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Inland aquaculture offers job hope to remote Japanese island
Inland aquaculture offers job hope to remote Japanese island
Inland aquaculture offers job hope to remote Japanese island
Inland aquaculture offers job hope to remote Japanese island Asia News Network (ANN) is the leading regional alliance of news titles striving to bring the region closer, through an active sharing of editorial content on happenings in the region.
Related Keywords
Taiwan ,
Hokuriku ,
Japan General ,
Japan ,
Osaka ,
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Tohoku ,
Kita Daito ,
Iwate ,
Kitanihon Suisan ,
Yomiuri Shimbun ,
Yasushi Nishio ,
Arata Nakasone ,
Mitsumasa Miyagi ,
Ishikawa Prefecture Fisheries Research Center ,
Kita Daito Island ,
Okinawa Prefecture ,
Daito Island ,
Iwate Prefecture ,
Ishikawa Prefecture ,
Osaka Airport ,
Naha Airport ,
East Asia ,
Daito Mayor Mitsumasa Miyagi ,