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To be with a different Paradigm One can ever imagine isis and thats why think we are standing together paying the price and we are committed to go all the way in hamas and Gaza Hezbollah and also the regime. The Israel Ambassador to the United Nations making it very clear these are dangerous times in the Oneyear Anniversary since those October 7 attacks and if you think about it, it change the whole view of the Middle East and maybe the world as a result. Nate foy in Tel Aviv Everyone waiting to see what israels response will be exactly to those iran missile attacks. What are you hearing . Neil we are hearing different suggestions from president Joe Biden as well as former President Donald Trump so as the sirens continue blaring in Northern Israel and of course the war continuing with hezbollah in israel exchanging fire today. A half an hour ago president Joe Biden is cautioning israel against striking irans nuclear facilities and oilfields as a retaliation for tuesdays Ballistic Missile attack. Former President Donald Trump has a different opinion. I think hes got that one wrong. The answer should have been hit the nuclear first and worry about the rest later. As i mentioned hezbollah terrorists continue Firing Hundreds of rockets today. Israels Iron Dome intercepting many of them in haifa. We have new video by an israeli airstrike in the northern at 11 city of tripoli. They took out two senior commanders in at 11. While airstrikes also continue in the capitol of beirut. Take a look at this new video for Drone Strike on a hezbollah command center. There reports that israel killed the successor to Hassan Nasrallah in a Thursday Airstrike that either the idea for hezbollah has confirmed that. On the ground in southern poland a mayor supported by airstrikes including one on hamas that the idf said functioned as a infrastructure this morning. Israel is also reporting and airstrikes from thursday in the west bank, killed elise 12 terrorists from hamas and jihad. Israel said the strike prevented in Ament Terror Attack and we had a Terror Attack that killed several people just down the street in java. Those terrorists came here that day with an automated rifle from the west bank. Thats my friend Nate Foy in israel. We want to go to the former israeli ambassador to the United States. Ambassador its always good having you. Obviously you have heard from everybody and his uncle about what israel should and should not note should not do and what you should not do as going after the nuclear facilities. It would be dangerous to go after Oil Facilities. In other words limiting what you can and cannot do. Do you think israel should pay attention . At morning meal. Israel is going to do what what israel had to do to defend ourselves. We are fighting a war on several different fronts all against iran. This is the head of the octopus The Pit of whatever you want to compare it to. None of this is going to stop until iran is made to pay a prohibitive price and up to this Point Iran is paid no price certainly not from israel or even the United States. Iran and its proxies of fired at american forces some 200 times in the Middle East. This is a cause of fast unspeakable Damage Suffering throughout the entire Middle East so israel is going to do what israel has to do in order to ensure our security and our survival and every target remains on the table. I notice ambassador to your point about the concerns about iran i know israel has plenty of concerns and soda countries countries like Saudi Arabia and their united emirates. Without saying so they are quiet response probably says volumes. What do you make of that . I think there quieted rooting for us because they had to be. These countries are facing twin existential threats and ones come from shiite from his lola and sunny the brotherhood and al qaeda. One country and one country only standing up to both of them and if we win and we will win against hamas and hezbollah the chance of peace will greatly expand. I hate to paraphrase john lennon. If you want peace they are rooting for us to beat these people and beat them decisively. The issue then becomes what happens after this response because it seems like its back in iran and what its going to do to respond to israeli Kaunda Response to what they get them back and forth we go. How long do you see this going on . He will go as long as it needs to go until until israel as shares of survival until the iranian regime knows trying to hurt the state of israel trying to kill the jewish and destroy us and by the way their leaders come out every single day and say the goal is to destroy a sovereign state. Until that stops we will have to continue. We are a very rough and tough and resilient society and we have gone through an lot in our 76 years of independence. We will get through this as well and we defeated enemy after enemy. At The End of the day we have no choice. We draw tremendous strength from out as well as strength from our sense of history that this is our ancestral homeland and we have come home to our central homeland not to die but to live in to thrive. Thats very well put and ambassador want to get your take obviously i follow money and markets so i dont want to be about it. If youll indulge my Oil Prices have gone to 10 this week on these heightened tensions if Oil Facilities were hit to that point we have learned