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Pbsou newsh major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 years. Bnsf, the engine that connects us. Consumer cellular. Financial Services Firm raymond james. Johnson johnson. T john. And james l. Knightoundation. And with the ongoing support of these institutions. And friends of the newshour. This program w made possible by the corporation for public broadcastingnd by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Judy the final debate is behind them and now it is a sprint to election day for President Trump and former Vice President joe biden. They began today trying to build on debat momentum and to address lingering questions. Amna President Trump today rallied in florida, a lastminute effort to boost the senior vote. Im always here torotect you and love, cherish, defend our nations seniors. We are going to win the state of florida. We are going to win four more years in the white house. Amna Vice President biden focused on the pandemi as coronavirus cases surged across the country. We are not learning to live with that, we are learning to die with it. This is dark winter ahead. Amna it was the very first topic the candidates debated thursday night in their second and final faceoff. I take full responsibility. It is not my fault that it came here, it is chinas fault. I will take care of this, i will end this, i will make sure we have a plan. Amna in stark ce first debate, deraileby the president s interruptions last night was a tightly morated affair. Vice president biden, your response. Then i do have questions for both of you. Amna featuring for the first time a mute button, granting each candidates two minutes of uninterrupted time before the other could jump in. Lee, then i have a followup. Amna te the candistill found plenty of space to spar with biden often appealing s. Rectly to vot it is about your family. And your family is hurting badly. Amna and trump dismissing him as a career politician. The family around the table, everything, just a typical amna on health care, biden pledged to build on the Affordable Care act. What im going d tois pass obamacare with a public option and become biden care. Amna well mr. Trump calmest to end it, though still no details for preexisting conditions. Ite would like to termi obamacare, come up with a brandnew, Beautiful Health ca. Amna they clashed on Climate Change and Renewable Energy. Because the oil industry pollutesigficantly because it has to be replaced by Renewable Energy over time. Over time. Industry federal subsidies. Il basically what he is saying is he is going to destroy the oil industry. Will you remember that, texas . Willou remember that pennsylvania, oklahoma . Amna both faced tough questions on immigration,or trump separating thousands of migrant families in his policies. They say look at these cages, then it t was determiney were built in 2014. Amna and biden for record deportations when he was Vice President and a failure to pass comprehensive reforms. Made a mistake, it took too t loget it right. It took too long to get it right. I will be president , not Vice President. Amna on questions about race, very different answers. I never had to tell my daughter if she is pulled over, make sure y put both hands on top of the wheel and dont reach for the glove boxme because e may shoot you. Nobody has done more for the black community then donald trump. With the exception of abraham lincoln, possiblexception, but e exception of abraham lincoln, nobody has done what ive done. Amna on issue after issue, even our Panel Featuring voters from six different states, remained divided on everything from the pandemic i think tru said it very well when he said we have to learn to adapt. We should have a leader who is leading and not ripping off the mask every time he turns around. To racism in america. America is a systey. C racist coun who has been in charge of the system . Ump or biden . Amna ivility rained. Ive enjoyed talking with everybody. Im so thankful forach one of the panelists that are here because ive learned so much. From. Ach and every one of th amna and the voters largely who changed their mind about who they are voting for . Anne . Amna in the coming days, these voters will join the more tha 51 million americans who have already cast their balts in this president ial election. For the pbs newshour, im in the vada. Im on none of oz for the pbs newshour. Stephanie m stephanie sy with newshour west. We will rurn to the full program after the latest headlines. Across the united states, the number of covid19 hospitalizations has hit a two month high. The World Health Organization warned that the northernsp here faces a critical juncture in the pandemic. The agency reported 445 thousand new cases worldwide in the last 24 hours, nearly half of them in we will have more on the surge later in the program. Sudan moved today to normalize relations with israel, the third country in recent months to do so. President trump made the announcement at the white house with the leaders of both countries on the phone. He claims more arab states will join and do the same every get we will have them along with some other countries that you will be hearing about come probably simultaneously. Ultimately, we are going to have a big reunion at the end where everybody is here, everybody is going to sign. Stephanie earlier, sudan said it is compensating u. S. Victims of al qaeda attacks carried out by Osama Bin Laden living there. The u. S. Removed sudan from a list of state sponsors of terror. The Trump Administration is also intervening to try to bring peace between