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Hearthstone: March of the Lich King - 10 decks to use on Day
Hearthstone: March of the Lich King - 10 decks to use on Day
Hearthstone: March of the Lich King - 10 decks to use on Day 1
Another Hearthstone expansion has arrived and it is changing the game in a big way. That's why we're here with a whopping 10 decks to try out on opening day.
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Bonedigger Geist ,
Queen Azshara ,
Potionmaster Putricide ,
Kyle Mcbanterface ,
Ymirjar Deathbringer ,
Alexandros Mograine ,
Chillfallen Baron ,
Jace Darkweaver ,
Shadowcrafter Scabbs ,
Taelan Fordring ,
Deathbringer Saurfang ,
Brian Kibler ,
Silvermoon Farstrider ,
Bolner Hammerbeak ,
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Lich King ,
Death Knight ,
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Prince Renathal ,
Braid Boss ,
Raid Boss Onyxia ,
Frost Strike ,
Death Knights ,
Unholy Frenzy ,
Grave Strength ,
Stitched Giant ,
Sire Denathrius ,
Arcane Mage ,
Arcane Bolt ,
Spell Damage ,
Capture Coldtooth ,
Jerry Rig ,
Living Seed ,
Demon Hunter ,
Burning Blade ,
Potion Belt ,
Scourge Illusionist ,
Burning Blade Acolyte ,
Brilliant Macaw ,
Spammy Arcanist ,
Harpoon Guns ,
Selective Breeder ,
Eversong Portal ,
Conjured Arrow ,
High Cultist ,
Shadow Word ,
Shadow Priest ,
Undying Allies ,
Guitar Hero ,