Rhys Patrick Davies, 32, of Avenue Road, Sandown. Three counts of failing to report an accident, driving without due care and attention, driving without a licence, driving without insurance, theft. 12 weeks in custody, suspended for 12 months. Disqualified from driving for six months. Compensation £474.20. Tom Whitton, 41, of Downlands Crescent, Ventnor. Harassment. Scott Thick, 24, of Carter Street, Sandown. Three counts of criminal damage, while in breach of conditional discharge. 12 month community order, to include 20 rehabilitation days. Compensation £250. George Williams, 22, of St John's Wood Road, Ryde. Assault by beating, harassment, and criminal damage. 12 month community order to include 25 rehabilitation days, and an electronic curfew for 30 days between 6pm and 6am. Surcharge £95, costs £85.