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Tyler of the comIcally camp entered Into, campIng,'>Abc News was anythIng but faIr Imbalance when It came to the showdown the moderators davId'>MIer And Gma'>LInsey DavIs asked truck tougher questIons wIth more followups and fIve correctIons of what he saId compared to 0 for'>VIce PresIdent harrIs, the bIas was absolutely unmIstakable. The cronyIsm and curIng between abc moderators and the'>Democrat Party was on full dIsplay. DavId mIer dId not say madam'>VIce PresIdent are you goIng to answer that questIon where he dId do that would trump. Heres what look lIke. I made that very clear In 2020, I wIll not be In frackIng. Thats not true she saId'>Joe BIden would oppose frackIng. Donald trump, the candIdate has saId In the selectIon there wIll be a bloodbath If thIs In the outcome of thIs electIon Is not to hIs lIkIng. NothIng from abc even though It was establIshed long ago that trump was talkIng about a bloodbath for the auto Industry. It was the same story when harrIs accused trump of wantIng to sIgn a natIonal'>AbortIon Ban and pursuIng the'>HerItage FoundatIon Project 2025, both of whIch he Is dIsavowed, there were crIckets from abc but when the former presIdent saId crIme Is rIsIng. PresIdent trump as you know the fbI says vIolent crIme Is actually comIng on In thIs country. The maInstream medIa that preys on the abc moderators then your tIme'>HeadlIne Abc moderators buIlt factual guardraIls around trump, what Ive been askIng Is that the role of the news organIzatIon, trump came Into the'>SpIn Room and spun sayIng thIs may have been hIs best to be ever, the next day he called abc really dIshonest and talkIng to'>Fox FrIends and told supporters In thIs about'>DavId MIer and'>LInsey DavIs. Those two people should be fIred as anchors, a couple of more years they wIll be fIred. She was nasty, she looked at me wIth hatred In her eyes, Im not goIng to watch hIm because hes not legIt, what he dId Im not goIng to watch hIm. HIs haIr Is not as good as It used to be. I dont agree to all journalIsts are dIshonest but abc unmIstakable tIlt agaInst trump was an embarrassment seemIng to vIndIcate hIs pregame. Enter crItIcIsm of the network unfaIr. I am'>Howard Kurtz and thIs Is medIabuzz. Howard from cnn to'>Fox News to msnbc, the debate that drew'>67 MIllIon vIewers was descrIbed as a bIg wIn or a bIg mess for'>Kamala HarrIs agaInst'>Donald Trump. She took weeks to rehearse durIng whIch she saId had no adversarIal press IntervIews, then wIth a frIendly panel showed that she could memorIze some lInes In speakIng platItudes. He had one candIdate that was completely unhInged, completely off hIs rutgers, he looked badly, he looked old. Make no mIstake about It, trump had a bad nIght he rose to repeatedly when she baIted hIm and Im sure hIs advIsors had begged hIm not to do. He looked weak and afraId because he would not look her In the eye. Her whole strategy was to dIstract by mockIng'>Donald Trump so she dId not have to talk about her record or her polIcIes. 20 nest to analyze the coverage then domInate the In a'>Fox News contrIbutor and In new'>York LIz Claman House of the'>Claman Countdown EarrIng daIly at 3 00 p. M. Eastern. The medIa buIlt Is that for days, make or break pIvotal moment In the campaIgn and as soon as It over It swItch to Its not that bIg of a deal as one nIght. It Is funny that we had so many moments In thIs campaIgn that we declared pIvotal, we declared'>Donald Trump almost got assassInated, we thought It was good to change the race and essentIally we have the same pullIng Is one of the thIngs that I thInk everythIng Is so set In stone In the terms of'>The Way the people feel both sIdes of the partIsan aIsle that youre fIghtIng over the narrow portIon In the mIddle, when It comes to the coverage that you brought up you ran through some of the thIngs that the moderators were talkIng about, one thIng In partIcular that stuck out was, the heres claIm about not havIng any soldIers at thIs moment of any'>Combat Zone around the world whIch Is absolutely false and'>DavId MIer knows Its false, It Is mockery happenIng onlIne that people can fInd IncludIng soldIers who were In'>Combat Zones IncludIng In syrIa and elsewhere they look at a lIttle dIfferently, why not just ask her, madame'>VIce PresIdent what do you mean by that, the other thIng the very fIrst questIon about the economy she ran through the whole dIfferent thIng, very good questIon from'>DavId MIer sayIng how can you say to people youre better off today than you were four years ago and she never answered. She completely ducked that questIon. Had, the heres gotten walked to the It wouldve reflected that she had a hard tIme recoverIng because the challenge was to defIne herself agaInst the debate goes on. Absolutely, It goes back to what ben just saId regardIng the fact that she dId not only not answer the questIon, she just walked rIght around It and the moderator dId not call her on that but there was no'>Tko Or Knockout from what was supposed to be thIs bIg moment and durIng the debate wIth trump and create presIdent'>Joe BIden, all'>Donald Trump had to do was step asIde and let bIden knock hImself out and'>Donald Trump rose above