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The freeman foundation. By judy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. Contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Katty i am katty kay in washington. This is bbc world news america. Inpand a problem. Philonise floyd talks about an overhaul of the police. Philone i want to make the necessary anges that make Law Enforcement the solution am. Not katty targeting the historic symbols of raci, demonstrators in Different Countries pull down statues of controversial figures, with calls r more to racing for a feed officials in delhi say they couldon have half a mil coronavirus cases by the end of next month. And one new york city borough hopes to bounce back after themm double wha of looting and covid19. Katty welcome to world news america on pbs and around the globe. Hilife mattered. All lives matter. So said philonise floyd, who called for the conviction of the officers, and even the white house is coming up with proposals as protesters ask if any of them will make a difference. Our bbc reporter has more. Porter less than 24 hours ago, philonise floyed durr burried hisrother in texas. Today come he came to washington to plead with politicians to ensure that george was not killed in vain. Philonise his kh s have to waat video. It just hurts. It is a lot of people with a lot of pain. I family, they just c and cry every day. They just asked, why . Why . He pleaded for his life. He said heou not breathe. Nobody cared, nobody. Reporter it was allbo changes needing to be made in s. Police for some like in minneapolis where floyd was killed say they are going to reform anyway but t acknowledgt training cannot solve all of their ills. I struggle when i watch that video that i did not see humanity. I did not see humanity. Reporter and, arguably, the lack of humanity has been displayed by a lot of police over the past two weeks, but it welcome change. Officers will this is not sustained by somebody in minneapolis. It still has a shine on it, and so do theirs. So do theirs. Stop treating us like thugs and start treating us with some respect. Reporter back on the hill, powerful testimony from an officer who was shot dead in violence on the streets two weeks ago. My brother wore a uniform, and he wore that uniform proudly. I am wondering, where is the ttrage for a fallen officer that also happebe africanamerican . Reporter the pain being felt by so many here is raw, but there are noasy solutions. Bbc news, washington. Katty we have had one week of emotional testimony from his family, who have taken the public spotlight, and now his brother, again, giving a very passionate plea to congress. We have also seen protesters around the wor who have turned their focus not just on the practice of racism butn e in the u. K. , a statue was into the harbor in the city of bristol. The mayor says it will b retrieved and put in a museum. There are calls to bring down a statue of a victoriamera figure, and there was one that was particularly brutal by the standards of the time, and here in the u. S. , there is a legal fight in richmond, virginia, over confederate statue robert e. Lee. The governor would like o remove it, but a judge is blocking him also las night, a statue of Christopher Columbus was torn awn and then thrown into lake. I am joint now to talk abot this and where the protests are ing by the mayor of richmonor thank youoining us. I know you have call for all of the confederate statues in richmond to be removed. Mr. Stoney it is important to remove the statues because it is a symbol of racism that still sexists hundr of years later. Hundreds of these monuments and statues were erected right after the civil war, not during the vil war, and it was to put black and brown people in their places, to leteople know who was in charge, and i think we, 02in today is the time to actually remove these monuments, but also, we canno just remo monuments. We have to remove systemic racism. Katty ye have watched protests over the net last two weeks. Do you think this time is different, that we are at a time where america is ready f the type of change you are talking about . Mr. Sney i think cities like nd all across the count that it is not just black americans saying black lives matter. Youre also seeing a number of white allies, white americans, who also joined them in the protests, manyay of themg it is time forhange, and it begins with the work that is, very difficult. Thisystem h basically had its knee on black and brown peoples necks. We have to do it and be etentional and focus on work. Katty can i ask you about theic issue of p brutality and specifically about the issue of defunding . Inow you have endorsed former Vice President oe biden for the presidency. I want to read you a quote tha he had in usa today, and what where he said, i do not support Defunding Police. The best thing is to ge them the resources they need for reforms and to condition federal dollars on completing those reforms. You know there is a big debate, mayor, about Defunding Police departments. Do you agree with former Vice President biden, or do you think theyhould be defunded . Mr. Stoney i agree with Vice President bidek we need to l at how the thresource go to the Richmond Police department and other Police Departments you know, the police have been asked for decades to do more and more in our communities, and i think some work cod be done by social workers, those who work in mental health, those that can conflict resolution. Katty but what happens if those calls for reform do not work . They have not worke before. Isnt something more radical needed . Mr. Stone the cost for reform have to go top to bottom. It has to start with the federal government. I like whatof we are seeing ou congress. It has to trickle down. And as the Vice President stated in his oped, we have to have the money to implement it. Ifot we do have the money i million it is very difficult to retrain police. Katty ok. Mayor of richmond, levar stoney, thankouor being back on bbc. We were down there interviewing you recently. An hbo mask max has removed gone with the wind from its platform. The film has been long criticized of its depiction of slavery. The company says it features prejudices that were wrong then and are wrong today. Things are changing. We have all been focused on the protests he, b in the meantime here, the covid19 pandemic is not just ongoing. In some