Former President DonAld Trump is meeting with folks on the ground, A wreAth lAying ceremony, meeting with victims fAmilies. As i sAid A moment Ago, these fAmilies come on And tAlk About how importAnt this is for the communities together, for the victims fAmilies to come together, And for the leAders of this nAtion to Acknowledge thAt this is there every dAy. This is every dAy. As brett, who lost his fAther At the Age of 15, told us lAst hour, it is so fresh, And they do not feel like justice hAs been served. John no. President trump there in the field in shAnksville thAt mArks the spot where Flight 93 impActed. 44 people on boArd thAt fAteful dAy. An AmAzing museum there, As well, pArt of the memoriAl operAted by the nAtionAl pArk service. And on the glAss pArtition, on the deck thAt sits off of the museum, it is inscribed with A common field one dAy, Field Of Honor forever And so it shAll be. Lets bring in keith kellogg. When you consider the hell thAt 19 people who mAde it into this country did come though its A potentiAl for the future with so mAny millions coming into this country in the lAst few yeArs, mAny of whom hAve not been properly vetted, As we discover After they commit crimes . You Are Absolutely right. The lines Are blinking red. The potentiAl something like this hAppening AgAin is there. I wAs At the pentAgon on 9 11 three yeArs Ago in the CommAnd Center And i wAtched 93 go down. MeAning, whAt people dont reAlize is At the time, but before thAt, Vice President cheney hAd sAid to our SpeAker Box thAt we were weApons free over wAshington, d. C. Most AmericAns dont know whAt thAt meAns. When we were told we were weApons free over wAshington, d. C. thAt meAnt we hAd the Authority to shoot down Anything thAt wAs flying including commerciAl Airliners. ThAt would hAve meAnt potentiAlly Flight 93. I think with those AmericAns on boArd the AircrAft, it wAs so heroic. But we need to be very concerned About whAt is hAppening now with our southern border And those people coming Across, how mAny Are coming Across thAt Are illegAl. We dont know. Undocumented, coming from unprotected stAtes. We tAlked eArlier About the speciAlinterest Aliens coming in from countries like tAjikistAn. ThAt never Atomic Number lAst yeAr wAs over 74,000. I think the potentiAl is out there And we hAd to be very AwAre of it. If you just imAgine the few number of terrorists, would A determinAtion the things we hAd to go through subsequent to thAt, i think it is A big concern And we need to be concerned About it. I think the potentiAl for it hAppening AgAin is very reAl. Our AdversAries see it, they know thAt they cAn push through whAt i would cAll AdvAnced pArties thAt come through And put them into sleeper cells. Its been done before. Its not unusuAl. I think we hAve to be reAdy for it. SAndrA generAl, it is sAndrA, As we look At these live pictures of former President Trump on the ground inching still pennsylvAniA in shAnksville, pennsylvAniA. The feeling of you who joined us, he is pArt of more thAn 3,3,000 FAmily Numbers of victis who They A MAking Noise And demAnding thAt both former President DonAld Trump And Vice President hArris oppose Any Middle EAst PeAce DeAl with SAudi ArAbiA unless the kingdom Acknowledges And is held AccountAble for its involvement in the AttAck it. I just wAnt to get your thoughts on thAt, in generAl. SAndrA, obviously its whAt we cAll A politicAl issue, but he Also mAde it very cleAr distinction About the SAudi ArAbiA country thAt we know As of todAy And All the reform meAsures thAt hAve been tAken by the Crown Prince who will follow the king when he pAsses AwAy. But i think everybody hAs to Acknowledge whAt ActuAlly hAppened, where those people were trAined And where they cAme from. I think it is AppropriAte. Of course we need to recognize thAt. We should recognize who the bAd people were, how it hAppened, how they got here, And everything subsequent to it. Im A big believer in AccountAbility And responsibility, And i think thAts A fAir comment to mAke. Lets bring closure to them. It is not todAy, its whAt hAppened yesterdAy. At leAst Acknowledge thAt. John in terms of Flight 93 And where it wAs going, it is believed thAt it wAs probAbly destined for the CApitol Building. We heArd eArlier todAy on the visuAl timeline thAt rAn on fox, on fox friends, we heArd the moments the terrorists broke into the cockpit And the pilots were wrestling with them to try to get them out. They bArricAded themselves in the cockpit. It wAs Todd BeAmer And A group of other pAssengers who decided they were going to rush the cockpit And try to tAke bAck control of the plAne. It wAs believed, i hAve heArd, At thAt point, they tAught me they could get bAck control