azerbaijan and armenia. The countries have been battling over the disputed region and there was heavy new combat today, but in washington, secretary of state mike pompeo weomed his counterparts for talks. Ru ian attempts to mediate peace have so far failed. Rival factions in libya assigned to permanent ceasefire today after years of fighting. The United Nations brokered the deal and it becameic offl during a ceremony in geneva. There were no details on how it will be enforced. The libyan conflict erupted after the dictator moammar dhafi was overthrown in 2011. In nigeria, major cities were flatively calm after days protts over police brutality, but in lagos, men blocked main roads and many criticized the president for failing to condemn the killings of protesters by soldiers. Back in this country, the u. S. Senate formally took up the nomination of deral judge amy ney barrett for the supreme court. The vote to begin debate was 5140 six almost entirely down party lines. The republican majority is expected to confirm barrett on monday. Hundreds of people in colorado are under evacuation orders after a new wild ignited this week. The east troublesome fire has joined the nearby cameron peak stfire is the larn state history, burning vast acreage and an unknown number of homes. Officials are ruggling to keep. An area we thought w pretty od the other day,e are now seeing fire close to houses, close to roadways. I want to make the message the primary message to our community, that we are not withholding information, we are not trying to delay information getting out there w. Dont kn stephanie fire crews are hoping sned and Colder Weather expe this weekend will help slow the fires. The nasa robot that touched down on an asteroid is dealing with the space jam. They gathered so much trouble tuesday, rocks have wedged open a lid meant to contain the samples. The team is scrambli to put the container into a return capsule much sooner than planned. In other interstellar news, one absentee ballot in the november election is making itsay to earth. Astronaut t te rubin cr ballot from the International Space station thursday. Ma american astronauts live in Houston Texas and texas law lets them vote fromit o using a secure electronic ballot. Still to come,ajor changes to floridas demographics could critical to the outcome of the election. Mark shields and david brooks analyze the final debate and Key Senate Races to watch. How the performing arts are taking the stage in the pandemic. We discuss the latest wave of covidto cases with the dirof the National Institutes of health. And much more. This is the pbs newshour from weta studios in washington and in the west from the Walter Cronkite school of journalism at Arizona State university. Judy early voting kicked off in florida this week and President Trump is set to cast hisote in his adopted home state tomorrow. Turnt makes all the diffence. We look at key voting blocs on what issues are top of mind. Flori is back in the political spotlight. With les than two weeks until voting ends, organizers are hitting the streets to rally the vote. Leaflets, doorknocking, all out flagwaving. The Sunshine State is home to a diverse set of nearly 22 million voters and high turnout is what could secure the election for either party. Republicans and demrats are laser focused on a few key groups. Both President Trump and former Vice President joe biden are barnstming the state in the final weeks of the race. President trump is recovering from the coronavirus and so is america. They ar spending 120 Million Dollars on ads combined. That is more than any other state. The lino Community Holds in their pirm of t hand the destiny of this country. Hilla clinton did a florida, which is the base of the state, but she was overrun because her campaign did not anticipate the managing of the margins in the northern part of the state where white voters came out innprecedented and historic numbers for trump. We will see that dynamic in play right now. Ia preside candidates have long had their eye set in florida. Messaging to the diversepo lation can be challenging. E biden isn ounting oblack voters and the group overwhelmingly suprts him, but there is a gender gap. In the last president i election, black women came out and consistently strong numbers for the Democratic Party, but turnout by black men in florida biden needs to convince black men in partic tar to h balls full force. Voting for joe biden,utm not really the most enthusiastic. He wasn my first choice. A reluctant biden supporter. Other members of the south florida communityrt s a group called breaking the cycle. It meets throughout the week to ride b aycles. Wha the things that make you not as enthusiastic about joe biden . In the past, he helped with Prison Reform and it did not help the black neighborhoodt all. Hoing joe biden has changed. We are scared of the police, but the police are probably scared of us at the same time, so what Common Ground can we get for both sides . But voting for trump is not an option for him. Biden gives me a sense of comfort beforeru because trump comef things he says or does does not make atu feel safe ll. We just dont have enough law and order. Gary disagrees. He lives at eastridge Retirement Community in south florida. We met gary back in 2018. He is part of another important demographic, senior citizens. They make up 21 of the floridao population aen vote republican. For gary, the black lives matter protests have used tension in s family. I have found personally if i said i would really like tsay all lives matter itead of black lives matter,xplosion that stopped communication