places around the world, it is g wtingse. The chief minister of delhi says they could have ha aillion coronavirus cases by the end of july. He has warned that hospital b would nable to deal with such an outbreak, and the numbec es in mumbai has surpassed even wuhan in china, where, of course, the virus first. Appear reourter has more. Reporter am a fily that was preparing for a celebration is now in mourning. Forwe hours, the from hospital to hospital. Eight weeks p wn she started getting breathless, some hospitals saidhe were too full because of covid19. Others were too scared of it. She died in an ambulance. I feel so alone. I have no words. My son asks me where his mother is. I do not know what to say to him. She was such a good person. We are devastated. Reporter this man is waiting for his wife to be treated. He says hospitals are turning them away. After many hours, she was admitted. Social media is flooded with people calling for help. A woman in delhi made a desperate appeal for her father. A former mp struggle to save his knees. A mumbai family lost two members before they could get proper too many stories of despair and lplessness. And even as a situation is grimmer than ever, india is lifting its lockdown. Economic components have dren the government to open up the country again, and for many people,otven in hotlike mumbai, there is no option now to avoid public transport or to stay indoors. And every time they steppedut, it is with the knowlge and fear that if you get sick, y could well be on your own. Frontline workers say not ough is done to contain the virus. People were expecting from the lockdown is that the first thing we will try to break the chain of infection. Tr wil to break the spread, and for that, what was needed is extensive testing, but now we see it was unplanned. Reporter there could be half a million cases in delhi alone by the end of july, t government has said, and a shortage of 80,000 hospital beds. The moment that many have feed since the virus reached the country is here. Bbc news, india. Katty so that is the situation in india. Meanwhile, hereit in the states, 21 states out of 50 have seen ae ecent r infections, and yet, as in india, the pressure continu to open up, not to shut down. We will ta for to a columnist for the washington post. Cases of the coros aroundew the world. It washe biggest single day recorded number. Where are those cases . Dr. well, they are all over the world, and this is a problem we are going toti ce to see. I know some countries have been successful in containing the infection, but even in tho countries, once they lift their restrictions, they will see a rergence. Hopefully, they have other Public Health infrastructure in place so they can contain the disease. We are talking about many European Countries, new zealand, but now we are seeing a enresu, in the u. S. , and in multiple developing countries, india, brazil, and others that are seeing an increase in cases, and unfornately, it is not only patients with covid19 that will suffer. Mentioned, it is the people coming in with other health conditions, with heart attacks or strokes or pregnant and who will not be ab to get thees care that they need, as well. Katty so was the world too quick . I am thinking about European Countries in the united states. To congratulate themselves for flattening the curvely successf tr. flatten the curve was import and got us through the first wave of the infection, but twe have to remembert we must be on guard even more than before, because as people are up and about, the virus is going to be transmitted even more person to person, and i thinkishere is thisderstanding that reopening and going back to we can now dtha all of the things that we use to do, and that is not the case. We have to keep up aggressive physical distancing. Try to stay six feet apart if possible. Hands, and keep up with the good hygiene wear masks around others. Katty one person told me she has en the first case of a patient who had been to one of the antiracism protests. President trump today announced he is going to have a series of rallies around the country coming up in the next week or tw are you concerned about these big gatherings . And when would we see evidence of these rallies and thesepr ests producing a spike . Dr. yes, i am very concerned, sebecause tre mass gatherings, and we know this is a virus that does not ce while youre at this event. It may be torotest racism a Public Health issue, and you want to be there. But that virus is still going to be transmied, so to your point, we might not see it impact for a bit of time, even two or three weeks after the rallies, because theres e incubation period, the period between exposure d when people start getting symptoms, and also, there is still a lot of time bween tha and when people become ill enough to be theitalized, and should succumb, even more time, a few weeks after that. What we are seeing in the u. S. With reopening, fear that soon we are going to get the coupling of rpening plus people attending mass events, and we will see a substantial surge that we are noteady for here. Katty ok, dr. Lena wt, thank you for joining the program. Some really dizzyintime, because there are these spikes in cases. Doctors are telling us they are very worried about it. Quick look at the news around the world. Officials in the u. S. Stateor of gegia have called for an investigation into massive voter problems in tuesdays primary. Some people had to wait in line for hours to cas a ballot. Broken Voting Machines were cited as a main problem and confusion over absentee ballots. One local newspaper described it as a complete meltdown. We will see what happens in novetcer. You are ng bbc world news america. Zo in england will reopen after months of lockdown. The u. S. Federal reserve is keeping Interest Rates unchanged, neacezero, as the ral bank predicts a slow economic recovery. Hein first Economic Projections of the yr, Officials Say unemployment is lily to remain high as the country tries to inch back from the coronavirus pandemic. Our reporter has more. Reporter y unsurprisingly, t are keeping Interest Rates near zero. Right now, they are between 0 and 0. 25 , but what they are sayingut the u. S. Economy Going Forward is they are expecting by about 6. 