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Not much farther to libya. Over the last three millennia, malta has been conquered or colonized by just about every world power. bells ringing most of the 500,000 people here are catholic, a tradition that started early. The apostle paul is said to have been shipwrecked here in 60 a. D. But as youll see, today, the proud maltese are dealing with accusations that are far from holy. ticking few people can say they have ever played at the super bowl. This year, shakira added her name to that list. We went to spain to watch the an ther ofdra stary work, mix a gerard pique, on his toes. He said, im going to win the world cup. Okay. laughter ticking im lesley stahl. Im bill whitaker. Im anderson cooper. Im jon wertheim. Im scott pelley. Those stories, tonight, on 60 minutes. ticking if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, inflammation in your eye might be to blame. 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Ask your doctor about the pill first prescribed for ra more than seven years ago. Xeljanz. An unjection™. Cooper for most of cooper for most of us, psychedelic drugs conjure up images of the 1960s hippies tripping out on l. S. D. Or magic mushrooms. But, as we reported last fall, these powerful, mindaltering substances are now being studied seriously by scientists inside some of the countrys foremost medical research centers. Theyre being used to treat depression, anxiety and addiction. And early results are impressive, as are the experiences of the studies volunteers, who go on a six hour, sometimes terrifying, but often lifechanging psychedelic journey deep into their own minds. Carine mclaughlin people ask me, do you want to do it again . I say, hell, no, i dont want to go do that again. Cooper it was really that bad . Mclaughlin oh, it was awful. The entire time, other than the very end and the very beginning, i was crying. Cooper Carine Mclaughlin is talking about the hallucinogenic experience she had here at Johns Hopkins university, after being given a large dose of psilocybin, the psychedelic agent in magic mushrooms, as part of an ongoing clinical trial. Roland griffiths we tell people that their experiences may vary, from very positive, to transcendent and lovely, to literally hell realm experiences. Cooper hell realm . Griffiths as frightening an experience as you have ever had in your life. Cooper thats scientist Roland Griffiths. For nearly two decades now, he and his colleague Matthew Johnson have been giving what they call heroic doses of psilocybin to more than 350 volunteers, many struggling with addiction, depression and anxiety. Can you tell who is going to have a bad experience, whos going to have a transcendent experience . Griffiths our ability to predict that is almost none at all. Cooper really . Matthew johnson about a third will, at our at a high dose, say that they have Something Like that, what folks would call a bad trip. But most of those folks will actually say that that was key to the experience. Cooper Carine Mclaughlin was a smoker for 46 years, and said she tried everything to quit before being given psilocybin at holast yea psilocybin itself is non addictive. Do you remember what, like, specifically what you were seeing, or . Mclaughlin yes. The ceiling of this room were clouds, like, heavy rain clouds, and gradually they were lowering. And i thought i was going to suffocate from the clouds. Cooper that was more than a year ago. She says she hasnt smoked since. The study she took part in is still ongoing, but in an earlier, small study of just 15 longterm smokers, 80 had quit six months after taking psilocybin. Thats double the rate of any overthecounter Smoking Cessation product. Griffiths they come to a profound shift of world view. And essentially, a shift in sense of self that i think cooper they they see their life in a different way . Griffiths their world view changes and and they are less identified with that self narrative. People might use the term ego. And that creates this sense of freedom. Cooper and not just with smokers. Jon kostakopoulos beer usually, cocktails, usually, vodka sodas, tequila sodas, scotch and sodas. Cooper Jon Kostakopoulos was drinking a staggering 20 cocktails a night, and had been warned he was slowly killing himself, when he decided to enroll in another psilocybin trial at new york university. During one psilocybin session, he was flooded with powerful feelings and images from his past. Kostakopoulos stuff would come up that i havent thought of since they happened. Cooper so, old memories that you hadnt even remembered came back to you . Kostakopoulos i felt, you know, a lot of shame and embarrassment throughout one of the sessions, about my drinking, and how bad i felt for my parents to put up with all this. Cooper he took psilocybin in 2016. He says he hasnt had a drink since. Do you ever have a day where you wake up and youre like, man, i wish i could have a vodka right now, or beer . Kostakopoulos never. Cooper not at all . Kostakopoulos not at all, which is the craziest thing, because that was my favorite thing to do. I want you to lie back, put the eyeshade on, and the headphones, and let the music carry you