in my family. That is tough. Ithvery tough. Top of mind foraris President Trumps response to the protests. Look at portland oregon. Over 100 nights, still demonstrating and writing. Just a couple ofs nig, they ok off on the statues of ddy roosevelt. What do youake of the fact at portland, while it has had its struggles, as part of a movement that has been mostly peaceful . S you say some pock violence. Portland i dontcahink you could pockets of violence. This is a terrible aftereffect of the thing. While gary is driven in part by a fear of protests, fellod trump suppor dolly says it is the threat of communisthat scares her. My biggest fear is they talk about, the Democratic Party they talk about socialism. Socialism andommunism go the same way. She fled cuba for the unitedt es when she was 21 years old. Rican, she is part of another constituency that has long reported supported republicans. The reason why we came here, i said, i need to live, it is too much oppression. Freedom. Y kids to keep their joe biden is not a socialist and has long supported capitasm, but she worries he will be influenced by socialists on the left. While cubanamericans ke up 30 of the registered latino rters in the state, a growing number of puertoans could shake things up. A hairdresser in south florida, juliannes family was impacted by herrick and maria. Reshlled the moment President Trump came to the island and threw paper towels into arowd of hurricane survivors. It really was an insult. Still wh you talk to people, they still have that in mind. That is why Puerto Ricans are very upset with President Trump. That is why joe biden has to win their trt again and ensure that he really cares. But that is not all that is driving her to vote for biden. The top issue for her in this election is the pandemic. I have a lot of friends and family that had and have the the coronavirus. It is very sad. Our president said, do not worry. I have another friend that was 57 days in coma and still having some issues. Esso,it is something that when i vote, im going toave it mind and im going to vote according to that andor will vote fur Vice President biden. Her friends are some of the 7 million plus americans affected across the country and herng issues along with the concerns of lambert, gary, and dolly are mirroring voters across the mcountring florida, which is backed the winning candidate in every election since 1996, a key bellwether state. Judy in these tumultuous times, it is reassuring to have some constants. Thankfully, we have the analysis of shields and brooks. Ma shields and david brooks. Hello to both of you on this friday evening. Lets sta by talking about the report. What did you make of what some of those florida voters had to say . In particular and thinking of thyoung black ma who said he vis niant this he is not variant the siesta about joe biden. Very enthusiastic about joe biden. I thought it captured the complications of biden and trump. 50 million votes cast in florida psince2 1d the difference between the two parties, 200 of 1 . It has consistently voted about 3 more republican than the country, that is why it is soon important tod trump. Africanamerican women are the most loyal,ns important tuency of the Democratic Party and africanamerican men arlagging in their support and i think lambert expressed that and it was captured well. David, what did you take away from the report and with the votersaid . The young woman from cuba expressed the apocalyptic fear that so many Trump Supporters articulate, the idea that if joe biden wins either he is going to make some fundamtal change and destroy the country or there is a culturalhi that will destroy the couny. So i do think that apocalypt town is self rock. When we get to november 3, i will be looking at florida first and foremost because the are a lot of ways you can imagine joe biden winning if he doesnt win florida. It is super hard to imagine dona trump winning if he doesnt win florida. If he loses that, it is really hardo see how he wins. Judy lets connect all this to last nights debate. Not as man fireworks. Some sharp differences. What did you take away from it . No food fight. It is amazing o h expectations have been lowered by the earlier performance of the incumbents. A president i campaign has given been cpared to parallel skis cross country. Sthey different scenery, then they collide in a debate. They had to change things for donald trump. By all the fundamentals of this election, americanstrhink the cois that the wrong direction. Americans do not like donald trump personally. Ch he had tge it. I do not think it was a night that cnged the election. I think they emerged where they camen. Biden ahead, may be slightly ybless. Some trump people energized, but i dont think it ngwas a game c that trump needed. Dy david, what has stayed th you from last night . I think the attempt to bring biden down to his carriker lel by the attackn hunter and the alleged busess dealingsith foreign countries, i dont think that particularly landed. A lot of people like the dont like the guy so he needs to reduce the character gap, so maybe he did that a little. I thought bidewas best when something touched his moral core and he showed general moral genuine moral outrage in the family separation. E one moment i think people are underplaying which would biworry me if i were in thn team is the moment of transitioning away from oil and gas. Sahillary clinto Something Like that and it really hurt her not only in it is a cultural statement. Of people say work in manufacturing, i work in industry. So i think that statement has the potential to reverberate a little in son communities i a way that a lot of us in the media wont quite anticipate how people are hearing that as an insult. Judy mark, what about that . Pick up on that. David makes a very goo point. I would just add that donald trump has a problem with women voters that is unprecedented in our country. If you look at the polling, by a 58 to . 