iran has repositioned a number of Oil Tankers and i dont know how you hide an Oil Tanker Ambassador but they are doing their best. When i was speaking to authorities the few minutes ago they made it clear, we know where those tankers are and we know where those facilities are. Im wondering if that is part of their thinking, to Hit Iran economically where it will be painful. On the flip side of that it could be painful for the world with Oil Prices shoot up and stay up. What you think . I think again all options will be on the table here. Nothing is off the table in certainly irans Oil Industry and its facilities are vulnerable and guess they know where they are. I recall the 1988 President Reagan said the u. S. Navy struck the Oil Facilities after iranians were firing at tankers in the persian Gulf Operation praying mantis if you remember this. The u. S. Navy sunk half of the iranian navy and guess what, after that the iranians stopped. They stopped so again that Message Test to be sent to iran, keep up all the and in you will pay for a prohibitive price. Thats our job in the coming days and i think at The End of those days we have no choice. Ambassadors Michael Oren good seeing you again. Thank you very much. Darryl issa is with us right now on i wonder what he makes of this foreign Affairs Committee Member In The House. What would your response be congressman . Ambassador Michael Oren said that while israel has no choice. Allow the people havent understood israel is our proxy against iran just as ukraine is currently a proxy against russia. We have two evil Oil Exporters if you will in the world and we are fighting them both halfheartedly. Thats the challenge and thats what i think israel feels but wont say and that is they are getting tepid support from the United States, enough to not be defeated but not enough to put the enemy back on its heels so we can bring peace. The ambassador said it pretty well per phrasing john lennon, sometimes war is the path to peace and thats true in ukraine. We are going to bring an end to it, its true in israel and quite frankly after afghanistan we have learned a lesson which is do not squander the blood of hours or anybodys troops by looking for an early ceasefire in early peace. Look for an outcome that brings lasting peace. We are looking for lasting peace that includes iran that no longer Exports Terror and we are looking for lasting peace that obviously with ukraine. We arent finding it because this administration is only fighting halfway. You cant fight a war to break even. You have defied a war to bring about a change and lasting peace. Cannot happen in an environment within your own party. People who say it enough to ukraine and enough with dealing with these proxies taking on Vladimir Putin or elsewhere in the Middle East and the frustration may be borne obviously of helene and the damage and billions of dollars to make the states whole that we are too focused on it. How do you feel about that . Well, look many republicans are tired of Fighting Fights that we dont win and that we dont even try to win. I think the support of a president who says we have an endgame, we win, we in the western World Wind which by the way in the case of Iran The Western World includes bahrain, Saudi Arabia uae, a host of countries that were once enemies of israel that today want a lasting peace in iran is not exporting terror. I do believe that with leadership we will have support. Look im going to 435 members of the house and 100 senators. You Cant Lead in that kind of the group. Leadership comes normally from the White House with leadership In The House and the senate, coming together to form i understand all of that congressman and i dont mean to be disrespectful but the strategy as we win and i get that but there does seem to be signals at least when it comes to ukraine. From Donald Trump message this espys wrapped up in whether that means Vladimir Putin is ceding to some of the wishes in the persian gulf, its not turning into World War iii. What im getting at is there a concern in the attempt to come out winning that it looks tentative . No, i wouldnt confuse the two. Lasting peace is not about decimating your enemy. We did that in World War ii with the Marshall Plan and rebuilt them. The fact is you can bring about a change in behavior. The ambassador mentioned Oren 88 and Ronald Reagan. If iran permanently changes his behavior or it least for his substantial period of time we can bring about peace but we cant have peace where he simply say we are going to have a ceasefire and wait for both sides to rearm and do this again. Lasting peace is about changing behavior. Irans behavior since oren 79 has been consistently bad. Theyve been consistently expanding their ability to export terror. We need to change that and i think new leadership will do exactly that. Its good seeing you again Darryl Issa from the state of california. We have more coming up including the latest Rescue Efforts going on. I hate to break it to you there are a couple of others storms forming in the atlantic and points south and for south and for a lot of and talking about two feet of rain next week. We will have the latest on the Rescue Efforts going on in North Carolina and other states badly battered by what happening about a week ago hitting florida as a category 4 storm. And changing peoples views of what dangerous and what we should focus on four