now. Cooper using psychedelic drugs in therapy is not new. There were hundreds of scientific studies done on a similar compound, l. S. D. , in the 1950s and 60s. It was tested on more than 40,000 people, some in controlled therapeutic settings like this one. But there were also abuses. The u. S. Military and c. I. A. Experimented with l. S. D. , tients knowledge. Fear over rampant drug use and the spread of the Counter Culture movement, not to mention harvard professor Timothy Leary urging people to turn on, tune in and drop out, led to a clampdown. President nixon this nation faces a major crisis in terms of the increasing use of drugs, particularly among our young people. Cooper in 1970, president Richard Nixon signed the controlled substances act, and nearly all Scientific Research in the u. S. Into the effects of psychedelics on people stopped. It wasnt until 2000 that scientist Roland Griffiths won f. D. A. Approval to study psilocybin. Griffiths this whole area of research has been in the deep freeze for 25 or 30 years. And so as a scientist, sometimes i feel like rip van winkle. Cooper and once you saw the results . Griffiths yeah. The red light started flashing. This is extraordinarily interesting. Its unprecedented, and the capacity of the human organism to change. It just was astounding. Cooper it sounds like you are endorsing this for everybody. Griffiths yeah, lets be really clear on that. We are very aware of the risks, and would not recommend that people simply go out and do this. Cooper griffiths and johnson screen out people with psychotic disorders, or with close relatives who have had schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Study volunteers at Johns Hopkins are given weeks of intensive counseling before and after the sixhour psilocybin experience. The psilocybin is given in a carefully controlled setting, one to three times. To date, they say theres not been a single serious adverse outcome. Mary cosimano so, im going to tuck you in. Cooper we were told we couldnt record anyone participating in the study while they were on psilocybin, because it might impact their experience, but we were shown how it begins, without the psilocybin. Cosimano questions . Cooper nope. You lay on a couch, with a blind fold to shut out distractions. Cosimano put the headphones on. Cooper and headphones playing a mix of choral and classical music. A psychedelic soundtrack with a trained guide, mary cosimano, watching over you. Cosimano okay, so, give me your hand. So, im going to take your hand. Cooper everything is done the same way it was for the l. S. D. Experiments scientists conducted in the 1950s and 60s. Some of the most dramatic results have been with terminal Cancer Patients struggling with anxiety and paralyzing depression. Kerry pappas i start seeing the colors and the geometric sign and its , h, lovely, and, anenom onbega ooper kerry pappas was diagnosed with stage iii lung cancer in 2013. During her psilocybin session, she found herself trapped in a nightmare her mind created. Pappas an ancient. Prehistoric. Barren land. And theres these men with pickaxes, just slamming on the rocks. So cooper and this felt absolutely real to you . Pappas absolutely real. I was being shown the truth of reality. Life is meaningless. We have no purpose. And then i look, and im still, like, a witness. A beautiful, shimmering. Bright jewel. And then it was sound, and it was booming, booming, booming. Right here, right now. Cooper that was being said . Pappas yes. You are alive. Right here, right now, because thats all you have. And that is my mantra, to this day. Michael pollan it seemed so implausible to me that a single experience caused by a molecule, right, ingested in your body, could transform your outlook on something as profound as death. Thats thats kind of amazing. Cooper author Michael Pollan wrote about the psilocybin studies in a bestselling book, called how to change your mind. As part of his research, he tried psilocybin himself with the help of an underground guide. The kind of things that Cancer Patients were saying, like i touched the face of god. You were skeptical about when you hear phrases like that . Pollan yeah. Or, love is the most important thing in the universe. When someone tells me that, im just like, yeah, okay. Cooper so you dont go for some of the phrases that are used . Pollan no. It gives me the willies, as a writer. And i really struggled with that, because during one of my experiences, i came to the earthshattering conclusion that love is the most important thing in the universe. But its thats Hallmark Card stuff, right . And, so cooper and yet, while you were on it, and afterward pollan it was profoundly true. And it is profoundly true. Guess what . Cooper theres a reason its on a Hallmark Card. Pollan there is a reason. And one of the things psychedelics do is, they peel away all those essentially protective levels of irony and, and cynicism that we, that we acquire as we get older, and youre back to those kind of oh, my god. I forgot all about love. laughs cooper pollan said he also experienced what the researchers describe as ego loss, or in our heads. Pollan i did have this experience of seeing my ego burst into a little