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Jesse hello, everybody. Im Jesse Watters along with Judge Jeanine pirro, harold Ford Jr. , shannon bream, and greg gutfeld. Its 5 00 in new york city, and this is the five. Donald trump showing up in kamalas backyard, california, for yet another one of his Signature Blockbuster Press conferences. The former president working like the energizer bunny, taking one question after the other, something our fresh Ivp Couldnt Dream of doing given she hasnt on a solo presser in 54 days since being crowned as queen of the democrats. Trump throwing everything and the Kitchen Sink at her. I am here today in california with a very simple message for the american people. We cannot allow comrade Kamala Harris and the communist left to do to america what they did to california. Kamala was the godmother of Sanctuary Cities. This is a radical left, marxist, communist, fascist. She never worked at mcdonalds. She said she stood over those French Fries when they were being fried, and it was so tough for her. She never worked there. She is a liar. [laughter] jesse the former president talked for over an Hour But Kamala did speak today, too, responding to one reporters question, and it was a doozy. How are you feeling about pennsylvania . I am feeling very good about pennsylvania because there are a lot of people in pennsylvania who deserved to be seen and heard. Thats why im here in john johnstown. Jesse kamala could be getting a free car when she chats with Dnc Speaker Oprah winfrey next week, i cant wait p or meanwhile Donald Trump is unloading on the biased Abc Debate moderators who went on a factcheck ran major against him, while letting Harris Hoaxes fly. I thought the debate was great, i thought i did very well, but i was fighting three people. I was fighting the crazy left radical lunatics at a bcp i lost a lot of Respect Or David mirror. He came at me, good hair but not as good as it was five years ago. David mirror tried to correct me when i said crime is rampant like never before. This foolish man, this foolish fool. Jesse this foolish fool. Still talking about the debate, Judge Jeanine. Judge jeanine well come i want to talk about kamala. I want to talk about the fact they ask how she was feeling about pennsylvania, i feel good about pennsylvania because theres a lot of people. And then like, what did she say . She cant say anything unless she is scripted, harold. Going to have to admit that. Lets talk about where we are. The race is unchanged. Even kamalas aides say the race is unchanged. The ultimate challenge is for kamala to be able to get people to support her because trumps numbers are not moving. They are solid. They are not going anywhere. She believes shes got to disqualify him so what is she going to do . She is going to lie for the next few weeks. She is going to say everything she needs to say to make people believe that he is going to take away social security, take away Health Care, all stuff that has been debunked. And obviously the media is not going to help him with any of that stuff. But the crazy part about this is Trump And Vance have done 48 interviews and she and walz have done eight beer now she wants to do oprah winfrey, i hear. That should be interesting. I cant imagine that is going to be a tough one for her. At the end of the day, it is 54 days and she still hasnt done a solo presser. She said, now she is saying she needs more debate. She is the one who turned down the debate at fox in the beginning of september. Now she is feeling confident and she wants more debates. But in the end it is not going to do her any good. She hasnt changed anyones minds. She got out there and she spoken people are like wow, she can talk for 2 minutes, she is good. Finally, i want to remind you of What Sanders said. He said Bernie Sanders her values never changed. I dont think she is abandoning her ideals. She is just pragmatic about what she needs to do to get elected. Jesse greg, you saw Donald Trump out in california, talking about kamala not ever working at mcdonalds, talking about david muirs hair, why did you think the president did out there . Greg i was just listening to him and i was focusing on the issues, unlike you, jesse. He talked about, its kind of a sense of how america is with Sanctuary Cities and crime, homelessness, Mental Illness. It is as though the chickens have come home to roost, which is a phrase i just coined. Every time the democrats remove a boundary or a limit, or a disincentive, it has a consequence, and it is a consequence they never mention. So when you see crime and the chaos and the frustration of the american people, those are the consequences. But there is one consequence that they democrats should feel most responsible for. Donald trump. Hes the direct they hate him. But he is the direct result of what they wrought. Democrats abandon the Foundation And Structure of society, whether it is on the border, support for police, civil order, patriotism. These are all kind of together you feel a sense of decline. Do you think trump would have even run if the state of the country was fine . Do you think he would be doing this if crime, immigration, foreign policy, economy was operating under reasonable conditions . If he couldnt make it better . Even as a selfinterest