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Have exact transcript of record in Ethics Committee verbatim
Have exact transcript of record in Ethics Committee verbatim
Have exact transcript of record in Ethics Committee verbatim to counter any fake narrative, says Mahua Moitra
Trinamool Congress leader Mahua Moitra, who is facing charges of "cash for Parliament questions", on Sunday trained her guns at the BJP, saying that before it pushes out its women MPs with fake narratives, it should note she has the ...
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New Delhi ,
Delhi ,
India ,
Krishnanagar ,
West Bengal ,
Lok Sabha ,
Vinod Kumar Sonkar ,
Nishikant Dubey ,
Anant Dehadrai ,
Gautam Adani ,
Darshan Hiranandani ,
Committee Chairperson ,
Ethics Committee ,
Trinamool Congress ,
Mahua Moitra ,
Ethics Committe ,
Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla ,
Jai Anant Dehadrai ,