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Changed the conversation about sexual abuse and harassment. A world war iis veterans hometown helps him stay active. Meet the neighbors who are putting out chairs to keep him move. We begin this morning with a look at todays eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. I was stunned and broken hearted at what i saw a member of congress doing. Gold star father john kelly defends President Trump. The white house chief of staff talking about this call to one of the widows of the soldiers killed in niger. He called four people the other day and expressed his condolences and the best way he could. I said, sir, theres nothing you can do to lighten the burden. Amid the controversy over President Trumps condolence call, there are serious questions about the attack itself. You feel this administration has been forthcoming about what happened there . Of course not. The u. S. Senate has passed a budget plan. A major step forward in the republican effort to overhaul the u. S. Tax code. Bigotry seems emboldened. Former president s bush and obama are blasting the current state of american politics. Instead of our politics reflecting our values, weve got politics inspecting our communities. Protests erupting at a White Nationalist event. The university of florida. Richard spencer made an appearance. All that. One more time. On the run. Close. It is caught. For the touchdown. Crabtree its not dead yet. Raiders win it. And all that matters. A Welcome Break from one contentious political season. The annual dinner. Every afternoon, former Speaker John Boehner calls me up. Not to give advice. Just to laugh. On cbs this morning. Caught by tolberson. The dodgers win. Headed to the world series for the first time in 29 years. This mornings eye opener is presented by toyota, lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. Republicans in washington overnight move closer to a massive overhaul of the federal tax code. The Senate Approved a 4 trillion budget plan after a latenight debate. The vote was along party lines. 5149. In a tweet this morning, President Trump noted that every democrat, plus republican, rand paul, voted against it. But the president praised the senator, saying this now allows for the passage of largescale tax cuts and reform which will be the biggest in the history of our country. Nancy cordes is on capitol hill. Nancy, good morning. Reporter good morning. The tax reform bill is still being crafted. But it could not have gone anywhere without this crucial vote last night. Senate republicans needed to try to find the kind of unity that has been eluding them lately. And they did. The budget they passed makes room for a tax reform plan that would add about 1. 5 trillion to the federal deficit over ten years, so thats the price tag theyre going to be aiming for. Now that they passed this budget, senate rules will allow republicans to skirt any democratic filibuster when it comes to tax reform. Theyll be able to try to pass their tax plan with a simple majority. 51 votes instead of the usual 60. Now, last nights milestone could help to ease the tension that has been bubbling up recently between President Trump and majority leader mcconnell after a series of failed votes on health care, even though adding to the deficit as this tax plan will do is typically something that republicans oppose. Now, this budget is going to have to be reconciled with the version that passed the house last month. Democrats argue that the tax plan that is still being crafted will mean big breaks for corporations and the wealthy and not much for the middle class. All right, nancy, thank you so much. White house chief of staff john kelly is defending President Trump and his comments to a military widow. The retired marine widow said congressman wilson had no business listening when the president spoke to the wife of a soldier killed in niger. The president tweeted last night that wilson was wacky and listened to the call secretly. He insisted she, quote, gave a total lie on content. Another Family Member who heard the call said wilson described it accurately. Chip reid is at the white house this morning. Reporter good morning. White house chief of staff john kelly condemned congresswoman wilson for politicizing President Trumps call to the widow of a fallen soldier. But President Trump himself had earlier politicized the situation when he falsely suggested that other president s had not made similar calls. Kelly tried to clean up the mess. The selfless devotion that brings a man or woman to die in the battlefield, i just thought that might be sacred. Reporter during an emotional appearance in the White House Briefing room, kelly said he was stunned by the criticism of President Trumps condolence call. The only thing i could do to collect my thoughts was to go walk among the finest men and women on this earth. You can always find them. Theyre in Arlington National cemetery. Went over there for an hour and a half. Walked among the stones. Some of whom i put there. Because they were doing what i told them to do when they were killed. Reporter mr. Trump had asked his chief of staff what to say to the families of the four american soldiers killed in niger more than two weeks ago. I said to him, sir, theres nothing you can do to lighten the burden on these families. Reporter kelly told the president about his own son, lieutenant robert kelly, who was killed on the battlefield in afghanistan in 2010. And also how joseph dunnford, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and kellys best friend, broke the news to him. He said, kel, he was doing exactly what he wanted to do when he was killed. He knew what he was getting into by joining the that 1 . He knew what the possibilities were. Because were at war. Reporter kelly said that was the message mr. Trump tried to convey to the young widow of sergeant Ladavid Johnson, one of those killed in niger. Wilson said she was in the car when the president called the widow and was offended by mr. Trumps suggestion that the 25yearold soldier, quote, knew what he signed up for. Mr. Trump denied saying that. Theres no perfect way to make that phone call. Reporter kelly and other white house staff were in the room when the president made the call. Congresswoman wilson responded harshly, telling politico, john kellys trying to keep his job. He will say anything. Kelly did acknowledge that he told President Trump that president obama did not call him after his son died, but he said he did not mean that as a criticism of mr. Obama. Thanks, chip. Defense secretary james mattis says the mission in niger that ended in the deaths of the four u. S. Army sergeants is still under investigation. Jeremiah johnson, bryan black, Dustin Wright and Ladavid Johnson were not expecting enemy contact when they were attacked earlier this month. The americans were ambushed by a group of about 50 fighters affiliated with isis. Senate Armed Services Committee Members want more information. They may use a subpoena to get it. David martins at the pentagon. David, good morning. Good morning. This started out as a low risk operation. The 30th of its kind to meet with local village leaders. But it has turned into one of the most Controversial Military operations of the Trump Administration. The loss of our troops is under investigation. Reporter as the pentagon probes the deaths of four american soldiers killed in niger, members of congress are now also calling for their own investigation. We are coequal branches of government. We should be informed at all times. Reporter pentagon Officials Say an american Reconnaissance Aircraft was in the air but not watching over the patrol. Who was only called in after the ambush started. Three soldiers were killed and a fourth, sergeant la david johnson, was missing. Officials believe he was still somewhere on the battlefield. For several hour, they tracked a locator beacon that became intermittent and finally faded out. By the time they found him two days later, he was dead. Raising the awful possibility an american soldier had been left