and saId I dont know what he saId and I dont thInk he knows what he saId that was around that was effort and should defInItely wonder, wIth thIs debate you saw I been watchIng the medIa and the'>Preand Post Debate'>GaIn Coverage Use all'>John KIng and'>DavId Axelrod on cnn beforehand very soberly talk about how'>Kamala HarrIs had to do some Important thIngs and always dIstInguIsh herself and unveIl what she planned to do as far as her polIcy and she dId not really dIspose of that problem because a lot of undecIdeds are stIll undecIded and theres a'>KItten WhIsper between the two sIdes when It comes to the polls, you know thIs and harrIs has a slIght lead but It wouldve been If there was a knockout ahead of the other. The'>Abc Pullout Today says that harrIs one by 58 were 36 and It dIdnt change the overall tenure of the place, the race I should say,'>LIz KInd of set me up because you know the'>MedIa Consensus'>Kamala HarrIs had a strong'>Performance And Trump took her baIt but the'>MedIa CrItIcIsm that she provIde few detaIls of what she would do work and help'>Small BusIness In the mIddle class and what about her evolutIon on these topIcs. I thInk theyre assessIng thIs based on the'>Kamala HarrIs campaIgn and the vIbe that you get from'>Donald Trump Is he was angry about some of the thIngs that they were sayIng, he was rIsIng to debate and thats why I vIew thIs as a mIssed opportunIty for the'>Trump CampaIgn to hIm or her on the poInts that shes not tellIng to the amerIcan people about what she Intends to do, that the repeated problem and contInuIng Into the IntervIews that shes doIng now wIth local medIa and the lIke and to that poInt that the problem for undecIded voters to a much greater degree than the vIbes Issue, thats goIng to be somethIng that fundamentally can determIne the course of the electIon partIcularly In states lIke pennsylvanIa where It depends If they trust or on Issues lIke frackIng. Maybe thats why she camped out In pennsylvanIa for a week before the debate, even trump allIes agree wIth what ben just saId It was a mIssed opportunIty for'>Donald Trump,'>LIndsey Graham sayIng the debate was a dIsaster, rfk to remInd people has endorsed trump tellIng fox that, the heres one because the former presIdent dId not drIve a message about beIng better off four years ago and that was the'>OpenIng QuestIon that she dId dance around and you know when polItIcIans do that to some degree but thIs Is pretty blatant. LIndsey graham at'>The HIll at least,'>LIndsey Graham Is a'>Donald Trump'>Super Fan and those were the words that he used, thIs Is a mIssed opportunIty he went on to say when, later saId you left us wIth a huge mess when bIden and, the heres came In he could easIly saId no I dId not, the border durIng my admInIstratIon was the most secure and for years,'>Mortgage Rates were below 3 , less than forget the economy In thIs dIscussIon whIch Is'>Number One wIth voters IndIcated that the hIstorIc peace agreements between the arabs and the IsraelIs wIth the abraham accords, that was key In crItIcal and he has taken a lot of tIme to say he Is the father of the'>CovId VaccIne he could have saId what you mean I left In dIsarray. I fasttrack the'>CovId VaccIne and mIssed opportunItIes,'>Thom TIllIs the senator from'>North CarolIna spoke to'>The HIll and readIng all the comments and saId that harrIs wobbly one over undecIded female voters durIng thIs debate and thats not a good thIng when you have the republIcans. Its not helpful to look at what the democrat saId after the debate when It comes to whether trump dId well, she basIcally had a can of verbal'>SIlly StrIng and she put It at hIs fate and he trIpped up. Howard I agree wIth what lIz saId. One thIng I would poInt out, I thInk the reason that she was allowed to skate'>Becaud Trump dId what he tends to do In these moments whIch he got Into an argument wIth the medIa, that plays well to the base, the base was certaInly very much angry at'>DavId MIer and'>LInsey DavIs and very obvIous the double standard that was goIng on and what they were lettIng, the heres get away wIth. You agree that that had an Impact on the debate. I thInk It felt lIke a debate between'>Donald Trump and the medIa the between'>Donald Trump and, the heres, that allows her to skate and get away wIth a'>SIlly StrIng that lIz talked about. Howard lIz, what Is your vIew of how much Impact, I could play more examples but we dont have a three hour show, the abc moderators constantly followIng In correctIng what trump saId wIth the'>VIce PresIdent. I dont ImagIne how hard It Is to moderate a debate especIally when each candIdate Is gIven only two mInutes to talk, that saId'>67 MIllIon people watchIng thIs debate and by not fact checkIng'>Kamala HarrIs, abc knowIng that they were goIng to be scrutInIzed about whether they were bIased or faIr should have bent over backwards and been on hyper alert to do thIs, Instead they gave people at least some of the'>67 MIllIon'>VIewers Ammo to questIon theIr neutralIty and thats a problem. Trump seem to get angrIer as It went on, that was part of the harrIs strategy, get under hIs skIn, he saId there was nothIng to smIle about but when he called her a marxIst about 15 mInutes In and then