind you. Elise stefanik, thank you for your great work and your friendship. We appreciate you joining the show. Thanks, sean. Sean Coming Up, uncovering the harriswalz tickets radical vision for america. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has a history with walz In Congress and as a governor of the neighboring state. She joins us next. Have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off . Same. Discover the power of wegovy®. With wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. And some lost over 46 pounds. And im keeping the weight off. Wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. Im reducing my risk. 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I mean, sharing is voluntary. Its a ridiculous statement to make. There are other comments he made. He told students going to china to downplay their americanness. If. Sean thats Peter Schweizer on last weeks show detailing to maria what hes found so far about Tim Walzs ties to the ccp. Lets bring in Kristi Noem who knows about walz from her time In Congress and recently and currently as governor of South Dakota which Neighbors Minnesota where walz is governor. Governor nome, thanks for being with us. So, again, you served and i did too with Tim Walz In Congress, but youve had the privilege of being a Neighboring Governor of Tim Walz. Tell us what youve seen. What kind of leader is he . Well, hes a bully, and he pushes mandates down on his people. In fact, weve seen a Mass Exodus of people out of minnesota that have sought refuge in South Dakota. And heavy come here to get away from what hes gone to done to their families, how hes devastated their businesses by shutting them down, raising their taxes, increasing their costs so they can no longer provide for their families. Listen, this is a completely different Tim Walz than what we served with, sean. When i served with him In Congress, he cared about people having second amendment a rights, about giving flexibility and freedom. We sponsored legislation together. He was from a more Conservative District of minnesota, but he completely changed when he became governor. We think we saw the real Tim Walz, and hed been hiding for several years. You dont go to china 30 times to be a tourist, to look at the sites. You go there because youve got an affiliation with their government, you go there and take students there to learn from them if you think communism is the way to better protect people which is what he truly does believe, and hes got ties to companies in china such as the Beijing Genomic Institute that hes funneled money to. And that company has ties to Communist And Ccp if leaders. So, you know, he truly is someone a that that wants to undermine the united states of america. We cannot trust him by hut putting him in the White House. Sean youre right, he undermined the freedom of his constituents in minnesota. He was a moderate guy, he had a very republicanleaning congressional district, but when he was unleashed as governor, we saw the true Tim Walz come out, and it was crazy. You mentioned whats going on with the ccp. I want to talk about that. So he taught in china from 8 90. He visited the country 30 times. He got married on the anniversary of the the tiananmen square massacre. He honeymooned in china and, to your point, he promoted chinese communism as a teacher to his american students. What this does, governor, is it begs the question, is Tim Walz a national Security Risk . Absolutely. Im 100 convinced hes a national Security Risk. This man wants america to to grow up and be more like china which is the exact opposite of what our leaders should be doing. I have spent all of my time fighting china, and for 30 years ive been working in policy on protecting our food supply, and weve seen china not only manipulate our currency, steal our ip, treat us unfairly in trade agreements, theyve also spied on us, theyve come in and out and theyre taking and buying our land. I have banned them purchasing land and doing State Contracts in South Dakota. The rest of the country needs to realize and wake up that that we do not want a leader like Tim Walz and Kamala Harris in the White House because of how they would undermine our national security. Its a big concern, and i hope we start talking about it a little bit more, that you have to have people in the White House that truly want to protect us, protect our Republic And Fight socialism, fight marxism, fight communism. Thats not Tim Walz. Sean tim Walzs Leadership has been so bad, you have the western portion of minnesota thats asking to actually cede from minnesota and join your state of South Dakota. Are you going to accept them if that potentially happens . Take par part of minnesota, kristy . Well take anyone that wants to be more free. [laughter] its amazing if you look at the map of minnesota how little support he does have. The support is in the bigger cities, but the vast majority of the Land Mass of minnesota has left his leadership. Weve had Tens Of Thousands of people that have come from minnesota and come to South Dakota because they find that he the doesnt share their values, and hes crippled them and their economy, and they just cant stand it anymore and want to find somewhere else to raise their families and pursue the american dream. Sean well, im on the eastern border in wisconsin, and i have the same thing, people leaving minnesota and coming to wisconsin. They want more freedom. We love their money, but its the crowding our rural areas. I want to quickly go to this, governor, because new pommings come out pollings come out. We have harris winning in michigan, georgia and nevada. Trump up in North Carolina and wisconsin. So the race has Tightsenned Frot was between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. I guess my theory here is that this is a Dnc Postconvention bump. Want to get your take on the polling, where