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Merkel stands emptyhanded. And this doesnt suit french president emanuel macron, who has big plans for europe. He wants to comprehensively reform the e. U. , but he needs germany at his side. Some of his most passionate supporters, like the parisian chantal leib, worry that without the support of their teutonic neighbor, europes future could look bleak. Robust relations between paris and berlin are vital for a strong europe. Thats the firm belief of chantal leib from paris. A supporter of emmauel macrons La Republique en marche party, shes disappointed by the failure to form a government in berlin. She and a friend of hers say the setback in berlin means yet another delay to macrons vision of a united europe. Chantal leib if we dont move forward, germany will focus on russia and china, and france on the mediterranean, and thatll be the end of europe. [applause] reporter Emmanuel Macron has championed a europe with a joint army and an elected president , a vision chantal leib shares. Back home in her apartment, she tells us she has very personal reasons for supporting a more integrated europe. Her father was a french jew, her mother a german christian. Her background is one reason chantal identifies strongly as a european. Chantal leib i grew up with europe. We always had different european cultures around the table, and we celebrated various european festivals and holidays. Reporter but this vision of an integrated europe, powered by the francogerman alliance, is not popular with everyone in france. Julien aubert belongs to the centerright republican party. He believes the crisis in germany is an opportunity for france to stop relying so heavily on berlin. Julien aubert in the past, we had an irrational hatred of the germans. Now we have an irrational love for them. But we dont benefit from giving germany the key to the truck and then hitching ourselves to the back. France needs to stop that. Reporter chantal leib, on the other hand, feels its important for germany to overcome its government crisis as soon as possible. She wonders if its time for germany to begin a new Political Movement like macrons en marche, offering an alternative to the traditional parties. Chantal leib the germans should take part of the cdu, part of the spd, and part of the fdp, and found a new movement. I dont think the established system of parties is working for germany anymore. Reporter what with brexit and now uncertainty in germany, many french analysts believe Emmanuel Macron will struggle to push through his european reforms. Remi bourgeot we already had something of a blockade before, thats nothing new for the e. U. But this new situation of uncertainty and the political crisis in germany will make it even harder to reform the eurozone and the e. U. Reporter here at kiez, a berlinthemed bar in paris, where chantal leibs frenchgerman group meets regularly, some believe the crisis could also be an opportunity. Perhaps the francogerman alliance will now become a relationship of equals. Matthieu crevits if Angela Merkel wants to move forward with europe, she will need to listen to Emmanuel Macron and his en marche party. Reporter but right now, chancellor merkel has more pressing issues. Relations with france and efforts to reform europe are on hold. First she has to have a functioning government. Michelle while france envisions a united europe, england once to break away, and for fishermen along englands coast, britains vote to leave the European Union was a dream come true. After years of having to share the north sea with dutch fishermen to meet rules set by the e. U. , the u. K. Would finally, in their terms, take back control of their own waters. But as our reporter found out when he met with a british fisherman, while they can be sure to expect bigger and bigger hauls of fish, theres a catch. Reporter for hundreds of years, paul joys family has set out on the north sea to catch fish. Theyre one of the few remaining es of fishermen in hastings, southern england. Joy and his two colleagues mainly catch european plaice, sole, and skate. Paul joy my brother is fishing and cousins are fishing, but for my family, this looks like the last generation. Its just not viable for them to fish. Reporter but thats not because of depleted north sea fish stocks. In fact, stocks have recovered, says joy. Instead, the problem is that british fishermen face a limit on how much fish theyre allowed to catch. Each year the e. U. Draws up north sea fishing quotas by fish type and country. Paul joy what aggravates us is the share we have in our own waters. We are fishing in british waters, which was british territorial waters, and have to throw back fish because our counterparts, the european fishermen, they do not. They do not have to throw back. Reporter thats why nearly all british fishermen voted for brexit. They want to regain control over their own waters and decide how much to fish. They also want to banish other european fishermen from british