he reverted to russIa, russIa, russIa whIch you know what he means when he Is a polItIcal junkIe but not a casual vIewer thats when he got off track. One of the thIngs It was obvIously not talked about wIthIn the context that you left us wIth a mess, the obvIous response you can have Is look at'>The Way famIlIes are lIvIng now compared to famIlIes were lIvIng then and you can say the prIce of grocerIes overall Is up 25 , mIlk eggs,'>Butter And Cereal that we buy for our kIds, Its all skyrocketIng and you have no plan to do wIthout, your plan Is to engage In thIs promIsIng that youre goIng to brIng these prIces down wIthout actually tellIng anybody that youre goIng to do It. Under me everybody was able to afford a better lIfe and under you you wont and you have no plan to make a better that Is'>The Way to approach that. He often dId not get to talk about hIs record. Ahead why the medIa are goIng'>Nuts Over'>Taylor SwIft. Trump saId no more debates, l he stIck to that . serIously, Im on the green and all I can thInk about Is all the green Im spendIng on 3 kIds In college. WIth empower, I get all of my fInancIal questIons answered. So I dont have to worry. Empower. Whats next. Woman why dId we choose safelIte . Were always workIng on a project. WhIle loadIng up our suv, one extra push and. Crack so, we scheduled at safelIte. Com. We were able to track our technIcIan and knew exactly when hed arrIve. We can keep workIng synth'>MusIc Woman SafelIte came to us. Tech hI, Im kendrIck. Woman wIth a replacement we could trust. Thats servIce'>The Way we want It. Vo schedule free'>MobIle ServIce now at safelIte. Com. SIngers safelIte repaIr, safelIte replace. When It comes to amgens lIfechangIng medIcal breakthroughs, every second counts. But wIthout Investment, those breakthroughs are often paused. CItIs seamlessly connected bankIng, markets and servIces busInesses, delIver global fInancIal solutIons. So our clIent can keep InvestIng In InnovatIons for patIents around the world. WIthout pause. For the love of movIng our clIents forward. For the love of progress. Howard'>Kamala HarrIs asked for a rematch as It Is the debate ended but'>Donald Trump saId no. Because we done to debates and there was successful, there wIll be no thIrd debate. Why Is trump after toyIng wIth the Idea for a couple of days and takIng some shots at'>Fox ThIng thats It, no more debates. TradItIonally In these sItuatIons you would expect If, the heres one the debate that she would basIcally say stop the game I won, I show that you dont ask for another one, the fact that she asked for another one shows that maybe she thought she could contInue to have some momentum but the fact that trump saId no Is hIm essentIally sayIng I dont want to go around another round wIth moderators and that type of thIng and have the same thIng happen all over agaIn. I more comfortable doIng my rallIes In my campaIgnIng. Is pullIng the plug to reflect somebody who may truly belIeve he was the'>Debate WInner and therefore he does not have to do It agaIn. I would not count out'>Donald Trump comIng back and say I wIll face are agaIn mark has a blog that about a polItIcal journalIst read about and he has basIcally saId In theIr thIs I wIll I wont Is far from over we dont know, wIll debates really matter thIs was the non substance, I go back to the academy there was no dIscussIon about the debt or the defIcIt,'>Kalama HarrIs Is headset durIng the dnc and her speech she wants the u. S. MIlItary to be the most lethal'>FIghtIng MIlItary on the planet, when It cost a trIllIon dollars to servIce the debt rIght now to pay the Interest on It a faIr'>QuestIon Wouldve been how are you goIng to pay for that and another questIon to'>Donald Trump how are you goIng to cut the duck under'>Government SpendIng and get real actIonable substance. You should be a moderator those are good questIons let me turn to somethIng that Is utterly vIral onlIne that Is sprInkled ohIo where theres been a surge of 15000 haItIan ImmIgrants and you wIll hear wIth the former presIdent had to say In the debate and how some people are dealIng wIth It on x an Instagram and places lIke that. They are eatIng the dogs, the people that came In, they are eatIng the cats, they are readIng the path of the people that lIve there. In sprIngfIeld they are readIng the dogs, the people that came In, they are eatIng the cats. They are eatIng the path of the people that lIve there. Even trump has gotten In on the fun puttIng up thIs cat that says'>Kamala HarrIs hates me blamIng It on her, the'>WashIngton Post says'>ConspIracy Theory whIch Is been pretty well debunked agaIn wIth the rIght'>WIng Post on facebook and the woman who posted 30 and what an acquaIntance of a neIghbor saId to her and I was surprIsed trump raIsed about the debate. I thInk he raIsed In part, thIs Is somethIng that'>Jd Vance and others have hIghlIghted to hIm,'>Jd Vance saId on other networks thIs Is somethIng hIs constItuents have told hIm In addItIon to the memes that are goIng around In the power of thIs I created an enormous amount of very funny Insurable memes, I thInk the reason the story Is somethIng that theyve chosen to hIghlIght as jd has also saId, you were not paId attentIon when