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This is breakfast on gb news. Like a nice ice cream on a lovely, hot afternoon , dont lovely, hot afternoon, dont you . Yeah. Your favourite. You . Yeah. Your favourite. Well, this list in the mail there. Every single thing on there. Every single thing on their end i adore. This brings back my entire childhood. Well, thats right. I mean a lot of ice creams have been around for a long time because they a very faithful they get a very faithful audience, apparently audience, dont they . Apparently number one in the top ten at the moment is i dont know, the moment is one i dont know, the screwball. Screwball. Well, screwball is well, the screwball is fantastic. A plastic cone fantastic. Its a plastic cone with bubble. The bottom. With a bubble. Go in the bottom. They a whip into it and then they put a whip into it and then its got either raspberry sauce or fluorescent blue or the fluorescent blue bubblegum or the fluorescent blue bubiaagum or the fluorescent blue bubia spoon. Fantastic. And a spoon. Fantastic. Bubble gums. Fluorescent blue bubble gums. Yeah. Lovely you presumably have to get from an ice cream to get that from an ice cream man, to get that from an ice cream ma yeah, from whippy. Yeah, from mr whippy. From the van. Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. The uke yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. The like getting the one i used to like getting from van was an oyster. Oh from the van was an oyster. Oh yeah. That was, again, the yeah. And that was, again, the cnspy yeah. And that was, again, the crispy sort of oyster like shape opened up. Opened yeah. And opened up. Opened up . Yeah. And it a squadron of marshmallow it had a squadron of marshmallow in there. And then ice cream as well. Yeah. And all the, all the sauce, all the hundreds and thousands. All the, all all thousands. All the, all the, all the flakes of nut. And talking of hundreds yeah. And talking of hundreds and used to love and thousands i used to love one. Dont know whether see one. I dont know whether we see any called fab. Any more called fab. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Its, its know a lolly its, its you know a lolly on a stick its covered in on a stick but its covered in hundreds thousands because hundreds and thousands because when was in australia when i was in australia expecting baby number two, i had an crush them. I had an absolute crush on them. I had to eat, you know, several a day. In australia , yeah,. And in australia, yeah, theyre not, they werent called fabs, they were called gay times, gay times , gay times. Yeah. Yeah , yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I know the gay times. I know the gay times. I know the gay times. I dont know whether theyre called gay times anymore. Well but if youre, if you know australia actually if youre watching australia. Gday watching from australia. Gday and still get gay and yeah. Do you still get gay times. Hang on you do. Oh yeah. Yeah. Look its name has survived intact regardless or perhaps because of the possible connection to the homosexual in modern decades. So if it developed a cult following because of its name, whereas probably you expect it to be cancelled, yes. You would have expected that to have been rethought. You know, i dont know makes know, i dont know who makes them, whether was walls or them, whether it was walls or nestle somebody, but. Yeah, nestle or somebody, but. Yeah, but it was so funny because i was always going out buying was always going out and buying gay they were so gay times and they were so lovely that was nice. When lovely so that was nice. When fab still are. But the top ten fab still are. But the top ten list is screwball. Funny feet. List is screwball. Funny feet. Oh yeah, lovely feet, shapes i yes. Calippo shots which are useful arent they in the tube. Exactly orange made brilliant. Yeah. Perfect. Textbook. Yeah. Perfect. Textbook. Yeah. Perfect. Textbook. The myvi. Another favourite because thats the one. Thats ice thats ice cream on ice cream. Thats ice cream on the isnt it . Thats the inside, isnt it . Thats right. Bobbly. Right. Yeah knobbly bobbly. Which heard of before. Which i havent heard of before. So thats why you a fan. So thats why you be a fan. But the hundreds and but with the hundreds and thousands way to the hilt. Oh, right. I think. Oh, right. I think. Then theres a zoom, which was the rocket shape. Yeah, yeah, sparkles. Yeah yeah, yeah. Sparkles. Yeah presumably something sparkly. All over it. A pizzazz, which i dont know. Ive heard that one. And then solero shots. And then solero shots. Solero shots. Solero shots. Yeah, i would add to that list. All favourite was list. My all time favourite was the dracula. Remember the the count dracula. Remember the count black count dracula . It was black on the outside and a blood red the outside and had a blood red middle and had had count middle and it had had count dracula the label and we dracula on the label and we couldnt to get one of them. They still make those . No, probably not. When Ice Cream Van but when the Ice Cream Van came down, the road, what . That noise . Just the. The embodiment of childhood. Noise . Just the. The embodiment of get hildhood. Noise . Just the. The embodiment of get hil ofod. Noise . Just the. The embodiment of get hil of Ice Cream Van. Get rid of Ice Cream Van. Yeah. The heatwave is the joy of yeah, absolutely. Of it. Yeah, absolutely. You real sense of it gives you a real sense of nostalgia. And as was saying, nostalgia. And as i was saying, a lot these favourites go a lot of these favourites go back the because back right to the 70s because they were always established favourites that came out every year comes out gaytime year gaytime comes out gaytime hasnt fashion. Hasnt gone out of fashion. And let me know in australia how theyre selling the gaytime whether golden gaytime whether its a golden gaytime which nutty one. Which looks like a nutty one. Yeah, the, real, the yeah, but the, the real, the real proper gaytime was just covered hundreds covered in hundreds and thousands only top thousands. Only at the top i think. Oh and it had coconutty. Oh im getting nostalgic now. It does make you very nostalgic, doesnt of those doesnt it . Thinking of those childhood if you treated childhood treats. If you treated yourself to an ice cream yesterday or youre going to this afternoon, what was it . Let us know. Gb views at gbnews. Com. Let us know if you enjoyed some gaytime yesterday. Yeah okay. Now taxpayers are set to spend £5 million on a think tank to promote social justice and this has been condemned as shameful by a conservative peer. Yeah. Uk research and innovation a quango funded by your taxes announced a new Programme Responsible for diversifying the Research Community. Lord moylan has criticised the government for wasting public money to promote a left wing project. And i suppose you would think wouldnt you, is now the time to be spending millions on a think tank . Lets speak now to kevin tank . Lets speak now to Kevin Schofield , Political Editor at schofield, Political Editor at huffpost uk. Hello there, kevin. Its do you remember when was it George Osborne said he was going to have a bonfire of the quangos . Yes, thats right. And managed to an awful lot of money in to save an awful lot of money in doing so. So do you get this feeling that were going backwards going see backwards and were going to see more think that more of these . Think tanks that sort maybe we are a lot of sort of maybe we are a lot of hot air and not necessarily mean . Wish i had a pound for every time. Uh politician coming into government has pledged a bonfire of the quangos. Its a very easy thing to say, but i think they find it when they get into power that these bodies are actually quite useful in many ways. They can even set up their own quangos to pursue research into policies which they actually support. So its a very easy thing to say. I think, when youre on the campaign trail that youre going to cut waste because its easier than saying that youre going to put up taxes in order to free up extra funding. I mean, if you look at this one particular, the no. This one in particular, the no. £5 million sounds like a lot, but overall government but the overall government budget £i. 2 trillion. So its budget is £i. 2 trillion. So its a bit of a drop in the ocean. And as far as i can tell from the story , the work it will be the story, the work it will be carrying out i think is just to look at how government and policies and legislation is impacts on members of the public, which, you know, think its probably a good idea to have this type of Research Done in advance rather than on bad law being made, which then you have to change further down the line. You know , i think , kevin line. You know, i think, kevin and there are two things. First of all, when George Osborne, when the Coalition Government came in, in 2010, they promised a bonfire of the quangos. You remember 500 million quids worth of savings, half a billion. So yeah, £5 million in isolation may not be a lot when you add them all up. It really is a flipping lot. And secondly, none of them really achieved very much, do they . For example . There was one example . Well, there was one called the school food trust, set up inspired by the jamie oliver tv show into school dinners. Didnt change dinners. But that didnt change anything gangmasters anything. The Gangmasters Licencing Authority set up in woke of the Morecambe Bay disaster with the cockle because that also didnt achieve anything. A lot of these things are set up because it makes are set up because they it makes government like theyre government seem like theyre doing something but actually it achieves very little. And i guess question is the guess the second question is the timing. Can we afford to start timing. Can we afford to start spending millions and millions of pounds on these sink times at a time where were all struggling to pay our bills . No struggling to pay our bills . No youre right. And i do. Well remember George Osborne saying, remember other politicians saying in the in the past as well as, say, its a very easy pledge to make cause because you can say, well, look, we need money for this particular project or this particular project or this particular policy. We were not particular policy. We were not going to put your taxes up in order to pay for it, but well just get rid of these quangos over here. But what you find is a lot of times is, yeah, they do get rid of some quangos, but other quangos pop up to other quangos just pop up to replace them. And numerically , replace them. And numerically, at least, i mean a lot of this Research Goes on behind the scenes and people, you know, unless journalists write stories about them, then you dont actually know theyre actually know what theyre doing. Mean , Civil Servants, doing. I mean, Civil Servants, its part of their job is to keep an eye on this, on this type of thing and make sure that the is not being wasted. The money is not being wasted. I daresay theres a lot of quangos currently carrying out work that the government of. The government would prove of. Um, but you know, you just you do wonder whether now is the time, you know, when , as you time, you know, when, as you say, there is a cost of living crisis. The money could be better spent elsewhere. That being said, i will just go back to what i said earlier, that it is relatively speaking, a relatively small amount of money. I suppose when governments i suppose when governments set up these tanks, set up these think tanks, quangos , what were they quasi quangos, what were they quasi autonomous non Governmental Organisations , foundations, yeah. When governments set them up, isnt it . It possibly a very convenient way of just ticking a box and saying, all right, well were investigating this because weve got a team of people onto it. But i mean, this one has been described as its going to focus brexit and climate to focus on brexit and climate to change demonstrate how intersectional reality and multi layered exclusion impact britain and so on. I mean, i dont understand that. And ive read it several times does i mean , exactly. Doesnt it just mean, exactly. Doesnt it just end up as being jobs for the boys and quite well paid jobs for the boys and just a box ticking exercise as well . Potentially. But then if you look further down the story, it does say that the board of this quango, there are vacancies on the board and theres a suggestion that the government might want to ensure that the new Board Members are more in tune, shall we say, with the governments own particular agenda. So governments own particular agenda. So that may be something thatis agenda. So that may be something that is going to be addressed. And but as i say, yeah, quangos , there are a lot of them and people might baulk at the cost of them. They do actually by and large carry out quite an important function because it allows the Civil Servant to bnngin allows the Civil Servant to bring in experts in a particular area to carry out research that perhaps the Civil Service itself doesnt have the manpower or the expertise to carry out. So as i say, its um, i think to attack quangosin say, its um, i think to attack quangos in general would be a little bit unfair because as i said, there are quite a lot of them carry out good important work, which im sure the government would well approve of. But dont you think, though, that these things often set out to something which they to prove something which they want to give data on for, for want to give us data on for, for example , the government can example, the government can easily headlines about air easily make headlines about air quality impacting certain communities, which can then be used as a vehicle for taxation. An it can be used as a way of kind of getting us into an increased tax burden. So quangos do have a purpose. Yes. And they do have a purpose. Yes. And they generally arent good for the taxpayer. We got a different taxpayer. We got a different guessin taxpayer. We got a different guess in the box there. Indeed, i think weve got a slight problem there which well try and remedy. Im presuming thats roy liley. Oh, no, youve come back. Come back. Heres kev. Come back. Heres kev. Come back. Kevins come back. Kevins come back. Did you hear the question, kev . Did . Yes. Did . Yes. Yes. Yeah. So . So basically all us in some quangos, you know. Well , no know. Well, no doubt carry out work which on behalf of the of the government to back up research and to back up policies that the government wants to implement and whether or not a conservative government would want to use these types of quangos to as an excuse to increase taxes, i find that pretty doubtful, particularly at a time when, as we all know, the tax burden is at its highest its been in over since the Second World War. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Well, well leave it there before we lose you again by accident. Its nice to talk to you this morning. Thanks very much indeed. Yeah i dont know how have ever belonged how you have you ever belonged to a quango . Well, i involved in an well, i got involved in an advertising one once, and. And they to set out that they were trying to set out that there sexism in advertising, there was sexism in advertising, and wanted headline to and they wanted the headline to be too many scantily be there were too many scantily clad advertising. What clad women in advertising. What actually an was it the actually happened . An was it the most complaints was about an advert portrayed dad as advert which portrayed a dad as utterly useless at christmas because he ruined christmas day. Oh, i remember that it was for asda and the mother, the wife swept in and saved the day and there was a huge amount of complaints from housewives. He was saying dont be so mean to dads. Was saying dont be so mean to dads. So they they did a quango dads. So they they did a quango to prove something and the opposite came out. Be careful what you for. It is a what you wish for. It is a complete and utter waste of time and money. Who paid for the quango . Who . Em 5 really . Yeah, taxpayers. Because they. I wouldnt have minded advertisers minded that if the advertisers had. Had paid. Yeah. Yeah. For everybody on board that quango. But if the government is paying, quango. But if the government is paying, a different thing paying, thats a different thing isnt it . Because they this because they want this narrative to be out there that the world is, is damaging to, to women its portrayal women in terms of its portrayal of stereotypes and the of gender stereotypes and the rest it. Actually, no one rest of it. But actually, no one really noticed or cared the opposite the fact opposite came out. But the fact of matter is this cost money of the matter is this cost money and was an utter waste of and it was an utter waste of time, opinion. Time, in my opinion. And other thing, i would and the other thing, i would have thought that if you have thought that that if you set up quango, but you got mps set up a quango, but you got mps and mps have constituents and they on a friday they have surgeries on a friday and whatever, dont those mps already know members of government already what government already know what people something. People think of something. Well, you would you would hope spend a lot of hope that they spend a lot of time the members of time speaking to the members of the but in actual fact, the public. But in actual fact, we know often dont. So we know they often dont. So this way of saying this is their way of saying were people, were listening to the people, but sample size of people but its a sample size of people who may agree with them. And you but its a sample size of people who alwaysgree with them. And you but its a sample size of people who always set with them. And you but its a sample size of people who always set outh them. And you but its a sample size of people who always set out to hem. And you but its a sample size of people who always set out to and and you but its a sample size of people who always set out to and prove ou can always set out to and prove a headline by reverse engineering it. Yes, thats right. I could prove today that air quality was impacting people who from bame backgrounds quite easily because where do they live . Fly overs. They live near main roads typically, and therefore qed. Air pollution is therefore qed. Air pollution is racist. You could set out you racist. You could set out you could do that via a quango and then that is used for government taxation policy. So theres there can be a nefarious thing behind it, nefarious, but also good. I can see good intentions in it. Youve ever been a member of a quango. Then get in touch please. Gb views at cbnnews. Com. Now Junior Doctors in england are going to begin a four day strike from today as their bitter pay dispute with the government goes on. Yeah. Yeah. Speaking ahead of the walkout, Health Secretary Steve Barclay had this say. Barclay had this to say. Of course i stand ready to have discussions with Junior Doctors in terms of other issues about their working conditions, but in terms of pay, weve made a fair and final offer. Weve accepted in full the recommendations of the independent pay review body process and that is why the bma should now call off their strikes. Strikes. Well, lets now speak to former nhs trust chairman roy liley with his thoughts. And it liley with his thoughts. And it was you we saw earlier. It was, yeah. Thank you very it was, yeah. Thank you very thank you very much. Have been on quango. Have been on quango. Thank you for sticking around. Yeah absolutely. Here we go again on on four days of strikes now and Steve Barclay doesnt appear to be conceding anything wrong. So is this just going to go on and on . I mean, it cant go on and on . I mean, it cant go on and on . I mean, it cant go on for much longer, can it . Its causing such such dis integration of our National Health system, isnt it . Well, and youre right. I mean, i did hear yesterday a little whisper that actually the department of health and the bma had had some informal talks. So, i mean, i think theyre trying to keep the show on the road. But the difficulty is, of course, that the Prime Minister has said weve accepted the pay review recommend nations. Review bodies recommend nations. And be because and just to be clear, because some is shrouded in a bit some of it is shrouded in a bit of mystery because theres no such as average junior such thing as an average Junior Doctor, its a its a doctor, because its a its a misleading description of people who actually are quite senior. But but but fundamentally , a but but but fundamentally, a first year doctor was his salary will go from £29,300 to 32,300 and with three Years Experience from about 40 grand to 43,900. So thats what theyve been offered. The Prime Minister said. Well, thats the pay review bodys recommendation. Its more than we want to pay. Its more than we want to pay. Its 6. 1 broadly. Well pay it and there will be no more talks. So now what were now in, hes kind of boxed everybody in by saying there will be no more talks. Well, if there are no talks. Well, if there are no more talks, the, uh, the Junior Doctors are balloting to extend their strike action. If their current mandate runs out at the end of this month if they ballot again. And the answer is yes, then well see strikes right through the winter up until christmas. And its just christmas. And its just horrendous. Its doing huge damage the nhs. Horrendous. Its doing huge damage the nhs. Its adding damage to the nhs. Its adding to waiting lists and of course theres a whole load of people that are the sort of envisage Collateral Damage to this because the Junior Doctors say, look, well cover a e and well coverit look, well cover a e and well cover it and everybody will be safe. Thats true. But but you safe. Thats true. But but you get people on a waiting list bounced off every time they go on strike. About 70,000 people get bounced off the waiting list. In total, all the strikes thus far this year have meant about 800,000 people have lost their place on the waiting list. Now theyre only on the waiting list because there is a clinical priority for them to be there. Priority for them to be there. So that means theyre still in pain theyre still worried, pain. Theyre still worried, theyve illness two theyve still got illness. Two things that havent been properly diagnosed and they still, theyre lives still, you know, theyre lives are suspended. They cant get on with their lives. So, i mean, this is doing a lot of damage. Its absolutely shredding the Administration Hospital rules administration of hospital rules because theres because every time theres a strike, 70,000 people have to be contacted. You have to make absolutely sure they are contacted and they dont turn up on the day because theyve missed a letter or something. Then somehow or other, the nhs has got to find a way of getting 800,000 people back on the waiting list, off the waiting list and back to the front of the queue. Its a nightmare. Yeah, well, roy, you make some excellent points there and they front they are echoed by the front page todays papers. The page of todays papers. The daily say theyre striking daily mail say theyre striking. Doctors are just now harming patients. The Daily Telegraph has totted up the cost of the strikes in terms of the cover thats required to replace Junior Doctors. £1 billion cost to the nhs. On top of the fact we have 7. 6 Million People now on nhs waiting waiting lists. And yet the Junior Doctors are expecting a 35 pay rise higher even than 21 expected by the nurses , with £2. 6 trillion in nurses, with £2. 6 trillion in debt. With all of that taken into consideration , surely they into consideration, surely they cannot expect to get that kind of a pay rise . No, youre right. Of a pay rise . No, youre right. And the no, youre right. And the interesting thing for me is the pubuc interesting thing for me is the Public Attitude towards this has been really quite sanguine. You been really quite sanguine. You know, they the public dont want to criticise the doctors and nurses excuse me, they dont want to criticise the doctors and the nurses because everybody understands the, you know, what they did during covid and how hard they work and what a rotten job it is. But at 35 for the Junior Doctors, they arrive at that figure by a calculation by the retail price index and theyve gone back and theyve seen how the value of their salaries has been depreciated by inflation. And i think, you know, you have to say, well, look, if for the last ten years youve not had a decent pay rise, one of the first doors ive been knocking on is the bma and say what have you been doing for ten years . I mean, are they asleep at the wheel . Thats what their job asleep at the wheel . Thats what theirjob is, to make sure that theirjob is, to make sure that their members pay gets gets current. And i dont think anybody really sensibly will expect the government as you point out, at a time when the economy is in a precarious state, that that anybodys going to get a 35 pay rise. It might be possible to do some pay restoration deal over, say , restoration deal over, say, three years. And if you wanted to do a deal, i mean, id be thinking if i was a secretary of state, id say, well, ill do a ill do a 6 this year, 9 next yean ill do a 6 this year, 9 next year, and maybe a 12 the year after, because its unlikely the tories are going to form the government and well give labour the problem. So i mean, there is a of this, but once the a way out of this, but once the Prime Minister said there Prime Minister has said there will no more talks, will be no more talks, thats the difficult were in the difficult position were in now he will have to do now because he will have to do a complete a u turn on this or hell have to shuffle. I mean, there a shuffle coming up in there is a shuffle coming up in in autumn may be hes going to shuffle barclay away shuffle Stephen Barclay away because he cant deal because hes. No, he cant deal with this anymore. I mean , the with this anymore. I mean, the relations him and relations between him and everybody are pretty poor. Everybody else are pretty poor. So maybe a new secretary of state in with a fresh state could come in with a fresh pair persuade the pair of eyes and persuade the cabinet a deal to be cabinet theres a deal to be done. Carry on like done. But we cant carry on like this. And certainly not in the winter months. Although yesterday, looking at stats yesterday, looking at the stats for yesterday, i read them for yesterday, it i read them and i thought, is this july or january . If the nhs is busier now than i think it was last winter and i dont know its interesting the point you made about the fact that the public are being very sanguine over this. They dont want to criticise the doctors because these are the doctors because these are the we come across the people that we come across when we really badly need help. And just mentioned a salary and you just mentioned a salary of what, Something Like 43. 5 grand for somebody who was qualified and experienced and this goes up to 43 900. Well, you see, i dont think thats very much for a trained doctor. Do you know . Do you know . Nor do i. And if you look at european comparisons, we dont pay european comparisons, we dont pay our doctors as much as they do in other countries. Certainly not. And if you go further afield, australia, canada to south africa, the us, you know, where all these countries are trying to poach our doctors, they all get they all paid, theyve all got paid better. But theyve all got paid better. But the is this and i mean the thing is this and i mean i dont, dont condone this and i dont, dont condone this and i dont necessarily agree with it, but stepping back and looking at the situation, you know , for the situation, you know, for whatever reason, the economy is in a state. You know, weve weve had brexit. You can have a row about that. Weve had covid. You can have a row that. You can have a row about that. Weve got the war in ukraine, you can have a row about that. We impact he war in ukraine, you can have a row about that. We impact on war in ukraine, you can have a row about that. We impact on commodityine, you can have a row about that. We impact on commodity and the impact on commodity and other prices, which is feeding through the everything that through the to everything that we price of chips and we do. The price of chips and the chip shop all of all of those things are being affected. Its not just the junior. And its not just the Junior Doctors. Were all in the same boat and so then if you get into the comparable argument, you know, our doctors arent paid as much as they are. Theyre comparable to what they earn somewhere else. Way i mean, yes, thatis somewhere else. Way i mean, yes, that is right. But the common sense of the argument is it is the governments job to look after the economy and sort out whatevers wrong with the economy. You may not agree with them and you may not want to vote for them next time, but it is their job. Thats the way they see it. So you might get to a situation where the Junior Doctors have got to accept the fact that theyve got a government they dont agree with. A government with. Theyve got a government thats certainly thats unpopular. Certainly if you the polls. But you look at the polls. But theyve just got to put up with it the next election. But in it to the next election. But in the meantime, were we the meantime, were doing we are doing doctors come doing damage. When doctors come on like this and say, on the telly like this and say, oh, no, well strike, days will be and the rest of it, be safe and all the rest of it, well, they are, as far as i know, no ones dropped the ball in a e or icu, but theres a huge amount of hidden damage being people who are in being done to people who are in a lot pain. A lot of anxiety, a lot of pain. A lot of anxiety, sinister, a conditions. You know, query cancer and all know, the query cancer and all that kind of thing. All of those numbers going the window numbers are going out the window and think weve got to and its i think weve got to the point where is dangerous. Wow. Well roy dilley, former nhs trust chairman , thank so nhs trust chairman, thank you so much. Nhs trust chairman, thank you so mu absolute common sense being absolute common sense being spoken there. You really gave spoken there. You really gave a great account of the industry and what a great idea. 6, 9, 12. And what a great idea. 6, 9,12. Staggered pay rise can you get involved in this, please . They cant. They cant. They cant achieve that if they can they . They dont talk. Can they . You have to put me on put me on a quango. Another one entirely. Thats another one entirely. Roy thanks indeed for roy thanks very much indeed for joining that was super. Joining us. That was super. Yeah, its interesting because, i mean, got sons and i mean, ive got four sons and theyre theyve all got theyre all theyve all got degrees and all for degrees and they all trained for their various professions. And their various professions. And none are doctors. But none of them are doctors. But they would be astonished to hear that somebody , somebody whos that somebody, somebody whos trained all those years as a doctor and is experienced and working in frontline medicine in the icu, in a e and all the rest of it are not earning more than 43. 