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Only through discipline and trust can we create something greater than ourselves. Mufg we build relationships that build the world. And now, bbc world news america. Katty this is bbc world news america. Reporting from washington, i am katty kay. Great citizens struggle with sharp banks and little cash. President obama addresses the fight against socalled Islamic State and says there are no current plans to send more american troops to the battle. And working to build a path out of poverty. We look at efforts in uganda to provide a better life for the next generation. Katty welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and around the globe. It has been a day of suspense around europe after the resounding no vote on greeces referendum on austerity. It has increased pressure on greek banks, placing new conditions on financial support. I day ahead of an emergency summit with eurozone leaders the greek finance minister has stepped down. From athens, our economics editor has been following it all. Reporter the day after greeces historic vote against the bailout offered by the rest of the eurozone, greeks q up to get the 60 euros they are allowed before the cash runs out. Im worried about the future. I believe we are on the right path. We dont know what will happen. Reporter the pillar of any economy is a countrys banks. Greeces banks are crumbling. They are just days away from running out of cash, which is why they are desperate for their survival for emergency loans. But the bank of greece is powerless to provided emergency help without permission from the European Central bank in frankfurt. For the ecb to even consider unfreezing support for banks, it needs to do a bailout deal for greece as a realistic prospect. The resignation of this man Yanis Varoufakis as finance ministers may make a deal more likely, but not much more likely. How do we order it . We choose reporter this is what greece needs more of, a hightech entrepreneur who provides work to taxi drivers. But like great businesses come he is running. The banks are shot so you cannot get the money. This is the money we used to pay our employees. The taxi business has been decreased by 25 . Reporter as the minister of the economy knows too well no company is immune to the impact of the banking crisis. Of particular concern to greeks is the absence of credit means that Raw Materials and medicines are running injures below. Dangerously low. 48 hours at most to keep greece in the single currency. It might be a week or 10 days. It is up to the negotiation process to find out the solution. Reporter but this is the last moment. As you know, at this point there is no program. Reporter cafe life may not look to grim, but it is deceptive to how has it helped is the bank closed . How difficult has it been . Terrible to stay in the lines for hours. 60 euros is nothing. We are poor people and the house. To pay for medication, for food and out everyday needs. Reporter what a day for this man, Alexis Tsipras, greeces Prime Minister, stronger than ever thanks to the referendum win. But facing his greatest ever test, two days to decide whether he can save greeces banks without exiting the euro. Katty life for greeks getting very tough because of the capital controls. Meanwhile, in paris, president hollande has been holding talks with chancellor merkel of germany. They are trying to work out how to keep greece in the euro zone without committing themselves to unlimited financial support. There are signs of deepening divisions between some of the eurozone countries. Our chief correspondent is in paris with the latest. Gavin europes two most powerful leaders met for dinner trying to fashion a response to greek voters who have rejected more austerity. President aland believes that talks with the greek government have to resume. President hollande the door is open for discussions and it is up to the government of Alexis Tsipras to make proposals serious and credible ones, so that the desire of the greek people to remain in the eurozone can be translated into reality. Gavin Angela Merkel been cautious in her response but she placed responsibility for the next move on the shoulders of the greek Prime Minister. Chancellor merkel time is of the essence, and we insist that greek proposals must be on the table this week so we can deal with the situation the way it is at the moment. Gavin these were restrained comments. Back at home, Angela Merkel knows that the mood is hardening. In political circles in berlin, there is a widely held view that the greek vote changed nothing. The message here is that there is currently no basis to enter into negotiations with greece on a new aid program. The problem that berlin has with the greek government is trust. It no longer believes that promises made about future reforms will necessarily be carried out, and without trust, Angela Merkel will struggle to sell any future bailout agreement to the german people. Dr. Norbert is an mp from Angela Merkels party. You cannot rescue a party against israel and you cannot give solidarity without readiness to accept solidarity