35 margin 35 margin opposedonald trump and support joe biden. Women are 52 of the electorate. I dont know how you make it up. The issues of most concern for women across the board,ma issues of c, health care. Donald trump does not even address them. I have to say that on the coronavirus, i mean, i dont know what galaxy he is living in. He is talking about turning the corner on the very day that more people were hospitalized under covid19 then any da yus far thr. Hospitalization is up in 38 states. I thoug the issue that is driving the country, concerning thent c, worrying the country, killing the country, donald trump failed the st. Judy david, put this in how do you see tce overall . I think bidens nine points ahead. This is not 2016. He continues to get even more popular. Hillary clinton was never close to this popular. Joe biden understood the yea people generally want the opposite of what theha in 2016, the opposite operative emotion was rage. People are raged out. The opposite of rage is compassion and eathy and joe biden has shown that and decency. Youan get a lot of policies are in, but if you get the emotions right, you tend to do pretty well in politics. Trump ueerstood ras what people wanted. But it is over now. It is over now. People want decency, compassion, empathy, a different set ofl emotiogisters. Biden just happens to inhabit those emotional registers. Judy another big thing we will right now, it is in republican hands a few votes, but there are a surprising number of republican senators that are tossup races. What are you looking at . It is impossible not to look at iowa were democrats are quite cbullish they cture that senate seat from joni ernst with theresa greenfield. Democrats all of audn are getting a little bit encouraged and more optimistic about kansas. The former republican ste senator is running a very Strong Campaign in a state that has not elheted a democrat inenate since 1932. Republicans are despairing and despondent about both arizona an colorado. Republicans i talked to today. And maine remains a battleground. Republicans i have talked to today were concerned and comparing it to 1980, that if in fact joe biden did when by more than 8. 5 points, which was bill clintons margin in 1996 over bob dole, if he were to win by uble digits, the republicans had lose not simply control of the senate, but a bunch of senate seatske and places alaska come into play. As well as north carolin so, it is tough not to watch bundle of these races because they are all really within the margin of error, or within the margin of significant change. Judy david, what about you . What are you looking at in these senate races . Im lookinat georgia where there are two races. One is an appointee. Both are extremely close. There is the david purdue race. There is a generational difference. They areunning pretty conventional campans. They are running on normal health ce issues. The other race is the Kelly Loeffler seat. She has a democrat who has ddenly been surging over the last month as there i cast of thousands in this race. 20 people are running. Doug collins was an impeachment manager. These are a tough res that are being run pretty much on party lines. S what is so interestinge demographics. As suburban College People flee from trump, hes got to make it up in the White Working Class and somewhat in latinos. S itt clear he can do that. He is only in thegiame in ge because white workingclass southerners have stayed with him the way that white workingclass midwesterners have not. It could finally be the are georgia does turn a little bluish. Judy how much difference would it i makejoe biden does win this election, how much difference does that make for his presidency whether or not there is a senate that is republican or democratic . I tck makes an enormous amount of difference. Power is the perception of power. The democrats win the senate with joe biden at the head of perception on the part of democrats that joe biden is a coattails provided them help. Plus joe biden, his great strength has been working legislatively, cooperatively, collegiay across the aisle and within his own party. I think in that sense it gives a Biden Administration a running head start that it wont have if in fact Mitch Mcconnell returns as the Senate Majority leader. Judy david, how do you see the stakes if biden is elected yes, huge if they dont take the senate. The pollsters now give them three to one odds of taking the y good, which is pre odds. This is not the senate of 0 years ago or 15 years ago. Imagine if it is biden and 51 republicanenators and Mitch Mcconnell decides to stonewall confirming cabinet appointments. That is entirely possible. Nthen we arehe mother of all gridlocks. For democrats, maybe they can win over some republicans, b in that circumstance probably Susan Collins is not around. It just f could be thee of his presidency depends on them getting the senate as well. Judy a majority, as you, s is not always a majority. But we will see. So much to keep an eye on. An you both. David brooks, mark shields. Thanks, judy. Judy the pandemic has affected every aspect of life. Including. There is plenty of data Third Quarter unemployment rates of 54 for dancers and 52 for actors. A 33 full decline in Consumer Spending on all performing