person, you dont go in when things are going great. Because then you look bad when it goes down. You go in at the bottom so you look good. Jesse i always go in at the bottom. Greg that is true, jesse, but lets leave your personal life out of this. Jesse left mexico. Greg i dont think it is the Maga Movement that inspired trump. Trump is killed by the same thing americans are, just Fed Up with being Fed Up. Jesse turnaround artist, came in 2016, turn things ar around, now coming back and looking for another comeback. Do you think hes got it . Shannon i remember talking to them in 2015 when he was talking about running for president , we also have said this is another Head Fake because he does this and everybody gets very excited and wants to hear what he has to say. When we were wrapping up that interview he said to me, i dont feel like youre taking me seriously, and i said because i think youve got so much at stake. He said thats why the only reason i would run, this was back in 2015, if i thought i had to do it to save the country. I think that is where he is motivated from all those years ago. Most of mainstream media, supporters of the Vice President , think she won the other night and if you believe that then you should want her to do the Press Conference We Saw with him today, talking Economy And Border and crime and Water Usage rights. Why not let her go out and show she can do those things . She has some Coffin Caution within her own party, connors min clyburns that i dont think you should do oneonone intervs because they drill down and you may end up saying something they can use against u with that is the whole point of doing an interview pure. Jesse do you think she will get drilled down in the Oprah Interview . Harold a late happy Birthday P had. Greg thank you. Thank you for the robe. It is kind of short. Shannon by design. Harold i am in favor of both candidates doing more Press Conferences. I agree with you, shannon, i think they should do another debate. I have said before, it is really an affront to the country that the two people who want to be president , who want the privilege of serving us as President Wont Stand sidebyside at least three times. The idea that we are going to allow candidates to dictate to us when they debate come i hope we end the tradition after this race. Two, the point of a democracy is to give people a choice paired the choice both candidates are giving right now, judge, about the economic policies, the only thing i have Heard Concretely is President Trump wants no taxes On Tips and overtime pay, interesting ideas, any time which we have 36 Trillion debt, im just curious what does that do for growth . She wants to provide down Payment Assistance for homeownership, firsttime homeowners, provide Child Care credits. I get the rationale for but how does that fit into an overall kind of economic plan . Neither of the candidates have laid any of that out, from education to Health Care, heard a little about the border. We are paying this eerie trillion dollars in Interest Payments on our debt. That is more than we pay i didnt hear a question from abc about that. I wish the president would stop complaining about the refs. You are a grown man, a rich man, a former president. Kamala harris in consulting you, saying you are giving voice to supporters, we need to hear more about what you are going to do and how you are going to do it. If you are elected, whether you are Donald Trump or Kamala Harris, you want to have somewhat of a mandate to do something. You may not get the overall 5545 vote or a commanding 300 plus electoral votes, but give the country a sense of what you want to do on the big issues that confront us each and every day. Thus far we dont have that. Judge jeanine the country has had the benefit of seeing what trump can do with the Trump Tax cuts and seeing what kamala is doing with inflation and the economy and immigration. Harold when you go to the Iphone Store in the coming days and are going to order the iphone 16, clamoring for the iphone 11, they want to know what do we have coming . Judge jeanine i want the iphone that is going to work. And i want the Immigration Policy that is going to keep these people out. Harold he has yet to give us judge, i hear you. Judge jeanine good. Harold you are defending your position, i get it. I just want them to Stand Sidebyside and lets get some issues in this next time they have this debate. When you have the Press Conference, Vice President harris come i want them to query you of how you plan to do these things come are you concerned about the Debt Question might No One ever asked President Trump about the debt. Judge jeanine so you agree the moderators didnt ask the questions, right, harold . Harold i would have asked different questions beards beyond get a room, youll two. Ahead, Trump Rolling Out yet another cute know my game changing ideas will Copycat Kaml this one . We all Know Costs are too high. But while corporations are gouging families, trump is focused on giving them Tax Cuts. But Kamala Harris is focused on you. Building up the Middle Class will be a defining goal of my presidency. Shell make groceries more affordable by cracking down on price gouging. And Shell Cut Housing costs by taking on corporate speculators. Middle class families