5 grand. My sons would expect to. But then they all guaranteed substantially more pay than that down the line. Great pension and all the rest of it. So further down the line though, i mean, and look at the hours they work as well and the conditions they work in and the fact that we call them Junior Doctors when theyre not junior at all. Well, thats the debate. I mean, us know what you think mean, let us know what you think out there. Gb views treat them well enough. Do know we havent done gb views treat them well encso h. Do know we havent done gb views treat them well encso long know we havent done gb views treat them well encso long now~ we havent done gb views treat them well encso long now when1avent done gb views treat them well enc so long now when lheyil done gb views treat them well encso long now when they are one for so long now when they are absolutely the end of their absolutely at the end of their tether and demanding action, theres too backlog to be theres too much backlog to be able up. Able to make up. A 35 pay rise at this but a 35 pay rise at this time most people are time when most people are struggling get think is struggling to get by. I think is inflation busting. And it just supersedes peoples re elected deserve it. Yeah , i really can. Thats yeah, i really can. Thats it. Of course thats happening with a lot of people who are striking at the moment. Know your thoughts let us know your thoughts anyway you gb no. Anyway wont you gb news. No. Gb views. Gb views. Gb views at cbnnews. Com. In gb views at cbnnews. Com. In a couple of moments well be talking another sticky subject, and thats migration. First of all, youll want to know all about the weather that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers. Proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Hello there. Im greg hello there. Im Greg Dewhurst. Welcome to your latest gb news weather. The day ahead. Gb news weather. The day ahead. Plenty of sunny spells, though. We will see a scattering of showers move in and still feeling quite warm in the east and looking at the picture. First thing, a lot of cloud around mist and some around some mist and some drizzle in places. But this should slowly lift and break to allow spells of allow sunny spells for most of us though, this will allow us though, then this will allow the showers to the scattered showers to develop, across the develop, particularly across the north and the west. Some of these could heavy at times, these could be heavy at times, perhaps and perhaps some thicker cloud and showery into south showery rain pushing into south east england for a time too. Across the southeast, still warm in highs around in any sunshine. Highs around 27, fresher. Further 27, a little fresher. Further north the west, temperatures north in the west, temperatures in 20s that south in the low 20s with that south westerly wind picking up as this area of low pressure starts to move in from the atlantic. So well see an increase in showers and spells of rain across this part of the world as move part of the world as we move into early clearer into the early hours. Clearer spells elsewhere, perhaps 1 or 2 showers possible across showers still possible across the southeast and the far southeast and temperatures a little lower than recent nights. Tonight, were recent nights. Tonight, were looking at 14 or 15 degrees. So still on the warm side for the time of year to take us into the weekend. Pressure weekend. That low Pressure Centre moving in. So centre is slowly moving in. So bands of showers and outbreaks of rain pushing in. Some of this will be heavy at times. Some rumbles of thunder, the rumbles of thunder, best of the dner rumbles of thunder, best of the drier towards drier weather holding on towards the feeling the southeast, but feeling cooler and fresher for everyone, particularly around the coast as those winds pick up through the day. Temperatures generally the high to 20s 23 or 24 high teens to low 20s 23 or 24 towards the south east and the best of any shelter, that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers proud sponsors of weather on gb news as well. Gb news as well. Never mind the serious news. What about the really really serious news which is when the sun comes out and its a glorious day like it was yesterday, what sort of ice cream do you favour . And i was wondering whether or not we had anyone watching from australia who could tell me whether gaytimes are still sold in australia . Because i had an absolute crush on them when i was pregnant and living in australia in 1988. And bruce in brisbane, yay says good day from australia. Yes. Gaytimes are theyre still on sale . Oh, hes theyre still on sale . Oh, hes going to have one this evening. Theyre an awesome lolly, he says. By the way, go lionesses. Yeah. And jim echoes that. Yes. And we still love our golden gaytime down under there you are. You see . Golden gaytimes. You see . Golden gaytimes. Theyre still on set. Theyre absolutely fabulous lollies, peter says. My classic ice lolly fruit flavoured strips around the outside and chocolate in the middle, and craig in newcastle has underlined a forgotten classic. Classic. Im sad and this is off the list. I used to love a cider lolly from the ice cream man or a 99 with sherbet or monkeys blood. Monkeys blood was the raspberry sauce. Thats the name for it. Yeah. And lots of people like john in peacehaven morning fred in peacehaven morning and fred says to have says its fabs you have to have a fab and michelin standbridge says, cant my two says, i cant believe my two childhood favourites didnt appear the toffee appear on your list. The toffee crumble and the feast. Oh, remember feast . Oh, remember the feast . Oh, remember the feast . Feast was a like so the feast was a bit like a fab, it was milk coloured. Fab, but it was milk coloured. Was it . Red and white. Was it . It was red and white. I dont know. I cant believe were talking about it. Really lovely. There you are. Favourite ice creams. Your favourite ice creams. What . Going to treat what . You are going to treat yourself to. Maybe this afternoon. Hear afternoon. Wed love to hear gbviews gbnews. Com. Coming next, can stop migration in what can we stop migration in what way . Youre watching breakfast on gb news hello. Welcome back. Youre watching and listening to breakfast with an and martin. The air conditioning has just come on in force. Sounds like a hearit come on in force. Sounds like a hear it sounds like a robot centric or like a lorries park next door. Now to one of the biggest issues thats just going on and on. And becoming more controversial. I think every day the number of people crossing the number of people crossing the English Channel in the last five years has now passed £100,000. Thats migrants, illegal migrants. Thats just the dinghy. Arrivals alone since 2018. Prime minister rishi sunak has made stopping the small boats a priority for this government. But the pressure has never been higher with senior members of his own party advising him to pull out of the European Convention on human rights in order to tackle this escalating situation. Situation. Well, joining us this morning is david enright, rights is david enright, human rights lawyer who thinks were spending too much on immigration. And also weve got jeremy hutton, whos a Research Consultant at migrationwatch uk , who i think migrationwatch uk, who i think thinks both illegal and Legal Immigration need to be taken into account. I dont know whether ive got your viewpoints dead right there, but david enright, first, if we can come to you, are we spending far too much on this whole situation ocean without actually being able sort it out. Able to sort it out. Well , over the last 30 years, well, over the last 30 years, the conservatives have been in power and the backlog has grown from 18,000 outstanding asylum claims to 166,000. So this has happened on mr sunaks watch and were running up to the elections and rather than providing us with policies or programmes for action, were getting slogans like stop the boats or exhibit back off to france. And that doesnt solve the problem. Were also getting these eye catching policies. Theyre really sort of elections slogan policies like the rwanda policy. And the latest one is policy. And the latest one is the sort of floating alcatrazes off the south coast of france. The contract for those floating barges is costing. Us £1. 6 barges is costing. Us £1. 6 billion. Now, imagine if you took just a bit of that money, hired 1000 and trained a thousand immigration officers and they made three decisions a week each. The backlog would be gonein week each. The backlog would be gone in six months. Why isnt the government doing that . The government doing that . Well, lets put that to you, jeremy. Is well, lets put that to you, jeremy. Is that a viable solution . Spend more on lawyers to make it easier to get asylum. Is that a good solution . Is that a good solution . Well, government has, of course, invested a lot in in increasing the amount of asylum caseworkers, if not lawyers. Caseworkers, if not lawyers. Theyre working on getting through these claims. I think ultimately you still need somewhere to put these people if its not going to be in the barge, its going to be in a hotel. Sorry, whats his name . Stephen is quite right that we do need through the do need to get through the backlog quickly. And backlog very quickly. And the government to government is failing to do that. There that that. Whether there are that many lawyers available many surplus lawyers available to hire, i dont know. Im not a professional law. Professional in law. Actually , david, isnt no, actually, david, isnt that a point that i mean, we hear that cases are being hear that the cases are being deau hear that the cases are being dealt with at one a week, one case worker can only get through one case a week. Well never be one case a week. Well never be able to make up the backlog, will. We david, i dont know if will. We david, i dont know if you heard that. You heard that. David. Okay. We havent got. David. Okay. We havent got. Jeremy are you still there . Jeremy are you still there . Jeremy yeah, im still here. Okay , jeremy, lets turn to okay, jeremy, lets turn to you then. You then. We have we reached 100,000 mark yesterday , 750 alone mark yesterday, 750 alone arrived yesterday , 16,000 so arrived yesterday, 16,000 so far. It was keystone cops and the channel yesterday, a Border Force Boat broke down. A drone crashed into the sea , £400,000 crashed into the sea, £400,000 cost there. People dont want to cost there. People dont want to stay on the bibby stockholm they say infringes their human rights. £3 million to turkey on top of the £3 million before a single flight from rwanda hasnt taken off the question of the day is do you think well ever be able to control ilLegal Immigration into the uk . Immigration into the uk . Probably not. Its always going to be coming in in some matter or some way or other. Mean theres been a clear reduction so far this year. But the thing is , we dont really the thing is, we dont really know if that reduction is real until we get to the end of the year and we can do a full comparison on you can have basically no crossings all year and then you get to august, september, october, and suddenly you in september, october, and suddenly you months in september, october, and suddenly you months alone. In september, october, and suddenly you months alone. So in september, october, and suddenly you months alone. So i in september, october, and suddenly you months alone. So i do in those months alone. So i do think there seems to be signs that inflow , that there is a reduced inflow, but still going to lead but thats still going to lead to of thousands, possibly to tens of thousands, possibly still to come this year. We just dont know. Unfortunately and the government seem to be panicking you know, panicking a bit. You know, youre getting lot of noises youre getting a lot of noises coming about ascension youre getting a lot of noises comingpushbacks ascension youre getting a lot of noises comingpushbacks andension youre getting a lot of noises comingpushbacks and them youre getting a lot of noises comingpushbacks and the echr. Island pushbacks and the echr. And i get the sense theyre getting quite worried now because they see that theyre not going to be able to make Real Progress before the election, which is what ultimately to do. Well ultimately they want to do. Well david, try with you again, david, ill try with you again, if i may. David, ill try with you again, if i can. David, ill try with you again, if i can you hear me . All right. Can you hear me . All right. Can you hear me . All right. Can hear you perfectly i can hear you perfectly fine. Something wrong a few something went wrong a few minutes mean, the minutes ago. But i mean, the government, as jeremy is saying, is sort of appears to be panicking at panicking slightly, looking at pulling out of the European Convention on human rights in order actually be able to order to actually be able to move forward. Would that solve any problems . Any problems . No, not at all. I mean, the first thing id say to your viewers is please do have a little look at the European Convention on human rights, something written by british lawyers following the Second World War and the prohibition on slavery , the prohibition, the slavery, the prohibition, the freedom of expression, the right to privacy. Your viewers want to privacy. Your viewers want those things now competent , those things now competent, professional reporters like yourself need to be challenging the government. And why are you spending £1. 6 billion on floating barges rather than hiring immigration officers , not hiring immigration officers, not lawyers, immigration officers , lawyers, immigration officers, to make decisions if theyre making a single decision a week, somebody needs to look at that in my office. If i was making one decision a week, i wouldnt have my job very long. Yeah, but let me put it to you, david, that the echr was drawn up in a time of war. Now, yet now the. The rules within are often used to protect people who deserve to be deported from the uk. For example, abu qatar. The uk. For example, abu qatar. And we took 12 years to deport him to jordan, where he was, where he faced life in jail for conspiring to carry out terrorist attacks on his own government. Yet the echr , government. Yet the echr, because of his rights to a fair trial and a fair life in the uk , prevented us from getting him out of the uk. So heres something that starts off with good intent. You may argue good intent. You may argue thats been used in a sense against britain. Against britain. Well, youre right. The European Convention on human rights was written at a time of war and were in a time of war again. The overwhelming majority of refugees in the uk are from syria , iran, iraq, of refugees in the uk are from syria , iran, iraq , afghanistan, syria, iran, iraq, afghanistan, eritrea. All countries who are experiencing war. So the solution is not to get rid of our rights , but to deal with the our rights, but to deal with the problem. Stop using slogans and swear words. Lets come up with swear words. Lets come up with a programme of action. Youre spending huge amounts of money and £169,000 per person to send someone to rwanda. And we havent sent a Single Person there. Lets get some immigration officers. Lets spend a little bit of the money theyre spending on these ridiculous White Elephant projects to clear the backlog properly, make proper decisions. People who are entitled to asylum should be entitled to remain. People who are not remain. People who are not should be sent home. Well, look, were going to leave right now, leave it there for right now, but know that well be talking but i know that well be talking again this probably again about this probably tomorrow. So thanks very much indeed joining us, david. Indeed forjoining us, david. And jeremy, you. Because and jeremy, thank you. Because were coming up to newspaper review time and weve got some cracking reviews for you this morning. Dawn neesom morning. Weve got dawn neesom and therell be and nigel nelson, so therell be plenty to talk youre plenty to talk about. Youre watching breakfast on gb news hello again and welcome back. Youre watching and listening to breakfast with anne and martin. Okay, now lets take a look at some of todays front pages. And the Daily Telegraph now. And the Daily Telegraph reports on the extra pressures on the nhs from the Junior Doctors strike. The paper says they have cost the nhs a staggering £1 billion so far. Annabel croft theyre on the front. Shes on the front of quite a few papers because shes in the strictly line up. The daily express here leads with a picture showing very packed picture showing a very packed small migrants trying small boat with migrants trying to cross the channel. It says the number of reaching the number of migrants reaching the number of migrants reaching the by small boats since 2018 the uk by small boats since 2018 has reached has topped 100,000. And the guardians front page features the quote from the head of greenpeace saying, rishi sunak will go down in history for failing on climate. The i mean, meanwhile leads with the Mortgage Rates war as competition increases now amongst major lenders and the ft reports on the collapse of retail of wilko, the company went into administration yesterday putting. A 12,500 jobs yesterday putting. A 12,500 jobs at risk. And as i promised you, at risk. And as i promised you, going through the papers with us now is former editor of the daily star dawn neesom and gb news political news senior political commentator nigel nelson, and a very good morning to you. All right. All right. All right. You want to you wanted to know what a gaytime was . Its an ice lolly. I missed that. Yes. Yes. Sorry. Its like a fab you know, the ice lolly thats covered hundreds thousands. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Its like a fat. Its like a fat. But in australia they call them gaytimes. I was them gaytimes. Yeah. When i was in pregnant with baby in australia, pregnant with baby number i an absolute number two, i had an absolute thing times. I had to go thing for gay times. I had to go out and 2 or 3 a day. Out and buy 2 or 3 a day. Yeah, youre in the right country i know a country then. I know thats a great headline, isnt it . And diamonds gay time in australia. Gay weve had quite a few messages people watching messages from people watching in australia. The sun from brisbane we have the sun from brisbane andifs we have the sun from brisbane and its fair say theres and its fair to say theres a little bit of the carry on little bit of the old carry on going on the double going on on the double entendres, a bit of double entendres, a bit of double entendre going on. As youd imagine. But yeah, as youd imagine. But we commenting. Isnt it we were commenting. Isnt it interesting i interesting that they havent, i mean them, its mean whoever makes them, its either walls, i think either nestle or walls, i think have to and have not succumbed to wokery and changing them changing the name for them because gay has a part in because gay times has a part in the heart of the australian people. Its got a part in another place. Well, the happy lollies arent they . Yeah. Yeah opposed a depressing as opposed to a depressing lolly. Whats depressing lolly . Well, there are several. Well, there are several. The funny thing is, well, the funny thing is, apparently it says online that their popularity has soared because name. A cult because of their name. A cult following, as you say, sydney, have a go. Absolutely cancelled these days. Anyway, some people do have a sense of humour. Evidently. Thats goodness. Yeah, need one at the moment. Youve been looking at the times course the times and of course the migration situation. , you do need a sense of yes, you do need a sense of humour look at the papers humour to look at the papers today. Again, the migration story is on most of them at one point other staggering front page. That image you can see that on every time you look at these pictures. Pictures. I and i hate myself for doing it. Im going, where are the women . Where are the children . Yeah, theyre at once again, theyre fighting theyre all young, fit, fighting age men. Its almost become a cliche but thats exactly cliche now, but thats exactly why. But this is russian migrant crossings take channel total past £100,000. And if youre £100,000, £100,000 in number. Yeah, people even now, if youre trying to get your head around what that actually means, thats like the population of rochdale. Yeah basically. So its quite a few people. And the rnli rescued this latest boat fall and i think you were talking about it earlier and they say they sort of like the Border Force Boat broke down. Yeah. Drone which cost us £400,000, crashed into the sea. So the rnli had to go and rescue this latest group. And thats meanwhile, we still have. And thats meanwhile, we still have. 136,779 asylum application have. 136,779 asylum application still to be processed. Yeah and still to be processed. Yeah and its just you know, rishi is one of rishis pledges. I mean, of rishis pledges. I mean, there were five, werent they . How achieved . Not how many has he achieved . Not entirely none pledge that entirely sure. None pledge that he this. Its he would stop this. And its a 25 increase year on year and nigel shows no signs of ending in fact, its mentioned in the same article that today and tomorrow, what they call red days, basically perfect crossing opportunities. Opportunities. Theyre expecting the numbers, the records to be broken and tomorrow broken today. And tomorrow again. But politically, this is become a central tenet of the next general election. This was a disastrous day for rishi sunak acting tough on the echr on turkey, on the ascension islands , on all sorts of new deals, and yet these numbers come crashing in. Nigel, at the worst possible time for rishi yeah, absolutely. And i mean, he says that he should be judged by his five pledges, his one of his five pledges, his one of his five pledges is im going to stop the boats. No chance now of doing that. By the end of the year is i mean, i think that the trouble with figures like this is they ought to be put in context, because you go back a bit because if you go back a bit back in 2018, there were only 297 Channel Crossings and what has been happening since then is theyve been going up and up and up. But back then we were also able to send 1 in 3 back to europe. And this is the problem europe. And this is the problem weve got at the moment that we havent got those returns agreements with european countries. The only returns agreement we have is with albania, 90 of albanians. Agreement we have is with albania, 90 of albanians. Well, albania, 90 of albanians. Well, theres been a cut of 90. And theres been a cut of 90. And the number of albanians coming oven the number of albanians coming over. So those kind of things work. Like what over. So those kind of things work. Like what im over. So those kind of things work. Like what im what over. So those kind of things work. Like what im what im saying to understand and is why rishi sunak is not putting in place things that will discourage Channel Crossings things and be a bit more workable. And the things hes doing at the moment, i mean, it just seems to me that bibby stockholm rwanda , all of them stockholm rwanda, all of them are a gimmicky. Theres are a bit gimmicky. Theres nothing will actually nothing there that will actually solve problem. And solve the problem. And i appreciate its global appreciate its a global one hell need. Appreciate its a global one heiheeed. Appreciate its a global one heihe hei. Appreciate its a global one heihe he vowed stop the he he vowed to stop the boats. Exactly he didnt vow to, you know, put up accommodate people they get here. He people when they get here. He vowed stop the boats and the vowed to stop the boats and the boats havent stopped. And in fact, as you said, because of the going to see the weather, were going to see an lot more. An awful lot more. Is. Yeah, it was august, it is. Yeah, it was august, september, last year. September, october last year. Saw number of saw the highest number of crossings rishi crossings to be fair to rishi sunak, there has been a 12 decline year on year this month. The month just gone. I the month just gone. But i wonder whether because wonder whether thats because weve a rubbish weather. Yeah, i think is the yeah, i think it is the weather and if you look at the weather and if you look at the Weather Forecast for the days ahead, which is going be ahead, which is going to be good, picture there, its good, that picture there, its basically looks like good, that picture there, its b. Milllly looks like good, that picture there, its b. Mill pond. Looks like good, that picture there, its b. Mill pond. Yeah, looks like good, that picture there, its b. Mill pond. Yeah, locand ke good, that picture there, its b. Mill pond. Yeah, locand the a mill pond. Yeah, yeah. And the guys on the edge there guys just sat on the edge there waving to the cameras. This is not a harrowing crossing. Why did we lose drone . What why did we lose a drone . What happened it . Happened to it . Just out of control and just got out of control and crashed. Error. Just got out of control and craryeah. Error. Yeah. Yeah. Lets lets look into the politics of where the mirror is looking moment. About looking at the moment. About theresa and what she Theresa Villiers and what she had she was had interests in while she was also environment. Also environment. Yes, is a strange one yes, this is a strange one that she had £70,000 invested in shell. Shell. She didnt seem to notice this and as only recently declared it. And thats how we actually know about it. It does seem extra ordinary if you have that kind of figure in fossil fuel cells when youre the environment secretary, when youre leading on Climate Change, that she didnt actually say, well, hang on, perhaps i should actually get rid of this stuff or at least declare it , stuff or at least declare it, which she was meant to do. She was meant to declare it. She was meant to declare it. I mean, that anything yes. I mean, that anything any shareholding £70,000 as any shareholding over £70,000 as any shareholding over £70,000 as an mp must declare. And an mp must declare. And she clearly noticed fact clearly hadnt noticed the fact that she had a shareholding over £70,000 in fossil fuels. So she £70,000 in fossil fuels. So she has apologised for it. But its just an extraordinarily extraordinary lapse. And youd think when she became environment secretary that they, the Civil Servants normally get around their minister and say what have you got tucked away there . So we know if theres anything coming out. Anything coming out. And she forgotten, to be fair, she did buy shares fair, she did buy the shares before she involved in the before she was involved in the environment and the fund was im just playing devils advocate, by way. The was looked by the way. The fund was looked after by a fund manager. Now, i dont have shares in anything, so dont necessarily how so i dont know necessarily how this but theres always this works, but theres always been trust. Youre up to you, right . If youre might not youre a minister, you might not have no. I mean, what have known. No. I mean, what happens is the things like rishi sunak but that sunak is very wealthy, but that wealth managed by other wealth is managed by other people. Other people. People. By other people. Yeah. So they know the day to so they dont know the day to day workings of it. But when your environment secretary, the first thing you think of is what things i got . That might be things have i got . That might be embarrassing. So would, she embarrassing. So she would, she she ought to have known she had these things. How much of this, i wonder how much of this, though, dawn is just though, nigel and dawn is just political for tat. I mean, political tit for tat. I mean, weve seen, for example, dale, vince, to just stop vince, who donates to Just Stop Oil donating a million and a half pounds to the labour party. So on the one hand, the conservative press is weaponising the environment credentials labour Party Credentials of the labour party. Is this just the same thing in reverse theyre trying to make, oh, youre evil consumer of oh, youre an evil consumer of fossil shell the fossil fuels about shell and the political for tat. Political tit for tat. It is because were of course it is because were in to an election. So in the run up to an election. So thats what the papers are doing. Mail also had that doing. The mail also had that story dr. Grahame story about dr. Grahame buss, didnt they . The Just Stop Oil leading who £1 leading member who had £1 million pot oh yeah million pension pot from oh yeah shell that