Storm Systems of any sort reminding us about that. Obviously the flooding is surging in all of that which is proven to be particular with helene. What is the latest . Think of how far away that damage was in the appalachians from where the center of helene came on shore and we have a half million households without power nine days later. I think that will go on for quite while. This is a Power Outage and by the way we havent talked about east georgia. They had incredible impact from Hurricane Helene as well. Weatherwise across this area things are looking great, tons of sunshine. We dont have any rain in the forecast and thats good news for the folks who are dealing with the cleanup. I want to tell you, we are about to turn our attention to a new storm that formed in the gulf and that means we are going to talk as much about the need in the Southern Appalachians. That doesnt mean the need will go away. Thats the story that will have to pay attention to for a long time and now across the western gulf this is a tropical depression 14 and as 11 00 this morning the national Hurricane Center issuing advisories from the storm. Its going to pull off towards the east, towards the peninsula of florida and as it does it will eventually move over a pocket of some really rich warm water potentially that will allow this to strengthen as it heads towards major hurricane strength. West coast of florida while not taking a direct hit from Helene Saw an incredible Storm Surge and Tampa Bay and Tampa Bay sought Storm Surge they havent seen in reported times from the storm. This has the potential to be worse than now. Notice its not going towards the Southern Appalachians and thats good news. The forecast now with the national Hurricane Center is putting this out and gets it to a cat to to a cat two to a cat to come the cat 3 sometime Wednesday Morning somewhere on the Western Shore of florida. We could be seeing something stronger than that may be a category 3 or category 4. All through the western coast of florida way above their average rainfall this year and that means the ground is saturated and rain will be problematic. We just had Storm Surge and now we have another hurricane going towards that area. I was reading the florida papers they are looking at a double region with more rain next week. Thats ruling out whether this becomes an upright hurricane so sometimes the strength of it is not the issue. The flooding. The amount of rain for sure. This one nil i dont see how it doesnt become a hurricane. This is a problem and its coming soon wednesday landfall. Thats right now. We have to make plans. We need to hear the whole story. Meanwhile back to getting out at the storms way, that has already come helene again a reminder to lean after becoming a category 4 storm with weekly at top tropical storm in a massive system most damage and the United Cajun Navy trying to help. How are things looking . Sellout here in burnsville im with United Cajun Navy. We are out here trying to help individuals who have suffered loss and still doing some rescue operations. A lot of it is distribution and sometimes we are looking with the national guard rerouting some of the supplies where they feel its better suited i guess you could say but we are giving aid and we will continue to serve here. One of the things we need to know if people could reach out to us in other areas that still need us to bring in special operations. We feel like we are clear on what was done here and we need to move further north into other areas but it will rely a lot on individuals giving us that Feedback And Law enforcement telling us where our presence is needed. Chad you want to jump in about what happening on the ground . Hi guys. Our ground Operations Team for right now for burnsville they feel like we have the community well under control. We came up from Black Mountain and we feel we have that community under control on all the data we have all of our until is pretty much funneled through its showing right there. We have over four and 50 volunteers here and everything from heavy machinery to the excavators to atvs Chainsaw Crews to go out and get supplies into the areas that we cannot get there by truck. All of their until is either old or we dont have any fresh data so we are putting a call out to everybody. If there are people in need that maybe has trees blocking the road or even their driveways go to her Web Site and send us an email and go to our facebook and let us know. On our facebook if you go to United Cajun Navy we have a messenger and we have a team that is going through every single message thats going into it so if you can give us feedback and the date and where we are needed, and eeoc out there that wants to let us know its going on. All right guys. Thank you both. 