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just based on what we know about donald trump and what we have seen so far, what do you think his capacity is to hold himself to any sort of reasonable or responsible behavior through an eight-week trial? i mean, he's a fidgety old man and i don't know he's able do this. what is the likelihood of that and how might his lawyers being anticipating the fact he's hard to control? >> i think there's two things there, and i think one thing we noticed today is he was very alert. and he was paying attention to the jury, but i think the variable in his alertness was the courtroom was extremely cold today. and the other days it's been hot. and they have two speeds going on downtown in those courtrooms. it's pretty cold and it's really hot. so i think that really actually made a difference. so i think on the alertness level, he'll be awake if it's that cold. we all were. it was freezing and it was freezing outside. i think on the other question, i think it's going to be hard for him to control himself.

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