built america. We need a leader who has their back. Im Kamala Harris and i approve this message. How do you keep your teeth so white with all the coffee you drink . My secret Lumineux Whitening strips. I mean, that is white. And because theres no sensitivity, i feel like i can use them more often. And you can get this at walmart or target. Shannon Donald Trump rolling out yet another Big Idea on the economy. He says that will help boost the u. S. Economy no tax on overtime. Im also announcing that is part of our additional Tax Cuts, we will and all taxes on overtime. Youll get a whole new workforce by doing that. No taxes on overtime. Im for the working Man And Woman to finally catch a break, thats what we are doing. Shannon Vice President harris also trying to keep the Economy Front and center, constantly pointing to this Goldman Sachs report she says backs or economic plan over President Trumps. What Goldman Sachs has said is that Donald Trumps plan would make the economy worse. Goldman sachs, for example, has said that my plan would grow our economy and his plan would shrink the economy. Shannon but Goldman Sachs Ceo David Solomon says not so fast. He is downplaying this report On Harris economic plan. What the report did is it looked at a handful of policy issues that have been put out by both sides and it tried to model their impact on Gdp Growth. The reason i say a bigger deal has been made of it is what it showed is the difference between the sets of policies that they put forward was about to tense of 1 . I think this blew up into something thats bigger than what it was intended to be. Shannon Greg Meyer was told he only cares about billionaires and i dont how many of them work overtime. Greg i love the difference between these two plans. The Harris Plan according to Goldman Sachs Gdp Growth was two tenths of 1 come i think that might fall in the margin of err, what do you guys think . In fact, all analysis like this is one big margin of error. If you could predict this stuff, do you think you could maybe predict other things like the Stock Market . Right . This is why you diversify. This is why you rebalance, allocate assets, why you have an index fund, harold it is because you cannot predict the Stock Market. And if you cannot protect the Stock Market, you cant predict this either and i think that is what the Goldman Sachs ceo was pointing at, this was b. S. And it came from his thing. Im for any kind of way to get money out of the governments hands because its not their money, its your money. And thats how this should be framed. Saying you are not going to tax overtime isnt taking money from the government for the trillion dollar debt, 35 trillion, whatever it is, it is not their money. The fact is, the more taxes, the more money you give to the government, the more they are going to spend. They are morbidly obese and they are eating themselves to death. So i have a theory. I think it is time for a conservatorship, right . Its like when was it amanda bynes, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan realized they could not control their finances, got a conservatorship. Is america any less stable than Britney Spears . 35. 31 trillion in debt . We need a court to appoint someone to manage our affairs for a decade. Im ready. Maybe it is switzerland. Maybe it is elon musk. Maybe it is a team of brilliant apolitical economists, but we need to cut the Purse Strings because the brittanys and amandas and Lindsay Lohans in our government will destroy us jesse you say the women are spending the money . Shannon hey hey harold i did not say that be at i believe lindsay is male or female. Lindsey graham. Shannon who will be on Fox News sunday this sunday. Judge jeanine he identifies as a male. Greg for now. Shannon going to leave that there. Okay, judge. Greg says that the federal government is obese and Cant Stop eating, once a conservatorship, maybe some ozempic . Judge jeanine no Greg Trump is ozempic. Judge jeanine im going to talk about trumps Tax Cuts. And they keep talking about how trump is all about the wealthy people saving his billionaire friends. Americans making between 15,000. 50000 received a Tax Cut between 16 and 26 , and those making between 50,000 and 100,000 received a Tax Break a 15 17 , the Trump Tax cuts, not about his billionaire friends, and let me tell you about how kamala lies come all right . The 16, what are they, economists, nora nobel laureates, they contributed to kamala and to biden. Its like the 51 intel agents. They just make this stuff up come all right . These are people who will say anything to get power. And finally, the Goldman Sachs ceo come i dont want to get involved iis. The fact he came out the next day and started talking about the fact she is talking about Goldman Sachs, they want to get in the middle of this and shame on him for doing it. Now trump doesnt want to tax overtime and your question was excellent. Billionaires dont make overtime as far as i know. Shannon may work a lot of hours but not getting paid hourly. Judge jeanine they are not. Its a question of time before she says that, too. She said she wanted to tax tips, newsweek ran an article and said kamala wants no tax On Tips, and the majority of republicans agree, as though she made it up. Its a game shannon harold, i