Frontier School Committee votes $11.8M budget for fiscal year 2022 Students bundle up with the windows cracked for fresh air in a middle school science class at Frontier Regional School in January. The School Committee voted Tuesday to accept a $11.8 million budget for fiscal year 2022. Staff Photo/Paul Franz Published: 3/11/2021 3:28:44 PM SOUTH DEERFIELD — The Frontier Regional School District School Committee voted Tuesday to accept a total budget of $11.8 million for fiscal 2022, representing a 3% — or $341,000 — increase over the current year. Business Administrator Shelley Poreda explained the school district took a level-service approach when developing the budget. “We looked at existing staffing, programming and services from fiscal year 21 and we replicated those over to FY22 as our starting point,” she said. “From there, we looked at any contractual obligations we have, which in the case of Frontier is for teachers and instructional assistants.”