arts. Many compani have announced they will remain closed for in person performances for thefu foreseeablre. But as Jeffrey Brown found, there are glimmers of hope andem pockets of movent where the sh even in new ways is going on. Arts andre series canvas. Going evening in urban new york city, the thrilling sound and movement of a flamenco dancer. Performed for a small socially distanced audience. This is the Bronx Academy of arts and dance the presents work by local artists, especially women, people of color, and lgbtq artist. A dancer and choreographer is the cofounder a surged. It is important to us to make sure that we ke in touch with who we are in these unfortunate times. We want to accrete a platform forhe community to be a star on. That is really what we say. Houston a gothic Revivalist Church with a black box theater that seats 50 people,21 this earold organization has a seven person staff and budget under 1 million, supported by foundations and government grts. In this particular area, there are none and that is really sad for the bronx. Indoor performances are not possible and that hasse cd them to create Virtual Events d classes. In one, Young Students take turns in person while the rest joined via zoom. We are can find confined to boxes and art is all about pushing against the boundaries of those boxes and helping all of us see the world. Used to having to deal with circumstances. People would say, you are just bored. An yes you can find great creativity in the simplicity of the voice, the simplicity of the body, the simplicity of communication. We watched a rehearsal for an upcoming rehearsal for portland stage. How can this go on . A determined response to annex the stencil threat. It is like going to the moone it is a dnt way of doing someing happened doing something for years. This is the kind of theater where the artistic director pitches into pn sets. Last spring, they were closed, leading to a 1 millio rloss in tickenues. Was there ever any question for you that you would be presenting live theater . Absolutely. This summer it seemed like it was not going to be possibl itead, they are aiming for in october 29 opening for a play laford wilsons tally solley. Tallysord wilsons folley. The actors are married. They can eliminate any covid virus in the air. It provides regular testing for actors, crew, and staff. The audience will be limited to just0 in a 288eat heater. How do you convince people to come in . Part is doing the work so that people know we are taking safety precautions that are going to make this experiencefe as it possibly can be. That is helped by being in a rstate withatively few covid cases. Still, Going Forward is fraught. Is this a viable Financial Model . Longterm, this is not viable. This it providing a service of the heart. It is a it is a service for the artists that we can employ. It is a service for the small number of people that willom be able toin and see the work. Innovative newio produand Financial Models are also being tested, including scaling dow. They say never waste a crisis. I thicr this crisited two Business Models that could be with us for yes to come. The artistic dirrktor is still g with international caliberingers, but all are atlantabased and comprise the Atlanta Company pyers, a kind of hometown allstar team. They werell grounded anyway with lost bookings and income. One soprano told us there is an added an unexpected benefit. It chans the dynamic. You could have a family and you just have that avaability toeven be by the ones that you love and do what you love as well. Fewer singers andusicians, is smaller audience, and budget. This pandemic exposed to the vulnerabilities of notforprofit with a very high cost structure. It is a lesson for all of us to make sure the cost structure we keep his nimble for us for when times get rough. Here and some ostthe dar times in humanity, artists found ways to cnect with other perfornce. All performing artt to apply to organizations and success for any of these groups are not guaranteed. Still in some places and last night in atlanta, in forms, the show goes on. For the pbs newshour, im Jeffrey Brown. Judy as businesses, cities, and states grapple with restrictions and how to stay open, the virus is headi t across u. S. More widely now than in previous searches. As we heard, hospitalization rose 40 in the past month. It increased across 38 states during just this past week. More than 41,000 people are in the n hospital for rig. Where than 75,000 new cases were reported just yesterday. Hthere been an average of 775,000 deaths today for the past week. It makes it a good moment to speak with the director of the National Institutes of health. Dr. Frans collins. We welcome you back to the newshour. So, these numbers dont look good, they dont sound good. How do you describe what is going on right now . It is very significant and goodness knows our country has suffered, our world has suffered already a greateafrom this economic distress. Sofl yet if anybody tries to say that we are done with that, it certainly looks quite the opposite. You mentioned over 75,000 cases in a sgle day, the second highest number since this started. I will be surprisedgof it does noigher than that when you ok at the shape of the curve. This time in the midwest, the Rocky Mountain areas, this is a different kind of spread becausi not just the cities, it is the rural areas as well. The best chance we have while waiting for the vaccine. In the mntime, it is kind of up to all of us to try to do what wean to limit the spread. If there was ever a time for people to take responssoility and d it is right now. Judy