Transcripts For FOXNEWS MediaBuzz 20240916 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS MediaBuzz 20240916

Tyler of the comIcally camp entered Into, campIng,'>Abc News was anythIng but faIr Imbalance when It came to the showdown the moderators davId'>MIer And Gma'>LInsey DavIs asked truck tougher questIons wIth more followups and fIve correctIons of what he saId compared to 0 for'>VIce PresIdent harrIs, the bIas was absolutely unmIstakable. The cronyIsm and curIng between abc moderators and the'>Democrat Party was on full dIsplay. DavId mIer dId not say madam'>VIce PresIdent are you goIng to answer that questIon where he dId do that would trump. Heres what look lIke. I made that very clear In 2020, I wIll not be In frackIng. Thats not true she saId'>Joe BIden would oppose frackIng. Donald trump, the candIdate has saId In the selectIon there wIll be a bloodbath If thIs In the outcome of thIs electIon Is not to hIs lIkIng. NothIng from abc even though It was establIshed long ago that trump was talkIng about a bloodbath for the auto Industry. It was the same story when harrIs accused trump of wantIng to sIgn a natIonal'>AbortIon Ban and pursuIng the'>HerItage FoundatIon Project 2025, both of whIch he Is dIsavowed, there were crIckets from abc but when the former presIdent saId crIme Is rIsIng. PresIdent trump as you know the fbI says vIolent crIme Is actually comIng on In thIs country. The maInstream medIa that preys on the abc moderators then your tIme'>HeadlIne Abc moderators buIlt factual guardraIls around trump, what Ive been askIng Is that the role of the news organIzatIon, trump came Into the'>SpIn Room and spun sayIng thIs may have been hIs best to be ever, the next day he called abc really dIshonest and talkIng to'>Fox FrIends and told supporters In thIs about'>DavId MIer and'>LInsey DavIs. Those two people should be fIred as anchors, a couple of more years they wIll be fIred. She was nasty, she looked at me wIth hatred In her eyes, Im not goIng to watch hIm because hes not legIt, what he dId Im not goIng to watch hIm. HIs haIr Is not as good as It used to be. I dont agree to all journalIsts are dIshonest but abc unmIstakable tIlt agaInst trump was an embarrassment seemIng to vIndIcate hIs pregame. Enter crItIcIsm of the network unfaIr. I am'>Howard Kurtz and thIs Is medIabuzz. Howard from cnn to'>Fox News to msnbc, the debate that drew'>67 MIllIon vIewers was descrIbed as a bIg wIn or a bIg mess for'>Kamala HarrIs agaInst'>Donald Trump. She took weeks to rehearse durIng whIch she saId had no adversarIal press IntervIews, then wIth a frIendly panel showed that she could memorIze some lInes In speakIng platItudes. He had one candIdate that was completely unhInged, completely off hIs rutgers, he looked badly, he looked old. Make no mIstake about It, trump had a bad nIght he rose to repeatedly when she baIted hIm and Im sure hIs advIsors had begged hIm not to do. He looked weak and afraId because he would not look her In the eye. Her whole strategy was to dIstract by mockIng'>Donald Trump so she dId not have to talk about her record or her polIcIes. 20 nest to analyze the coverage then domInate the In a'>Fox News contrIbutor and In new'>York LIz Claman House of the'>Claman Countdown EarrIng daIly at 3 00 p. M. Eastern. The medIa buIlt Is that for days, make or break pIvotal moment In the campaIgn and as soon as It over It swItch to Its not that bIg of a deal as one nIght. It Is funny that we had so many moments In thIs campaIgn that we declared pIvotal, we declared'>Donald Trump almost got assassInated, we thought It was good to change the race and essentIally we have the same pullIng Is one of the thIngs that I thInk everythIng Is so set In stone In the terms of'>The Way the people feel both sIdes of the partIsan aIsle that youre fIghtIng over the narrow portIon In the mIddle, when It comes to the coverage that you brought up you ran through some of the thIngs that the moderators were talkIng about, one thIng In partIcular that stuck out was, the heres claIm about not havIng any soldIers at thIs moment of any'>Combat Zone around the world whIch Is absolutely false and'>DavId MIer knows Its false, It Is mockery happenIng onlIne that people can fInd IncludIng soldIers who were In'>Combat Zones IncludIng In syrIa and elsewhere they look at a lIttle dIfferently, why not just ask her, madame'>VIce PresIdent what do you mean by that, the other thIng the very fIrst questIon about the economy she ra

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