Gov’t to purchase 50,000 more Sputnik V vaccines Social Share A heightened interest among Vincentians for the Sputnik V Russian COVID19 vaccine will result in the purchase of 50,000 vaccines by local authorities. Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves said this week that his government has received a draft contract for the purchase of the vaccines from Russia, which include both the first and second dose. “We are at the stage now, we are on the verge of getting the 50,000 treatments for Sputnik…,” Gonsalves said on NBC radio on Tuesday morning. He explained that “there is just something I have to clarify with the contract. I had a meeting with the CMO (Dr Simone Keizer-Beache) on Sunday and she has sent off that request for clarification on something, not about the vaccine itself, about the contractual terms and while she has done that, the AG’s (Attorney General’s) chambers will be looking at the document”.