you said for anybody to say it is behind us im just said last night. E president he said we are rounding the corner. Does that sound realistic . Lo if yo at the maps of the u. S. And see where the disease is and whereev it is gog more rapidly, it would be in a tough spot. That we a not if you look at the curves, we are on this third slope headed upward. I dont know whether this ishe third wave or whether we are still in the first way because we never really drove down the baseline after what happened back in marc ail, may. No question about it. This cold weather we were to concern were concerned would lead to greater spread does seem to be happening and we have some tough weeks ahead. Judy interesting it is not even clear whh surge we are in. You know, separately last night, former Vice President k biden t a very different tack. He talked about, we are headingw into a very dater. Does that sound is that too pessimistic or does that sound about right . Clearly the next few weeks are going to be rough. Again, we have something we can do about it. I w dont to sound so fatalistic. We know that this is a disease thate spreads between peo because of close proximity without masks. We know that 40 of the people who gets t are not aware that they are infected and so they may be spreading it without knowledge. That is whye ask everybody to put a mask on. If you are the young pern who thinks that does not apply to you, you might be the super spreader that is infecting your neighbors or your grandparents. We have seen in other instances, this big outbreak. St, we had then it was possible to kinda bring it down. This time because it is so widespread in the country, itki of needs to be everybody. Wear your mask, watch or distance, wash your hands. We can all do this. It is not too late. I know people are tired of this pandemic, but the virus is not tired of us. It is having a great party. Judy several things to ask you. I know you and dr. Fauci both met with the president to discuss the covid directly in several months. The president has called dr. Fauci just in the last few days very wrong. He has said he is a disaster. He said he and other scientists working on this are idiots. Is that anything close to your perception . I have the greatest respect for tony fauci. He is probably the most widely respected infectiousse expert in the world. I have the privilege of talking to him virtually every day and many times in the evening as well. His wisdom and his experience having served six president s and gone through many previous pandemics isust of incredible value. He is also a wonderful communicator. Bute is one of those people who just tells you what the facts areme. Somethat gets him in a little bit of trouble. Hait is unfortunatesomehow telling facts can be something that will cause people to resent you. I worry very much that now tony has some very serious threats levied at h, but he is a treasure and im proud to be his colleague and pleased athe moment that we at nih can try to keep our es focused on the science and move this agenda forward. The person the president does listen to on a regular basis, s chief advisor dr. Scott atlas, is not an infectious diase expert at all . He is a radiologist. With so much at stake, does that worry you . Ia havent hat of opportunities to talk with dr. Atlas. Certainly, iould want the president always to have the most accurate advice possible at critical time like this. Again, i think there is a lot of information right now thacan be kind of encouraging, but also things where we need to take action. The task force, which is ably led by the vice predent, continues to meet regularly, but we have not been asked to meet with the president recently. Judy i want to ask about the course of vaccine, but it we kn there are human trials underway. You and others have spoken about when those may produce a vaccine, but you have many states that have relaxed standards, whether it comes to masks, whether it comes to indoor gatherings. I think the Wisconsin State Legislature is considering doing awayith the mask mandate. Can this virus be brought under control unless there is some kind of strong, National Measure , steps taken at the national level, or doest ve to be left up to the states . I hopet is being left up to every american to look at the yidence. Fran folks who are listening, masks are the way in which this viru can have the spread stopped. This is not a matter of scientific date. The need for masks for all of us, not because we are so much protecting ourselves, but we are protecting other people from us if we have to be the unwitting infected person, that is so straightforward. To argue against that must be kind of like arguing against seatbelts. Sense tst good common save lives. Basically im really troubbld that that Health Message has not been able to te root ross this country at a time when people are dying a this is such a simple thing we could do. Yes, it would probably be a good thing if this was required, but even if it is not wired, we are utericans, we are not stupid, we can figure what the evidence shows and act accordingly. Come on, people. Is we can do judy but when you have state legislative bodies sayin masks cant be requid, we are heading in another direction. I want to ask you about ain va you and dr. Fauci have said these trials may produce early results by the end of this year and frontline workers, health w cakers may have access to the vaccine, b it may be many more months before americans broadly, before hundreds of millions of americans have access. People do want life to get back to a semblance of normal. One could that be . Are