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Your headlines with. Tamsin pep. Thank you and good afternoon from the newsroom. At 12 01, its trail has dropped leaflets in gaza warning residents to move for their own safety and to distance themselves from Hamas Terrorists who they say are using civilians as human shields. 1. 1 million residents have been told to move to the south within the next 24 hours for their own safety. The united nafions their own safety. The United Nations says such a move is impossible without devastating humanitarian consequences. The humanitarian consequences. The first minister of scotland and humza yousaf has posted a video on social media today from his mother in law. A retired nurse whos in gaza. Everybody from whos in gaza. Everybody from gazais whos in gaza. Everybody from gaza is moving towards where we are. Are. 1 Million People, no food , no 1 Million People, no food, no water, and still theyre bombing them as they leave. Where are we them as they leave. Where are we going to put them . But my going to put them . But my thought is all these people in the hospital cannot be evacuated. Wheres humanity . Wheres. Wheres humanity . Wheres peoples hearts in the world to let this happen . In this day and let this happen . In this day and age. And may god help us. Age. And may god help us. Meanwhile, the Israel Defence forces continue to amass tanks and soldiers near the gaza strip border with a Ground Invasion. Looking increasingly likely. Tension is also building in israels northern border with lebanon, with idf troops bracing for the militant Group Hezbollah to open up a second front in the war. The us secretary of state has met the palestinian president this morning in jordan. Anthony blinken is touring middle Eastern Countries trying to stop the israel hamas war spilling over into neighbouring countries. The meeting comes after Mahmoud Abbas condemned violence against civilians last night after having previously failed to do so. Palestinian state media reports that he told the secretary of state he rejects the force, displacing of palestinians in gaza. The some palestinians in gaza. The some north london jewish schools are closing today over concern for the childrens safety amid the israel hamas war. Its reported that three jewish schools in north london told parents they would not reopen until monday. Meanwhile, number 10 has announced an additional £3 million of funding to go towards providing extra security for the uks jewish population. It comes uks jewish population. It comes as the Jewish Security charity cst recorded a 400 increase in anti semitic incidents since the outbreak of conflict in israel. Outbreak of conflict in israel. To other news now. Nigel farage has been re banked for personal and business accounts. Lloyds has accepted the gb news presenter after ten other banks rejected him. Mr farage was involved in a public row with natwest in july after the group closed his Bank Accounts due to his political views, he says hes pleased to see one high Street Lender isnt politically prejudiced. A teacher has been prejudiced. A teacher has been killed and two others injured in a knife attack in france. The attack happened at a high school in the city of arras in the north of the country. Local media reported the attacker shouting, allahu akbar , and its shouting, allahu akbar, and its understood the suspect was on a security watch list in connection with radical islam, though its not been independently verified. Frances independently verified. Frances Anti Terrorism office say they are now investigating. The eu is are now investigating. The eu is investigating the social media platform x, formerly known as twitter. After disinformation was spread in the wake of the hamas terror attacks. In a letter sent to the platforms owner, elon musk, the European Commission said they were indications that x is being used to disseminate illegal content despite being flagged by authorities. Elon musk says the commission should list its examples publicly, even after various media reports of questionable content. The investigation is the first under the eus new tech rules on harmful content. The prime harmful content. The Prime Minister is in sweden today meeting with Northern European allies as leaders were expected to focus on the threat from russia. But the gathering has been overshadowed by the conflict between israel and gaza. Rishi sunak reminded the summit. They are the first line of defence across much of the region. Region. Ukrainian president zelenskyy also addressed the joint expeditionary conference in a post on social media. He called for a full scale defence from three nations against russia to hamas or other terrorist. This hamas or other terrorist. This is gb news across the uk on tv, in your car, on Digital Radio and on your Smart Speaker. By saying play gb news now its back to markham. Pip tomson. Back to markham. Pip tomson. Thank you and welcome back to the live desk with israel now warning at least 1. 1 million gazans to leave the north of the strip within 24 hours. These leaflets dropped into gaza city to tell civilians to evacuate immediately while theyve been told that for their own safety. On those leaflets , they should on those leaflets, they should head south to the wadi gaza and achieve some kind of safety in the south. Israel, meanwhile , the south. Israel, meanwhile, massing troops and armour on the border ahead of any anticipated ground offensive. But you can see from these latest pictures were getting that people are taking warnings seriously. Taking the warnings seriously. But hamas has told residents to ignore the warning and not leave their homes. Charities on leave their homes. Charities on the ground say that israels evacuation request is impossible while the un says Mass Relocation cannot be done without devastating consequences i liz, lets get the very latest now with our reporter charlie peters, who can update us in tel aviv and charlie, while the focus is on the civilian population and the humanity consequences, yet more reports of rockets being fired from gaza towards ashkelon in the south of israel this morning. Thats right. In the last hour, we had 150 rockets reported sending up from gaza to ashkelon. Ashkelon has gaza to ashkelon. Ashkelon has been the scene of many rocket barrages since saturday. On saturday, hamas fired 4500 rockets into israeli territory after it launched those attacks out of the gaza border east into southern israel. The number has dropped now. The idf claim to dropped now. The idf claim to 200 to 400 a day as they seek to sustain a long term Bombing Campaign and turn this war into something that doesnt last a week but stretches into the months the idf may fear. And so as the barrages come out from gaza, we do see the idf now seeking with their air forces to strike back and hit more hamas military capabilities and also at the same time, that convoy gathering at the east of gaza and all around the border in order to prepare for that likely ground incursion before they can move in and heavy armour and infantry can go into one of the most densely populated parts of the world, more shaping and more softening by artillery and airstrikes needs to happen. And so this warning has gone in a warning that its been called impossible by charities on the ground, partly because there are just two main supply routes out of north gaza into the south, both of those routes are likely to have been damaged somewhat by the heavy bombards that we have seen by the Israeli Air Forces in the last six days. The hit over 750 targets last night. And over 750 targets last night. And at the same time, of course, people are taking shelter in the north of gaza. At least 1. 1 north of gaza. At least 1. 1 Million People, many of them in hospitals, many of them in schools. The safest place to be schools. The safest place to be dunng schools. The safest place to be during this period of heavy conflict. Can they get to the conflict. Can they get to the south . We will see. But already reports have shown that many people are taking it upon themselves as regardless of what hamas, the un or the idf are saying. And they are trying to extract from the north of the gaza strip. Gaza strip. Charlie, we know that the us secretary of state, Antony Blinken, is or is now embarking on that. What you might say final round of diplomatic talks, if like. He has met today. If you like. He has met today. Hes on his way to qatar now, but he has met with the palestinian president who has told him the palestinian president that they reject the forced displacement of palestinians in gaza. The yes, palestinians in gaza. The yes, but of course, the Israeli Military at the same time is trying to expel and reject the force of what it describes as hamas military capabilities. Hamas military capabilities. It seems more and more likely that any diplomatic efforts, including International Support from the us , are unlikely to from the us, are unlikely to succeed in this situation. I think we can see this mornings demand for over a Million People to flee from the north of gaza as a very clear understanding of where this war is going next. It will mean more severe and heavy bombardments into the gaza strip and it would also allow, i think, the idf to use more complex and more severe munitions. We do know that munitions. We do know that advanced munitions were delivered to the israelis by the us on tuesday night. And we also know that in the past the idf has deployed so called bunker buster rounds into the gaza strip in order to decimate those tunnels and shelters and bunkers that hamas militants use underground the gaza strip to both prepare their rockets , hide both prepare their rockets, hide their fighters, and potentially also keep hostages. Also keep hostages. Yeah, now youve got a very busy scene behind you there , busy scene behind you there, charlie. Just explain for us whats happening with obviously at the moment, the defence minister, yoav galant, saying now is a time for war. And clearly the whole country is mobilising in one way or another i thats right. The army here, they have activated over 360,000 reservists, half a million soldiers need to be kitted out to defend the country on all fronts and they also need to prepare that invading force for that likely ground incursion into the gaza strip. But the whole nation is on a war footing here. Yesterday day, we were at a Convention Centre where suppues a Convention Centre where supplies were being gathered to send to civilians and soldiers alike. Where i am today, this is alike. Where i am today, this is a restaurant. Last week it was taking hundreds of covers a night. Now its being transformed into a kitchen to feed an army. They are sending out 30,000 meals a day to feed soldiers here across israel, especially those in the Northern Areas, which are predominantly reservists. The army is struggling to supply its troops. Thats partly why this invasion is taking more time to start. They need to soften the ground with more artillery , but they with more artillery, but they also need to get the right equipment and logistical suppues equipment and logistical supplies to their troops. You cant just generate half a million forces overnight, but it is going to take more time. But i do think that bombardment over which is going to come, of course, more severely into the gaza strip after this warning, is a clear indicator that this invasion is now almost certainly coming in the next few days. Charlie, in tel aviv, thank you very much for updating us there on the ground. More, of course, from you throughout the afternoon. Joining us now to discuss this, to analyse it is the former head of Counter Terrorism at the mod, Major General chip chapman. Chip, lets just start chapman. Chip, lets just start with with the warning that that israel has issued. Why do you think they issued this warning at this time . Is it because that massive ground offensive is imminent , or massive ground offensive is imminent, or could it also be because of the diplomacy that Anthony Blinken, the us secretary of state, has tried to bnng secretary of state, has tried to bring to this situation . Bring to this situation . Well, the first thing is weve still got precursor operations going on that is that the israelis seek to destroy the rocket launchers and the logistic bases for those rocket launches. And thats why i think youll see those diminishing over the next few days. Indeed, that was next few days. Indeed, that was they used that sort of in 2021. Operation guardians of the walls. They used geo intelligence linked to Machine Learning and supercomputing to satellite swarms, take out those targets in real time. So youve still got those operations going on and securing the home base thatis on and securing the home base that is the area on their side of the border. Before you get to of the border. Before you get to the strike operation around gaza city. And the reason theyve city. And the reason theyve issued the warning is because the israelis do seek to try and work in an ethical context. That is, that theyre targeting should follow the rules of war to be proportionate and necessary and to have distinction that you dont want to go after civilian targets. To go after civilian targets. They wont go after hospitals for example. They want to go after military targets. And after military targets. And unfortunately, of course, some of the military targets of hamas are amongst the civilian infrastructure. So it makes sense from an israeli perspective to do this. They also use other techniques like using social media, whatsapp and texting to tell people to go away. But the israeli concept for victory, which came out in a 2020 paper, does say that they have to be wary of legal and psychological snares and hamas saying that people should stay. There is one of those legal and psychological snares that they that they they face because ultimately this is about colliding narratives who seem to be good, who seem to be bad and bad, bad , bad pictures of bad, bad, bad pictures of civilian bodies doesnt look goodin civilian bodies doesnt look good in anyones so do you share the analysis of sir alex younger, former head of sis secret Intelligence Service, that hamas has laid a trap here and that israel is maybe about to fall into it in terms of this ground offensive . Not necessary , ground offensive . Not necessary, ali. So rather like 9 11, you could say that the 1500 people who were killed on saturday, you could treat that as a mass criminal murder and you could say to hamas, please hand over all those people who were responsible for that taking place, that patently is isnt going to happen. And therefore, you go back to all those things that things that lead to the causes of war. We go back to 2500 years to thucydides. You know , causes of are fear, know, causes of war are fear, honour or interest. The sad thing is all three of those are present, and that leads to a toxic mixture , which almost toxic mixture, which almost inevitably means that israel will go and do something because they want to try and change the strategic calculus. As the strategic calculus. As the defence minister has said, for the next 50 years, they need to absolute destroy hamas and i use that in the terms of a verb from the military that is to kill or so damage an enemy force. So thatis so damage an enemy force. So that is rendered useless. Thats what they seek to do. It wont, however , kill the idea of hamas. However, kill the idea of hamas. But we must realise, i think, that there is a difference between the desire for a palestine state from accommodationists, such as the Fatah Movement and hamas, who are there to, you know, they want israel to be exterminated from the map as an absolute difference between them. But clearly there are those within in the new israeli war cabinet. The times is reporting general or former generals involved in operation planning saying there are no easy, easy opfions saying there are no easy, easy options here that you cannot, as you say, wipe out an ideology by going into these streets. The going into these streets. The last time they tried it in 2014, i think they lost 166 troops and hamas was back in action pretty quickly because of this system of tunnels on a military scale. Of tunnels on a military scale. Is this the right thing to do . Is this the right thing to do . Is it achievable . Well, you need to again, look at what israel looks at for the theory of victory in Something Like this. So the operation must be done at acceptable cost to the forces , at acceptable cost the forces, at acceptable cost to the home front. I cant endure for forever. And it must be done in a way that is irrefutable and that comes back to this notion of it must be so endunng to this notion of it must be so enduring that it doesnt lead to a threat from that flank for the next 50 years as theyve defined it. It. Chip as ever, thank you for your analysis. And of course , your analysis. And of course, well await to see the developments of the coming hours and days. Thank very and days. Thank you very much indeed. Well, to get more of an idea of the latest situation in gaza, we can talk to head of development at the Global Relief trust, atika ramon, thank you very much for talking to us. Atika we are being warned of potentially devastating humanitarian consequences here if israel , as it appears to be if israel, as it appears to be doing very shortly, launches this massive Ground Invasion. This massive Ground Invasion. What do you understand is the situation on the ground now and how how incredibly difficult is it for these civilians to find. Shelter um, the answer is impossible. How do you get 1. 1 Million People out of a war zone in 24 hours . Thats, i think , 40,000 hours . Thats, i think, 40,000 every minute or something along those lines. Um, its i dont know what the plan is here, but its impossible. You know, youve got youve got children in incubators, youve got old ladies, people who are just disabled, paralysed , injured. Disabled, paralysed, injured. Youve got people on life support machine and you know , support machine and you know, the roads have been damaged, buildings have been smashed. How are they expecting civilian population to move away from their homes and a lot of them will not move. Theres people out there who weve spoken to whove said they will not move because the last time they moved , they never got got their homes back. , they never got got their homes back. So they are worried that back. So they are worried that if they move from northern gaza into southern gaza, then this area will then be taken over as occupied territories. And this occupied territories. And this is the issue here. And what were going to see is, you know, the death toll is going to be far greater. Far greater. Yeah, we should add, obviously , that the leaflets obviously, that the leaflets that have been dropped that the israelis say you will be allowed back to your homes once this has has been completed. But clearly, as you say , there will be raised as you say, there will be raised eyebrows at that for many whove experienced the previous years of displacement. And i think we of displacement. And i think we can bring a map up to show wadi gaza where basically this sort of Division Line that they will be safe to the south of that what would be the ability of you and other humanitarian relief organisations to actually house and feed and water and sanitate people in that Southern Area of gaza . Gaza . Youve got 1. 1 Million People in that northern gaza. The in that northern gaza. The population of gaza is around 2. 2, 2. 