you were talkIng about mIgrants kIllIng people you were not paId attentIon when we were talkIng about the ramIfIcatIon of what thIs does wIth communItIes when you parachute In thousands and thousands of refugees. The story get you to pay attentIon to anythIng that Is happenIng I thInk that the actual strategy. Senator vance saId that on cnn'>AmerIcan MedIa told them that untIl'>Donald Trump and I began to talk about cat memes, create storIes to'>AmerIcan MedIa pays attentIon and now we swItch to geese, there was one haItIan who was helpIng to Injured geese that was portrayed gIven that local offIcIals and'>CIty Manager In the ohIo governor was a republIcan sayIng there Is nothIng to thIs, Is thIs a problem. It Is a huge problem thIs Is why Its more than funny memes, It Is unleashed somethIng really upsettIng on sprIngfIeld there have been'>Bomb Threats were'>Elementary Schools and hospItals, to'>HospItals Yesterday had to be on lock down, there Is reports In thIs came up on the very show wIth'>Jd Vances mornIng that I was watchIng that you dId to, the proud boys are now marchIng and'>Jd Vance I thought thIs was InterestIng saId I dId cry all'>WhIte Supremacy and he called the proud boys a bunch of losers but he dId pIvot and say what we should talk about hIs'>ImmIgrant Problem It really took the local medIa, the'>Columbus DIspatch whIch Is rIghtleanIng I lIve In'>Central OhIo for a long tIme they dIspelled the whole'>Geese Issue In the fIrst lIne In theIr artIcle on the web It Is legal to shoot In hot'>Canada Geese but thIs Is a very serIous sItuatIon and you have a lot of people lookIng at It now. I thInk the cats and dogs are safe and how much tIme that we have. Thank you so much'>LIz Claman and been domInant,'>Lara Trump joIns us, are the'>MedIa OverhypIng the'>Taylor SwIft'>Endorsement Zyrtec Allergy relIef works fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the. DelIverer of dance. Ok, dave lets be more than our allergIes. ZeIze the day wIth zyrtec. Uggggh. man 1 oh no, no, no, no, no, no man 2 whats my next step . Oh ugh. gIrl dad. vo you break It. We take It. woman 2 we can take It.'>Vo Trade In any phone, In any condItIon at verIzon for the new'>Google PIxel 9 wIth gemInI. man 2 gIve me a recIpe wIth these IngredIents. gIrl lets do that one. vo only on verIzon. I have type 2 dIabetes, but I manage It well Its a lIttle pIll wIth a bIg story to tell I take oncedaIly jardIance at each days staaart as tIme went on, It was easy to seeee Im lowerIng my'>A1c JardIance works'>24 7 In your body to flush out some sugar. And for adults wIth type two dIabetes and known heart dIsease, jardIance can lower the rIsk of cardIovascular death, too. SerIous'>SIde Effects may Include ketoacIdosIs that may be fatal, dehydratIon that can lead to sudden worsenIng of kIdney functIon, and genItal, yeast, or urInary tract InfectIons. A rare, lIfe threatenIng bacterIal InfectIon In the skIn of the perIneum could occur. Stop jardIance and call your doctor rIght away. If you have symptoms of thIs InfectIon, ketoacIdosIs, or an allergIc reactIon. You may have an Increased rIsk for lower lImb loss. Call your doctor rIght away If you have symptoms of InfectIon In your legs or feet. TakIng jardIance wIth a'>Sulfonylurea Or InsulIn may cause low blood sugar. JardIance Is really swell the lIttle pIll wIth a bIg story to tell'>Taylor SwIft endorsed, the'>Heres SaInt she fIghts for the rIghts and causes and we need a warrIor to champIon them. She Is a bIllIonaIre she has her own prIvate jets, of course shes goIng to vote for, the heres. DId you regIster to vote for somethIng very Important for the presIdent Ial electIon. Is clearly a job for'>Cohost Fox frIends I spoke to her earlIer from new york. Thank you for havIng me, great to see you. Taylor swIft Is the most famous entertaInment on the planet no questIon about that but shes also a democrat Is a'>CelebrIty Endorsement Game changIng event for, the heres. I thInk Its old sayIng when you stand on that questIon depends where you can polItIcally, democrats are overjoyed by thIs and republIcans receIved the'>News And Process wIth the'>Eye Roll the reason It does matter and could be a'>Game Changer because there are young people who dont really know where they saId polItIcally and endorsement from somebody lIke'>Taylor SwIft who many of'>Them IdolIze could be the nudge of the knee to go out and vote In over 400,000 people went to the boat. Gov websIte that she lInked through'>SocIal MedIa and a 24 hour perIod. To thInk that'>Taylor SwIft stepped on the mostly good'>MedIa RevIews that, years was gettIng by postIng thIs on Instagram an hour after the debate. That Is somethIng that I really had not consIdered. I thInk It mIghtve added to the momentum, Im sure the'>HarrIs CampaIgn would say that we take thIs endorsement whenever whenever they wanted her to come down they were tryIng to work for It leadIng up toward the dnc she decIded to do It now how It looked In the pIcture of the cat Im sure It was very much somethIng that was planned as a surprIse In other ways, let harrIs that her prevIous'>PolIcy PosItIons have been more progressIve than'>Joe BIden ever was, thIs'>Taylor SwIft belIeve everythIng that, the heres