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If convicted, they could face up to 30 years in jail. So will josep back down . Reporter mayor josep companys is having a hard time these days. Is his village being forcibly ruled by the Spanish Government, or is the Community Part of the Free Republic of catalonia . The residents of santa pau a Mountain Village in rural catalonia want to know. Almost everyone here voted in favor of independence in the controversial referendum, and they havent changed their position. Josep i would like for the new catalan republic to be socially and politically sound. A republic established by its citizens, the regular people, from the ground up. Reporter its been a long time since the spanish flag has flown above the town hall in santa pau. The local Council Still considers ousted regional leader Carles Puigdemont their head of government. It doesnt matter if hes abroad or appearing before a spanish court. Proponents of independence continue to adhere to different laws. Josep of 900 towns in catalonia, more than 700 mayors are refusing to comply with Spanish Government orders. We will face the consequences. I could be removed from office. But weve been fighting for independence for many years, so were not suddenly going to start following orders from madrid now. Reporter on october 27, the Catalan Parliament declared independence. Companys celebrated the historic decision with hundreds of other mayors in the Parliament Building in barcelona. But no country in the world recognizes the republic of catalonia. And the Spanish Government is imposing its authority on the region. It seems that since that order was given, catalan separatists have been living in a parallel reality. Josep weve waited many, many years for this moment. One of the reasons i went into politics was to do something for my municipality but i also did it to establish a new republic and achieve independence for catalonia. Reporter back in santa pau, theres agriculture and tourism here, but no Large Companies that could decide to relocate elsewhere. The local carpenter shop has seen better days, but that doesnt mean salvador serra is letting himself be intimidated by threats of trade barriers. He says spain is just a liability. Salvador first of all, theres the corruption in spain. And second, people in the south in andalusia and extremadura are living off our tax payments. Reporter in the afternoon, theres just one topic of conversation in the village pub. Locals are following the ousted president s every move on television. They say the struggle for power is only just beginning. Narcis well win. They can do whatever they want. It might take some time, but madrid will lose in the end. Reporter santa pau is taking on the world. The going could get tough, but as the villagers say, if things get really bad, they still have their fortress. Damien certainly an explosive situation, and one that the rest of europe is watching closely. Thats because other regions are also demanding independence. So, what happens in catalonia could have an impact on the rest of the eu. Now, what makes young europeans leave their families to go and fight in the middle east . That question torments many german parents. The German Authorities estimate that more than 900 citizens have gone abroad to fight for islamist groups. Most are just young people some, even teenagers. This unexpected loss of a child is traumatic for the parents. We met with two fathers, whose sons left for syria suddenly, without warning. They dont know whether their children are alive or dead. Reporter fabian and manuel gerhard on their way to join the jihad. Aged 22 and 18, the german brothers set out from home in their fathers new car. Theyd been told the exact route to take. On a saturday morning, the brothers pass over the alps. From trieste, italy, they take a ferry to greece. On sunday they arrive in turkey, and cross the border without difficulty. Its around this time that their father, Joachim Gerhard, finds a farewell letter. Joachim papa, mama, i cant live in a land of lies, i cant live in a country where i, as a muslim, am viewed as an outsider or terrorist. But you should know that i love you both and you will always be my cherished parents. Reporter manuel had wanted to become a photojournalist and fabian had just completed acting school. And then, suddenly, the brothers began going to a mosque. At first, their father thought it was just a phase. He even joined his sons when they went to the mosque, and he asked them about i. S. But they said they had nothing to do with the radical islamists. Joachim its impossible to explain. Its as if someone knocked your legs out from under you. You simply cant believe its happening. Reporter as soon as he found the farewell letter, Joachim Gerhard contacted the police. An International Search warrant was issued. The brothers were still in turkey, but they were not detained, even though their father was sure they were under observation. Joachim they were called repeatedly on their german cell phones, asking where they were and where they were going. So tabs were being kept on them. The authorities let them leave the country. They didnt try to stop them. They could have, but they just didnt want to. Reporter can that be true . Do the German Authorities simply let radicalized youths leave germany in effect, exporting terrorism . Johannes the interior ministry and the administration have always been very clear on this we intend to do Everything Possible to prevent the export of terrorism and terrorists from germany to the conflict areas. Reporter Joachim Gerhard repeatedly tried to persuade his sons to return to germany in vain. The last time he heard from them was two years ago. They sent him a video saying they were breaking off relations. Papa, this video is to declare that we renounce all contact with you. We disassociate ourselves because you work against us, against islam. Reporter Joachim Gerhard is in Constant Contact with the authorities, but no one can say whether his sons are still alive. The same uncertainty torments christian rappe. His son marvin joined the socalled Islamic State three years ago. Christian its incomprehensible. He was a just a regular guy who finished high school and wanted to make his way in life. Reporter months later, christian rappe travelled to the syrian border. He wanted to get marvin out, and informed the German Authorities of his intentions. His son had phoned to say his best friend was dead. It was