and to contribute efforts. Gavin he believes greece cant just stay in the euro but has to adopt a parallel currency. Elsewhere in europe, other leaders will take some convincing they can continue helping the greeks. The dutch Prime Minister said it cannot go on like this. Greece has to take difficult decisions to make its economy healthy. In these Uncertain Times they just happen to be dismantling the sign of the euro outside of the former head is the European Central bank. Angela merkel leaves the police elysee houston my knowing that palace tonight knowing how hard it will be defined a solution. Gavin hewitt, bbc news, paris. Katty i am joined by Heather Connolly from the center for strategic and international studies. We have been saying just insane that we feel like we have been through this conversation so many times, but i wonder if there isnt a significant shift in germany that they can do what takes. Heather as german officials have been quick to repeat, there is democracy in germany, and the German Parliament will have to agree on any bailout package. The recent bailout package ended on june 30. That means the parliament of eurozone members are going to have to agree, if they can come to an agreement, on a future package. It is not clear to me that the politics are there as much as the greek people are frustrated and exhausted and 50. Fatigued. Katty what has happened in germany and finland and austria . The dutch came out very strongly saying that the greeks have to do what it takes. Are they fed up with this process . Do they not trust the greeks anymore . Heather i think we understood estimated underestimated the damage the last five months interest government has done. Not just the bombastic Yanis Varoufakis and his antics, but just a complete lack of trust. Greece will not implement structural reform. That gives justifications for the creditor countries to continue to provide financial assistance. They have to see where the reforms are starting to pay off and ironically, they were paying off a year ago under the former government. We saw primary Budget Surplus the beginning of growth. It has not only dramatically ended, but now they are back into recession hit the ordinary damage that has been done the last six months, it will be hard to repair that. Katty if we are on the brink of the greece leaving the euro zone wouldnt you have expected the Financial Markets to be more panicked than they were . Heather we saw last monday when the u. S. Stock market dropped rather dramatically, but you can barely see a budget in the stock market. Katty why . Heather i think there is fatigue in the markets. We have been upanddown the past five years, so many emergency summits. There is no deadline, it keeps on moving. I think maybe they just feel as if this market can handle it. I think the ecbs quantitative easing has helped give banks and the markets confidence that they can whether this. And europe is and where it was in 2011 is not where it was in 2011 when the event greek government threatened a referendum did they are in better shape. But again, it is the unintended consequences. We dont know how this will impact of the regional banks. Im thinking of the balkans, bulgaria. We dont know what this will do to u. S. Hedge funds. I think you and i are going to have this conversation a few more days. Katty thanks very much for coming in. A look at other news from around the world. The u. S. Secretary of state john kerry has said that after nine days of talks on Irans Nuclear program, genuine progress has been made, but several of the most difficult issues remain unresolved. He stressed the u. S. Is willing to walk away if tehran wont compromise. Iran is pushing to lifted the United Nations arms embargo on the country in a separate parallel deal. The Hungarian Parliament has passed me legislation giving the government power to close the countrys borders to all migrants. It also approved the construction of a full meter height razor wire fence along the border with syria, which hundreds of people cross illegally every day. Huge crowds have gathered in ecuador for the first mass of a weeklong tour of south america by pope francis. Many of the hundreds of thousands of worshipers camped out overnight. The vatican says poverty and inequality will be the focus of the popes tour, which will also take him to bolivia and paraguay. President obama has taken to the podium at the pentagon to discuss the fight against socalled Islamic State. He stressed that the job was largely of two local forces on the ground but losses in syria and iraq proof that the militants can be defeated. President obama this will not be quick. This is a longterm campaign. Isil is opportunistic and it is nimble. In many places of syria and iraq, including urban areas, it has dug in among innocent civilian populations. It will take time to root them out. Im doing so must be the job of local forces on the ground with training and air support from our coalition. As with any military effort, there will be periods of progress but there are also going to be some setbacks, as weve seen with isils gain in ramadi in iraq and central