behind. Its a possibility the pentagons Lieutenant General Kenneth Mckenzie flatly rejected. No one was left behind. Either the u. S. , our partner in niger, French Forces were actively on the ground searching for this soldier. Reporter according to defense secretary mattis the first reinforcements to arrive were french aircraft 30 minutes after the ambush was reported. The french response included armed fighter aircraft, helicopter gunship, medevac helio that lifted out our wounded. Reporter the First American aircraft to arrive was an unarmed helicopter sent to recover the bodies of the american soldiers. It was operated by a u. S. Contractor hired to provide support for american troops operating in niger. There are about 800 american troops in niger, which may sound like a lot, except niger is a country the size of texas. Theyre there on a Counterterrorism Mission and, as secretary mattis said yesterday, on a Counterterrorism Mission, even when no enemy contact is expected, theres a risk. Unfortunately, we saw that this time. David, thank you. Former president S Barack Obama and george w. Bush are offering sharp criticism of the current political climate. Neither mentioned President Trump during separate and unrelated appearances yesterday. But both men appeared to rebuke him. Julianna goldman is in washington with extraordinary messages. Julianna, good morning. It is incredibly rare to see two former president hs at separate speeches on the same day and its also an unspoken rule that former president s, regardless of their party, do not criticize the Current Office holder, which makes their comments yesterday so striking. Folks dont feel good right now about what they see. Reporter at a Campaign Event in virginia last night, former president barack obama didnt name names. He didnt have to. Weve got folks who are deliberately trying to make folks angry. To demonize people who have different ideas. To get the base all riled up. Because it provides a shortterm tactical advantage. Reporter earlier in new jersey, mr. Obama said americans were confronting the same politics of division that dates back centuries. We put that to bed. I mean, thats folks looking 50 years back. Weve seen our discourse degraded by casual crewty. Reporter appearing before a packed room in new york, former president george w. Bush said america had to, quote, recover our own identity. At times it can seem like the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together. Reporter mr. Bush ruled that the current discourse was undermining american democracy. Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories. An outright fabrication. Weve seen nationalism distorted into nativism. People of every ethnicity can be fully and equally american. It means that bigotry or White Supremacy in any form is blasphemy against the american creed. Reporter a spokesman for president bush said hes been discussing the same themes for decades. But as he left the hall yesterday, mr. Bush was reportedly asked if he thought his message would be heard in the white house. According to the new york times, he smiled and said i think it will. Julianna, thank you so much. Hollywoods television academy, the group behind the emmy awards, launch add process that could lead to harvey wine steins expulsion. As police in los angeles confirm an investigation into a 2013 rape allegation. The number of women now accusing the disgraced movie mogul of Sexual Misconduct has grown to nearly 60. Beyawn that golodryga is here from another troubling account from another highprofile actress. I encourage everyone to read the really powerful essay in the new york times. Oscar winning Actress Lupita Nyongo describes a series of traumatic encounters with weinstein starting when she was still a student in 2011. She says the recent allegations made her feel sick in the pit of her stomach. Lupita nyongo soared to fame when her work in 12 years a slave swept the hollywood awards season. By then, she claimed she already had two disturbing encounters with harvey wine stein. She says the first happened after he invited her to his connecticut home to screen a film. She writes, harvey led me into a bedroom, his bedroom, and announced that he wanted to give me a massage. For the First Time Since i met him, i felt unsafe. She was able to leave the room but a few months later she said weinstein propositioned her again during a dinner in new york, asking her to come upstairs to his private room. She declined. But as she left the restaurant, she writes that she said to him, i just want to know that we are good. And that he responded, i dont know about your career, but youll be fine. On thursday, the Los Angeles Police department confirmed that it is investigating a potential case of Sexual Assault involving harvey weinstein. The allegations come from an italian actress and model who told the Police Weinstein raped her in a Los Angeles Hotel room in 2013. In an interview with the bbc, actor tom hampgs predicted that the weinstein scandal will have an irreversible impact on society. Last name will become a noun and a verb. Become an identifying moniker for a state of being for which there is a before and an after. Harvey weinstein has denied any allegations of nonconsensual sex. Meantime, an Anonymous Group of Weinstein Company employees say they are breaking their nondisclosure agreement, releasing a letter claiming they didnt know they were working for a serial sexual predator. They say when they read the report, the weinsteins behavior, quote, we wept. Bianna, thank you. New york times correspondent jody canter who broek the weinstein story join us ahead. The story continues to make headlines. Lawmakers are taking steps to force facebook and other Online Platforms to disclose who buys political ads on their sites. Facebook revealed russian ajen i bought roughly 3,000 ads for 1,0 10,000 in 2015. Federal law bars foreign groups from spending money to influence american elections. A new bipartisan bill called the honest ads act will make online advertisers disclose who paid for ads. Cbs news contributor Nicholas Thompson is editor and chief of wired magazine and join us at the table. Nick, always good to see you. Listen, we like the sound of anything bipartisan. Do you think this will actually make a difference in the elections . This is a very big bill. It will make a difference. It does close a loophole. Do i hear a but . But its a small step. This isnt how russia influenced the election. Its not how russia influenced the election on social media. There are much bigger problems on social media. Still, this should be done. Who will oppose it . You can imagine the ad networks will oppose it because it will add a little bit of bureaucracy. Its possible the Tech Companies will oppose it. It might be good for them to have a little regulation. Facebook was hurt massively by what happened in the last election. And also people who dont want any kind of Campaign Finance reform. You can see some republicans opposing it on that ground. How many millions of people does facebook say this reached . The number of people who are reached by russian political ads is a fairly small number. Right. I mean, its a couple of million people. And theres like 10 million, right . And reach is a very broad definition. To read something means you scroll through, it doesnt really mean you reached them in any substantial way. Whats interesting is the online political ads are there. It is something that happened. But whats really problematic are the fake accounts that the russian operatives set up. Those were massively more influenti influential. Theyre harder to find and harder to define. Thats the biggest problem. Thats the thing that had more influence last time. Silicon valley continues to have a pr problem. Silicon valley has a massive pr problem. And one that theyre really struggling with right now. And how they respond to this bill will play into that. If they come out hard against it, you can imagine people getting even angrier. I tried to get facebook to Say Something to me last night about it and i really got i got nothing. Nick, thank