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Someones background, their race, theyre gender, their geographic location, i know that people are deeply troubled by what is happening to that community in springfield, ohio. And its got to stop. And iraq to say that you cannot be entrusted with with standing behind the seal of the united president of the united states of america, engaging in that hateful rhetoric that, as usual, is designed to those that divide us as a country, is designed to help people pointing people fingers at Each Other. Its designed to do that. And i think most people in our country, regardless of their race, are starting to see the smoke through this nonsense and to say you know what, lets turn the page on this, this is exhausting and its harmful. And its hateful. And grounded in some age old stuff that we should not have the tolerance for. So lets turn the Page And Chart a new Way Foreword and say you cant have that microphone again. Madame Vice President , im switching gears again. Quick question i want to talk to you about gun control. So you said you support Support And Assault Weapons Ban and universal Background Check and we actually learned during the debate that youre a Gun Owner. But in cities like philadelphia, handguns are responsible for most homicides and violent crime, the most recent fbi data shows handguns were involved in 59 of murders in our country. How would you address the issue of the use of handguns because a push for an assault Weapons Ban only addresses a significant but small part of the problem . So first of all, yes, i am a Gun Owner and Tim Walz is a Gun Owner, and were not trying to take away anyones guns from them. But we do need an assault Weapons Ban. Assault weapons are designed kill a lot of Human Beings weekly and aunt im going to get to it. And have no place on the streets of a civil society. We need universal Background Checks. Which to your point about handguns is about saying that it is just reasonable to want reasonable Gun Safety laws that say we should do Background Checks, we ought to know, you should be reasonable, you might want to know before someone can buy a little weapon if theyve been found by a court to be a danger to themselves or others and respectfully, we do understand that. Im asking specifically about handguns because many of those handguns are universal back on Track Supply to handguns. They do but in many instances those handguns arent even bought lawfully, yes . Which is also why ive been very adamant in years in fact, i myself protested at a Gun Show probably 1015 years ago about the Gun Show loophole and why we need to close that. Because what ends up happening is that Gun Shows at flea markets, gun dealers, or not under existing law in the past required to register there sails. And so you are exactly right. That a lot of homicides for example in a good number of them have been this is distinct in front mind are committed with illegally purchased guns, and that is why we need to address each Entry Point in the issue, including universal Background Checks, closing the Gun Show loophole, and what we need to do as a general matter to focus not only on reaction to grime but prevention of crime. So you are raising a very important issue that has many facets, including what we need to do in terms of reasonable Gun Safety laws and what we need to do around crime prevention. What we need to do around crime deterrence, but less than, i have personally prosecuted homicide cases. I have held the hands of mothers who have come to me, crying, who have said i only want to talk to kamala because they knew when they sat down, i would treat them with the Dignity And Respect that they were entitled and do about the loss of their child, often their son, to Gun Violence, and they need to take it seriously. And we must take it seri seriously. In every way understanding its not just about the soundbite. Its about a comprehensive approach that deals with the tragedy of to your point everyday Gun Violence in america. Its real, it has had a profound impact in terms of trauma that, for the most part, has gone undiagnosed and untreated. The trauma that exists in communities around the violence of losing their children, losing her brother, losing a father and uncle, all of that must be addressed. And we must have to have a holistic approach to it. Other things we havent thought of yet . Because every time we bring up this issue of Gun Violence, universal Background Checks comes up and a ban on assault weapons. Are there other solutions that you are also thinking about that will get at this issue . Absolutely. For example, part of what we did so we as as Vice President with the president , we were able to pass the first meaningful Gun Safety legislation in 30 years. And part of what that involved was millions and millions of dollars to put more Mental Health counselors in public schools. Right . Because we know that there is an aspect of this that is about treating the trauma, and dealing with it at its source before it ends up manifesting itself in a problem. There is the work that we need to do that is about putting resources into communities around violence protection. Amino a advocate for that for years. Which includes what we need to do around putting resources into community based intervention that is not just requiring on the good people in the community to volunteer. To do the intervention but actually paying people to do it because its a fulltime job. Its about understanding what we need to do to, again, understand that, to your point, we have to have a holistic response to this issue and prioritize it instead of reacting that tragedy that, sadly, they are too predictable. Thats all agree, enough over that. There are very few solutions that we havent thought of. We need the resources into them. Madame Vice President , we need to smoke we want to look to the topic of reproductive access, something youve worked on a kneading on both in the administration and in democrats and as Note Top of the ticket. You set as president you roobroeck to access until fetal viability which it also says it is at about seven months