3 million. We are now 40 square mile radius. You know , if square mile radius. You know, if you put that into practise that is one of the most Populated Areas in the world. When it comes to people, you know, where will they go to . You know, where will they go to . You know, where will they go to . You know, where will they live . And youre asking the question, which is really important question, can ngos and charities is the un and, you know, World Health Organisations and whoever, can they provide for the people . The answer is simply no. The fact that theres a total blockade that theres a total blockade that doesnt help the situation. That doesnt help the situation. And so the question is where will they go . And its easy saying people will be allowed to move back to their homes. What home will they come back to . You know, talking in one know, were talking in one neighbourhood. I was speaking to our there was our team there. They there was 28 residential blocks destroyed and 512 homes. So what homes will people come back to when this conflict is over and its sadly its depressing. Its sadly its depressing. Its probably one of the most depressing things that ive been involved in, in my time in the charity sector, because you feel like theres no hope in what were trying to do here. And how whats your latest plan in terms of trying to get suppues plan in terms of trying to get supplies and aid in . We are speaking with obviously look , you know, obviously look, you know, theres been an 18 year blockade in gaza. So a lot of the businesses , the suppliers, businesses, the suppliers, theres resilient. They theres resilient. They understand that every year or two years, something happens. So a lot of stuff has been stockpiled. But of course, our assessment on the ground with our partners , with our people on our partners, with our people on the ground, theyve saying that theres probably another 3 to 4 days worth of food. Yeah. Now how this will get much more decreased because if people are moving from one area to the other , the chances are these other, the chances are these goods will not be able to get moved. You know, were talking about water. Theres five desalinate huge desalination plants in gaza, three of them are not available. So two of are not available. So two of them can have to provide water to almost 2 Million People. The task ahead is almost impossible unless there is a short term truce to allow humanitarian aid in. Right. And to stop the stop the conflict. The conflict. And would that key element be the egyptians being involved in terms of opening that rafah crossing in the south and allowing , i guess, an aid allowing, i guess, an aid corridor in from northern egypt and the sinai . And the sinai . I mean, yes , of course, we i mean, yes, of course, we were hearing were speaking with a lot of aid agencies and organisations that aid is going to that part of egypt and egypt have promised the un that they will allow the aid in. But this is what ive been hearing since monday. Were now on friday. Theres been several attempts been made. However the gaza side of the border has been bombed. Several times in purpose to stop aid going in from from that side. So this is another issue that were facing , that there that were facing, that there are partners in the world that are partners in the world that are willing to put aid into gaza. But unfortunately flee from from the israeli side at the moment, theyre not allowing this to Attiqur Rahman from the Global Relief trust, thank you for joining us once again and forjoining us once again and updating us on your assessment of the humanitarian situation. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Coming up very shortly, we will be bringing you a press conference between the us secretary of defence, lloyd austin, and his israeli counterpart, yoav galant , as mr counterpart, yoav galant, as mr austin also so takes part in those diplomatic talks. You are with the live desk course, thats been. Live to tel course, thats been. Live to tel aviv and the News Conference with the Israeli Defence minister, yoav galant , and also minister, yoav galant, and also lloyd austin. The us secretary of defence. The us secretary of defence. The us secretary of defence. Our our operations. Defence our our operations. Defence cooperation and us support in the pentagon in the white house, in the congress, and sure freedom of operation and enforce our capabilities. To receive the our capabilities. To receive the second aircraft carrying a sensual munition to the idf. Sensual munition to the idf. Us deployment of assets on land in air. Well, apologies that we do have a problem with the microphone there in tel aviv with the feed were getting from there. But well update you on whats being said between the two defence ministers on another key meeting. Just to remind you, we have the us secretary of state, Antony Blinken, having gone qatar. Also on his way gone to qatar. Also on his way to bahrain and saudi arabia. So to bahrain and saudi arabia. So there a this last minute there is a this last minute flurry of diplomatic activity. Well try and dip back in and see if we can get a better sound for you. Our neighbours. For you. Our neighbours. Is hamas the isis of gaza , an is hamas the isis of gaza, an organisation, the microphone is there in tel aviv , so our there in tel aviv, so our apologies for that. Apologies for that. Its beyond our control. Its its beyond our control. Its actually the sound source there at this News Conference. But well try to get a better link just to update you as as i was saying, in terms of the United States involvement, both lloyd austin and Antony Blinken there in the region ahead of what may occur on the ground. Of course , occur on the ground. Of course, in gaza, talking to, first of all, Mahmoud Abbas from the Palestinian Authority , then Palestinian Authority, then going to qatar , also in amman , going to qatar, also in amman, speaking to King Abdullah of jordan and also bahrain and saudi arabia. So the whole diplomatic round undennay in this key stage ahead of any military involvement on the ground. And you are looking at pictures of the Israeli Defence minister, yoav galant, and he is the man who warned this week that israel will eliminate everything. They will regret it, everything. They will regret it, he warned hamas. The other phrase he used was complete siege. This was the complete siege. This was the phrase that was taken into account by the United Nations as to whether this was a lawful act. As such , under act. As such, under International Law in terms of the humanitarian effect. But, of course , this is as as mr galant course, this is as as mr galant and Benjamin Netanyahu said, an act of war in terms of what hamas has done to israel and therefore it was acting accordingly. Well well head accordingly. Well well head back to tel aviv when we get a Better Communications for you. Better communications for you. Prime minister rishi the Prime Minister rishi sunak, has been on the island of gotland near sweden this morning , attending the joint Expeditionary Force summit of Northern European countries as well. Its the first time that a Prime Minister has stayed overnight in a royal naval vessel, a frigate i think he had a breakfast then with members on board hms diamond before the proper job of the day, holding bilateral meetings is with swedish danish leaders, other north european leaders. Lets north european leaders. Lets get more with olivia utley. Our Political Correspondent. And Political Correspondent. And olivia, certainly its a difficult time for all european nafionsin difficult time for all european nations in terms of ukraine and whats happening in the middle east. And im basically looking at this watchwords that terrorism should have no truck with. With. Well, absolutely. And of course, we were all expecting this joint expedition to be force meeting, which is rishi sunak meeting with ten other Northern European leaders to be focusing on the situation in russia and ukraine. But clearly the events in the middle east have have sort of overshadowed that. So morning, rishi that. So this morning, rishi sunak has serving breakfast sunak has been serving breakfast to troops on board hms diamond , to troops on board hms diamond, and then hes been engaging in these bilateral meetings with these bilateral meetings with the leaders of denmark and sweden. Rhetoric coming out sweden. The rhetoric coming out of this meeting is very similar to what weve heard from Anthony Blinken, the us secretary of state, Emmanuel Macron , as well, state, Emmanuel Macron, as well, that these leaders have no truck with terrorism. Rishi sunak has with terrorism. Rishi sunak has made clear that he stands with israel. But for the first time this morning, weve been hearing a little bit of a note of caution. Yes, the Prime Minister absolutely stands by israel , but absolutely stands by israel, but he points out and so does James Cleverly, so does Emmanuel Macron. That out a democracy, macron. That out in a democracy, its essential to be proportionate in response. And proportionate in response. And it seems as though reading between the a little bit, between the lines a little bit, hes warning the israeli hes a bit warning the Israeli Government this ground government about this ground attack that they seem to be planning , that they should make planning, that they should make sure as many palestinians sure that as many palestinians as possible , ordinary as possible, ordinary palestinian are able palestinian citizens, are able to escape and israel seems to have listened to that and is now suggesting that 1. 1 million palestines planes should be able to get out before this ground strike happens. It ground strike happens. If it does , and just to reflect on does, and just to reflect on some other words, i think he had number 10 indicating an extra £3 million to provide security for the uks jewish population, with, of course, growing concerns about anti semitic comments and attacks here in britain. Yes, absolutely. Weve britain. Yes, absolutely. Weve heard the horrible news today that multiple jewish schools in london have had to close today for fear of anti semitic attacks. So rishi is a putting some money into this and trying to stop these tensions which seem to be building up. Stop these tensions which seem to be building up. We saw last to be building up. We saw last week what happened in london with people unable to get to the Israeli Embassy to pay their respects because of the free palestine protests. So rishi sunakis palestine protests. So rishi sunak is putting his money where his mouth is, if you like, on this and is pledging money to support the Jewish Community in london elsewhere in the uk. London and elsewhere in the uk. Olivia, thank you. Lets go straight back to tel aviv. This press conference being given by israels defence minister yoav galant and his us counterpart, lloyd austin , as the us lloyd austin, as the us secretary of defence. I am here in person on to make something crystal clear. Make something crystal clear. Americas support for israel is ironclad. And i extend my is ironclad. And i extend my deepest condolences to the israeli people for those killed or wounded in this terrible slaughter by hamas. Slaughter by hamas. Im also here in solidarity with all the families still living the waking nightmare of not knowing the fate of their loved ones. And we will continue loved ones. And we will continue to coordinate closely with israel to help secure the release of the innocent men, women and children in the clutches of hamas , including clutches of hamas, including america. Citizens now, israel is america. Citizens now, israel is a small country , a place where a small country, a place where Everybody Knows everybody and in times of trial , the intimacy of times of trial, the intimacy of your society deepens. The intimacy of your grief. Your society deepens. The intimacy of your grief. But intimacy of your grief. But thats not a weakness. It is a profound strength. And in time. Profound strength. And in time. We know what to do over this awful week, weve seen Israeli Hotels and homes taken. Those whove had to flee. Whove had to flee. Weve seen long line ups to donate blood. Donate blood. Weve seen whatsapps explode with messages as people race to support neighbours in anguish each and perhaps because im a retired general. While i was retired general. While i was especially moved by the story of a retired general named noam teboe , his son called him on teboe, his son called him on saturday from his home near gaza to say that Hamas Terrorists had stormed their kibbutz and were closing in. And the retired general jumped into his car in tel aviv and raced toward the combat zone, linked up with other fighters and rescued his son, his daughter in law and his granddaughters. And when the granddaughters. And when the general arrived at their house, one of his granddaughters just said , grandpa is. One of his granddaughters just said , grandpa is. Here these are said, grandpa is. Here these are rays of hope in a terrible week. Rays of hope in a terrible week. And in times like these, sometimes the best set of the best thing that a friend can do is just to show up and to get to work. Now, this is no time for work. Now, this is no time for neutrality or for false equivalence or for excuses for the inexcusable. There is never the inexcusable. There is never any justification for terrorism. Any justification for terrorism. And thats especially true if thatis and thats especially true if that is rampage by hamas and anyone who wants lasting peace and security for this region must condemn and isolate hamas. Must condemn and isolate hamas. Hamas does not speak for the Palestinian People or their legitimate hopes for dignity, security and statehood and peace along side israel. As a former along side israel. As a former commander of Central Command , commander of Central Command, the deliberate, cruel tee of hamas. Vive gidley reminds me of isis as bloodthirsty , fanatical isis as bloodthirsty, fanatical and hateful. And like isis , and hateful. And like isis, hamas has nothing to offer but zealotry , bigotry and death. The zealotry, bigotry and death. The world has just witnessed a great evil. The deadliest attacks on evil. The deadliest attacks on civilians in the history of the state of israel and the Bloodiest Day in jewish history since the end of the holocaust. Since the end of the holocaust. So make no mistake , the united so make no mistake, the United States will make sure that israel has what it needs to defend itself and israel has a right to protect its people. You right to protect its people. You know, and there are many phone calls this week. President biden has told Prime Minister netanyahu that the United States would also respond swiftly and decisively to such a massive terrorist assault. And the terrorist assault. And the president also underscored that democracies like ours are stronger and more secure when we uphold the laws of war or terrorists like hamas deliberately target civilians. Deliberately target civilians. But democracies dont. This is a time for resolve and not revenge for purpose and not panic and for purpose and not panic and for secure dodi and not surrender. At President Bidens surrender. At President Bidens direction , we have moved direction, we have moved urgently to respond to this crisis and to send a strong message of deterrence. The uss message of deterrence. The uss Gerald R Ford Carrier Strike group is now in the region led by the largest Aircraft Carrier in the world. Weve augmented us Fighter Aircraft squadrons in the middle east and the Us Department of defence stands fully ready to deploy additional assets if necessary. As assets if necessary. As President Biden has said , for President Biden has said, for any country , for any group or any country, for any group or any country, for any group or any one thinking about trying to take advantage of this atrocity to try to widen the conflict or to try to widen the conflict or to spill more blood , we have to spill more blood, we have just one word. Dont the world is watching and so are we. And we arent going anywhere. We we arent going anywhere. We will remain in close contact with our valued partners across the region and Security Assistance from the department of defence is already rapidly flowing into israel. That flowing into israel. That includes munitions and air defence capability and other equipment and resources. It also equipment and resources. It also includes more interceptors for iron dome to save israelis. Israeli lives. And we will continue to ensure that israel has what it needs to keep itself. Secure now, hamas attacked at a time of Global Challenge , but a time of Global Challenge, but the United States is the most powerful country in the world and we remain fully able to project power and uphold our commitments and direct resources as to multiple theatres. So we as to multiple theatres. So we will stand with israel even as we stand with ukraine. United states can walk and chew gum at the same time and us Security Assistance to israel will flow in at the speed of war and as this harrowing week draws to a close and as shabbat draws near , close and as shabbat draws near, we stand together and we stand strong. United states has strong. United states has israels back, and that is not negotiable. And it never will be. And after this terrible week , i wish you and all the people of israel shabbat shalom. Thank you. You. Well be starting with the questions , starting with alon questions, starting with alon ben david, channel 38. Thank ben david, channel 38. Thank you, mr secretary. You, mr secretary. Your presence in the Eastern Mediterranean clearly projects power. But should israel be power. But should israel be attacked from the north, from hezbollah in lebanon . Or will hezbollah in lebanon . Or will you be willing to exercise your force and join the fighting . I force and join the fighting . I ordered additional assets to the region to bolster deterrence. Region to bolster deterrence. And again , the message that and again, the message that we would send to any country or group thinking to take advantage of this situation and why and widen the conflict. Dont i wont speculate on on anything that could happen in the future. That could happen in the future. I will just tell you clearly that the United States will continue to support israels right to defend itself. Right to defend itself. Thank you. And please, a question to the defence minister , sutherland department. Anas , sutherland department. Anas sannar alok sharma Sharm El Sheikh hamas joint mama Sharm El Sheikh hamas joint mama Sharm El Sheikh birleanu. Madame. Verjnuarmu sigmundsson hamas. Verjnuarmu sigmundsson hamas. Hamas so yoav galant, the Israeli Defence minister, replying to that question in hebrew. He earlier had said that the path ahead will be long but israel will win the war and some very pointed comments then from lloyd austin. Just to remind you, he is a retired general commander in dictating that even though they must, this is not a time for neutral party or equivalence. He said it must be resolved, not revenge, purpose , resolved, not revenge, purpose, not panic in terms of israels reaction to what had taken place. Yes he said that democracies do not deliberate and deliberately target civilians as and they are strong democracies like the United States and israel, he says, are stronger when they uphold the laws of war. Lets go back to this press conference, its counterattacks and perhaps a Ground Invasion. Do you believe the moral culpability for those palestinian deaths belongs to israel , palestinian deaths belongs to israel, hamas or both. Israel, hamas or both. Ill leave it to israel to talk about its potential plans and its approach to conducting operations. Matt, ill just say operations. Matt, ill just say again that israel has a right to defend itself and we will support israels right to defend itself. We will continue to flow in Security Assistance and ive worked with Israeli Forces over the years, over many years, as you know, i wore a uniform for 41 years. My experience in working with the Israeli Forces is they are professional. Theyre disciplined, and they are focussed on the right things. And so i expect that going fonnard they will continue to exhibit that same degree of professionalism that weve seen in the past. But you know, matt, weve seen this before. The International Community fought isis, who was in some cases was was embedded deeply in built up areas and that International Coalition fought valiantly and protected civilians and created corridors for humanitarian movement, even in the midst of a of a pretty significant fight. So again, this is a professional force and it