Hawke's Bay architect John Scott's 'taonga' drawings gifted 24 Jan, 2021 10:20 PM 5 minutes to read Hawkes Bay Today An estimated 7000 drawings belonging to renowned Hawke's Bay architect John Scott are now archived at the Alexander Turnbull Library. Futuna Trust chairman and architect Nick Bevin charts the events that led to the generous gifting of this drawing taonga by the Scott whānau. On a blustery afternoon in early September, a white van backed into the dock-way at the Alexander Turnbull Library in Wellington. The van had travelled from Haumoana in Hawke's Bay. At the wheel was Jacob Scott, eldest son of architect John Scott, accompanied by his brother Adam. In the van were 67 A1 AGFA photographic paper boxes: 50 red, 12 green and five yellow. In the boxes lay upwards of 7000 original drawings by John Scott and his staff, covering all his projects (more than 200) over the years of his architectural practice.