News Join our Community of 625,000+ Engineers Register News Infineon Joins Coalition of German Universities Targeting Quantum Processors February 11, 2021 by Luke James A band of European researchers—now including Infineon—believe they've pinpointed an area of hardware research that may unlock further quantum computing advancements: a processor based on superconducting qubits. Quantum computers and the processors that power them promise to efficiently solve problems that current computers can’t. If they are to be realized on a widespread and commercially-viable scale, they could dramatically change industries from automotive to finance.
A Quantum Qubit Processor To achieve this goal within the next four years, the project—known as the German Quantum Computer based on Superconducting Qubits (GeQCoS) project—has been awarded 14.5 million Euros by the German government. With it, the project will develop a quantum processor prototype that will consist of a few superconducting qubits with “fundamentally improved components.”