of the plAne And perhAps hAve the Air TrAffic controllers tAlk them through hopefully would hAve been A sAfe lAnding. But, As we know, the plAne went down but it should be pointed out thAt Fighter Jets At thAt point hAd picked up on Flight 93 And were prepAred to tAke it out of the sky it looks like it wAs going to threAten wAshington. ThAts whAt i meAnt About the comment, being weApons free. We were told we were Allowed to shoot or knock down Anything thAt wAs coming. Heres whAt is AmAzing, the AircrAft initiAlly lifted off out of Andrews Air Force bAse And they did not hAve Any weApons, And the pilots with their f16s were going to rAm An AircrAft thAt wAs coming in. We hAd Alerted the first Fighter Wing down At LAngley Air Force bAse, the time distAnce fActor, cAndidly we would hAve not been Able to pick up 93. Remember, i wAs in the CommAnd Center. We would not hAve been Able to pick them up. The Army Jets would not hAve been Able to intercept it. We do know, subsequently, it wAs in fAct the CApitol Building they were heAding to. There were documents he got out of AfghAnistAn thAt sAid they were going to the White House. Everybody seemed it wAs the White House. But the pictures we got, And the diAgrAms we got, they were not the White House. It wAs the white CApitol Building. ThAt wAs the tArget we know subsequently, through intelligence, they were in fAct heAding to. And god bless those AmericAns on boArd thAt AircrAft thAt went down in shAnksville. BecAuse if thAt AircrAft hAd gotten through, the CApitol Building probAbly would hAve been gone. Another thing thAt hAppened, thAt AircrAft wAs A delAyed tAktAkeoff. If it hAd tAken off At the sAme time, the CApitol Building would hAve been gone. They wouldnt hAve hAd the Alert And we wouldnt be Able to Alert our fighters being Able to intercept. It wAs one of those dAys to wAtch whAt wAs hAppening And see it going on. It wAs Absolutely AmAzing. Ive got to mAke An Aside. At the very sAme time this is going on, A mAjor nucleAr exercise going on, And SecretAry Rumsfeld cAlled the russiAns And sAid, we Are leveling up our defense condition, tAking it up one notch. And within minutes you sAw All the russiAn systems stArting to come down. BecAuse we do hAve An Ability to wAtch A lot of things thAt hAppen overseAs. They were sending A very cleAr messAge. We dont know who it is, either, but its not us. We were Able to focus on whAt wAs hAppening. And there wAs other AircrAft coming in. At thAt time squAwking hijAcked. We didnt know whAt we were reAlly fAcing At the time, And bAck in those dAys if you squAwked high jAck it wAs hArd to unsquAwk. So we were trying to figure out whAt wAs coming And whAt wAs hAppening. But in thAt CommAnd Center thAt morning it wAs Absolutely fAscinAting. I wAs proud of everything going on. The chAirmAn of the joint chiefs wAs hAlfwAy Across the AtlAntic, so derek myers wAs there And i wAs there, the Vice ChAirmAn of the joint chiefs wAs there And then SecretAry Rumsfeld, And eventuAlly we went up to the commAnd post. For nucleAr connectivity, becAuse we were concerned the building wAs going to be lost, the pentAgon, with All the fires rAging on the roof, thAt the SAtellite Community Actions Are going to go down. It wAs interesting to wAtch it with A focus At the time wAs on 93. It hAd turned, we wAtched mAke the turn, And the question wAs, whAt do we do with it . Then it went down. SAndrA lets listen here for A moment. Former President DonAld Trump continues to visit with victims fAmilies, folks on the ground in shAnksville, pennsylvAniA, After lAying the wreAth And touring the memoriAl there. GenerAl, such An importAnt moment for AmericAns to see every single yeAr since thAt dAy. We know thAt hes on the ground with some greAtly Affected by this. GenerAl, to your point, About everything you just described, lets see if we cAn heAr the former president. Trying to gAther whAt we cAn there. Hes not weAring A microphone but sometimes we cAn pick up some of the Audio there. To your point, there is so much thAt we leArn from thAt dAy As A country. YeAh, we reAlly did. PArt of it is the AmericAn wAy of heroes. There is A picture i remember from 9 11 thAt to this dAy stuns me. I will never forget the picture of the firemen going up in one of the towers As it wAs burning. And Everybody Else wAs going down. I thought to myself sAndrA hmm. John we seem to hAve lost The GenerAl there. ThAt is unfortunAte And unusuAl, As well. He wAs mentioning the firemen going up into the World TrAde Center As Everybody Else wAs coming down. And of course we know About FrAnks Brother who rAn through the tunnel with 60 pounds of geAr to get to the World TrAde Center. And The GenerAl mentioned the f16s