that low but it may occur early or even a 24 weeks. So do you similar similarly about abortion in the third trimester of pregnancy and necessary to save a Mothers Life . We need to put the protections of rural viewing back into law and when that bill gets passed by congress i will probably sign it into law. Understand what is happening in our country. Over 20 states have passed what i call Trump Abortion bans because understand how we got here, the former president handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with attention they will undo the protections of rural viewing. Needed as he intended and in state after State Laws have been passed criminalizing healthcare providers. I dont know if anyone here has heard the stories most recently out of georgia, tragic story about a young woman who died because it appears that people who should have given her healthcare were afraid they would be criminalized after the Dobbs Decision came down. Laws that make no exception even for Rate Rape or incest which means youre telling a survivor of a crime of a violation of their body that they have no right to make a decision about what happens to their body next, which is immoral. An approach that doesnt take into account that most people i think agree you dont have to abandon your face, or deeply held a great beliefs to agree that the government should be not telling her to do with her body. If you choose she will talk with her pastor, her priest, her rabbi, her mom, but it should not be the government or from among government telling her to what to do what so thats what the protection of roe v. Wade and put that into law and those restrictions we need to put back in place the protections of roe v. Wade and lots and individual in consultation with her doctor, make the decision based on what she can determine. Because she is smart enough to know whats in her best interest instead of having her government tell her what to do especially a bunch of people in the state capitals who think theyre in a better position to tell her what to do when she is to know whats in her best interest. Before we conclude, Madame Vice president , social you didnt say that just a minute ago and your opponents and republicans has of times weaponize you laughing in Campaign Expert as for example. Why is joy important to you to insert into this election and what do you make of republicans using that as a way to suggest that you are not a serious candidate . Sometimes i think, you know, and ill say to whoever the people are who are watching this there some times when your adversaries will try to turn your strength in to a weakness. Dont you let them. Dont you let them. I Find Joy in The American people. I Find Joy and optimism, and what i see to be our future and our ability to invest in it. I Find Joy in the oppression of the people. I Find Joy in the dreams of people. I Find Joy in building community. Of Find Joy in building coalitions. I Find Joy in believing that the true measure and the strength of a leader is not based on who you beat down but who you lift up. And i think we should all Find Joy and have a sense of optimism about who we are as americans and what we need mean to Each Other and what we can do to lift Each Other up. Roe v. Wade madam Vice President , did you and President Biden attempt have you spoken to him and i have. Today i assume . Yes. How did that go . One to give us some intel . Sure. I checked on to see if he was okay. And i told him what i have said publicly. Theres no place for political violence in our country. I am in this election and in disgrace for many reasons, including to fight for our democracy. And in a democracy, there is no place for political violence. We can and should have healthy debates and discussion and disagreements. But not resort to violence to resolve those issues. On january 6, your vehicle passed a viable pipe bomb. I was in the building. You were in the building. And we see whats happened with former president from. You have full confidence in the Secret Service to protect all of you . I do. Do you feel safe, you and your family . I do. And i mean, you can go back to ohio, that everybody has Secret Service. And there are far too many people in our country right now who are not feeling safe. I mean, a look at project 2025 and i look at, you know, they dont seek a lot coming out of florida, members of the 2slgbtqia Community dont feel safe right now. Immigrants or people with an immigrant background dont feel safe right now. Women dont feel safe right now. And so, yes, i feel safe. I have Secret Service protection. But that doesnt change my perspective on the importance of fighting for the safety of everybody in our country. And doing everything we can to, again, left people of an upbeat people down so they feel alone and are made to feel small, and made to feel like there somehow not a part of it for us. Madam Vice President , thank you so much for your time. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. [applause] thank you. s before wrapping up the interview with the Vice President Kamala Harris, current candidate obviously for the presidency. She was speaking with the National Association Of Black Journalists in philadelphia this afternoon. Wideranging interview, maybe one of the most substantive that we have seen in terms of the range of questions. There were some questions that were not asked, The One that really jumps out to me is the issue of how did you get from some of your positions eliminating medicare, mandatory gun buyback, fracking, to where you are now . That remains a very big question that has not been answered but it was a substantive, wideranging interview know we just watch play out. Were also keeping a close eye on the other Breaking Use this afternoon, Sean Diddy Combs In Court right now in new York City, he is facing very serious charges. Of sects trafficking, kidnapping, just abhorrent behavior to women, abuse, beatings. He has pled not guilty just a few moments ago. Defense asking the judge to lock him up until his trial. They believe he is a Flight Risk. Watch this since. Combs allegedly planned and controlled the six