0 Comments Off-road training academy Learn Offroad held an open track day at its training grounds in Pali, Maharashtra on December 27, 2020. The event was open to the public, though the number of participants was restricted to just 15. All 15 participants brought their own stock off-roaders. Participants’ skill levels ranged from novice to experienced amateurs. The cars ranged from a Mahindra Bolero to a Porsche Cayenne. What is Learn Offroad? Learn Offroad, as the name suggests, is an off-road training academy owned and run by Dr Tejas Kothari – an off-road enthusiast who is certified by the International 4 Wheel Drive Trainers' Association (I4WDTA). He is also a member of the United Four-Wheel Drive Association and is the India representative for the IMDT (International Military Deployment Training).