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Indonesia's 6.5-magnitude Garut Earthquake Damages 41 Houses
Indonesia's 6.5-magnitude Garut Earthquake Damages 41 Houses
Indonesia's 6.5-magnitude Garut Earthquake Damages 41 Houses, BPBD Says
The 6.5-magnitude earthquake that jolted Garut, Indonesia has resulted in at least 41 damaged houses, according to the BPBD.
Related Keywords
Indonesia ,
Tasikmalaya ,
Jawa Barat ,
West Java ,
Garut ,
Jakarta ,
Jakarta Raya ,
Pameungpeuk ,
Pangandaran ,
Singajaya ,
Cisompet ,
Bandung ,
Anwar Saefuloh ,
Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency ,
Deputy Head Of Garut Resort Police ,
Geophysics Agency ,
Tsunami Center Daryono ,
Garut District ,
West Java Province ,
Pameungpeuk Hospital ,
Deputy Head ,
Garut Resort Police ,
Commissioner Dhoni Erwanto ,
Earthquake ,
Marut ,
Pbd ,
Ndonesia ,