cloud of postit notes. I know it sounds crazy. Cooper and what are you are without an ego . Pollan youre laughs you had to be there. Cooper researchers believe that sensation of identity loss occurs because psilocybin quiets these two areas of the brain that normally communicate with each other. Theyre part of a region called the default mode network, and its especially active when were thinking about ourselves and our lives. Pollan and its where you connect what happens in your life to the story of who you are. Cooper we all develop a story over time about what our past was like and who we are. Pollan right. Yeah, what kind of person we are. How we react. And the fact is that interesting things happen when the self goes quiet in the brain, including this rewiring that happens. Cooper to see that rewiring, Johns Hopkins scientist Matthew Johnson showed us this representational chart of brain activity. The circle on the left shows normal communication between parts of the brain. On the right, what happens on psilocybin. Theres an explosion of connections, or crosstalk, between areas of the brain that dont normally communicate. The difference is just startling. Johnson right. Cooper is that why people are having experiences of seeing, you know, repressed memo, or pt memo, ople win and even the perceptual effect, sometimes the synesthesia, like, the the seeing sound. Cooper people see sound . Johnson yeah, sometimes. Cooper i dont even know what that means. Johnson right, yeah. laughs its its pollan maybe the ego is one character among many in your mind. And you dont necessarily have to listen to that voice thats chattering at you and criticizing you and telling you what to do. And thas very freeing. Cooper it was certainly freeing for kerry pappas. Though her cancer has now spread to her brain, her crippling anxiety about death is gone. Pappas yeah, its amazing. I mean, i feel like death doesnt frighten me. Living doesnt frighten me. I dont frighten me. This frightens me, but. Cooper this interview frightens you, but death doesnt . Pappas no cooper it turns out most of the 51 Cancer Patients in the Johns Hopkins study experienced significant decreases in depressed mood and anxiety after trying psilocybin. Twothirds of them rated their psilocybin sessions as among the most meaningful experiences of their lives. For some, it was on par with the birth of their children. Pappas to this day, it evolves in me. Cooper its still alive in you. Pappas its still absolutely alive in me. Cooper does it make you happier . Pappas yeah. And i dont necessarily use the word happy. Comfortable. Like, comfortable. I mean, ive suffered from anxiety my whole life. Im comfortable. That, to me, okay, i can die. Im comfortable. laughs i mean, its huge. Its huge. ticking now, simparica trio simplifies protection. Ticks and fleas . See ya heartworm disease . 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U. s Fastest Growing economies, priding itself on this surge and its plucky personality. But along with old charms and new construction, malta was earning a reputation for rampant corruption and dubious dealings. And then theres the matter of the assassination of a journalist Daphne Caruana galizia whose revelations cut a little too close to the heart of power. Malta sits as a sundappled speck in the mediterranean, three small islands a short ferry ride from sicily and not much farther to libya. The Southern Gateway to europe. It can be hard to get your bearings here. Over the last three millennia, malta has been conquered or colonized by just about every world power, and each has left its mark. bells ringing most of the 500,000 people here are catholic, a tradition that started early. The apostle paul is said to have shipwrecked here in 60 a. D. Mark Anthony Falzon i find this to be a good metaphor of maltese culture. Wertheim mark Anthony Falzon is an anthropology professor and local newspaper columnist. Falzon the story is that saint paul converted the maltese to christianity. So that would mean that malta was one of the first places to be converted to christianity, even before rome. So we would be the original and the best christians. Wertheim a small band of crusaders, later known as the knights of malta, fended off the mighty ottomans in the 16th century. Under british rule, the maltese survived more than 3,000 german and italian bombing raids in world war ii. Malta gained its independence in 1964 and, since then, this country with little heavy industry and not much arable land has had to figure out a way to get by on its own. Remnants of its fabled past have made it irresistible to hollywood producers. Parts of gladiator were filmed here. Are you not entertained . Theirothne ws. M a europeans flock here for a budget tan; oligarchs, to dock their superyachts. Maltas already an established hub of online gambling. No more bets wertheim . But since taking over in 2013, the current government has sought to refashion the country as a mecca for emerging and complex technologies, like crypto currency and blockchain. The 45yearold Prime Minister, joseph muscat, is the high priest of this new gospel. Joseph muscat welcome to malta. Welcome to the blockchain island. Thank you. Wertheim these