performances, which he called Freak Office. And he often laconically recorded them. The Freak Office sometimes less than these at a time. Martha if you read this charge, it is pretty intense and there is a lot of bizarre behavior in here that hes being charged charged with an abusive and violent behaviors that hes been charged with. Will have a lot more on the Breaking Use of this indictment which is playing out right now in a courthouse in manhattan and we do expect that his attorneys will come out to the microphones any moment now. Well take you there live and we have a great panel to discuss this here onset with me. Kennedy who covered his Music Career for many years as an Mtv Vj, and judge Jeanine Pirro, of course, he had a long history of as a judge and so theyll both be here to react to that in just a few moments. But first lets address what we just heard from Vice President harris in the very important State Of Pennsylvania as we wait for her first former News Conference which has not happened yet. Almost . Months of the president dropped out and she became nominee. Whispering in Kellyanne Conway former senior counselor to President Trump now that president of Ka Consultant and up Fox News contributed and Patrick Murphy Iraq War Veteran and former army undersecretary. Welcome to both of you, good to have you both here. I want to start but actually play a comparison of the first question that this group asked former President Trump and then the first question that was asked today to the Vice President harris. Watch this. You attack black journalists, calling them a loser, saying the question that the asked are stupid and racist you had dinner with a white ceramicist at your maralago resort. So my questions, sir, know that youre asking black supporters to vote for you, why should black voters trust you after youve used language like that . A question that has been asked of you and everybody that found that is on the democratic side is whether or not voters are better off now and there were four years a ago . Are they better off another war they were four years ago . Martha okay. Kelly and, your reaction to the first question out of the gate for both of those candidates . Is pretty typical. I found the Vice President to be a little condescending if not rude to the Moderators Today when they dared pusher to actually answer the question that the asked and had every right to ask including whistle probably 30 minutes ago at question about handguns. She wanted to talk about assault weapons, the moderator tried to get her back talk about handguns. She doesnt like that and i think Kamala Harris takes the media for granted the way she takes for granted, you know, Hardcore Democrats who have never voted any other way, well are excited about her candidacy and a ring her hats, buttons and shirts. She already feels like she has their constituency so he or she already feels like she can back the media around a little Bit And Brenda when he went for the interview last week last month and i think that these moderators lose an opportunity to ask questions that people are asking around the kitchen tables, over the water cooler, over the and we heard some of that today. But even i mean, her answers were worse the dentist then the questions. I know two of those generalist and i think they tried hard. But the fact is her answers were terrible. Should sometimes talk like a Hallmark Card and even the kind of things when you open it. No shes going to build cars . Shes forcing us to buy electric vehicles. Walter kitchen be in the carburetor, well the kitchen be in the backseat . Shes not half a trillion dollars plus new clean energy and climate stuff. It wasnt about building homes for people. So i think the last part of what President Trump said during the Debate Stage last week is the most important in these generalist were echoing it today. Youve been there for three and half years, he havent done any of this crap we have very little for bait you can do it in the future. Martha patrick your reaction to what you saw there today and do Kellyannes Witticism that she is speaking in Hallmark Card phrases . Martha, thanks. First, shes containing about the Moderators Today. She is like that moderators are the debate that when you lose you want to talk in pain about the refs under rules. Spee what i said they did a nice job. Go ahead. But youre saying though that it wasnt for the questions because they hit President Trump saying why should we trust you, youre asking for about. Because President Trump spent years and years saying that Barack Obama Wasnt Running Back really american citizen, asking her S Birth Citizenship and kellyanne, the question on the handguns, you understand two weeks ago, on picture day, four kids, the 45th Gun Violence in schools, the 45th school, four more young kids, jimoh kids, two teachers killed in georgia two weeks ago. We have to crack down again. Im a Gun Owner, i served in Congress Weiss there should be no Reason Kellyanne as you know theres a 14yearold Kid that brought on ar 15 to his school in georgia. I mean, if you or go and get she did talk about it and you are talking and saying that she didnt. She [simultaneous talking] she said that she is a handGun Owner. Excuse me, you were in combat. You serve this country admirably nine Majority Undersecretary and you had an official position in the army, you served in the army. That woman is ready to be commanderinchief . She like last week and said Theres Nobody in that a single servicemember out there that what we have Servicemembers Fact checking her in Realtime Dine the young man and brave woman that doesnt martha servicemembers what are we doing here . You know, in combat locations. Can i martha superquick, im we have some Breaking News make up, go ahead. There are over A Hundred 90,000 Trips In a lot of them are in harms way, of her point was were not in major war in iraq or afghanistan. Shes not lying is not what she said. Martha we have to leave it there. Is not what she said and shes not what schmidt shes not The One that gave the reasons to the military the increased 20 [simultaneous talking] martha to be continued Kellyanne