tit for tat shell so it is that tit for tat isnt it. So its the papers doing what the papers do. Were talking of the environment. Youve been looking at front page of the at the front page of the guardian and greenpeace guardian and what greenpeace have about rishi sunak. Yeah, this is this is greenpeace have written an greenpeace who have written an open letter to sunak open letter to rishi sunak saying he go down in saying he will go down in history failing on climate history for failing on climate and are also saying, well , and they are also saying, well, you know, hes not engaging with us anymore. Been cancelled us anymore. Weve been cancelled. Basically, the government are now advisors from now blocking our advisors from taking any , you know, taking part in any, you know, advising Civil Servants on environmental issues. Exactly martin well, hello. You climbed on his roof. Its not going to make you go, oh, yeah, lets sit down and have a chat over a cup of tea, shall we . I mean, well, its not going to win. You friends, is it . So that was that was a major error by greenpeace. I mean, greenpeace are of the greenpeace are of all the environmental groups, theyre the thats respected. The one thats most respected. Yes start clambering over the yes to start clambering over the prime is not the Prime Ministers roof is not the way to actually that way to actually keep that respect. No. So i dont blame the government saying, okay, well, do things well, if you want to do things like we having like that, we werent having anything with you. Anything more to do with you. But it is quite sad. Were losing their expertise. For instance, companies do instance, the Oil Companies do talk. Just stop talk to greenpeace. Just stop oil and Extinction Rebellion wont talk to the companies and what shell and bp say is , look, what shell and bp say is, look, we want to talk to these people. We to try and explain what we want to try and explain what were to hear were doing. We want to hear what think we should so what they think we should do. So this is a bit of a loss. But i dont blame i dont blame the government for actually saying no, we dont want to see more pr disaster. That it. That wasnt it. That wasnt it. Mean we of time. Mean we run out of time. Mean we run out of time. To talk about the um, i want to talk about the costa del del on the front page of star. Nigel, us of the star. Nigel, tell us about it. All these all these heatwaves. So brits are now looking for somewhere a little bit cooler to go according to go on holiday. And according to the star that belgium has now become a favourite, the stars quite rude about belgium says its terribly boring that all you can see in brussels is three statues of a girl, a dog and a boy having a wee. I would boy having a wee. I would recommend if youre going to go go to brugge, brugge is the most beautiful town , but would you go beautiful town, but would you go there for two weeks . No, no. You go. You go. You go there to go and see the sights. You dont really go there to go and sunbathe. Yeah, this is just a star having a bit of fun with this because this is a quote from the chewy boss whos saying that, you know, the firm is expecting more bookings from people going to he to cooler places. And he mentioned like, mentioned sort of like, you know, nordic countries and know, the nordic countries and holland that. Holland and places like that. And and belgium the and he goes and belgium and the star had fun with star of obviously had fun with is they do and sort of is what they do and sort of picked up on belgium which does have nice and chocolate and have nice beer and chocolate and the famous of the most famous belgian of them all, hercule the only all, hercule poirot, the only famous belgian can we name two. This brings up the subject of holidays. And theres a lovely piece in the mail today by tom utley saying you dont really want a bonng saying you dont really want a boring holiday because then youve got nothing to talk about afterwards. In fact, holidays become more interesting if something happened to you on them and you remember the you know, i dont know when the aircraft had to turn around and go back again or or when i dont know. You lost one of your children. Yeah, that sort thing. Because, you know, you because, you know, when you come back from a holiday, do you have a nice time . Its like, yeah, a nice beer. We sat yeah, we had a nice beer. We sat by pool. Well, i was in by the pool. Well, i was in rhodes, plenty happened to rhodes, so plenty happened to me in the the fires. So youve got something to talk about . Well we did. And i talked about it a lot on gb news. Exactly. Yeah exactly. Yeah tom utley talks about how he was at pompeii and one of his children an climbed an children an climbed inside an urn couldnt get out again. Urn and couldnt get out again. And said urn had and he said this urn had survived vesuvius and yet survived the vesuvius and yet they actually at the point they were actually at the point of break it open to of having to break it open to get child out. Get his child out. And whats a greek urn . Yeah. Oh, sorry. Thats dreadful. Have you had any amazing moments on holiday . Dreadful. Have you had any am yeah,moments on holiday . Dreadful. Have you had any am yeah, iioments on holiday . Dreadful. Have you had any am yeah, i had nts on holiday . Dreadful. Have you had any am yeah, i had a s on holiday . Dreadful. Have you had any am yeah, i had a s 0|ofioliday . Dreadful. Have you had any am yeah, i had a s 0|of a iday . Dreadful. Have you had any am yeah, i had a s 0|of a hairy yeah, i had a bit of a hairy moment once in queensland i was in a how do you put it . A very, um. Okay Aussie Outback bar. Dont have any gay time. You dont have any gay time. Were you the. I didnt have a gay time. I had a few beers though, and we pool. We beat the we played pool. We beat the locals and got a bit locals at pool and it got a bit fruity and the police came in and escorted us out of town. Three andy. Three of us me, stephen, andy. Wow. Yeah, because we were. Did you actually get arrested . Escorted us out for no. They escorted us out for our own safety. They told us. Right. But we remembered it. We remembered right. But we remembered it. We remembereremember right. But we remembered it. We remembere remember it . Yeah. And you do remember it . Yeah. And we remember times when we remember other times when we got arrested, too. Holidays. I shant go into on holidays. I shant go into that but do remember that now. But you do remember the times. The hairy times. Interesting holiday. I was just nothing really just thinking nothing really stands just thinking nothing really sta|im going to have to have im going to have to have a think for the next time round, arent there must have been arent i . There must have been something. Were in florida once yeah, we were in florida once and of those and you know, one of those teppanyaki tables where the chefs these things on chefs doing all these things on the front of you. The hot plate in front of you. And of my children leant and one of my children leant forward and said that was fabulous. It is both his hands down. Oh, ouch. Oh, ouch. Third degree burns to oh, ouch. Ttod degree burns to oh, ouch. Tto hospital. Burns to oh, ouch. Tto hospital. Oh,is to rush to hospital. Oh, unbelievable i think if unbelievable times. I think if you take kids on holiday, you always moments. Not very funny, thats not very funny, though, is it . It wasnt funny. Never forget it. No, never forget it. No, never forget it. Remembered one. Tell i remembered one. Ill tell you time. And kids and you next time. And kids and husbands are husbands on holiday are dangerous. You about dangerous. Ill tell you about 30s, amsterdam story. No, i 30s, the amsterdam story. No, i cant do it. Dawn censoring her dawn neesom censoring her story next hour. Story in the next hour. But right now. Well, well leave there for the moment, leave it there for the moment, shall we . Plenty more to come, including on that. Including an update on that. Junior strike which Junior Doctors strike which starts today. Is news. Starts today. This is gb news. Heres weather. Heres your weather. The temperatures rising, boxt solar, proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Hello there. On. Gb news. Hello there. Im Greg Dewhurst. Welcome to your latest gb news weather the day ahead. Plenty of sunny spells, though. We will see a scattering of showers move in and still feeling quite warm in the east and looking at the picture. First thing, a lot of cloud around some mist and some drizzle in places. But this should slowly lift and break to allow sunny spells for most of us though this will allow allow sunny spells for most of us tscattered this will allow allow sunny spells for most of us tscattered showers ill allow allow sunny spells for most of us tscattered showers to allow the scattered showers to develop, across the develop, particularly across the north some of north and the west. Some of these heavy at times, these could be heavy at times, perhaps thicker cloud and perhaps some thicker cloud and showery rain pushing into south east a time , south east england for a time, too. Across southeast, still too. Across the southeast, still warm in any sunshine. Highs around a little fresher. Around 27, a little fresher. Further north west, further north in the west, temperatures in low 20s with temperatures in the low 20s with that southwesterly wind picking up as this area of low pressure starts to move in from the atlantic. So well see an atlantic. So well see an increase in showers and spells of rain across this part the of rain across this part of the world as move into the early world as we move into the early hours. Clearer elsewhere, hours. Clearer spells elsewhere, perhaps showers still perhaps 1 or 2 showers still possible across the far southeast temperatures southeast and temperatures a little lower than recent nights. Tonight were looking at 14 or 15 degrees. So still on the warm side for the time of year to take us into the weekend. That low Pressure Centre is slowly moving so bands of showers moving in. So bands of showers and rain pushing and outbreaks of rain pushing in. Some of this will be heavy at times. Some rumbles of thunder. The drier thunder. Best of the drier weather on towards the weather holding on towards the southeast, cooler southeast, but feeling cooler and everyone , and fresher for everyone, particularly around the coast as those pick up through the those winds pick up through the day. Temperatures generally the high teens low 20, 23 or 24 high teens to low 20, 23 or 24 towards the south east. And the best of any shelter, the temperatures rising , boxt solar temperatures rising, boxt solar proud sponsors of weather on. tannoy this is the final call for all Long Distance lovers. Im flying round the world to marry a man that ive never met. How do i know that youre even the person you say you are . Please fasten your seatbelts. Maybe were not actually supposed to be in this relationship. As we expect turbulence ahead. Can you not see my insides breaking . How far would you go for love . Brand new 90 day fiance uk, available to stream only on discovery . Watch at no extra cost. Say, get discovery into your voice remote to activate. Gb news. Good morning. Its 7 00 on friday, the 11th of august. Today the government has been criticised for wasting public money to promote a left wing project in the form of a woke think tank. Think tank. And Junior Doctors in england will begin a four day walkout today as the bitter pay dispute with the government continues. It comes as Health Secretary Steve Barclay claims strike action by doctors serves only to harm patients. Harm patients. And sir mick jagger and Keith Richards have been honoured in their hometown of dartford in kent with a pair of statues to celebrate their musical achievements. Achievements. Sorry, were looking at these pictures again of the is that meant to be mick jagger . It is. He looks like hes kind of been impaled by something. Keith richard, one is a bit better, but i think trying to capture mick jagger in statue form is probably quite challenge. Well, it certainly was a challenge for that sculptor because he looks like hes in agony. Anyway, another weekend is on way. And how will the is on the way. And how will the weather look this time . Heres Greg Dewhurst from the met office. Office. Low pressure starting to bnng low pressure starting to bring a change as we move towards the weekend. An towards the weekend. An increasing of showers we increasing risk of showers as we move find out move through the day. Find out all details with me coming all the details with me coming up soon. Slightly dodgy weather, but whats your favourite ice cream for . Very for the sunshine . A very good morning. Welcome. Im anne diamond. Im Martin Daubney and diamond. Is im Martin Daubney and diamond. Is breakfast in daubney and diamond. Is breakfast on daubney and diamond. Is breakfast on gb bney and diamond. Is breakfast on gb newsand diamond. Is breakfast on gb news. Id this is breakfast on gb news. Im talking of ice lollies, which we were earlier your favourite ones, particularly those ones that sort of have been around for years and years. Paul and depher , the dog in paul and depher, the dog in manchester, say i dont know if theyve been mentioned already, but the ultimate ice cream from a van are 99 seconds with mr whippy ice cream, preferably with a double headed cone. Old school john in the yeah. Old school john in the outer limits of the highlands. Well, hope its sunny enough up there have ice cream. Says there to have an ice cream. Says as kids, my siblings and as young kids, my siblings and i had our fergie moments every week when we sucked the toes of funny feet. Ice cream, of couise. Course. Funny feet are very popular. Funny feet are very popular. And its on the list. And its on the list. Yes, vicky says, funny feet, lollies lollies. Lollies and fat frog lollies. Fat frogs. Fat frogs. Remember the fat frogs . No. Remember the fat frogs . No. Those pam and maldon says magnums for me now. But my old favourite was a glow joy. Now i do not remember that. No, came do not remember that. No, i came in six flavours and my favourite was top the list was banana and top of the list was banana and top of the list was screwball. Was the screwball. Course , is the screwball of course, is the plastic cone with the bubblegum dropped whippy on top dropped in it. Mr whippy on top sauce on top raspberry or the fluorescent blue bubblegum with a flake in it and a spoon. Woof. Thats like an entire meal. Great fun. Yes. Screwball comes first, then funny feet, then calippo shots, then orange made, which was a favourite of mine. And next mine. And the myvi next a knobbly bobbly which i havent come across but has got basically hundreds of thousands. But theyre not like the long hundreds of thousands. Theyre like little or balls. Like the little balls or balls. Yeah. A zoom, then yeah. Then a zoom, then a sparkles, pizzazz and solero shots and my favourites missing from there. The count dracula remember the count dracula black outside with the black on the outside with the blood red vanilla cream, blood red Vanilla Ice Cream, then a blood red centre. Perfect. And if youre watching in australia, youll know about the gaytime. My favourite. It was gaytime. My favourite. It was like a fab, but in australia theyre called gaytimes. Yeah, right. Weve had lots and lots right. Weve had lots and lots of from you well about of views from you as well about the doctors, which we of views from you as well about the be doctors, which we of views from you as well about the be talking rs, which we of views from you as well about the be talking aboutiich we of views from you as well about the be talking about in| we of views from you as well about the be talking about in ave will be talking about in a couple of moments. I think an awful lot of people are wondering actually they do seem to have sympathy with their the fact that they deserve more money. But that now its not the time. And where do we find it at the moment . Time. And where do we find it at the moment . Is 43. 5 grand enough off to pay somebody who has gone through all of the doctor training long and difficult training. It is two. And then to have several years of experience and then working on the very front line is 43. 5 k enough for them, do you think . Yeah. Yeah. Do you think they deserve more in any other profession . After all that training, you get paid a lot more than that. And actually theres loads and public sympathy and loads of public sympathy from viewers for the from gb news viewers for the junior lets move on Junior Doctors. So lets move on to debate show about this. To the debate show about this. Well, yes, the taxpayers are going having to find £5 going to be having to find £5 million pay for a think tank million to pay for a think tank to promote social justice, which has been condemned as shameful by a conservative peer. Uk research and innovation and a quango funded by taxes. Your taxes announced a new Programme Responsible for diverting defying the Research Community lured lord moylan has criticised the government for wasting public money to promote a left wing woke project. Well, lets speak now to mark lehane, whos the former special adviser to nadhim zahawi. A very good morning to you. Is it the time for think tanks that cost £5 million . Well, i mean, sadly , stuff well, i mean, sadly, stuff like this is shocking, but not surprising. Barely a week goes by where we dont read about this kind of stuff going on funded by tax payers, funded by your viewers, whether its Government Departments being set up like this one or Government Agencies set up to do this kind of woke research or whether its existing bits of government doing lots of its time doing spending lots of its time and or sometimes and money on that, or sometimes its about the Government Departments paying other organisations, charities. And so on to do this kind of stuff. And what is that government what it shows is that government ministers have to keep ministers really have to keep their ball if they their eye on the ball if they dont attention to whats dont Pay Attention to whats going this can going on. Stuff like this can just up without them just pop up without them realising or even worse, realising it. Or even worse, government it government ministers can sign it off necessarily knowing off without necessarily knowing that going to end up doing that its going to end up doing this stuff , particularly this kind of stuff, particularly with being now in with money being so tight now in the sector , the cost of the public sector, the cost of living and that kind living crisis and all that kind of its just not really of stuff, its just not really acceptable these are acceptable that these things are being off. Being signed off. Well, back in 2010, well, mark, back in 2010, when the cameron Coalition Government came into power, George Osborne promised a bonfire of the quangos. He rooted out half a billion quids worth of these talking shops. These chumocracy john lydon job for the boy workshops which ostensibly are out to try and influence government policy. And the concern with this one, when you look into the detail, mark, its looking at the effects of brexit and Climate Change on intersectional communities and the lgbt communities. Mark do we really need to spend £5 million to prove that brexit is homophobic . Think you know the 7 think you know the answer to that . We dont need to be spending this kind of money on these kind of projects. Theres plenty of non governmental plenty of other non governmental people want to spend people that would want to spend their and money doing that. Their time and money doing that. But sadly, these but like i said, sadly, these kind do on kind of things do keep on springing when i worked as springing up. When i worked as a special the special adviser in the government department, were government department, we were endlessly surprised at kind endlessly surprised at the kind of money and use of staff time on Staff Networks around equality, diversity and inclusion for all sorts of things. And its just not accept notable. The question is how do you stop Good Government people getting sucked into spending their time on bad stuff . But more importantly , how do you more importantly, how do you stop government money being spent blatant and spent on blatant political and contentious projects like the one youve just described . It takes really good politicians to stay top it. Now in 2010, stay on top of it. Now in 2010, George Osborne said he was going stay on top of it. Now in 2010, gedo e osborne said he was going stay on top of it. Now in 2010, gedo a osborne said he was going stay on top of it. Now in 2010, gedo a bonfiree said he was going stay on top of it. Now in 2010, gedo a bonfire ofaid he was going stay on top of it. Now in 2010, gedo a bonfire of the |e was going stay on top of it. Now in 2010, gedo a bonfire of the quangos. Ng to do a bonfire of the quangos. Good were made to shut good moves were made to shut down and other down quangos and other non governmental that non governmental bodies that were doing that kind of stuff. But sadly, it creeps back in unless you really stay on top of stuff. And weve seen some good work done in recent years where people like liz truss and Kemi Badenoch turning around Government Departments and quangos that were doing slightly dodgy woke stuff and making them more people like the more effective. People like the social commission and social Mobility Commission and the equalities the government equalities office. Doing the government equalities office. Good doing the government equalities office. Good work doing the government equalities office. Good work now, doing the government equalities office. Good work now, buting the government equalities office. Good work now, but unless really good work now, but unless youve a really strong youve got a really strong minister and theyre absolutely focussed keeping those bits focussed on keeping those bits of the government focussed on doing stuff , not this doing the right stuff, not this hokey political stuff , it hokey cokey political stuff, it does pop right up and does seem to pop right up and thats good enough. Thats just not good enough. Very easy to tick its a very easy way to tick a isnt it . If youre in a box, isnt it . If youre in government or in any government department, if youve been asked to look at something or you are aware is an issue aware that something is an issue , who is to say, right, well well put a of a bunch of well put a sort of a bunch of people onto this. You tick the people onto this. You tick the box, you show that you care, you show that youre addressing the problem, but actually youre probably not really. Probably not really. Youve hit the nail on the head there. Its much easier if youre a government to minister say yes than to say no. And often these bad things happen because people are trying do because people are trying to do good want to show good things. They want to show that kind theyve that theyre kind or theyve seen something going in the seen something going on in the media press, and people media or the press, and people are saying something must be done. They do stuff like done. And so they do stuff like this theyre doing this to show that theyre doing something, they have to something, but they have to remember their remember that their responsibility remember that their responsiltoty remember that their responsilto and public money and taxpayer to and public money and not personal passions. Not peoples personal passions. And they decide to do and often they decide to do stuff this purely off the stuff like this purely off the back of an outrage on social media or press. And most media or the press. And most people, most people, if you ask them, were not them, would be saying, were not fussed please, can them, would be saying, were not fussfocus please, can them, would be saying, were not fussfocus on please, can them, would be saying, were not fussfocus on the please, can them, would be saying, were not fussfocus on the basicsse, can them, would be saying, were not fussfocus on the basics like an you focus on the basics like keeping schools open, making the nhs properly . Help see nhs run properly . Help me see a gp in time and that of gp in time and that kind of stuff. Again, Good Government stuff. So again, Good Government ministers the on ministers can change the dial on this , but takes endless focus this, but it takes endless focus and attention to detail and some of the quangos have been set up over the years are simply ridiculous. For example, theres one called school food trust. Called the school food trust. Sounds but it was inspired sounds good, but it was inspired by the oliver tv programme by the jamie oliver tv programme into school food. Nothing happened. It was a talking shop where they said, oh yeah, the food in schools isnt healthy enough. Nothing happened because guess what . The people in schools dont like the same sort of food as jamie oliver. Working schools dont like the same sort of foo people � nie oliver. Working schools dont like the same sort of foo people dontliver. Working schools dont like the same sort of foo people dont want working schools dont like the same sort of foo people dont want to� rking schools dont like the same sort of foo people dont want to be 1g class people dont want to be force diet information by force fed diet information by people jamie oliver or hugh people like jamie oliver or hugh fearnley. Name . Fearnley. Whats the name . Another the gangmasters another one, the Gangmasters Licencing Authority that was set up the morecambe up after the Morecambe Bay cockle. That cockle pickers disaster. That didnt do anything. It was just a talking shop. Mog you must have heard of a few city quangos in your time. Any any that take the biscuit. I think thing that most i think the thing that most shocked was how difficult it shocked me was how difficult it was. When the ministers was. Even when the ministers i worked for were paying attention to was difficult to this, it was really difficult to this, it was really difficult to persuade the senior Civil Servants that this was not the right their staffs time right use of their staffs time and money. So when i work with in government, i said, in government, like i said, i was aware of the neurodiverse city staff network, the Race Equality Network , the lgbtqia equality network, the lgbtqia plus network for those staff. Each of them had their own cash budget to spend every year to organise stuff. But most importantly , and this why importantly, and this is why often doesnt show up in often it doesnt show up in budgets, allowed staff time budgets, they allowed staff time , so of the staff involved , so lots of the staff involved with were allowed to spend with them were allowed to spend a lot of their working week working that working on that stuff. And that all cost money because theyre employed. They were employed to get department. I get on in the department. I worked employed worked in their employed originally and improve originally to get on and improve schools education, schools and education, but actually working actually they were working on stuff equality, diversity stuff like equality, diversity and its not and inclusion. Its just not necessary. Can better. Necessary. We can do better. Certain ministers have shown that stop this stuff that they can stop this stuff going on and people focusing going on and get people focusing on really matters, but on what really matters, but youve keep on at it youve just got to keep on at it again again and but again and again and again. But listen, to take us, listen, its going to take us, the public, you, the media and voters to make it really clear to politicians our to politicians we dont want our Civil Servants working on this to politicians we dont want our civil sweants working on this to politicians we dont want our civil swe wantvorking on this to politicians we dont want our civil swe want themg on this to politicians we dont want our civil swe want them working on stuff. We want them working on the and the really important bread and butter that matter right how. Now. Absolutely. Mark, thank you so much forjoining us. And already have many our already we have many of our viewers agreeing. Devon viewers agreeing. Robin devon morning. Says , in the real morning. Rob says, in the real world, £5 million is a lot of new Council Houses for those without a home or people who need care or a multitude of other needy causes. Yeah, just feels like an yeah, it just feels like an entirely industry been entirely new industry has been created thin air. You created out of thin air. You know these jobs, non jobs know, these jobs, these non jobs have been created. Lets talk about exclusivity, inclusivity , about exclusivity, inclusivity, Climate Change, you know, sex ism. And everyone sits around and talking shops, whereas as mark lehane. So eloquently put it, just get on with running the country. Yeah, absolutely. And if yeah, absolutely. And if youre a good politician, you should already know what people are concerned about. Weve got some for you at some breaking news for you at 7 11. Its been revealed that the uk economy grew by 0. 2 between april and june. Thats between april and june. Thats according to data from the office for national statistics. Its not a big amount of growth, but it is growth and that should be something reason to be cheerful . Well, yes. Well, yes. And we need them, dont we . Now, Junior Doctors in england are going to begin a four day strike from today as the bitter pay strike from today as the bitter pay dispute with government pay dispute with the government goes pay dispute with the government goespeaking ahead walkout speaking ahead of the walkout , Health Secretary barclay , Health Secretary Steve Barclay had this to say. Of course i stand ready to have discussions with Junior Doctors in terms of other issues is about their working conditions. But in terms of pay, we made a fair and final offer. Weve accepted in full the recommendations of the independent pay review body process and that is why the bma should now call off their strikes. Strikes. Hm lets now speak to former nhs trust ceo dr. Peter carter with his thoughts. A very good morning to you. It doesnt look like even four days of strike is actually going to make any difference, does it . Well, good morning. 