the first sign that marvin was having doubts. A translator used a mobile phone to film christian rappe at the border between turkey and syria. The father and son had arranged to meet at this wall under the watch of turkish soldiers. Christian were at the wall. If you go to the left all the way to the end, were standing on the other side of the wall. There was a door they were supposed to open. He would have been standing right in front of me, but the guard there was not permitted to open the door. My son was on one side of the wall and i was on the other. Reporter christian rappe tried again the next day. A people smuggler was going to bring marvin over from the syrian side. Christian was instructed to wait in the car. Then the smuggler came back without marvin. Christian marvin, i cant do it. The military will only let the fat guy through, because they know him. I cant go any further than this, you understand . Reporter another failed attempt. Christian rappe was unable to rescue his son. Christian im absolutely certain that if id had support from here and if the german state had wanted to bring back german kids whod gone down the wrong path, then we may have had a chance. Reporter christian rappe and Joachim Gerhard joined forces and complained to their Parliamentary Representatives about the lack of support. At least the german state has said it will launch more preventive measures. But that wont bring back the lost sons. And so the parents remain tormented by uncertainty. Joachim there have been times when i thought, maybe they really are dead. But then an inner voice says, joachim, stop thinking such nonsense, theyre alive. Thats the weird thing. Reporter christian rappe believes marvin is dead. Christian i assume so. Because we had been so close and hed always stayed in touch. I cant imagine that hes still alive. Reporter the family got a grave they need a place to grieve. But only marvins baby teeth were buried. That was all they had left of their son who set off to join i. S. , and likely met his death. Damien they want change, and theyre young. That could describe voters in a lot of european countries. But for Young Russians like dmitry, the political situation is particularly frustrating. Vladimir putin has ruled russia for most of dmitrys life. And although russia is Holding Elections next year, putin has no serious rivals. But exactly one century ago, another vladimir rose to power in russia Vladimir Lenin, who helped lead the Russian Revolution in 1917. The kremlin isnt doing much to celebrate the anniversary. But for dmitry, who grew up in the revolutions birthplace, its a source of inspiration. Reporter putin is a thief, shout protesters at a demonstration in st. Petersburg this october. The city is a hotbed of discontent, as it was 100 years ago. In 1917, Vladimir Lenin led the october revolution toppling the empire of the czars and establishing the communist soviet union. So how much revolutionary spirit is there in todays russia . We put that question to a critically minded young person 18yearold dmitry miakshin, a supporter of the opposition politician alexei navalny. Dmitry i feel like a revolutionary. My goal is a change at the top. Reporter the change of power in the autumn of 1917 converted russia into the ussr, the union of soviet socialist republics that lasted 70 years, but fell apart in the 1990s. There are still traces of the ussr all over russia. Various places in st. Petersburg remind people of what happened back then. There are no fewer than ten streets named sovietskaya. The Marsovo Polye or field of mars is the site of a memorial to the victims of the Russian Revolution. Myakshin sees himself as a victim of state persecution in todays russia. A few weeks ago, he was arrested at a demonstration which took place here. Hes accused of injuring a police officer. If convicted, he could face up to ten years in prison. The trial is ongoing. He denies any wrongdoing. Dmitry im against violence, and i dont want to see people hurt like on maidan square in ukraine. We want to change the system through democratic means. But if the authorities dont listen to us, protests in russia could get more radical. Reporter russia isnt making a big production out of the 100th anniversary of the revolution. One reason may be that the state doesnt want to inspire any ideas in its critics. In 1917, the warship aurora fired a blank shot that set the october revolution in motion. Today, its a museum that attracts few visitors. For myakshin, the soviet union and its heroes belong in the past. Dmitry im not a fan of the communist revolution. The only parallel you can draw is the idea of popular rebellion. Of course im a little fearful, but i try not to think about that. We have to be courageous. Thats the only way well achieve our goals. Reporter according to surveys, almost half of russias young people agree with myakshin and dont regret the breakdown of the soviet union. But not everyone shares that view. Young communists staged a celebration in st. Petersburg to mark the anniversary of the revolution. They, too, gather on a cold october evening to make political demands. They, too, want political change at the top. Using soviet symbols, they pay tribute to a period of history they themselves never experienced. Based on the stories of our grandparents, i know things were better in the soviet union. People were kinder to one another. Life was better back then in every way. Although our country has taken a giant step backwards, im certain that socialism will triumph in the end and that it is our countrys only future. The soviet union has only temporarily ceased to exist. The current russian flag wont be flying much longer. Our red communist flags will wave again. Reporter myakshin and his friends have no time for the waving red flags of communism. They see the ussr as a state that oppressed the people, just as the putinled government does now. Nonetheless, they see their home city of st. Petersburg as a source of inspiration and they dream of a true democracy in russia. Dmitry when i look out over my city, it is clear to me that talented people live here, who can build such beautiful cities. People who could make their lives better. Reporter so the hopes of the past do live on in todays russia. Damien the anniversary of the revolution is definitely not a cause for celebration everywhere. After the soviets occupied lithuania, latvia, and estonia during the second world war, stalin had hundreds of thousands of people deported to