you. In a statement to cbs news, facebook said, we stand with lawmakers in their efforts to achieve transparency in political advertising. House Speaker Paul Ryan took some playful shots at trump. During last nights annual political rooast, made light of his appearance at last years event. I know last year donald trump offended some people. I know his comments according to critics went too far. Some said it was unbecoming of a public figure. And they said that his comments were offensive. Well, thank god hes learned his lesson. Thats good. Ryan also poked fun at hillay clinton, Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer. He was on a role last night. Speaker ryan will be right here in studio 57 with his ideas for cutting taxes later in the broadcast. Ahead, how republicans plan to finish writing their tax cut plan after the overnight budget vote in the senate. Its going to be part of our series, issues that dire conditions after Hurricane Maria are forces dire conditions are forcing thousands of Puerto Ricans to leave their island. Ahead, how they are getting a helping hand as they seek lifesaving care on the u. S. May mainland. Youre watching cbs this morning. When i walked through a snowstorm for a cigarette, thats when i knew i had to quit. For real this time. Thats why im using nicorette. Only nicorette gum has patented dualcoated technology for great taste plus intense craving relief. Every great why needs a great how. Whats that, broheim . I switched to geico and got more. More savings on Car Insurance . Yeah brofessor, and more. Like renters insurance. More ways to save. Nice, brotato chip. Thats not all, brotein shake. Geico has motorcycle and rv insurance, too. Oh, thats a lot more. Oh yeah, im all about more, teddy brosevelt. Geico. Expect great savings and a whole lot more. When did you see the sign . 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Eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis had both. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Im still going for my best. And for eliquis. Ask tor about eliquis. Ahead, why faa wants airlines to ban laptops in checked right now in the santa cruz mountains, crews are battling the bear fire which has burned nd is at good morning, its 7 26. Im anne makovec. Right now, in the santa cruz mountains, crews are battling the bear fire which has burned at least 320 acres and is at 40 containment. 7 firefighters have been injured working in steep and rugged terrain since this fire broke out on monday night. This afternoon, a Court Hearing is set for the man accused in a hitandrun that left a San Francisco Police Officer critically injured. Authorities say that officer elia lewintankel was riding a bicycle near turk street and van ness avenue on wednesday when an suv hit him. Raffic and weather in just a moment. Good morning. Expect delays along the eastshore freeway. We are tracking an accident. It had two lanes blocked, now blocking just one lane along westbound 80 as you approach cutting boulevard. And you can see that backup stretches all the way to highway 4. Its about 30 minutes as you make your way on down towards the maze there. So thats about a 15minute delay. Richmond san rafael bridge, 25 minutes heading across the span. Bay bridge toll plaza 24 minutes into San Francisco. The skies are going to look very, very cool this morning. Take a look right now. This is pretty impressive to see as the storm is passed through. It brought some good rainfall totals. Temperatures are in the 50s now. 90s monday through wednesday. Wow nice outfit. When i grow up, im going to mars. Were working on that. Some people know how far they want to go. A personalized Financial Strategy can help you get them there. See how access to j. P. Morgan investment expertise can help you. Chase. Make more of whats yours. I see the lights go out on broadway you know the old road you see it all the time up on Second Street they burned the churches up in harlem thats billy joel performing in brooklyn last night. All right. Jimmy kimmel, who i could say is killing it in brooklyn this week. He brought his show from l. A. To new york. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Here are three things you should know. The defense secretary is pushing back from criticism from members of congress about the slow release of information on the dlid attack deadly attack in ni. Saying, it takes time to gather information about a combat engagement. Mattis said it is under investigation. We in the department of defense like to know what were talking about before we talk. The Deadly Wildfires in Northern California are more than 80 contained this morn thanks in part to cooler weather. The fires killed 42 people after they broke out almost two weeks ago. Nearly 7,000 buildings are destroyed. Property damage is estimated to be at least 1 billion. Officials expect that number to rise dramatically, which could make the fires the costliest in the states history. The United States wants airlines around the world to ban large personal Electronics Like your laptop from checked luggage. The faa citing the potential for a catastrophic fire. Tests show those rechargeable lithion ion batteries can overheat in close proximity to aerosol spray cans and that can lead to an explosion and a fire. One of hollywoods biggest directors Quentin Tarantino is coming clean about who he knew about weinstein. Tarantino admits he has known for decades about weinsteins alleged Sexual Misconduct with women. He tells cbs news contributor jodi canter that he feels ashamed for doing nothing. The two men have been close for two decades. Most of his movies like pulp fiction were distributed by weinstein. Weinstein denies engaging in any nonsexual sex. Jodi canter is here, good morning. Good morning. Its been two weeks. Now we have more than 50 women have come forward. The story is not done yet. Just every day there seems to be a new disclosure. Yesterday, Lupita Nyongo publishd an extraordinary essay in the times where she talked about a very familiar now tale of alleged harassment by weinstein. What she says is she at the time didnt know it was happening to other women. She felt so alone. I think part of the reason the story is staying alive is that women keep coming forward and each tale is so powerful. The modus operandi always seems to be the same. What is remarkable about her story is it took place in his own connecticut home and apparently the children were just a room or two away. Whats the likelihood of a criminal indictment in some of these cases . I dont want to speculate too much on that. These are still allegations. And we know that Police Departments in several places are investigating. But i think its the right question to ask certainly. Jodi, the first time you were at the table with the story and we asked you is there more to come and you said well see, did you know this was coming . Did you have any inkling this would be the followup to your story . I knew that there were people in hollywood who were waiting to see whether they wanted to speak out or not. I never anticipated Something Like the me too movement, which has now spread to other industries and its been international. And i think whats happened, part of the power of the weinstein story is there are now many people asking themselves should i have said something 10 or 15 years ago. For the victims, its very hard. We dont want to blame the victims. Is that why Quentin Tarantino somebody like tarantino said to me specifically on the phone two days ago, should i have done more . I knew these story firsthand. One of them happened to my own girlfrie girlfriend. Mira savino. I minimized it, i brushed it aside. I think many people are saying i dont want to be the person, whether victim or witness, i dont want to brush it aside, i want to speak up and make sure nobody else is treated this way. What should be the conversation about Sexual Harassment . What should be . The conversation . Well, i think that part of the conversation were having is that we still lack an agreed upon basic legal and social definition of what Sexual Harassment