is well led and i have every expectation that it will be disciplined. Thank you. Will be disciplined. Thank you. And for minister galant, have you seen evidence that iran was directly involved in planning or executing the recent attack on your country or any signs that either iran or its proxies are seeking to exploit the situation . And if you do come to see signs of an imminent attack on israel, are you in favour of pre emptive strikes or. Iran, pre emptive strikes or. Iran, hezbollah and hamas in is one axis an axis of evil . Every thing is directed generally from iran. The generally from iran. The permission is given by iran. The money is supplied by iran and the ideas are shaped in iran. There for it doesnt matter if they give didnt give a permission , but the idea is an permission, but the idea is an iranian idea as to the actions , iranian idea as to the actions, future actions of idf. I will future actions of idf. I will stay confidential for good reasons. Thank you. Masada. Mr reasons. Thank you. Masada. Mr secretary. Thank you for this House Foreign Affairs chair mike mccaul said that we know that egypt had warned israel three days prior to that event like Something Like this could happen. We dont know how we missed it. We dont know how israel doing. You israel was doing. So can you tell us what really the us knew before attack . Before this attack . What i can tell you is that if we had known or if we know of a pending attack against an ally, we would clearly inform that ally. But what were focussed on now, suleiman , is focussed on now, suleiman, is were focussed on making sure that israel has what it needs to defend its sovereign territory and to protect its citizens. And and to protect its citizens. And the minister and i spent a good bit of time talking today about what those requirements are and what those requirements are and what we need to do to urgently meet those needs and anas sannar is a team at Monsummano Terme at cal gam Emma Raducanu the zahawi Israel Mission come Kristian Niemietz maam. I finish catacutan , said i finish catacutan, said derek medini. Derek medini. Well, another question in hebrew there for yoav galant, but just to remind you what he said a few minutes ago in terms of the wider picture , he said of the wider picture, he said iran, hezbollah and hamas was one axis, axis of evil. He one axis, one axis of evil. He said that the permission and money came from iran. The ideas came from iran. This was an iranian idea, even though there was obviously no direct indication of iran triggering the attacks coming over from gaza. The attacks coming over from gaza. But an indication that he gaza. But an indication that he said he would keep under wraps. The strategy for the future. But clearly, this is a man that does have perhaps a plan in place. Have perhaps a plan in place. And while we are hearing from that press conference, we are getting word that the most senior hezbollah official to speak publicly about the violence so far, he has said that the Group Hezbollah, would not be swayed by calls for it to stay on the sidelines. And stay on the sidelines. And hezbollah prescribed terrorist group is fully ready to contribute to the fighting. Lets return to this press conference. Learned. Learned. Do you feel or might be helpful in this case, especially deaung helpful in this case, especially dealing with that whole urban situation that you just referred to , the proposed the evacuation to, the proposed the evacuation of civilians from gaza . Those kind of challenges . What kind of ideas and thoughts that you have that you can share, please . That you can share, please . Well, thanks, tom. I would tell you that encountering isis, i felt as if we were staring evil in the eye. It was truly evil. And what it was truly evil. And what weve seen from hamas , it takes weve seen from hamas, it takes that evil to another level. And so thats the first thing that we need to we need to remember. And consider. There are a number of things that that we talked about today that there are some Lessons Learned that we be more than happy to share with our our allies here in terms of operating effectively in in dense urban terrain , creating dense urban terrain, creating safe humanitarian corridors , safe humanitarian corridors, making sure that were thoughtful about how we shape the battle and making sure that , the battle and making sure that, you know, our objectives are well defined and so we continue to share the lessons that weve learned over the years. And, of learned over the years. And, of course, as the israelis prosecute this fight, we will learn lessons from them. And so i think its just great teamwork that has served us both well over the years. And well continue that. Mr minister , theres been mr minister, theres been some confusion over the 24 hour deadune some confusion over the 24 hour deadline that israel announced to for civilians in gaza to move south, to evacuate and move south, to evacuate and move south there was a 24 hour deadune south there was a 24 hour deadline initially reported and then theres been reports that israel has modified that have left that open. In other words, not sticking to 24 hours of a deadline. Would you please clarify specifically, is there going to be a deadline . Is there going to be a deadline . What can you tell us about the deadune what can you tell us about the deadline and what will israel do, if anything, to help civilians move some of the people have said thats hamass problem. Its not our problem. Problem. Its not our problem. Well first of all, i would like to remind all of us what happened less than a week ago, 1200 israelis were brutally murdered, raped. And burned murdered, raped. And burned alive. Alive. Kids were tied one to the other. And shot at their hands. Other. And shot at their hands. This is hamas. This is the isis of gaza. And as the secretary said, they took evil to another level. Thats the first issue. Second issue ill never and ever will not shoot civilians in purpose. Therefore, we are asking all the civilians in gaza city to go south of gaza. And city to go south of gaza. And the reason is that because we dont want to have them , the dont want to have them, the camouflage of the terrorists is the civil population. Therefore we need to separate them. So we need to separate them. So those who want to save their life, please go south. We are going to destroy hamas infrastructures. Hamas headquarters, hamas military establishment and take this phenomena out of gaza and out of the death. They cannot live among human civilians. People among human civilians. People with 24 hours. Is that deadline Still Holding the 24 hours . Thank you very much. Were done for today. Thank you. Done for today. Thank you. It appears that News Conference at an end with a handshake. Yoav galant there declining to comment on this idea of the deadline for those people in gaza, but indicating he said that the camouflage of the terrorist was the civilian population and that they would go after the infrastructure of gaza. They cannot live amongst civilians, he said. The Israeli Defence minister appeared to be making a direct appeal to civilians in gaza , appeal to civilians in gaza, telling them to go south. He said israel will not shoot civilians on purpose, it will destroy the hamas infrastructure there. He also said hamas is the isis of gaza and echoed what lloyd austin, his us counterpart , said when he said that hamas had taken evil to another level. Just to remind you that lloyd austin, a former us general commander and had been involved in the fight against the forces of isis, he said it reminds me of isis, he said it reminds me of isis, he said it reminds me of isis bloodthirsty, fanatical and hateful. Well, lets just and hateful. Well, lets just bnng and hateful. Well, lets just bring you the skyline shots were getting from gaza and indeed , the i think the south of indeed, the i think the south of israel, because we did have reports yet again of rocket fire from gaza into ashkelon in the south of israel, despite the continued air assault overnight by Israeli Forces as indications, of course , that in indications, of course, that in terms of the way that hamas is organised in gaza, much of its infrastructure may well be below ground in a system of tunnels , ground in a system of tunnels, which is where they have previously kept their munitions and missiles and therefore it will be a very difficult operation that yoav galant has been referring to. In terms of going in and dismantling hamas as an organisation in gaza. As an organisation in gaza. Thousands upon thousands of people in gaza city are trying to frante ically flee south. Theyre going on the backs of trucks. Theyre going on foot following that israeli warning that civilians should move south. There are over a Million People living in those Northern Areas. Theyve been told to leave in the next day. Or though leave in the next day. Or though yoav galant didnt actually confirm whether there was a 24 hour deadline for that. The hour deadline for that. The Israeli Military, though, says they know it will take longer than a day to escape. But has blamed hamas for telling people to ignore the call to move. Do stay with us. You are with the live desk on. Gb news. Live desk on. Gb news. Im alex deakin and this is your latest weather update from the met office for gb news. A bit of a north south split today. Some heavy bursts of rain over of england wales. Over parts of england and wales. Something brighter but something a bit brighter but colder scotland and northern colder for scotland and northern ireland. Two areas of low pressure dominating. This ones pressure dominating. This ones been bringing some very heavy rain parts south rain across parts of south wales and continue do so, and will continue to do so, particularly on this weather front rest of today. Particularly on this weather fror do rest of today. Particularly on this weather fror do have rest of today. Particularly on this weather fror do have a rest of today. Particularly on this weather fror do have a noffice today. Particularly on this weather fror do have a nOffice Yellow we do have a met Office Yellow warning place covering warning in place covering a large england and wales large part of england and wales in the south and east, still pretty warm and still generally dry through much of the afternoon. Just a few showers here, brighter skies further north, some blustery north, but with some blustery showers feel. Showers and a chilly feel. Temperatures struggling to get into teens. One more day into the teens. One more day where we could temperatures where we could see temperatures over the over 20 degrees across the south east, but heavy rain continuing south wales, continuing for south wales, southwest england into the afternoon spreading afternoon, then spreading into the east anglia and the midlands. East anglia and the midlands. East anglia and the through the the southeast through the evening. Lot of spray and evening. So a lot of spray and surface water on the roads. Then it across the it gets very windy across the Northern Isles during this evening very evening and overnight, very gusty conditions here. Elsewhere, clearer and elsewhere, it turns clearer and a colder night, much colder than weve been used to across the south. Well down into single figures saturday, they will be a mixture of sunshine and showers. Much of eastern england, eastern scotland will stay dry, but blustery showers in the far north. And then well see some showers coming into wales , showers coming into wales, western england, western scotland and northern ireland. There be some snow over the there will be some snow over the hills of northern scotland as well. Chillier feel well. And a chillier feel everywhere temperatures everywhere with temperatures struggling to get into the teens. Goodbye rain. Rain. Good afternoon. Rain. Good afternoon. It is 1 00. This is the live desk here on gb news coming up this friday lunchtime. This friday lunchtime. Us secretary of defence lloyd austin says there is no time for neutrals or excuses. He meets his israeli counterpart in tel aviv, saying there should be resolve and not revenge as israel drops thousands of leaflets on gaza, warning more than a million civilians, they must move south for their own safety. Safety. Here are fears for a backlash as three jewish schools in north london shut with growing fears of violence. One headteacher warns parents to keep their children indoors as the Prime Minister meets other european leaders in sweden and warns that terrorism must not be allowed to prevail in ukraine or in the middle. Middle. East we also want to bring you these live shots from sanaa in yemen, and they are showing well , and they are showing well, crowds of people protesting in solidarity with the people of gaza. Solidarity with the people of gaza. For those people in gaza , gaza. For those people in gaza, those civilians fleeing northern gaza by car at the moment, around a million of them have been told to head south. Those are the latest pictures we are getting from , um, yemen as getting from, um, yemen as people protest in support of them. Them. Yeah, this the scene outside unicefs headquarters in the capital there with those palestinian flags being held aloft. Well update you, of aloft. Well update you, of course, on what is being said andindeed course, on what is being said and indeed the reaction there. But first, lets get an update on all the headlines with tamsen. Bach. Thanks very much and good afternoon from the newsroom. At 1 01 in israel has been dropping leaflets in gaza warning residents to move for their own safety and to distance themselves from Hamas Terrorists who they say are using civilians as human shields. 1. 1 million residents have been told to move to the south within the next 24 hours. The United Nations says such a move is impossible without devastating humanitarian consequences. The first minister of scotland, humza yousaf assaf, has posted a video on social media from his mother in law this morning. A retired nurse whos in gaza. Whos in gaza. Everybody from gaza is moving towards where we are. 1 Million People, no food , no water. And people, no food, no water. And still the bombing them as they leave. We are we going to put leave. We are we going to put them . But my thought is all them . But my thought is all these people in the hospital cannot be evacuated. Wheres cannot be evacuated. Wheres human pity . Where peoples hearts in the world to let this happenin hearts in the world to let this happen in this day and age and may god help. Us the israel may god help. Us the Israel Defence forces continue to amass tanks and soldiers near the gaza strip border with a Ground Invasion looking increasingly likely. Likely. The tension is also building on israels northern border with lebanon. With idf troops bracing for the militant Group Hezbollah to open up a second front in the war. The us secretary of state met the palestinian president this morning in jordan. Anthony blinken is touring middle Eastern Countries trying to stop the israel hamas war spilling over into neighbouring countries. The meeting comes after Mahmoud Abbas condemned violence against civilians last night after having previously failed to do so. Palestinian state to do so. Palestinian state media reports. He told the secretary of state he rejects the forced displacement, displacement of palestinians in gaza. Displacement of palestinians in gaza. Some north london jewish gaza. Some north london jewish schools are closed today over concerns for the childrens safety amid the israel hamas war. Its reported three jewish schools in north london told parents they would not reopen until monday. Meanwhile, number 10 has announced an additional £3 million of funding to go towards providing extra security for the uks jewish population. For the uks jewish population. An it comes as the Jewish Security charity cst recorded a 40 increase in anti semitic incidents since the outbreak of conflict in israel. A teacher conflict in israel. A teacher has been killed and two others injured in a knife attack. In injured in a knife attack. In france. The attack happened at a high school in the city of arras , in the north of the country. Local media reported the attacker shouting allahu akbar, although its not been independently verified , a independently verified, a suspect has been arrested and frances Anti Terrorism office say theyre now investigating. Say theyre now investigating. The eu is investigating the social media platform. X, formerly known as twitter. After disinformation was spread in the wake of the hamas terror attacks. In a letter sent to the platforms owner, elon musk , the platforms owner, elon musk, the European Commission said they were indications that x is being used to disseminate illegal content , despite being used to disseminate illegal content, despite being flagged by authorities. As elon musk by authorities. As elon musk says, the commission should list its examples publicly even after various media reports of questionable content. The questionable content. The investigation is the first under the eus new tech rules on harmful content. The prime harmful content. The Prime Minister is in sweden today meeting with Northern European allies, leaders were expected to focus on the threat from russia , focus on the threat from russia, but the gathering has been overshadowed by the conflict in israel and gaza. Rishi sunak israel and gaza. Rishi sunak reminded the summit. They are reminded the summit. They are the first line of defence across much of the region. Nigel farage much of the region. Nigel farage has been re banked. In other news for personal and business accounts. Lloyds has accepted accounts. Lloyds has accepted the gb news presenter after ten other banks rejected him. Mr other banks rejected him. Mr farage was involved in a public row with natwest in july after the group closed his Bank Accounts due to his apparent political views. He said hes pleased to see one high Street Lender isnt pulling prejudiced. Lender isnt pulling prejudiced. This is gb news across the uk on tv, in your car, on Digital Radio and on your Smart Speaker by saying play gb news now its over to mark and. Pip over to mark and. Pip thanks very much, tamsin in the last half an hour, we have heard from the us secretary of defence, lloyd austin, giving a press conference with his israeli counterpart , yoav israeli counterpart, yoav galant, who claims that hamas, iran and hezbollah are an axis of evil. Well, of course , the news well, of course, the News Conference coming after over 1 million palestinians in gaza had been told to move to the south of the gaza strip with those leaflets being dropped from the air below the wadi gaza. Well, mr austin warning that there should be resolve , solve and not should be resolve, solve and not revenge in some pointed comments there at this News Conference. Lets get more with our reporter charlie peters, whos in tel aviv for us. And charlie, an indication, of course, from the United States yet again that we have your back was the phrase that was used once more by lloyd austin, of course, a former us general, but also some pointed comments talking of resolve, not revenge purpose, not panic. Revenge purpose, not panic. And yes, and in the last few minutes after that press conference ended, rocket sirens have sounded extensively across northern israel in the northern town of haifa and another location closer to the southern lebanese border. And i think lebanese border. And i think this is an area where american support is going to be absolutely key, because we do know that American Military hardware is replenished , being hardware is replenished, being the iron dome air defence system. This is the system that allows israel to intercept and destroy rockets being fired in from enemy locations such as in the gaza strip, where Hamas Terrorists have fired, possibly closing into tens of thousands of rockets since saturday morning, where they fired off 4500 in 1 day. But also rockets and missiles coming in from southern lebanon , which is the southern lebanon, which is the likely source of the rocket attack. That is unconfirmed , but