and southern syria. Katty president obama at the pentagon earlier today could for more on the fight against Islamic State, i spoke with matthew levitt, director of the counterterrorism and Intelligence Program at the Washington Institute for near east policy. We had the president at the pentagon today saying this would be a generational struggle and not just military. But trying to strike an optimistic note in terms of what can be achieved against the Islamic State so far. Is he right to do so . Matthew politically he has to do so. Every so often, to show that we are making progress. When he first started talking about the progress, it doesnt make any difference how many fx we have. That is not a metric of success. What have those airstrikes achieved . This will be a lo great alternative to the current government in iraq it is more inclusive of the sunnis. There is no alternative to the government of assad in syria. That is why we are not doing more things in syria against isil because the degrading the opposition to much can be seen as helping the assad regime. We need to do more to undermine the assad regime and build up political stability and inclusiveness in iraq and then you can get more people into the program. Katty right, but that has proven very difficult. Even finding those moderate syrian is a hard task. I was struck listening to the president , although he went to the pentagon with a great flurry of attention, but there was little new in what he said in terms of policy because there isnt much. Matthew nothing new in policy. I noticed when he talked about improvements in the train and equip program, he highlighted in particular iraq katty he didnt say how many though. Matthew he didnt say how many and he didnt touch on syria which is going poorly. Greater recognition of the fact that this is the thing that isis is doing, particularly targeting the muslim community. The problem is not with muslim communities, but these communities are being targeted, and we need more response within those communities as well as others. That is a step in the right direction. In terms of sticking to the terminology, the ultimate defeat of crushing cells those terminology dont fit what we are doing it. Katty theres a lot of focus on what allies in the region are doing. What is status theree . How much are they stepping up . Matthew he stressed 60plus countries and we are having meetings and travel. But each country is doing what it is comfortable for it to do. Someone are doing enough. Turkey is doing more but there is more that needs to be done on fighters. Well sales across the border. Qatar and kuwait have a lot more to do in counterterror finance issues. Generally we have a problem in counterterror finance with most of isils money raised from criminal activity. Katty matthew levitt, thank you for coming in. You are watching bbc world news america. Still to come, a year after the most recent fighting in gaza began, we return to see how the children caught in the violence are faring now. There has been more bloodshed in nigeria. This time the terror targets were in the center of the country. On sunday night, more than 40 people died in 2 bomb explosions in a restaurant and in a mosque. The attacks of the latest in a series blamed on boko haram. We report from the nigerian Central Capital of abuja. Reporter the victims of yet another night of terror in northeast nigeria. Emergency teams say people were killed and even more were injured. 47 are critically injured and the majority of them are in the intensive care unit. Reporter this is all that is left of the restaurant where some come to break the ramadan fast. A suicide bomber opened fire on worshipers before blowing himself up. It is thought that a man who survived was the target. In the past week alone more than 200 people have died in suspected boko haram attacks. On tuesday, 48 were shot dead after prayers in two villages in brno state. Gunmen killed and 97 near lake chad. On thursday and friday, more died in suicide bombings across. On sunday morning, at least five people were killed in an attack on a church. Nigerias president , mohammad to harry, has called the attacks in human and barbaric. He was stopped to power just over a month ago promising to defeat the militants. For many, this is not what they imagined when he promised to deal decisively with the militants. Bbc news, abuja, nigeria. Katty a year after the war between Israeli Forces and palestinian militant groups in gaza, it is the youngest who bear some of the deepest scars. The charity save the children says many in Gaza Continue to suffer from nightmares and flashbacks. Our chief International Correspondent has been speaking to those most affected. Reporter some of the joys of childhood have returned to the lives of young does a young gazans. Some are gone forever. Children like this 12yearold. Reporter the last time they went to the beach to play became one of the most harrowing moments of the war. Israel says its air force mistook the children for hamas fighters. Reporter the brother and three cousins were buried that day. In all more than 500 children were killed in last