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It will use 67 trailers donated by the state to bring homeless and Vulnerable People into isolation into east oakland so they avoid contracting covid 19. The program will provide three meals per day and running water. The mayor emphasized the goal is to find long term housing for these residents. We have arbitrary deadlines for people to stay. This site will have Housing Navigation and so our ultimate goal is to get this and all of the people that we serve. The trailers equipped with sewage and water and theyll start by processing ten people a day with priorities for the citys most vulnerable residents. Martinez expressing concern over a growing arena and could be a health risk from the public. Cdc guidelines tell them not to clear the encampment and in a statement they say, sheering into e commy ses ial pple are in place like everyone else. You can cannot bring any friend in here and cant bring friends to my house or in here. This is your shelter in place encam 7 want to protect you and the citizens. As long as i have as many people as have in here, the citizens should be happy out here. They could be running and causing problems for anybody. After the shelter in place order has been removed and routine clearing, homeless encampments will continue. Live at the news desk following a push by Public Health experts, teachers and parents calling on the governor to put a close on all School Closures and mergers till after the Health Crisis is over and at least 16 schools in six to b schools are tobecated charter l oolsare closed for the and the governor calls for greater social distancing if theyre able to return in the fall. Any plan that would increase crowding or increase the number of students in the classroom goes in exactly the wrong direction with regard to the prevention and control strategies were trying to implement and have in place. This group also argues that the school slated to be closed are located in minority neighborhoods. Communities already ction andeath theyr coned this have auc otional effect on a lot of students that are having trouble adjusting to calling the new normal. Live at the news desk. Back to you. Thank you. It is Cinco De Mayo and usually you see celebrations all over the place but as kpix5 reports, San Jose Police have a plan for those who decide to break the rules social distancing. We are here at the strip malls along story and king roads in east san jose, which turns out to be quite the hot spot over the days and thinking about Cinco De Mayo over the days and police want you to know you wont be alone. This team of officers assigned to patrol the neighborhood figure this was as good a place as in and large gatherings and the offi e not hallnot be tolerated. People crammed in shoulder to shoulder and social distancing and jesus lives nearby. Back to the top story, governor gavin newsom set to discuss how businesses are adapting to the reopening plans. Hes meeting with one Small Business now in sacramento. Lets take a listen. None have been fired and unfortunately furloughed because of the shut down, because of the stay at home order. As we move, we announce this week to modify in a meaningful way into what we call phase two our stay at home order and its businesses like this that can reopen for curb side pickup. Theyre doing their best under the circumstances here to provide online sales and to keep and operating and generate a little bit of cash flow and at the end of the day, its not enough to sustain this business for much longer and its incumbent upon all of us to work with businesses like this to make sure that when we do start to open up the economy, we do so in a safe and judicious way. With the indicator on the basis of Public Health. Were in a position here in the state to begin to move into phase two because millions of californiaens have appropriately distanced themselves from one another and report on the progress and whether or not we can move into these new phases and we talked yesterday about a new tracing session and isolate and quarantine individuals tomorrow and taking virtual Online Partnership with ucsf and ucla. We made a final commitment to providing ability in realtime and share information and collect ten thousand in phase one, 20,000 within two months of tracers disease detectives boup county se undersode deplth thayou utistingwork 2800 and so folks with 3,000 individuals that are currently doing tracing in the state of california. Itll allow us to move into the space with our capacity in realtime to determine the spread of individual spots to move through spaces and remember deaths, hospitalizations, and icus are lagging indicators. The more testing we do, our ability to track to trace and to isolate in quarantine, that allows us more realtime information and allows us to move into this new phase and stay in that phase in a very, again, ewe dishes an thoughulay. This whole effort enle health and partnehicollaboration and officials all across the state of california. As we said yesterday, well be putting out the guidelines this thursday and thatll open as early as friday of this week. Were talking about a moment ago what that would look like for him and a supply chain issue and not just a customer interface issue and coming through the backdoor meaning product that are displayed here at this business and a thoughtful way with a deep frame work and deep frame work of protecting his the supply chain, which will begin to open up manufacturers, logistics to support businesses like this in this new phase. Its incumbent of new levels and strong protocols in place and none more appropriate than protective gear. The ppe side of this is so foundational and our ability to be able to open up and make sure that people have they have the support they need to keep these facilities, to keep these retail establishments sanitized and to make sure customers again and employees are safe. Were very pleased in this state to have had substantial success in the last week and procurement of tens of millions of new masks that are now coming in. Almost on a weekly basis. Let me be specific, weve been able to distribute 14. 2 million procedure masks. The surgical masks since the beginning of this pandemic. We currently have an inventory of 19. 