is this race going. Should Donald Trump be concerned treat . No, i think President Trump is doing fantastic. Hes out there talking to people about how their lives could be different if he was back in the White House. Yeah, the race is tight, but also the media has been helping kamala have a great couple of last weeks. But after a Labor Day, more americans are paying attention, and theyre paying attention to their pocketbooks and what Gas Prices are and how difficult it is to buy the supplies they need for their kids to go Back To School and making hard decisions. This is where President Trump shines, because their lives were better off when he was president of the united states. Ill be in michigan and wisconsin, montana, down in arizona as well. I think as more people get out there and tell the story of what his leadership means to this country, what it means to family, what it means to women, wives and grandmas as were running our businesses and our families, raising them to be strong americans, President Trump is the one who gives us the opportunity to do that. I tell the story all the time about when he was in the White House, he let me do my job, let me be governor and make the best decisions for South Dakota. Ive done nothing since Joe Biden has been in the White House except if be on defense. Theres consequences to the leadership, and it matters whos in the White House, and we need President Trump back there as soon as possible. Sean well, the Duffy Family went to South Dakota during covid, and it truly was a free state. We were grateful for that. And i think youre right, in the summer people are checked out as theyre doing vacations and kids are off from school, and we come back in september. Thats when the american voter starts to pay attention, and Kamala Harris doesnt have policies to fix the economy, the border, she created the Border Crisis. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, thanks for being with me. Appreciate it. Thank you, sean. Have a great day. Sean up next, more people are joining Team Trump as we hit the home stretch. Whats the plan to tell americans about Kamala Harris vision for america . Well talk to campaigns Senior Adviser, jason miller. Thats next. I know. Is this what hes doing now . [binder slams on the table] as your host, i have some rules. First, no showers longer than 5 minutes. This isnt a spa. No games. No fun. Yes, coach. [lawnmower engine running] [spa water running] [bell dings] meanwhile, at a vrbo. Meanwhile, at a vrbo. When other Vacation Rentals make you share your turf with a host, try one you have all to yourself. Sean a number of people are joining Team Trump as we enter the final three months of the campaign. Trump campaign vets corey lewandowski and Tim Murtaugh joined the team last week, and former democrat turned president ial Candidate Robert f. Kennedy jr. And former Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard are now honorary cochairs of the trump transition team. Lets bring in campaign Senior Adviser jason miller. Good to see you. I first want to go to the debate, because i think a lot of americans havent seen, you know, kamala take questions from the media. Obviously, she did one joint interview with Tim Walz, not a Hardhitting Interview at cnn. But were all looking forward to the debate on September 10th. But i dont know that kamala has actually confirmed the debate. Is it going to happen . Whats the latest on the abc debate . Well, sean, good morning. I think thats a great question with regard to the dea bait. I think that the debate. I think that the Harris Campaign is looking for an Escape Hatch to get out of this debate. To be clear, these are the rules that the democrats wrote. Everyone had agreed to the rules at least informally with abc. We have a deal with abc, abc has a deal, abc is with us all the way on this. Heres what i think happened, i think the harris folks started going into debate prep, and now they realize what theyre working with, that the theyre in real trouble with Kamala Harris. They also know that President Trump is the greatest debater in modern political history, so i think theyre nervous and want a way out. Sean so is your point that Kamala Harris team has not confirmed the September 10th debate . Absolutely not. And its mindboggling because you would think that theyd want to debate. I mean, the american public does deserve this. But they refuse to accept the terms of the debate which, again, everyone had already agreed to it. Wed agreed to it, abcs agreed to it. The rules are the rules, theyre not changing. But the Harris Campaign, theyre afraid. Think about it, sean. Why did the they wait 39 days to even do this joint interview where Kamala Harris spoke for all of 16 minutes and 29 seconds and now this is day 422 that Kamala Harris 42 has gone without doing a solo interview. This is really bizarre. I think theyre afraid and they dont want to put Kamala Harris out there. You want to know why . Because shes going to have to answer for every bit of this last three and a half years. You Cant Talk about turning the beige when you page when you broke the economy, the border, the world. Thats on kamala, and shes going to have to account for that on the debate stage. Sean you know, we hear rumors of what the strategys going to be for democrats. Shes not going to talk about policy because policy is not her friend. Shes going to continue with Joe Bidens agenda on the economy and her policies on the border. So rumor is that she wants to just get under Donald Trumps skin and try to get a moment that she can play with the american people on emotion as opposed to policy. How is the team, Team Trump, addressing what kamalas going to do Ifhis Debate actually goes off . So there are two parts. Theres the overall messaging reminding people they were better off with trump, and they were. Everybody was better off with trump. Every