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I was standing in the same spot in July 12 weeks ago when we heard what sounded like firecrackers and pops in the background we saw the former president go down behind the podium. He came back up with his fist in the air telling the public he would fight for them and fight for this country. People here today are looking around and seeing more security in place to reflect on what happened not too long ago. We thought we were safe for new and in here. You would think a rally like that would be one of the most protected places. Other than the sitting president. Yeah it was scary. And scary is an understatement to be back here today is eerie but also theres a lot of excitement because they cant wait to see the president back on stage. The former president was speaking about immigration and he fell to the ground after a bullet grazed his ear. The gunman was able to climb up on a nearby roof and opened fire on the crowd. This time trump tells me security will be tight. It will be the safest place in the world. Heres a live look at a memorial in the stands of butler, pennsylvania today. That memorial is for Corey Conforto or the Volunteer Firemen shot and killed at his rally in july. The man who lost his life shielding his family from the bullets as they rang out former President Trump will honor him and two other men who were shot and injured that day. The return comes one month after the president ial election of butler is on the western edge of the Swing State and people know some of this area is Trump Country as they call it. He didnt win this this county in and 2016 and 2020. This rally will be the 10th Visit for the former President And Vice president Kamala Harris is in the lot of time in the Battleground State of pennsylvania. Today 30 days out until the president ial election. We can see behind me for the former president and it wont just be him on the stage this time covered by the Bulletproof Glass and there will be Elon Musk and other names such as j. D. Vance on the stage with former President Trump. A reminder to viewers Shannon Bream will be doing special coverage of the rally and to the fbi Special Agent is watching this closely. She had concerns about what it transpired in butler two months ago and that communication is key. There was little communication between the various agencies. Nicole what do you want to see today . First of all its like to honor Corey Cory as well. Cory is a hero he put his own life on the line to protect his family and i have a great amount of respect for him and god bless him and and his family. And thank you to President Trump. One thing about President Trump he honors the fallen whether its a Law Enforcement officer a servicemember from afghanistan and he takes timeout of his busy schedule to and i can tell you how important it is for our country. We must stand up to evil and do its right. We cannot live in fear. As far as a Law Enforcement perspective what i hope to in what we are seeing is extremely different. Every row will be covered. There It Counter Sniper Teams of u. S. Secret service giving every possible resource but i believe it will be one Command Post for the Secret Service and Secret Service and therell be radios so all Enforcement Agencies will have access to with one Command Post clear instructions to locals and that was lacking in the first to rally. Very clear instructions to local Law Enforcement this is what wed expect you to do and this is your assignment. The Operations Plan was highly reviewed and highly scrutinized and every single detail was checked before was signed off on. The drones will be working this time and technology will be working k9 every single resource possible will be here and i agree with President Trump it will be the safest place on earth. No Cole Parker thank you. In the meantime updating you on what we are are hearing out it is real and growing concerns with the strategy it should take. Israel has been saying we will do we have to do but they arent saying what it is they are going to do. I its not whether we will be in a wider war. We are in a wider war now as we speak. If i ran in fact it is not moving towards developing a Nuclear Weapon then the question becomes what kind of targets should israel strike at in iran . I believe they let seriously at military targets and i think they ought to look at frankly some of the energy in areas as wells targets. What they have to do in The End is make very clear that iran is going to be weakened as a result of whatever Strike Israel conducts. Leon panetta on the same page is Donald Trump when he talks about military targets whether that extends to nuclear targets is anyones guess. Dan hoffman former Cia Chief Station In Moscow with us now. Dan lets say israel goes into military and from your former time In Moscow what would Vladimir Putin do . This is going to sound counterintuitive to our viewers. Vladimir putin is perfectly fine with israel launching strikes on iran as long as it doesnt threaten irans regime security. If iran is not as strong in terms of their relationship with russia that means putin can drive a harder bargain to secure access to irans drones and other things that russia needs to carry on their War Warren to ukraine. Russia and iran have long term strategic rivals. From the time i served as the director in the near East Division and much time in the Middle East including in iraq and in israel that these countries are playing machiavelli and highlevel transactional geopolitics and Vladimir Putin is watching carefully but he is watching without the trepidation you might expect. What about china . I think china is looking to take advantage of whatever opportunities they can to increase their influence in the Middle East. Both Russia And China want the United States to diminish her influence in the region if they dont kick us out altogether so they will take every opportunity to use their soft power to the extent they happen to align themselves with the Global South and potential targets of