attack. That is unconfirmed, but sirens are up in the last few minutes now. So replenishing that air defence system is vital because it doesnt work all the time. It has a because it doesnt work all the time. It has a 90, because it doesnt work all the time. It has a 90, 90 success time. It has a 90, 90 success rate over the last week in the last hour, some rockets hit the town of ashkelon close to the border in the gaza strip , where border in the gaza strip, where a barrage is thought to have ovennhelmed. And the air defence ovennhelmed. And the air defence system in the last couple of hours , rockets reached as far as hours, rockets reached as far as Central Israel here in tel aviv over the last few days and interceptions have been going on constantly in southern israel , constantly in southern israel, endunng constantly in southern israel, enduring those barrages. And of enduring those barrages. And of course, israel is striking back on the gaza strip on locations that it describes as as hamas military capabilities, air Defence Systems and also bunkers and shelters where it says terrorists are sheltering and preparing to launch new attacks. Charlie , what you just said charlie, what you just said about those rockets coming in from lebanon, this is youre telling us this as we are hearing, that the hezbollah depot deputy chief is speaking and has said that the party, hezbollah, is fully ready to contribute to the fighting. And contribute to the fighting. And this is the big fear, isnt it, that hezbollah will now see an opportunity to get involved and this war will open up on another front . Front . Thats right. And they already have been getting involved, confirming some of their fighters are dying in clashes with israeli Defence Forces since sunday night. Indeed some Israeli Soldiers have also fallen in that combat, including members of their elite special forces in the northern territories. We have seen israel territories. We have seen israel trying to prevent other other parties, other parties entering this conflict, such as the bombardment on the Syrian International airport yesterday, which reports suggested were conducted in order to send a warning to iranian proxies in the region. Do not interfere. The region. Do not interfere. That, of course , came after us that, of course, came after us President Joe Biden issued a message to other onlookers in this conflict who may be tempted by the sight of a creaking and bruised israel. He said, if youre thinking of joining this conflict, dont it . Well, it seems like now some parties may beignonng seems like now some parties may be ignoring that warning from joe biden. Joe biden. As you say, charlie , these as you say, charlie, these reports of the sirens in the north, we had rocket fire in ashkelon in the south earlier today. But suffice to say , for today. But suffice to say, for tel aviv at the moment, its a relative calm. In relative calm. In it is, but its also an area where people are coming for shelter from all over the country and where other combatants are being sent out to fight. This combatants are being sent out to fight. This is combatants are being sent out to fight. This is where israel is fight. This is where israel is gathering soldiers and gathering suppues gathering soldiers and gathering supplies and forcing them back on to the front lines to conduct those combat missions against multiple different adversaries. Were also seeing volunteers gathering here in great numbers to help the state repel invaders and rocket attacks alike. The army just cant meet the logistical demands expected of it. Since this existential threat to israel arose last weekend. And so today weve been visiting people supplying meals to soldiers. But earlier in the to soldiers. But earlier in the week, we saw people sending out body armour, boots , clothing, body armour, boots, clothing, batteries, torches , all the batteries, torches, all the basics that soldiers need to fight. The army cant provide it. So civilians are stepping up. So civilians are stepping up. Charlie, thank you for that in tel aviv. Back to you. Of course, throughout the afternoon to get an update , we want to to get an update, we want to talk to journalist and contributor at the jewish chronicle. Sandy rushdie. Sandy, sandy rushdie. Sandy, i understand can join us now. Good afternoon to you. Thanks for joining us here on the live desk. Sandy first of all, can i get your reaction to the uns appeal . Well, where it is appeal . Well, where it is calling on israel to withdraw the order for civilians in gaza, in gaza city , to get out and in gaza city, to get out and head south because they say there are going to be devastating humanitarian consequences. Whats your reaction to that . Reaction to that . Of course, there are going to be devastating humanitarian consequences. Theres a loss of life, a huge loss of life. Huge loss of life. But what the british Jewish Community is concerned about is , community is concerned about is, is as the news cycle moves on, theres a loss and a forgetfulness of what initially happened and what initially started this. You know, there are still a huge number of people lost, missing, no one knows what happens to them in israel who have been taken from israel to gaza. Have been taken from israel to gaza. That includes british gaza. That includes british nationals. There are children. Nationals. There are children. There are women , there are young there are women, there are young people, innocent civilians. And people, innocent civilians. And the british Jewish Community really feels it. And its difficult when the community is always asked , you know, do you always asked, you know, do you condemn the actions of the Israeli Government . What do you Israeli Government . What do you think about wider International Political conflict . This isnt a regular war. This is a really , regular war. This is a really, really awful, tragic , evil really awful, tragic, evil attack on the jewish people. And it did not only happen in israel. This is being this is being felt across the world, including the uk. Indeed, we heard the assessment there of your gallant, the defence minister at that News Conference about a half an hour ago talking about this axis of evil. He called iran, hezbollah, hamas. And the iran, hezbollah, hamas. And the ideas that they were fomenting to that degree. What what do you think the israelis should be doing in terms of gaza . Because clearly the fear is that the hostages are still within gaza. Hostages are still within gaza. It does look as if there will be some military operation. Will some military operation. Will the hostages have to be part of their thinking . Their thinking . You there have been multiple people. Israeli gis, People Living in the uk who know people who are kidnapped and they are all saying the same thing. We are not in a position to tell the Israeli Government, the israeli army what to do. There is a crisis going on. There has been the most its not even been a week since weve seen the most evil. Please, god, no one sees the pictures. Ive seen the videos , ive seen the lists. Videos, ive seen the lists. Ive seen. But you know what . Most people have are because its all on social media. Its not going through the filter of mainstream anymore. And Mainstream Media anymore. And there is a lot of fear and there is a lot anxiety and it is a lot of anxiety and it should not be forgotten because it is also being felt in britain. Its being felt strongly. Nothing compared to whats going on its still on in israel, but its still being felt. And sandy on that point and totally understand how excruciating , excruciatingly excruciating, excruciatingly difficult this is for the Jewish Community on that point, weve seen pictures of people in london putting up missing posters of the hostages that have been taken and are now, we understand, we hope, are in gaza and are still alive and those posters have been ripped down by individuals, perhaps pro palestinian supporters. What pro palestinian supporters. What was your reaction when you heard that that was happening . That that was happening . Well, not perhaps they were pro palestinian reporters because as they were ripping down the posters , they were down the posters, they were saying, what about the people in palestine . There is no moral equivalence. You know, theres equivalence. You know, theres almost some at least i feel , and almost some at least i feel, and people i know who have said the same, theres almost a feeling that people are taking pleasure in the killing of jews. There have been sweets given out at protests. There have been celebrations. What are you celebrations. What are you celebrating . The death of palestinian is the death of israelis. The death thats going to come as you as you mentioned at the start of this, the humanitarian crisis. What is going to celebrate . You know, what celebrations are going happen. And as we had lloyd austin saying, this is no time for neutrality equip violence, neutrality or equip violence, but i just wondered if we could get your on the wider get your thoughts on the wider picture, because as you will know , weve got Antony Blinken know, weve got Antony Blinken having gone to qatar and then bahrain and saudi arabia. Were just learning , reuters reporting just learning, reuters reporting that saudi arabia is trying to get a military pact requiring the United States to defend the kingdom. But heres the key. In return for opening ties with israel and will not hold up a deal israel and will not hold up a deal, even if israel does not offer major concessions to the palestinian. So could there well be see a change in the diplomatic axis of evil as we heard from yoav galant and there could be something positive to achieve from this in the long run. Run. In the lead up to this, there were following the Abraham Accords where israel started having open formal relations with muslim majority countries. There were official open talks with the saudis, and iran came out and openly criticised it. The you know, and some people have well, im not going to speculate, but there are ongoing talks and there are ongoing. There always been , you know, are there always been, you know, are not open relations with these countries. But since the relations have opened, there are significant jewish communities in these countries. And if these in these countries. And if these accords actually mean anything , accords actually mean anything, then, yes, there should be more open diplomatic positive moves fonnard. But, you know, in terms fonnard. But, you know, in terms of if you were to look at positivity, the reaction of the community here in the uk has been unbelievable. There are been unbelievable. There are schools being set up for israelis now fleeing the crisis with newborns for brits who live in israel fleeing the crisis, coming to the uk , there are coming to the uk, there are schools set up with a hebrew curricu olam. There are doctors giving out prescriptions to people who need it. There are people who need it. There are people shutting their shops in london in like seizing business, seizing trading to set up points where they can collect for soldiers , black hats, black soldiers, black hats, black thermals and battery packs, torches. As your reporter said torches. As your reporter said earlier, there is a lot of good that you see in people, but i do think its really important that people dont forget, as people have a habit of doing what actually is still going on. Its not even been a week. Not even been a week. Sandy, thank you very much indeed for bringing us your reaction. And we hope to speak reaction. And we hope to speak to you again soon. Of course. Thank you very much indeed. Just to reiterate that breaking news were getting from reuters reporting that saudi arabia trying to secure a military pact with the United States to defend the kingdom. But heres the key. The kingdom. But heres the key. In return opening ties with in return for opening ties with israel that might indicate israel so that might indicate why, indeed, Antony Blinken, the us secretary of state, is travelling, we believe , to saudi travelling, we believe, to saudi arabia today, as well as bahrain and qatar. And qatar. You are with the live desk. You are with the live desk. Do stay with us here on a. M. Till noon on gb news, britains news channel. Britains news channel. Welcome back to the live desk. Theres lots happening on the diplomatic front today, as well as obviously the humanitarian and military front. Just to remind you, Anthony Blinken, the secretary blinken, the us secretary of state, to qatar, bahrain state, heading to qatar, bahrain and saudi arabia. Weve just had this News Conference with lloyd austin, the us defence secretary with yoga talent, with some interesting comments from lloyd austin, saying they should be resolve, not revenge purpose, not panic. Well weve got rishi sunak speaking with other european leaders in sweden today. Lets get more with our Political Correspondent olivia utley, joining us because the language being used in all these occasions is quite important. Its a pointer. There is a bit more caution in coming into what these politicians are saying. These politicians are saying. Yeah. And i think thats really interesting, mark, for the last few days weve seen the Prime Minister , the us secretary Prime Minister, the us secretary of state, Emmanuel Macron, the french president , all saying completely, unequivocally that they stand behind israel. Well, they stand behind israel. Well, they stand behind israel. Well, they are still saying that today , but for the first time we are seeing this note of caution. As you put it. Rishi sunak was saying this morning that, yes, he stands 100 behind israel, but the response has got to be israel should make sure that as many palestinian lives and ordinary palestinian lives are saved. Emmanuel macron said that the response must be strong. But the response must be strong. But just and i think thats the message that were getting very, very strongly today from both european leaders and from the us. Yes, they are 100 with israel, but they are very, very worried about the risk of massive escalation if and when israel launches this ground attack that we are expecting Alicia Kearns the shes a backbencher mp, but she is chairman of the foreign Foreign Affairs select committee has actually gone even further than either rishi sunak or keir starmer, and she said that israel has to turn those were her words, has to turn the water and electricity back on in gaza because she believes that they have that israel has a duty to do so under humanitarian law. So we are beginning to see that little note of caution creeping in, although that in no way undermines the complete support that rishi sunak has been offering to israel. Kwasi and creeping in as we hear from from aid agencies telling us about the crisis, the developing disaster on the ground in gaza and some of them are already saying, look , there is already saying, look, there is already a violation of International Law happening. Exactly. And i think happening. Exactly. And i think thats thats perhaps what alicia kern was suggesting , alicia kern was suggesting, resting in her warning to israel that they must turn on the electricity and water in gaza. It seems as though leaders across the world are now getting very, very worried about the idea of a massive escalation and the possibility that hamas, which the foreign secretary said that hamas is enmeshed itself in ordinary palestinian lives. So, of course, what leaders are very worried about is israel has said that it wants to essentially oblitus date hamas. But in doing so , theyre very worried that so, theyre very worried that lots of palestinian lives could be lost. And the tensions could just continue to escalate. Just continue to escalate. I mean, we should reflect, of course, the israelis have indicated they may well turn those taps back on in terms of the fuel and the water. If the hostages are released. And we did have grant Shapps Shapps hostages are released. And we did hethe3rant Shapps Shapps hostages are released. And we did hethe morning pps shapps hostages are released. And we did hethe morning roundlapps hostages are released. And we did hethe morning round ,|pps hostages are released. And we did hethe morning round , the doing the morning round, the defence secretary saying that it was very likely , i think it was was very likely, i think it was the phrase he had that british hostages were being held in gaza to. Yes, absolutely. So israel is yes, absolutely. So israel is at the moment waiting to see if these hostages get released , these hostages get released, including it sounds very much as though there are some british citizens among them before making decision over making that decision over whether to turn the water. And electricity back on. So its a very, very tense situation at the moment. Very, very tense situation at the moment. But we are hearing this this note from from foreign leaders across the world that israel must do everything it can to try and save the ordinary palestinian lives, which is very difficult when as James Cleverly says, hamas is so ingrained in the palestinian population, is so intertwined with the population itself, that trying to obliterate hamas without risking palestinian lives is going to be very, very difficult indeed for israel. Itll be really interesting to see how this plays out and if and when those hostages are released, whether we see a little bit of softening from the Israeli Government. Government. Rishi sunak has also commented on what appears to be, sadly, the number of anti semitic incidents that are taking place here in the uk. He says its a disgusting rise and weve heard that there are several schools, jewish schools in north london which are closed today because theyre so worried about the safety of the students i yes, yes, i think its forjewish yes, i think its for jewish schools that have had to close in london today. Schools that have had to close in london today. And there are in london today. And there are jewish parents all over social media saying that they didnt feel as though taking their jewish child to Primary School should be an act of bravery. But should be an act of bravery. But today, it feels as though it is. And of course, in the wake of those protests last week when almost no one was able to get to the Israeli Embassy to pay their respects because of these huge free palestine protests, the restaurant in Golders Green in a in a very heavily jewish part of north london, which was the front was smashed in there is increasing concern among the uk government that that the rise in anti semitic attacks is not going to stop. Olivia , thank you very much olivia, thank you very much indeed for that. And just to indeed for that. And just to remind you, weve got the skyline there of gaza. Were skyline there of gaza. Were just getting more from reuters saying that the Israeli Military saying that the Israeli Military say theyve intercepted more rockets fired from gaza, but this time at northern israel, which is quite significant. Lets bring in now military historian and author Peter Caddick adams. And, peter, clearly theres much fear about what hezbollah may do in the north coming over from lebanon. But weve got this strange situation now that rockets fired from gaza at northern israel. Its becoming a very difficult, confused situation. Yeah, i mean confused situation. Yeah, i mean , containment is everything. And the real worry is that this will spread the significant thing is that hezbollah did not launch the attack at the same time as hamas, which indicates they were not included in the planning process and they must be pretty annoyed about that. I mean, annoyed about that. I mean, there are splits within all these different palestine , um, these different palestine, um, military and political organisations. Yeah. Organisations. Yeah. So whats happened with, with hezbollah is i think theyve come to the party late. Come to the party late. Um, they certainly dont have the sort of military ability to suddenly attack israel in the way that hamas did because the big element here was surprise and theyve lost that quite clearly because the israelis are now on the defensive. Are you actually surprised, bearing in mind we had a year of gallant just about a half an hour ago saying iran, hezbollah, hamas, one axis, one axis of evil. I mean, it does seem they werent at the table when this actually all kicked off. Yeah i dont think they were at all. I think theres too much effort being put into roping iran directly into this. Yes. Its in a irans to irans advantage. But i dont think iran was involved in the planning process. And there may have been iranian iranian instructors there , but i dont think they there, but i dont think they specifically were there to launch an attack on the 7th of october. I think theyve been there for a long time. I think theyve been there for a long time. And the supply for a long time. And the supply of weapons to has been coming facilitated by the iranians, but not specifically for this date. This is a hamas choice itself. Everything we are hearing at the moment, the analysis seems to suggest that perhaps israel is being drawn into a trap here by launching this ground offensive. This is playing into the hands of hamas. Its playing into the hands of hezbollah. Its creating this instability , its creating this instability, huge instability, which is what they crave. They crave. Thats exactly right. Thats thats exactly right. Thats exactly right. Youve hit the nail on the head there because hamas would have known that if you poke the wasps nest like this, youre going to get a really, really violent reaction in. There can be no surprise anywhere in the gaza strip from anywhere in the gaza strip from any of the militant who launched the attack that this would be israels response. And so the israels response. And so the war is now being fought on two levels. One is in and around gaza. But the other is whats going to happen internationally in the region. And thats one of in the region. And thats one of the reasons why the west just sent other forces , naval forces sent other forces, naval forces in the air force to contain. Peter. I think weve lost lost the signal with you there. But thank you for your analysis of the latest situation as we were saying, weve got these reports from the Israeli Military that weve got these rockets fired at northern israel, but from gaza in the south, rather than over the border from lebanon, as peter was reflecting key question, what hezbollah will do or wont do very shortly, we will be joined by the deputy mayor of jerusalem. Do so do stay with us here on the live desk. First, though, lets get all your headlines with. Tamsin with. Tamsin pip, thank you. Here are the pip, thank you. Here are the headunes pip, thank you. Here are the headlines at 132. Israels defence minister has described the Hamas Terror Group as an axis of evil with iran. Yoav axis of evil with iran. Yoav galant spoke after israel dropped leaflets in gaza warning residents to leave and distance themselves from Hamas Terrorists. 