Conway, thank you, Patrick Murphy as always thank you, we have 50 days to go and a lot more to discuss as we get closer to america making a very big decision on November 5th and bowing starts any day in some places people are getting their ballots already. Thank you, both. Way to see you. The other big story i had mentioned that is unfolding right now in new York City, sean diddy combs pleading not guilty and in new York Courtroom just moments ago to federal charges that stem from what they charge to be decades of alleged abuse to satisfy the wrapper personal desires including coercing women into taking part in something called Freak Offs that would go on for days, including a lot of drugs, a lot of Sex Act over recorded on video. I mean this thing reads like i dont even know. Its incredible. Whats in these charges. A lot to get to with george Jeanine Pirro and kennedy, coming up next. If you have this. Consider adding this. An Aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan from unitedhealthcare. Medicare supplement plans help by paying some of what medicare doesnt. And let you see any doctor. Any specialist. Anywhere in the u. S. Who accepts medicare patients. So if you have this. Consider adding this. Call Unitedhealthcare Today for your free decision guide. Martha right now here in new York City breaking as we speak, Sean Diddy Combs In Court, he is facing a litany of charges of sects trafficking, he is pleading not guilty or magnified asking the judge to lock him up until his trial because they feel that he is a Flight Risk. We are going to talk about why he was arrested last night at a hotel. They contend that he abused, threatened, exported women and other people for years. Forcing them to take her in what prosecutors called extended sexual performances, otherwise known as Freak Offs, were learning some new Terms Today unfortunately. Watchlist. Combs allegedly planned and controlled the six performances which he called 14 Freak Offs can he often electronically recorded them. The Freak Offs sometimes lasted days at a time, involved multiple commercial sects workers and often involves a variety of narcotics, such as ketamine, ecstasy and ghb. Which combs distributed to the victims to keep them obedient and compliant. As alleged when combs didnt get his way, it was violence. And he subjected victims of to physical, emotional and verbal Ass Abuse so that they would participate in the Freak Offs. Martha if your kids are in at home from school, you might not want to listen to this particular segment. Kennedy and george Jeanine Pirro are here and first, lets get uptodate on the charges and what all of this looks like grandma collectors Mike Adams has been covering it all day and before that, alexis, tell us what youve learned. High, martha. When you take a look at these federal court documents, looking through pages and pages of them, the details and current eschemic I Cant even imagine what these women went through. Shone did he come screw this woman and from all over the country to different hotels, here the people he worked with kind of Stock Ghost Hotel rooms with a bunch of items and then would have them have sex with male prostitutes, okay. They had to have sex with these Mill Postures according to the feds for days sometimes and then they had such bad injuries it took them weeks to recover. This all comes back though to a 2016 video when Side Hotel in california that kind of started all of this. And i want to warn you before we look at it its hard to watch. Take a look at your screen, this is what brought all of this to court and brought us to this moment. This is diddy caught on camera attacking his then Girlfriend Kassidy Ventura and you can see him as shes trying to leave the hotel to get away from the guy, you stops her, grabs her by the hair, closer to ground and and pick her, not quite, not twice end bring her back to the Hotel Room where the federal authorities say that abuse continued for hours. The Music Mobile that was not in trouble until recently. Combs insured for Support Participation from the woman that we are hearing by using drugs from these people when it comes down to exactly what happened, so how did he enough to have these Freak Offs. According to the indictment he said he was going to control their career and leverages financial support and instead he was going to take it away if they tried to leave. P. Diddy was started schmidt spotted an Central Park just hours after his arrest. S Lawyer said he came to the Big Apple because he new the arrest was coming. He will pay not guilty obviously. Hes going to fight this with all of his energy and all of his might and the confidence of hiS Lawyers and i expect a long battle with a good result from mr combs. And hes in court right now. He said hes not guilty, martha, but he is also according to hiS Lawyer, theyre soy saying that a criminal but just not a perfect guy. So well keep an ironic, martha. Martha alex mcadams, thank you very much. Twenty amino kennedy, host of kennedy saves the World Podcast and a former Mtv Vj who has met him many times. And george Jeanine Pirro, Cohost Of Or Magnified and cohost of The Fox special what did the dew and he she studied the case since this all started to unravel. Let me start with you, your reactions to these charges and do they line up with what you covered . Judge jeanine the charges clearly line up what weve covered in that Fox Nation special. What you have is sean diddy combs was running a criminal enterprise out of his own business, using employees and security from his business which kind of accounts for the racketeering. And he was trafficking women from one state to another for illegal purposes. He was also abusing them, he was using guns and forcing them in intimidating them to engage in various sexual activities, and as alexis just said, i mean, there was always this threat of Loser Career are all take money from you. But at the same time there were far more violence and simple threat than simple threat of taking money away from them. We saw in that video, and i will bet you dollars to doughnuts that there are many videos like that, did a Search