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that are about, for, or by women. 20,000 books and half a million archived items here are providing a valuable resource for researchers and historians. amongst all of that, you will find stories about some amazing women. like this one. i'm a bit of a fan of ada lovelace. when i learned to program computers when i was young, i could practise on the computers that i had around me at the time. but when ada lovelace wrote the very first algorithm, in the 1840s, computers didn't even exist. her code was designed to run on a theoretical machine that only existed on paper. so, this week, we are celebrating the achievements of female tech innovators. shona mccallin has been catching up with a female sporting icon to talk about some new tack that is helping

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Books , Women , All , Stories , Historians , Researchers , Items , Women , Resource , 20000 , A Million , Bit , Ada Lovelace , Computers , Fan , Algorithm , One , 1840 , Code , Paper , Computers Didn T , Theoretical Machine , Achievements , Tack , Sporting , Tech Innovators , Icon , Shona Mccallin ,

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