see some skepticism registering on your face. Harold i listen to the Judge Shannon taking it in. On Debate Night the other night even the groups in some of these small Focus Groups that they had that said they thought the Vice President won, they still gave large advantages in some of these groups to President Trump when it came to the economy and how they think that is going to be handled. They still are not moved that she has the better choice. Harold i think thats one of the things, one of the reasons the Press Conferences for Vice President harris are important and why specifics are important at this time. You know, one of the things we talk a lot about this in the last segment, im amazed No One talks about the debt anymor. My entire political career was animated by political animated by republicans criticizing democrats for not being responsible on that front, and then Bill Clinton won the presidency saying he was going to usher in a new era of government spending, the heir of the government was overcoming out both parties partake at the table of big spending and 2023, 6. 1 trillion, taxpayer dollars spent. We went over and spent more than we had. A quarter of that went to Health Care programs, medicare, medicaid, chips, affordable care act. 21 social security, 13 defense spending. Another 15 for veterans and economic security programs. A quarter of it goes for other things in the government. We have to get our arms around it. So when the president says no taxes here and Vice President harris says im going to give People Money for Down Payments on homes, that has to be analyzed on a more serious way be at i give David Solomon a lot of credit. Im sure you could extrapolate from that report some things the Vice President said but he clarified a lot. One thing is for certain, we are in an economic hole. Unless we like being an economic hole we should demand these candidates give us a plan to grow and pay us out of a debt and the enormous hole that democrats and republicans i might add have put us in. The Person Ran at the most debt in four years under any president was Donald Trump. Judge jeanine covid. Shannon okay. Harold my point is we have to be mindful of these things as we talk about how to get out of it. Shannon jesse, i couldnt tell if you were deep in Thought Or Greg that never happens. Shannon or blocking out what harold said beard. Jesse he said we are spending a lot of money on Health Care, so that is why we have to make america healthy again, harold, so we dont need to spend trillions of dollars on sick americans because when they are healthy you dont have to spend the money. I have a guy who i know who is in the concrete business. And a lot of guys dont want to work saturdays because even though they get ot, they tax the ot so much. They actually tax ot more than your regular tax rate. Judge jeanine is that true . Jesse yeah, these are hardworking guys, guatemalans, jamaicans, americans, what i mexicans, they want to work, buf you take this Tax Cut from the ot, they will work even harder. When we were over in the conventions, i was talking to some of the Hair And Makeup ladies, man, you must be here a lot, we are working 6 00 a. M. , jesse, to midnight. Are we running this company like a 19th Century Railroad Trust . Then i realized she wanted to work that long because getting paid overtime is a motivator. And when you take that away, people dont want to work. When i was just a little intern, or i think i was probably getting paid hourly, i would come in earlier and then i would stay later, and i was crushing it. And then they put me away on salary and then i was a regular employee making less, and it was so frustrating. Greg and you stop working. Jesse that i stop working, i stopped coming in earlier, staying later. Shannon and you failed right into two super successful shows. Jesse come in when things are down. Shannon coming up, shocked and appalled. That is what i democratic lawmaker says americans are going to feel about an upcoming report on trumps Assassination Attempt. With dexcom g7, managing your diabetes just got easier. So, whats your Glucose Number right now . Good thing you dont need to fingerstick. Hows all that food affect your glucose . Oh, the answers on your phone. What if youre heading low at night . [notifications ringing] wow, it can alert you . and you can even track your goals. Manage your diabetes with confidence with dexcom g7. The most accurate cgm. Learn more at dexcom. Com. Its pods biggest sale of the summer. Save up to 25 on moving and storage for a limited time. And see why pods has been trusted with over 6 Million moves. But dont wait, use Promo Code Big25 to save. Visit pods. Com today. Judge jeanine the liberal media is desperately trying to sweep the attempted assassination of trump under the rug. And now they are claiming its dangerous for trump to bring it up on the campaign trail. I probably took a bullet to the head because of the things that they say about me. Its a little tough life. Its not the easiest to get shot at. Other things happen. In the moments after an evil assassin tried to take my life that sucker was moving fast. Say wow. Im here because of that chart. I go that me see that chart. Judge jeanine [laughs] the Washington Post pumping out this headline that says Trump