industries may be thriving in this sunny place, yet theyre known to attract more than their fair share of shadowy people. But thats nothing new. For centuries, malta played host to pirates and smugglers, operating at what mark Anthony Falzon calls the center of the fringes. It strikes me theres a certain ingenuity, a certain scrappiness here. Falzon yes, and scrappiness also means flexibility. Wertheim does that also pertain to a willingness to bend rules . Ibilit that sense . Alzon no ubt. Yes. The person who never bends the rules, they are thought of as a bit of a good boy. Wertheim which is not a term of endearment. Falzon no, a good boy is not a very good thing to be. Its naiiive. Muscat while we have increased. Wertheim perhaps in that same entrepreneurial spirit, the government has launched a program some call it a scheme to sell passports to the worlds superrich. Have a spare million . You too could buy maltese citizenship, and as this promotional video shows, the European Union passport that comes with it. As citizens of malta, successful applicants can enjoy visafree access to approximately 170 countries. Wertheim whos buying these passports . Manuel delia russian tycoons, chinese tycoons, saudi tycoons, nigerian tycoons. Wertheim for manuel delia, an online journalist and longtime critic of the current government, the program, estimated to have brought in almost a billion dollars, is essentially a trojan horse, allowing those with dubious aims to breach europes borders. Why would they want a maltese passport . Delia because they want to go in the rest of the world, hiding where theyre really from. Maltese passports give them not only Free Movement for themselves through european airports, but it gives their money, their capital, Free Movement throughout europe. Wertheim and Free Movement to the United States. American airport, youve got that maltese passport validated by the e. U. , you go right through passport control . Delia visafree, absolutely. So, thats a big reason to have it. Wertheim applicants to the golden passport program, as its come to be known, are supposed to show that theyve established residence in malta for at least a year. But when we checked the listed address for a russian tycoon, it led us here. Delia down there in the basement. Wertheim . To a modest suburb and rundown basement apartment that had been divided in two. Lets just call this what it is. This this is a fraud. Delia it is a fraud. Its a fraud. Whats worse, its perpetrated e. Wertheim there are other countries in europe where money can get you a passport, but in tiny malta, it has helped contribute to the economic boom. And yet, if malta is suddenly flush with cash, in other ways, its bankrupt. At least according to journalist Daphne Caruana galizia, who spent years chronicling organized crime, as well as highlevel corruption, for maltas major newspapers, and then on her blog, running commentary. When she launched the site in 2008, her son matthew says it quickly turned into a mustread. How would you describe her blog, running commentary, to someone that that hadnt read it before . Matthew Caruna Galizia it was completely revolutionary. Wertheim she became known simply as daphne, and just as quickly, became a reviled figure in some corners of malta. Vilified by government officials, subjected to libel suits, and to death threats. Do you ever think to say, mom, youve got to stop the blog, youve got to stop poking and provoking. This is getting dangerous. Galizia of course she felt fear, and you could see it. She knew that the powerful people that she was writing about were closing in on her. They were using every possible means to shut her down. She knew that, and that frightened her deeply. Wertheim then on the afternoon of october 16, 2017, matthew was sitting across from his mother at the dining room table in the family home as she finished a blog post. There are crooks everywhere you look now, she wrote. The situation is desperate. Just before 3 00 p. M. , she left the house to go to the bank. Galizia and then what seemed like 30 seconds later, i hear the explosion. And just, it was just so loud. Wertheim daphnes car made it less than a mile down the road through the valley when a powerful bomb placed under her seat was detonated, sending thick black smoke into the air. Matthew ran toward the wreckage. So you think this is where galizia i think this is where the this is where the bomb went off. Its been marked by the forensic team. And this is where a lot of the flesh and metal and plastic was. Wertheim the car ended up in a field 100 yards away, consumed by a fireball. Matthews first instinct was to try and get his mother out. Galizia i remember walking up to the drivers side and just seeing fire. I didnt see anything else inside the car. Wertheim there are a lot of ways to kill someone. What do you think the significance of a car bomb this powerful was . Galizia obviously it was a way of killing my mother. A way of sending a message to us, to our family. And a way of sending a message to anyone else who was thinking of doing anything about the really grand corruption in this country. Wertheim this was a symbolic gesture . Galizia it was. Wertheim for the mourners who