years conflict. The u. N. Says both Israeli Forces and palestinian militant groups may have committed war crimes. Many children also lost loved ones, lost their homes. Syed still lives in his familys flat not far from the beach, but his mother says he is not the same point. Not the same boy. Reporter he dropped out of school. It reminds him of his brother. His father take him out on his fishing boat. Their family has lived off the seat for generations. But he no longer feels safe here. Reporter he is one of some 400,000 gazan children the u. N. Says need counseling. He is getting some help, but not enough. He and three cousins who survived the beach attack are all deeply scarred. One tried to kill himself. Another almost killed someone else. Say goodbye to these strongmen they sing. Of the four boys they died that died on the beach. They asked, who says that scars heal and pain gets any easier . Katty the story of the children of gaza still suffering the scars of war. Extreme poverty can be eradicated in one more generation that was the view of the United Nations secretarygeneral today, as a report was released on the Millennium Development goals. Despite the progress that has been made since the turnofthecentury, some 800 Million People in the world still live in dire financial straits and suffer from hunger. Across africa they have set up socalled millennium villages to help drive development. Our correspondent, who has reported from africa for more than 30 years, returns to one of those villages to see what impact the scheme has made. Reporter after years of underinvestment in agriculture recognition that it remains crucial to the economy and to curbing the exodus to the towns and cities. Now 35, he felt that he had no future in this part of uganda. My father died. He had enough land. That is the reason i did not go find education. Reporter although the soils here are becoming alarmingly exhausted, he is one of the local farmers who sees benefits from the millennium village project. Using fertilizers, getting higher yields and greater profits from the cash crops. He hopes his children were not forget the land. This is the euro big ambition. Climate change is already having a more severe impact in africa than in every other part of the world. It threatens to reverse the precarious gains of decades of development. But World Leaders are being told they must go beyond preventing that happening. The new push is to eradicate extreme poverty for good. In the next 15 years. Education is a cornerstone of the millennium village project. Fewer children are dropping out of the primary schools. But these classrooms are at risk of collapsing. Poverty means many parents still spend virtually all the money they have on school fees. This is one of the Health Workers now on the front line of efforts to reduce child and maternal mortality. With help from their smartphones and with success. In my opinion we have gone to 80 of what we targeted to achieve by the year 2015, and most of the intervention that we set out to do. Reporter but the disappointment that all the goals arent achieved . Yes, in some cases. Reporter and next success for these traders. Some say they have sold nothing all day. The reality of acute poverty is even in a fastchanging continent, it cannot be easily eradicated. The challenge for the millennium village project now is to convince the world it has provided a road out of poverty. A road out of poverty that will last. Michael ridge, bbc news, southwestern uganda. Katty extraordinary pace of technological change even in african villages and changing lives. That brings the program to a close. You can find much more of the days news on our website and if you would like to reach me and the bbc team, you can find it on twitter. Thanks for watching could i will see you back here tomorrow. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the Freeman Foundation newmans own Foundation Giving all profits from newmans own to charity and pursuing the common good, kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs, and mufg. They say the oldest trees bear the sweetest fruit. At mufg, weve believed in nurturing banking relationships for centuries, because Strong Financial partnerships are best cultivated for the years to come giving your company the resources and stability to thrive. Mufg we build relationships that build the world. Bbc world news was presented by kcet, los angeles. We cant bring them with us. Can we have them . Sure. Hands off our chairs they said we can have them. all screaming its showtime what kind of mission is this . I dont have time to explain my is odd squad is made possible in part by. A cooperative agreement with the u. S. Department of education, the corporation for public broadcastings ready to learn grant and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Agent olive. This is my partner, agent otto. This is what i had for dinner last night. But back to otto and me. We work for an organization run by kids, that investigates anything strange, weird and especially odd. Our job is to put things right again

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