1. 1 million residents have been told to move to the south within 24 hours for their own safety. The united their own safety. The united nafions their own safety. The United Nations warns its impossible without devastating humanitarian consequences. Meanwhile, the consequences. Meanwhile, the siege of gaza continues , with siege of gaza continues, with palestinian authorities saying more than 1500 people have now been killed. Thats after hamas killed 1300 people and took over 100 hostages, including british nationals. A teacher has been nationals. A teacher has been killed and two others injured in a knife attack in france. The attack happened at a high school in the city of arras in the north of the country. Local media report the attacker shouted allahu akbar, although thats not been independently verified, a suspect has been arrested. And frances anti terror prism office say theyre now investigating Prime Minister rishi sunak is in sweden today , meeting with sweden today, meeting with Northern European allies. Northern european allies. Leaders at the summit were expected to focus on the threat from russia , but the gathering from russia, but the gathering has been overshadowed by the conflict in israel and gaza and in other news, nigel farage has been rebadged act for personal and business accounts. Lloyds and business accounts. Lloyds has accepted the gb news presenter after ten other banks rejected him. Nigel farage was involved in a public row with natwest in july after the group closed his Bank Accounts, apparently due to his political views, he says hes pleased to see one high Street Lender isnt politically prejudice. Those are politically prejudice. Those are the top stories. And you can, of the top stories. And you can, of course, get more on all of the headlines. Just visit our website , gbnews. Com. This evening. Gb news the peoples. Channel peoples. Channel welcome back to the live desk. Lets bring you straight to the latest pictures were getting from the Reuters News Agency within gaza of people leaving with their cars loaded with personal items. It seems , with personal items. It seems, and families, as you can see in the back of that estate car. The back of that estate car. This follows, of course, this leaflet drop off from the Israeli Defence force urging people to leave the Northern Area of gaza city and head south. There are some 1 Million People in gaza city who have been given 24 hours to leave, although interestingly, in this press conference earlier , the press conference earlier, the Israeli Defence minister didnt really say whether or not that 24 hour deadline was absolute flute or whether it would be allowed to pass. But you can see there people fleeing the south of to the south of the gaza strip for their safety and protection. But the un and the World Health Organisation is criticising this warning from israel. This leaflet drop, because they say the humanitarian impact is going to be massive. Be massive. Oh yeah, and interestingly now we have a Senior Us State Department official indicating that Anthony Blinken , the that Anthony Blinken, the secretary of state, when he was meeting Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday, had discussed the need to establish what they were calling safe areas in gaza where civilians could relocate. And civilians could relocate. And the latest were getting from that state Department Official is that the us is engaging with both the red cross and the un relief agencies to figure out is a phrase they use. There what that might look like. So clearly that might look like. So clearly that might look like. So clearly thatis that might look like. So clearly that is in in discussion at the moment. Well update as we get more from reuters thats been speaking to that state official. Speaking to that state official. Well, joining us now is deputy mayor of jerusalem , fleur deputy mayor of jerusalem, fleur Hassan Nahoum. Good afternoon to Hassan Nahoum. Good afternoon to you. Thanks for talking to us. Just bring us up to date with with what is happening in jerusalem. Has it remained quiet jerusalem. Has it remained quiet over the last few days . Has there been any trouble . There been any trouble . Well, last night, actually, there was an attack by a gunman on a Police Station and he seriously injured a policeman, an israeli policeman who still in hospital, probably be there for a while. Um , and but mostly theres um, and but mostly theres been kind of a tense quiet in jerusalem over the last week. Jerusalem over the last week. Were on alert. Weve reinforced security patrols and were hoping that there wont be another front opened up here. For the most part, the 40 population of jerusalem that is muslim, arab are peace loving people. But you have radicals, you have hamas sleeper cells. You have a lot of that as well. So we have to keep our eyes on the ball and make sure that things dont get out of hand because the last thing we need is another front right here in our city. Is another front right here in ourand some relief, perhaps, and some relief, perhaps, fleur, with this day of prayer thats not occurred far thats not occurred as far as were that things were aware, that things have been calm and that been relatively calm and that people have been able to go about their business. Thats what we feared, because weve seen scenes when hamas want to create trouble on temple mount. They really know how to do that. Thank god how to do that. And thank god today may things have been relatively calm. Yes looking at the wider picture here, clearly weve got things developing all the time and we had this News Conference with the galant and lloyd austin , the the galant and lloyd austin, the us defence secretary. I just wondered what you made of lloyd austins comments about resolve, not revenge and purpose, not panic. But clearly when there is panic. But clearly when there is this worry about how things may develop in gaza , yeah, well, develop in gaza, yeah, well, i agree with him on the resolve, not revenge. Not revenge. And ive been saying already for three days in the press that israel is a country out for israel is not a country out for revenge. Of all, the most revenge. First of all, the most important thing bring back important thing is to bring back our 150 innocent hostages. There our 150 innocent hostages. There are women. There are children , are women. There are children, there are elderly. My friends son has been kidnapped. He lost an arm. They shot it off and were really, really fearful for his health. And also, if hopefully they can, he can be released. Hes an american citizen and there are british citizens in there. These people citizens in there. These people did nothing. They went to a party. There was a young all the majority of the people being held hostage in gaza. Young young women there who we have reports, we have reports that have been routinely raped. Its a horror what theyve done to us. Its a massacre that we experienced last saturday. And any country , any sovereign any country, any sovereign country needs to react. We cannot give in to terrorism and we cant let this bordering country that is run by a terrorist organisation called hamas that is a puppet of iran. We cannot let them terrorise our citizens. Its our most basic obugafion citizens. Its our most basic obligation to our people. So , fleur, would you like to so, fleur, would you like to see to the rescue of the hostage is prioritised before . Absolutely. The ground offensive . I . I would love anything to happenin i would love anything to happen in order to bring back these hostages. And i think that these hostages. And i think that if hamas care about their own people , which theyve proved people, which theyve proved over the last 15 years, that they dont really care about their own people because othennise they wouldnt have launched rockets into israel for 15 whole years if they if they actually only want to think strategically , they should strategically, they should release the hostages and maybe the war wont be as horrible as it might end up being. Israel never wants to hurt innocent civilians. The reason weve told people to move down to the south is because we dont want innocent civilians in gaza in harms way. We are more considerate of their civilians than their own government are. Its a ridiculous situation. Its a ridiculous situation. Theres no other way, no country would tolerate this. Would tolerate this. Unfortunately, war is ugly. And unfortunately, war is ugly. And in any war, youre going to have innocents being killed. The britain wouldnt have won the Second World War if they hadnt carpet bombed dresden. You carpet bombed dresden. Do you think they german that think they werent german that also course they also died there . Of course they were. But thats not what britain intended to do. Do you accept , though, that absolute accept, though, that absolute war is a civilizational war . I just wanted to ask you, do you accept that . Yes yes. Israel has given that warning to people in gaza, but actually the practicalities of it are just impossible. Well well , youve impossible. Well well, youve seen everybody leave. Youve seen people moving. Youve seen people in cars. So people are leaving. Do you think people are leaving. Do you think they are 7 million plus people can leave before or get out . Can leave before or get out . Anythings possible. And lets anythings possible. And lets not forget that they have a border. Gaza has a border with egypt now. Now, theyre not at egypt now. Now, theyre not at war with egypt. They are they declared war on israel. And just like britain and many other countries in in in Continental Europe opened their doors when in the ukraine war started. Why in the ukraine war started. Why cant egypt open a humanitare corridor . Why is it on us . The attacked to help our aggressor . Attacked to help our aggressor . Fleur Hassan Nahoum from jerusalem, deputy mayor there. Jerusalem, deputy mayor there. Thank you very much indeed for updates us and we hope to speak to you again soon. Thank you very much indeed. Thank you. Very much indeed. Thank you. Lets now bring in robert fox, defence editor, the Evening Standard, who will be with us for the next hour or so. And robert, to up on robert, just to pick up on something that fleur was was talking of there, is it doable to rescue the hostages . I mean, the israelis do have this specialist unit, sayeret matkal, indeed. Benjamin netanyahu , who indeed. Benjamin netanyahu, who was a member of it with his brother at one time, directly involved. Its not the time to dwell on past glories. It is very, very difficult, even the rescue, the entebbe raid was so totally different. They knew where different. They knew where everybody was then. Im not going to second guess it. What they seem to be saying that theyre they intend is very difficult. Its almost like a contradiction in terms is to go in to root out the hamas leadership , to get the fighters, leadership, to get the fighters, to get the bunkers, to get the arsenals and to get the hostages released. I just dont see how released. I just dont see how theyre going to do it. Theres a pile of rubble and rubble makes brilliant defences, by the way. And you have of fighters mixed with what you might call civilians and how does the average israeli soldier distinguish between the two . And hes a citizen. Shes a citizen. And this contradiction of this huge aerial assault as you say, the rubble, when we then being told theyre all in the tunnels, there is a subterranean gaza where they operate. So therefore, what is the military reasoning behind flattening the buildings . Yes. Well, are they going to yes. Well, are they going to go remember , the americans got go remember, the americans got into a bit of difficulty with this in 91 in baghdad , where this in 91 in baghdad, where they had bunker penetrating bombs and they kept on saying there were military targets. Yes. And they knocked out 300 refugees in in one raid. Its very, very difficult to discern the human content. Fighting very, very difficult to discern the human content. Fighting in streets is very difficult, even for the most professional armies. Look for the most professional armies. Look how the british army struggled in the early days when things got hot in belfast and derry. Both those in the early 19705. Derry. Both those in the early 1970s. The french know it and theyve known it brutally through experiences in in algeria , which made a brilliant algeria, which made a brilliant film, by the way , the battle for film, by the way, the battle for battle of algiers and the brits and the french trained together with their elite units intensively for this. If youre intensively for this. If youre going to try and actually will have to require a certain amount of swarm tactics. In other words, you will be putting in, i think, tens of thousands of israeli troops of various degrees of skill and training. The elite very good at the front. But the way you do it as the experience even of the british mandate that there was you cordon and search you have to draw a cordon round and you have to go in and search in in the rubble with lots of people , rubble with lots of people, probably quite a few corpses , probably quite a few corpses, im afraid to say. How are you going to find them . Its to going to find them . Its to going do they know where the hostages are . By the way, this hostages are . By the way, this as as we got ahead with lloyd austin and tony blinken is that its quite clear why were there, why the americans are there, why the americans are there. Everybody was saying, there. Everybody was saying, isnt it absurd , the brits isnt it absurd, the brits telling, sending two navy ships support helicopter us and marines with surveillance equipment. Marines with surveillance equipment. But we do have an interest. We have british interest. We have british citizens there. And this is a citizens there. And this is a principle thats been established, particularly by the canadians. Curiously, where the life of your citizen , an life of your citizen, an innocent british citizen, is at stake, there is a british interest , robert, since last interest, robert, since last weekends terrorist atrocities, weekends terrorist atrocities, we hear israel say repeatedly that they want to crush hamas. Is that possible and is not a political solution also needed , political solution also needed, not just a political solution also needed, notjust a military political solution also needed, not just a military one here, the politics has failed and it has failed from the beginning of hamas in 1990, 87. But the politics is where it lies. And that answers your lies. And that answers your first question. Im sorry to make it like a puzzle because a lot of the power , the real long lot of the power, the real Long Distance runner power of hamas is not with these rather crazy. And as we found psychopathic and crazed fighters of the kind that went into the settlements and the kibbutz to the east of gaza. But its where you have the money, a lot of the brains and a lot of the access to the weaponry and its the gulf that opens the gates. You get a lot of supply from hezbollah. Yes. Theres been a lot of basic training of the guys and people on the ground and it is a very sexist society. So its mostly blokes, but a lot of the stuff from iran comes through that route. So i think that the some brain somewhere i fear for is planning a game of retreat. You know, a last land. But it wont be over for hamas , alas. Be over for hamas, alas. And very quickly is that tehran, as we heard from your you know, iran, hezbollah, hamas, one axis of evil, or are they operating on on a different separate basis . I think thats i think thats a very particular point of view. Point of view. Now, im trying to be very careful because i dont want to say i think the israelis have been destroying been obsessed with destroying tehran and for a long, long tehran and iran for a long, long time. Theyve feared theyre going to get Nuclear Weapons and so on. But militancy just doesnt come from the sheer access and this is the thing thats so weird and ive been trying to explain it actually, the roots of sunni roots. Sorry, ive given it away of hamas largely with sunni mosques and Sheikh Yassine and sunni shia. And so theyre bedfellows , but and so theyre bedfellows, but theyre not quite aligned in this way. And there is a lot of sunni militancy. Okay. Interesting topic which well explore in the next hour. Youll be with us to analyse all the latest developments coming up. Thank the latest developments coming up. Thank you very much. A number of schools in london are closed today because of safety fears over this ongoing war in israel. And ministers have announced a £3 million package for a charity that helps protect Jewish Community sites. Protect Jewish Community sites. And, of course, the met reflecting that there have been a Record Number of anti semitic incidents recorded since the events in gaza and in southern israel. Lisa hartle has been speaking to one community in north london about their experiences. Shes there for us in Golders Green. And of course in Golders Green. And of course it seems to be a daily occurrence now in terms of peoples direct personal