waters, like this dutch vessel. Dutch captain Guido Betsema spends 80 of the year fishing exclusively in british parts of the north sea. Guido betsema if i can no longer fish there, ill have to find other areas. Id have to compete with my dutch colleagues and share a tiny fishing area. Reporter brexit puts about 50 of the dutch fishing fleet in peril, says pim visser, who represents the dutch fishing industry. He thinks this is unnecessary because strict e. U. Regulations now ensure theres enough fish for all. Visser thinks the British Government is the real problem for distributing only a tiny fraction of its e. U. Fishing quota to british smallscale fishermen in the english channel. Pim visser they blame the e. U. For the internal problems. The smaller boats have no quota. That is a problem, but that is not a problem created by brussels. Thats a problem created by london. And they are they think that , they can solve a problem in london by walking away from the e. U. But thats going to be a real disappointment for them. Reporter the dutch are convinced all fishermen are responsible for north sea fish stocks. After all, fish have no nationality and recognize no borders. Pim visser what we see already in our relations with what used to be our colleagues, our friends, working together in european fisheries, politics, and all of a sudden its turned upside down, as if they are strangers, as if we are strangers. And that is a very, very bad feeling. Our friends are no longer our friends. Reporter Guido Betsemas existence as a fisherm is now in jeopardy. He didnt see brexit coming. His family also has a 500year history of fishing in the north sea, and hes afraid that will be over soon. Guido betsema even as a little boy, i joined my father, and we went fishing in british waters. He told me where and when you can catch the best fish. These are familiar waters, and i know them like the back of my hand. Reporter after eight hours at sea, paul joys small fishing boat returns to hastings. Reporter so overall the catch was ok . Paul joy alright. Not many soles, but enough other stuff to make it up. So it was alright. Reporter once back on land, the days entire catch is sold to europe of all places. And thats the problem. Britains fishermen export the fish theyve caught and import their favourite fish, cod, which is the classic main ingredient in fish and chips. The british want to maintain this trade after brexit. Paul joy i am a pragmatist, and i am fully aware that this is going to be a longterm thing. You have to take it as it comes and see where we sit up at the end of it. But brexit is a fact. I hope we just carry on, and we actually unite to get there at the end of the day. Reporter but joys worried that the price for free trade in fish will be high. Europe is likely to demand precisely what he and other brexiteers wanted, control over british waters. Michelle imagine being taught to count with bullets and grenades instead of apples and oranges. Or to mistrust and attack those around you considered nonbelievers. That is whats happening to the children of the estimated 5000 e. U. Citizens who left their countries to join the socalled islamic state. After the fall of raqqa, in syria, the isis caliphate is considered beaten. Now europe must ask itself, how should governments deal with the return of its children, its citizens, caught in the crossfire . Reporter europe is afraid of these children. This is a camp for detained i. S. Fighters and their families. Its mostly women and children who wait here before being returned to their home countries. But no one wants them. A belgian reporter tries to make that clear to a dutch woman. Yes, she says, she knows shell have to readjust. He asks her if shes aware shell be sent to prison. She is, but says thats better for her children than staying here. Is she aware that people in the netherlands dont trust her . Yes, she says, but everyone deserves a second chance. The French Defense minister sees things differently, saying, quote the more jihadists who die, the better. Rory stewart unfortunately the only way of dealing with them will be, in almost every case, to kill them. Koen geens the children are also under suspicion, and we take precautions for their return. Reporter return . Many think that terrorists should rot in the camps. But what do people with children and grandchildren currently trapped in syria think of such statements . Veronique loutes son was one of the conspirators in the 2016 attack in brussels. Hes still my son, she says. He died in syria and left behind two of her grandchildren there. Veronique has never seen them. Veronique loute i believe that there is still something good in these young people. They are not just monsters. Is it not more the case that they were so skillfully manipulated that they became monsters . Certainly i. S. Is a machine that creates monsters. But there is still a glimmer of hope that they can be normal again. I dont know for sure, but i think we should have a bit of faith in