3 Million Masks that have come over those masks out as s we possibly can. But i can assure you in all of these months, we have never had so many procedure masks, surgical masks in our position now able to be districted all across the state of california. Again, weve prioritized our healthcare professionals, weve prioritized our First Responders and Skilled Nursing facilities and assisted living but we will as these product lines begin to open up more of this product from the front lines and grocery workers and get it off the front lines and in terms of transit workers and retail workers and ppe, not just testing and tracing and so foundational in terms of moving into this next phase and being able to and our economy with adaptation and finally reopen his business in 2014. Thats the spirit of entrepreneurialism. That spirit of mindset thats live and well and this business this sells california based products and california based designers and makers and brings that ingenuity and that talent to bear and that Space Available to support our economy but also to support other entrepreneurs in our economy and a long way from saying this. It impacts the supply chain and creativity and ingenuity and invite visitative spirit that defines the best of california. Businesses are not just about dollars and cents but about community and spirit and pride and put ideas and make them reopen and visible and create opportunities and create manifest dreams and at end of the day, Small Business person myself, this starts as a dream putting pen to paper and seeing dream come to fruition and potentially come b at risk because of the pandemic is devastating so its a way of expressing not just empathy but a deep admiration and appreciation for these entrepreneurs that put everything on the line and truly everything is on the line as we move into this next phase to make sure we do it right and to make sure we dont jump ahead of ourselves and have a second wave that then forces us to toggle back and now put back into place the restrictions that were now in a position to finally loosen up and so its a long way of just repeating a montra we have to maintain the core construct of our stay at home orders and make sure that we are appropriately doing the social distancing and physical distancing that is necessary at this moment particularly as we move into this new phase where that behavior becomes even more essential because we put more and more people at risk as we begin to open things back up and thats why i cannot impress upon people more that were not going back to normal. Its back to a new normal of adaptations and modifications of a vaccine and thats coming and thatll happen. The question is what happens in between and its just a remarkable job and keeping that line and keeping that people in icus in a stable place compared to many other parts of the country and youre the reason were in this position looking forward to moving through this weekend and modifications and start seeing these manufacturers and logistical supports take shape and with that in mind before i get to all of the daily umm dates, i wanted to acknowledge and state senate now mayor of the city of sacramento and mayor steinburg has been essential and critical in terms of helping guidance and at the end of the day, we put out these guidelines at the ate led ementations and manifested at the local level and local elect taints are so important and theyre so important. And its been demonstrable for many, many years and the pandemic including announcements a few weeks back and room key to help californiaens on the streets and sidewalks and homeless was critical. Theyre helping advance that effort and hes critical in terms of advancing this effort as well. Wouldnt be appropriate to be at a retailer in the city of sacramento and beginning to reopen parts of the economy with conditions if we did invite the mayor to say a few words with that sacramento, sacramento mayor darryl steinburg. Thank you very much, governor newsom. I want to thank you for your steadfast leadership, for your carnia back but in the right and safe way. This cannot be a choice between Public Health and reopening the economy. We know that we must know you have now said to us and we are now on the ground beginning to think about the implementation and its not a question of if, it is not a question of when. It is a question of how. How we go about reopening and well define as you said a moment ago whether or not we can move with effectiveness to the next stages and open up more and whether or not we are going to have to take a small step, a medium step, or in which case a large step back ward to keep the economy closed for longer. We know there is only one way to go. That is forward and so how we reopen at the local level and throughout the state is absolutely crucial. It may seem like a small inconvenience and being able to shop at display california store, but to have to pick up curb side is no big deal. To make sure that you dont come if youre not feeling well. To make sure that with the work you have done, governor, to assure that we have more masks. To wear masks when youre out in public to provide that extra layer of protection. To make sure that you are washing your hands and we are always using the right sanitation supplies in our retail spaces. We do all of that, the governor will then be in the position, well all be in the position where we can confidently take the next steps and open more and return, yes, not to normal, but to the new normal, which will reconnect us as members of our community, which will allow more of our Small Businesses to recover, and ultimately to grow, and will allow us to see that new in california again where we are open for business. Thank you very much, governor. Thank you, mr. Mayor, for your leadership and at the state and local levels and coming up on thursday and the application and the conditions that we are setting forth through the weekend and over the course of the next few weeks and it is just essential. And city leaders and county leaders and more important than all our Health Directors so that we are maintaining Public Health mindset well do what we can to help the Small Businesses from loan assistance and as you know, Small Business Association Administration rather has a number of Business Loans and federally with the cares act and ppe, thats personal protective equipment and the ppe program is the support program. It was all across the state from the forgivable rounds and californiaens did not fair as well as we should have in terms of percentage of loans and we draw down and the number of dollars we felt from drawing down. I want to update you on the good news. The first round of ppp, 33. 