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the act and if it will get to the president's desk. listen to what he had to say. this legislation is never getting to the president's desk because what you have seen from an extreme group of republicans is to put forward a set of amendments that try to mix domestic social debate with security needs of our nation. >> cheryl: we're replenishing, which takes four to seven years to replenish the weapons they're talking about. we'll replenish that and pay defense companies to do that. but then not -- no way the president will sign the republican defense bill, okay. >> carley: switching gears, hollywood strike continue and it could be costing big money. >> cheryl: it is costing hollywood a lot of money. basically a shut down we have not seen in 60 years. been 60 years.

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Donald Trump , Republican , Group , Set , Desk , Act , Legislation , Debate , Cheryl , Replenishing , Nation , Amendments , Security Needs , Four , Seven , Carley Shimkus , Way , Defense Bill , Defense Companies , Weapons , Switching Gears , Lot , Strike , Money , Big Money , Hollywood , 60 ,

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