Stokes suspicions about Assassination Attempt, raising fears of more violence. But the american people are not going to shut up about what happened, and even both sides of the aisle are angry about the secret Service Failure to protect the president s life. A Democrat Senator is predicting there will be outrage over a new report on the Assassination Attempt. Watch this. I think the american people are going to be shocked, astonished, and appalled by what we will report to them about the failures by the Secret Service in this Assassination Attempt on the former president. Judge jeanine you know, jesse, the Secret Service, i think, has clearly lost credibility here. I mean, thats not anything that i think anyone at this table would disagree with. They still have not explained why No One was on the roof. They still did not explain why they didnt have a meeting at why they blamed the locals right off the bat. That clearly is wrong. They still havent explained about the shooter communicating with people across the pond in europe, and yet they think our watching this is contributing to conspiracists. Jesse they didnt explain why they cremated the body like that or washed off the roof like that. They havent explained anything. Why they didnt accept the drone peered why they didnt go pick up the radios that Day P or Josh Hawley last night came on the show and said a whistleblower told him, a female was in charge of this entire trip that Donald Trump took to pennsylvania. She was the site operator. And she failed her test. She should have never been in that position but she failed a test and they still put her in charge of Trumps Trip to pennsylvania. Cheatle, remember, she wanted 30 women, put her in charge of security, Trump Shot in the ear appeared we learn from a whistleblower because we still dont have answers from the Secret Service or the fbi. Everything we found out is from whistleblowers. It hasnt been found out through any forthcomingness from the agency that blew it. Thats what makes people suspicious, not trump talking about it. Judge jeanine the amazing thing, shannon, is why cant they talk about it . The fact that he is still standing and still running and google took it down for a significant period of time, what are they afraid of . They are the ones who called hitler and, you know, a threat to democracy. This is reality. Shannon that was the point he made the other night in the debate, if youre using this linkage about me people are going to, he would argue, file needed to neutralize me. This was a man shot weeks ago, he was hit and attempt on his life. If he is guilty of stoking fears about the Assassination Attempt, is that true of Democrat Blumenthal . The senator, as well . Because what he said was way more heated than what we have heard from President Trump, the american people are going to be a shocked and by that, strong language coming from someone who had just been briefed. The idea that trump talking about it invites his followers to go after someone else, that is the reasoning of this piece but we have all covered the cases involving Rand Paul and Lee Zeldin and steve scalise. And listen, it happens on both sides of the aisle, but i dont get telling a president ial contender, former president who almost got shot in the head that he shouldnt be talking about it. He did get shot, yeah. Judge jeanine greg, what do you want to say . Greg i dont think it happens on both sides of the aisle, actually. Shannon just meeting there was the Gaby Gifford Shooting andy paul pelosi. Greg we dont tell people to shut up. It feels like blaming the victim, silencing the victim. Imagine this in another arena, and please dont talk about your Sexual Assault because he will only be asking for more of it. He would not hear that. You would be attacked for that i justifiably so. This isnt new. The media used this strategy with the George Floyd riots. They tried to silence the outrage over the Looting And Arson by claiming that the outrage would further racism and oppression. If you kept talking about your neighborhood being trashed, well, you are stoking racism against the people trashing it. The looters. You are racist because you dont like looters. I was called racist for talking against the Rioting And Looting in new york city. The dems love to talk about phantom violence. The mythical white supremacy in the mountains of a jussie smollett, banana peels on park benches, nooses and garages, transphobic rhetoric leading to suicide as they silence the manifesto of the trans shooter. They talk about parents in schools inciting violence when they are just tried to keep schools from interfering in their kids socalled sexuality. They dont talk about the real violence, the assassination, migrant crime, the rapes, murders, subway pushers, mentally ill, who walk home from work. Harold he has every right, the president i imagine youre coming to me. The president has every right to talk about the Assassination Attempt. He was shot to be at he was a half an inch if not less away from even greater harm, tragic harm, fatal harm. I was pleased to see Senator Blumenthal say what he said and i hope that gives some calm and project even more calm as we begin to hear this and that colm hopefully translates into some change. This investigation of what he is saying