7 well, good morning. No unfortunately, this looks like its going to run and run. And if i was advising the government , i would invite the doctors in and i would look to try to find and i would look to try to find a settlement because this stand off between the two bodies is not getting us anywhere. And not getting us anywhere. And meanwhile, waiting lists are beginning to grow and thats affecting the public. And its also affecting morale and its also affecting morale and its also affecting morale and its also affecting the budget of the Health Service. So i think its incumbent on the government to be prepared to say, okay, lets get together, lets have a rethink. How get together, lets have a rethink. How can we find a way forward . Forward . Yeah, peter, this is front page news today. Theres exasperation in the times saying strikes nhs to the brink with 1 million appointments cancelled and record waiting lists of 7. 6 million, the daily mail striking doctors are just harming patients. Is what theyre saying. And the Daily Telegraph , the £1 billion cost of the Junior Doctors strike and theyre working out the cost in terms of providing emergency coven terms of providing emergency cover. So a huge expense with the patients being at the brunt of this. Of this. Yeah, absolutely. Look, you yeah, absolutely. Look, you cant have tens of thousands of Junior Doctors going on strike without it having an impact. But where i think the government are getting this wrong in my view, is that yesterday the Prime Minister was saying that its the effect of the Junior Doctors thats having the causing the long waiting list. Well over 7 Million People were waiting before industrial action started. And what the government should be looking is that the long term underlying causes of that look, its very unfortunate that look, its very unfortunate that this current government have inherited a mess that started with austerity back in 2010. That went on for far too long, and that underinvestment the chickens for that are coming home to roost. Now, i would say that the decent thing to do is to get the doctors in. I would offer them a 10 pay rise that still wouldnt be anywhere near what they were asking for. But i think that would be a reasonable offer. And the institute for pubuc offer. And the institute for Public Policy and research estimate that if all Health Workers had had a 10 pay rise, it would have made 0. 1. 4 impact on inflation. So the impact on inflation. So the impact on inflation would be minuscule. But by golly, a 10 pay minuscule. But by golly, a 10 pay rise would do so much to, first of all, settle the current dispute, but would have done so much to have helped morale across the board to all Health Workers , not just the doctors. Workers, not just the doctors. I mean, the problem is we are going to lose our doctors if we dont look after them better, arent we . Weve got so many people already writing in saying the doctors deserve better , the doctors deserve a better, decent maybe not the decent pay rise. Maybe not the 35 now, but something needs to be done. Cooper says. My son is be done. Cooper says. My son is a consultant now and he has been through the Junior Doctor system. Hes now moved to ireland because no confidence because hes got no confidence in this country to deal with all the issues around doctors morale must be falling, mustnt it . Must be falling, mustnt it . Yeah, and look, youre right. Look, we still have some of the finest medical training in the finest medical training in the world. And last autumn, i was in australia , and i met a was in australia, and i met a number of doctors and indeed nurses and physiotherapists who trained in the uk. They had great training , but they went to great training, but they went to places like australia and there are many other countries that i could go on to make reference to where you do get a better rate of pay, but you also get better working conditions. Of pay, but you also get better working conditions. Ltns so what i would do is to acknowledge, particularly during the pandemic, the impact that a covid had on Health Workers was immense. But remember, every day, Junior Doctors, nurses , day, Junior Doctors, nurses, physios and indeed people like domestics and porters were turning in every day to the very place that most of us were trying to avoid hospitals full of covid. And this would have been an opportunity for a bit of payback, a bit of reward award for that amazing effort that people have done the public support it. I suspect many politicians across the board support it. And now, as i would say , is the time for the say, is the time for the government to say , look, were government to say, look, were going to have a rethink and its not a climbdown. Its not a weakness. In fact, i actually think its a strength when people are prepared to say we need to have a at this need to have a relook at this because want to put an end to because we want to put an end to these damaging industrial disputes. Disputes. Dr. Carter, you suggest a 10 pay rise. That would in itself cost billions of pounds every yeah cost billions of pounds every year. But the actual pay demand is 35, and thats backed dated, of course, pay to 2008 when Junior Doctors claimed their pay effectively hasnt moved forward since then. But were £2. 6 trillion in debt as a nation. 35 is simply for the birds, isnt it . Well thats the opening bid from the bma and as always, people set out their stall. And then what you do is you get around the table and you see if you can come to something thats reasonable. Well, now, i cant speak bma or the cant speak for the bma or the Junior Doctors, but i suspect if they were offered 10 with no Strings Attached , i think the Strings Attached, i think the vast majority would say , okay, vast majority would say, okay, its nowhere near what we wanted, but its a good deal in these current difficult times. I these current difficult times. I mean, the nurses ended up with and other Health Workers only ended up with just over 5, which was not a good deal at all. I think that the government could put this to bed and move on. As you as for the £2 trillion worth of debt, youre absolutely right. But thats not going to be paid off in my lifetime or i suspect in your lifetime. It suspect in your lifetime. It would make a tiny impact on that debt. But it would go a long way to restoring confidence and morale in the Health Service. Morale in the Health Service. As one of our viewers, david, says , i do feel for the doctors, says, i do feel for the doctors, especially at the lower end. And of course, they have to pay back their university loans as well. A has to be done, but a deal has to be done, but barclays is not man to do barclays is not the man to do it. He obviously lacks vision. What of barclays what do you think of barclays and do you think of the and what do you think of the bma . Should mean, are either bma . Should i mean, are either of this big of them up to this big negotiation . Negotiation . Well , look, i negotiation . Well, look, i think that the government have got caught in this mantra that they cant afford to pay awards because of the impact on inflation. Now, we all want to see inflation come down, but as i say, the institute for Public Policy and research hardly a left Wing Organisation , say that a 10 pay organisation, say that a 10 pay award would make an a minimum impact on inflation. Meanwhile, this this dispute, i reckon to date has probably cost £1 billion and thats going to get worse. The impact on the worse. The impact on the patients on these long waiting lists will have a long term effect on their health. If youre waiting, lets say take a straightforward operation like a hip replacement. But if youre having to wait over a year , your having to wait over a year, your condition continues to deteriorate. You end up having more complex surgery , you end up more complex surgery, you end up having a longer stay in hospital, which would cost even more. And that impacts , again on more. And that impacts, again on waiting lists. So youve got to try to find a way of bringing this to a halt. Now to stop peoples conditions deteriorated even further and to begin to make an impact on those seven over 7. 5 Million People that are on these waiting lists. So and i dont think its about any individual. I think the government have got themselves caught into this. Theyve boxed themselves into a corner by saying that theyre not going to do anything about it because of the impact of inflation and i think that thats a big mistake i right. Well leave it there for lets hope it doesnt go on and on. We wont be talking that much again in the future, but im sure we will for the moment. Thank you very much indeed for joining us. Peter carter, thank you. Yes, lot of people you. Yes, a lot of people watching the moment steam watching at the moment got steam coming ears over coming out of their ears over this jan says junior this one. Um, jan says Junior Doctors in australia do not have to look so many patients to look after so many patients so have an easier life in so they have an easier life in australia the pay is slightly more per works are better. We are a sick, overpopulated country and were getting worse. It has to be said, despite the fact the media are taking quite a dim view of this because an extra Million People , we have an extra Million People, we have their cancelled. So their appointments cancelled. So far. Very much far. The support has very much been the camp of the junior been in the camp of the Junior Doctors from from you guys out there. Says this we there. Lyn in devon says this we pay there. Lyn in devon says this we pay far too much to people pay far, far too much to people dont it. Such as dont deserve it. Such as footballers. We pay far too little to those who do deserve it. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. Interesting. Steve says heres solution. The heres a solution. Give the junior decent pay rise Junior Doctors a decent pay rise and take off the and take the money off the politicians salaries and pensions. We need doctors , but pensions. We need doctors, but we dont need politicians. Theyre a waste of space. We need good politicians , dont we . Need good politicians, dont we . We certainly need well, we certainly need a good politician try and get good politician to try and get this through. Maybe, this deal through. And maybe, maybe Steve Barclay isnt meeting criteria. Could meeting those criteria. He could be a reshuffle. Val says maybe be a reshuffle. Val says maybe 40 grand sounds a lot, but but not after tax ni and the not really. After tax ni and the loan need to pay loan those doctors need to pay back. No, you guys out there back. So no, you guys out there are supporting the docs are really supporting the docs on this one. Well, keep your views coming in, you . In, wont you . Vaiews gbnews. Com. Be vaiews gbnews. Com. Well be taking a break in a moment. First all, want to first of all, youll want to know todays weather, know about todays weather, a brighter with boxt solar brighter outlook with boxt solar proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Hello there. Hello there. Im Greg Dewhurst. Welcome to your latest gb news weather the day ahead. Plenty of sunny spells , though. We will see spells, though. We will see a scattering of showers move in and still feeling quite warm in the east and looking at the picture. First thing a lot of cloud around some mist and some drizzle in places. But cloud around some mist and some drizzle in places. But this should slowly lift and break to allow sunny spells for most of us though, then this will allow the showers the scattered showers to develop, the develop, particularly across the north some north and the west. Some of these could heavy at times, these could be heavy at times, perhaps some thicker cloud and showery pushed showery rain pushed into southeast a time, southeast england for a time, too. Across the southeast, still warm any sunshine. Highs warm in any sunshine. Highs around fresher. Around 27, a little fresher. Further north in the west, temperatures in the low 20s with that southwesterly wind picking up as this area of low pressure starts to from the starts to move in from the atlantic. So well see an increase in showers and spells of rain across this part of the world as we move into the early hours. Clearer spells elsewhere , or showers still , perhaps 1 or 2 showers still possible the far possible across the far southeast and temperatures a little lower than recent nights. Tonight, were looking at 14 or 15 degrees. So still on the warm side for the time of year to take us into the weekend. That low Pressure Centre is slowly moving so bands of showers moving in. So bands of showers and rain pushing and outbreaks of rain pushing in. This will be heavy in. Some of this will be heavy at times. Rumbles of at times. Some rumbles of thunder, the drier thunder, best of the drier weather holding towards the weather holding on towards the south east, cooler south east, but feeling cooler and fresher for everyone, particularly around the as particularly around the coast as those pick up through the those winds pick up through the day. Temperatures generally the high to low 20s 23 or 24 high teens to low 20s 23 or 24 towards the south east and the best of any shelter, a brighter outlook with boxt solar proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Sponsors of weather on. Gb news. In a couple of moments, were going to be having a closer look at those amazing statues of mick jagger and Keith Richards in dartford in kent. And i would dartford in kent. And i would say, if youre to going if youre going to raise statue youre going to raise a statue to somebody, should at least to somebody, it should at least look isnt amazing look like them, isnt it amazing how statues dont look like how many statues dont look like the theyre meant to be the person theyre meant to be paying the person theyre meant to be paying tribute to . Yeah, especially well, yeah, especially the well, well break. Well see after the break. But the statue of mick jagger, i think, leaves something be desired. Something to be desired. Takyi will be here Stephanie Takyi will be here telling it. Welcome back. Youre watching welcome back. Youre watching and listening to breakfast this morning with anne and martin and sir mick jagger and Keith Richards have been honoured in their home town of dartford with a pair of statues to celebrate their musical achievements with their musical achievements with the Rolling Stones. Yes, they the Rolling Stones. Yes, they are sculptures and they are bronze sculptures and they are bronze sculptures and they are meant to capture the frontman. Sir mick singing into a microphone while richards is slashing on his guitar. But i have to say, its almost unrecognisable. I think. Lets unrecognisable. I think. Lets see what Stephanie Takyi thinks i good morning, hannah martin. These statues are definitely dividing Public Opinion on whether they got the job right. But the leader of the council, jeremy kite , he said, come on, jeremy kite, he said, come on, were talking about mick jagger here. Were talking about Keith Richards. Theyre far from just a straight statue. A normal straight statue. Theyre very animated character. So with these statues, which has taken over a year to make, they were made by artists. Amy goodman they said they wanted it to be quite animated and reflected and reflective of the power. Power. See that . See that . Shes got the animation , you shes got the animation, you know, that i mean, that is mick jaggen know, that i mean, that is mick jagger. Hes prancing and he does that, doesnt he . And you know , mick jagger is and you know, mick jagger is one of a kind. And, you know, hes someone even still the hes someone even still at the age he is still got it. Age of 80, he is still got it. And hes still moving. And with dartford, just dartford, they said they just really wanted to honour them because this is where the rolling they rolling didnt even know they came. They did. And this is came. They did. Hi. And this is where Rolling Stones where the Rolling Stones story started back in 1961 because keith and mick jagger, they met at a Railway Station and from there thats where they formed their friendship. So i there thats where they formed theirfriendship. So i didnt their friendship. So i didnt know anything about the history of the stones. So i think thats pretty good. That are pretty good. That dartford are actually because actually doing this, because then you can miss these nuggets of you when of history. You know, when youre, know, one youre, you know, probably one day be biopic on the day therell be a biopic on the rolling and, know, it Rolling Stones and, you know, it will back to dartford. Will trace it back to dartford. I think for dartford, its a result. I mean, theyre best known for the dartford crossing, which is, that exciting. Is, you know, not that exciting. Pass through in you tend to pass through in the although the tunnel, although interestingly, richards interestingly, Keith Richards apparently wait apparently said he couldnt wait to get out of dartford. Not surprised. Im not surprised. Im not surprised. Why the railway thats why the Railway Connection was was useful in terms themselves, terms of the statues themselves, i think i think youre right, keith. You know, hes his keith. You know, hes got his legs playing his legs akimbo, hes playing his axe. I really do mick axe. But i really do think mick jagger like hes running jagger looks like hes running away copper. He looks away from a copper. He looks like tasered. Like hes been tasered. Always looks like well, he always looks like that on stage anyway. Yeah, im not quite it yeah, im not quite sure. It clearly problem for people clearly is a problem for people who make statues. Yeah to actually get animation that actually get that animation that an be able an artist would easily be able to i hes micks to get. But i mean, hes micks known for the great roaring. Known for the great roaring. Yeah. And theyve obviously tried to get that, but i dont know whether its worked. Well, the thing with the Rolling Stones, i think, you know, with most statues, they always too straight and always get them too straight and looking i think for looking boring. And i think for that stands out from other that it stands out from other statues ive of musicians statues ive seen of musicians and Keith Richards has actually given it the thumbs on given it the thumbs up on twitter. He reposted it and twitter. So he reposted it and just two thumbs up. So he just put two thumbs up. So he must proud of his roots. Must be proud of his roots. Celebrated birthday. Celebrated his 80th birthday. Mick jagger did. And keith turns 80 in december. Hes both 80. I just cant believe it. Sometimes when i watch them like theyve just still got it. Theyve still got this incredible stage presence. Presence. I wonder if stones fans will make the pilgrimage to this statue their their statue to have their their photograph taken with it. Photograph taken with it. I people do to the fab i mean, people do to the fab fourin i mean, people do to the fab four in liverpool. Yeah, absolutely. Make a four in liverpool. Yeah, absolutely. Make a pilgrimage. Yeah. Of them standing yeah. The four of them standing there quite impactful and there is quite impactful and everybody of course that Everybody Knows of course that thats liverpool thats what liverpool was. Think a good pr stunt i think its a good pr stunt to be honest. Think it is, yeah. In nottingham, my home city, the is a brian the bronze statue is a brian clough course, and people clough of course, and people always around the bronze always stand around the bronze cloughie it does bring a lot cloughie so it does bring a lot of energy to is. Brian clough yeah, he was bnan brian clough yeah, he was brian clough. He was brian clough, yes. Brian clough. He was brian clough, yes. I dont brian clough. He was brian clough, yes. I dont know. Clough, yes. I dont know. God. Shes actually oh, my god. Shes actually asked question. Asked that question. Know. Sorry. Viewers asked that question. Not know. Sorry. Viewers asked that question. Not aboutrv. Sorry. Viewers asked that question. Not about me, rry. Viewers asked that question. Not about me, but viewers asked that question. Not about me, but no. Ners asked that question. Not about me, but no. Brian clough. No, i dont know brian aidens have a go at aidens going to have a go at me. Will the best football manager england never had twice european, had with european, never had with nottingham european, never had with nottheham obe old big ed, is the legend obe old big ed, is he still alive . He still alive . No, sadly passed away, but he was a real character. Yeah. Was this during the 80s or 90 80s . 90s . Well, in the 70s. So i was well, in the 70s. So i was there when. When forest knocked liverpool out. European cup 1978. 79. But look, we digress. But just go show you that people do live on via bronze. I wish dog well over this. Mean, dog well over this. I mean, people got turn up. Good people have got to turn up. Good luck to him. What else have we got . So we got barbie barbies made a cool billion around the world. Its been. Oh, sure. Thats coming made coming soon. Barbies made a billion cinema fans billion worldwide cinema fans have just been obsessed. Barbie fever sweeps worldwide. But not in the middle east. The middle east, in places like kuwait now and lebanon. Yesterday have announced that theyve banned barbie from being shown across the country. They said in barbie from being shown across the country. They said in part due to the themes where it rejects patriarchy. They says rejects patriarchy. They says the themes in the film are quite auen the themes in the film are quite alien with society. In lebanon, alien with society. In lebanon, they said it just doesnt feel like it suits their ideals or their religious beliefs. And their religious beliefs. And their moral values. Snowflakes and also, you know, theyve said it. You have something, you know , and they said it promotes homosexuality. Homosexuality. Ive watched the movie and i have to say, i didnt feel like there was any themes of homosexuality in it. The homosexuality in it. The director, greta gerwig, shes come out and she said, come on, this is based on dolls, real life dolls , and none of them life dolls, and none of them have reproductive organs. So theyre, you know, theyre a bit baffled as to why its been banned. But i think its something thats probably going to sweep across the whole of the middle east. Is it banning things just make them more popular anyway . I mean, we have thing called mean, we have this thing called the now. The internet now. I can thats the thing i can imagine people who do live imagine for people who do live in lebanon and in those countries. Know, its countries. Well, you know, its different for different different strokes for different folks, martin. I can imagine people the people will be jumping on the internet to find internet and trying to find barbie they can, whether barbie any way they can, whether its when it does its on you know, when it does come out on streaming platforms eventually it is eventually to find i mean, it is ridiculously over the top. Commerciality celebrated. Commerciality celebrated. Yeah. E n e i can in pinkness. So i can understand some cultures saying that dont want that we really dont want our youngsters. That we really dont want our youyeah,s. That we really dont want our youyeah,s can understand that. Yeah, i can understand that. Yeah, i can understand that. A feel good but its a really feel good film , to be honest. I dont film, to be honest. I dont think, you know, some you think, you know, some films, you know, out to be quite know, they set out to be quite controversial. But barbie, i dont think its that its supposed family movie, supposed to be a family movie, one everyone can enjoy and one that everyone can enjoy and its all a bit of fluff , you its all a bit of fluff, you know . I dont find it quite know . But i dont find it quite interesting because with barbie, it has been penalised for being this feminist anti man film. So i think this feminist anti man film. So ithink in this feminist anti man film. So i think in the middle east theyve really picked up on that and theyre just saying it just goes against our beliefs. Well, you horses for courses. Yes indeed. Yes indeed. Its fascinating stuff, though. Did you ever own a barbie . Had seven. Yes, i had seven. Well, i had several. I had about barbies, like i think about ten barbies, like i think literally every other month. I was dragging my mum to was kind of dragging my mum to go new barbie. I just go get a new barbie. I just loved it. Were they they were white. Were did your mum that were did your mum think that at there wasnt this at that time there wasnt this big causal now where it is where you want black kids to have black barbie . So we didnt know any better and dont think my mum thought and i dont think my mum thought Stephanie Black stephanie must have a black barbie. You as barbie. I think, you know, as a black person, you get your culture family of thing. But black barbies now . No. Yeah there was. Now, if there wasnt black barbies, global barbies, theres even global barbies. Got disabled barbies. Theyve got disabled barbies. Theyve got disabled barbies and theres every single barbies and theres every single barbie that ticks the box. But i think back in the 90s when i was growing up, it wasnt a big issue as it is now. So i think its about time we had an action man movie. Have some for the lets have some for the blokes. An blokes. Lets bring back an action man. Blokes. Lets bring back an actii n man. Blokes. Lets bring back an actii doran. Blokes. Lets bring back an actii do think we have action man movies. No hero movies. No hero movies. I do feel like the next thing for barbie will be a ken movie. I do feel like i actually thought the men in barbie shone more than the women characters. Yeah, i felt like it was great issues. Just seeing how the men were portrayed in it, because theres in movie. Dont theres bits in the movie. Dont want give too much spoilers, want to give too much spoilers, but men really have their but the men really have their say. Take back from say. They really take back from barbie men are barbie land and the men are running things and i loved it actually it. Actually recommend it. To it as soon im going to see it as soon as i can. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Thanks very much indeed, stephanie. Got lots stephanie. Right. Weve got lots of you coming of papers for you coming up. Youre watching. Youre youre watching. Yes, youre watching breakfast on gb watching gb news breakfast on gb news and the time is 739. Welcome back. Youre watching and listening to breakfast with anne and martin. Yeah, lets take a look now at some of the newspaper front pages this morning. And the guardians front page features a quote of quote from the head of greenpeace saying , rishi sunak greenpeace saying, rishi sunak will down history for will go down in history for failing on climate. How about dont on his roof . Dont climb on his roof . The Financial Times reports on the collapse of retailer wilko. The company went into wilko. The company went into administration yesterday , administration yesterday, putting 12,005 hundred jobs at risk , and the daily express risk, and the daily express leads with a picture showing a packed small boats with migrants trying to cross the channel yesterday. It says the number of migrants coming here in small boats since 2018 has reached the 100,000 mark. And the i goes different. It leads with the Mortgage Rates war as competition is increasing amongst the major lenders and the Daily Telegraph reports on the Daily Telegraph reports on the extra pressures on the nhs from the Junior Doctors strike, the paper says they have cost the paper says they have cost the nhs around £1 billion, so far. With us to go through the papers now is former editor of the daily star dawn neesom and gb news senior political commentator nigel nelson. Right where do we start with wilko dawn yes, lets start with wilko show. Its a depressing story. Show. Its a depressing story. This is the collapse of the retailer wilko , and its left our 12,500 wilko, and its left our 12,500 jobs at risk. There are 400 stores nationwide. They are hoping to save possibly 300 of them. But its not good news for those people at the work. Now. Its one of those high street stores. I mean, im not that familiar with it, but i have to be told what it actually. Yeah, its a bit like its a bit like woolworths, which i think most people are aware of. It started in leicester in 1930 and it capsulised became very capsulised when diy became very trendy were all doing our trendy and we were all doing our homes. Capitalised on that homes. So i capitalised on that and expanded and you know, its and expanded and you know, its a high street staple. There are nine london, but most nine stores in london, but most of appear be towards the of them appear to be towards the north. And the thing that gets this story is and you really hope that the people that work there, you know, do have jobs that are safe for them. But you know, owners 2. 2 know, they paid the owners 2. 