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Horn Lake questions funding for school resource officers : v
Horn Lake questions funding for school resource officers : v
Horn Lake questions funding for school resource officers
Horn Lake officials will meet with the county this week to discuss funding for school resource officers after the Board of Aldermen shot down the idea of having to pay
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Alderman Michael Guice ,
Allen Latimer ,
Jackie Bostick ,
Thomas Tuggle ,
Michael Lee ,
Alderman Dave Young ,
Alderman Jackie Bostick ,
Alderman Robby Dupree ,
Young ,
Christian School In Nashville ,
Olive Branch ,
Sheriffs Department ,
Horn Lake ,
Aldermen Jackie Bostick ,
Desoto County Sheriff Bill Rasco ,
Desoto County ,
Christian School ,
Desoto County Schools ,
Michael Guice ,
Robby Dupree ,
Dave Young ,
Sheriff Elect Thomas Tuggle ,
School Resource Officers ,
Us ,
Mayor Allen Latimer ,
Desoto County Sheriffs Department ,
Funding Dispute ,
School Security ,