support in the Middle East. China has their sights set on Saudi Arabia and the uae. The United States needs to be strong and ready to play a strong role diplomatically to ensure our Adversaries China and russia in particular dont feel the vacuum. What do you make of the nonresponse pretty much from Saudi Arabia and more moderate countries, not exactly ripping israel and not exactly embracing iran. I would imagine they would welcome something like that. They absolutely would and if you talk to saudi officials and private sometimes publicly to they will tell you iran is the head of and Hezbollah Assistance Force for evil and quietly behind the scenes they support israel. The challenge is because israel so effectively taking the fight to hamas and those civilian deaths in gaza has made it difficult for Saudi Arabia and jordan in particular their populations are very much against what israel is doing in gaza even though israels responding in selfdefense and even though hamas embeds themselves with civilians. Despite that its a very difficult, very challenging political situation for both of those countries as well as the uae. Im wondering as well where this takes israel in relation. We certainly heard in between the lines with Joe Biden and his first press in the Conference Room talking about how they dont talk a lot a lot and we are told israel, this planned response to deal with hezbollah when it invaded southern at 11 and i wonder what you think of that . There is a lot of daylight right now between our two governments although i would caution i think we have close relationships with the Intelligence Community are respected intelligence communities and the military. Right now in terms of policy the biden administration keeps emphasizing they want to deescalate for diplomatic solutions. Israel has never accepted that going back to October 7 when hamas launched their brutal Attack And Hezbollah started launching rockets which forced 60 or 70,000 israelis to evacuate from the north and degrade the economy there. Israel wouldnt stand for that. Israel sees an opportunity where irans strategic depth and thats their proxies is severely weakened. Israel may decide they want to take the fight not just military targets and not just energy oil infrastructure. Perhaps irans nuclear program. Its not just from the Air Israel is demonstrating their ability to run a sophisticated Intelligence Operation with boots on the ground in deep undercover sources to conduct their missions. On that point theres the peace in the Financial Times today talking about Irans Barrage of the Ballistic Missile that oftentimes appear to overwhelm israels but they didnt put a number on it but a couple of Hit Targets in all that but when the numbers go up overwhelmingly with our help as well they are unable to stop them. If you double the number of missiles coming in he really attacks the dome system. Do you buy that . I think thats a challenge and i think thats why israel has benefited from support from the United States predicting the larger question is happily crossed a Tipping Point here . Has israel gone so far they cant allow iran and their proxies to reconstitute lest israel face an existential threat immediately. And i think thats why israel is more likely to not launch disproportionate strikes. The Biden Of is arguing israel needs a Escalation Dominance and perhaps more than that. What the United States can do is look at the longterm strategic viability for israel and maybe build out some Post Conflict Reconstruction plan in at 11 where we drive a red a wedge between hezbollah and the population that does not support hezbollah. Thank you so much. Good to see you. By the way i did allude to Joe Biden yesterday and i took quite a few questions that raised issues again about this rift between israel and the White House. Hey david. The election is one month from today as President Biden the first lady prepared to head to Camp David with a whole list of issues on his plate and we will look at some of those coming up after the break. 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Of course that strike that was on for a couple of days that was called off for. That could have been catastrophic to have both the Port Strike take place in the Hurricane Cleanup so the president walked out and said welcome to the Swimming Pool referring to the floor built over the old Swimming Pool used by president franklin roosevelt. President biden to questions about the topics that the Hurricane Recovery will continue to dominate the focus of fema and other agencies within the White House. Congress is out until after the election that time is running out for this administration just if you months to help fix the destruction and some of those southern states. Watch. We will have two deal with unforeseen costs of what this hurricane will cause. It will cost a lot of money and we will will probably opt to ask the congress prefer relief for more money to deal with some of those problems. That remains to be seen. The present touting the deal reached with highlighting the major problem that could have run into as a country have weve been into Hurricane Cleanup without those crucial imports coming through these ports. Its surely a service to the american people that all these parties have come together to respond to our request to keep the ports open. Art determined to avoid a crisis and its a critical moment. If we didnt do this now wed have a real problem. A Camp David the president will be briefed on the cleanup from helene and as we approach the oneyear of the attack from hamas into israel on monday the present will give updates there. Dave thank you. David at the White House but you have these Cross Guards in the ongoing Cleanup And Rescue efforts going on in to tens of billions of dollars since helene and more Storms Brewing and another storm that could be brewing in the Middle East and the polls are as tight as a tick. 