Now streaming on: Henry Jaglom’s latest film, "Irene in Time" is dedicated "to my daughter." A curious note to end on, since it is about a woman whose personality and selfhood have been destroyed by an absent, unreliable father. So much is obsessed by this long-gone parent that her life is consumed by talking about her father, relating her childhood memories, hanging around with his old friends and dating men she hopes will fill the gap in her life. Her dating strategy is so inept and needy, however, it’s a wonder one guy lasted for what she says is three months but he precisely times at two and a half months. Another poor guy, an architect, doesn’t last though their first dinner together. She asks if he uses a protractor and compass in his drawing; he says he does. And pencils and erasers? Yes, he says, all the tools. "And what is your favorite tool?" He doesn’t have one. "Come on," she says, "close your eyes and concentrate! Name your favorite tool!" By now he’s looking desperate and asks: "What is your problem?"