is. One of the things that Quentin Tarantino said to me is that when he heard these stories from women, he didnt think Sexual Harassment. He had a very oldfashioned, almost dismissive image of, oh, the boss chased, you know, the secretary around the desk a little bit. Almost like it was some sort of comedic set piece. He said part of his recognition and he also said his culpability is the fact he now realizes this is a terrifying situation for women to be in. What to you make of the weinstein employees now speaking out . We just reported earlier that many of them broke down and cried when they read many of the revelations that are coming forward that they had no idea and now they want to be released from their ndas or nondisclosure agreements. As a reporter, i was thrilled. I have said to many people on the phone this summer and other times, ndas should not be used to cover up abuse, you know, were journalists. We believe in people being able to tell their stories. I tell people my job is to make it safe for you to tell your story. You know, a piece of paper is meant to, you know, prevent you from leaking competitors secrets but not to cover up abuse in the workplace. The weinstein and miramax companies and employees are a really interesting case because some of them did know and failed to speak out but a lot of people either had no idea or, remember, weinstein and miramax executives and former executives did help us in our reporting, right. Because our reporting became a way for them to finally do something after all these years. They didnt feel entirely right about what had happened. Thank you, jodi. Thank you very much. Many people stranded in puerto rico after Hurricane Maria are frightened about their future. Ahead, how acts of good will are helping those who need critical medical care. We invite you to subscribe to our cbs this morning podcast. The news of the day, extended interviews and the podcast original. On itunes or apples podcast app. Apples itunes and apples podcast app. Youre watching cbs this morning. Well be right back. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,. Isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Maybe its time for Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. With reduced redness,. Thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla prescribing information has. No requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Tell your doctor if these occur. Otezla is associated with an increased. Risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have. 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The president gave his blessing to lawmakers to help build the new power station on the island but the situation is still dire there for many. David begno met many whose lives depend on getting out of the tarter to. Reporter he has als for 29 years. The body of this former tennis player has failed. Around an otherwise healthy mind. Its a ventilator that keeps him alive. He needs electricity all times. Reporter the power goes out here, right, off and on . Yeah. Hurricane maria cut off access to power and water. Diaz who communicates through facial movements, tells his wife hes afraid of dying if he stays here. I just spoke with a foundation in new orleans that is ready to welcome you and has a place for you. There was no mistaking his emotion. It was one of his relatives who found help through team gleason, a foundation started by former new Orleans Saints player and current als patient steve gleason. Are you ready to go . Hes saying no and hes saying yes. Reporter hes torn. Thats a familiar feeling for many Puerto Ricans who decided to leave. There is no official count on how many have evacuated since the storm. But florida officials report more than 52,000 people have flown in from the island this month alone. She is keeping track of which neighbors are leaving. This house, this house, this house. Reporter her husband is battling stage 4 cancer. Why do you want to leave . Why . I love my people. Reporter their pleas have been heard. The American Cancer Society has evacuated about a dozen patients on charter planes. And is now making arrangements to do the same for him. It is an issue of life and death. Reporter dr. Lillian santos overseas acs operations in puerto rico. The people should have a choice and the option of getting the best standard of care and if the choice is in the states, were going to do everything to make that happen. Reporter carmelo diaz was evacuated earlier this week. And put on a plane headed for new orleans. In puerto rico, my husband was afraid to die. Be here. Im very happy. Reporter one of his first visitors at the medical center. How you doing . Reporter steve gleason. The man who helped get him here. And though neither can physically speak, the power of this moment was easily understood. For cbs this morning, im david begno. One complicating factor were told, some medical facilities on the u. S. Mainland are not accepting medicaid for seriously ill patients from puerto rico. The concern is the program, which isnt as well funded in for the rico, may not be able to reimburse them for spicy treatments. You realize there is still so much work to do. Even though mr. Diaz couldnt speak, you could really see his emotion. He said, i found a place for you to go. Heartbreaking still. You have to realize people in need of care, need help. This is beyond just the water and electricity. Those who need medical care. Thats right. We do not yet know when the power will be restored. No. All right, up next, were going to take a look at this mornings other headlines. Including mockups of President Trumps proposed border wall. Plus,s how Speaker Paul Ryan right here in studio 57. Were going to talk about tax cuts. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by legalzoom. Get legal help for your business and family at legalzoom. Com. Just like you start their own businesses. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. To to me hes, well, dad. Son pro golfer. So when his joint pain from Psoriatic Arthritis got really bad, it scared me. And what could that pain mean . Joint pain could mean joint damage. Enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop further damage enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma other cancers, nervous system and Blood Disorders and allergic reactions ve occurred. Tell your doctor if youve been someplace where fungal infections are common. 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They settled with 49 states and the district of columbia. In 2014 they recalled more than 2. Of a sweat problem that cows disable safety features. The defect has affected deaths. The ridehailing service is looking at an ipo next year and is trying to strengthen its position with more capital. Alphabet, a company of Parent Company google has raised more than 1 million. Mrs. Trump will donate the white silk dress at a ceremony today. It will become the 27th dress in the smithsonians first ladys collection. Mens Fashion Company bonobos, theyve got a new campaign to talk about. Ahead its founder and ceo will share the Mission Behind the new campaign and how he thinks his companys merger with walmart could make it a Popular Online destination. Andy dunn on a roll. Well be right back. . If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. Taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. 