LECA, coexisting with large carnivores in the Carpathians and Europe / Romania / Areas / Homepage - Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa : vimarsana.com

LECA, coexisting with large carnivores in the Carpathians and Europe / Romania / Areas / Homepage - Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa

Large carnivores are returning to populate more and more natural areas of the Old Continent: a success for the conservation of ecosystems, but also a cause of conflicts with the population. Coexistence is built by harmonising laws, good practices, and scientific knowledge. The Interreg LECA project moves in this direction

Related Keywords

Italy , Trentino , Trentino Alto Adige , Ljubljana , Slovenia General , Slovenia , Czech Republic , Bern , Switzerland , Ukraine , Beskydy , Slovakia General , Slovak Republic , Poland , Romania , Hungary , Zarand , Arad , Bieszczady , Poland General , Tatra Mountains , Pre Ovský , Romanian , Slovenian , Czech , Slovakian , Slovak , Tomas Hulik Artpoint Shutterstock , Mikhail Semenov Shutterstock , Vesna Miheli , Martin Dula , Ondrej Prosicky Shutterstock , Marco Ranocchiari , Slovenian Forest Service , Tatra , Forest Service Of Slovenia , Mendel University Of Brno , University Of Brno , Carpathian Convention , European Regional Development Fund , Old Continent , Bern Convention , Wild Life , Habitat Directive , Carpathian Large , Interreg Central Europe , Mendel University , European Regional Development , Until March , Martin Dul A , Forest Service , Radu Mot , Western Carpathians , Tomas Hulik , Slovenian Forest , Balkans , Aucasus , Ranseuropa , News , Ournalism , Abkhazia , Albania , Rmenia , Azerbaijan , Osnia And Herzegovina , Bulgaria , Hechnya , Croatia , Yprus , Daghestan , Eorgia , Reece , Ingushetia , Osovo , Macedonia , Moldova , Montenegro , Agorno Karabakh , North Ossetia , Russia , Erbia , South Ossetia , Ransnistria , Urkey ,

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