2 5,000,000in to the end 5,000,000in dividends to the end of whilst making of year last year whilst making a £367 million loss. And its like, why are you paying yourself dividends when youre managing a company thats so badly run that youre losing dividends were meant to be rewards for success. This is the thing. Is why im confused thing. This is why im confused. Then, you there are. And then, you know, there are people who im sure are people there who im sure are not of money. Are not paid a lot of money. Are people working on shop floor people working on the shop floor and worried about their and not be worried about their futures and paying their mortgages when Everything Else haswilko is a part of most high wilko is a part of most high streets where i up around streets where i grew up around the midlands, nottinghamshire. Yeah diy store. Why is their Business Model not doing very well now . Thats the question. Well, thats the question. Well, thats the question. I think that business i think that old Business Models for reason dont. Models for some reason dont. Its whether can its actually whether you can modernise the modernise and come up into the into the the modern world. Into the into the modern world. I Something Like i mean Something Like woolworths, think woolworths, which i think was really wool was really sad when wool was disappeared, you didnt disappeared, even if you didnt want anything. Want to buy anything. It was quite just around quite fun just Walking Around it. There was something it. But there was something about woolworths that old about woolworths that was old fashion that didnt fashion ad that didnt quite work with else that work with Everything Else that was and i think that was going on, and i think that unless Companies Really find ways changing, unless Companies Really find ways changing , they can come ways of changing, they can come a cropper. I think the main issue is its very much a high street brand people are now street brand and people are now going shopping out of town centres youve free centres where youve got free parking you can park without parking and you can park without getting ridiculous getting you know, ridiculous fines for two seconds. So thats, thats the problem. Its the death of the high street. Again is that is it a shame that our high street is changing or maybe we should embrace it and just understand and we just understand and that we dont the way we used dont shop in the way we used to . Itd be useful if the well, itd be useful if the government took a lead on this. For example. They could do something business Something Like cutting Business Rates problem rates because thats the problem they to pay they have. Theyre having to pay for square footage. Yeah. Yeah, theyre and mortar. Theyre bricks and mortar. Theyve those theyve got all those disadvantages. Theyve got all those disadvanwith. Theyve got all those disadvanwith. Retailers. Compete with online retailers. And is going to be and i think this is going to be just just one of many more to come. But its also to down us, martin. I mean, how many of us now i mean, im as guilty as charged of clicking charged just think of clicking onune charged just think of clicking online delivered online and having it delivered rather the effort to rather than making the effort to go down the local high street and from a shop. And buy from a shop. Too. Also, you can go to me too. Also, you can go to go a shop into a big out of go to a shop into a big out of Town Shopping Centre and get everything you want one go. Everything you want in one go. And dont forget as well pound land, in many ways pound land, which in many ways trodden ground trodden a lot of the same ground as a roaring, massive as wilko, is a roaring, massive success. Yeah, so more nimble, more streamlined competitors came doing came along and they are doing well on the high street. So its not all and gloom. No, no, not all doom and gloom. No, no, thats true. Okay, well, not all doom and gloom, i talking gloom, nigel, in the i talking about between mortgage about the war between mortgage lenders. Yes. Which is actually good our borrowers. So good for news our borrowers. So whats is that whats happening is that mortgage are coming down Mortgage Rates are coming down just a tiny bit. So what youve got is 13 mortgage mortgage got is, is 13 mortgage mortgage lenders competing with each other to try and get prices lower. So were talking talking lower. So were talking talking about going down from 6. 10 for about going down from 6. 10 for a five year fixed deal is now down to 5. 3. So its the big is the big boys like halifax, natwest and nationwide who are doing it. But 13 of 13 lenders seem to be trying trying this route which of course leaves 69 who arent. So it rather its worth shopping around to find out where you can get your mortgage from the bad news probably is that fixed rate mortgages probably wont drop below 5 which is the which is the sad bit. Okay. Do you mind hanging on for a moment, guys . We have to cut now. We have Justin Madders mp on the line, the shadow Employment Rights minister. Are you there . Justin. I think you there . Justin. I think Justin Madders there. Were just hes just coming up. Were just lining him up, plugging him in. There we are here. We go. Good morning to you, sir. Thanks for joining we go. Good morning to you, sir. Thanks forjoining us here on gb news breakfast. So a lot of stories doing the rounds today. Can we first of all, get your on the Junior Doctors your take on the Junior Doctors strike set to roll on . Seems to be hitting an impasse. Steve barclay cant get us out of the weeds on this. What would a Labour Government do to end this strike . Well, i think the first thing to say is we didnt have national strikes in the nhs when labour were in power, so i doubt very much we would have been in this situation in the first place. But the only way this can be resolved is the way any dispute is resolved is by negotiation , is resolved is by negotiation, which means that Steve Barclays got to swallow his pride, get round the table and try and find a way through this mess. Well, theyre asking for , well, theyre asking for, what, 35, which most people conclude is just sort of their starting bid. Theyre not going to get that much. But how would you if you were Steve Barclay, for instance, how much would you offer them now, realistically . Offer them now, realistically . Well , im offer them now, realistically . Well, im sure offer them now, realistically . Well , im sure steve well, im sure Steve Barclays not going to take advice from me about what pay offers, and its clearly not the way to resolve this. Weve had too much talk in tv studios about what figures might be acceptable. The only way youll acceptable. The only way youll get to the nub of that is getting everyone in a room together and finding a way through this. But we know pay is an issue for staff. But but an issue for staff. But but theres also other issues about working conditions. Theyve got to show some light at the end of the tunnel for the Junior Doctors that the government understand the issues that theyre facing, that there will be efforts to try and improve working conditions and address some of the historic pay inequalities that have gone on for some time. Thats not me for some time. Thats not me putting a figure on it because i think thats unhelpful actually. But i think unless you get in a room discuss these issues, room and discuss these issues, youre to find a way youre not going to find a way through this. Okay. Just another big topic on page of the papers. On the front page of the papers. Today, of course, is yesterday. The 100,000 mark was breached in terms Illegal Immigrants terms of Illegal Immigrants arriving small boats. Arriving here via small boats. Its been a nightmare for rishi. But again, i put it to you , what but again, i put it to you, what would a Labour Government do to stem the tide of small boats . Stem the tide of small boats . Because earlier this week the tory party were accusing you of being cronies in collusion with the lawyers , preventing the lawyers, preventing deportations. Deportations. Yeah, well , deportations. Yeah, well, i think that kind of accusation is, is really quite unhelpful. Its a sign of desperation. In fact , we know desperation. In fact, we know that the tories have made this orindeed that the tories have made this or indeed rishi sunak has made this one of his five pledges. And like all the pledges, hes struggling to meet them. Indeed, struggling to meet them. Indeed, you could argue that no progress at all has been made on on the small boats issue. What we would do is we would scrap the unworthy able and ethical rwanda scheme and we would use the money thats going into that to set up a cross border unit to actually stop the boats at source. That seems to be something that is entirely missing governments missing from the governments plans we clearly need to plans so far. We clearly need to clear this backlog of asylum applications thats costing over £6 million a day to the taxpayer. So people are waiting years for an answer to their application options. Thats no good for them. Thats no good for the uk economy. That can be for the uk economy. That can be sped up. We need to get returns agreements in place with other countries where its safe to return people to. More of that return people to. More of that could speed up applications and really , theres also got to be a really, theres also got to be a look at tackling some of the root causes of this, which means greater support on the International Front to actually tackle the people smugglers who are really the people who are exploiting everyone in this situation and are frankly, at the moment getting away with it with a huge drop in prosecutions in the last 13 years. I mean, you work in the area of employer rights, one of the things we do need clearly is greater recruitment of these caseworkers. So we can actually clear the backlog. Why do you think were backlog. Why do you think were not moving on that . I have not moving on that . I have absolutely no idea. And i think there was actually some kind of reorganisation in the home office in the last couple of years, which which led to the being less casework workers. There are there are , i think, there are there are, i think, parts of the world where it should be a lot more straightforward to ascertain whether thats an unsafe place or not. I know some of these cases are very difficult, but i have people coming to me in my constituency whove been sat around for two, three, four, even six years. Wait for a decision that cant be any system in the world that really is as bad as that in terms of making recommendations for whether an asylum application should be granted or not, i really think it needs someone in government to get a grip of it, get these decisions sped up so that then we can clear the backlog and we dont have all these conversations about how much money is being spent on housing, people who are frankly in limbo until this is all resolved. Resolved. Okay. Just one of the things youd like to talk today youd like to talk about today is for apprenticeships is the need for apprenticeships. Tell i think thats. So tell us. I think thats something that wed like to something that wed all like to hear about because hear more about because universities are becoming increasingly expensive live, especially for working class people scared of being shouldered of 50 shouldered with a debt of 50 grand plus. So how would labour plan to get more young people into apprenticeships across the uk . Were looking at well, what were looking at doing is reforming the apprenticeships levy. Its going apprenticeships levy. Its going to be rebranded the growth and skills levy because we recognise actually that at the moment the way the government has set up the scheme, there are far too many restrictions on how businesses can actually use the apprenticeship levy and what that means is that actually quite that money quite a lot of that money doesnt get spent. It doesnt actually get spent. It gets exchequer. Gets returned to the exchequer. Im sure theyre very happy to receive that but what it receive that money. But what it means is that people arent getting the opportunities getting the same opportunities to chances , to improve their job chances, their skills by not having access to these scheme. So we access to these scheme. So we want to broaden it out to make make it actually an opportunity for around 50 of that fund to be used on general skills upgrading for people because we know the economy is changing. We know the economy is changing. We know that the skills that we have today are going to be different for the ones we need tomorrow. So we need to give people the opportunity and the tools to meet that challenge. Tools to meet that challenge. We certainly do need to be prepared just in madras, thank you very indeed for joining you very much indeed for joining us today. Thank you. And weve just got hopefully for just got time, hopefully for a couple interesting stories couple more interesting stories in dawn neesom in the papers with dawn neesom and nigel nelson. Nigel, im going to go immediately for whats in the star about. The whats in the star about. The government is hiding ufos evidence. Yeah, this is an interesting story. This this is its actually a congressional hearing thats taking place at the moment. And what a committee of congress is trying to do is find out if ufos actually exist. Out if ufos actually exist. There have been loads of testimony from military pilots who have actually seen these things, and they do extraordinary things like drop out of the sky at a rate that nothing on earth could possibly do. They filmed it, but theyve got one whistleblower there whos a former intelligence officer. He claims that the Us Government have been fine hiding auen government have been fine hiding alien spacecraft and also bits of aliens in them when they crash. And as a result of that, theyve been covering it up. Theyve been covering it up. What the latest development is that that David Grolsch the particular officer in question , particular officer in question, is now being smeared because they say hes got Mental Health issues because of ptsd. Now, it issues because of ptsd. Now, it issues because of ptsd. Now, it is one of those most extraordinary kind of claims. But ive always wondered when ive talked to britains spooks over the over the course of my career, ive always asked, what are your six biggest what are your your biggest secrets youre hiding . How many have you got . And the consensus is about half a dozen. They wont tell me what they are, but ive always wondered if ufos might be one of them. Do you believe in ufos . No, i dont believe in no, i dont. Dont believe in ghosts either, funny enough, or fairies at the bottom of garden. I there are. I believe there are. They set up when they set up a congressional hearing, i believe there objects that we dont there are objects that we dont know they are. Know what they are. You know, youre youre but, you know, youre youre preconceived idea of a ufo is a flying saucer, manned by a little green man or woman. You could be a woman these days. Obviously, you know, my one big fear, if this is true and they land and they say, take me to your leader, what the hell do we actually do . Yeah, well, its very good question. What are they take him to joe biden. May conclude theres biden. They may conclude theres no earth. No intelligent life on earth. Exactly that. Yes. And well, exactly that. Yes. And talking of politicians, i just want correct madders. Want to correct mr madders. There point. The nhs in there on one point. The nhs in wales by labour for wales has been run by labour for 25 years and they have had the same rest the country. Oh, there you are. You did a happy note to end on it. Yes, exactly. Youre going to come back, though . Yes. Oh yes, please. Yes. Oh yes, please. Happy stories for happy stories. Good. We got happy stories. Bringing happy stories for you. Bringing happy stories for you happy bringing happy stories for you. Happy stories. Next time, we all need a cheering we all need a bit of cheering up. Anyway, very much anyway, thanks very much indeed. And well see you next houn indeed. And well see you next hour. Now, going to hour. Right now, youre going to want what the weather is want to know what the weather is like well have lots like and then well have lots more including, think more to come, including, i think david outside. So david mellor is outside. So hell be wanting to come in and have his say on all the big political the political stories of the morning, too. Raring to go. Hes raring to go. Hes raring to go. Like things are heating looks like things are heating up. Boxed boilers are proud sponsors on gb news sponsors of weather on gb news hello there. Im Greg Dewhurst. Welcome to your latest dewhurst. Welcome to your latest gb news weather the day ahead. Plenty of sunny spells, though. We will see a scattering of showers move in and still feeling quite warm in the east and looking at the picture. First thing, a lot of cloud around some mist and some drizzle in places. But this should slowly lift and break to allow for of allow sunny spells for most of us then this will allow us though, then this will allow the scattered showers to develop, particularly across the north west. Some north and the west. Some of these could be heavy at times, perhaps some thicker cloud and showery rain pushing into southeast to southeast england for a time to across the southeast still warm in sunshine. Highs around across the southeast still warm in a sunshine. Highs around across the southeast still warm in a little ;hine. Highs around across the southeast still warm in a little fresheriighs around across the southeast still warm in a little fresher. Ghs around across the southeast still warm in a little fresher. Furtherund 27, a little fresher. Further north in the west, temperatures in 20s with that in the low 20s with that southwesterly wind picking up as this area of low pressure starts to move in from the atlantic. So well see an increase in showers and spells of rain across this part as we move part of the world as we move into early hours. Clearer into the early hours. Clearer spells elsewhere, perhaps 1 or 2 showers still possible across the and the far southeast and temperatures a little lower than recent nights. Tonight, were recent nights. Tonight, were looking at 14 or 15 degrees. So still on the warm side for the time of year to take us into the weekend. That pressure weekend. That low Pressure Centre moving in. So centre is slowly moving in. So bands of showers and outbreaks of pushing in some of this of rain pushing in some of this will be heavy at times. Some rumbles of thunder, best of the dner rumbles of thunder, best of the drier weather holding on towards the feeling the southeast, but feeling cooler fresher for everyone, cooler and fresher for everyone, particularly around the coast as those winds pick through the those winds pick up through the day. Temperatures generally the high to low 20s 23 or 24 high teens to low 20s 23 or 24 towards the southeast. And the towards the southeast. And the best of any shelter looks like things are heating up. Things are heating up. Boxed boilers proud sponsors of weather on gb news as tannoy this is the final call for all Long Distance lovers. Im flying round the world to marry a man that ive never met. How do i know that youre even the person you say you are . Please fasten your seatbelts. Maybe were not actually supposed to be in this relationship. As we expect turbulence ahead. Can you not see my insides breaking . How far would you go for love . Brand new 90 day fiance uk, available to stream only on discovery . Watch at no extra cost. Say, get discovery into your voice remote to activate. Well is it the royal family . Gb news royal correspondent Cameron Walker will be joining us live from Buckingham Palace later with the news. And as another weekend is on the way, how will the all important weather look this time . Well, here is Greg Dewhurst from the met office. Dewhurst from the met office. Low pressure starting to bnng low pressure starting to bring a change as we move towards the weekend and increasing risk of showers as we move through the day. Find out all the details me coming all the details with me coming up soon. So welcome. Its great to be with you. Im anne diamond. And im Martin Daubney and this is breakfast on gb news as. Im Martin Daubney and this is breakfast on gb news as. Well. Breakfast on gb news as. Well. Weve been talking about a lot today. Theres a lot of the its actually the old subjects that weve been talking about for weeks and weeks now , like weeks and weeks now, like migrants crossing the channel and doctors on strike. But its getting some of you very hot under the collar. So weve got a guest with us right now wholl probably be getting quite hot under the collar to you. Lets talk about well, tell you what, before we talk to david mellor, lets what Health Secretary lets hear what Health Secretary steve had about Steve Barclay had to say about how hes going to deal with these striking doctors. Of course, i stand ready to have discussions with Junior Doctors terms of other issues doctors in terms of other issues about their working conditions. But in terms of pay, weve made a fair and final offer. Weve accepted in full the recommendations of the independent pay review body process. Yes. And that is why process. Yes. And that is why the bma should now call off their strikes. So in other words, nothing. Were joined now in the studio by former Health Minister david mellor. Hello. Lovely to see you. Yes, i am hot under the collar. Are you good . In fact, if i had to button up my collar, id be boiling. So tell us, then. I mean, here are. Another impasse, here we are. Another impasse, 35 rise. Wiggle room. 35 pay rise. No wiggle room. Cost billion. The economy, cost £1 billion. The economy, a million extra people pushed onto waiting lists. Whats going on . Waiting lists. Whats going on . And you guys have and how would you guys have sorted out . Well, know sorted this out . Well, we know whats going on. The doctors are led by the Junior Doctors are led by extreme wing people. The extreme left wing people. The fact theyre a doctor doesnt stop them being extreme left wing. And these people are looking trouble. Look, the looking for trouble. Look, the finances , as you say, i was finances, as you say, i was minister of health. The finances of the nhs are not difficult. Of the nhs are not difficult. 70 of the money goes straight into the pockets of the people who work there. Nothing inherently with that. But inherently wrong with that. But if thats 70 becomes 75 or 80 because the government loses control of unreasonable pay demands, thats thats thats not so good. The reality is theyve been made a perfectly fair offer. 10 for new people who join up as Junior Doctors at 10 increase. I wont go through all the others. Its tedious to do so , but theres no doubt do so, but theres no doubt about it. The government has nothing to be embarrassed about. And anyway, its not the government who doing this. Government who are doing this. These are independent pay bodies. But i think these people think government is on the think the government is on the ropes. Well, theyre not wrong about that. So they can about that. And so they can start making the trouble start making all the trouble they idea of just they like. And an idea of just what a ridiculous this is, what a ridiculous thing this is, that specimen that grizzly little specimen that grizzly little specimen that had on from the labor that you had on from the labor party. Heard of it. Party. Ive never heard of it. Madden, just. Just not steve madden, just. Just not even a household name in his own front room. I can tell that but i can tell you that i mean, his mother might have thought was but thought he was great, but i think people who heard him think most people who heard him , he had nothing to say. And of course, ask him a straight course, you ask him a straight question, would you question, how much would you give them . And he changes the subject says, oh , subject and he says, oh, everything was quiet under laboun everything was quiet under labour. All the labour. You go through all the scandals the Health Service scandals in the Health Service under so no, you know, under labour. So no, you know, at the end of the day they there should be a united front. Actually between the parties about how to deal with pay because Neither Party has got the answer, because there isnt an answer. The answer, because there isnt an answer. The problem is when you just look at the graph and the huge increase in nhs spending for you know, it, every pennyis spending for you know, it, every penny is going to go on. The nhs, the nhs is, you know, i have a cuckoo in my garden and the cuckoo should be a member of the cuckoo should be a member of the bma because is what the cuckoo does is go into a nest and push all the other ones out. And thats what the bma are trying do in terms of trying to do in terms of claiming public money. But do think our junior but do you think our Junior Doctors do a enough salary . Well, it depends what you mean by good enough. The medical, i think you medical, i think i think if you if apply to there, i mean if you apply it to there, i mean we call them Junior Doctors, but theyre young , young, theyre quite young, young, mature they . Theyre quite young, young, mathey they . Theyre quite young, young, mathey are they . Theyre quite young, young, mathey are fully they . Theyre quite young, young, mathey are fully qualified. They are fully qualified. Theyve probably got several years of experience. And if theyre only still earning about 43. 5 k is that comparable to other professions . No its not. But then the doctors have only got themselves to blame because when the nhs up, because when the nhs was set up, they accepted their status as quasi employees. But the reality is its what they will end up as. Consult alternates earning 120 and 350,000 a year, maybe more, compared to what people get for bond washing in the city. Its not that much, is it . But but the reality is that require was a much bigger conversation. And one of the conversation. And one of the conversations it requires is affordability. And you see all theyre doing is making the task of running the nhs any worse. Of running the nhs any worse. Even worse, because youve got huge increase in waiting lists. How do they propose that the waiting lists will be reduced but they can only be reduced by people working hard and going on strike . I mean, it is said one never knows about these figures, but it is said that the cost of deaung but it is said that the cost of dealing with these strikes in terms of the cost to the nhs is about £1 billion at the at the end of the day, i think its pretty repellent that you have people who claim to care about the nhs and are actually making it impossible all for the nhs to be properly run today. But you know theres nothing new under the sun. Okay, david, another topic i know is getting you hot under the collar is front page of todays times, and thats the sight of a load of men coming overin sight of a load of men coming over in a dinghy. We breached the 100,000 mark yesterday. The 100,000 mark yesterday. David via that means this is costing more than the nhs strike 3. 