Warrant of both his homes in miami and on the West Coast before he was videotaping these Freak Offs speeds nine yes. These went on for hours that women were beaten during these things and they had to give them ivs to recuperates. And would have literally A Thousand bottles of lubricant so that they could use them during these videotaped Freak Offs. I mean, this is a case where you can rest assured that when the united States Attorney says we want more victims to come forward that theyre going to get them before kennedy, he cover the Music Industry for a long time and met him several times. You know, if these allegations are true, what created this monster . Kennedy created this monster was fear. If you talk to people that work for him there were always rumors about what he was participating in an even if people didnt see it, there were always threats and there is always coercion. Even if they didnt directly witness the Freak Offs which, you know, i think we all need Hazmat Shower in order to scrub our brains from just the inference this indic indictment. But people have heard that he would beat people up, he would have been people beaten up grandma there were rumors that he had had people killed in the indictment, it talks about arson and he is charged under the California Penal Code with arson in addition to the racketeering and coercing people into prostitution. Rt. Hon. Justin trudeau and it wasnt just woman that he was moving across State Lines and international lines. Thats part of it as well. There were men involved in this and one of the alleged male victims came forward and filed one of the civil suits that we had read about that led to the raid in march. And so, what federal investigators did from multiple lawenforcement agencies is they went to his homes in Los Angeles and miami in the comb through everything and, you know, they found, according to in being back indictment, much more evidence about the kind of thing that was alleged in the civil suits that then when they put it all together and they really took the time since march, you know, has been six months since that dramatic rate in those two homes, they put it together in to a document that is incendiary. But it also makes you wonder how did someone escalate to those heights after being lauded as an incredible Interpreter And Selfmade businessman, who really etched out his part of the Music Industry, to the point where he was seen as an untouchable legend . So how did someone like that, you know, who was on par with dr. Dre and jayz, how was he operating in the in this way and being so sexually violent with people and threatening to kill them and ruin their lives and during their Career Martha and getting away with it and then escalating it more and its some sort of, you know, Power Trip and maybe business is not going to be he wanted to be going i look forward to hearing people break this down psychologically. Just go ahead. Judge jeanine you know, those people who signed ndas, none disclosures with him, and the way to resolve those civil suits, had no obligation. When they are subpoenaed to testify for a grand jury, there are going to testify, and sean diddy combs started with lowlevel crimes and then continued to the point where there are claims that their homicides involved here, and make no mistake, you faces life and based upon this indictment, i believe that he will probably get life. Martha and, judge, well go to this life, but he is a Flight Risk he thought would be able to show up today and then he arrested him last night. Quickly on that. Judge jeanine because they realize hes a virus. You have all kinds of advantages, you can move in a Minute Speed and almost got martha thank you so much, Kennedy And Judge Jeanine Pirro. Cool wait for the attorneys to come out and get a statement but right now republican Senator Tommy Sommerville is coming calling on President Biden and Vice President harris to increase former President Trump Security Detail after the second attempt on former President Trumps life. I dont feel that. I dont feel the need for hate. A sense of urgency. The Secret Service has to leave the lawn down so the people here in congress say we have two give help. I hear the Secret Service of the Fbi Director or the regional director down in south on about, you know, hes not the sitting president nah we all know that. But hes had two Assassination Attempts, my god, wake up and smell the roses. Weve got to do something. Lets dont wait till its too late. We are not a World Country and a grantor you filled world countries get better protection to precedents and former President S and what we did. And thats a shame. So hopefully you get something done in the next in the near future. Because we dont need a disaster on our hands. And this is serious. Because theres so much love for this president across the country about how hard he works, this administration is responsible for protecting. Thats very unusual when you have a former president having to ask the present a demonstration hes running against for protection. Is there time to put up and shut up. Martha that was Senator Sommerville calling for more protection for former President Trump given the fact that he was he has not been the subject of not one but two Assassination Attempts in a little over two months. And we have new revelations from the Secret Service that in the lead up of after the second attempt on the former President S life, agents did not search the perimeter of the Golf Course where the suspect was there for 12 hours. And here is why. This was an off the record movement. It wasnt a site that was on his scheduled it wasnt part of his schedule. So there was no posting up a bit because he wasnt supposed to have gone there in the first place. Martha but he goes there all the time. The Tree Line surrounding the Golf Course has several holes in it. This one that you can see quite clearly here is close to where the suspect was found, the openings are well known to photographers who like to use these spots to snap pictures of the former President S in his West Palm Beach course in florida, were State Level Probe in to the attempt was