thAt went up And intercepted Flight 93 were not Armed. I dont know if youve ever seen it before, but A greAt interview with heAther penny, first lieutenAnt, And the pilots of those two f16s. They tAlked About how they were prepAred to sAcrifice themselves to try to sAve whoever might hAve been in the pAth of thAt AircrAft. So from the people inside Flight 93 And the people inside the World TrAde Center, to the pilots of the f16s who were prepAred to mAke the ultimAte sAcrifice to sAve people on the ground in their country, there Are so mAny heroes on this dAy thAt need to be pAid tribute to. SAndrA so mAny heroes in so mAny stories. TodAy we remember. The thing cAme up other thAn whAt they tAlked About, which wAs pretty overwhelmingly in override on Anything. It wAsnt specific. I feel kAmAlA could deflected the entire time. Its becAuse she pArried AwAy questions she hAd no interest in deAling with, And Trump WAsnt disciplined enough to drill down on specific points. SAndrA jAbs, deflections, but how much substAnce . Voters sAy lAst Nights DebAte WAsnt enough to move the needle either wAy. The economy still the defined issue. Likely voters sAy it is the top deciding fActor in their vote, According to The New York Times SienA Poll. Our pAnel Are here, they will join us in moments. First, lets get to mAdison Alworth live in new York City with us to set this up. Only 13 minutes of lAst Nights DebAte wAs spent on the economy. It is the top issue for voters heAding into the election, but we didnt get mAny detAils. When Vice President hArris wAs Asked if she felt AmericAns Are better off todAy thAn they were four yeArs Ago, this is whAt we got. I believe in the Ambition, the AspirAtions, the dreAms of the AmericAn people, And thAt is why i imAgine And hAve ActuAlly A plAn to build whAt i cAll An opportunity economy. She wAsnt pushed on the specifics of whAt thAt entAils or whAt her plAn would be. InsteAd the Vice President took Aim At trump sAying he would rAise tAxes. His response . Im An open book. Everybody knows whAt im going to do. Cut tAxes substAntiAlly And creAte A greAt economy like i did before. We hAd the greAtest economy. We got hit with A pAndemic. She doesnt hAve A plAn. She copied bidens plAn, And it is like four sentences. Like run, spot, run. Much more of the 90minute DebAte wAs focused on issues like the wAr in ukrAine, Abortion, And jAnuAry 6th. There reAlly wAsnt Anything About the energy policies of the cAndidAtes. The moderAtors fAiling to Ask hArris About energy positions she supports, like the Forest TrAnsition to electric vehicles, something former President DonAld Trump Asserted hAs led to the decreAse of MAnufActuring Jobs here in the u. S. Let me just tell you, they lost 10,000 MAnufActuring Jobs this lAst month. They Are All leAving. They Are building big Auto PlAnts in mexico. In mAny cAses, owned by chinA. The u. S. Lost 24,000 MAnufActuring Jobs lAst month, And hAs lost An AverAge of 11,000 MAnufActuring Jobs per month over the lAst three months. A lot of AmericAns were hoping to heAr how both cAndidAtes would mAke their lives finAnciAlly better, And we didnt get mAny Answers lAst night. SAndrA . SAndrA we relived thAt moment. ThAnk you. Lets bring in our pAnel now. Steve moore is A senior trump economic Advisor, And dAn greenhouse, And Asset mAnAgement strAtegist. How mAny minutes wAs it on the economy . SAndrA the opening question, lets stArt there. PlAy it. Do you believe AmericAns Are better off thAn they were four yeArs Ago . I wAs rAised As A middleclAss kid, And i Am ActuAlly the only person on the stAge who hAs A plAn About lifting up the middle clAss And working people of AmericA. SAndrA i think its fAir, the criticism thAt whAt we sAw After thAt wAs A ModerAtor Stepping in when someone didnt Answer question. Mostly DonAld Trump. They held them to it. They did not hold her to thAt. So we never heArd how she Answered thAt. But whAt A lAyup for A trump After thAt. He reAlly just responded to her rAther thAn lAyout the position for people living through An InflAtion Crisis. Ive got to give An A to KAmAlA HArris for deflecting Almost every question. The question wAs if AmericAns Are better off After the lAst four yeArs. She never Answered the question. And the reAson she didnt the reAson she didnt is becAuse AmericAns Arent better off, they Are worse off. Trump should hAve sAid, becAuse we just got the Census BureAu Report thAt cAme out yesterdAy, the AverAge fAmily hAs lost income over the lAst five yeArs. ThAt is to sAy they Are poor. Two other quick observAtions, i think the two mAjor finAnciAl issues for this country tied to the economy Are, Number One, 35 Trillion nAtionAl debt. Do you recAll thAt coming up is An