is true, we are going to learn some really awful, disturbing things, i would remind, not to make an equivalence, but the uvalde shooting, we heard some information right afterwards, and judge, you and i talked about how it was only going to get worse pit what i hope happens that they learn from this, i hope they have learned from this and are implementing things to ensure President Trump nor president biden, for that matter, to ever have to deal with what had to be dealt with there. I do think the question, you ask, jesse, about the roof and all of that stuff, should be answered pit one last thing on dei. That was an allegation. I just dont believe, we should be very careful, if there was a woman in charge, do we not hire white guys after enron . Jesse it doesnt even matter if she is a woman, she failed the test, shouldnt have been promoted pure it. Judge jeanine exactly. Harold if that is the case, Man Or Woman Judge Jeanine failed a test. She is covering a president. Harold i got it. Lets get the facts appeared. Judge jeanine that is the fact appeared. Harold those are Judge Jeanine lessons learned from this. We knew this and 1950 how you covered a president. Harold how did President Reagan get shot . Judge jeanine why is the administration allowing people to resign . Why arent people being fired . Why are people being allowed to resign and taking their pensions . There is no consequence with these people. They are complicit with the incompetence. And if it is dei, why is dei relevant . Why do you have a woman who is not as tall as the president on his detail . Thats all. Greg yeah, harold. Judge jeanine your bread is ready with a side of smacked Down P or crazy video and more in the fastest. All my stresses just melt away. I hear that. This Bad Boy can fix anything. Yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. When im riding, im not even thinking about my painful cavity. Well, you shouldnt ignore that. And every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. Oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. You dont have to worry about anything when youre protected by americas numberone motorcycle insurer. Well, you definitely do. Those things arent related, so. Ah, yee oh, that is a vibrating pain. Rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. But im protected with arexvy. Arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower Respiratory Disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. 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Jude give kids with cancer a chance. [audio logo] harold the other way around. Welcome back, time for the fastest, not all heroes where capes. A bold Pin Nara Worker smashing a crazed customer with a Bread Pan after he went berserk in a colorado restaurant, watch this. Stop it stop it hold up. Harold greg, you seem to is this something you would do if you worked at Panera Bread . Greg i always thought it was the carbs at panera that were deadly. I never go to panera because i see it as a place where couples go to break up. It is public enough, but yet everybody there has enough of their own problems, to care, everybody either getting a job interview, but is that a male or female . The perp . Shannon i think the perp was a male. Judge jeanine female. Greg i think it is a they. Judge jeanine what difference does it make if they can swing that pan . Greg makes a difference to me, im seeing a lot of Mental Illness around when people have undermined their own biology so they have no stability in their lives. Public displays of Mental Illness. I think that is a they. Harold shannon, what are your thoughts about this . Shannon i thought the reporting on us identify the suspect as a male. We can check that beard is the second time the person came back. They were there before greg they. If it is a male, just say he. Shannon i would need to go back and read. Greg do your research. Shannon the suspect came back and this is around 2. Greg i love how you removed the pronoun. Shannon did i . Subconscious. Harold violence happening may not want to step in, here is an Employee Stepping in shannon and multiple people. Harold customers. Jesse before i answer is the person administering the beat down black or white . Harold serious . Judge jeanine let it go, oh, my god. Jesse i nee need to know. Kamala am i kidding around, was going to say it is a Hate Crime but obviously it cant be. Harold judge, please rescue us. Shannon new York Post Judge Jeanine hit somebody with it. The pan, i like that. Shannon use what you got. A male suspect. The new York Post. Harold we were going to do a lady gaga story but. Fan mail friday is up next. You got this. One remember, i dont want surgery for my dupuytrens contracture. Two i want to be able to lay my hand flat. Three i want a nonsurgical recovery. Four i want options nonsurgical options. And five. And if nonsurgical Treatment Isnt offered . Ill get a second opinion. Lets go take charge of your treatment. If you cant lay your hand flat, visit findahandspecialist. Com to get started. man this whale is unaware its being exploited for financial advertising. Look at this silly little sailboat. These men of means with their silver spoons, eating up the financial favors of the 1 . 