just announced. The spring in kris parker, former assistant fbi dire director. Kris Parker Cant always good to have you with us. Thank you very much for have joining me. What is direction to that comment by the Acting Director of the service, you know, it wasnt on the schedule so we didnt do a Perimeter Sweep . Yeah. Elects control of these technical terms around and does jargon and stuff, but it meant nothing to me. Because they knew he was going to Play Golf, they have a responsibility to protect him. It doesnt matter to me whether its on the record or off the record, that the u. S. Secret service initial post to protect the president , former President S and coming off of butler . My gosh. They should have had all the resources they needed and, of course, resources dont do you any good if you dont know if you use them. And in this case, all they had to do was have someone walk down the Tree Line, defense, theres only one place a Threat Couldve come from. And thats the Fence Line or the Tree Line, you know, there werent any threats on the Golf Course itself. Networks were going to come from off the Golf Course but in the immediate vicinity. So, you know, take out the sun glasses, pick up the suit, have somebody in plain clothes walking the Fence Line both inside and outside the Fence Line. But this is not a resource issue, martha, it never has been. The only have about 40 of their resources in order to protection, the rest of it is going to investigations, you need to go back to their Core Mission of protection. Because most of those investigations are things that they just wanted to do a, it wasnt anything they were needed to do. So this is a matter of leadership and setting varieties and leaving effectively and i think that is where the buck stops here. I would not put it on any the agents of this on the streets are trying to do their jobs. Martha i was struck by the fact in the butler situation, one of the first thing that people said and i believe you were among them that you have to basically block the sightlines outside of the area so that each User Cant get a Scope View to see the President S on the outside area that youre not protected. So you close out both sightlines, youre obviously improving the security. So im wondering if they look at the aerial map of this area, May 21 line along this public Road And Youve got this little chainlink fence. So im wondering why they havent said after butler, you know, we know you like to Play Golf here, he goes here all the time. Is his favorite local courts. So what were going to do is put in a big green, you know, france across this whole area and were going to put whatever on one side of it so that nobody can see you when youre on these holes. Way wasnt that done . It seems fairly simple. It does seem like common sense. And that is a big aspect of their job. In any federal agents job. And, you know, they they dont seem to think that their responsibility extends beyond close in protection it seems to me. You want to delegate anything outside the immediate vicinity of the President Order protecting local Law Enforcement or someone else with a gist dont do it all. So i see just a general reluctance for them to kinda roll up their sleeves and, you know, do gumshoe trench work, get on the Tree Line, thank strategically ahead of time. Think like a bad Guy And Figure out where the threads are going to come from because in this case, logically, it only comes from the Tree Line. Martha yeah. And two unsuccessful attempts on very easily could have been successful given scenarios. They got married very lucky times in the situations. Chris swecker, thank you so much. Always good to have you with us are make dangerous environment that is out there. So lets talk now about former President Trump whos about to hold his first public event since the second attempt on his life, a Town Haul in battleground michigan today, the former president in maralago took the time to go out and meet with the sheriffs deputies from martin county, florida who took the suspect into custody after that leaders attend. He shook hands with an intact them for the work that they did on the ground. Makes moment between them. Im sure they were very proud to be recognized in that way by the former president. Lets bring in trump 2024 senior advisor alina habba. Always good to have you with us, think for joining us today. Thanks for having me. Martha you know, your thoughts as this campaign moves forward and i think it needs to be said that theres not been any suggestion by President Trump that he wants to rein it in, that hes worried that you want to change anything about his lifestyle or about his way of complaining in the face of this. Thing most normal people would be afraid. But he doesnt appear to be. Know he is not. That is exactly was he was a president , thats exactly why we needed to be the president. The man has no fear in the face of opposition. He is absolutely determined to save this country. If anybody had any doubt, this is just to prove that you will never get out of any debate, out of any speech, out of any rally. This is who the man is. He was off the Course And Corn more cared more about whether his friend was okay than himself. Grateful and mature this as we just thought Maralago Today with the Palm Beach Police department who he admired, and no, he is completely unrelenting. He will go out there today and do the same thing he has always done because he is so determined to save this country even when it means risking his life, not wants but twice. And thats all that we know of. So, you know, you know him, martha. Thats just who he is,s strongest and freezers fired The American can ask for. Martha what were hearing from the other side is that the rhetoric needs to come down. This is Hillary Clinton, shes she has a book coming out so shes making the rounds. She was on the Rachel Maddow Show last night. I dont understand why its so difficult for the press have a consistent narrative about how dangerous trump is. His demagoguery, his danger to our country and the world, and stick with it. We cant go back and give this very dangerous man another chance to do