IOM Bangladesh Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis Response - Monthly Situation Report (April 2021) Format Fire Response: One Month Later Since March 22, IOM has been responding to the massive fire that broke out in three IOM-managed camps (9, 8W, 8E) in the Kutupalong area in Cox’s Bazar. According to the Rapid Joint Needs Assessment, the disaster affected 48,267 individuals, including 24,809 women and girls. IOM continues to assist affected refugees and host community members with their immediate needs. Since day one, refugees have been able to access live-saving services, such as food, water, protection and health services, emergency shelters and non-food items. Nonetheless, IOM is now focused on the long-term needs of those affected. Rebuilding efforts have already started, access roads have been cleared, some facilities rehabilitated and services reinstated.