group in the country. Even as we go into Labor Day and see how much more expensive everything is, people were better off with President Trump. Kamala harris can talk about turning the page and this other nonsense, but she has a real record. She has a record of d. A as d. 56789 of to california, as a. G. Of california, and then the Vice President which was highlighted this last week with the Gold Star families attacking harris, the 3 service members killed 13 service members killed in afghanistan. Kamala harris has to defend that record. President trump is a very quick study. He knows every part of Kamala Harris record as d. A. , a. G. And her time as Vice President , so hes going to be ready. You cant prepare for President Trump in the debate. He is the ultimate counterpuncher, and thats why hes the greatest debater that ive ever seen. You cant prepare for him. So were going to be ready, and we have that the real simple message how we can make life better for people immediately. Sean and, again, very different strategies for the two campaigns. Donald trump talking to the media, going to the microphone, laying out policies where he wants to take the country, and Kamala Harris hiding from the media, afraid to go to the microphone. I want to go to election integrity, jason, because, again, im hearing we brought this up early in the show, but i hear a lot of stories, theres been reports of illegals registering to vote. And theres help coming from the federal government, the State Government and ngos. In my Home State of wisconsin, right, i went to the dmv, and right where you get your license, u. S. Citizens can seizely get a free id for easily get a free id for voting. But hen in really big letters, no Birth Certificate . No problem. Ask us how. Jason, if you dont have a Birth Certificate, the odds are you probably are not a u. S. Citizen. And again, i think this is a roundabout way to the get illegals to register to vote. And, again, i hope thats not happening, but i want to have an election where only u. S. Citizens that are legally qualified to vote, vote is. What is the campaign doing on issue . We have a very extensive everett that a were doing with the effort that were doing with the rnc, and weve been fighting to try to make sure we have this strengthening in place. Some states like georgia, they went and did it themselves, which is great. Theres actually going to be monitoring of these dropboxes, feel much more confident. Other places, you take a look at a arizona and the recent supreme Court Ruling that said that you have to show id to register to vote, but you dont have to show id to actually vote. I mean, sean, literally when i go to the movies and i have my Amc Card if i want my 10 discount, i have to show my if id literally to get my discount at the movie theater, but i dont have to when i go to actually vote . Thats what the democrats want. And if you wonder, people always say why did Kamala Harris allow 20 Million illegals into the country . To try to get to this and have them vote. Keep in mind, sean, that democrats are pushing to allow noncitizens to actually go and vote in local elections. Well, do you really think in all of those places theyre going to the say heres your local ballot and heres your federal ballot and theres going to be full confidence that they dont vote in both . I dont have that a confidence, buy but were going to be ready for them. Sean thats why republicans have pushed the Save Act, republicans have pushed to show an id before you vote. And the fact is if you dont want those things, you actually want to set up a system where you can cheat and use fraud to win elections. I hope the campaign continues to push back on that. Jason miller, thank you for being with us, we appreciate it and appreciate all you work, thank you. Thank you, sir. Sean all right. Well be right back. R founder, Johnny Morris and his dad knew this first hand, they created a boat that was more affordable. Tracker, the worlds 1 one best Selling Fishing and Pontoon Boats powered by mercury. Proudly built in missouri and sold factory direct at Bass Pro shops and select dealers. For as little as 5 Dollars a day. You can own a brand new tracker and make lifelong memories of your own. Bass pro shops. Voted americas best outdoor retailer. Save even more and Support Conservation when you join the club. 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So heres what were doing, were going to get the first thing, were going to get Energy Way down. Drill, baby, drill, hurt . Were going to get Energy Way down. Thats going to lead to The End of inflation. Whats killed country in the last three and a half years is Inhalation Inflect flicked on this country by sleepy Joe Biden. The inflation has been a disaster in this country, and its killed the middle class, its killing the working class. Were going to get inflation brought down. We have to bring prices down. Maria how do you do that . If we bring energy down, other things are going to follow. Sean maria and that was President Trump with me here a few weeks ago outline his economic Policy Plans should he return to the White House including tapping into Americas Energy Drilling capacity, extending the Tax Cuts and deregulating onerous regulations. Kamala harris, meanwhile, has supported president bidens 2025 Budget Proposals including higher taxes on earners and businesses, against extending the Trump Tax cuts, so her plans include higher taxes for most americans. Both candidates are supporting no tax on tips for leisure and has by palty workers. We are digging into the two candidates economic policies with Kevin Hassett, former chairman of the council of economic advisers, and Steve Moore, Senior Fellow at the heritage foundation. Gentlemen, great to have you today. Thank you so much for being here. I want to get both of your takes on the differences in these two policy. We really