harm to our country and the world. Martha thoughts on the discussion around rhetoric thats happening right now, alina . That rhetoric itself is what they would call an Insurrectionist Or Insurrectionist language. If President Trump did it or if i did it or if anyone on the republican side didnt, ashman saying that he is a threat to democracy is the reason we have people believing they can be recognized, truly recognize, not but vanessas and the legal system, weaponize as an Ar Fifteens outside his Golf Club and a smile on their face when they get caught after trying to assassinate a former and likely future president. The language and the rhet rhetoric, martha, comes from the left. And the fact that Hillary Clinton is so plays in migration to clean with the media to help with the rhetoric, be more aggressive towards a man who just had two attempt on his life, she should go pray, you know, all pray for her because that is the most disturbing thing i have ever seen. Martha in terms of, you know, last change and what may or may not happen, here are some statistics this morning from Joe Scarborough on mourning show. Watch. Why is the Secret Service even let him go out and go courses . Because again a lot of Golf Courses are tucked away. Released trump courses are on busy Roads Grandmother also real security concerns. Particularly at this course here which is Wealth Pump West Palm Beach. They cant stop him from what he wants to do but their ability to protect him goes down in a massive, sprawling Golf Course. Martha you know, i mean, many President S Play Golf to unwind. We know that they all have very intense schedules and as i keep saying, this is a place and i know you know very well from being there that he plays out very often, right . So I Cant figure out why these holes havent been fixed by the Secret Service, given the fact that he goes out there all the time. I think that there is a good question. I will say that i know the Secret Service that i deal with, that President Trump is surrounded by are The Ones that saved him yesterday. So i am very careful about making generalized comments. What i do believe is that there needs to be a true assessment and the comment that was made at the Press Conference Yesterday that he is not a current president and therefore is not afforded the same protections that maybe Joe Biden is well he says in On The Beach falling asleep with his ice cream, well, you know, what, President Trump is doing more for this country are now than any president , and evp then that i know and that includes a sitting president and when we have two attempt on any President Life we have to protect those people. Martha there is a very limited threat against him. That is clear then management people have already tried to kill him and we need to make this a more secure in environment. Thank you, alina, thank you very much. Want to see you. We go back to Capitol Hill know where republican senators are calling for more resources for the Secret Service. Was lets listen to what senator had to say. Available to former President Trump. So that he can continue to work, you know, what we have seen is apparently a lack of resources or Planning Or Focus or a combination of a all. Why are they not using Dro Drones . Were either not using dogs . Wide why do they not have protection at the level that was there when he was president . Mark why are they not doing that . So its going to be important for the Secret Service to answer that question and to focus on what enhancements and additions are going to be necessary to properly protect President Trump. And we have mentioned today some of the rhetoric. Our nation has been well served over the past 248 years by robust, respectful, bipartisan political debates. And to label a political opponent as a threat to democracy and all the other terms that they use, that is not something that serves we are of the united states of america. We do not settle our differences with violence. What we do is to choose 18 we want to campaign for and then we go out and we campaign. And it is going to be so important that each and every candidate, regardless of their political affiliation, knows that they can push forward their ideas, that they can have that robust debate, and that they are going to be safe during that process. Questions . You guys obviously bring out these tweets from President Biden on the rhetoric would you say that President Trump martha well keep a close eye on that and we are also waiting for Sean Holmes attorneys to come out of the courtroom in new york and we expect to take that live moments away. We are also going to bring you more on the state of the race a mere seven weeks away from Poster Election Day and also this Breaking Story which is a wild story out of lebanon where a number of people have been killed when pagers exploded in their hands in the hands of hezbollah operatives, echoed in their pockets, i think it people is the most frequent smirk recent count of that, wounding dozens of others in this extraordinary hit on hezbollah operatives, more when we come back. And Bowel Inc. But that changed when my urologist told me about Axonics Therapy. A Longlasting Solution that has really changed my life. This is not another drug, and it works. Visit findrealrelief. Com to arrange an appointment with an Expert Physician to determine if Axonics Therapy is right for you. Results and experiences may vary. Stop suffering in silence. Ah, these bills are crazy. She has no idea shes sitting on a goldmine. 