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Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures and before starting xarelto® about any conditions, such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Youve got to learn all you can. To help protect yourself from dvt and pe blood clots. Talk to your doctor about xarelto®. Theres more to know. Cpresented bye cotarget. Food has the power to transform lives. With the help of target, the San Francisco Marin Food Bank addresses hunger headon in the community. Our food pantries are vibrant. People feel welcomed, and theyre being respected. It helps our team members see the work that they do in the store every day. How that actually relates to their communities. Cbs eye on the community is sponsored by target. Wildfires. Today. People from santa rosas coffey park. Orchard rhoods and the good morning. Its 7 56. Im kenny choi. The latest on the wine country wildfires. Today, people from santa rosas coffey park, orchard park neighborhood and the journeys End Mobile Home Park will be allowed back in those areas. Those people will need some proof that they live there and will be given protective gear to wear as they sift through the rubble. [ music ] pianos in the park is back in san jose. Two grand pianos are in hellyer county park free to use. There will be free concerts tomorrow and sunday. The program runs through the weekend. Raffic and weather in just a moment. Istance until you cant smell the gas anymore and then call 911. The firsders will come out and theyll make it safe for you and your community. If youdont touch it,downed keep everyone back. Call 911 immediately. The Fire Department will respond with Law Enforcement and pg e to figure out what the issue is to keep you safe and there are no hazards to the public. Good morning. 7 57. And we have been tracking this accident for about an hour now and this is in the south bay. We have a couple two lanes blocked northbound 280 past 101. The backup stretches onto 680 where were seeing slowdowns northbound as well along 101 from hellyer avenue to san antonio. Just over 40 minute rye. Thats a 21minute delay. San mateo bridge 25 minutes from 880 to 101. Eastshore freeway 28 minutes from 4 to the maze. And then an additional 16 heading into San Francisco. Neda. Hidef Doppler Radar showing whats happening with the rain. Its all winding down but the sixhour loop shows it came through overnight. A lot of folks got to see some rain and cooler conditions. 90s monday through wednesday. Welcome to my house baby take control now we cant even slow down good morning to viewers in the west. It is friday, october 20, 2017. Welcome back to cbs this morning. The Senate Passes a budget making way for a massive tax cut. Ahead, house per spaul ryan will be here in studio 57 to talk about tax reform. Plus, the minnesota neighborhood furnishing resting places for world war ii regular walking path. Here is todays eye opener at 8 00 republicans in washington move closer to a massive overhaul of the federal tax code. The Senate Approved a four trillion dollar budget plan. The tax reform bill isng crafted but it could not have gone anywhere without this crucial vote. John kelly condemned congresswoman wilson for politicizing President Trumps call to the widow of a fallen soldier. This started as a lowrisk operation. It turned into one of the most controversial operations of the Trump Administration this an unspoken rule that former president s, regardless of party, do not criticize the Current Office holder. We are at our best not when we are trying to put people down but when we try to lift everybody up enough of the applause. You sound like the cabinet when donald trump walks in the room. House Speaker Paul Ryan took playful shots at President Trump at the Al Smith Charity Dinner in new york city. A lot of people asked me, you know, a guy from wisconsin, what is it like to work on a daily basis with an abrasive new yorker with a loud mouth. But you know . Once you get to know him, Chuck Schumer is not all that bad. Im charlie rose with gayle king wait, wait, youre who . Charlie rose. You sure . I think. I didnt know if we were supposed to call you sir charles. No. Charlie has been gone all week because he was getting a prestigious award in london. We saw him introduced. Congratulations. I was humbled because of the people being honored were much more renowned an accomplished. No, they werent. No, they werent. But it was a very august group and were glad you are back. We do not have to call you sir charles, i want to be clear . No, no. All right. Charlie rose, welcome back. I think your eminence works. President trump is applauding for passing a blue print. The road on twitter, this now allows for the passage of a large scale tax cut that will be biggest in the country. The move allows to produce a tax bill without a filibuster from senate democrats. Now, republicans say thats what their tax plan will cost. It still has to be reconciled with the house budget plan that does not increase the deficit. Senate Armed Services Committee Members want more information about the deadly ambush of american soldiers in niger. Committee chairman john mccain says he will use subpoenas if he has to. Four soldiers were kill during the october 4th mission. They had been told not to expect enemy contact. The pentagon also faces questions about why one of them, sergeant la david johnson, wasnt found until two days after the mission. Defense secretary james mattis strongly denies johnson was left on the battlefield, saying the u. S. Military does not leave troops behind. White house chief of staff john kelly strongly defended his boss yesterday in an emotional statement. He slammed democratic congresswoman Frederica Wilson for saying President Trump was insensitive to the wife of one of the soldiers killed in niger. Kelly also talked at length about the death of his son, a marine lieutenant in 2010. Typically the only phone calls a family receives are the most important phone calls they can imagine, and that is from their buddies. In my case, hours after my son was killed his friends were calling us from afghanistan, telling us what a great guy he was. Those are the only phone calls that really matter. Some president s have elected to call. All president s, i believe, have elected to send letters. If you elect to call a family like this, it is about the most difficult thing you could imagine. I said to him, sir, theres nothing you can do to lighten the burden on these families. Let me tell you what i tell em and let me tell you what my best friend, joe dunford, told me because he was my casualty officer. He said, kell, he was doing exactly what he wanted to do when he was killed. He knew what he was getting into by joining that 1 , he knew what the possibilities were because were at war, and when he died and the four cases were talking about in niger and my sons case, when he died he was surrounded by the best men on this earth, his friends. Thats what the president tried to say to four families the other day. It stuns me that a member of congress would have listened in on that conversation, absolutely stuns me. I thought at least that was sacred. You know, as a kid growing up, a lot of things were sacred in our country. I appeal to america that lets not let this maybe last thing that is held sacred in our society, a young man, young woman going out and giving his or her life for our country, lets try to somehow keep that sacred. Wow. Kelly said when his son was killed thenpresident obama did not call him, but he said it was not meant to be a criticism. Congresswoman wilson says she stands by her story. I have never seen a News Conference like that. When you watched him yesterday, the graphic detail he gave about what happens when a body return home was so touching and so raw and so emotional, and you could physically feel his pain watching through the tv screen. You see the words that he said. I think President Trump was trying to say that but it just didnt come out the way kelly said it. I thought it was important context he provided. Me too. Im glad he came and spoke. Me too. He doesnt like to talk publicly about his son for that reason, can we please keep it sacred. He talked about the selfless sacrifice of those in the military. We still have many in harms way and to remember that. I thought it was really important context. I do too. It brings me back to london, because i spoke after eric crieden, who was a navy seal, and he talked about war. The thing that comes through when you talk to soldiers from the battlefield, the people they care the most about and theyre fighting with their colleagues, the people, men and women theyre serving with, those are the people. When he said the call from those is what is most warming and necessary. Even when he took