them. Reporter the belgian town of vilvoorde represents that hope. Here, Jessika Soors deals with the numerous problems that the unwelcome homecomers bring with them. Jessika soors lets say educational institutions, schools, or daycare would have a lot of questions about how to deal with the child, also questions about security. But if one day the parent shows up there, if youre talking about older children, lets say children above the age of 10 who might have had some active contribution to the conflict, who might have been enrolled in the i. S. Educational system, you might also need other types of debriefing for those children. So a lot of very complex issues arise that clearly are also far above the local capacity. Reporter the ruins of raqqa, syria. Even worse than the damage to the surroundings is the spiritual damage. Reporter its beautiful when children sing, but this is an i. S. War song. Its the only one they know. They tell of what theyve learned about jihad, how to blow themselves up, how to use weapons. And that they were afraid of their teachers, because they beheaded people. Lessons at i. S. Schools include learning to tell time in english, using timed detonators, size relationships using weapons and ammunition, and lessons in disassembling weapons. Psychologist alain nlandu has successfully treated child soldiers. Now he treats children of the i. S. Are they dangerous . Alain nlandu yes. Yes, simply because they came from a war zone. Either they were traumatized themselves, or they possibly traumatized other people, because in the war zone there were explosions, mass murders, and hails of bullets. They have heard thousands of different human screams that were the result of torture. If we want to pull these children back, we need institutions and specialists that can accompany them. You cant just go there and say, great, you guys are belgian, so come on back, because we dont know in what state they are coming back. Reporter are they all future terrorists . If so, let them stay where they are, say some in europe. But will that solve the problem . Jessika soors its more of a reality call i would say. And just ignoring the issue wont make it go away, so its investing in social cohesion from both sides, and we also have a lot of successful experiences with reintegrating returned foreign fighters. Michelle it seems it is not the safety of the returned children that worries most governments, but the security of their own positions. Organic food is all the rage nowadays. Activists argue that fewer pesticides are good for the environment and for our health. But not everyone sees it that way. Farmers pitted on either side of the argument are at war, one that has come to a head in a small village in italys south tyrol. Reporter brown leaves and an odd smell made apple farmer agidius wellenzohn suspicious. Wellenzohn, from mals in south tyrol, soon realised something was wrong. Agidius wellenzohn you can see that these leaves have been damaged or burnt by a herbicide. It happened this autumn, just before the harvest. Someone sprayed these trees with glyphosate. Reporter now wellenzohn may be unable to sell organic apples from this orchard for years. Hes certain it was an act of sabotage. Agidius wellenzohn why . Well, i guess some people didnt like my activism for a pesticidefree mals and organic farming. Reporter agidius wellenzohn and many other environmental activists want their village of mals to remain pesticidefree. In a 2013 referendum, the villagers made clear that they reject pesticides. And they dont want a monoculture of endless apple orchards. Those already dominate agriculture and the economy in the valley below. Apples generate about 300 million in turnover annually. The provincial councilor for agriculture is a conventional apple farmer. He doesnt think the attack is linked to the conflict in mals. Arnold schuler i dont think this is because someone expressed criticism. There were several incidents of sabotage. First, there were four cases here in vinschgau against an organic orchard, a conventional orchard, and two in the process of transitioning. Reporter not everyone is convinced. Urban gluderer has been producing organic herbs for 26 years. His neighbors are conventional apple farmers. They apparently dont care if their pesticides affect gluderers organic crops. Urban gluderer you wake up at half past 6 00 in the morning from the noise of the spraying machine. You rush outside to protect your crops. Weve covered our entire crops with tarp. We invested 200,000 because they keep using these chemicals. Reporter for years, gluderer has been collecting evidence of his neighbors actions. Hes asked the Regional Government for support, so far to no avail. Urban gluderer my resistance isnt welcome. Especially when it goes against the farmers lobby, which we call the farming mafia. Theyre incredibly powerful. Reporter in mals, theres widespread resistance to conventional farming. Whether farmers, business owners, hairdressers, or pharmacists, they all