we talking t summer of 2021 . Fall, winter 2021 . What do you think . First of all, let me say the progress with vaccines is simply breathtaking. To be where we are in october when we only you about this rus in january is moving about fiveears faster than hasefver happenede for vaccine development. Just today you may haveo heard the vaccines that have been in a pause or being reactivated, so we have four g vaccinng forward in largescale phase retrials. Two of them having pretty much finished their enrollment and now beginning to look to see the efficacy of the vaccine to protect people from getting ck. It does look fairly optimistic that one or more ofhese will reach the point of being judged safe and effective. End of this year. Y are by the there will be tens of millions of doses of each vaccine ready to go at that point to the most vulnerable people. But lets beis honest, ioing to take quite a few months to manufacture doses for additional americans for those at lower point were maybe 70 or 80 of the population is immune, we will still need to practice this Good Public Health measures to keep the virus from coming back. Lets be preparedor the fact that life is not going to feel like i 2did in9 for about another year. Judy ow anoer year from we are looking at october, the fall of next year. Let nobody tell you that can say precisely how this timetable is going to play out, but that would be theti general te of what it is going to take if you want to get everything to the point wre it is going to be completely ok to go back to the kind of life that we had before covid19 came alon judy then you have the reluctance of many people to even think about taking the vaccine, but that is another mountain to climb. And a big mountain. What im talking about getting back to normal by a year from now will not happen if half the population refuses the because than the immunity is not there and then this virus could go on for years. Judy and that is sobering. Yes. Judy dr. Francis collins, wean you f joining us on this friday night. Thank you. Always good to talk to you, judy. Im glad to come anytime. I hope it does not sound that grim. We are making progress and we are going to t throu this. Im absolutely sure of that. Judy we are hearing y r thank you. Judy and now a moment to share the stories of some of the more than 223,000 individuals who have fallen victim toov19 in our country. Jimmys first love was boxing. He started as an amateur fighter, then went on to train and manageoxers for decades. His own times square boxing gym also welcome some of the greats, like his friend muhammad ali. In 1969, jimmy met his wife at a bar they would go on to buy and aptly named jimmys corner. A caregiver and mentor, his son said his dad helped kids better their lives to the sport. Arturo enjoyed his hobes. Jumping out of planes as a competitive skydiver andog phphing wildlife on adventures with his wife. They traveled from British Columbia to the falkland islands. Born on u. S. Military base in japan, art went on to become a Software Engineer in the seattle area. In retiremt, he took on one more hobby, woodworking. His wife said the 65yearold at a gentle, giving nature and a great see of humor. For more than decade, martin advocated for his patients as a speech pathologist at st. Josephs Medical Center in patterson, new jersey. The 44yearold love sports and music. Sdescribed by his wife adorkable, adorable and dorky, he was a loving father to his son and daughter, who was a daddys girl. He and his wife would have celebrated six years of marriage this week. 74yearold charlie and washe resilient inace of charlene was resilient in the face of struggle. She started college in 1963, but waunable to finish due to nancial burden. Soon after, s went through several surgeries to treat chronic pain that left her debilitated. Despite thes challenges, she was determined to get a degree. She did so in 2003 at the age of 58. She spent her life dedicated to the care of others, especially her daughter and three granddaughters a felong resident of an annapolis, maryland, 63yearo robert was a fierce advocate for e citys black community. Known for speaking his mind freely, robert was not afraid to admonish officials in his demands for bett Public Housing in his neighborhood. Robert was a father of seven. His son set robert fought hard to create a better world for his children. It makes so much difference that families share these stories with us. Our hearts go out to you and those who have lost loved ones in this pandemic. S that i the newshour for tonight. Im judy woodruff. Have a goodeekend. Please stay safe. Good night. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. ] ng major fundias been provided by when the world gets rocomplicated, a lot goes h your mind. With fidelity wealth management, a dedicated to advisor cane tailor advd recommendations to your life. That is fidelity wealth management. Consumer cellular. Johnson johnson. Rafinancial services firond james. Bnsf railway. The william and flora hewlett foundation. For more than 50 yeanc, adg ideas and supporting institutions to promote a better world. Supporting social entrepreneurs and their solutions to the worlds most pressing problems. Skoll foundation. And with the ongoing support of these institutions. And friends of the newshour. This program was made possible broadcasting and byr public contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Is thipbs newshour west from weta studios in washington and from our bureau at the Walter Cronkite school of journalism at Arizona State university

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