questions to the parents. He wanted to speak with people who knew the gold star family experience. It was touching yesterday. Youre right, norah, the context was know supportive. In make your bed every day, write i love that book, he talked about his own inadequacy in making the call to people. He talked in the book about general kelly being good at making the call because he knew the sacrifice personally. It is hard for anybody to convey that you understand and feel unless you have gone through that same thing, and general kelly has been through that. And the president evidently said what general kelly told him he might say. His words werent deliberate, but it put it in context for us all. House Speaker Paul Ryan predict his colleagues will pass the sweeping tax plan by early november. Ahead in our series we call issues that matter, paul ryan will join us at the table to discuss how realistic that goal really is. Plus, whether taxes could go up for some middle class walmart paid more than 300 million to add the bone observe os mens wear line to its lineup. The founder and ceo is in the green room. Ahead, the decision behind his merge with walmart and how it could help the retail giant fight amazon. You are watching cbs this morning. Oo at Stanford Health care, we can now use a blood sample to detect lung cancer. If we can do that, imagine what we can do for asthma. And if we can stop seizures in epilepsy patients with a small pacemaker for the brain, imagine what we can do for multiple sclerosis, even migraines. If we can use patients genes to predict Heart Disease in their families, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. Imagine what we can do for you. Right now its time to show you this mornings headlines. Jeff bezos is pose on top of a wind booin. Its part of the kun companys wind farm. Amazon has launched 18 wind and solar farms across the country. He looks so powerful. He knows how to smash a bottle with a hand hat on. The remains of haleys comet will be visible anywhere on earth. It peaks tonight and tomorrow night. You can see as many as 20 orionorion orionids an hour. The magazine says she just wasnt into it. Look at that face. Shes like no thanks. The black lab showed signs she was not interested in detecting odors after a few weeks of training. She was dropped from the program. But there is a happy ending here because lulus handler will adopt her. A black lab will do it every time. President trump says his tax plan will create more jobs. A san lorenzo man has died. After a thief ran him over, with his own pickup. Police say the victim left his pickup as it warmed up good morning. Im anne makovec. A san lorenzo man has died after a thief ran him over with his own pickup. Police say the victim left the pickup as it warmed up yesterday morning and returned to see somebody getting into the drivers seat. He tried to stop the thief but was hit. Police still searching for the suspect and the vehicle. A swearingin ceremony this afternoon in oakland for the new fire chief. Darrin white was serving as interim chief. He has been with the citys Fire Department for two decades. Raffic and weather in just a moment. Dream. That had a we came together to feed the worlds children. We came together to protect them, and in this dangerous world we have to keep on saving them and protecting them, even when were gone. If we remember unicef in our will, well be the generation who left a better world for children. Visit uniceflegacy. Org. Awwwwww. Yummmm. Dennys new holiday pancakes are delicious. You guys can have some if you want. Order now at dennys. Com good morning. 8 27. We continue to track delays for drivers crossing the san mateo bridge. We have an accident right at the highrise if you are heading westbound. You can see heavy traffic approaching the camera here on the left side of your screen. This is what the backup looks like over at the toll plaza. Its about 26 minutes as you make your way from 880 to 101. You can see it looks like chp over in the center divide, as well. Its a slow commute for drivers heading along 880. This is just south of 238. We have two separate crashes right at that interchange there. Thats keeping things heavy and 880 heading through oakland, this is right near the coliseum, traffic on the right side of your screen there heading northbound, 41 minutes from 238 to the maze. From the maze into San Francisco, its an additional 15 minutes. Lets check in with neda on the forecast. Hidef doppler lit up overnight and now not so much. But we are seeing the cloud cover the remnants. Storm system. Look how it moves through. It did bring a good amount of rain to all the north bay hills up to threequarters inch of rain for many areas. Santa rosa got a good helping and now we are seeing cooler conditions and those clouds look really pretty out there. Total rainfall for San Francisco is at threetenths. Mill valley 4 10ths as well as pacifica, the mount diablo peak saw. 7. Temperatures in the mid50s for concord, oakland. Warmer next week. 90s monday through wednesday. I dont think ive seen this many new york liberals, this many wall street ceos in one room since my last visit to the white house. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Conversations already started because no one was safe from house Speaker Paul Ryans jokes last night. He delivered the keynote address at the alfred smith dinner last night. He took pokes at both sides of the aisle. Wisconsin is a fantastic place to visit in the fall. Looking back, somebody should have told Hillary Clinton that fact. Every morning i wake up in my office and scroll twitter to see which tweets i will have to pretend i did not see later on. That played very well in the room. The annual fundraiser brings religious and political leaders together to raise money for catholic charities. House Speaker Paul Ryan joins us. He is part of our ongoing series, issues that matter. We are looking at tax reform. The senate cleared the way by narrowly approving a 4 trillion budget. Good morning. Good morning. Good to be with you. The senate was perfect yesterday. This budget vote. And that gets us on track for being able to do what we call reconciliation, which is our ability to actually pass tax reform. Our plans are in place. The train is on the tracks and we are rolling down the track. The whole point of getting tax reform done, increase peoples paychecks, higher wages, faster Economic Growth which gets us a healthier economy and more jobs. Thats what were excited about and pleased that the senate did the heavy lifting on the first stage. Are you going to make the case it is not a tax cut for the wealthy . Thats why were introducing the fourth bracket so highincome earners do not see a rate cut and that goes to the middle class. About half of the people in this country live paychecktopay check and giving them a brait break on their taxes and giving them some relief, and carving out loopholes that benefit the high income people, the wellconnected businesses. But plugging though loopholes you make it fairer and simpler for everybody. We think it is important for the businesses. Bring money back from overseas, make the tax rates kpelttive with the rest of the world so you have incentive to stay in america and make things in america. Thats the focus of the tax reform. The president said that this income tax plan will not benefit his family. He says, believe me, it will now. How can we believe him, mr. Speaker, if we cant see the tax reform . I dont know the answer to your question, gayle. I dont know how his businesses are exactly structured. Do you think it is fair then . I think what he is going at the president is the one who has been very insistent we reintroduce what we call the fourth bracket, meaning we dont lower taxes for highincome individuals. That i think is what he is talking about. So that all that revenue goes to the middle class tax cut, thats what i think the president is talking about. So then could you give us the details on what those four tax brackets will be . Yeah, i can give you three of the four details. So it is the 12 bracket, which means people who are currently in the 10 bracket that goes to zero. People in the 15 bracket, that goes down to 12. Then we would have a 25 bracket and a 35 bracket. The fourth bracket that the president and others are talking about that were going to do, we are working on those numbers now that we have a budget resolution from the senate, we want to make sure we get a final budget resolution between the house and senate. Once we get that budget resolution, that tells us how our numbers will work. Then we will introduce the bill which will have that fourth bracket designed to make sure we dont have a big drop in income tax rates for highincome people. Their bracket is 39. 