reject conventional agriculture, despite the personal threats. Johannes fragnerunterpertinger weve been fighting for a pesticidefree countryside and agriculture for years. This nefarious attack on an organic orchard, which doesnt even use organic pesticides, but none at all, is inexplicable and outrageous to me. Its an absolute moral lowpoint. Reporter the village activists are also concerned about the results of a study indicating that twothirds of vinschgaus playgrounds are contaminated with agricultural chemicals. Arnold schuler those are only traces that dont constitute a health hazard. With todays scientific methods, you can find the smallest traces of substances. Johannes fragnerunterpertinger if you apply the precautionary principle, as stipulated by the constitution, Health Concerns come first. So this must have consequences. We will insist on that. Reporter the pesticide conflict also has a legal dimension. Can a small village use a referendum to make such a major decision . Ulrich veith some farmers from mals and farmers from other towns who farm land here took legal action because they felt theyd suffered losses and the town wasnt responsible. Bolzanos Administrative Court dismissed the case. Reporter despite the attack, organic farmer wellenzohn remains undeterred. Agidius wellenzohn everyone has to face the truth. Thats just how it is. And i dont see any grounds to change the way i farm or to change my attitude. Reporter the south tyrol villagers fight against pesticides is gaining attention. Now, switzerland has said it will hold a referendum on the use of pesticides next year. Michelle the consequences of Climate Change are varied. From extreme weather episodes to dormant microbes waking. In russia, the soil in its permafrost regions is beginning to thaw, resulting in the emergence of bones and entire carcasses from the ice age. Now Scientists Say they are on the brink of reviving an ancient beast from extinction. Reporter it may look a little wrinkly, but then it is pretty old. The scientists here have named her yuka. Shes a strawberry blonde woolly mammoth. It stinks. [laughter] it smells bad. Reporter in her defence, yuka has been dead for around 34,000 years now. These days, she spends her time at the permafrost kingdom, a museum in the russian city of yakutsk. Scientists hope woolly mammoths will one day walk the earth again, thanks to yukas dna, which has been extraordinarily well preserved. Semyon grigoriev dreams of bringing back these woolly giants. He wants to set up an International Center for mammoth studies here in yakutsk. Hes stored his most important specimen at minus 86 degrees celsius. Its a fully grown female mammoth, which the scientists have named buttercup. Grigoriev says buttercups trunk is a real treasure trove. Semyon grigoriev when we cut into it, we found a number of areas where the flesh was still red. We found real muscle tissue, thats amazing. This trunk offers our best hope of finding living cells. Reporter it was 2013 when Semyon Grigoriev made what he says was the most amazing discovery of his life. Only buttercups tusks were protruding out of the ice. The rest of her was buried in the permafrost on an island in northern siberia. When the team of scientists removed the ice underneath the mammoths stomach, they witnessed something that had never happened before. Dark blood came trickling out of the ice. Amazingly, it wasnt frozen. Reporter grigoriev later discovered that the carcass was over 28,000 years old. He had often heard stories of how locals fed mammoth meat to their dogs. But this was the first time that he had actually come face to face with beautifully preserved mammoth flesh. Semyon grigoriev in this tissue, which is tens of thousands of years old, we are hoping to find living cells. Thats not easy, of course, almost impossible in fact. Reporter the cell nucleus could be implanted into the egg of a female asian elephant, the mammoths closest living relative, which could then give birth to a hybrid mammoth. But there is another way, which is looking more feasible. Genetic engineering and the artificial synthesis of the complete mammoth dna. Semyon grigoriev in five, 10, or at most, 20 years, we will have created artificial mammoth dna molecules. I very much hope that i will be around to witness it. If not, it will be our children who will see the mammoth resurrected. Reporter it was humans who were once responsible for driving mammoths to extinction. Now, thousands of years later, they could also be the ones to resurrect these giants of the ice age. Michelle it sounds a bit like jurassic park. It didnt end well for us or them in that film. Heres hoping for a better outcome. Thats it for today. Thank you for watching. See you next time. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] narrator for almost 30 years, night of the proms has been the hottest ticket in europe. Now it comes to america. Night of the proms, where classic meets pop, is next

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