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Were in bradenton right now because tunnel to towers has decided help homeless veterans who want to get out of homelessness, get into a better part of their life, its a great partnership between the tunnel to towers and manatee county, to be able to provide housing for the veterans that need it most, not shelters, homes. Its not just a place to sleep its actually wrap around services and thats what is so impressive. As someone who fought on the forward edge of freedom these are my people. These are my brothers, my sisters, the people we fought beside one of the hallmarks of Military Service is the only people behind it that sticks with me. I know that every veteran who raised their right hand and swore to support and defend our constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. We have things that we carry inside of us, what tunnel to towers is doing with this village is helping veterans that have Mental Health issues needs. We have veterans that suffer every day. And so to have this facility to service our veterans that are in so need it just the pride is just exploding. We want to make sure that when our veterans are Coming Home, that theyre Coming Home to something that actually feels personalized and homey for them. Thats a home. Thats a home with dignity and walls and air conditioning. Its beautiful. I was able to walk through one of the Comfort Homes today. That moved my heart. Im just telling you it did when i walked in. And itll help the heart of that veteran. Thats whats important. The care and the give and the love that tunnel to towers has for our veterans is amazing. The people that donate to tunnel to towers, they are amazing. That Eleven Dollars is changing your life because your giving and its changing somebody elses to do it. It just an honor to be involved with it. This is all that is good in america. And i am incredibly proud to stand with them. They matter. They save lives. You should support them. Martha we are going to steal a few minutes here to take a quick look at pennsylvania because we have some brandnew poles out and pennsylvania, 19 electoral votes. Obviously this might be the most important state on election night, seven weeks to go. The new postdebate Polling Shows Vice President harris ahead by three points, margin of error is four plus in this pool. Harris led trump by nine the Indus Polling when they headed into this debate and we are asked were asked who do support before the debate so she actually lost a bit of ground after this debates in this poll. Shes also ahead in two of the bellwether counties in Northampton East of Pennsylvania And Erie in the northwest. Both were won by trump in 2016 and then were won by biden in 2020 so those are important reasons to keep and i on. Twenty Amino Lee Carter Poster And President Of Mccloskey and partners, always good to have you with us. What you make of these postdebate polls . Im trying to decide if theres an outlier or early indicator because winwin been looking at the polls we havent seen a whole lot of movement with Kamala Harris or donald Trump Frankie after the debate and its not surprising because when i talk to voters the night of the election, many people said they were not satisfied that Kamala Harris give them enough reason to say that she her economy is going to be different from Joe Bidens academy and theyre really looking for that so i havent seen anywhere else in the polls this kind of movement here we are seeing be big movement. So the question is is this one of the first cold thats really pressing in the success she had in pennsylvania or is this an outlier . There are some trends in there that i think are important. Number 1 looking at her advantage with women, shes ahead by 17 points in those key areas that you just outlined with women. By donald trump in the head by 12 points with men so theres a huge Gender Divide Martha but are there more woMen Voters than Men Voters . Yes there are. I think its going to be really fascinating to watch this Gender Divide as it plays out. It certainly even becoming wider among young folks between 18 and 29. Martha i found this fascinating, he is leaving with hispanic voters by 8 in pennsylvania. And i think weve ever seen a republican beating democrat, usually its, you know, how much are they eroding the lead of hispanic voters . But hes ahead with hispanic voters in pennsylvania. I dont know how large, you know, of a Voter Group that is in pennsylvania. You know, is a very interesting trend that were starting to see more and more hispanic voters are going for donald trump in many ways whatever heard from them and we had a couple voters in our Focus Groups were talking about how unfair the Immigration System seems to be, that they came in the right way and people coming smirk are coming in the wrong way. Not for them to come to america was about opportunity and not an artist. Know they feel like people are coming in, opening out their hands and getting iphones and getting free places to stay and it just does not believe that American Dream that the and so i think you might be seen that play out a little bit in these poles. Martha yeah, it its fascinating and we are going to talk more. I have leave for a longer period of time in my podcast and we are going to talk later this afternoon and there is going to drop on wednesday so thank you for doing that. Were going to take care of that a little bit later today so thank you so much for being here. Well talk later. So before we go today, a warning that this video is graphic. Hezbollah claims that is part of an israeli attack that had pager devices exploding in peoples hands in lebanon and syria. [screaming] martha that one going up in a Super Market in beirut. Lebanon reports nine people are dead including hezbollah members and a young girl more than 2700 heard including the iranian ambassador. S Injury apparently not too serious but 200 victims in critical condition, the Ab Reporting that hezbollah told members start using pagers, warning israel could track there sell phones. So far, no comment from israel on these explosions but an extraordinary sequence of events play out in those apparent attacks that have killed nine people and wounded many others so will keep a close eye on that still waiting for the attorneys for Sean Combs to come out of the courthouse so stay tuned for the Breaking News. Good to have you with us this afternoon on this tuesday, september 17th. We are seven weeks from election day, folks, so stay tuned. The story goes on, rc you right back here tomorrow. Another live look at the courthouse here in manhattan as we await developments in the Sean Combs case. Today im announcing the unsealing of a three

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