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Hot start for Ripley's horticultural youth | Exeter Lakeshor
Hot start for Ripley's horticultural youth | Exeter Lakeshor
Hot start for Ripley's horticultural youth | Exeter Lakeshore Times Advance
Never before in the 10-year existence of Ripley and District Horticultural Youth club, For Our Youth, have temperatures soared to 25 C at the first meeting in…
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Dylan Middelkamp ,
Chris Searson ,
Jaclyne Newman ,
Charles Passchier ,
Gabby Miltenburg ,
Tayson Passchier ,
Jack Miltenburg ,
Owen Miltenburg ,
Joslynn Curran ,
Kimberlee Lowry ,
Molly Passchier ,
Tryntje Eisen ,
Susie Martin ,
Tori Miltenburg ,
Emily Numan ,
Heather Newman ,
Brynn Arnold ,
Abby Philipson ,
Ava Miltenburg ,
Cullen Reid ,
Makinley Numan ,
Macy Numan ,
Ripley Agricultural Society ,
District Horticultural Youth ,
For Our Youth ,
Melody Smillie ,
Case Passchier ,
Brain Wolf ,
Brie Miltenburg ,
Joey Searson Back ,
Jade Lowry ,
Family Ties ,
Horticultural Flower ,
For Our ,