attended daphnes funeral, her assassination was symbolic of just how corroded malta had become, under a government that she claimed doesnt just tolerate corruption, but encourages it. The list of scandals she exposed and relentlessly pursued is too numerous to catalogue here, and includes allegations of cronyism, bribery, and Money Laundering. But theres one revelation that stands out, involving a murky maltese bank recently shuttered by european authorities. It allegedly held accounts for some of maltas most well connected, including the Prime Ministers chief of staff, Keith Schembri. As daphne chronicled, schembri is alleged to have taken kickbacks for brokering maltas billiondollar National Energy deal, and for taking payoffs to help russian millionaires snag those coveted maltese passports. Delia Keith Schembri is still in business. Hes the chief of staff of the Prime Minister. Hes the most powerful man in this government. Wertheim he went to work today . Delia he went to work today. Wertheim with with this cloud hovering over him . Delia well, this is what impunity is about. This is why im angry. Wertheim schembri denies any wrongdoing, but leaked findings into the passport kickback allegations by maltas own financial watchdog determined that there was reasonable suspicion of Money Laundering and or the existence of proceeds of crime. Maltese justice officials are looking into both sets of allegations. Whats more, there have been multiple inquiries by european authorities, all raising seriou. We put all this to glenn bedingfield, a local member of parliament and former advisor to the Prime Minister. Whats your level of concern . Glenn bedingfield i dont have any concerns. Wertheim you have no concerns about corruption . Bedingfield no, because i think that theres a Smear Campaign, trying to hit the government. Wertheim all of this is a politicallycharged Smear Campaign bedingfield it is a politically charged Smear Campaign, yes. Wertheim the e. U. , the european authorities. Bedingfield the e. U. Can you quote from an e. U. Can you . Wertheim i can quote from an e. U. Report right now. This is Ana Maria Gomes, an m. E. P. Bedingfield whoa, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho. Ana maria gomes. Ana maria gomes we are taking up malta in the european parliament. Wertheim when we met her, Ana Maria Gomes was a portuguese member of the european parliament, leading an e. U. Inquiry into the rule of law in malta. She was part of a growing chorus of officials who see the country as a problem child on the continent. Gomes the system is basically flawed, because the Prime Minister ultimately controls the attorney general, who also controls the police. Nobodys being tried. And of course, the sense of impunity is being fueled by this fact. And it affects us all. Wertheim somethings rotten in the state of malta, i hear you say. Gomes yes. And such a beautiful island, and such a great people, such a proud history. But, i must say that at the moment, indeed, the political atmosphere is is is rotten. Wertheim we repeatedly asked to speak with Prime Minister muscat, but were told he didnt have time. Instead, the government put forward the finance minister, edward scicluna. Can you not see how people looking at malta from the outside really wonder about integrity and corruption here . Edward scicluna its not that picture youre youre depicting. It looks bad, but its not. Wertheim i want to be clear this is a depiction based on multiple different authorities inside in europe scicluna all allegations. They are all allegations. Wertheim theyre allegations that have come out of investigations. These arent ad hominem attacks. Scicluna no. Im not trying to downplay allegations. Allegations are serious. But they are still allegations. You know, its up to the courts and their procedures and their experts to des to decide. Wertheim the supporters of Daphne Caruana galizia have no faith in these experts and procedures, especially when it comes to solving her murder. After a highprofile government raid nearly two years ago, three men were detained figures she didnt know and never wrote about. But few doubt the assassination was ordered by one of her many powerful enemies. How will you know when you have justice . Galizia when all the corrupt people that she was reporting on, treating our country as a gigantic trough which theyre feeding from for years when theyve paid the price for thatf my mothers stories. But there also has to be justice for her murder, too. Wertheim the old ramparts, designed to protect malta from conquest and colonization, still stand tall. But outside forces that once might have invaded the country now look on with concern, waiting to see whether malta can from the center of the fringes. Since we first broadcast this story, joseph muscat, maltas Prime Minister, resigned in disgrace amidst a firestorm over his handling of the investigation into daphnes death. His chief of staff, Keith Schembri, left too, and one of the wealthiest men in malta, with close ties to the muscat government, has been arrested. His business dealings had been a target of daphnes investigations. ticking welcome to if cbs sports hq update presented by progressive insurance. 