Inform Women, Transform Lives Campaign launches today to coincide with International Women’s Day The focus of the campaign is to highlight awareness of women’s right to information and to encourage and assist women in accessing this information. The aim will be on improving the wellbeing, physical and ultimately mental health of the women living in the North East Inner City area by increasing their participation and engagement in sporting and recreational activities in the area. Speaking about the campaign, Lord Mayor Hazel Chu said “This joint venture between Dublin City Council and the Carter Institute presents a great opportunity to aim for a measurable improvement in the everyday lives of women living in the north east inner city area. This focus area was chosen because of the work already underway there under the Government’s North East Inner City Initiative focusing on the social and economic regeneration of the area. Dublin City Council already has a strong presence in the area through its community sporting facilities and recreational amenities such as the Royal Canal Cycleway, Mountjoy Sq. Park, Diamond Park and Charleville Mall Library and I look forward to seeing how engagement with these facilities is improved over the coming months.”