experience. Experience. Yeah, so Golders Green has a large Jewish Community and today , as well as over the week ive been speaking to other members of the Jewish Community in london and theyve all said the same thing that are same thing that they are heartbroken over the conflict, but theyre also worried about the repercussions that what that could mean for them. And as we could mean for them. And as we heard yesterday, the government has pledged £3 million to the organisation ocean kst Community Security trust. They they provide security for jewish schools, synagogues and other Jewish Community buildings. And theyve said that just this week alone, theyve seen a rise of 324 in reports of anti semitism. Weve heard reports of at least three schools in north london closing today. Thats amidst heightened security concerns after the former leader of the hamas called for protests. Thats around the world, although that Security Company has tried to reassure people on formerly known as twitter by saying that theyve received numerous messages about this. But its mainly directed at muslims in arab countries and does not include a call to violence against jewish people in britain. But everybody ive in britain. But everybody ive spoken to, especially here today, theyve all said how concerned they are and how unsafe they feel. And i think we can hear from just a few of those people now. Well, i suppose most well, i suppose like most other very concerned and other people, very concerned and obviously we have to be wary of where we go to where we are and be vigilant and obviously much more than than usual, a very threatened, very worried. Threatened, very worried. Ive just taken my son to school. Hes in hasmonean and he asked me to pick him up because hes worried. Hes scared and hes worried. Hes scared and hes a 15 year old. You know, this should not be happening here in england. This should not be happening hens0| england. This should not be happening henso obviously its a so obviously its a concerning time. Were trying to concerning time. Were trying to live as lives as normal as possible. I want to start off, i possible. I want to start off, i think i think everyones got a legitimate right to protest and to campaign for what they feel is right. Is right. Earlier on this week, i spoke to the ceo, mark gardner, of that cst that that security organisation, and he said that if a non jewish person went into a jewish school, they would be shocked at the level of security they already have in place there. He went into detail about how schools are built away from roads to avoid car bombs and theres loads of different measures in place, but on top of that, they are putting extra security and heightened Police Presence around jewish schools. Presence around jewish schools. Lisa, thank you very much indeed for updating us there at Golders Green in north london. Thank you. Thank you. Well, there are reverberations around the globe with what is happening at the moment , but with what is happening at the moment, but this is the capital of yemen, sanaa, where you can see thousands upon thousands of people gathering for pro palestinian protest. Its pro palestinian protest. Its these people, these crowds , as these people, these crowds, as they believe that israel is committing war crimes in gaza as they tell the thousands of people there to flee and head south before that expected massive ground offensive. You can see the palestinian flags here in particular in the centre of sun outside the unicef building , no less, where theyve building, no less, where theyve been declaring their support for the palestinian cause, but also Yemens Houthi leader, Abdel Malek Al houthi, saying that if the us intervenes in the gaza conflict directly, the group will respond by firing drones and missiles and take other military options options, he said. There are red lines when it comes to gaza, adding that houthis were ready to coordinate with other groups to intervene. But at the moment we should reflect these protests largely peaceful, despite large numbers there. Well update you with the reaction on across the globe. And as we say, robert fox with us for the next hour to analyse all the latest developments. Stay with us on the desk good afternoon. It is 2 00. This is the live desk here on gb news. Coming up this friday, lunchtime us secretary of defence lloyd austin saying theres no time for neutrality or excuses or equivalence, meeting his israeli counterpart out in tel aviv pledging more aid if needed as israel drops thousands of leaflets on gaza warning more than a million, they must move south for their own safety. It comes as own safety. It comes as thousands of civilians flee gaza city in desperation with a ground offensive expected imminently here in britain , imminently here in britain, fears of a backlash. Three jewish schools in north london shut out with fears of growing anti semitic violence. One headteacher warning parents to keep their children indoors. To keep their children indoors. And these are the live pictures we are getting from yemen, the capital, sanaa, as crowds of people, thousands of them , gather for pro palestine them, gather for pro palestine lien protests. Lien protests. Indications they say, from the houthi grouping that they will take action against the United States if it intervenes directly in gaza. But we do have to say the protests in sanaa at the moment, peaceful, although there are thousands there with there are thousands there with the palestine flags and voicing their support for the palestinian cause. Well have the latest from there and of course, from israel itself. But first, latest headlines coming up with tamsen. Up with tamsen. Marc, thank you and good afternoon from the newsroom. Its 2 01. Ursula von der leyen has arrived in tel aviv amid the ongoing conflict following hamass attack on israel. The hamass attack on israel. The president of the European Commission has announced on social media her solidarity with the israeli people. Meanwhile, the israeli people. Meanwhile, the us secretary of defence says washingtons support for israel is ironclad. In a joint press is ironclad. In a joint press conference with his israeli counterpart, lloyd austin said the gaza war is for israels future and that hamas is part of an axis of evil with iran. An axis of evil with iran. Israel has been dropping leaflets in gaza warning residents to move for their own safety and to distance themselves from Hamas Terrorists who they say are using civilians as human shields. As 1. 1 million as human shields. As 1. 1 million residents have been told to move to the south within 24 hours for their own safety. The united their own safety. The united nafions their own safety. The United Nations says such a move is impossible without devastating humanitarian consequences. Humanitarian consequences. Meanwhile, the first minister of scotland, humza yousaf, has posted a video on social media from his mother in law. A retired nurse whos in gaza. Retired nurse whos in gaza. Everybody from gaza is moving towards where we are. 1 million towards where we are. 1 Million People, no food , no water, and people, no food, no water, and still theyre bombing them as they leave. Where are we going they leave. Where are we going to put them . But my thought is all these people in the hospital can not be evacuated. Wheres can not be evacuated. Wheres humanity . Where peoples hearts humanity . Where peoples hearts in the world are to let this happenin in the world are to let this happen in this day and age and may god help. Us may god help. Us the Israel Defence forces continue to amass tanks and soldiers near the gaza strip border with a Ground Invasion looking increasing. Likely looking increasing. Likely tension is also building on israels northern border with lebanon. Idf troops are on alert lebanon. Idf troops are on alert after the Hezbollah Terror Group said it would ignore calls for it to stay out of the conflict between israel and hamas. Some north london jewish schools are closed today over concerns for the childrens safety amid the israel hamas war. Its reported that three jewish schools in north london told parents they would not reopen until monday. Meanwhile, the government has announced an additional £3 million of funding to go towards providing extra security for the uks jewish population. It comes as the Jewish Security charity sees recorded a 400 increase in anti semitic incidents since the outbreak of the conflict. A outbreak of the conflict. A teacher has been killed and two others injured in a knife attack in france. The attack happened at a high school in the city of arras in the north of the country. Local media reported the attacker shouting allahu akbar, although thats not been independently verified. A independently verified. A suspect has been arrested and frances Anti Terrorism office say theyre now investing dating. The eu is investigating the social media platform formerly known as twitter. After disinformation was spread in the wake of the hamas terror attacks. In a letter sent to the platforms owner, elon musk, the European Commission said there were indicate actions that x is being used to disseminate illegal content , despite being illegal content, despite being flagged by authorities. Elon flagged by authorities. Elon musk says the commission should list its examples publicly, even after various media reports of questionable content. The investigation is the first under the eus new tech rules on harmful content. The prime harmful content. The Prime Minister is in sweden today meeting with Northern European allies. Leaders were expected to allies. Leaders were expected to focus on the threat from russia, but the gathering has been overshadowed by the conflict in israel and gaza. Rishi sunak reminded the summit that the first line of defence across much of the region. In other much of the region. In other news, nigel farage has been ranked for personal and business accounts. Lloyds has accepted accounts. Lloyds has accepted the gb news presenter after ten other banks rejected him. Nigel farage was involved in a public row with natwest in july after the group closed his Bank Accounts , apparently due to his accounts, apparently due to his political views , he says hes political views, he says hes pleased to see one high Street Lender isnt politically prejudiced. This is gb news prejudiced. This is gb news across the uk on tv in your car, on Digital Radio and on your Smart Speaker by saying play gb news now its over to mark and. Pip welcome back to the live desk. Lets update you on well a fluid and changing situation in terms of gaza with israel having warned earlier 1. 1 million civilians to leave the north of the gaza strip within 24 hours with these leaflets being dropped onto gaza city to tell the civilians to evacuate immediately. Immediately. Theyve been told that for their own safety, they should head south of the wadi gaza. Israel has been massing troops and armour on the border ahead of an imminent ground offensive live. These are the latest pictures of civilians fleeing gaza city frantically sitting on cars, just having a few minutes to grab things together, putting their families , as you can see, their families, as you can see, into the boots of cars , some into the boots of cars, some going on foot, leaving their homes, not knowing when theyll be able to return. Well, charities on the ground say that israels evacuation request is impossible while the un says Mass Relocation cannot be done without devastating conflict sequences. Lets get the latest with our reporter charlie peters, whos updating us in tel aviv. And charlie, we did have this indication from the Us State Department official that Anthony Blinken has spoken to Benjamin Netanyahu , who about trying to netanyahu, who about trying to establish safe areas in in gaza. No details emerging on that. But clearly it is something that theyve had to reflect on and an indication they would have to get the red cross and indeed the United Nations involved in that process. To process. To yes, thats right. Its clearly a tricky diplomatic situation to secure as much humanity. Korean support in gaza humanity. Korean support in gaza and for gazans heading south away from that likely incoming bombardment from the israeli air force. And the scenes that were seeing of so many civilians fleeing come hours after hamas said that people there should reject the idf message and that this was official propaganda stirred up by the israelis. But it seems that the civilians are clearly reacting to that message as anticipate dated and heading south urgently , possibly 1. 1 south urgently, possibly 1. 1 Million People now could be moving or have been called to move by that idf liaison message with the United Nations. And with the United Nations. And what will happen to them next . I mean, below the wadi gaza, there are some open areas. There are are some open areas. There are some spaces are some open areas. There are some spaces that are built up as well. But there certainly isnt space for 1. 1 Million People. And what is already one of the most densely populated parts of the is establishing that the world is establishing that safe crossing with with egypt in the Sinai Peninsula and accessing the rafah crossing for aid to come through. There will almost certainly be an option on the table as they try and secure more aid for people in that area. But of course, a scene of grave concern as bombs head south and people flee as urgently as they possibly can. And just to underline that this flurry of diplomatic activity that is taking place, we are getting word that the vatican has offered to mediate between israel and hamas militants to free israeli hostages is Anthony Blinken, the us secretary of state. He is now in qatar. Is it qatar . That in qatar. Is it qatar . That could hold the key to getting these hostages out. These hostages out. Well, qatar is, of course, an area where many palestinian leaders not necessarily linked to hamas, but it is an area where political leaders in palestine, in the west bank are regularly placed and based and host meetings. I think well host meetings. I think well also see significant involvement from jordan. Of course, the king of Jordan Holding discussions with partners in the region and holding also a significant role over the secured city and positioning in jerusalem. But of course , the most significant course, the most significant factor here in securing the humanitarian the humanitarian situation in gaza will be what the israelis choose to do, because their number one priority is destroying , saying priority is destroying, saying the hamas military capable city as they describe it. And i dont think much is going to stop them from carrying that mission out. And so this this urge to move civilians south will almost certainly be followed by a heavier bombardment than the already severe ones that we have seen in the last few days. 750 targets hit last night. And that is going to continue to tonight as well. But just update us, as well. Butjust update us, charlie, but just update us, charlie, on on the thinking of ordinary israelis there about the fate of the hostages and what may happen with that ground incursion. And with that ground incursion. And its interesting that well, for obvious reasons, yoav galant was not going to talk about any details in terms of what might be prepared. But clearly, the fear is that they could be literally in the firing line. Literally in the firing line. Yes thats right. And people here are also doing what they can to try and help locate where those hostages are. Many of the people who are missing, of course, theyre not sure if theyve been taken hostage or not. So tech specialists tel aviv have specialists in tel aviv have gathered in a volunteer location in in centre of the city to in in the centre of the city to try and use ai and social media to locate any photos of people taken in footage uploaded by the idf and also by Hamas Terrorists. Since the invasion on saturday. And what happens to those hostages when people head south . I mean, hamas are urging people not to go. Do the people not to go. Do the hostages stay with them . How hostages stay with them . How many are in the north of the gaza strip . These are questions that i think idf will be that i think the idf will be asking very seriously. And many civilians here extremely nervous about happens to members of about what happens to members of their friends and family in that strip. Strip. And just to explain to people where you are has has been a restaurant in previous days and weeks and its been this sort of centre to collect Food Supplies and meals and other things for the various Israeli Defence force volunteers who are going literally to the front fairly shortly. Shortly. Were back in a different location now where were expected to speak to some survivors in who have been rescued from southern israel and have come up to tel aviv to the relative safety of tel aviv to seek support and to recuperate rate. But yes, earlier today we were at a restaurant in central tel aviv, which overnight became a kitchen for feeding the military. The army is struggling desperately to sustain its forces across the country, sending hundreds of thousands of reservists to the north to shore up that border with southern lebanon, but also trying to sustain supplies to that massive convoy on the south for that likely Ground Invasion of the gaza strip. And so theyre sending out 30,000 meals a day, working day and night in in shifts in order to make sure people get fed. Charlie in tel aviv for the moment, thank you for that. Back to you, of course, throughout the afternoon here in the studio, we are joined foreign studio, we are joined by Foreign Affairs specialist james marlowe. And robert still with and robert fox is still with us, defence editor at the Evening Standard. James, can i just start with you, first of all, in terms of this, what we believe is an imminent Ground Invasion, how how well equipped, how well prepared do you think Israeli Soldiers are . We see hundreds of thousands of them now massing at the border. Are they ready for this . Well, firstly, i can tell you that i was just in israel. I just got back. I tried to get out there again to day. The flight was delayed. Then it was flight was delayed. Then it was postponed. Then was cancel postponed. Then it was cancel failed. Although there are failed. And although there are still some flights bringing back soldiers there, i also caught a briefing this morning by idf briefing this morning by the idf , as charlie has just said, it was 700 targets hit overnight , was 700 targets hit overnight, perhaps the same. And they mentioned specifically and this is going to partly answer your question, if i may, they mentioned that they were specifically going after and im looking get their looking down to get their wording correct , wording exactly correct, infrastructure inside the buildings. This is, of course, hamas infrastructure, underground tunnels , command underground tunnels, command centres, military posts, homes of the terrorists and terror operatives. Thats where these 750 now, the bombing was mostly donein 750 now, the bombing was mostly done in the north within gaza city, city, but in the north of gaza city. The problem that the idf have is that they have been monitoring this for several years. They have underground tunnels going everywhere. And specifically, they are trying to get tunnels, but they get these tunnels, but they are so sophisticated. Theyre so, well, sophisticated. Theyre literally underground bunkers and there is at least two tunnels going all the way from gaza city to the south to hassan younis. Now, thats exactly where the fighters are to going be. And they are right now in other words, the Hamas Terrorists and their brothers, Islamic Jihad and the various other the problem is other groups. The problem is that israel wants to take out some of these tunnels because hamas is saying were welcoming you, come whenever youre you, come in whenever youre ready, to us. Theyre ready, come to us. Theyre leaving their civilians there , leaving their civilians there, families, their friends on top of there underneath because theyre