6 right now and then we have a middle class tax cut. Go ahead. I was going to say, one of the things that the president s plan does is would eliminate what is called the federal property Tax Deduction for state and local taxes. Our crew here many of them live weve been asking. Many live in new jersey. Yeah. So since you cant deduct what your state and local, that would in new jersey, for instance, People Living in new jersey, that would add about 3,500 for every family. Thats a huge when you talk about People Living paychecktopaycheck, thats not a middle class tax cut. Thats what were working on now. And you have congressman let me address this. You have congressman going home i dont want to get off the point. Here the is deal. This will be design to lower tax rates for people in the middle, not on the high end. Lets take it in perspective. You double the standard deduction, thats that many more people that dont have to itemize their deduction. You lower tax rates, that means less of their income is tax in the first place. You increase the per child tax credit, get rid of the tax penalty, all of those things benefit everybody in the middle class. On the point you just mentioned, norah, this is what the ways and Means Committee is looking at, is how do we make sure middle income taxpayers in new jersey, new york, wisconsin, wherever, make sure that they actually benefit in the net on this thing, that they benefit. So the goal here is look at it in its totality. We want to make sure even people in these states that you mention that have discrete issues, they too benefit, but that those benefits dont go to people who are really high income earners. But gary coleman said so we dont have a big tax rate drop for the wealthy folks in whatever state, so that the focus goes on the middle class. But, mr. Speaker, gary cohen said that he cant guarantee the middle class wont see tax cuts go up. Can you make that guarantee . He said he cannot make the guarantee. When we get the numbers which will be finalized in a matter of days, we will be able to put the bill out. The whole purpose, gayle, is not to be raising if it was a tax increase on middle income taxpayers, we wouldnt do it. It is about lowering peoples taxes in the middle class, simplifying the tax system and growing this economy. Why cant you make the guarantee then . Gary cohen says he cant make it. I dont know why he says that because it is about lowering peoples tax else. All right. Can you convince senator corker it is not going to do damage to the deficit . Absolutely. Bob and i have had good conversations about this. You got him when . Bob voted for the budget yesterday, im sure he did. But the tax reform that budget yesterday is for the senates perspective, that paved the entire way for this. Theres two things were going to do here. When you take away a carve out in the loophole, that broadens the tax base. That means more income is subject to taxation. Guess who benefits from carve outs from loop holes, wealthy and wellconnect. You get rid of those loopholes you lower rates and it is fairer for everybody. Also, what we learned is when you lower tax rates, when you help People Living paychecktopaycheck, when you put american businesses on a level Playing Field with forgn competition, you get faster Economic Growth, more jobs, you get more tax revenues, and those two things get rid of loopholes, faster Economic Growth, gives us better revenues and more growth so we dont have a deficit problem. Look, were republicans. We are sensitive to the deficit. Two things you need to do. Spending and Economic Growth. This is our Economic Growth plan to give us faster revenues and faster growth, and obviously the spending is something were always going to be having to work on. Two things. One with respect to bringing money back home from overseas. Yeah. How are you going to structure that so that, in fact, that money that comes back will be used in a constructive way in terms of creating jobs, in terms of investment by corporations, in terms of producing a growth economy . Yes, so we call it repatriation. I dont know how detailed you want me to get because it can get boring. Lets say it three trillion dollars no one knows this number but we estimate. There are about 3 trillion of profits overseas right now that dont come back in the country because of our screwy tax laws. We will at a lower tax rate deem all of that money repatriated so it does come back, and then from there on ever we will adopt the system everybody else in the world has, which is if you make money overseas bring it home without a big penalty. We anticipation hundreds of billions of dollars at the start to come back into the country to go back into investments. I think best way to look at this is National Association of manufacturers did a big sur vea of members. These are the big manufacturers in america. Twothirds say they will invest in plant and equipment and factories, in wages and salaries of their workers with the actual money theyre going to get from this kind of tax reform. You joked last night about the president and his tweets. Can you characterize how the relationship is right now between President Trump, the leaders, Republican Leaders of the house you and the senate, mcconnell. Good. Is it all good . Everything thats been said about you and mitch mcconnell, it is all sort of thats the past, were going to get together . Yes, exactly. You know why . Because we have a shared common agenda. Theres a lot of noise out there, a lot of his tear ya ys what about steve bannon. Hes not in government anymore. Hes launching a campaign against the establishment. And he is coming after you. I dont care you know what i care about . I care about getting things done, making progress on issues that improve peoples lives. So honestly why worry about things outside of your control . Dont. Worry about things that you can control. How do we grow this economy . How do we help families living paychecktopay check . How do we build the countrys resiliency and strength and get the economy healthier . Thats what were focused on. You played well in the room last night. You took jabs at everyone including the president. Im equal opportunity. Most people think the president has a thin skin when it comes to joke. Are you worried today . No, actually did you run it by him . I would say two years ago before i knew him, we know each other so well we actually jab each other on the phone now. Once he gets to know a person and who they are and how they tick and has a personal relationship, it is a totally different story. I want to ask you, president george w. Bush spoke yesterday and said bigotry seems to be emboldened. Yes, i didnt hear his teach, but i think identity politics have got eastbound oten out of this country. I think it is dangerous for our country. What it does is seeks to exploit fear, it seeks to exploit ig nornlig norn ignorance. That is how you disunify a culture and society and country. There are people that for some reason believe it is not immoral it is and there are some people that believe identity politics is the way to win an election. I assume youre not talking about white supremacies. Thats even worse than identity politics. Thats a severe, awful, dark form of identity politics, but the point im trying to say is as look, i am a conservative. There are liberals. Last night, thats one thing, we all want to help our country and help people and unify and