4 billion. The cost £7 million per day on hotel all sorts of ideas thrown out to mitigate it. But the basic nub of the matter , is it not, were failing to stop the boats leaving france or arriving in britain. I put it to you again. If you were in control now, what would you have done about this . Well, what you have to do is, however, difficult it may be, working with some of the some governments, like the french, you to do it and you have you have to do it and you have to and reach an arrangement, to try and reach an arrangement, because people, because why are these people, these must be allowed to these people must be allowed to board boats with the board these boats with the authorities turning a blind eye. And other problem is , of and the other problem is, of course, arrive on the course, once they arrive on the british beach, well , there are british beach, well, there are lawyers who will come and embrace them. There are lawyers paid by the state who will come and embrace them. The courts are only willing to offer them only too willing to offer them assistance of one kind or another. I would have always felt that we should say that the british courts have nothing to do with people. I turn up on do with people. I turn up on a beach somewhere. Do i expect to beach somewhere. Do i expect to be taken to see the lord chief justice of wherever i am . Of course, i dont. And we have only ourselves to blame by making it appear that were a soft touch. But look, end soft touch. But look, at the end of the i mean, in a way, of the day, i mean, in a way, these people do not have to be in those boats. Of course, we feel sorry that they feel driven for that, but people are for that, but some people are now sorrow to them now their sorrow to blind them to the whole to the undoubted fact. The whole idea human rights law was idea of human rights law was that people who were suffering violence in one country, they go to a safe country and its the duty of that safe country to take them in. This is not whats happening here. They pass through half a dozen safe countries before they decide good old britain. And weve got to think of ourselves here. Its physical problem, and its a physical problem, though, it . Thats the though, isnt it . Thats the trouble. Cant argue trouble. You cant just argue the its physical problem the law. Its a physical problem. Physical people. There are physical people getting on yes. Theyre getting on boats. Yes. Theyre being allowed to leave the french somehow , but then french coast somehow, but then they we cant blow them they arrive. We cant blow them back. We cant blow them up. We have to. When they walk on on shore, we have to be humanitarian , dont we . Humanitarian, dont we . We have to offer them the idea of some of these people. I mean, it did make me hot under the collar and i apologise for anyone whos offended by me being hot under the collar. But, you know, know portland, our you know, i know portland, our house about ten miles from house is about ten miles from portland. My great uncle worked the underwater weapons establishment for the whole of his was just his career, which was just there. The british soldiers there. And the british soldiers and commonwealth and american Soldiers Left for d day from portland having been billeted there for weeks and months. If its good enough for them, why isnt it good enough for this lot . They come to england claiming that theyre in desperate straits and they say no, isnt good enough no, that room isnt good enough for sorry, but. For us. Well im sorry, but. To be honest, dont well, to be honest, i dont think that one has interviewed some of the people actually on board, bibby board, on board the bibby stockholm bibby stockholm. And yes, some complaining and yes, some are complaining and moaning, of others are moaning, but lots of others are saying, hey, this really nice saying, hey, this is really nice here. Good good here. Good food, good accommodation and yet accommodation options. And yet its the lawyers who are who are working for them. Im a lawyer myself. Well, yes. I used tell my mother yes. I used to tell my mother i was a pianist a strip club was a pianist in a strip club because i was embarrassed to have to tell i was a lawyer have to tell her i was a lawyer and id embarrassed if i and id be very embarrassed if i was actually a lawyer people was actually a lawyer for people who have no real right to be here and are abusing human rights here and are abusing human rigiso whats the solution then . So whats the solution then . So saying anybody who so are you saying anybody who arrives to shores arrives to these shores illegally should denied that illegally should be denied that legal illegally should be denied that leg of course. And if you dont of course. And if you dont do that, youll never get on top of the problem. And its, you know, the European Court of human rights, i actually been there. Actually been to see there. Ive actually been to see them action. And they dont them in action. And they dont have powers. They only have the have powers. They only have the powers we choose to give powers that we choose to give them. Are purely advisory. Them. They are purely advisory. And if you choose to say to the European Court of human rights, as times in years as a few times in my five years at office, we did, you at the home office, we did, you know, go and take the long walk off the short pier. They cant do anything about it. You do in what drove you to do that in those days . It was all manner of oh, it was all manner of things. Mainly it was about, for instance, when read in the instance, when you read in the papers about the parole papers now about the parole board letting whove board letting out people whove killed twice and or yes. Killed twice and or that. Yes. That was something where the advice of the parole board where the advice of the European Court of human rights was accepted before that, spent five years before that, i spent five years spending weekend going spending every weekend going through life sentence through files on life sentence prisoners whether they prisoners deciding whether they should released. The whole should be released. The whole idea that we would take the idea was that we would take the rap if somebody went and what the home Office Rather cynically called an which was called an own goal, which was letting someone out who killed again. So the precedent has been there to, you know, a snoot to there to, you know, a snoot to the echr of the votes for prisoners as well, havent we . Yes. That was one of theirs. Yes. That was one of theirs. Youre dead. Right. But look at the at the end of the day, if we allow turning up on a beach to be a guarantee of a hotel room , even if its not quite as room, even if its not quite as good as the one youd like to have, but youve got a hotel room fed, given the opportunity to wander around, given all of those advantages , how are we those advantages, how are we ever going to stop these people coming . And the other thing is, you look at those boats, these are unskilled young men. Do we need more unskilled young men in this country . I dont think we do. David mellor are typically outspoken, always a pleasure. Thank you for coming this morning. Breakfast its 8 11 now. As the anniversary of the late queens death approaches, the king has reshuffled military appointments for working members of the royal family and these include the reappointment of two military titles held by prince titles formerly held by Prince Andrew the princess of wales andrew to the princess of wales and the duchess of edinburgh. So and the duchess of edinburgh. So lets catch up with it all with gb news royal correspondent Cameron Walker, who joins us live from Buckingham Palace. Morning, cameron. So is morning, cameron. So this is basically cameron, a redistribution of an of the titles that Prince Andrew used to have and prince harry. Yes, certainly in Prince Andrews case, that is correct. Andrews case, that is correct. And its im describing it perhaps as a bit of poster session , housekeeping by his session, housekeeping by his majesty, the king as you said, its getting close now to the anniversary of the death of Queen Elizabeth ii who herself held 53 military appointments of uk Armed Services and indeed the commonwealth as well. And Buckingham Palace last night was keen to emphasise that working members of the royal family are being redistributed with these new military roles. So as for the king, hes holding on to eight himself, including the sponsor of that magnificent british Aircraft Carrier hms Queen Elizabeth. No roles as you could probably expect for prince harry duke of sussex. As for the duke of role, duke of yorks former role , as of course, he is former role, as of course, he is the disgraced duke, now the princess of wales. She is princess of wales. She is becoming commodore in chief of the fleet air arm, something previously held by Prince Andrew. Sophie duchess of edinburgh. She is becoming colonel in chief of the royal irish regiment. Again previously held by Prince Andrew. Three extra roles each for the prince and princess of wales of course, the prince of wales being heir to the throne, he is getting more responsible in his new role. The princess is actually taking over a role from her husband, william royal honorary air commodore of raaf coningsby. Thats the role which Prince William had actually held since 2008. So he has a Long Association with that role. But association with that role. But handing it over to his wife, princess catherine. As for the princess catherine. As for the princess of wales, shes becoming colonel in chief of the first queens dragoon guards. Also known as the welsh cavalry and charles, and used to hold that role when he was prince of wales. William is going to become colonel in chief of the mercian regiment and the Army Air Corps and the royal honorary air corps and the royal honorary air commodore of raf valley as for her majesty, the queen, camilla, she is becoming patron of the Royal Army Chaplains department , the duke of department, the duke of edinburgh, the princess royal, Princess Anne and the duke and duchess of gloucester. Duke of gloucester , of course, being the gloucester, of course, being the late queens cousin. They are late queens cousin. They are all being given more military roles. But as for another working member of the royal family, the duke of kent, he is turning 88 in october. So no new or further responsibilities for him. But this is, i think, the king using the summer months for a bit of as i said, post recession housekeeping and really emphasising who he sees as working members of the royal family, the key players in this firm. And its another sign of things starting to slim down and be more streamlined. I think a lot of people watching might think this is all a bit anachronistic, isnt it . Now i mean, making somebody like the princess of wales, a colonel in chief or Something Like that, whats the point . Except that it does become very, very important to those particular branch of the military, doesnt it . They like to know who their colonel in chief is or their patron. And theres a lot of charitable work involved to. Yeah, it certainly does. It yeah, it certainly does. It gives each regiment status and it very much emphasises the role of the royal family and the close relationship they have with the military services. So, with the military services. So, of course, members of the royal family traditionally serve in the military themselves, or at least the male do. So king least the male do. So the king is army veteran himself, a is an army veteran himself, a navy , a navy veteran as well, navy, a navy veteran as well, sorry, navy veteran and raf veteran as well, the prince of wales as well served, went to sandhurst and served time in the military. As for the females, military. As for the females, the princess of wales and the and the queen, as in camilla. Yes, youre right. They have not served in the military in terms of on the front line or anything, but they definitely have close associations in terms of their family members serving in military the princess in the military. The princess of wales served in the wales grandfather served in the military for example. And as you say, there is lots of charitable work that goes on with these regiments. And also, lets not forget the families of service personnel, something which the princess of wales, we have seen really in the last year really make a point of spending time with military families and military roles, as has the queen as well. So it really does give as well. So it really does give a lift to the family, to families of military veterans , families of military veterans, andindeed families of military veterans, and indeed serving members of the armed forces. And cameron, theres also the kind talismanic effect, isnt kind of talismanic effect, isnt there . Its cements, for example , queen into the firm , Queen Camilla into the firm and notable by their absence, of course. And crew. And harry, the fact they dont have an official role further underlines the fact they are now outsiders as. Yeah, they are now outsiders as. Yeah, they are now outsiders as. Yeah, they certainly are. I think outsiders. Just a few days ago , it became clear that days ago, it became clear that Buckingham Palace or the royal familys website had scrapped hrh. His Royal Highness from any mention of prince harrys web pages, again, kind of making another point of getting him outside of the working members of the royal family. Hes still very part a member of the Windsor Family , the private Windsor Family, the private family. But in terms of being a working member of the firm, clearly thats happening. He clearly thats not happening. He now lives in california with meghan himself. And of course , meghan himself. And of course, prince harry did serve two tours of afghanistan himself. He is prince harry did serve two tours of afghanistan himself. He is a military veteran. He is the military veteran. He is the only, i suppose most senior working member of the royal family or former working member of the royal family to serve on the frontline in recent times. And i think it was a bit of a blow for him when he stepped back as a working member of the royal in 2020 that he royal family in 2020 that he lost military titles. But it lost his military titles. But it was choice. He chose not to was his choice. He chose not to be a working member of the royal family and it looks like the king to give him family and it looks like the kingfurther to give him family and it looks like the kingfurther military to give him family and it looks like the kingfurther military roles, e him any further military roles, instead handing over to, instead handing it over to, well, the queen is colonel of the grenadier guards, which used to be held by Prince Andrew. So, yes, its a lot of housekeeping going on. Okay. Cameron thanks very much for bringing us up to date with the reshuffle thats gone on in Buckingham Palace behind you. Its very sad on in Buckingham Palace behind you. Its very sad in a on in Buckingham Palace behind you. Its very sad in a way, you. Its very sad in a way, seeing those pictures of meghan and at wedding. And harry at their wedding. I agree, because, you i really agree, because, you know, though have a dig know, even though we have a dig at the thing is that this at harry, the thing is that this this actually is a stark reminder. Hes now outside the tent. I think thats sad. Tent. And i think thats sad. As cameron mean, but as cameron said, i mean, he did he chose to he did choose it did he chose to step down from royal life, from working royal life. Working royal life. I think he would come back. I think he would come back. I think he would come back. You know, i think he will one day. But how now . I dont know. Day. But how now . I dont know. Because would meghan ever want to come back to britain . I dont to come back to britain . I dont think so. Maybe itd be without meghan. Maybe if something happened there, that would be the there, i know that would be the problem. Problem. If. If it was ever i think if. If it was ever made clear him that he would made clear to him that he would be welcome cant see him be welcome back. I cant see him leaving his children behind. No. Can you . But what do you think . He served those in served those tours in afghanistan. Earned his afghanistan. Hes earned his spurs. Very much. Hes spurs. Oh, yes, very much. Hes earned those earned his right to those titles. He voluntarily titles. But he voluntarily surrendered because of his surrendered them because of his personal. Personal circumstances. Gone. Dont you . They hadnt gone. Dont you . I they left the i just wish they hadnt left the way did. Way they did. Thats the thing. It i think thats the thing. It just. Its a stark reminder of how things have changed. And, you though i say we you know, even though i say we have a dig at him, i think it feels quite sad moment. Does. Feels quite sad moment. It does. Do you think . Do us what do you think . Do tell us what whether still feel what whether you still feel quite harsh towards harry and meghan all of furore meghan and all of the furore they caused when stepped meghan and all of the furore they butad when stepped meghan and all of the furore they but now 1en stepped meghan and all of the furore they but now 1en canted back. But now you just cant help thinking it would be lovely to see them back at some stage. I see her coming, can i just cant see her coming, can you . I just cant see her coming, can youwe see him back. We could see him back. I think lot people would think a lot of people would think a lot of people would think lot of people would think a lot of people would welcome him back. Yeah. Sticky, isnt it . Gb views news. Com. Tell us what you think now. The think right now. Heres the weather. Think right now. Heres the weithat warm feeling inside from that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers, proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Weather on. Gb news. Hello there. Im greg hello there. Im Greg Dewhurst. Welcome to your latest gb news weather. The day ahead. Gb news weather. The day ahead. Plenty of sunny spells, though. We will see a scattering of showers move in and still feeling quite warm in the east and looking at the picture. First thing, a lot of cloud around some mist and some drizzle in places. This drizzle in places. But this should slowly lift and break to allow spells most of allow sunny spells for most of us this will allow us though then this will allow the showers to the scattered showers to develop, particularly the develop, particularly across the north and the west. Some of these be at times, these could be heavy at times, perhaps thicker cloud and perhaps some thicker cloud and showery pushing showery rain pushing into southeast time to southeast england for a time to and across the southeast, still warm any sunshine. Warm in any sunshine. Highs around little fresher. Around 27. A little fresher. Further north in the west, temperatures low 20s with temperatures in the low 20s with that southwesterly wind picking up as this area of low pressure starts to move in from the atlantic. So well see an increase in showers and spells of rain across this part of the world move into early world as we move into the early hours. Clearer elsewhere, hours. Clearer spells elsewhere, perhaps 2 showers still perhaps 1 or 2 showers still possible across the far southeast and temperatures a little lower than recent nights. Tonight, were looking at 14 or 15 degrees. So still on the warm side for the time of year to take us into the weekend. That low Pressure Centre is slowly moving in. So bands of showers and outbreaks pushing and outbreaks of rain pushing in. Some this will be in. Some of this will be heavy at times. Some of at times. Some rumbles of thunder, the drier thunder, best of the drier weather holding the weather holding on towards the southeast, feeling cooler southeast, but feeling cooler and for everyone , and fresher for everyone, particularly around the coast as those pick up through the those winds pick up through the day. Temperatures generally the high to low 20s 23 or 24 high teens to low 20s 23 or 24 towards the south east and the best of any shelter that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers, proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Weather on. Gb news. Ooh weve got lots of gb views on the Junior Doctors, steve says why would you take on 100 grand in student debt to become a doctor when you could earn more as a train driver with two 0 levels . Pay doctors . Fairly fair point. And earlier on we talked about your favourite retro ice lollies. Eamonn in belfast i dont think its eamonn holmes, but it could be favourite ice lolly in the be my favourite ice lolly in the 70s 80s was the goalie 70s and 80s was the goalie bar of vanilla cream on a stick of Vanilla Ice Cream on a stick with a picture a goalie on with a picture of a goalie on the you probably cant the wrapper. You probably cant call i wonder call them that anymore. I wonder if call them that anymore. I wonder h been call them that anymore. I wonder if been rebrand, added if theyve been rebrand, added and well you got and renamed. Well you got a funny name. They still use the word yes. Theice they still use the word yes. The ice cream loved in the ice cream i loved in australia in the 80s. But australia back in the 80s. But apparently , according to apparently, according to you lovely they are still lovely viewers, they are still being sold in australia. The being sold in australia. Was the gaytime gaytime . Yeah. Go gaytime or the gaytime . Yeah. Go in ask a gaytime and it in and ask for a gaytime and it was lovely. It was a bit like a fab, it was a sort of ice creamy type lolly covered in hundreds and thousands with a slightly coconutty flavour. Oh it was magic. There you go. Gaytime and there you go. Gaytime and mark another classic. Who can forget those classic tv adverts 7 forget those classic tv adverts . Just one cornetto my favourite ice cream from the 70s was of course the cornetto, but now its a magnum, white and chocolate. The brown one. You know that advert has to be one of the most successful adverts in the history of advertising. Its fantastic. Advertising. Its fantastic. Yeah. Wasnt gone . Got yeah. Wasnt it on the gone . Got it. Whoever, it. Dead. Right. Whoever, whoever invented that advert got it. Right , whoever invented that advert got it. Right, right. Heres it. So right, right. Heres another one on the Junior Doctors. Penny says, i am doctors. Penny says, i am a qualified professional and have been for 20 years. Junior doctors earn more than me. Doctors earn more than me. Granted, i dont make life or death decisions, but i often work 8 to 20 hour days and 40 to 50 hour weeks. I have a private pension, but not an nhs one, and ill have to work till im 67. Whos better off then . Thats the spirit, penny, well done and thank you for all your hard work. Yep. Okay. Its 823. Plenty more to come , including all the to come, including all the latest football. Yes. Kane leaving yes. Harry kane leaving tottenham well tottenham going to bayern. Well see coming. This is see all thats coming. This is breakfast on gb news welcome back. Youre watching and listening to breakfast with anne and martin. Weve been having that usual sort of sort of sexist conversation about whether or not its cold in here. Yeah, and isnt it always women who feel the cold and men dont . And so theres always rouse in, you know, houses up and down the land and its gender land and its usually gender based isnt it. It is. Yeah. It is. Yeah. I think im frozen and hes not. I think its quite, quite balmy in here. I think its a fan on i cant believe it a diva fan on i cant believe it a diva fan blowing blow me hair but it is true that air conditioning was once branded sexist because if on a typical if you set it on a typical temperature, women are always cold, men are always hot, cold, men are always too hot, doesnt it . Happen your does that happen in your household . Let know. Gb views household . Let me know. Gb views at gbnews. Com all right. Lets get to the sport now. Weve got the man here, paul coyte the legend, a man very much in mourning, though. Courtney, your man. Im feeling im with you feeling by the way, im with you an i cold. An i get cold. I do. My wife usually warmer. I get terrible suffer. Its freezing in here. Yes, it is. Its not. i yes, it is. Its not. I thought you were having me on. No, im serious. I think its because hes got his vest on. Thats why hes got my thermals on. Yeah, but back. Back to the sport. Kwasi. Im just trying to avoid it. Im just trying to avoid it. Thats it is. Harry kane, thats all it is. Harry kane, man england. Captain spurs legend. Yes. Your spurs through and through. Yep. To yep. Is it finally going to happen . Bayern munich . . I it 7 it looks . It looks like it is. And i think this is probably the first time ive actually agreed to admit actually say its admit to actually say that its going to happen. Yeah i honestly didnt. I honestly did not think that was going to. Weve gone that it was going to. Weve gone right down to the wire. Theres harry there. Of course, its gone right down to wire. Gone right down to the wire. The first against brentford first game is against brentford on sunday its seeing that on sunday and its seeing that harry wanted this done and dusted way or another. Yeah. Dusted one way or another. Yeah. Before before season starts before before the season starts. And how much closer can you get . Get . What do you think clinched it . I think the i think it was spurs agreeing to the deal. I mean is not official yet. Mean this is not official yet. This is not official. So this i mean, this im the reason im saying this because theres still probably a part of me that thinks lets lets this is me. This is when broke the this is when harry broke the goal scoring for spurs. Goal scoring record for spurs. And spoke to him front of and i spoke to him in front of 60,000 people at the time, just thinking, going thinking, you know, whats going to everybody knew to happen because everybody knew that another left that there was another year left on contract at the end of on the contract at the end of this, itd be a free and then there would a free. Now, there would be a free. Now, rumours, rumours all over the place thinking, well , it maybe place thinking, well, it maybe hell go to Manchester City because man were very because man city were very interested theyd bids because man city were very intearlieri theyd bids because man city were very intearlier last theyd bids because man city were very intearlier last year. � d bids because man city were very intearlier last year. So bids because man city were very intearlier last year. So whatis because man city were very intearlier last year. So what is in earlier last year. So what is the best thing for harry and also the best thing for spurs fans always would be your fans always would be that your best is playing for the best player is playing for the club. £100 million. Its all club. £100 million. Its all very well , its not my money, very well, its not my money, its not the supporters money thats. Is it going to buy you another harry kane . Its not going buy you another harry going to buy you another harry kane. Million. You kane. Its ,100 million. You look rices midfielder look at declan rices midfielder thats gone to arsenal. Thats gone to gone to arsenal. Hes gone for over 100 million. So sorry,100 so its, its sorry,100 million would not buy you another harry kane style style. Yes. But someone of his ilk, someone as good as him, no proven goal scorer he could deren proven goal scorer he could deliver, wouldnt get there. Heres the theory. And i hope theres something in this. Tell me if im wrong. If he went on a free contract next season , the free contract next season, the club would get no money. Correct is very pragmatic and is he being very pragmatic and saying, here you go, spurs, heres a chunk of money. Thats for go away for a year for you. Ill go away for a year and then ill come back in a years time. But youve had a good chunk of money. Thank you very much. This is my thank you from kane. Would love from harry kane. I would love love that. If that was true. But i think its unlikely he is. Its its very unlikely he is. Its whether it know if he whether he sticks it know if he sticks its worth sticks around, its whats worth it now theres a lot it to spurs. Now theres a lot of money obviously coming in, but also how important is harry kane to spurs . Is he worth that for the next year . Because if spurs qualified for the Champions League, then probably that money would be made again. That money would be made again. Of course, its a big if, but the thing is, harry kanes been through a lot of big ifs over the past 3 or 4 years. Now hes showed his loyalty. Hes been there 20 years. Hes been there since he was a kid. He spurs through through, you know, through and through, you know, theres see theres often pictures. You see of, he is an arsenal of, oh, yeah, he is an arsenal fan. Hes hes family fan. Hes hes not. Hes family is. Know his family as well. Is. I know his family as well. Theyre spurs through and through. He was not something he theyre spurs through and throug evere was not something he theyre spurs through and throug ever doas not something he theyre spurs through and throug ever do to 1ot something he theyre spurs through and throug ever do to do something he would ever do to do something against but also he would ever do to do something againzto but also he would ever do to do something againzto look but also he would ever do to do something againzto look at but also he would ever do to do something againzto look at hisbut also he would ever do to do something againzto look at his career. he hates to look at his career. Bayern munich are making all these offers now and theyre going and more and more. Going more and more and more. And the reason for this is because they know very that because they know very well that at the contract at the end when the contract ends, probably wont get a ends, they probably wont get a look hes a free look in because hes a free agent everybody else is agent and everybody else is going to come in. Doesnt need the money. Kane doesnt need the money. Hes a quid, hes not short of a few quid, but he does want immortality and hes not short of a few quid, butwould es want immortality and hes not short of a few quid, butwould getvant immortality and hes not short of a few quid, butwould get thatimmortality and hes not short of a few quid, butwould get that bynortality and hes not short of a few quid, butwould get that by staying and hes not short of a few quid, butwould get that by staying innd he would get that by staying in the premier league and trying to beat shearers goal beat shearers all time goal scoring why would he scoring record. So why would he want to go to germany . The reason probably want the reason he probably want to germany is it could be to go to germany is it could be to go to germany is it could be to with respect for spurs. To do with respect for spurs. The he wouldnt go to the fact that he wouldnt go to a l the fact that he wouldnt go to a , spurs would not be a rival, spurs would not be happy sell to a rival, happy to sell to a rival, chelsea was never going to happen, although mauricio was there, Manchester United, i think hes unlikely of think hes unlikely because of deaungs think hes unlikely because of dealings with Manchester United over the years. Like dimitar berbatov, etcetera. Theres been few players and Michael Carrick and Teddy Sheringham and going back that. So back even further than that. So really it needed to be a move abroad that would then suit the owners of so he wouldnt abroad that would then suit the ow playing so he wouldnt abroad that would then suit the ow playing for so he wouldnt abroad that would then suit the ow playing for a so he wouldnt abroad that would then suit the ow playing for a rival. Wouldnt abroad that would then suit the ow playing for a rival. Therldnt abroad that would then suit the ow playing for a rival. The only be playing for a rival. The only onesin be playing for a rival. The only ones in with the amount of money is munich, but then it is bayern munich, but then it looked yesterday was looked like yesterday it was just down harry to make that just down to harry to make that decision whether going decision of whether he was going to stay. To go or stay. Okay, so were not going all. Kane of course, the premier league off today. Yeah. League kicks off today. Yeah. Who and riders . Who are your runners and riders . The guess, are the big names, i guess, are always built. Theyre arsenal who won the Community Shield play who won the Community Shield play forest today. Play my team forest today. Who do it do you thinks going well it this year. Well i you know you cant really look much further than Manchester City again far Manchester City again as far as im think im concerned and forest i think probably could be a Champions League place. I think, for you. Drugs . Yeah thats are you on drugs . Yeah thats the thing affect me too the main thing is affect me too bad but and giving the look of say he say that and say how dare he say that but and youre absolutely as well youre absolutely right as well but enhancing but only performance enhancing though martin listen, going though martin listen, its going to a tricky arsenal. To be a tricky arsenal. Obviously. Youre going to look terrific because theyre going to build from what happened more happened last year and more signings but its going signings as well. But its going to difficult to