booby trapping a number of the buildings and as israel went in a few years ago , went in a few years ago, unfortunately, they lost a number soldiers and those number of soldiers and those hostages be underground. Hostages could be underground. Well, the hostages very likely there was report morning, there was a report this morning, as from hamas, to say as you know, from hamas, to say that of the hostages had that some of the hostages had been bombing. You been killed by the bombing. You cannot anything that cannot verify anything that palestinian say. Palestinian hamas really say. The fact is that theres about 130 hostages, men, women and children and babies. We know for sure that there were definitely because we saw women being taken away babies theres enough away with babies. Theres enough photography, photographic evidence for this, by the way. They took it. It wasnt done by satellites or some of the cameras. I just had to turn cameras. And i just had to turn my phone over because in the last 10 or 15 minutes, i mean, im getting so many notifications. Firstly my friends daughters boyfriend of three years, hes just well , three years, hes just well, actually, he was buried about an hour ago. My other friend here in london, his son, who heard about this on saturday morning, went down there as a security person and he was shot in the head. Hes now lying in a coma right now in israel that they have a dedicated channel for all of those names. And i think the of those names. And i think the last i heard was 200. And i have got it written down here. Many names of the soldiers, 200 and something which something soldiers which have officially been named. Weve got, course , the hostages, got, of course, the hostages, which from various which come from various different not just so different countries, not just so just to pick up thats 200 soldiers injured already. No dead. Dead. No no dead. Dead. No were talking about i think it was 290. And this is before any ground offensive actually starts. Have to remember well, you have to remember that coming that the rockets are coming through hour. Well, through in the last hour. Well, indeed, were seeing more smoke rising on on the sky. Rising there on on the sky. Robert, lets just bring you in and touch on on what james in and to touch on on what james was indicating there. Theyve was indicating there. Theyve had experience of this 2008, 2014, 166 troops died in 2014. They had to literally go in with with with close arms, with with knives to clear the tunnels. This is Old Fashioned street fighting and the tunnel fighting. We saw what in vietnam i this is the problem. And i think as james very rightly has, has suggested, is that i was just thinking , you know, a lot just thinking, you know, a lot of the wars that ive covered, the iraqs and so on, weve got actually carried away by highly sophisticated, even autonomous Weapons Technology and radar screens and so on. And funnily enough, ive even had arguments with british commanders or british commanders experienced in and what are in the sas. And i said, what are you do about the final you going to do about the final 100 yards . Close battle, 100 yards . The close battle, close combat, which proving close combat, which is proving so the way, in in so brutal, by the way, in in ukraine. This is where i do take davids point. I think, though, we have to be very careful with generics and generalisations. Oh theres going to be a ground offensive. Well really, what will it look like . What theyll be doing now and keeping well out sight any professional out of sight as any professional military force will do. Theyll be doing rock drills, as theyre called , going through different called, going through different terrains , really terrains and scenarios, really training commandos to go training their commandos to go through the kind of stuff and to deal with precisely the kind of its a moral dilemma. And its a tactical dilemma. How do you tactical dilemma. How do you deal with whats left behind in the rubble , corpses in essence, the rubble, corpses in essence, civilians, hostages as anti tank and anti tank people and people, as james suggests , if i say as james suggests, if i say people who have well prepared for this, i mean, there is a brutal aspect to the tactical alternative because , you know, alternative because, you know, its interesting that there have been these experts saying, look, this is hamas led a trap to draw the israelis in. They knew what the response would be. Is there any military alternative actually going in . But can i can i go a bit upstream on what youve just said, mark . I that this is said, mark . I think that this is the with any battle that the thing with any battle that you has been in the battle. You won has been in the battle. Rhythm cannot be predicted beforehand. They are all completely different and i think that there are people thats why i think its very wise of for the consensus of the nation that they brought people like Gantz Eisenkot very experienced. Theyve commanded the army, they have new war cabinet. They they have new war cabinet. They they have faced this as a daily dilemma. And they and they will be working out. The thing that i really would like to restrain from committing the ultimate sin of hypocrisy myself, theres too much advice from outside because as these people are deeply , as these people are deeply, deeply experienced at it and whatever were thinking, im sure the israeli command is thinking, yeah , and we had for thinking, yeah, and we had for obvious reasons. Yoav galant the defence minister, said, im not going to talk in detail about anything. I mean, is it the case that they are assessing minute by minute before they make any move, that there no grand master plan as such . Oh, theres definitely a grand master plan. Im sure of that. Yeah thats the way you plan. Im sorry. Im sorry. Way you plan. Thats the way you plan. Youve to a scheme of youve got to have a scheme of operations. Sorry there will be a big sorry. And i heard a big thing. Sorry. And i heard from one of the senior cabinet ministers just a couple of days ago. He said there is so much and rightly so much rightly so, there is so much angerin rightly so, there is so much anger in the country. I mean, this if you look at america, america has been hit twice within our lifetimes, within our almost within our lifetimes, 911, of course. And the pearl harbour. Now, if you put both of those attacks together , it those attacks together, it doesnt come anywhere near what happenedin doesnt come anywhere near what happened in israel last saturday morning. At least 1200 to 1300 morning. At least 1200 to 1300 innocent civilians and babies and what we saw, what we saw is that the raping that the burning of the bodies, its just ive seen so much video. And what the Palestinian Hamas has done that the country, as you know, politically , was very split politically, was very split beforehand, just like in the United States, like britain was before brexit and like scotland was before their referendum. Thats the reason im asking about this, this master plan and whether thats being rewritten because clearly they were caught so unawares by what happened. The failed. The the intelligence failed. The surveillance failed. Even the surveillance failed. Even the reaction in terms of getting the troops down south quickly enough failed. So will there be an awful lot of rethinking going on . Well no one can deny that. Its clear. And its exactly what the 1973 war, what happened in the 1973 war, yom kippur. Yeah, they were kept yom kippur. Yeah, they were kept sleeping. They were sorry. They sleeping. They were sorry. They were sleeping rather were caught sleeping rather well. Week, well. But after one week, in fact, than week , israel fact, less than a week, israel managed to get the upper hand. And what i was and thats exactly what i was told a couple of days ago, that israel will get the upper hand over this because it needs to send deterrence. For send back that deterrence. For many, years, israel has many, many years, israel has gone wars. Israel gone through many wars. Israel had deterrent. Gone through many wars. Israel had deterrent. It gone through many wars. Israel had deterrent. It had had a deterrent. It had a deterrent. Obviously, in the 48 war, 73, the war, the 56, 67, 73, the entebbe, were probably old enough to remember the 1976 entebbe raid into uganda , in entebbe raid into uganda, in which netanyahus brother was was involved, i think. Yonatan yes. Yoni he was killed. He was he was commanding that particular unit. Now, since that time, since israel gave it, i know this is going to offend a lot of people, but there was the oslo accords in 19 and 1993. It was signed in 1994, the first part of the oslo was handing over gaza to the palestine liens and jericho and it was for the palestinians to run their own affairs and see how you get on. And i can tell you that there was so many arab gulf rich arabs who were willing to invest so much money, and they started to do that with hotels and shopping malls. Qatar directly involved in more recent times. In this, we brought up qatar with charlie , i brought up qatar with charlie, i think you mark mentioned it. I have to tell you that qatar has been closely connected with Palestinian Hamas. In fact, the Palestinian Hamas. In fact, the former head of is living in a flat there at the moment. Tania is actually hosted. I just want to i just want to interrupt you, to james, bring our viewers and listeners this this toll involving this latest death toll involving palestinians in gaza, now 1799 palestine aliens are dead. Thats come from the Gaza Health Ministry , 6388 wounded. Robert, ministry, 6388 wounded. Robert, if we can just talk about this, this growing humanitarian crisis we are seeing the pictures of families frantically fleeing, believing they have. Well, at the moment, as it stands , as the moment, as it stands, as a matter of hours to get out to head south where where are they going to go . Is egypt going to going to go . Is egypt going to show some sign of welcoming them through opening up the border, the rafah crossing there . The rafah crossing there . Its problematic. And i say its problematic. And i say i have to be very careful here. Egyptis have to be very careful here. Egypt is very leery, very worried about that. Its been very, very restrictive. Its been very worried consistently over what has come backwards and fonnards through the tunnels and through the crossings. Theres a commercial crossing to the east and then there is the rafah crossing. They will not want crossing. They will not want a mass flow because theyre in such trouble anyway. And one of the through women, well and children. Well, babies. But thats where their Security Forces will be under pressure and they will want help from the un. And this is the problem when youre moving so many people around like this, probably one and three quarters or 1. 5 million going to khan younis, moving to the south, really as anwar has said, and its not only the red cross, im surprised. Im talking about the red cross. Its really the red crescent that would be acceptable at all to the municipal authorities. They desperately stretched. They are desperately stretched. They are desperately stretched. They just dont have the means to do just to look after them. Just going interrupt you, just going to interrupt you, gentlemen, update you. Gentlemen, just to update you. And all your and thank you for all your thoughts. We are expecting a news qatar with News Conference from qatar with the us secretary of state, Antony Blinken, senior Antony Blinken, and senior officials with the qatari Prime Minister and foreign minister. Thats just coming through from reuters. When we get reuters. So clearly, when we get any view of well bring it any view of that, well bring it to you live. Do with us here on the do stay with us here on the live desk a. M. Till noon on gb news, britains news channel. Britains news channel. Welcome back to the live desk. Weve got plenty happening ,. Weve got plenty happening, which were trying to keep you on top of. Just to reiterate , we on top of. Just to reiterate, we are expecting a News Conference later this afternoon with Antony Blinken, the us secretary of state, whos in qatar with the qatari Prime Minister and defence secretary. Well have that live for you hopefully when it happens. But of course, much more fallout with more political fallout with rishi the Prime Minister rishi sunak, the Prime Minister in sweden and ed, lets get more with olivia utley. Our Political Correspondent joining us because. Correspondent joining us because , olivia, the language being used where we had this News Conference with the us defence secretary, lloyd austin, saying resolve not revenge purpose, not panic. And the similar sort of reassessment if you like, from rishi sunak about caution being the watchword here. Well absolutely. I think theres a marked change in tone from european leaders and from the us as well, whereas before we have seen very, very stringent support for israel that support is still absolutely there. But in with it there is this note of caution. Rishi sunak said today that gazans, ordinary palestinians, are sort of part of hamas. Enmeshed was the word he used in ordinary palestinian society. He ordinary palestinian society. He and sadiq khan has actually warned israel that they must be proportionate. He is worried about a disproportionate response from israel. Emmanuel macron has said that terrorists must be treated and must be punished , but they must be punished, but they must be treated. But there must be justice found and Anthony Blinken has said something similar to we are all expecting now some sort of ground attack in gaza. Israel has already warned palestinians to get out. Hamas has told palestinians to stay put and World Leaders are just watching and waiting in anticipation and fear to see what happens because there is real fear now of serious escalation and the tensions just getting further and further out of control. All. Of control. All. And rishi sunak is in sweden for a summit of Northern European nations. They had been due to discuss ukraine, hadnt they . But of course , thats been they . But of course, thats been very much overshadowed by these minute by minute events really. Minute by minute events really. Well absolutely. We were expecting this this joint Expeditionary Force , the joint Expeditionary Force, the ten Northern European leaders who are gathering today in sweden. We were very much sweden. We were very much expecting them to talk about ukraine. Countries as ukraine. Countries such as denmark and estonia have obviously been their minds have been sharpened to threat been sharpened to the threat from russia since invasion from russia since the invasion of ukraine. And were expecting the to focussed mainly of ukraine. And were expecting theenergy to focussed mainly of ukraine. And were expecting theEnergy Security focussed mainly of ukraine. And were expecting theEnergy Security onlssed mainly of ukraine. And were expecting theEnergy Security on thed mainly of ukraine. And were expecting theEnergy Security on the newinly on Energy Security on the new green industrial pact between nonnay and the uk. But of course, as you say, pip events in the middle east have absolutely overshadowed the line that we got out of the bilateral meetings between the uk and denmark and the uk and sweden. This morning. Were that all these countries stand very firmly behind israel, but as i say, there is that little note of caution creeping in. Keir starmer and rishi sunak have both just made sure to make clear to israel that they must try and allow as many palestinians as possible to escape. And then weve also escape. And then weve also heard from the chair of the Foreign Affairs committee, Alicia Kearns. Now shes Alicia Kearns. Now shes a backbenchen Alicia Kearns. Now shes a backbencher. So what shes saying, what she says is not representative of the representative of what the government but she is government believes, but she is a senior conservative and shes said that the Israeli Government is obliged under humanitarian law to turn back on the electricity and Water Supplies to gaza. So shes got a little bit further than either of the two leaders of the party. But her words actually chime very closely with what sadiq khan has said about worries about a disproportionate response. So we are this little note of are seeing this little note of caution creeping today. Caution creeping in today. Thank you for that. Olivia, thank you for that. Youre seeing the pictures here live this skyscape the buildings of gaza , smoke still rising of gaza, smoke still rising there. And that picture on your right will be updating as people do seem to be moving further south in the gaza strip. Well be speaking to the Israeli Defence force shortly to get the latest and update you on the situation. But first, the headunes situation. But first, the headlines with tamsen. Headlines with tamsen. Mark, thank you. Here are the headunes mark, thank you. Here are the headlines at 232. The president of the European Commission has arrived in tel aviv as the conflict between israel and Hamas Terrorists threatens to escalate. Ursula von der leyen escalate. Ursula von der leyen offered her solidarity with the israeli people. Meanwhile, the israeli people. Meanwhile, the us secretary of defence says washingtons support is ironclad. In a joint press conference with his israeli counterpart , lloyd austin said counterpart, lloyd austin said the gaza war is for israels future and that hamas is part of an axis of evil with iran. An axis of evil with iran. Israel is amassing tanks and soldiers near the gaza strip border with the Ground Invasion looking increasingly likely. Tension is also building on the northern border with lebanon. Idf troops are on alert there after the Hezbollah Terror Group said it would ignore calls for it to stay out of the conflict with hamas. Meanwhile, in france with hamas. Meanwhile, in france , a teacher has been killed and two others injured in a knife attack at a high school in the Northern City of arras. Local Northern City of arras. Local authorities are urging people to avoid the town centre. A suspect has been arrested and frances Anti Terrorism office say theyre now investing dating. Theyre now investing dating. Prime minister rishi sunak met with Northern European allies in sweden today. Leaders at the summit were expected to focus on the threat from russia, but the gathering has been overshadowed by the conflict in israel and gaza. By the conflict in israel and gaza. And in other news, nigel gaza. And in other news, nigel farage has been rebuked for his personal and business accounts. Personal and business accounts. Lloyds accepted the gb news after ten other banks rejected him. Nigel farage was involved in a public row with natwest in july after the group closed his Bank Accounts, apparently due to his political views, he says hes pleased to see one high Street Lender isnt a politically prejudiced. Well those are the top stories. And you can, of course, get more on all of them by visiting our website, gbnews. Com. Website, gb news. Com. Direct website, gbnews. Com. Direct bullion sponsors. The finance report on gb news for gold and silver investment. Gold and silver investment. Heres a quick snapshot of todays markets. The pound will buy you 1. 2191 and ,1. 1568. The price of gold is. £1,568. 67 per price of gold is. £1,568. 