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Get 0 apr financing for up to five years on select models and exclusive lease offers. ticking whitaker shakira is one of the worlds biggest music stars, a crossover phenomenon with hits in both spanish and english. Shes won three grammys, 11 Latin Grammys and amassed a 350 million fortune. On her 43rd birthday, she hit one of her highest notes performing at the halftime show at this years super bowl with jennifer lopez. Its a remarkable journey for a woman who was cut from her Elementary School choir in colombia her classmates said she sounded like a goat. Shakira now lives in spain. We went to see her there and, as we first reported in january, found an artist bristling with Restless Energy and drive that sometimes torture her, but always propel her, lifting her to one of the biggest stages in the world the super bowl in miami. Two months before kickoff. Shakit the davis cup tennis tournament in madrid with the kind of full throated, hipthrusting performance that has electrified audiences for more than two decades. This was her first Live Performance in more than a year a warmup for the super bowl and a showcase for the distinctive music and eye catching moves that have catapulted her to onename International Pop star status. Shakira fills huge stadiums around the world. Her devotees cry out sometimes just plain cry to hear hits like, hips dont lie. Ive seen you running around. You go from guitar to drums, and the dancing and the singing. It just looks like youre having so much fun. Are you . Shakira oh, yeah. I have a blast on stage. I feel that thats my turf. Its a comfortable place for me. Whitaker do you feel the music . Shakira i listen to music through my body. Even when im mixing songs in the recording studio, if i dont move, i know that theres something wrong. I say, do you see them moving . Do you see my hips moving . Its not working. laughs hips dont lie. Whitaker a lot of your dance moves are quite provocative. Shakira thats what my mom says. laughs whitaker thats what your mom says. Shakira now youre sounding like her. laughter it just comes out like that. Whitaker so youre just feeling it and thats thats what happens. Shakira its the way i move, baby. laughter whitaker when it comes to her moves and her music, shakira leaves nothing to chance. The davis cup performance in november was just eight minutes. She spent a full month rehearsing. When we dropped in, we saw an artist in constant motion and total control. She fine tunes the fine points of every performance. No detail is too small, whether working on the choreography. Critiquing the dancers. Im the hair police. Can we start over . Whitaker or directing the timing of the show. Shakira from she wolf into tutu, right . Thats the one you stretched out . Whitaker they used to call james brown the hardest working man in show business. It seemed to us shakira is vying for that title. In the studio, on the stage, shakira strives for perfection. Shakira i can really be hard on myself wanting it to be 100 perfect, but i know perfection doesnt exist, but its a lesson i havent quite learned yet. If it were up to me i wouldnt be celebrating any of my performances. Whitaker none of them . Shakira none of them, no. Theres always something that i wish would have been done differently and i could have done better. Whitaker where she sees imperfection, her multitude of fans see incandescence. She has sold 80 million records worldwide. Five albums cracked the u. S. Billboard top ten. She writes or cowrites nearly all her songs. What does creating the music do for you . Shakira sometimes it saves me a visit to a shrink. laughs literally, its such whitaker its cathartic . Shakira such a therapeutic, yeah, cathartic vehicle, you know, for me to express my thoughts and my angst sometimes im just restless, and i dont know what it is. And i think its what i just need is a piece of paper and a pen or my computer, and just start writing. And then being able to put music to those words. Its something really beautiful, i guess. Whitaker her distinctive sound is a blend of the music and colors of home, the coastal colombian city of barranquilla a melting pot of cultures indigenous, european, african, middle eastern. Shakira i have a little bit of everything in my blood. Whitaker you mix all of those elements with your dance and the sounds of your music. Shakira you know, when i was a kid, i wanted to be an anthropologist. I guess that somehow im kind of vicariously being one through my music. Whitaker one of her biggest hits, waka waka, the anthem for the 2010 soccer world cup, had african roots. Shakira there are songs that make you feel like a dog biting your own tail. You never laughs you never figure it out. And there are songs that are so easy that just come to you. Songs like waka waka, for example. Whitaker that came to you easily . Shakira the music and the lyrics came to me at the same time. Youre a good soldier choosing your battles pick yourself up dust yourself off back in the saddle im, like, i need a paper, and a pen. A paper and a pen, someone. Run. Whitaker waka waka hit number one in more than 15 countries, racked up more than 2. 