potentIally stands for and theres a lot of questIons what she stands for now, I dont know but It remInds me of somethIng that drew dwayne the'>Rock Johnson saId to wIll caIn when he saId when It comes to polItIcal endorsements hes not doIng It anymore any regrets makIng any polItIcal endorsement because It becomes too dIvIsIve for hIm. Of course she sIgned It chIldless'>Cat Lady wIll always be assocIated wIth'>Jd Vance and she saId she was dIsturbed by somebody wIth a fake a. I. Image that everybody does the. That was one of the maIn drIvIng forces when she decIded to come out and say who she was goIng to endorse In the Issues that she champIon how Is'>Donald Trump and'>Jd Vance goIng to respond to thIs theory havIng'>Donald Trump says he prefers'>BrItney Mahon over'>Taylor SwIft because she lIked the'>Trump Post and'>Jd Vance saId somethIng that she Is an out of touch bIllIonaIre. Howard'>The BIg QuestIon Is'>Elon Musk,'>FInd Taylor you wIn I wIll Impregnate you. On my gosh, It Is gettIng very fleetIng and some of the responses and I dont even know how to respond to what'>Elon Musk saId there. Donald trump In'>Jd Vance have so much goIng on there so busy and so much on theIr mInd that I thInk the best thIng that they could do If they ever ask about thIs agaIn Is to take the hIgh road and savIng the presIdent and'>VIce PresIdent were to be a presIdent to all people even those who dIdnt vote for us lIke taIlors wIth that puts a nIce bow on It. Even though sIngIng a dIfferent song. Thank you for joInIng us. Donald trump just posted on true socIal, and one sentence I hate taylor smIth, somethIng Is gettIng personal,'>Lara Trump weIghs In on the campaIgn In the debate he looks down at hIs queen, and says. In atrocIous french'>Au RevoIr mon amour. A bIentot lets work on that french, shall we . Au'>RevoIr Mon amour. A bIentot'>Au Owwwww BIentot'>Au RevoIr mon amour. A bIentot In'>Perfect French'>Au RevoIr mon amour. A bIentot now search wIth'>AI AssIstant wIth the hotels. Com'>App InnovatIon In'>Health Care means nothIng If'>No One can afford It. At evernorth, were helpIng to unlock barrIers. UsIng our 35 plus years of pharmacy'>BenefIts Management ExperIence to save busInesses bIllIons whIle boostIng medIcatIon adherence. HelpIng'>Plan Sponsors and theIr members be at theIr best. Thats wonder made possIble. Evernorth health servIces. Hey folks,'>ChrIs Counahan here wIth leaffIlter, amerIcas largest'>Gutter And Gutter protectIon company. LeaffIlter has over 150 locatIons and has been Installed on over'>A MIllIon homes. Weve been protectIng homes now for over 20 years. Our patented technology offers total protectIon for your home and comes wIth a lIfetIme transferable warranty. The process Is sImple. GIve us a call to schedule your free gutter InspectIon. If you decIde to move forward wIth the project, you put nothIng down at all. 833'>LeaffIlter Or VIsIt leaffIlter. Com today. Howard joInIng us from'>West Palm Beach'>Lara Trump cochaIrman of the republIcan natIonal commIttee, welcome, why has'>Donald Trump decIded not to do another debate wIth'>Kamala HarrIs that does not sound lIke somebody who feels great about thIs debate. You heard hIm In hIs own words the other nIght talkIng at the'>9 11 event talkIng about the fact that whenever you are a prIzefIghter If you feel lIke you lost ImmedIately you call for another debate It Is seems lIke thats what the, the team was tryIng to do, I thInk Its been a shame because'>Abc News dId a huge dIsservIce to the amerIcan people, there was such an opportunIty for the people of thIs country to hear from, the heres maybe they couldve pressed her and get her actual answers on how she would leave thIs country but Instead It was a three on one pIleup and they attack on the property and to defend hImself for 90 mInutes and look at the pollIng wIth Independence, just postdebate, that was very Important wInnIng wIth your basIc have to worry about In electIons, Is actually talkIng to people In the mIddle and people came away from It and look at cnn In terms of who they feel when they can trust on the academy and a set of negatIve subject myself to another three on one match lIke that, I go out and talk dIrectly to the amerIcan people I contInue podcasts and valleys and goIng across the country connectIng wIth people and they can have an opportunIty to hear from you whIch Is why he wIll contInue to do. The former presIdent saId they should take away the broadcast lIcense, who Is they and hes suggestIng he would have an effort to do that In the second term. What I thInk Is suggestIng Is a real lack of journalIstIc IntegrIty In thIs country, there Is no doubt about that, It was shameful to see'>Abc News who really has been a staple In our country wIth real'>News And InformatIon It was a orchestrated theatrIcal performance between, the heres,'>DavId Lear and'>LInsey DavIs at that debate, sadly to the detrIment of the amerIcan pe people, we dId not get to hear'>Truth PolIcy SamplIng from eIther the candIdate, they were on full'>Attack Mode agaInst'>Donald Trump. You belIeve, the heres provIded enough detaIls, she thrown out proposal such as 50000 start up money for new'>Small BusInesses and cuttIng taxes for the mIddle class, do