havent heard enough from Kamala Harris in terms of what she wants to do, but lets go on just what we know so far in terms of taxes. Kevin has especially, kick us off here. The hassett, the difference between these two plans. Right. Well, i think the first big difference is uncertainty because it was just a little whiling ago that Kamala Harris said that shes in favor of doing away with the filibuster to pass the Green New Deal. And in that Green New Deal proposal, for example, the top Income Tax Rate was 700 . And so whats happening now is that shes got Campaign Staff saying things that shes not even echoing about what shes going to do, and i dont believe it. I think theyre more radical than what we see. But what we see is extremely radical, right in and so think about it, if you tax unrazed gains, then that means unrealized gains, say youve got a house thats gone up a lot in value, how are you going to pay the tax . Maybe they exclude the house, but youve got to sell that stock that you bought 15 years ago to the pay the gains tax. And they have an up to 55 estate tax. Imagine youve got to pay this if the green new Deal Thing happens and after that youve got to pay a 65 estate tax. Shes basically taxing things in a way that no politician in american history has been willing to even consider. And President Trump is a classic reagan supplyside person. We saw it in the first term, and hes doubling down on those policies that delivered so much prosperity before. Parr. Maria well, shes been very tough on corporations, Steve Moore, in the past, and now this campaign she says shes going to put a federal ban on Price Gouging in place. All the Grocery Company ceos that ive spoken with are pushing back on this saying theres no Price Gouging. This is the result, this Runaway Inflation is the result of trillions and trillions of dollars of new spending. And i think that Kamala Harris is promising more spending because shes got to pay for the green agenda, and how do you do that . Somethings got to give. Youve got to raise taxes, steve. Yeah. Maria, ive been in this business a long time, about 40 years, and, you know, ive lived through Michael Dukakis and Walter Mondale and Hillary Clinton and john kerry. This is by far nothing comes close to the most antibusiness, antismall Business Agenda and Candidate Team that ive seen in my lifetime. Its pretty radical stuff. And youre talking about, you know, kevin handled that issue of the taxes. In my opinion, if you put those policies in place, the doubling of the Capital Gains tax, the doubling of the dividend tax, the taxing unrealized Capital Gains, i believe that would cause a 2530 reduction in the stock market, absolutely kill investors, kill businesses. And then you put on top of that this idea of putting Price Controls on grocery stores, on 7 elevens, on winndixie stores, theyre even talking about what are hay going to have, Grocery Store Police going down the aisles to make sure theyre not raising their prices . One quick fact thats really important for people to remember. Under donald j. Trump, he was president for four years, the average Inflation Rate annually under trumps presidency was 1. 9 . It was 1. 5 the month he left office. Biden and harris took it to 9. 1 . They caused the inflation. They have no plan to deal with it in the future, so i think its for people who care about their jobs and their wallet and their pocketbooks, i hope they vote their pocketbooks in november because this is a clear contrast between these two candidates. Maria well, i mean, who doesnt care about their money and their jobs . If i mean, that thats everybody. Right. Maria but, kevin, i mean, the underlying sort of roots of President Trumps Policy Plans have to do with energy and the fact that he wants to tap into the Energy Capacity in america. He thinks getting Oil Prices down by putting more oil on the global market will, in fact, alleviate inflation. But we know that all of the spending took us there, kevin, and it doesnt appear if that that Kamala Harris is going to slow down the spending in any way with. We still have questions about whether or not shes going to to the Ban Frack even though shes flipflopped on that. Well, she said shes going to Ban Fracking, but she also said Shes Gown to ban going to ban offshore drilling. And then she said the government has to forcibly transition people away from using fossil fuels. Shes an absolute idealogue in this space. Let me tell you about the importance of Energy And Oil here. First of all, domestically, all the fracking that happened under President Trump, what they do is they spray some water down in the ground, and it puts a lot of pressure, and the Stuff Squirts out. It means those wells empty out much faster than traditional wells, they deplete really fast. And if we dont drill new wells, our productions going to to go down a lot and soon. Whats happened is biden brags about production not really going down on his watch, but its because of all of the wells that were fracked under trump. Those wells are emptying out, and if we dont start drilling soon, the price of oil is going to go through the roof. So its absolutely important to get the Oil Drilling going again, get the pipelines up, and theres just no way that their administration is going to do that. If you do do that, you will have an effect on the price of gasoline at the pump in the u. S. Especially. Sean thank you, maria. Great interview. Well be right back. When life spells heartburn. How do you spell relief . Rolaids rolaids dualactive formula begins to neutralize acid on contact. Rolaids spells relief. Pet is it for Sunday Morning features. The news continues this week on mornings six to nine eastern on Fox Business business. Join Me Weekdays from 6 00 p. M. Every night on Fox Business and checkup might podcast from the kitchen table. 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