5 for this yeare but theyooking at 2021 as a time in which the u. S. Economy is going to bounce back, so they actually expect growth to be 5 for 2021, so a big drop for this year, which i not a surprise, but they are seeing big gains to happen in year. Katty in recent days, the antiracism protests he have been overwhelmingly peaceful, but new york is still coping with the aftermathf the earlier looting. In the borough of the bronx, it targeted, and often, they were owned by people of color. It is a double blow for stores already suffering from the lockdown. Laura trevelyan has more. Laura these were meant to protect the business that mr. Lopez and his family worked so hard to build. The looters had a crowbar, and they smashed their way in. The Security Camera captured the destruction. It is hurtful, because you think about the peaceful protests and george floyd, and they are destroying his memory, and one thing does not have to do with the other. As small businesses, we are getting destroyed because it t s liy have an opportunity. This is their opptunity to destroy our community. Laura so they are rebuilding in the bronx this week. Theheity finally eases coronavirus lockdown. This message for looters whos attack businesses. You cannot say no justice, no peace you cannot march ainst systemic racism, and then loot there s that are owned by minorities that are adjusting inherently to systemic racism. Laura so many inequalities are colliding in the bronx right now. The looting of the small businesses. The coronavirus pandemic proportionally killed more in theicanamerican community. More people are going hungry. One of the oldest food pantry in the bronx is w serving twice as many peoplefos it did bere the pandemic. The need is enormous. Do you see people who do not normally come to a food bank . Without question. Oud people, janitors, waiters, cooks. They were never thinking of getting financial help from some buddy else,nd they come, and some of them are the ones who cry. Laura one woman damaged when cried when she d saw tage done to her opticians store. Inare you to move on from this . We cannot forget it. It is not something that you can erase and just move on. I think to myself, ok, we are strong. We will rebuild and make it happen. What nex laura so my in theronx are used to hardship and poverty, aftermath of chaos in the the streets and a pandemic that has laid bare the faultlines in american society. Laura trevelyan, bbc news, new york. Katty some protesters have made a real point of distancing themselves from the violence, but for some of those shop owners, that came a little bit late. Zoos and safari parks in england will beowed to reopen. This will be a huge relief to people inf charge o looking after the animals. F me of them had warned of financial ruinis shut down continued. Lets get more fromhe bbcs holly hamilton. Holly after weeks of fearing for its future, a huge step in the latest direction. This allows the reopening of some attractions, and that includes zoos. E have lost 5 Million Pounds of income, and when we open our dos on monday, we are on limited capacity, so it will affect next yea a. Holly just last week, chester zoo was told it would have to is bad news. Chin ndey rely on 95 of their fug on ticket sales. The zoo says it has been overwhelmed by the support from in fact, a page set up last week has raised more than 2 Million Pounds. A major Supermarket Chain has offered to adopt a co individarls, schoolkids, homes, even some local businesses, as well. Just yesterday, i was picking up animal bedding from a local company, and that support has been huge and overwhelming, really. Holly chester is n the only zoo that is struggling to stay afloat. Last month, london zoo said it faced a parentless future. The safariark has been speaking of the ongoing challenge ahead. It costs us about 400,000 pounds to run this safar even in the lockdown stage, and by this stage, we are about 3 Million Pounds breind w we were this time last year. Holly the reopening of zoos and safari parks is on the condition that social distancing inguideles are in place, something chester zoo has been working hard to establish, but they are reminding visitors to book online. Bbc news, chester. Katty we have clearly got to mathe cute a stage of this pandemic. Cnally, we would like to bring you anothe story that we have covered before on this program. Jose and flat via fflavie have met their son for the first time, many days after their birth. They used a surrogate in ukraine, but because of the coronavirus lockdowns and border restrictions, they had to two months ta actually make the trip and meet their newborn little boy, who is called manu. Uhey said joy, happiness, accomplishment, name it. Of course, congratulations to the very happy family who have finally met. Oh, my goodness. Isnt he cute . You cannot match that. We will see you back here tomorrow. Thank you for watchin narrator funding fothis presentation of this program is provided by. Language specialists teaching spanish, french and more. Raymond james. The freeman founda on by judy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation; rsuing solutions for americas neglected needs. And by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Yuyi i came to the unitedpbs. States when i was 24 years old. I did not speak any english. I felt very, very lost, really not knowing what to do with my life. E ony on tv there was sesame street. Ernie and grover and cookie monster. And its not only that i learned to speak in english, now i know how to live in the united states. So this is how you do it now im powerful. Now i know i can do anything i want. I will make myself learn how to do it. And i got that from pbs. I bought my first set of paints and brushes and i practiced. My path is childrens books. And i have found who i wanted to be. Which is that person who has something say. Ee pbs and sesame strt,th opened all the world to me. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc woodruff good evening. Im judy woodruff. To on the newshought stop the pain. Stop us from being tired. Woodruff the brother of george floyd tells congress ere needs to be an end t Police Violence and ngcism. Then, ines and broken machines. A messy election in georgia. We break down what it means for the main event in november. Plus, reopening rks. Se alabam a surge in covid cases, and a Health Care System struggling to keep pac it is impacting, disproportionately, black peoplt s city, in a region that has a high number of people with

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