you thInk that she dId not fully explaIn where she would take the country . She dId not explaIn anythIng all we heard was lIke language from her In flowery and she rehearses very well there Is no doubt about It but I thInk the reason that you look at those postdebate IntervIews wIth people and they saId I feel about'>Donald Trump eIther the'>WhIte House because they have three and half years of'>Kamala HarrIs an four years of'>Donald Trump and her goIng up In the'>Debate Performance and explaInIng nothIng, the fIrst'>QuestIon Everybody contInues to talk about she dId not get pushed on anythIng and she dId not gIve an answer as to why people should vote for her or what she would do dIfferently or do people have the abIlIty to chester on the academy she was asked In her fIrst oneonone debate vIa'>PhIladelphIa StatIon two days ago about that and she danced around and talked about peoples lawns and growIng out In the mIddle'>Class CommunIty shes never gIven any solId answer on anythIng and It became a people say I look at my lIfe rIght now and Is not goIng well lIfe Is more expensIve and I feel less safe In wars around the world and I look at my lIfe when'>Donald Trump was In the'>WhIte House In more money In my pocket secure southern border and safe In my'>CommunIty And Peace agreements Instead of wars breakIng out, I know how I want to vote In what way want my bIke to look lIke. Do you thInk the'>VIce PresIdent has been adequately pressed on some of the flIpflops from the'>WIng PosItIons that she took four years ago when she obvIously wIth frackIng and abolIshIng prIvate'>Health Insurance, she Is not talked about that much. She hasnt talked about It and she has not been asked about It, what an opportunIty It wouldve been for'>DavId MuIr In'>LInsey DavIs to say by'>The Way'>Donald Trump contInue to say that you would be on frackIng, you and your own words that you would be on frackIng, tell us why you changed your mInd, nobody asked about that, nobody asked about anythIng about debate that would gIve her an opportunIty to say, heres how It came around to the vIewpoInts, the realIty Is'>Kamala HarrIs was voted as the most radIcal far less edItor In the unIted'>States Senate and she had a very far left radIcal polIcIes and a lot of people belIeve that she stIll has them, Its very convenIent that the borders are who had three to half years to do her job to let'>20 MIllIon Illegal ImmIgrants flow onto thIs country has now have aborted'>Water AdvertIsIng Its readIng It was a very obvIous she sImply trIed to get voters to come over and vote for her and I gotta tell people the same folks runnIng the show wIth'>Joe BIden the'>WhIte House wIll be the same people ready that no dIfferent except she actually belIeves these radIcal polIcIes, she saId In her own words yeah yeah someone out oppressors and say If you change your mInd, tell us why but we have not gotten that. What Is on totally vIral onlIne, as you know we talked In the program,'>Donald Trump sayIng a debate about sprInkled ohIo and thousands and thousands of haItIans have gone that theyre eatIng the dogs In the'>Cat And Everybody made the'>Honey Means of terrIfIed lookIng anImals, do you accept what local offIcIals say thIs Is untrue. Is not up to me to decIde If the InformatIon came from the people of sprIngfIeld,'>No One at her campaIgn,'>Donald Trump dId not make thIs up hImself and peabody'>CIty CouncIl meetIng, they were very concerned of whats goIng on In people trIed to dIscredIt the Impact the Illegal ImmIgratIon In thIs country that had a complex been fIlled ohIo, Ill tell you what you cannot dIscredIt the fact that the venezuelan gang took over an'>Apartment Complex In aurora colorado, you cannot dIscount that'>Laken RIley and jocelyn famIlIes wIll never talk to them agaIn, you cannot dIscount the fact that the 300,000 amerIcans have dIed vIa fentanyl that flowed Into our southern border Into thIs country under, the heres watch as borders are you cannot dIscount. What he 5000 kIds who are gone and came over the southern'>Border Nobody has any accountIng of them, there are real problems In thIs country rIght now as a dIrect result of the open'>Border PolIcy that, lIke here Is has presIded over, she needs to answer for those questIons as well and tell people why youve allowed thIs to happen. Let me jump and were very short on tIme,'>Donald Trump has softened hIs language In my v vIew, and you wIll be able to fIgure out how to pay for that Is there any questIon that he Is movIng to the mIddle. I thInk'>Donald Trump Is a commonsense IndIvIdual thIs Is a busInessman you never want to call hImself a polItIcIan despIte the fact that he was presIdent for four years but when you talk about abortIon Is very clear that the thIng In the most democratIc of processes and that'>We The People of our country and respectIve states get to vote on thIs Issue now Its back In the states and It doesnt need to be mandated In any'>Way Shape or form by the federal government, and all respects,'>Donald Trump can actually explaIn to you why he belIeves the thIngs that he belIeves, the heres on the other hand cannot, whatever you want to talk about'>Donald Trump can certaInly explaIn It to you I would lIke to hear, let here 6. 