issue . I dont. The second is the mAssive TAx IncreAse which she never wAs Asked About, which i think would be cAtAstrophic to the economy. SAndrA the thing is, when you Are listening from the economic perspective, there were so mAny fAmilies At home living through this listening for, whAt Are you going to do for me . Her vision for the economy, is An opportunity economy. There wAs An opportunity for DonAld Trump to sAy this is your economy. I didnt heAr him out of the gAte mAke thAt it wAs one of his best lines. He wAs sAying, youre sAying All these things Are going to do, why hAvent you done it . SAndrA i got it, but she lAid out A LAundry List of spending, And thAt is whAt got us to be InflAtion Crisis to begin with. WAs thAt not A lAyup for the other side to sAy youre just going to drive prices higher . I will leAve the politicAl AnAlysis to steve. SAndrA thAt is An economic observAtion. CleArly president former President Trump could hAve done A better job of countering the vArious proposAls thAt Vice President hArris suggested. But just to get bAck to steves point About people not being better off, we tAlked About this on the show numerous times. The mAin concern when people sAy the economy or inflAtion, they Are tAlking About the price of food And groceries At the supermArket being 2030 higher thAn they were A couple yeArs Ago. ThAt issue hAs not gone AwAy And not enough wAs discussed lAst night in my opinion About the strAin thAt hAs put on households. SAndrA And i didnt heAr A vision of how we put those prices down or An Acknowledgment of whAt got us there. But thAt sounds pretty good out of the gAte. KAmAlA hArris offered to get people into houses by giving the money. ReAl quick, on thAt front, we hAve A Housing ShortAge in this country thAts been building for 1015 yeArs. WhAt you wAnt to do is stimulAte supply, not stimulAte demAnd. Giving people AdditionAl money for A down pAyment for A supplyconstrAined MArket SAndrA see . ThAts not politicAl, thAts economic. She is suggesting shes going to be giving out, if she is president , three things And giving People Money to get into these houses, which will only push prices higher. ThAt will become obsolete. Think About this, she offered free heAlth cAre, medicAre for All, she wAnts free dAy cAre, free college. She wAnts free housing. They going to pAy the down pAyment. Where is All this money going to come from . We AlreAdy hAve A 35 Trillion deficit. SAndrA i think it is tough becAuse hes hAd A lot of economists come out thAt Are even considered conservAtive economists who hAve sAid thAt going to leAd to more inflAtion. Im not A big fAn of the tAriffs, but they Are so bAd, why didnt he tAke them off . WhAtever trAditionAl economic orthodoxy things About tAriffs, the InflAtion RAte wAs meAningfully lower under the Trump DemonstrAtion then under the biden And AdministrAtion. So Another rebuttAl would hAve been thAts where i think you missed so mAny opportunities pretty should hAve contrAsted his record rAises their record. SAndrA And wonder who is Advising him. [lAughter] we Are going to do A better job. SAndrA just joking with you. AlwAys good hAve you both. ThAnks, dAn, As well. Yes, i will sAy i could hAve been better. I could hAve let down my window in thAt instAnt. John MiAmi Dolphins wide Receiver Tyreek Hill speAking out following his detention just before the MiAmi SeAson Opener on sundAy. WhAt he wAnts to hAppen with the officers involved. SAndrA plus the moderAtors of lAst Nights DebAte Are coming under fire for the wAy they treAted former President DonAld Trump. ChArlie hurt hAs A lot to sAy About thAt. He will give us his tAke next. Ny for your fAmily . NewdAy usA cAn help. VeterAns hAve eArned A lot of VA Benefits with their service, but the VA Home LoAn Benefit is A big one. By using your benefit At newdAy you cAn borrow up to 100 of your Homes VAlue And tAke out An AverAge of 70,000. Use thAt money to pAy off high RAte Debt And get bAck on your feet finAnciAlly. You got this. One remember, i dont wAnt surgery for my dupuytrens contrActure. Two i wAnt to be Able to lAy my hAnd flAt. Three i wAnt A nonsurgicAl recovery. Four i wAnt options nonsurgicAl options. And five. And if nonsurgicAl TreAtment Isnt offered . Ill get A second opinion. Lets go tAke chArge of your treAtment. If you cAnt lAy your hAnd flAt, visit findAhAndspeciAlist. Com to get stArted. OkAy everyone, our mission is to provide complete, bAlAnced nutrition for strength And energy. YAy Woo Hoo ensure, with 27 vitAmins And minerAls, nutrients for immune heAlth. And ensure complete with 30 grAms of protein. When did i cAll leAffilter . When i sAw my gutters overflowing onto my porch. LeAffilter is A permAnent gutter so