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I dont look back a lot like that. There are books that i started that i wish i hadnt sat down so long. Greg judge, you ever quit something . Judge Jeanine Something you started and regret that you click . Greg yes. Judge jeanine smoking. Greg you regret quitting . Judge jeanine yeah i cant, its not good for you. Harold thats not a regret Judge Jeanine thats a regret appeared every time i smell a cigarette i want Greg Smoking adds years to your life, kids. Im joking. Thats a great thing about live shows. Jesse, it is hard to quit something when you never start something. Jesse thats true. I would say heroine. It was so good and then i gave it up because it is bad, dont you just miss it . Greg yes. Take that and put that on blogs peer channon . Shannon i had a very promising karate career. Greg no Way Shannon when i was a kid, yes. I should have stuck with it. Defend myself around here. Greg made a joke one. I have not played guitar in like a year and a half. That is bad. Shannon get back on that. Greg i have to get back on that, yeah. What is the strangest thing you know way too much about . Shannon, i bet you have some weird little thing in your head. Shannon i know a lot about the bible. Harold thats not strange. Shannon people would not expect how much i know about baseball. I married into a Baseball Family so i know all kinds of things about baseball, and all kinds of stuff. But i like it. It comes in handy. People dont expect it. Greg i bet it does. You know what they say, think about baseball. Shannon sometimes. Greg sometimes you have to think about baseball. Jesse or your grandmother. Greg grandmother playing baseball. Jesse grandmother was really good at baseball, so good it was hot. Greg what if your grandmother was really attractive . That doesnt work. Jesse think about your grandmother. Shannon shut it. Greg what is the strangest thing you know way too much about . Jesse i have been reading cia books for the past two years, like seven books on the cia, i know everything about them. Probably not everything. Because they like to keep things from he. Shannon secret. Greg all right, judge. What is the strangest thing you know way too much about . Judge jeanine pedophilia. Greg interesting harold because you prosecute these cases . Judge jeanine because i prosecuted and investigated some of the ugliest and worst things, i can make your hair stand up. Greg can you spot them . Judge jeanine i used to sit in the Jury Box in a courtroom and they would bring a defendant out and i would say murderer, thief, rapist, dirtbag, pedophile peered. Greg Game Show I. D. That is a game show. Name that criminal. The criminals participate and they get time off except for pedophiles. Judge jeanine the good news is when you send them to prison, you tell them have a good time. Shannon good luck. Judge jeanine a little jar. Harold organized crime, i know so much about the history i just read a great book called the marvelous mrs. Tennille balm, this woman who was the Underworld Queen of new york, and most of it, ended up being a woman come i love those kind of books. Judge jeanine she was shannon crime boss. Harold she did it all, a crime boss. Judge jeanine what year is this . Harold early 20th Peered i will get you the book. Judge jeanine thank you. Greg i dont have any strange things i know too much about. Jesse you know a lot. Shannon really . Greg i know a lot about peloton, thats frightening. Lane break. I am in possessed with lane break, it is a very strange thing. Anyway, who cares about me . Besides me . One more thing is up next. Ok limu you set it, and as i spike it, ill tell them how Liberty Mutual Customizes car insurance, so they only pay for what they need. Got it . [squawks] did you get that . Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. 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No one more thing for me i want to save time for the judge. Judge jeanine okay. Take a look at these jackasses. Ever wonder where the mules running down the street look like. You get a real kick out of this one. Monday was the annual pat Bureau Race in victor, colorado, the Donkeys Race seven Mile Terrain on top of historic mining sites and hoof it to the Finish Line and i am on hannity tonight. [laughter] jesse very good. Harold a massachusetts Police Department found a fool proof way to connect with the community. With free ice cream. This Police Department brought Facebook Marketplace and used money seized through Asset Forfeiture to fix it up and customize it. To protect and serve ice cream. Thank you for the Connection And God bless these guys. Jesse umhuh. Shannon super sweet. Show you a guy who is a creative grandpa who has turned his scooter into a dune buggy. Haunted mansion. You know this. It is so much fun. My favorite ride at disney. He describes himself as dyi guy. Took him 20 days to create the done buggy. Just in time for Halloween And Trick or treating. Fox news sunday not scary at all. Governor shapiro from the key critical state of pennsylvania. Senator lindsey graham. Still coming on The Show Sunday and Dennis Quaid will talk about reagan. Jesse that guy is so handsome and Dennis Quaid looks good. Too. Have a good weekend. Everybody. Bret jesse, good time saving time for the

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