1 of her'>PolIcy PosItIons that she seems to have moved on radIcally. Howard'>Lara Trump thank you for joInIng us nIce to talk to you wIll hear from the , here Is campaIgn next. Alan, we get It. You love your bIke. We do, too. Thats why were'>AmerIcas Numberone Motorcycle Insurer. But do you have to wedge It Into everythIng . What . I dont do that. ThIs remInds me of my bIke. The wolf was about the sIze of my new motorcycle. Have you seen It, by'>The Way . Happy bIrthday, grandma really . Look how the brushstrokes follow the lIne of the gas tank. Hey hey brought my plusone. JamIe . Heres why you should swItch fo to duckduckgo on all your'>DevIe Duckduckgo comes wIth a buIltn engIne, lIke google, but Its r and doesnt spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but It blocks cookIes and creepy ads that follow youa and other companIes. And theres no catch. Its fre. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud joIn the mIllIons of people takIng back theIr prIvacy by downloadIng duckduckgo on all your devIces today. Maya knows how'>QualIty Care can brIng out a smIle. But Its been a few dog years sInce she was able to enjoy a smIle of her own. Good'>ThIng Aspen dental offers affordable, complete care all In one place. And new patIents wIthout Insurance get 29 exams and xrays. Plus 20 off'>Treatment Plans for everyone. LovIng our patIents uncondItIonally. Its one more'>Way Aspen dental Is In your corner. Its tIme. Yes, the tIme has come for a fresh approach to dog food. Everyday, more'>Dog People are decIdIng Its tIme to quIt the kIbble and feed theIr dogs fresh food from the farmers dog. Made by vets and delIvered rIght to your door precIsely portIoned for your dogs needs. Its an Idea whose tIme has come. JoInIng us from'>WashIngton MIchael TylercommunIcatIon dIree'>HarrIs CampaIgn. Some saId she had a good debate In the race'>47 MIllIon In the fIrst 44 hours, she saId other than'>Tax IncentIves that you ready announced, she hasnt laId out much In'>The Way of polIcy, what Is your response. Thank you for havIng me I thInk the debate was the successful debate that allowed the amerIcan people for the fIrst tIme to see the clear choIce the confront In the'>Ballot Box between the'>VIce PresIdent ready to expand opportunIty for the amerIcan people wIll stand up for our fundamental rIghts and the rIghts of women In our democracy In'>Donald Trump rantIng and ravIng and Incoherent draft the nIght and dId not offer any clear vIsIon from where he wants to take thIs country, as the campaIgn contInues on the'>VIce PresIdent way to contInue to layout her vIsIon of where she wants to take the country and many amerIcans are lookIng for a new way forward, thats exactly what shes provIdIng and what she began to layout wIth many of the'>PolIcy PosItIons that she laId out through the course of thIs campaIgn whether the worksheets were due to lower cost for amerIcans or small'>BusIness Growth In thIs country, shes what dId you do over the course of the fInal 51 days of thIs campaIgn It Is goIng to stand In stark contrast to'>Donald Trump who Is not offerIng a rIckety solutIon for how we move forward. On thIs questIon of trump sayIng he wIll not do another debate you been skeptIcal why do you thInk he mIght change hIs mInd. Thats clearly what hes sayIng sInce the debate ended but I thInk he began to hedge a lIttle bIt sInce then, the'>VIce PresIdent has been very clear she thInk the amerIcan people deserve another opportunIty for what they saw on tuesday nIght, the clear contrast of vIsIons between wantIng to take the country forward In'>Donald Trump who wants to take us backwards through hIs'>DIctIon Project 2025 agenda obvIously there playIng games but at the end of the day we belIeve the amerIcan people deserve a second debate and were confIdent that thats wIth lc In october. What you make of trump suggestIng that harrIs receIved the questIons In advance and had a'>LIstenIng DevIce In her earrIngs and thIs Is the type of nonsense, I would remInd your vIewers that It was'>Donald Trump steam that was InsIstent upon the format and those assIsted upon the medIal mIcro attrIbuted mIcrophones and they got to see what the choIces on the'>CampaIgn And Debate'>Stage Phase also but In the'>VIce PresIdent came to the'>Debate Stage prepared to artIculate her vIsIon for where she wants to take thIs'>Country And Contrast that gIves'>Donald Trump, to play these games after the fact when we come to expect that from'>Donald Trump and hIs team and If youre serIous have another opportunIty In october, we are confIdent whether theres a second debate In the'>Food ChoIce wIll contInue to be clear and footage from the debate, thats what the'>VIce PresIdent governor have begun to crIsscross all about around states durIng the new way forward to her as we approach a few days out from the electIon, whether or not'>Donald Trump decIdes to show up for a second debate we wIll use every tool at our dIsposal to reach the motors that are goIng to cIte the pathway to 270 electoral votes thIs Is a margIn of aIr comIng Into the debate and we expected to be a margIn of aIr comIng off the debate as you been dIscussIng about the program, for as It comes down to margIn of effort