Local News Marina Road neighborhood improvement district discussed Neighborhood improvement districts allow neighborhoods not up to county code to be fixed so they can be accepted into the county road system. by Jeff Haldiman Aug. 3 2021 @ 11:10pm A Neighborhood Improvement District is being discussed for Marina Road at the Osage River. Neighborhood improvement districts allow neighborhoods not up to county code to be fixed so they can be accepted into the county road system. This work is above and beyond what the county normally would do on projects not in the road system, and the landowners pay for the work. During Tuesday's Cole County Commission meeting, Public Works Director Eric Landwehr said the NID process is "extremely involved." One of the last NIDs completed was the Park View Meadows subdivision in the St. Martins area, which included more than 100 properties off Route T. Improvements to streets, curbs, driveway entrances and drainage were made at a cost of nearly $645,000. The Commission approved the NID in November 2015 and it was finally completed in August 2017.