5 billion views on youtube, and it swept gerard pique into her life. The barcelona soccer star was one of several world cup players who appeared in the music video. Gerard pique for me, it was, like, very shocking. I had to dance and laughs im not shakira well, thats not dance, going like this. Pique no. No. I had to shakira thats not dancing. laughs pique i had to do some some some movement. Yeah. Shakira you did a little bit of that, of the waka. Whitaker you had to do the waka waka movement . Pique and for me, it was ridiculous. Whitaker but his onesecond cameo was enough to catch shakiras eye. Shakira i wasnt a soccer fan, so i didnt know who he was. But when i saw the video, i was like, hmm. That ones kind of cute. laughs and then someone decided to introduce us. Pique yeah. Whitaker the couple now has two boys, live in barcelona and have enough combined star power that Forbes Magazine named them one of the most powerful couples on the planet. For all intents and purposes, you you two are married. Shakira were not married. Whitaker but youre not officially married. Shakira to tell you the truth, marriage scares the out of me. I dont want him to see me as the wife. Id rather him see me as his girlfriend. Pique the girlfriend. Shakira exactly. His lover, his girlfriend. Its like a little forbidden fruit. laughs you know . I want to keep him on his toes. I want him to think that anythings possible depending on behavior. laughter whitaker anythings possible should be the mantra of Shakira Isabel mebarak ripoll. At ten, she entered a singing contest and won. At 13, she signed her first record deal. Five years later, she was one of the biggest rockeras rock stars in lbucratinme briroadc. Audience. So she learned english, studied the lyrics of bob dylan and the poetry of walt whitman, and at age 24 was blasting up the u. S. Charts with a new look and a new song. Wherever, whenever what made you believe you could make it in the United States . Shakira destiny . I had no doubt in my mind. I had visions of what was going to happen to me since a very early age. Whitaker it was a steady rise until 2018 when she ran afoul of spanish authorities over when she took up residence and how much tax she owes. Shes paid about 16 million while she fights the assessment. Its a staggering sum that would have been unimaginable to a young shakira. When she was seven, her fathers jewelry business went bankrupt. The family went from middle class to poor overnight. What impact did that have on you . Shakira oh, a tremendous impact. It was really important to me to vindicate my familys financial situation and social status. And to a point that it became an obsession to me. A healthy obsession, i i would say. You know, to succeed in life. To bring my dad and my mom out of that precarious situation. I think that i would not be the same person if my dad hadnt had that financial setback. Whitaker her father scraped together the money to keep his bookish daughter in catholic school. At 18, with money from her first hit album, she started a foundation to educate disadvantaged children. Whyd you do that . You were a kid yourself. Shakira i was a kid myself. I grew up witnessing that many kids my age, many kids just like me, instead of going to school, were sleeping barefoot in the park. Hola whitaker she has built six schools and educated 23,000 children in columbia. Shes considered a Global Leader on education who lobbies president s to invest in Early Childhood development. Shakira ive always been convinced that my purpose in life is not to shake it endlessly. You know . Ught theregot to be so to it. You know . My musical career has served as a vehicle to work for children, which is the project of my life. Whitaker changing lives, creating music, she says shes as driven as ever. She was working on her latest hit. Shakira got you moving. Whitaker got me moving. Shakira okay, and your hips dont lie. Whitaker in true shakira fashion, she thought it could be better. Shakira theres something in the frequency of the bass that is bugging me a little bit. I was just feeling it as i was listening. Whitaker pop star, mother, philanthropist. Its a lot to carry on her 53 frame. On a walk in barcelona, we got a taste of what its like to be shakira. Can i have a photo from you . Shakira yeah, of course. Whitaker the super bowl was just weeks away. Shakira youll see me in all my splendor. laughs meaning ill be, like, stressed out. laughs whitaker that, she told us, is part of her process her drive for perfection which is taking her all the way to the super bowl. Shakira i know that was on my todo list, so, february 3, im going to go, check. Whitaker you said you like your music to Say Something . What would be the message that you will send in your super bowl performance . Shakira i think the message is going to be listen, im a woman. Im a latina. It wasnt easy for me to get to where i am. And being at the super bowl is the proof that everything is possible that the dreams of a little girl from barranquilla, colombia, they were made of something of what dreams are made of and im going to be there, giving it all. ticking more on tonights stories, including. This is a very corrupt country. 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