Houthi militant: Marib must be ‘liberated’ even if we sacrifice a million martyrs 2/24/2021 7:24:00 PM الصحوة نت - خاص A member of the Shia extremist militia of Houthis has said that Marib, the embattled government-held province, “must be liberated even if sacrifice a million martyrs.” Abdusalam Jahaf a member of the theocratic militia’s supremacist Hashemite dynasty said in a tweet, “Marib must be liberated even if sacrifice a million martyrs… it must be liberated no matter the losses.” The militia, a Shiit version of Daesh, has been launching a pyrrhic war since March 2015 and brought Yemen to collapse in order to establish a theocratic state amidst an international ignorance of the militia’s theocratic purpose, and collusion with it to expand and rule.