4 billions was distributed in the state of california in terms of those business supports. With just 60 of the second ppp program. Just 60 of the second ppp program. We have already drawn down 33. 2 billions. So roughly the equivalent amount of the entire first program. Everyone though just 60 of the funds have been distributed nationwide. Its a way of saying this, we are doing much better in this second round, more than three times as many loans drawn down in the state of california and more money. Were very encouraged by that. When you add up both loan programs and average them out, were currently doing about 11. 2 of all of the loans in america and 12. 9 , roughly 13 of all of the money coming into the state. Its getting close to where it should be. Is people that dont need it, dont take advantage of the program and critical for companies that are very large and have huge cash capacity not to compete with businesses like this that must be the top priority of a program like that. Imed to update you on the ppp program on good news there and punching above its way on the second iteration of that. Also want to give you an update briefly on some very positive developments in Orange County. I announced yesterday laguna beach, we announced yesterday the work that we had done with their mayor, and the work were doing in san clemente reopwn laguna bea thmayor amplof colborandcooperative his ions o with termbeach acss to bethose beach for access and would we announced those yesterday and good news is just a few hours ago were able to make similar commitments in terms of protocols with Huntington Beach and similar beaches. Theyre opening up again and extension of real gratitude for local elected officials that will work so closely with our teams over the weekend and over the course of the last 24 hours so were in a position to make that announcement. Its a spirit of collaboration and cooperation thats necessary as we move forward and again, i want to express gratitude. Folks in ventura, san diego, la, and elsewhere offering guidance and assistance on some of their best practices and protocols all aiding and helping support these broader efforts. Huntington beach reopening and data point reopening and seal beach reopening and the county supervisors in Orange County and we hope new developments there shortly and new port and Real Progress in that space again. In that spirit of collaboration, in the spirit of partnership. I more than anyone look ard to making subsequent announce wants in this space as we move forward. Just briefly, we reached a milestone, an important one over 10 billion of Unemployment Insurance weve now distributed to people all across the state of california just since march 15th. Again, this is unprecedented in our states history. These are numbers that no one thought theyd see in our lifetime, 10. 1 billion to be exact has been distributed 4. 1 million have filed for unemployment and since march 15 and since march 12, that includes people under the pua program, a lot of letters, pua, not ppp, not ppe. The pua program is the pandemic ploymentassistance program like Unemployment Insurance for people that are selfemployed, people in the gig economy alike. Roughly 450,000 of those four plus Million People filing for claims are in that katz gore and a stubborn amount of money out and not the full amount but getting at least 767 out as the first round of contributions as we adjudicate the facts on the actual claims. This goes deep into the issues that have been brought to the floor today through a lawsuit by our attorney general, number of city attorneys related to misclassification of employees and people know well here in the state of california and the full effective law and announcing enforcement and recommendations to get more personal and staff and budget and on may 14 and well further that effort and we have a lot of work to do in that classifications and pua issues related to anxiety and were pleased the state of california is taking leadership in this space but in that transition always there are some challenges. Final point before i open up to questions, i want to update you on a whole number of positives. Lives lost and hospitalizations and icus and in terms of the total number of new positives, idtify yesterday and whats significant about that is that number is plus or minus in a margin weve seen over the last few days and just over the last number of days, roughly the last three days and weve tested just shy of 100,000 people just in the last three days in the state of california. Tragically. 63 people lost their lives in this reporting period. 63 lives torn asunder. 63 families whose lives have radically changed. Our heart goes out to every single one of those families. And by extension always our concern, number of people nicus hospitalized. We saw the hospitalization numbers drop yesterday. They went up modestly the last 24 hours a by 2. 6 . With icu numbers went down 1. 9 percent. So icu is down today. Hospitalizations up. Yesterday was the opposite. The good news against, to try to not confuse you but also be accountable to being as precise as i possibly can. We have people investigation. The p uis. People under investigation both for hospitalizations nicus. Those numbers also dropped yesterday. Its another indication. If we put out a report card today it would be slightly stronger than the report we put out yesterday to give us a get mo confidee in our pacity to move rwto ve on with our stayathome order next week. Again modest but meaningful modification. Phased approach, frame of health first. These indicators will got us into this new phase. If unawares before i do open for questions, we continue to have very robust and very very positive conversations with our county and county health officials. Our county elected representatives and officials. As they are inquiring about the capacity to make variance request with containment plants that will allow them to go deeper into our phase two. And so we are working with them hand in glove. The information around what thr and communicat yesterday. So that is a longwinded update of the day. A very positive day in terms of some of these indicators. Caution, this can alwa change ca

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