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And its yours free just for calling, so call now for free information. You know we have been talking about fema and the Oneyear Anniversary of the Hamas Attack on israel and talking about the significance of that. He wrote a book on it in the president ial election which could decide the resolution of a lot of this including inflation thats down from what it was. Still a Problem And Wall street is soaring Job Market that seems to go counter to the issue that is a problem. The polls tight as a tick for weeks out. We have former Clinton Adviser doug schoen. You have followed this for a lot of years and i hate to sideline you there but it is tight and im wondering given these Cross Currents are we missing something and we remember 1980 with Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter a couple of weeks before the election the polls were fairly tight bend to when we know how that turned out. Could we be missing something here . You know i think thats a great Question Neil and i think the answer is yes. Joe bidens approval is 40 and maybe a little higher and bears a strong desire in the electorate for change in the sense even with a good economic news that things are headed in the wrong direction. Given harris narrow lead which is a narrow lead the Jimmy Carter had in 1980, if there is a reaction against the incumbent administration as there was way back in 1980 there could be a surge for Donald Trump. I say is surge because this is not Jimmy Carter or the incumbent Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is seeking to distinguish yourself from the incumbent president in the Administrations Record but thats a big question and i dont think we have as analysts enough time thinking through the implications of it. To your point its hard to gauge that you try to gauge and you try to gauge in these Battleground States where the polls are tight and thats where this will be one. The 80 plus electoral votes will decide to the 270. How do they look from your data . They look extraordinarily tight and theres no light between these two candidates. But of course as you and doug have mentioned that could change. The last couple of weeks has a tendency do we certainly have a lot of Inflection Points in the race Hurricane Helene certainly has affected to Swing States and a lot has been made about operational effects in terms of people being able to move in western North Carolina. They really come down to how well how and how largely fema response and fair or not that will get placed on Kamala Harris doorstep. It could be very much to her damage as it was for george w. Bush Post Hurricane Katrina so we will see how it pans out. In the states that are affected are all Battleground States so youre right to raise that. Doug another issue that comes up is what would happen if the israelis lets say they strike Oil Facility using tankers and the like and i dont know how you hide a tanker. Apparently the iranians are trying to do just that. I talked to the iranian ambassadors that we know where they are. Lets say they do hit them that would send Oil Prices all over the world up and how long is anyones guess but that could be damaging to the party in the White House. It absolutely could. They could be damaging to the party in the White House because the one thing the biden administration makes clear it does not want is more chaos and uncertainty, instability much less fighting on their watch. With the war in hamas still at if the second front with hezbollah continues this is likely and if the third front more aggressively with iran and indeed with the houthi rebels that would be forefront and even peripherally involved in the forefront wrote war with multiple actors involved that will not be good for Kamala Harris as she goes to election with Donald Trump saying there was no fighting on my watch. Real quickly the markets have been soaring and that doesnt necessarily mean americans are because of it. They rarely mention it. What do you think . Yeah i think they are wise not to mention the markets because i think it would create emotional Cognitive Dissonance and thats counterintuitive. Most americans are not seeing an improvement. They still are being hit very hard by costs of every day expenses and the markets really dont relate to that so i think thats highlighted. I wish we had more time. Justin and doug thank you very much. As we watch Recovery Efforts and the rest in israel foxes always here for you. Means ill never miss a day of freshness. Hi, My Name is damian clark. And if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that youll definitely want to hear. Depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a Humana Medicare Advantage dualeligible Special Needs plan. Most plans include the humana healthy Options Allowance. 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