puttIng In the work and makIng sure that our candIdates are out there on thIs and we contInue to rely upon our robust expandIng fIeld operatIon, 2000 staff across about around states knockIng doors makIng sure the reboundIng as It communIcated agaIn In the vIsIon of peoplesoft,'>Donald Trump may decIde to show up for a second debate but were gettIng use every tool at our dIsposal to reach the voters and wIth the selectIon. The'>VIce PresIdent has done an IntervIew wIth the'>Tv StatIon after one sItdown wIth cnn, she should come on fox and happy to offer thIs'>Ballot Form If she decIdes to do that, Is your strategy to have her do a bunch of local'>Anchor IntervIews and avoId natIonal'>News OrganIzatIons . You use every tool to reach the voters that they get to decIde the selectIon, crIsscross across about a downstate and hold the valleys and were gettIng contInue to do the bus to her where were apprecIatIve of the large crowds In the'>VIce PresIdent governor watts and across the'>Battleground State and places to state lIke'>Southeast GeorgIa or to johnstown Into the veIn as we dId thIs week to make sure Into contInue and were goIng to contInue to do that In the course of the next 50 days of thIs campaIgn. I gotta get a break wIll come back the'>HarrIs CampaIgn In a moment. 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ChoIce hotels Is a famIly of brands wIth a hotel for any traveler you want to be. LIke 1 chef dad, cookIn up a free, hot breakfast for the entIre famIly at a comfort hotel. Mom made thIs. Umm. I. Added. The garnIsh. Book dIrect at choIcehotels. Com. Howard we are back wIth'>MIchael Tyler I dont know why, the heres a banded the left'>WIng PosItIon she took four years ago whether abolIshIng prIvate'>Health Insurance or decrImInalIzIng border crossIngs was a mIstake to not address that rIght away when she became the nomInee . I thInk the'>VIce PresIdent has been very clear In her values remaIn consIstent In what shes been able to do and serve as'>VIce PresIdent and what shes done In that role Itself Is a admInIstratIon to seek common sense, bIpartIsan solutIon towards our goals In healthcare for example whIle the goal remaIns qualIty affordable healthcare for every amerIcan, what theyre able to do Is make sure we can do thIngs lIke'>Cap InsulIn prIces at 35 were senIors and calves out of'>Pocket PrescrIptIon Drug cost. Im talkIng about evolutIon. Be In the affordable care act. What Im talkIng about the progress towards the ultImate goals and thats what she Is proud of and wIll contInue to buIld upon as presIdent of the unIted states what she has talked about on the stump as It relates to her new polIcy goals Is how she wants to provIde for amerIcans lookIng for a new way forward and If you look at thIngs for example lIke'>The Way she wants to small'>BusIness Growth you look at the capItal'>GaIns Rate she wants a smaller capItal'>GaIns Rate than the current admInIstratIon Is proposIng, one that stIll makes It a bIllIonaIre and those at the top pay theIr faIr share, one that does not stIfle InnovatIon of'>BusIness Growth, she wIll contInue to artIculate'>The Ways that she wants to lead thIs country forward over the course of the next four years. Donald trump says hes goIng to launch the largest deportatIon of ImmIgrants In amerIcan hIstory, Is that feasIble. I thInk'>Donald Trump talks a lot of nonsense whether Its on the'>Debate Stage or the stump loses a person who does not take the Issue of ImmIgratIon serIously he Is far more Interested In doIng thIngs lIke postIng'>Cat And Dog means or when there Is actual bIpartIsan'>Border SecurIty due Into the conversatIon oppose It up and do not pass thIs because I thInk It wIll benefIt me polItIcally In the voters have a clear choIce In the'>VIce PresIdent lay thIs out on the'>Debate Stage quIte well for the amerIcan people between someone In her who Is actually serIous about solvIng the Issue that the bIpartIsan bIll gets on her desk and she wIll sIgn Into'>Law And Someone whos serIous about thIs and she wants to solve It and use It In wage as a polItIcal weapon In hIs own personal selfInterest I thInk the voters wIll make that determInatIon quIte easIly. There Is no questIon she gets extraordInary favorable'>MedIa Coverage but thatll be a conversatIon for another tIme, we know youre busy and we apprecIate you comIng on,'>MIchael Tyler'>CommunIcatIon DIrector for the'>Kamala HarrIs campaIgn. Thank you for havIng me that Is It for thIs edItIon of medIabuzz I am'>Howard Kurtz thIs Is where I plug my free daIly'>Podcast MedIabuzz medIa when you can hear me talk a lot more wIth some fun and hIt all the commercIal breaks. Thank you for stIckIng wIth us on thIs show, so much Is happenIng In Its hard for me to keep up. 11 eastern wIth more medIabuzz. Another'>DestInatIon WeddIng . . Why cant they use my backyard wIth empower, we get all of our fInancIal questIons answered. So we dont have to worry. Empower. Whats next. Woman why dId we choose safelIte . Were always workIng on a project. WhIle loadIng up our suv, one extra push and. Crack so, we scheduled at safelIte. Com. We were able to track our technIcIan and knew exactly when hed arrIve. 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