see past man to be difficult to see past man city. Then again, look at city. But then again, look at newcastle as well. Theyre you know, the you know, theyre on the rise. You know, theyre on the rise. You know, this new know, theres this new documentary now thats showing that want the new that they want to be the new real madrid. And with all that money them, knows . Money behind them, who knows . I think youre who knows . I think youre both on drugs. Is football. Football . Football. Yeah. Sorry but todays the day. Day the big kick todays the day the big kick off. It is. It is premier league gets underway today blackburn man see you next welcome back. Youre watching and listening to breakfast here on gb news with anne and martin. And were joined again by dawn and nigel. And im glad to say ive got a compatriot in dawn who also thinks its blooming cold in here. Tends to be tends to be a gender argument, doesnt gender based argument, doesnt it . Freezing to. It . No, no. Im freezing to. Yeah, i think its perfect. Hes having hot flashes after the menopause. You said dawn, actually. Yeah. Introduce us to this story, which nobody can quite understand completely. Its about an autistic girl who was arrested. And when she who was arrested. And when she said to the Police Officer that the Police Officer looked like her lesbian nana this is page five of the mail. Its in most of the papers at some point, and it is all over social media because the footage is actually quite shocking. Theres story than theres more to this story than meets i think meets the eye. I think personally, how the basic story is, old autistic is, is a 16 year old autistic girl who also suffers from a physical disability curvature of the she was taken home the spine. She was taken home from Leeds City Centre after being found drunk and vulnerable. So they took her home and thats where it all kicked off because as the 16 Year Old Girl then said to the female officer, you look like my lesbian nana now that has been described as a homophobic public order offence. Now i do not understand how calling some of the lesbian is any form of hate crime because whats wrong with being a lesbian . Absolutely nothing. I says. Its more about the arresting officers than it does this young lady. But does about this young lady. But if look footage if you look at the footage online, incredibly online, it is incredibly upsetting. The girl is upsetting. The poor girl is having some sort of like, you know, shes punching herself in the because so the head because shes so stressed out about this. Well, obviously very well, shes obviously very vulnerable. And as you say, shes certain as well. Basically, mean, the but basically, i mean, the female officer then called other officers in help her out. And officers in to help her out. And there were seven officers involved in this case, a 16 year old who taken , old girl who was then taken, spent 20 hours in Police Custody while this was being sorted out. We dont know if any charges have actually been formally issued yet. Its just a very strange story. But the thing is that the fact that we are sending seven Police Officers to arrest a 16 Year Old Girl for using the word lesbian basically is what this you know, whether or not actually she has a lesbian nana well, her mother says that, you know what . What has my daughter said that is wrong . Know, all she said wrong . You know, all she said was, know, look to the was, you know, you look to the female officer, you look female Police Officer, you look like my lesbian nana. Hernan is a lesbian you look bit a lesbian and you look a bit like yeah. Like her. Yeah. On the of it, and on the face of it, thats. Wheres the crime . I guess. It comes to down a guess. Nigel, it comes to down a is it a another story of heavy handed policing where its where its just not needed a freedom of and of course , of speech issue. And of course, this this week weve had figures out that only 6 of burglaries are solved. So is it just a case of the kind of miss appropriation of heavy handed policing where not required policing where its not required or actually , is this a genuine or actually, is this a genuine hate crime . And should it be policing . Well, i mean, technically, its a hate crime rather than genuinely a hate crime, i would have thought, because i mean, if youre accusing somebody of being a lesbian , that could be being a lesbian, that could be construed as homophobic crime. However an autistic girl drunk. However an autistic girl drunk. At 16, surely in a situation like that, the police could just simply ignore it. The Old School Common sense , the Old School Common sense, which no one seems to have these days. Which no one seems to have these days. And you know, she wasnt days. And you know, she wasnt walk up to anyone in street walk up to anyone in the street and call a lesbian. Is that and call them a lesbian. Is that and call them a lesbian. Is that a hate dont think so. Personally yeah, i think you would find that that is homophobia. So therefore, it comes under the general hate crime legislation for homophobia to call somebody a lesbian. I mean, if you if youre doing it, uninvite voted yes. And if someone says i am a lesbian having lesbian and you start having a conversation about it, that is not a crime. I think people might if you shouted at somebody , are if you use a , you are you are if you use a derogatory term for that , then maybe. But this was an actual term. Thats not offensive in this case. But its also the tone. But its also the tone. The tone as well. Yeah. In this case, if we do know all the facts and the police have said, look, we behaved accordingly, there more to this story than there is more to this story than meets the eye. But were not going into it yet. And we, you know, appropriate know, we take appropriate action. Of action. We take care of everyone. But she she just said, you like a lesbian, like my you look like a lesbian, like my nan does, you know, like my nan is. So thats. No, theres no hate crime there. The police said anything about it. They have. And i should yes, they have. And i should read statement. Read out their statement. Actually. Basically we actually. They said basically we west Police Assistant West Yorkshire Police Assistant chief constable khan said officers initially picked up the girl reported intoxicated upon return to address comments were made which resulted in the girl being arrested on suspicion of a homophobic public order offence. The nature of the comments have been fully captured on video camera. She was later released on bail, pending further enquiries advice from the enquiries and advice from the crown prosecution service. They are behaved are saying they behaved absolutely the letter of the absolutely to the letter of the law. They have done nothing wrong. Will wait and see wrong. So we will wait and see what happens. Meanwhile , if what happens. But meanwhile, if your broken into in your house gets broken into in leeds, getting one leeds, good luck getting one coppers seven. Coppers to turn up seven. Thats a thing, isnt yes, thats a thing, isnt it . Extraordinary, nigel, youve been the express at been looking in the express at how many people are waiting for treatment on the nhs. Yeah, its. I mean, these yeah, and its. I mean, these are scary figures that its one of rishi sunak five pledges hes to going reduce hospital waiting lists. Not doing it. So it lists. Hes not doing it. So it looks another one thats looks like another one thats going broken. So they went going to be broken. So they went up. The latest figures are for up. The latest figures are for june so they went up to 7. 5, 7 Million People waiting, june so they went up to 7. 5, 7 Million People waiting , which Million People waiting, which was 100,000 more than the previous month. And also, waits previous month. And also, waits are getting longer for so not hugely from about 13. 5 weeks to 14. 5 weeks, but it tony blair discovered this when he was when he was trying to reduce nhs waiting lists. And then it was only by 100,000 because they were actually much smaller. But he then changed the system and said actually , waiting is more said actually, waiting is more important than just being on a list. And so as a result of that, he he changed it from an 18 month wait down to an 18 week wait. So waits are actually wait. So waits are actually getting better. In fairness , getting better. In fairness, although theyve theyve suffered a fall back for this particular month. But the whole particular month. But the whole thing is that rishi sunak said, i can do all this. Thing is that rishi sunak said, i can do all this. He makes i can do all this. He makes these pledges and none of them are dangerous politically to make pledges, he said. He said judging that, you know, by the end of the year he will have done those things, what he done all those things, what he should if he hasnt done should do is if he hasnt done all those things by the end of the year, was honourable, the year, if he was honourable, he resign. He would resign. Interesting thing and the interesting thing here, the headline is nhs here, dawn, the headline is nhs crisis. Has the nhs ever not been . We were talking about this on the way in just now. Nigel and i, which have thousand several years of fleet street us, street journalism between us, where that old and its like neither ever remember neither of us can ever remember a that doesnt involve a story that doesnt involve the words the word words nhs linked to the word crisis for decades. And it really is the case. I mean, seven days to save the nhs. Seven days to save the nhs. The 90s. Yeah, yeah. The 90s. Yeah, yeah. And the climate while were at well. The planet. So at it as well. The planet. So save the planet. The nhs. Subject of save the nhs. The subject of health. Take us to the health. Dawn, take us to the cromwell hospital. Yes. Oh yes. Oh yes. Where to fill out a where you have to fill out a certain form if you want an mri, i think, oh, this honestly i think, oh, this is honestly and is one of those stories and this is one of those stories where if youre a woman this morning, youre going get morning, youre going to get annoyed its that annoyed again, its women that are this drive to are the brunt of this drive to go all inclusive, provided are the brunt of this drive to go all aiclusive, provided are the brunt of this drive to go all a woman, provided are the brunt of this drive to go all a woman, youreed are the brunt of this drive to go all a woman, youre not included. Is its a private this is its a private hospital. Its a cromwell hospital is in kensington in london. Famous that have london. Famous people that have been george best, cheryl been there, george best, cheryl cole, etcetera. And yes, they have been criticised after a fall from its Radiology Department that was given to staff and patients was shared online. It says it asks patients of childbearing potential if they might be pregnant and advises them to note the start of your last menstrual period. Now this is given to everyone that goes there basically patients of childbearing potential, not women patients. Potential, not women patients. Yeah, absolutely. You you mean women . Because women have babies. Men do not have babies. You could be a woman who, for whatever reason, couldnt give birth. And therefore, youre not a patient of childbearing potential, even though youre a woman. This is a patient of childbearing. Well, me neither. But when did the word woman become a word . Become a swear word . Its crazy. I know its crazy. I know its crazy. Its just astonishing. And it doesnt apply and this doesnt apply to men. And this is the thing. I mean, it took a long, long time for the nhs websites, for women men, you websites, for women and men, you know, you know, know, its like, you know, people cervixes womens people with cervixes for womens cancen people with cervixes for womens cancer. Still cancer. But men were still allowed to testicular allowed to have testicular cancer prostate cancer. You cancer and prostate cancer. You still men their still referred as men on their website, but we were reduced to our cervixes yeah, and chest feeding of calling a feeding instead of calling a woman woman. Feeding instead of calling a worand woman. Feeding instead of calling a worand awoman. Feeding instead of calling a worand a lotnan. Feeding instead of calling a worand a lot of]. Feeding instead of calling a worand a lot of women like to be and a lot of women like to be called proud of it. Called women very proud of it. Youre being termed youre suddenly being termed terminologist. A word . Terminologist. Is that a word . Why by. By what your body why is it by. By what your body is capable of or something . I is capable of or something . I dont know. Well, particular favourite well, my particular favourite an. Im sorry. Apologies. After you. Breakfast was when you. Your breakfast was when they started referring to vaginas holes. Yeah. Vaginas as bonus holes. Yeah. And because vagina is offensive , its not inclusive. Its inclusive to women. Thats what we have. I want put this to you. I want to put this to you. What is it about people on the political left and drive political left and the drive towards inclusivity that basically be basically seems to be misogynistic . Its at the misogynistic . Its at the expense of women . Expense of women . Well, i mean, i think a thing like this, its quite right. All you to ask ask a patient you need to ask ask a patient coming in is, are pregnant . Coming in is, are you pregnant . Could yeah. Could you be pregnant . Yeah. Which to be thats what which seems to be thats what they so they need to know, basically. So i think that what people are trying to do is theyre struggling find form of struggling to find a form of words that are gender neutral and inoffensive. Sex isnt it . And the and the problem is, it is very difficult to do that. So you get it in the Financial Sector that apparently we shouldnt use the word black market. We should use the word illegal market. But i dont think that works. Black market immediately conjures up what you actually need to know. Nothing racist about it. And a legal market could be a few stalls being put up down the road. So when it comes to language, im not against the idea of trying to improve it. Im against it when it makes a nonsense of it, but its also could be so much simplerjust as but its also could be so much simpler just as to but its also could be so much simplerjust as to say, could simpler just as to say, could you possibly be the problem ive got with this particular story and use of language, which and the use of language, which is confusing, is i live in is very confusing, is i live in tower in east london, Tower Hamlets in in east london, which is a very poor borough, and we have a high influx of Migrant Women who dont speak engush Migrant Women who dont speak english as a first language, and they find it very confusing. Negotiating the nhs at the best of times. So you know, if they are confronted with this sort language, theyre going sort of language, theyre going to have no idea what the hell is going is actually going on. It is actually dangerous. Dangerous. All well, lets change all right. Well, lets change tack talk about tack completely and talk about fairy liquid. What earth . Fairy liquid. What on earth . Well, if youve got some bottles tucked away in your attic they were made between attic and they were made between 1950 and 2000, which is the old white bottles, the old fairy liquid bottles, they could be worth £200. Wow. So whats happenedis worth £200. Wow. So whats happened is that Nanette Newman told you . Thats it . Yeah those. Those we shouldnt see more than 200 quids worth there. I would say that she could retire in those fairy liquid bottles, but theres something there. There were something. Now theyre being they become being collected, so they become collectors so. So if collectors items. And so. So if theyre in absolutely pristine condition, £200 on ebay, you can actually pick them up for who would have saved one. Thats the other thats the other part. Well, apparently people are finding finding them in finding them, finding them in sort their loft or sort of their grannys loft or Something Like that, where theyve been left there. I cant theyve been left there. I cant imagine them. I also imagine saving them. I also cant imagine where you them cant imagine where you put them even had a sort of a nice even if you had a sort of a nice sort of fairy liquid bottle where does it go . But the thing is, with this story and this is this is nigels story of the nigels favourite story of the day, way, is this is day, by the way, this is this is how the news is this week. How bad the news is this week. This is nigels favourite story. Thing if story. But the thing is, if youre a child of a certain age and you used to watch blue peter, never, ever a peter, you never, ever had a spare washing liquid bottle spare washing up liquid bottle because you were always being encouraged things it. Things. Things. But its all about but, but its all about buying a of your buying a piece of your childhood. This, example, my childhood. This, for example, my brother got birthday brother in law got a birthday present and it was present last week and it was a tenant can with a girl in a bikini on it. And they were called they were called the horus lovelies. And they horus lager lovelies. And they were in the 1960s and 19, were big. In the 1960s and 19, tenants lager. Lovely, lovely. Now lovely, the lager lovely. Now now, allowed. Now, never be allowed. Of course not. Girls no, no, of course not. Girls in bikinis on lager cans have become very, very collectable on ebay. Remember big ebay. And do you remember big deez the pub where you deez nuts in the pub where you bought there was bought the nuts and there was a girl in a bikini underneath it . More nuts you and the more nuts you brought, more you revealed . Brought, the more you revealed . Yeah yeah, yeah. Brought, the more you revealed . Yea dideah, yeah. Brought, the more you revealed . Yea did they eah. Brought, the more you revealed . Yea did they have brought, the more you revealed . Yeadid they have beer brought, the more you revealed . Yea did they have beer in brought, the more you revealed . Yeadid they have beer in it . Did they have beer in it . Did they have beer in it . Martin . You can get them empty much cheaper, but empty for much cheaper, but a sealed which nobody in their sealed can which nobody in their right would to drink. Right mind would want to drink. Imagine. Not now, i would imagine. Not now, after all this time. Grim but the point of the matter is, its freezing in time. . w of your child and a moment of your child and those bottles remember those fairy bottles i remember as in the 70s, we used to as a kid in the 70s, we used to have water fights with them. Thats it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Been there. But you could cut them easily as well. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly. Yes. They were on blue peter yeah, exactly. The. They were on blue peter yeah, exactly. The time. Were on blue peter all the time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Going to have to leave were going to have to leave it there particular soap note. I love that. I love that. But that is brilliant, isnt it . So go, go. Rummaging in your loft and see what youve got worth fortune. Nigel. Thank worth a fortune. Nigel. Thank you much. Worth a fortune. Nigel. Thank youthanknuch. Worth a fortune. Nigel. Thank youthank you. Thank very thank you. Thank you very much. Ei t we been much. We been talking about now, as we been talking about most of the morning, Junior Doctors are going doctors in england are going to start four day strike start their four day strike today bitter pay dispute start their four day strike todajthe bitter pay dispute start their four day strike todajthe governmentay dispute start their four day strike todajthe government goes pute start their four day strike todajthe government goes on e with the government goes on and on and on. Yeah, speaking ahead of the walkout, Health Secretary Steve Barclay say. Of barclay had this to say. Of course i ready have course i stand ready to have discussions with Junior Doctors in issues about in terms of other issues about about their working conditions. Terms pay, weve but in terms of pay, weve made fair and final offer. Made a fair and final offer. Weve in the weve accepted in full the recommendations of the independent pay review body process , and that is why the bma process, and that is why the bma should call off their should now call off their strikes. Well of course, today strikes. Well of course, today strikes are going to happen all over country. Over the country. Gb news yorkshire and gb news is yorkshire and humberside. Reporter anna riley joins now from outside joins us now from outside a picket line, i think in leeds. Morning anna. Good morning. Yes, im here at leeds general infirmary at the Junior Doctors picket line here. This is the first of the four day strike action and its getting a lot of support, as you can hear here. Now theres a lot of cars coming in and pipping and people supporting the Junior Doctors here on this picket line. This is the fifth wave line. But this is the fifth wave now action from junior now of strike action from Junior Doctors of this is doctors. And of course, this is having massive impact on having a massive impact on patients. Theres going to be thousands operations and thousands more operations and appointments cancelled due to this strike action. And since its been going on since december, theres been over 800,000 cancer filled appointments and operations. Now appointments and operations. Now im joined by doctor vasily cnspy im joined by doctor vasily crispy here on the picket line. Hes a Junior Doctor. So the government are saying 6. Thats what were sticking to. But of course the bma, your union are saying, no, we want more. Saying, no, we want more. Absolutely. Were still asking for full pay restoration to restore our pay to what it was like in 2008 to restore the 26 pay cut that we have suffered. The offer put forward suffered. The offer put forward by the government is only an imposition they cannot put forward a final offer without negotiating with us. Ultimately, what we do see is that our strikes have been successful because theyve already shifted the government position to finally , for the first time in finally, for the first time in years, to accept the recommendation for this year, however, our negotiations will continue to be for the continue to be open for the government to walk into. We do want to talk to the government. We want able to look at we want to be able to look at previous as future previous years as well as future years order to restore years in order to restore our pay years in order to restore our pay. Must do so in order pay. And we must do so in order to retain colleagues within our ranks. At the moment, we are more 10,000 Junior Doctors more than 10,000 Junior Doctors short alone. We cant short in england alone. We cant provide the services we provide the services that we want patients. So this is want for patients. So this is not the nhs that patients deserve that, let alone our workforce deserve. Thats why were stance here once were making a stance here once again. So people might say 35 is just too to high ask for. Is there a figure you think that you and your colleagues would accept it . I think 35. Well 26 is a huge figure to have cut during the past 15 years. Weve been drafted into the covid pandemic. The government and the public were ready to applaud us during the covid effort, but yet now this figure is too high to award. We must reward our workforce that have sacrificed their time, their lives for the nhs and for their patients. And nhs and for their patients. And actually what we are seeing is that everyone here the picket that everyone here on the picket line, everyone i speak to a work, have got an exit strategy. If dispute is not resolved if these dispute is not resolved successfully and they are ready to leave the nhs, theyre ready to leave the nhs, theyre ready to leave the country. If not the profession theyre looking at new zealand, australia, canada, the to. Were the states to go to. Were simply conditions working simply work conditions working conditions and the conditions are better and the pay conditions are better and the pay better because in those pay is better because in those conditions then were to conditions then were able to look our patients in a way look after our patients in a way that dignified them. That is dignified to them. So thank you for silly thank you speaking us this you for speaking to us this morning. Thats the view from morning. So thats the view from the picket line in leeds the picket line here in leeds this will go this strike action will go on until a. M. This strike action will go on until am. Tuesday, but until 7 am. On tuesday, but theres going to be more strike action from consultant doctors this month, the 24th and the 25th of august. So more , more 25th of august. So more, more pain for patients waiting to get to their appointments and getting those operating surgeons. Anna, thanks very much indeed. Looks quite sunny up there in leeds. Were going to be talking actually in a few moments time to the present chief secretary to the treasury so well be asking him about Junior Doctors and how hes going some more money going to find some more money for not. Yes, weve been for them or not. Yes, weve been looking those statues looking at that. Those statues of mick jagger and Keith Richards. Yes. In dartford in kent. And well look at those again in a minute. I dont think weve got time to look right now, but well see what you think of them just after this. Join us again in a few moments. The temperatures rising, boxt solar, proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news. On. Gb news. Hello there. Im Greg Dewhurst. Welcome to your latest gb news weather. The day ahead. Gb news weather. The day ahead. Plenty of sunny spells , though. Plenty of sunny spells, though. We will see a scattering of showers move in and still feeling quite warm in the east and looking at the picture. First thing, of cloud first thing, a lot of cloud around mist and some around some mist and some drizzle in places. But this should slowly lift break to should slowly lift and break to allow spells for of allow sunny spells for most of us though, this will allow us though, then this will allow the showers develop the scattered showers to develop , particularly north , particularly across the north and some of these and the west. Some of these could be heavy at times, perhaps some thicker and showery some thicker cloud and showery rain into south east rain pushing into south east england time, too. Across england for a time, too. Across the still warm in any the southeast, still warm in any sunshine. Highs around 27, a little fresher. Further in little fresher. Further north in the temperatures the the west, temperatures in the low southwest low 20s with that southwest easterly wind picking up as this area of low pressure starts to move in from the atlantic. So well increase in showers well see an increase in showers and spells of rain across this part of the world as we move into the early hours. Clearer spells elsewhere, perhaps 1 or 2 showers possible across showers still possible across the southeast and the far southeast and temperatures a little lower than recent nights. Tonight, were looking at 14 or 15 degrees. So still on the warm side for the time of year to take us into the weekend. That low Pressure Centre is slowly moving in. So bands showers outbreaks bands of showers and outbreaks of pushing in. Some of this of rain pushing in. Some of this will at times. Some will be heavy at times. Some rumbles of thunder, the rumbles of thunder, best of the dner rumbles of thunder, best of the drier weather holding on towards the southeast, but feeling cooler for everyone cooler and fresher for everyone , particularly coast , particularly around the coast as pick up through as those winds pick up through the day. Temperatures generally the day. Temperatures generally the high teens to low 20s 23 or 24 towards the southeast and the best of any shelter, the temperatures rising, boxt solar, proud sponsors of weather on. tannoy this is the final call for all Long Distance lovers. Im flying round the world to marry a man that ive never met. How do i know that youre even the person you say you are . Please fasten your seatbelts. Maybe were not actually supposed to be in this relationship. As we expect turbulence ahead. Can you not see my insides breaking . How far would you go for love . Brand new 90 day fiance uk, available to stream only on discovery . Watch at no extra cost. Say, get discovery into your voice remote to activate. Gb news. Good morning. Its 9 00 on good morning. Its 9 00 on friday, the 11th of august. Today the government has been criticised for wasting public money to promote a left wing project in the form of a woke think tank. Think tank. And Junior Doctors in england will begin a four day walkout today as the bitter pay dispute with the government continues. With the government continues. It comes after Health Secretary steve claimed strike Steve Barclay claimed strike action by doctors serves to only harm patients. Harm patients. And Noel Gallagher has admitted that he struggles to remember the words to some of the hits he created with his younger brother liam in their band oasis. More on that in a few minutes with Stephanie Takyi surprising. Remember his own name . To be honest, after the excesses of oasis back in the day anyway, another weekend on the another weekend is on the way. And will weather look and how will the weather look this here is greg this time . Well, here is Greg Dewhurst the met Office Dewhurst from the met office with more low pressure starting to bring a change as we move towards weekend , an towards the weekend, an increasing of showers we increasing risk of showers as we move through the day. Find all the details with find out all the details with me up soon. Me coming up soon. Well, welcome. Its lovely to be with you this morning. Im anne