we have different ideas and principals on how to achieve that goal. When you practice identity politics you are trying to divide people for gain. You are trying to divide the country. You are trying to divide citizens against one another for some political gain. That is a political tactic that unfortunately has been tried over and over again, much more lately, and i think it is wrong and it comes from our side and the left. George bush was speaking to something even broader than that. He seemed to be talking about the president of the United States without mentioning him. And obama i have no clue. Here is the new york times. I dont typically read the new york times. Really . Yeah. Tell me what you think the country needs to do to beyond identity politics, to somehow get at what is everybody thinks our politics are troubled. Yeah. That there is a we actually talked about this a little bit last night, Cardinal Dolan and i have been speaking about this a lot together. He is an old friend of mine, used to be our bishop in milwaukee. I think we need to revive Community Groups and get people to reintegrate with people in our communities. Gayle, you and i talked about it before, which is especially when you are talking about poverty, which is related but not the core here, and the point i mean when i say that is people have gone into their enclaves in america and build up walls. Read bob putnams books, you know, that is a dark and dangerous trend in this country. We have to figure outweighs wa breaking down these barriers and reintegrating our societies. A number of ways to do that is more Economic Growth and more opportunity, we have to focus from getting people from welfare to work, but we have to focus on reintegrating our communities and getting Civil Society revitalized. What you are saying is true, but many problems feel that the president is dividing us. Thats the problem. I think thats what president bush, even if you didnt hear the speech you have heard the conversation. Sure, sure. Between president bush and both president obama, both seem to be saying the point is why dont you talk to the president about this . Yes. Okay. Point taken. Thank you. Mr. Speaker, thank you for joining us to talk about tax reform. Arent you glad you came . Yes, great conversation about tax reform. We did talk about it for ten minutes. We extended it. Thank you so much. A community is honoring a world war ii veteran by setting out chairs for him on his walks. Ahead, how he is inspiring his neighbors in return. This is a heart wow nice outfit. When i grow up, im going to mars. Were working on that. Some people know how far they want to go. A personalized Financial Strategy can help you get them there. See how access to j. P. Morgan investment expertise can help you. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Insp inspiration is found in the most unlikely places. He walked around the neighborhood every day. He gets a little help from his friends. Vladimir duthiers shows how his neighbors help keep him moving. Even though hes not as fast as he used to be, thats just fine for harvey djerf. Hes been walking this neighborhood for over 65 years. His neighborhoods have taken a notice. Dotting along his milelong route is chair after chair after chair. As i got older i stop and rest more often and the neighbors have noticed harvey is stopping and taking a breath. So theyve been putting out different chairs and inviting me to sit and take a rest. Hey, alex, how are you in. Good. Reporter hes a bit of a celebrity in plymouth, minnesota, four miles outside of minneapolis. Does harvey get a hug . Thats number eight. Its a wonderful experience, a social experience. I get to know the neighbors. They get to know me. At 95, life has a way of slowing down, but for harvey, his walks and his rests are a chance to keep the pace city. My wife said years ago im antsy, i cant sit still. Reporter these days harvey is on his own. His wife pat of 69 years suffered a stroke this past summer and is recoveringing at a local facility. Its the walking that keeps harvey going. And its the connection with his neighbors that might just motivate them. They say when they see harvey go by twice a day, they figure out they should get out and walk themselves. Reporter for cbs this morning, vladimir duthiers. Big thankyou to our station in minneapolis helping harvey share his story. Aint that america. Thats right. Youre watchin my name is Cynthia Haynes and i am a senior Public Safety specialist for pg e. My job is to help educate our First Responders on how to deal with natural gas and electric emergencies. Everyday when we go to work we want everyone to work safely and come home safely. I live right here in auburn, i absolutely love this community. Once i moved here i didnt want to live anywhere else. I love that people in this community are willing to come together to make a difference for other peoples lives. Together, were building a better california. Oh, you yeah ht butch. butch growls at man hes looking at me right now, isnt he . Yup. butch barks at man butch is like an old soul that just hates my guts. laughs vo you can never have too many faithful companions. Introducing the allnew crosstrek. Love is out there. Find it in a subaru crosstrek. Jielt geesd to be sfwhook its great to have you back, sir charles. As totalled one billion dollars. And climbing. The destruction includes more thousand homes. Good morning. Im anne makovec. Data from insurance claims that damage from the north bay wildfires has told talked 1 billion and climbing. The destruction includes more than 5,000 homes. Right now, in the santa cruz mountains, crews are fighting the bear fire which has burned at least 320acre and is 40 contained. 7 firefighters were injured. This afternoon a Court Hearing is scheduled for the man accused in a hitandrun that left a San Francisco Police Officer critically injured. Officer elia lewintankel was riding a book on patrol on turk street wednesday when an suv driver hit him. Your local traffic and weather coming up next. Good morning. Mass transit delays due to train traffic. We are seeing delays on the capitol corridor out of suisun and fairfield. Train number 5, 15 minutes late. Ship traffic out of alameda and oakland to San Francisco Ferry Building we are seeing 10 minute delays on the ferries. Heads up on highway 13. An accident blocking one lane, 11 minutes from 580 up to highway 24. 580 is about 27 minutes. And heres 880 as you make your way past the coliseum there. Northbound direction on the right side of your screen, 40 minutes. Thats a 25minute delay from 238 on up towards the maze. We are still seeing those slowdowns on the eastshore freeway. Bay bridge toll plaza, out of the red, back in the yellow. Check out this storm system that came through, certainly brought action overnight and now its winding down. But we saw places like San Francisco, san jose, at least a quarter inch of rain so hey, well take it. Heres our vaca camera looking really nice out there with those clouds. The remnants of the storm. As far as rain totals go for some of the burn areas, st. Helena up to threequarters inch. Santa rosa 7 10ths. Right now temperatures are in the upper 50s for concord, upper 40s for santa rosa. 90s monday through wednesday. wayne yelling gibberish wayne youve got the car tiffany oh yeah, thats good. Wayne you won the big deal oh, my god wayne cat gray superhuman . Jonathan its a trip to belize wayne perfect. Jonathan true dat. Wayne well, thats why you tune in. Happy hour jonathan its time for lets make a deal. Now heres tvs big dealer, wayne brady wayne well, hello, america. Look at you looking so good. Welcome to lets make a deal. Im wayne brady. Lets make a deal, who wants to make it . You do, come over here. Everybody else have a seat. Come on over here, speak into the mic. Whats your name . Masha. Wayne hey, masha, so what do you do, masha . Im a probation officer. Wayne youre a probation officer. Yes. Wayne wow, oaky, so lets see the masha that deals with somebody who is on probation. Okay, wait

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