siberia. It proved a death sentence for many, such as members of dainora s family. She was deported to siberia from lithuania as a small girl. And still today, the memories are as painful as ever. Reporter theyve made a grave for him in the cemetery of their home village of tiltagaliai in lithuania. Dainora urbonienes father went missing somewhere in siberia after he was deported to a camp by stalins henchmen. In april, 1940, she saw him for the last time. Dainora the children, they were all crying terribly, and they ran to their fathers. The women wanted to go to their husbands, but the soldiers just pushed them away. Reporter dainora takes us to her dacha and shows us the few photos from that time. Here, the memories are so fresh, it seems like it all happened just yesterday. Dainora, her mother, and her little brother were separated they crossed the soviet union in cattle cars, trucks, and on foot. Thousands of kilometers later, they reached the altai region of siberia. Her little brother, arutis, died along the way. They lived in barracks in the forest. Her mother and the other women were forced to do hard labor. Hunger was the worst part of their ordeal. Dainora the first winter was particularly harsh. There were blizzards and the bread deliveries couldnt get through. We didnt get our ration of 200 grams a day. I counted the potatoes. 63 thats all the two of us had for a whole month. Reporter what exactly the soviet authorities accused her parents of and why they had to leave their village is still a mystery to dainora. She presumes they came under suspicion because as teachers, they belonged to the lithuanian upper class. At a museum in vilnius, historians have collected documents and other artifacts from the time. After the soviet union seized control of lithuania in 1940, over 200,000 lithuanians more than 10 of the population were sent to siberia in several waves. Deportation often followed interrogations and brutal torture in the basement of the building. Terese the first to be deported were all the lithuanian Public Officials and anyone who had anything to do with the lithuanian independence movement. Then they started on the rest, for example, teachers, or farmers who refused to join collectives. They all had one thing in common they were all accused of being enemies of the state. Reporter dainora urboniene was considered an enemy of the state until the soviet union was dissolved. Since then, her daughter and Parliamentary Representative rasa jukneviciene have been campaigning to get the russian government to pay compensation to dainora and the other survivors. Back in the early 1990s, the politician says they were able to talk to russia about the crimes of the communist period, but those days are gone. Rasa they dont take care of those people that suffered a lot during that period. Now its more and more, stalin is back like stalin is back, with the monuments, with movies, with the memories saying false memories saying that was the leader who built the statehood. Reporter even the labour party that was founded by a russian is critical of russias position today. Its chairman, sarunas birutis, thinks the possibility of compensation is illusory. Sarunas its not a matter of money. Its most important to acknowledge the history and evaluate it correctly. Not to deny the occupation, not to deny the consequences, what we had. Reporter deserted farms are still in evidence, abandoned when farmers were deported during the soviet period. Traces of the past can still be seen everywhere. The fact that powerful neighboring russia seems unwilling to acknowledge its past is something dainora urboniene considers ominous. Dainora i still think of the deportation every day, but i dont want to hate the russians. Hate wont bring back my father and brother. My only wish is that nothing like that ever happens again. Reporter dainora urboniene and her mother made it back to lithuania at the end of the 1940s. And this is where dainora later wants to be laid to rest beside her mother. Damien in the Czech Republic, memories of the past are also being kept alive by the older generation but in a very modern way. Czech pensioners are being encouraged to get digital, and write articles for the online encyclopedia wikipedia. Our reporter went to meet some of those cuttingedge pensioners. Reporter zdenka and ludvik jirovi are on an excursion for wikipedia. When they were children, byice palace was a sight to behold. Now its falling apart. The pensioners want to preserve their memories of this historic building. Ludvik first it was a military building, then it was part of the academy of sciences. Zdenka we think the palace wont be here much longer, so we wanted to preserve it on wikipedia, at least. Reporter for six months now, the jirovis have been writing articles about history and Old Buildings in prague for the online encyclopedia. And they arent the only elderly people in the Czech Republic creating wikipedia content. Its become something of a craze among senior citizens. Philosopher jan sokol is the man who got older czechs involved. Jan so far, most of the content on the czech edition of wikipedia has been provided by high school and university students, and their interests are, lets say, very specific. I think its important the seniors ensure topics are balanced out. Reporter these retirees are now hitting the books in order to write their wikipedia articles. Libraries are the Perfect Place to hold training sessions. Vojtech we now also train librarians to teach courses. They are now able to instruct seniors on how to write for wikipedia during the librarys regular opening hours. Reporter the biggest obstacle for many older czechs is their fear of computers. Once thats been overcome, theyre eager to start writing. Frantisek once id successfully completed my first article, i was really satisfied. It really got me motivated. Ive now written 21 articles in all. Hana it really seems like a sensible way to occupy my free time. Reporter the jirovis already know what their next subject is going to be this rundown historic church. They hope to preserve its legacy for coming generations. Damien i wish i were as techsavvy as that. Well, thats it for this week. Thanks for watching. Feel free to get in touch on twitter, email, or facebook. We always love hearing from you. And do join us again next week for more personal stories from all over europe. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org]

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