67 per ounce. And the ftse 100 is at 7634 points as direct bullion sponsors. Sponsors. The finance report on gb news for physical im gb news radio. Im gb news radio. Im gb news radio. Welcome back to the live desk. Lets update you with the latest pictures. These live feeds that were getting from both gaza and then further south in israel, ashkelon there, where you can still see the smoke rising there have been reports still of rocket fire from gaza hitting the south, but also significantly being fired from gaza towards north southern israel, which is a further complication. Robert fox , complication. Robert fox, defence editor at the Evening Standard , still with us, robert , standard, still with us, robert, this is another interest thing aspect of this, that they still got the capability to fire these missiles. Theyve still got this stockpile. It seems theyve got a stockpile of it seemed about four different category is including the bog standard, if you put it like that. You can put it like that. The katyusha uncle joe stalins organ, it comes from its basically a Second World War, world ii. But updated war, world war ii. But updated and updated updated. But and updated and updated. But its army its standard Guerrilla Army fare and things like the grad 21 that have been used in ukraine by by both sides and theyve still got it there seems to be something rather strange about the way the hamas is operating. Its not operating entirely as a Guerrilla Army, entirely as a terrorist group, although thats a thing that i think nobodys been able to account for, is the psychopathic behaviour of those young men in those settlements. And when they went in and attacked civilians and didnt know they had no , its as if know they had no, its as if well it was, theyd left civilisation totally. Now were they prepared for that . Were they prepared for that . Were they on drugs , had they been they on drugs, had they been pumped up . Had they been had they been brainwashed . Very they been brainwashed . Very interesting. But the other thing is this hard core military aspect of getting the stuff in, building it, training it, and with a totally unscrupulous leadership, the unscrupulous leadership, the unscrupulous leadership wants to fight israel and thinks it can destroy israel and thinks it can destroy israel and is come. What made to the Palestinian People, the military wing of hamas. Al fayed so its a different mindset for those at the top. Yes. And then you get the whole political but whole political aspect. But the trouble , as was warned, when trouble is, as was warned, when they had elections in 2006, two thousand and seven, hamas came to power. They they grabbed power. Took it and were power. They took it and were never going to give it up again. It is a military dictatorship and this, by the way, if i can add, is the problem with egypt. Hamas is related to the Muslim Brotherhood. You remember after mubarak went briefly under morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood took over and tried to do the same thing all over again. And egyptis same thing all over again. And egypt is going to be very wary of this. Okay. As were speaking, okay. As were speaking, robert, i think we can now bring in Lieutenant Colonel peter lerner from the israeli Defence Forces who can join us once more to update us. We spoke to him yesterday. Thank you very much indeed for your time. Again, ill seeing ill just say were just seeing some shots skyline some shots there. The skyline and ashkelon with some smoke rising. It does seem that there rising. It does seem that there are still rockets being fired from gaza despite your efforts to take them out. Yes of course. To take them out. Yes of course. The working assumption is that hamas will have these capabilities until we remove them from power and destroy all of their Operational Capability is that we understand that theyre the way their forces dispersed throughout the gaza strip. Theyre very loosely connected. So different squads can conduct these types of rocket launches against us. And so we are utilising our missile Defence Systems , the iron dome Defence Systems, the iron dome and other capabilities in order to intercept those when they are being launched at israeli populations. I dont know if populations. I dont know if youre aware the iron dome interceptor only operates if the missile and rocket is actually headed to Populated Areas. We only intercept it when there is a case of an imminent threat. And thats important point to point out. Could you bring us up to date with the latest situation regarding the israeli hostage . Regarding the israeli hostage . Is hamas earlier claimed that 13 have died in israeli airstrikes. Have died in israeli airstrikes. What can you give us any information about out their situation . Situation . Well, you know , every time well, you know, every time somebody asks me about hamas saysi somebody asks me about hamas says i find it very laughable that anybody can believe a word that anybody can believe a word that they are saying. Everything they are saying today is propaganda. And we need to be very very cautious about very, very cautious about everything that they report to the world. And we have to really take that into consideration. Take that into consideration. Im not aware of any any reports, any update on the issue of the hostages. They are at the top of our priorities. We expect top of our priorities. We expect them to be returned home. We expect hamas to take responsibility and care for their well being. And we will come deal with hamas and hold them accountable for what they have done to these people. Have done to these people. I dont know if youre aware that we had this update from the us secretary of state, Antony Blinken, that there will be a News Conference later with the qatari emir, sheikh tamim bin hamad and indications perhaps that there may be something said othennise they wouldnt hold a News Conference. I know that diplomacy not your area of diplomacy is not your area of expertise as such, but is there any hope that they could still be some kind of diplomatic breakthrough and what would israel need for to stay your hand . Hand . Well, obviously , i speak on well, obviously, i speak on behalf of the military and our focus actually is on the military operation in destroying and degrading hamas operating capability. Lets leave the politics for the politicians and the diplomacy for the diplomats. Okay. So does that mean that you are still preparing until you are still preparing until you get word from your political masters, stop that, that that military machine carries on preparing . Preparing . Of course, we are in full swing as to say weve recruited some 300,000 reservists. Im one of those. And indeed , we have of those. And indeed, we have deployed forces across our frontier on the gaza strip staging grounds, different types of forces. And of course, were of forces. And of course, were reinforcing different locations in the north along the front with hezbollah in the border with hezbollah in the border with lebanon. Were taking this with lebanon. Were taking this situation very, very seriously. Situation very, very seriously. But we need to be prepared for any scenario. And then every development. So thats basically development. So thats basically where we are now. And if we look 24 hours ahead, i think thats where were safe to say. We will continue to strike. The most important thing that weve done today, we announced and we instructed the people of gaza to vacate the north of the gaza strip, to vacate gaza city and head south because we are ramping up our offensive against hamas, this terrorist organisation can never, ever be allowed to strike and slaughter the israelis again. The israelis again. And obviously youre aware of the un saying that at this this 24 hour deadline, its impossible for a million plus people to get out and leave their homes and find safety. Is that a fixed deadline . Would you allow it to be extended . And so allow it to be extended . And so im happy to report that weve seen lots of coverage of people actually moving south. I think youre just showing it as we speak. So i think whats more important is not people saying its impossible, but people actually listening to our instructions, people that have that are life is dear to them need to listen. People that are not terrorists, people that are not terrorists, people that are not terrorists, people that are not connected to hamas , uh, are not connected to hamas, uh, they need to listen to our instructions. They will save instructions. They will save lives. So you need to they need to move down south as soon as possible. Regarding the timeframe, you know, we have our capability is to watch and assess the situation. The people of gaza are not our enemy. Hamas of gaza are not our enemy. Hamas is our enemy. Those that is what we are striking at. Just a quick thought , then. Just a quick thought, then. Lieutenant colonel lerner and i know you cant talk about operational details , but, you operational details, but, you know, people may be confused as to why the airstrikes are being carrying on and destroying buildings when we also keep heanng buildings when we also keep hearing it is about, you know , a hearing it is about, you know, a subterranean world, about tunnels, about hamas having stockpile in these various bunkers and so on. How does the destruction of the building lead to an easier assault on a subterranean complex . So its subterranean complex . So its not only subterranean hamas as has utilised and abused the entire urban area to establish its command and control centres , its command and control centres, and we destroyed rocket drone drones that would be utilised as suicide drones with explosives on we destroy, they positioned them on the rooftops of houses so they dont care whos in the house. They will utilise whatever they can in the civilian arena in order to conduct their atrocities. So when we take out atrocities. So when we take out the rocket or the that is being hidden in the garden or when we take out the drones that have been hidden on the roof, there is destruction there when the command and control centre or a place where a terrorist is hiding out is in a above ground, then then thats a target. So of then then thats a target. So of course, what were seeing here is our pursuit against hamas and their terrorists that the they cannot be permitted to govern the gaza strip. They havent proven anything. Theyve failed the people of gaza miserably. And our job is to restore safety and secure to the people of israel and they are removing them will permit that. Them will permit that. Lieutenant colonel peter lerner from the idf, thank you very much indeed for updating us. Thanks for your time. Once again. Again. Well , we are now joined by well, we are now joined by author and a Research Fellow at the Shalom Hartman institute in jerusalem. Im maya goodman. Jerusalem. Im maya goodman. Thanks very much for talking to us this afternoon. You were just probably hearing us talk to peter lerner of the israeli Defence Forces. How do you feel Defence Forces. How do you feel towards the idf today after the atrocities of the weekend and the hours . We know it did take the hours . We know it did take the military to arrive to help. The military to arrive to help. There was a moment for 12 hours roughly in the area thats between sderot and nanos and gaza, where the state of israel wasnt there. It wasnt functioning. This is something that us israelis love to think about, investigate right war, and its right after the war, and its something well to do. But something well have to do. But now the state of israel is back. Sovereignty is restored. And now, as israelis, we have we had a respect of we know how it looks like when the state of israel is not there. It was like israel is not there. It was like for 1900 years, jews didnt have a state. And then for 12 hours in the 7th of october, again , in the 7th of october, again, our state wasnt there. We got our state wasnt there. We got a glimpse of what it looks like when jews dont have power to protect themselves. When jews dont have sovereignty, when jews dont have state. And you know how it looks like it looks like like nahel oz, like farage. Ill say it bluntly , it looks ill say it bluntly, it looks like auschwitz. The world has to like auschwitz. The world has to understand that. We got a glimpse of what it looks like when jews dont have a state and now its clear either jews , the now its clear either jews, the alternative to a jewish state is auschwitz. We choose life over death. We choose jewish sovereignty over auschwitz. That sovereignty over auschwitz. That is a tremendous , powerful is a tremendous, powerful awakening that my israeli brothers and sisters are going through. This past week. Through. This past week. Miha therefore, i wonder what you make of lloyd austins words , the us defence secretary. That was there a few hours ago saying resolve not revenge purpose, not panic. And indeed other analysts panic. And indeed other analysts such as sir alex younger, former head of secret Intelligence Service here to avoid falling into a trap that hamas may well have set for you, knowing what the israeli reaction would be, i have advice to our enemies in iran. Iran. What you saw the 7th of october, there was not an image of the israeli army. That was of the israeli army. That was a moment where the israeli army, for some reason, was not functioning. I promise you our functioning. I promise you our army is back. Our military is back. Army is back. Our military is back. Our army army is back. Our military is back. Our army is highly functioning. Our army calls functioning. Our army calls reservists to show up. They thought 70 will show up, 140 showed up. The israeli spirit is strong. The israeli spirit is strong. The israeli spirit is united. And we have many reasons to believe that. I dont know exactly what the surprise move israel is going to make if its a ground entry to gaza. If it a ground entry to gaza. If it is, i dont know what its going to be. Right. And yeah, and obviously, theyre not going to talk about those operational details. I those operational details. But i wonder think because wonder if you think because there a political there has been a political change that you now have effectively , i guess, what you effectively, i guess, what you would call a unity government or a war cabinet that the a new war cabinet that the approach well be different. Approach may well be different. Now, the approach, i think you see israelis are united and the people of israel were united before the government was united. Usually leaders unite the people in israel , its upside people in israel, its upside down. The People United its leaders. We got together after eight months of not really liking each other, protest. We liking each other, protest. We got together. We united the leadership followed us and not vice versa. And now that were united, we are willing to go to this war and to fight and to win and to defeat hamas and to destroy terrorism. Thats and were not going to come back until this mission is done. But i want to i want to. Now, regarding what austin said and regarding what austin said and regarding israel will never target civilians. Well never target civilians. Well never intentionally try to target civilians and heres something thats obviously something very important to understand. Hamas makes not one, but two, a violation is two sins against morality and humanity. One sin is the way attacks. The second is the way attacks. The second sin is the way it defends itself. It attacks civilians. Itself. It attacks civilians. Thats sin number one. It protects itself because it hides among civilians that is sin number two. Now now, the people of gaza , many civilians in gaza. Of gaza, many civilians in gaza. Ive seen, sadly, are going to die. Theyre ive seen, sadly, are going to die. Theyre going to die because hamas used them as Human Defence shield. As we are defence shield. As we are talking, the israeli Defence Forces are asking the residents of gaza to leave gaza because they might be hurt and he knows asking them to stay in gaza for hamas themselves. So hamas are hamas themselves. So hamas are risking their own civilians, civilians will die. They might die by israeli bullets, but hamas are hamas are the people who are murdering them. So hamas have murdered many israelis in the 7th of october, and now hamas will be in charge of murdering many palestinians in the days and weeks to come. So you accept me her that that many civilians, innocent civilians, are going to die is therefore not part of the solution here . A political one, not just a solution here . A political one, notjust a military solution here . A political one, not just a military one, because crushing hamas completely. Crushing hamas completely. Thats a big thats a big ask. Thats a big thats a big ask. So i have two things. One, i really hope civilians will die. Im saying the fact that hamas uses civil means in their just like they were so cruel and the way they attack, they are cruel in the way they defend themselves. And if hamas use a civilians to defend themselves, the civilians will die. And hamas de facto murder them. Now regarding this , i think i speak regarding this, i think i speak for almost all israelis is there isnt going to be a political resolution between israel and hamas. There is only going to be hamas. There is only going to be victory. And victory means victory. And victory means wiping out hamas. Is that is that a big goal . Yes, it is. Are that a big goal . Yes, it is. Are israelis up for it . Yes, we are. Are we going to achieve this . Yes, we know the journey is long. We know its going to be tough. But long. We know its going to be tough. But our long. We know its going to be tough. But our soldiers are not tough. But our soldiers are not going to come home and we will not put down our guns until it will be safe. Safe to live. In will be safe. Safe to live. In and farage. And it will be safe to live. Were going to have to were going to have to interrupt you because clearly we are running of time. Running out of time. There is a separate but there is a separate question perhaps question that perhaps well address to come question that perhaps well addreswhat to come question that perhaps well addreswhat then to come question that perhaps well addreswhat then happens1e question that perhaps well addreswhat then happens to those about what then happens to those civilians the whole civilians in gaza and the whole humanitarian aspect. But thanks for joining us in jerusalem with your assessment as we see, of course, the pictures of gaza and indeed inside israel, in ashkelon in the south. Yes. And thank you to robert yes. And thank you to robert fox , defence editor at the fox, defence editor at the Evening Standard for your valuable input this afternoon. We appreciate it. We do really appreciate it. Thanks for your company as well as we bring you the latest on this. Well, this unfolding war between israel and hamas, civilians fleeing northern gaza, they have just hours to do it its 3 pm. Its Patrick Christys is gb news and we are taking a very close look at whats happening right now between israel and hamas. That will continue. That will continue. That will continue. As were going to take you to israel, were to going also take you to gaza. But of course, today is a global day of jihad. Today is a global day ofjihad. Apparently so were going to be live in yemen. Were also going to be seeing demonstrations expected in italy,. Demonstrations expected in italy, and italy, in washington, and potentially in paris as well. We will try to take you to all of those talking of paris in france, actually, theres been a stabbing from a man who was appearing to shout allahu akbar , appearing to shout allahu akbar, stabbed a teacher at a school with a knife. Its not the only with a knife. Its not the only incident similar to that. Also, reports of an israeli diplomat in china being attacked as well. Very , very concerning times. Very, very concerning times. Very, very concerning times. And again , jews in this and again, jews in this country saying that they just do not feel safe on the streets anymore. Anymore. So well be looking at all of that. But in other news, nigel farage will be joining me at 3 45 pm. Because hes been revamped. Yes, he was debunked. Revamped. Yes, he was debunked. So were so many other people. Well, hes now been revamped. He will have all the details and no doubt be commenting on all doubt hell be commenting on all of big geopolitical of the other big geopolitical news is patrick news as well. This is Patrick Christys and is. Gb news. Christys and this is. Gb news. Yeah, like i said, we are going to be taking you all around the world on this show today as we look at this international

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