Residents in Community Hospitals and nursing homes across the greater Duhallow catchment area will enjoy a special Christmas thanks to the kind generosity of the community at large. Indeed the generation gap doesn't exist thanks to the guiding efforts of Banteer Macra after co-ordinating a Christmas Appeal for Gift Boxes. The overwhelming response delighted organisers in a venture supporting Kanturk and Millstreet Community Hospitals, Mallow's Mount Alvernia; Teach Altra, Newmarket and Boherbue Araglen Nursing Home. Banteer Macra called on the public from across Duhallow to support their Christmas Appeal and club chairman Kelvin O'Connor spoke of a brilliant response. "Its been a strange 2020 with many changes, restrictions and social distancing in place owing to the pandemic. During the year, there has been so many essential supports towards charitable causes and vulnerable people in communities", he said.