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Hearthstone: Showdown in the Badlands - 10 decks to use on D
Hearthstone: Showdown in the Badlands - 10 decks to use on D
Hearthstone: Showdown in the Badlands - 10 decks to use on Day 1
The final Hearthstone expansion of this Standard year has arrived. Here are some decks to try out on this first day.
Related Keywords
Taethelan Bloodwatcher ,
Astalor Bloodsworn ,
Chillfallen Baron ,
Dryscale Deputy ,
Brian Kibler ,
Potionmaster Putricide ,
Queen Azshara ,
Moarg Drillfist ,
Funki Monki ,
Grimtotem Buzzkill ,
Azerite Hawk ,
Funki Monki Handbuff Hunter ,
Blademaster Okani ,
Kotori Lightblade ,
King Krush ,
Lone Ranger ,
Spinetail Drake ,
Tess Greymane ,
Activision ,
School Teacher ,
Blizzard Entertainment ,
Hearthstone Standard ,
Hearthstone Theorycrafting ,
Sir Finley ,
Tram Conductor ,
Azerite Snake ,
Saloon Brewmaster ,
Serrated Bone ,
Value Town ,
Wishing Well ,
What You Sow ,
Reap What You ,
Climactic Necrotic ,
Excavate Warlock ,
Death Knight ,
Climactic Necrotic Explosion ,
Excavate Mage ,
Cost Titan ,
Reliquary Researcher ,
Walking Mountain ,
Doctor Holli Dae ,
Remixed Tuning ,
Azerite Chain ,
Detonation Juggernaut ,
Unlucky Powderman ,
Crimson Sigil ,
Demon Hunter ,
Gunslinger Kurtrus ,
Kingpin Pud ,
Castle Nathria ,
Sinful Sous ,
Blood Matriarch ,
Class Action ,
Lay Down ,
Pure Paladin ,
Ten Gallon ,
Defense Attorney ,
Bovine Skeleton ,
Cattle Rustlers ,
Defense Attorney Nathanos ,
Dragon Druid ,
Splish Splash Whelp ,
Setting Sun ,
Guitar Hero ,