diamond. And im Martin Daubney and this on. This is breakfast on. Gb news. Well, what was i going to say . Oh, i just. Mick jagger . Yeah. Mick jagger. Well, weve been looking at the statues of these two Rolling Stones, which have popped two Rolling Stones, which have popped in dartford in kent popped up in dartford in kent because thats home town because thats their home town there. It is being unveiled. Well all people have various different comments on it because some people dont think it looks anything like mick. There is this oh, weve got lots of people saying he looks like Paul Mccartney. And i can see why theyd say that totally. Mean, doesnt look like i mean, he doesnt look like mick jagger. Not the face. Richards does. Richards does. Agrees. Jane says yeah, jane agrees. Jane says mick jagger looks like Paul Mccartney somebody else mccartney and somebody else here, i didnt here, alan says, i didnt realise that mick jagger had morphed into macca. Yeah. Em em theresa in dartford says, i live in dartford. What a waste of money. It doesnt even look like jagger. The council like mick jagger. The council would have got more respect from me was a statue of me if he was a statue of frontline workers who got us through the pandemic. Looks like mick i think it looks like mick jagger, mick jagger, jagger, but mick jagger, whos being coppers and has being chased by coppers and has been tasered man, geoff being chased by coppers and has been tagreei man, geoff being chased by coppers and has been tagree with man, geoff being chased by coppers and has been tagree with you. Man, geoff would agree with you. Said. Id just like to say he said. Id just like to say that the statue of mick jagger looks like hes taking part in a relay race. And that. But mal is yeah, and that. But mal is more supportive as a lifelong stones fan, these statues are brilliant, like on the brilliant, just like on the sweaty stage. Animated, sweaty rock stage. Animated, great postures, great life, like postures, fantastic bendy fantastic jagger face and bendy body and richards guitar power body. Yeah, hes still got a bendy body as well. Absolutely amazing , isnt it . Yeah. And weve been talking about ice creams because its hopefully an ice cream sort of day. Hopefully the weathers going to be good enough for that. And tony and hayley island says, i remember the jubilee. Yeah, i remember the jubilee i i idoa i do a pyramid shape of frozen orange water that you peeled back the waxed cover and you just kept licking. I remember it got you really sticky, though, it . Just sticky, though, didnt it . Just doing. Doing that. So like use a scissor so youd like use a scissor or bite top off and youd or bite the top off and youd like the juice out orange. Like suck the juice out orange. Later on they had they later on they had, they had a strawberry and cola. But the strawberry and cola. But the phrase Lovely Jubbly is that it came from Lovely Jubbly. Yeah it became i used to love became parlance. I used to love those as a kid because were talking about this because today there the there was a list of the favourite retro ice creams out there, screwball, top of there, the screwball, the top of there, the screwball, the top of the the bubblegum in the the list, the bubblegum in the bottom, the plastic mr bottom, the plastic cone. Mr whippy , the raspberry sauce whippy, the raspberry sauce stick a flake in it. Have a spoon. Woof. Perfect we still reckon dodi. Although many of the ice creams weve been talking about are ones would a ones that you would get in a supermarket in the freezer. But supermarket in the freezer. But theres than an theres Nothing Better than an Ice Cream Van. Ice cream . Yeah yeah, yeah. Sound of music. And the sound of the music. And that for me is the essence that that for me is the essence of it is. Of perfect childhood. It is. I used to love the oyster, which was the two bits of wafer shaped like an oyster, obviously. But inside there would a lovely creamy of would be a lovely creamy bit of marshmallow then ice cream marshmallow and then ice cream on was always a on top. That was always a favourite, but it was. It was. I mean, i know there are still lots of cream men around and lots of ice cream men around and women, ice cream vendors in lots of ice cream men around and wom so in greenwich, theyre trying out mode them, outlaw trying to out mode them, outlaw them fume hazard and them as a fume hazard and creating congestion. Isnt that the point . Theyre meant to cause congestion. Its called a queue called fun. Queue. Its called fun. Yeah. Actually, we had a message from somebody and im going try and it who going to try and find it who said, please, just tell said, please, will you just tell Ice Cream Van people to just wait long enough . Because when youre, when youre older. Yeah. I mean, as in very old and maybe you cant walk so well, it takes you cant walk so well, it takes you a long time to get to the van, so just dont just dont just serve the children who can come out fast and furious. Remember oldies. We might. Remember us oldies. We might. We still want our ice cream the way we to when we were kids. Like, hobble after the van because, of course, kids use their used to hear it their legs. We used to hear it coming miles off and coming from miles off and straight the road with our straight down the road with our clutching our change. But nowadays, elder nowadays, of course, the Elder Citizens are not quite so nimble on now, im not sure whether now, im not sure whether weve guest all weve got our next guest all lined but we are going to lined up, but we are going to talk about the Junior Doctors strike. Craig says when a doctor disappears another disappears off to another country, for better country, supposedly for a better life, to their life, what happens to their student debt . Seems to me student debt . It seems to me that would be impossible that it would be impossible for the to recover this well. I think they are duty bound to repaying that. I mean, to keep repaying that. I mean, otherwise , know, train otherwise, you know, youd train as doctor or a junior as a doctor or a Junior Doctor or nurse simply clear off or a nurse and simply clear off abroad never repay your abroad and never repay your fees. So i dont think youd be allowed just to clear off. Wouldnt thought so, i wouldnt have thought so, no. Thats why a of no. Maybe thats why a lot of people do. Yeah, stewart says. Why government raise why doesnt the government raise the doctors and the pay level for doctors and nurses dont pay tax nurses so they dont pay tax until earn over k . There until they earn over 30 k . There would no need for need for an would be no need for need for an actual then. Actual pay rise then. And its been yeah. And its been a surprise in all this because all the front pages today are kind of are kind of gearing up about this being a terrible this strike being a terrible thing. And the billion thing. And of course the billion pounds, according daily pounds, according to the Daily Telegraph, putting nhs to the brink, almost 1 telegraph, putting nhs to the brink, almost1 million brink, almost 1 million appointments cancelled, according appointments cancelled, acc yeah, absolutely. In a few moments hoping to moments time, were hoping to talk john glenn, whos the talk to john glenn, whos the chief secretary to the treasury, on of these very issues. On a lot of these very issues. Thats just coming up, though, shortly. Balcony shortly. Now, when a balcony in south london went South Kensington in london went up at £50,000, the up for sale at £50,000, the Estate Agents, this is a balcony im talking about. The Estate Agents, this is a balcony im talking about. The estate im talking about. The Estate Agents were surprised at the unusual requests they received , unusual requests they received, with some people asking if they could actually live on it. Yeah, its 25 grand for a set of stairs last week. Grand balcony. This 50 grand for a balcony. This week. Its a sign of the state of the state of the housing market. Demand outstripping supply soaring mortgage supply and soaring Mortgage Rates people in rates are leaving people in desperate across the desperate situations across the nation. Reporter lisa nation. Our london reporter lisa hartle has this report. Hartle has this report. With a housing shortage in the uk, some people are trying to think outside the box. This to think outside the box. This balcony in londons South Kensington is up for sale for £50,000. The estate agent next home limited say they were surprised at the inquiries they received. Received. There was people climbing over it, but yeah, really strange circumstance with people who were saying can we build conservatories on it or could we live there . Could i use it somewhere just to stop over for a couple of nights . Could i make an evening experience out of it . What i could then put on airbnb or Something Like that . Or Something Like that . The rental market in the uk is being described by Housing Charity general rent as absolutely brutal , while rent is absolutely brutal, while rent is soaring and the supply of rental properties are falling, leaving tenants struggling to pay the rent. Some working in the sector say theyve never experienced anything like it. Theres a double or triple edged sword of a real lack of supply. Theres not enough homes for them to go into and also thats leading to sky high rents and really huge amounts of competition in. So what were seeing across the board is that people are really struggling to pay people are really struggling to pay their rent. Its rent as a proportion their of tenants proportion of their of tenants income up highest its income is up the highest its been for over a decade. And its only going in one direction in its really squeezing people. Its meaning cant afford its meaning they cant afford to things. To do many of the other things. Generation rent a survey generation rent ran a survey last year which said that paying the rent was the number one cost of concern for tenants. Of living concern for tenants. Research the Charity Research by the Charity Shelter reveals that one family every eight minutes are being handed a section 21 no fault eviction notice by their landlord. This Estate Agents in east london say over 50 of the properties theyre currently selling are from landlords selling are from landlords selling up over the last 1012 months as the Interest Rates have moved around, we found theres more and more landlords who are deciding rather than remortgaging and getting onto another fixed term at potential early 30 higher rate than or more than what they was at, that theyre taking the time now to sell the properties just just before covid i was considering the rental market was it felt like it was slowing down and you had a lot of people trying to get onto the bottom of the property ladder. Um, since then its, its like its been turned on its head. If i put a one bed property on in red. Well anywhere in east london i can expect ten, 12 people to want to view that property. Now youve actively got tenants trying to sort of gazump if you like , sort of gazump if you like, which ive never seen that in the rental market. More people are turning to shared Living Spaces as prices rise. House share websites, rise. House share websites, spare rooms say a room in a shared house or flat will set renters back on an average £971 a month. In london, and more people are taking in lodgers. The last 12 months weve seen Something Like a 2,526 increase in people looking to take in lodgers. And it makes a lot of sense if your mortgage has gone up, youve got property, up, if youve got a property, you know, an amount of you know, to earn an amount of extra from a job extra cash from a second job would take you hours and hours out your week. To rent out of your week. But to rent out of your week. But to rent out your spare room is a fairly straightforward way of getting in cash with a in some extra cash with a housing sign of housing shortage and no sign of interest falling any time Interest Rates falling any time soon, seems theres in soon, it seems theres no end in sight for struggling tenants. Lisa gb news, london. Lisa hartle gb news, london. Lisa hartle gb news, london. Its extraordinary, isnt it 7 its extraordinary, isnt it . Were all going to be looking at spare bits of house or at spare bits of our house or garden or shed or garage or something and seeing if theres any in those things. Any potential in those things. Yes how times are changing. Now look , weve been talking a lot look, weve been talking a lot of issues this morning, particularly about Junior Doctors. Theyre starting their four day strike today and thats going to affect the nhs and all of us in various different ways. Weve also been talking about the migrants on the boats that extraordinary picture on the front page the times. And front page of the times. And there extraordinary goings there were extraordinary goings on channel yesterday, on in the channel yesterday, werent on in the channel yesterday, werthats right. A border thats right. So so a Border Force Vessel got into trouble, conked a £400,000 drone conked out a £400,000 drone plunged into the channel. It was keystone cops in the channel. The government seems to be completely losing a grip on this. Plenty to ask our next guest about. Thats right, because joining us now is john glenn whos chief secretary to glenn, whos chief secretary to the treasury good morning to you a very good morning to you and welcome to the program. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Know good morning. Know you good morning. Know you want good morning. I know you want to gdp various to talk about gdp and various other but can i ask you other things, but can i ask you first about Junior Doctors first about the Junior Doctors strike its imminent . Strike since its imminent . Well, its actually happening now, think some areas. How now, i think in some areas. How on earth are we ever going to reach any sort of agreement if the government wont sit down with the bma and talk this out. With the bma and talk this out. Well, weve had talks with the bma and weve listened to the bma and weve listened to the independent pay review body for doctors and dentists , and for doctors and dentists, and weve offered over 10 to doctors in their Junior Doctors in their first year and nearly 9 overall. All weve also made a number of other changes in terms of pensions for doctors further on in their careers, abolishing the lifetime allowance, something that the bma specifically asked for and changed thing. The annual allowance for doctors. And weve also put lots of investment into other parts of the nhs to deal with the pressures that doctors face on the frontline. But what we cannot have have is an inflationary pay increase. Before we broke for the recess, we settled all the pay disputes based on the pay review bodies and for example, the teachers has accepted the pay review body recommendation, as the government did , and are not no government did, and are not no longer striking. So i regret very much that the doctors have chosen to strike again. I totally recognise that this has a negative impact on Patients Experience with, with, with operations being postponed and but we cant have settlements that are inflationary and are out of kilter with what was recommended to government by the independent pay review body. Independent pay review body. Mr glenn on the topic of ilLegal Immigration, of course you will know the 100,000 mark was reached yesterday , say was reached yesterday, say 16,000 so far this year , 750 16,000 so far this year, 750 yesterday alone. The next two days looking like more of the same. Rwanda not a single flight has left yet to deport people. The bibby stockholm we have a ludicrous situation where people are saying theyre scared of water to get on board it. Yet the tories are blaming keir starmer. Youre blaming the lawyers, youre blaming his cronies, youre blaming the ec for would you agree with conservative deputy chairman lee anderson when he told nigel farage on gb news this week that the tories have failed on immigration. What i would say is that we have a plan. Were executing that plan. We have a legal challenge on the Rwanda Partnership to resolve in the autumn. The autumn. Weve passed the legislation just last week, robert and the home Robert Jenrick and the home office agreed new arrangements with we have diplomatic with turkey. We have diplomatic arrangements and arrangements with france and albania, are the ones with albania, which are the ones with france , reduced number france, have reduced the number of crossings that taken of crossings that have taken place. Is a challenge place. This is a challenge across europe. Weve seen a 30 increase in ilLegal Immigration across europe as a whole, and we are doing our very best to deal with it. But it is complex and it needs a number of interventions in that diplomatic space, but also we need to resolve the legal challenge so that we can enact the legislation properly that we passed just before recess started three weeks ago, and then on to one of the other issues that we just heard the latest news on just shortly. And as chief secretary to the treasury, clearly youre interested in this gdp, the gdp figure has increased by nought point 2. How do you read that . Point 2. How do you read that . Well well, what i say is that that shows that the uk economy is far more resilient than was anticipated at the start of the yeah the imf upgraded the predictions for the uk economy by growth rate by nought point 7. That was almost unprecedented and the figures today show that resilience and demonstrate that that judgement to be correct. If you look at the figure in june, the month of june alone, it was up nought point 5. But we are walking a careful path as we deal with significant inflation pressures that we havent seen for a very long time in the uk economy. And obviously we want to avoid recession , but we to avoid a recession, but we also want to get inflation down. Next we will have the next week we will have the inflation latest inflation figures we that go down figures we saw that go down means carefully last month and we hope that that pattern will be continued. So no be continued. So theres no complacency obviously. Would complacency. Obviously. I would like to be higher, but like growth to be higher, but thats very difficult to secure when high inflation. When youve got high inflation. But we are doing across the but what we are doing across the economy interventions economy with the interventions that the spring that we made in the Spring Budget will further budget and we will make further interventions in the autumn statement those statement is set. Those conditions for resilient higher growth when weve got rid growth levels when weve got rid of inflation from the economy. Of inflation from the economy. Okay, john rishis five. Pledges to halve inflation and to grow the economy. Deaths to grow the economy. Deaths falling nhs waiting lists going and small boats crossing. How do you think youre doing . You think youre doing . Well, im not commentate ing. Were at half time when the when its finished at the end of the yeah its finished at the end of the year, we will be able to make a fair judgement on that. When he started there was a lot of cynicism from some quarters saying that they were deliberately picked to be easily achievable. I think what weve seen is that all of those targets are tough ones and we will continue as a government to work carefully through the actions needed to deliver on them. And when we get to the end of the year, the country and you will be able to judge how weve done. Certainly will. John glenn, thank you very much indeed for joining this morning. Thank you very much indeed for joining this morning. Thats joining us this morning. Thats john you. Is john glenn. Thank you. Who is the chief secretary the the chief secretary to the treasury . Right. Got lots treasury . Right. Weve got lots more about. Were going more to talk about. Were going to take a quick break. Be back with welcome back. Lovely to be with you. Stephanie has joined us because shes got some gossip. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. I love this story about Noel Gallagher. No , Noel Gallagher. Hes 56 no, Noel Gallagher. Hes 56 years old and hes admitted that he started forgetting the lyrics to oasis songs. He says hes on stage and he has a bit of a brain fog and hes kind of admitted that hes soon going to have to be using a teleprompter to help him remember what he needs to say. Hes not the first person in the Music Industry to admit that theyve forgotten their like paul their lyrics. Someone like Paul Mccartney, 81, he says he three years ago he had to start using it because some the beatles it because some of the beatles songs are 50 to 60 years old. Even though fans might know it word think, you word for word. I think, you know, these performers, they go all the world. Theyre all around the world. Theyre performing different performing so many different times, time zones, times, different time zones, different its easy different songs. Its easy to forget it. And, you know, you even have someone barbra even have someone like Barbra Streisand. Only streisand. She doesnt only use the telepods for words. The telepods chapter for words. She uses it as well for chats. Yes. Ive got to say, i went to see Barbra Streisand three times, actually. And yeah, she times, actually. And yeah, she has this enormous teleprompter up in the up in the gods. Has this enormous teleprompter up in the up in the gods. And it up in the up in the gods. And it was all the lyrics to all her songs. It doesnt surprise me, but she got very, very nervous because apparently once in london forgot her words on london she forgot her words on stage swore shed never stage and she swore shed never come to london sing come back to london to sing again she couldnt again because she just couldnt face in the end, they face it. And in the end, they came up with a teleprompter for her. Its so i can understand how it feels for them because youve got on in your got so much going on in your mind, alone performing mind, let alone performing in front thousands people. Front of thousands of people. The to. The pressure to. Well, ive to say, as well, ive got to say, as somebody who was an enthusiastic participant of britpop participant of the britpop years, noel years, im surprised that noel can his name , alone can remember his name, let alone the. Now hes going down the lyrics. Now hes going down the lyrics. Now hes going down the joe biden route and i think, you know, i think fair play to him if he the him because if he gets the lyrics wrong, he gets voted off for it. Definitely. Definitely. At least this way it is. At least this way it is. Tell you what, it was funny i tell you what, it was funny that i was i presented miss world in 1985 the royal world in 1985 at the royal albert tony bennett was albert hall and tony bennett was the he was the halftime act and he was singing let it be Paul Mccartneys let it be. And he mccartneys let it be. And he had cue cards and it was, you know, let it be there was there was a floor manager down there holding a card. Let it be holding up a card. Let it be another one. Let it. There were about five let it in a row about five let it be in a row because he didnt know the words to let it be. I think its i think its a skill, actually, to see what you guys its like having that guys do. Its like having that teleprompter making it teleprompter and then making it look as possible. I look as natural as possible. I think good thing. Think its a good thing. Say elton john has you could say elton john has one. You could say elton john has onewell, john, for his well, elton john, for his final performance at glastonbury, his last glastonbury, which was his last ever show in the he used a ever show in the uk, he used a teleprompter help him with teleprompter to help him with his he slated for his lyrics. He got slated for that, i thought no, that, actually. I thought no, this show for him. He this is a big show for him. He wants make sure its right. Wants to make sure its right. Being professional. It is. Being professional. It is. Well, he gets later he well, he gets later if he forgot and he gets slated for forgot it and he gets slated for using get it using it, id rather get it right and get slated strictly line now. Line up now. Later, star is annabel well, later, star is Annabel Croft and former tennis player. She only lost her husband three months cancer. So shes months ago to cancer. So shes saying shes hoping that months ago to cancer. So shes sayi can shes hoping that months ago to cancer. So shes sayi can receive s hoping that months ago to cancer. So shes sayi can receive someing that months ago to cancer. So shes sayi can receive some joythat months ago to cancer. So shes sayi can receive some joy or|t months ago to cancer. So shes sayi can receive some joy or find she can receive some joy or find some through dancing. So some joy through dancing. So its quite its going to be quite a challenge for her, i think, mentally to know that shes through this grief. Shes going through this grief. But think going on the but i think going on the strictly floor lift strictly dance floor should lift some and maybe some spirits and maybe less tennis the were banking tennis is the name were banking on the final to complete on is the final name to complete the up. The line up. He not been . Has he not been . Has he not been . Thought he would. I thought he would. People were about were talking about it. No, because was in no, because he was in coronation street. There was a lot contracts which stopped lot of contracts which stopped him strictly. So him from going on strictly. So now left. He might be the now hes left. He might be the final one anyway. It today from us on thats it today from us on breakfast up next is breakfast on gb news up next is britains with tom and ellie. Thats right. Weve got such thats right. Weve got such a big show coming up today and kicking it all off. Well be talking, of course, about these strikes £1 billion cost to the nhs. The head of nhs providers saying that this might put the nhs on the brink. Were also going to be talking about a teenager in leeds who was arrested after saying that the Police Officer looked like her lesbian grandmother. Well be talking about that after the weather. A about that after the weather. A brighter outlook with boxt solar proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Hello there. Im Greg Dewhurst. Welcome to your latest news. Weather. The day ahead, plenty of sunny spells, though. We will see a scattering of showers move in and still feeling quite warm in the east. And looking at the picture first thing, a lot of cloud around some mist and some drizzle in places. But this should slowly lift break to allow sunny lift and break to allow sunny spells of us, though, spells for most of us, though, then this will allow the scattered showers develop, scattered showers to develop, particularly scattered showers to develop, part the arly scattered showers to develop, partthe west. Some of these and the west. Some of these could be heavy at times, perhaps some thicker cloud showery some thicker cloud and showery rain south east rain pushing into south east england too. Across england for a time too. Across the south east, still warm in any sunshine. Highs around 27, a little further north in little fresher. Further north in the west, temperatures in the low with southwesterly low 20s with that southwesterly wind picking up as this area of low pressure starts to move in from the atlantic. So well see from the atlantic. So well see an increase in showers and spells rain across this part spells of rain across this part of the world as we move into the early hours. Clearer spells elsewhere, or 2 elsewhere, perhaps 1 or 2 showers still possible across the and the far southeast and temperatures a little lower than recent nights. Tonight were looking at 14 or 15 degrees. So still on the warm side for the time of year take us into the time of year to take us into the weekend. Low pressure weekend. That low Pressure Centre slowly moving in. So centre is slowly moving in. So bands of showers and outbreaks of rain pushing in. Some of this will be at times. Some will be heavy at times. Some rumbles best of the rumbles of thunder, best of the dner on rumbles of thunder, best of the drier on towards drier weather holding on towards the south east, but feeling cooler fresher everyone cooler and fresher for everyone , particularly around coast , particularly around the coast as pick up through as those winds pick up through the day. Temperatures generally the day. Temperatures generally the high teens to low 20, 23 or 24 towards the south east. And the best of any. Shelter the best of any. Shelter a brighter outlook with boxt solar, proud sponsors of weather on. Gb news. Good morning. Good morning. Its 930 on friday. The 11th of august. This is britains newsroom with tom harwood and me, ellie costello. Coming up today as Junior Doctors start another four day walkout at the chief executive of nhs providers has said these strikes put the nhs close to a tipping point. Were asking have the unions gone too far . Gone too far . Is i posing a real threat to humanity . While 76 of people humanity . While 76 of people say yes, thats according to a new yougov poll. What do you think . Think . And as the much loved retail , wilko declares administration putting about 12,000 jobs at risk is the end of the high street as we know it. Approaching us and its crunch time for the lionesses as they enter the quarterfinals of the womens world cup against colombia. Tomorrow, were to going be catching up with former england goalkeeper pauline cope. Goalkeeper pauline cope. Next but aside from the big news today , theres a perhaps more today, theres a perhaps more specific question that were asking as well. What is your favourite ice cream . Now, the reason were saying this is because apparently the nations favourite ice cream is the well, dont give it away just yet. Well tell you the suspense, the telly magic. Were going to were to going hold that as

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